Can pregnant women lie on their back? Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Correct lying position during pregnancy

Sleep is rest and a state that affects the entire body. Every person needs to sleep to restore strength and cleanse all organs and systems of harmful substances accumulated during the day. This is a complex algorithm for the regeneration of the body at the cellular level. A pregnant woman needs to recover and cleanse for two, so it is important for her to sleep peacefully, get enough sleep for the future, and know how to lie down in order to rest and not harm her child.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

How to sleep during pregnancy?

Experts say that the posture of a sleeping mother affects what personal qualities and abilities a born person will have. That is, going to bed, the mother should understand that her baby needs comfort and choose a vacation option that is convenient for both of them. Factors influencing the well-being of the child and mother are:

  • sleep duration;
  • posture comfort;
  • psychological condition;
  • ailments, fatigue, overwork.

Toxicosis, metabolic disorders, and frequent urination can interfere with good sleep. But there are those moments that a pregnant woman herself can prevent, that is, sleep as much as the body requires, eliminate stress, physical and psychological overstrain and uncomfortable or harmful postures.

Many people ask about whether it is possible to sleep on the back of a pregnant woman. Because this position is the most familiar and it is difficult to refuse it. Whether it is necessary to do this and when to stop sleeping on your back, there are detailed explanations of specialists about this.

Due to the increased stress on the body during pregnancy, every night a woman should be a useful time for rest, sufficient to restore the resources wasted during the day. With these thoughts, you need to go to bed and avoid lack of sleep, because it is the cause of the development of various ailments. Push aside all the disturbing thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep, calm down so that your heartbeat returns to normal and breathe calmly. Remember pleasant situations, it helps to fight insomnia, which is the real enemy of a pregnant woman. It leads to chronic fatigue, daytime sluggishness and depression.

You need to know as much as possible about postures during sleep. Those who like to sleep on their stomach and back will have to temporarily abandon such positions. This is dictated by the creation of safe conditions for carrying a pregnancy, the mother herself and the fetus.

Why you shouldn't sleep on your back during pregnancy

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman undergoes a restructuring of the body, it is quite serious, so the position during sleep is not a trifle. It is necessary to take into account all changes in the state and listen to the recommendations of gynecologists.

  1. Progesterone release contributes to the softening of the pelvic bone tissue.
  2. Their friability becomes a threat for fractures.
  3. The uterus grows, its increase becomes noticeable.
  4. The growing fetus puts pressure on adjacent organs.

In a standing or sitting position, there are no uncomfortable sensations, and while lying on your back, there is a feeling of pressure on the spine. It becomes more noticeable with a further increase in the abdomen. In addition, the danger is the fact that the vena cava is clamped, this abruptly stops normal blood flow. Circulatory disturbance is so severe that a woman may faint.

If this happens in a dream, then the consequences can be unforeseen and the result is sad. This condition is especially dangerous for women suffering from varicose veins, with a tendency to thrombosis and swelling.

No less dangerous factor is the load on the pelvic organs. A frequent complication of the supine position is bladder compression and incontinence at night and even during the day. As a rule, those women who cannot refuse to sleep on their backs develop heartburn and nausea. The pregnant woman begins to complain of lumbar pain, they pull her back and make the woman tense up, which is unsafe in this period. The greatest care should be taken by women who are diagnosed with kyphotic or lordotic curvature of the spine.

How to sleep in early pregnancy

In the first trimester, the expectant mother is allowed to freely choose a sleeping position. She can lie in any position in which she is used to falling asleep. You can sleep on your stomach without any problems, lay on your side, on your back. Such freedom is due to the fact that changes are taking place in the body, but the size of the uterus and fetus is still small, there is no pressure on the internal organs. That is, there are no obstacles to the motor activity of the sleeping person.

Coups and turns of the mother in a dream do not threaten the baby. It is protected in the womb by the amniotic sac. It is possible to sleep without control over the resting position, but remember that you need to gradually accustom yourself to the fact that after a short period of time you will need to sleep on your side. This position is most preferred in the second trimester.

The side position in a dream is most convenient when the stomach begins to grow. In the second trimester, it will be difficult to sleep on the stomach, and it is impossible to sleep on the back due to internal pressure on the organs, spine and vena cava. These phenomena cause anxiety in a dream and the pregnant woman is not able to rest properly.

In the first trimester, you can lie down as you like, but you need to get used to how you will need to sleep in the future. This is a task that obstetrician-gynecologists advise against ignoring. Therefore, when you lie down to rest, turn on your left side, while your right knee should take a position that has slipped down. For now, take this position without any aids. But in order for you to get used to it comfortably, it is recommended to do a few simple steps:

  • place a small pillow under your right knee;
  • place the roller under the lower back;
  • to protect against involuntary turning on the stomach, put a pillow under it too.

The best way to sleep well is an orthopedic mattress, it takes the shape of the body in any position. Experts say about the safety of sleeping on the left side, they are sure that in this position the blood circulation occurs in a normal mode, the fetus receives enough oxygen and healthy nutrition and is not endangered. For the mother, this posture is useful in that there is no pressure on the internal organs and the back and pelvic region do not hurt.

With a transverse presentation, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the head is located, changing positions. Breech presentation involves several turns during sleep from side to side. At least 3 times per night. But read more about this in the next section.

How to sleep in late pregnancy?

So, you are already in the second or third trimester, your stomach has grown, there are sensations of heaviness, there are swelling and various other phenomena characteristic of this period. In late pregnancy, you need to be especially careful with determining the sleeping position. And in order to specifically know how to sleep, you should do an ultrasound and determine what the presentation of the fetus is.

The generally accepted recommended postures are relevant only for those who have gestation without complications. When presenting a transverse, pelvic pregnant woman, it is necessary to consult a doctor about postures during sleep. Features of your position on the bed will be as follows:

  1. Breech presentation has a categorical ban on sleeping on your back. This can lead to the birth of a child who will have serious pathologies. During the night, you need to change position and roll over to the other side. These turns should be 3 or 4.
  2. With the right presentation, the recommendations boil down to the fact that your position in a dream should be on your right side. And you need to choose the right pillow for pregnant women. It should be such that it prevents the hollow foam from being crushed and pressure on the liver.
  3. In the left presentation, the sleeping position should be on the left side with the right knee bent and padded, as described in the second section. And if in the early stages of pregnancy you did this in order to get used to the desired position, then everything must be done without fail - pillows under the stomach and under the right knee and a roller under the lower back.

The general rule for presentation features is: the position in a dream should correspond to the location of the fetal head. If you have a normal pregnancy and the baby is head down toward the exit, then sleep on your left side. During prenatal weeks, it is recommended to sleep in a semi-recumbent position. But this applies to those who, in a lying position, cannot fall asleep and can not rest peacefully. In the third trimester, you can’t even accidentally fall asleep on your back or stomach. You won’t be able to do this on your stomach, but about the posture on your back, be vigilant and don’t take risks.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

A woman who is accustomed to falling asleep in the supine position continues to sleep in this position during pregnancy. In the initial weeks, she does not notice any discomfort, but after a short period of time she will feel that the baby is uncomfortable in her stomach. This is due to the impact on the vena cava, it is squeezed, the amount of oxygen and nutrients entering through the circulatory system of the placenta is reduced, which affects the formation of the fetus.

  • Oxygen starvation, which can occur from a long stay in a position on the back, causes placental abruption, which leads to tragic consequences.
  • The uterus moves from its place, the child reacts to this with strong shocks and anxiety. He is not satisfied with the uncomfortable position and he tries to return to his original place.
  • As a result of a lack of nutrients in a born child, reduced immunity is observed.
  • Because of the sudden movements of the baby, the mother also has a hard time, she cannot fall asleep and, as a result, does not get enough sleep. This is fraught with deterioration and disruption of the course of pregnancy.
  • From squeezing the vena cava in a pregnant woman, loss of consciousness during sleep is possible.

Based on the above factors, draw the right conclusion. The position in which you sleep affects your health and the condition of the child. It is impossible to ignore the recommendations of doctors and you need to force yourself to sleep on your right or left side, depending on diligence.

According to obstetrician-gynecologists, the most optimal position for sleeping during pregnancy is the position on the side. It is equally comfortable for mother and child, does not cause unpleasant consequences for the fetus and the mother's body.

To take a comfortable position, you need to perform the following movements:

  • lie on your left side;
  • bend the elbow joint on the left hand, the bent left hand should be comfortable on the bed;
  • place your right hand along the body or in the abdomen, it does not matter, choose a convenient option;
  • avoid holding your hands under your head, they will become numb and you will have to knead them;
  • bend the lower limbs, the bend angle should not be steep.

An even more comfortable position can be made with a pillow. It should be placed under the knees. Choose the parameters of the pillow for height and density as you wish, the main thing is that parts of the body do not become numb. This accessory should be specialized, so give preference to orthopedic products.

Fixing a comfortable position of the body, you can use pillows and rollers under the legs, stomach, lower back. If you need a firmer accessory, replace the pillows with rolls rolled from towels. To relax in a half-sitting position, you can purchase a neck pillow, as for traveling in transport. Neck pillows prevent headaches.

Pay attention to how hard your bed is. In late pregnancy, your mattress should be firm and your body should be in a horizontal position. Eliminate duvets and nets, and get rid of lumpy mattresses. The best mattresses are latex or box spring. You should choose an option that makes it comfortable for you to lie down and easy to get up from the bed.

While lying down, you need to focus before getting up, and then start lifting without sudden movements. If this rule is ignored, then dizziness is possible, from which you can fall, which is dangerous during pregnancy. In addition, having risen sharply, you risk getting a pressure surge, which is also undesirable, since it will have to be reduced with medications.

Lie down on the bed, too, should be careful. This is done from a sitting position, you need to sit on your side with the help of your hands, support your body when lowering yourself on the bed. After that, take the position of pregnant women on the side described above.

Do everything smoothly and calmly, remember that in your position, the correct position in a dream is the key to the health of the child and yours too. And rest for a pregnant woman is a condition for the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth and the subsequent difficult period of breastfeeding.

Our pregnancy does not always go smoothly, and not all expectant mothers will be lucky enough to spend all nine months at home or in vigorous activity. During my pregnancy, I had to lie on conservation three times, observing bed rest. Many of the expectant mothers also visited the hospital during pregnancy, where they were assigned strict bed rest, which could be different in duration and severity. The type of regimen and the degree of its severity is usually determined by the pathologies that lead to its appointment, but in order to know exactly what is meant by the word "bed rest" and how to properly organize it, let's talk about it today.

What's next for a woman.

Usually, hospitalization in a maternity hospital is offered to those expectant mothers in whom the threat of miscarriage is quite real or significant complications develop during pregnancy that can affect the growth and development of the baby, which can adversely affect his future health. If the state of health is relatively satisfactory, and the deviations during pregnancy are not very pronounced, the doctor can issue a sick leave to the woman and send her to a home regime with a lot of rest, without overloading with housework.

Many women are very afraid of the word "hospitalization", believing that they will have to stay in the hospital for the remaining months before giving birth, without leaving home at all. But such situations are very rare when it is necessary to constantly lie down until the end of the entire pregnancy in order to save the child. In the vast majority of cases, only a temporary restriction of the movements and activity of a woman is necessary so that the threat of termination of pregnancy is over.

As a rule, those women who have already been in the hospital for conservation, talk about the fact that the main indications for putting them in the hospital were: the threat of termination of pregnancy with high uterine tone and abdominal pain, bleeding or bloody discharge from the genital tract , insufficiency of the cervix (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) or the threat of placental abruption, placenta previa. With such indications, it is possible to spend quite a long time in the hospital, although the threat, if it has passed, allows the woman to lead a more free regimen.

Often women talk about the fact that the regimen can differ significantly even in the concept of bedding - “some women in the ward were allowed to get up and even take a short walk, while others were not even allowed to get up to the toilet.” Of course, the prospect of spending the entire pregnancy in the hospital, bedridden, does not please. But in fact, the regimen during pregnancy during hospitalization may be different. There may not be so many situations with the appointment of strict bed rest and such a regimen is prescribed either for a few hours after various operations, or with threats of abortion, or spotting, the threat of pregnancy detachment (may be prescribed for several days or a couple of weeks). Then doctors, as the threat decreases, will allow you to sit up in bed and get up for a while. Let's talk in more detail about the types of regimes and the methodology for their observance.

Bed rest options.

The mode of activity restriction can also be very different. In this case, there may be various options for the mode:
- strict adherence to bed rest, in which a woman can neither sit in bed nor get up from it;
- extended bed rest, in which you can sit several times a day, ranging from five to fifteen minutes;
- ward mode, which means being in bed half the time, and the second half you can be half-sitting or sitting, you can also move at a slow pace no more than one hundred or two hundred meters a day;
- free mode of stay in the hospital - this is an acceptable movement on the stairs, walking up to one kilometer with periodic rest every two hundred meters;
- sparing mode, it can correspond to normal life, but with more frequent periods of rest - this is the most common mode among pregnant women, even quite healthy ones. It also comes with a free training mode, which also means medium physical activity, it is acceptable for women who went in for sports before pregnancy and were physically trained.

It immediately becomes clear that the hospital does not always mean strict bed rest for all nine months, because as soon as the threat to health passes, the regime expands and the woman will be allowed to move around, to behave quite actively. This is understandable, long-term strict bed rest is not very useful and is fraught with health complications, they try to prescribe it after operations, after serious interventions, or in really serious conditions in the fetus and expectant mother. Bed rest, if it is very strict, leads to a lack of movement in a pregnant woman and a decrease in muscle tone, which leads to their atrophy, impaired joint mobility, leaching of calcium from bones and the development of osteoporosis, and this is already fraught with fractures. Therefore, doctors will not keep you motionless for a long time and will allow you to move as soon as it becomes possible without endangering the baby.

Proper lying techniques.

Lying in bed during pregnancy is also a whole science. The entire first trimester, up to 12-14 weeks, with a small size of the uterus and a low standing of its bottom, any position of a woman in bed can be allowed. The uterus will not disturb the blood circulation of other organs and will not squeeze them. In terms of 14 to 28 weeks, when the uterus already occupies a sufficient part of the abdominal cavity, you can afford to position yourself on your back, with a raised head end, or on your side (right or left).

From a gestational age of more than 28 weeks, when the uterus reaches its maximum size and occupies a significant part of the abdominal cavity, women should not lie on their backs - a large uterus squeezes the vessels and can cause inferior vena cava syndrome - a violation of blood flow to the heart and brain. As a result of the development of this syndrome, the blood flow in the uterus itself, the kidneys and the placenta also suffers, and the blood circulation of the fetus is disturbed. In addition, there may be a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness may develop, and even loss of consciousness. In such cases, it is necessary to lie on the left side, or on the right, alternating position. So you can normalize blood flow and ensure blood flow to the uterus and the baby receives nutrients and oxygen.

Doctors will recommend that pregnant women take a special position in bed if the baby is in the wrong position. For example, if the fetus is in a transverse position in the uterus, in order to influence the change in its position, it is necessary to lie on its side, where the baby's head is turned. If the presentation is breech, you need to toss and turn from side to side at least three to four times every ten minutes at least three times a day. If a woman is shown bed rest with limited movement, it is necessary to perform special exercises in bed to keep her muscles in good shape. In addition, it is worth consulting with your doctor about how long you need to lie down.

Indications for bed rest.

There are many reasons that force a woman to drastically limit physical activity. They can be divided into two groups:
- reasons that are associated with difficulties during pregnancy itself;
- causes associated with the exacerbation of general or chronic diseases of the woman herself, provoked by pregnancy.

And then not in all cases it is necessary to stay in bed strictly all the time, in many cases you just need to rest more and be under the supervision of doctors, while you can both lie down and recline and sit in bed. In case of incorrect positions of the fetus, doctors will put you in special positions and send you to special training.

Bed rest will be indicated if there is a threat of miscarriage, especially with bloody discharge from the uterine cavity. Any movement and walking, housework change intra-abdominal pressure and can contribute to detachment. Over longer periods, these same actions can provoke premature birth. When lying in bed, the muscles are relaxed and the contractions of neighboring organs and vibration from movements do not affect the fetus.

It is shown to lie with presentation and abruption of the placenta. Then it is necessary to create complete rest so as not to provoke placental abruption - this will lead to the death of the child and bleeding, and the very possible death of the mother. You will also need bed rest for severe toxicosis and gestosis, with leakage of amniotic fluid and the threat of infection of the fetus, with pathologies of the pubic symphysis.

In any case, doctors will monitor the condition of the woman and the question will be decided - how long the woman will lie down, whether it is already possible to decide on the issue of delivery, or what drugs should be used to treat her condition. But as the woman's condition improves, the regimen will be expanded so that she does not stale, because without movement, the fetus receives less oxygen and nutrition.

Every expectant mother dreams of a healthy and strong child. However, in addition to proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, the position in which a pregnant woman sleeps is of no small importance. After all, only a sound and full sleep will help you gain strength and give birth to a healthy baby. Which position to sleep in.

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  1. It is best for a mom-to-be to choose a sleeping position on her side, so care must be taken that the bed is not too hard. Moreover, doctors advise choosing the left side, since if a pregnant woman sleeps on the right, there will be a chance of squeezing the kidneys.
  2. Allowed to take a middle position. For this purpose, without completely lying on your back, it is necessary to place pillows under your back. If you chose the position on your side, the pillow should be placed under the stomach, as well as between the legs, which will reduce the load on the pelvic region. For this, special pillows are sold that are very easy to use.
  3. juice sensitivity of the chest. The main thing is not to forget that pregnant women should not lie on their stomach for a long time, and after a while they will have to change their position.
  4. If your favorite position before pregnancy was sleeping on your stomach, you can choose this position, but not for long. This position causes compression of the vena cava, which is located along the spine. If her deformation occurs, the woman will feel bad, asthma attacks will come. Also, the embryo will not receive enough nutrients along with the blood - this is why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs for a long time.

Which pillow to choose?

Each woman chooses a pillow for herself: one prefers to put flat, small pillows under her head and legs, the other prefers to pinch it between her legs, thereby relieving tension from the pelvic area.

Convenient position

Let's take a closer look at which pillow for pregnant women is better to relax with.

  1. The modern market offers various types of pillows. For example, there are universal models that are filled with polystyrene balls. Their appearance resembles a banana or a month. The advantage of such a pillow is that it provides a really full, comfortable sleep, and after the birth of the baby, it can be used during feeding.
  2. If you have no desire to buy a large, voluminous pillow specifically for your "interesting position", a large soft toy will easily help you. It is also quite comfortable for a pregnant woman to sleep on it, putting it both under her head and between her legs.
  3. If you like to do everything with your own hands or you simply do not have enough money, you can sew a pillow yourself. It should only be remembered that it should be about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. Polystyrene balls can be purchased in advance at a furniture or hardware store. Do not overstuff the pillow as it is better for a pregnant woman to sleep with a soft base. The cover can be made of cotton with a zipper, so that it can be washed if necessary.

Back is not the best sleeping position

The first trimester of the "interesting position" does not require any restrictions, so a pregnant woman herself can choose in which position she is better off sleeping. However, after the 20th week, you need to limit the "dorsal" position.

Let's figure out why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs.

  1. Between the uterus and the spine is the inferior vena cava - this is the largest vessel through which blood circulates from the trunk and legs to the heart. If, under the weight of the grown fetus, amniotic fluid, heavy uterus, this organ is clamped, the syndrome of the inferior vena cava will occur. This situation is very dangerous, as it implies a sharp drop in the volume of circulating blood, as with profuse blood loss.
  2. A long stay in this position is fraught with the following symptoms: dizziness, severe weakness, a feeling of lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness, a sharp drop in blood pressure up to hypovolemic shock.
  3. The embryo experiences a severe lack of oxygen, its condition progressively worsens.
  4. If a multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios was delivered, then the expectant mother should abandon this position after the first trimester. Also, this recommendation is relevant for the low location of the fetal head in the presence of a threat of interruption.

If in a state of wakefulness a woman can quickly feel a bad state and change her position, then in a dream the protective reaction of the body works more slowly. As a result, mother and baby can be seriously affected.

Get on your side

Consider in what positions a pregnant woman can sleep in trimesters.

First At this time, a woman can afford to sleep the way she loves. But it’s better to start changing habits, so it’s better to refuse the posture on the stomach. For sleep, it is better to choose the left side to reduce the load on the kidneys. As for the back - you can sleep as much as you want.
SecondsideThe second trimester already requires the abandonment of sleeping on the back, as the stomach already begins to produce pressure and can squeeze the vena cava, preventing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. It is best to sleep on your left side with a pregnancy pillow between your legs. So you will provide yourself and your baby with a comfortable, deep sleep.
ThirdsideThis period involves lying only on your side, since this position ensures that the baby receives oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, there is no pressure in the area of ​​the liver, which is located on the right, the back does not hurt. If there is a transverse presentation, then it is recommended to sleep on the side where the baby's head is located.

Which side is best?

Regarding which side it is better for pregnant women to sleep on, all doctors agree that this is the left side. More than once it has been proven that the left side provides:

  • the best blood circulation in the body;
  • head presentation of the baby;
  • if you sleep like this all the time, then the baby will never roll over into a breech presentation, which is most important for the last trimesters.

If a woman really wants to lie on her back, then an intermediate position must be observed. This is easy to do if you put a pillow on one side.

The dangers of misposition

Incorrect position during sleep can cause many problems and pathologies. Let's take a closer look at why pregnant women should not sleep in certain positions and whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomachs.

Why you shouldn't sleep on your back during pregnancy:

  • there is difficulty in breathing;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • blood circulation and blood flow to the uterus is difficult;
  • there are pain in the back;
  • develops and worsens hemorrhoids;
  • under the weight of the baby, the vessels located behind the uterus are squeezed - the inferior vena cava and the aorta;
  • there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Find out how to sleep better during pregnancy. Sleeping on your right side can cause:

  • poor circulation from mother to baby;
  • compression of the arteries under the weight of the uterus;
  • lack of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

The child himself reacts to this position of the mother. After 10 minutes, he begins to give signals about the lack of oxygen with active shocks. You should immediately change the position of the body.

Sleep on stomach:

  • poses a direct threat to the life of the child;
  • may cause miscarriage;
  • can cause bleeding.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to lead a completely different life, with some restrictions. Sometimes they are very significant and relate primarily to all bad habits - from now on they should not be until the woman gives birth and finishes breastfeeding the baby. But the restrictions also cover other areas of the expectant mother's life - they relate to nutrition, certain sports, and even the position of her body in a dream.

And if the fact that as the stomach grows, it is forbidden to sleep on it is obvious, then many questions arise regarding other postures in sleep. For example, is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy, how can it be dangerous for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby?

Should you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

With the onset of pregnancy, many expectant mothers report increased fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness. This is the reaction of the body to a new position for it. It is best to listen to your feelings and relax whenever possible.

In general, expectant mothers have no questions about whether. Obviously, as it grows, it becomes dangerous, and simply inconvenient. However, in the early stages, the position of the expectant mother during sleep does not matter!

When not to sleep on your back during pregnancy

The first trimester is the period when you can sleep on your back during pregnancy without fear of any consequences. The fact is that the embryo is still too small, it is reliably protected by the bones of the small pelvis, so there is no chance that the expectant mother will harm him with the wrong posture during sleep.

Nevertheless, already now we must gradually accustom ourselves to the fact that soon there will be only 2 poses that are acceptable during pregnancy - on the left and right sides. Starting from the second trimester, the expectant mother should be able to control herself in a dream, since lying both on her stomach and on her back can cause serious harm to her health and the health of the unborn baby.

Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

From about the 12th week of pregnancy, the size of the uterus already reaches such a size that the position of the body of the expectant mother directly begins to affect the condition of the baby in her stomach. Already now she herself is becoming uncomfortable, and psychologically scary to lie on her stomach. Experts say that such a situation can provoke uterine hypertonicity.

The favorite position on the back is also not only undesirable - it is extremely dangerous. In this position, there are significant changes in the work of the internal organs of a pregnant woman, the cause of which is an increase in the pressure of the growing uterus.

  1. Pressure on the intestines provokes the development of constipation and accumulation of gases, which leads to bloating and severe pain. Such disorders are quite common in pregnant women, so, of course, it is not worth provoking their development while lying on your back.
  2. The load on the spine and lumbar leads to back pain. Possible disruption of the kidneys, which, in turn, is the cause of edema. Both back pain and swelling are also constant companions of pregnancy, and regular sleeping on your back can aggravate the situation.
  3. The load on the inferior vena cava is the main reason why pregnant women are contraindicated to sleep on their backs. The inferior vena cava is a large blood vessel that helps drain blood from the lower body to the heart. If its functioning is disturbed, a pregnant woman experiences symptoms:
  • acute lack of oxygen;
  • respiratory failure;
  • dizziness;
  • cold sweat;
  • increased heart rate.

In other words, with difficult outflow of blood through the lower vena cava, the expectant mother experiences all the signs of fainting, moreover, while lying down. Such symptoms indicate a failure in the work of several systems at once - cardiovascular, endocrine and respiratory.

But that is not all. The condition of the fetus in the womb also deteriorates significantly. Due to impaired blood flow, it receives an insufficient amount of oxygen and essential nutrients necessary for normal development. Regular sleep of the expectant mother on her back can lead to the development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, which, in turn, can lead to:

  • congenital pathologies of the formation of internal organs;
  • serious lesions of the central nervous system - the central nervous system.

After birth, a newborn may experience:

  • growth retardation;
  • developmental delay;
  • sleep disorders.

All of the above consequences can be avoided if the expectant mother sleeps on her side. The left side is preferable, but in the case of a transverse presentation, doctors recommend sleeping on the side in which the baby's head is located. So he will have a better chance of getting into the correct position in the tummy so that the birth goes as it should.

What to do if a woman is used to sleeping on her back

Even in ordinary life, sleep is very important for many internal processes, therefore, ideally, a person should sleep about 8 hours a day. A pregnant woman should know this and doubly try to follow this simple yet complex rule.

But what if there are only restrictions around? How to relax expectant mother?

  1. Now every maternity store sells special pillows for expectant mothers. To some, the price tag will seem overpriced, but it's worth it. Such a pillow will provide mom with a comfortable sleep on any side, relieve the load from the lower back in a sitting position, and become an invaluable assistant in feeding a newborn baby. If you can't get a pillow, you can roll up a blanket and use it in a similar way.
  2. Before going to bed, it is better to ventilate the room well, and if the weather is good outside and the expectant mother is not afraid of drafts, then sleeping with an open window would be an excellent solution.
  3. Evening walks in the fresh air are also good. It is better in a pleasant company, pregnant women should not walk long distances alone. An alternative is a warm pool. He will remove the load from the tired back, let the woman feel light again, relax and prepare for sleep.
  4. Do not eat at night, especially heavy food. Discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen will greatly complicate the night's sleep.
  5. In addition, 3 hours before bedtime, you should limit the intake of any liquid, as in this case it can provoke the appearance of edema.
  6. For the best well-being, the expectant mother should try to sleep about 8 hours a day, go to bed and get up at the same time.

In general, if a pregnant woman follows the above recommendations, then she will have a comfortable sleep, and the lack of a choice of sleeping position will not seem stressful to her.

Of course, it is very difficult for many to control themselves in a dream. Due to the fact that you can only sleep on your side, a logical question arises - what will happen if you unconsciously take a position that is obviously dangerous to health?

In fact, over time, a pregnant woman becomes more responsive in her sleep. In principle, it becomes uncomfortable for her to lie down on her stomach as it grows, therefore it is simply impossible to take such a position unconsciously. As for sleeping on your back, nothing terrible will happen from a short-term position of the body in such a position. And in case of discomfort, the pregnant woman will wake up and quickly take the correct position. In extreme cases, the baby will not be slow to inform her that he is ill with a targeted kick in the tummy.

Summary: why you should not sleep on your back during pregnancy

Pregnancy, although not a disease, is still a period of various restrictions. This does not mean that we should now be afraid to take an extra step, but a reasonable measure is necessary in everything.

Many people say that during pregnancy it is convenient for them to sleep on their backs, there is no discomfort. Nevertheless, even in the absence of signs of deterioration in well-being, it should be remembered that the crumbs in the stomach can still be uncomfortable and even bad. If he suddenly began to kick hard and sharply, then this may be a signal that his mother has taken an uncomfortable position and he does not have enough oxygen. In this case, the woman should still change her favorite position and open the window. A breath of fresh air will quickly calm the baby, and the comfortable position of the mother on her side will not allow her to feel such discomfort in the future.

Now you know why you shouldn't sleep on your back during pregnancy. In any case, these are temporary inconveniences, and the modern industry allows pregnant women to sit with maximum comfort during sleep. 9 months will pass very quickly, and very soon the newly-made mother will gladly lie down on her stomach and on her back.

Video: during pregnancy, you can not sleep on your back

Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. And first of all, it is necessary for pregnant women for the normal development of the baby.

A woman should sleep at least 8 hours a day. During this time, the body has time to relax and gain strength. If the dream is restless or short, then during the day you may feel weakness, a desire to lie down, and this will also affect your emotions. Also, maternal lack of sleep affects the fetus.

Sleep positions and risks

Each person chooses the position in which he sleeps (usually on his back or on his side), but pregnant women need to be careful, because they are responsible not only for their comfort, but also for a small life. Therefore, at some point, every woman begins to worry about a lot of questions about sleep. How to lie down so as not to harm the baby? How can you not sleep and why? Can you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

Consider the position for sleeping by trimester:

  • In the first trimester, while the uterus with the fetus is small in size and is located mainly in the small pelvis, a woman can sleep in a position that is comfortable for her (including on her stomach).
  • During the second trimester, intensive growth occurs in the fetus, the uterus increases significantly in size and begins to put pressure on the vessels, nerves, and spine with its weight in a supine position. At this time, it is not recommended to lie on your back.
  • In the third trimester, pregnant women are strictly forbidden by doctors to be on their backs, as this negatively affects the health of the woman and, as a result, the condition of the baby.

Effect on the woman's body

Often the doctor is asked the question: why should pregnant women not lie on their backs? As long as the uterus is small, the woman will not feel much difference in sleep, so you are allowed to sleep as you like. But as the fetus develops, from the thirteenth week, the uterus increases and begins to put pressure on the nearest organs: nerves, blood vessels, bones, causing discomfort. Therefore, it is not recommended to lie on your back.

Due to pressure on the nerves, pain in the lumbar region, numbness in the legs (especially in the feet), and a crawling sensation may appear.

The celiac plexus is located in the abdominal cavity, which is the nerve center, and, in turn, is responsible for the productive work of the organs. The uterus in the later lines (25–28 weeks), when the woman is positioned on her back, reaches the site of this plexus and irritates it, which causes the following symptoms:

  • Decreased heart rate.
  • Lowering blood pressure, as it dilates blood vessels.
  • Breathing slows down.
  • Decreased activity of sweating.
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis.
  • The level of enzymes increases.
  • There may be pain in the abdomen, belching sour, bitterness in the mouth.

Important vessels run along the spine, namely the vena cava, the aorta. An enlarged fetus with its weight can put pressure on these formations and cause unpleasant consequences.

From the vena cava, blood flows from the legs and pelvic organs to the right parts of the heart, and if it is pressed down, then the pressure in its lower parts increases, which may result in swelling of the legs, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, thrombosis, hemorrhoids, venous congestion in the pelvic organs. Since less blood enters the heart and other organs (lungs, brain), complaints of dizziness, fainting, headaches, and heart pains of a compressive nature may appear. Also in this case, there is a feeling of palpitations, lack of air, shortness of breath, frequent pulse.

The aorta has a stronger wall, so its compression is minimal. Due to significant pressure on the aorta, the lumen of the vessel decreases, pressure rises and arterial hypertension may occur.

If you sleep on your back, then the enlarged uterus can also put pressure on the kidneys and ureters, which leads to stagnation of urine in the pyelocaliceal system. An inflammatory process can join, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis develop.

When a woman lies on her back, the enlarged uterus with the fetus can put pressure on the hepatic duct, which, in turn, leads to the development of obstructive jaundice and an inflammatory process in the pancreas (pancreatitis).

The described symptoms are optional, but some may appear with frequent sleep lying on your back. Therefore, sleeping on your back in late pregnancy is not possible to avoid more severe complications.

Changes in the baby's body

Many women preferred to lie on their back and stomach before pregnancy, but with the birth of a new life, such postures cannot be taken. What is harmful sleep on the back for the baby and why should it be avoided?

As a result of changes in the state of the mother, as described above, the unborn child also undergoes changes that can lead to serious pathologies.

Since the normal blood flow in the pelvic organs (in the uterus) is disturbed, the following consequences are possible:

  • The supply of oxygen and important elements to the fetus is reduced.
  • Hypoxia occurs, which can lead to irreparable problems with organs (especially the brain).
  • The child can be born weakened, with defects. This happens if hypoxia occurs in the second trimester, when there is an active development of important organ systems.

Why else should you avoid resting on your back? If the mother often lies or sleeps on her back during the second and third trimester, children can be found to have a delay in the development of speech and psychomotor development. Also noticeable is a slight distraction, inattention, restlessness and even headaches. More serious are the damage to the nervous system in the form of poor hearing, vision, epilepsy, encephalopathy.

You should not spend a lot of time lying on your back - this harms the health of not only a pregnant woman, but also provokes the development of severe pathologies in the fetus.

It is better to wait until childbirth and only then lie down on your back, stomach.

How can you sleep?

All the problems that a mother and baby can have if a pregnant woman sleeps on her back make you think about the question, how can you lie down?

The most correct sleeping position while waiting for the baby will be lying on your side (both on the right and on the left).

To make it comfortable, lie on your left side, bend your right knee, putting a pillow under it. In this pose:

  • Improves fetal circulation. In this case, the uterus does not compress the vessels, and the blood under normal pressure passes to the placenta at a good speed.
  • The supply of oxygen and microelements to the fetus increases.
  • Improves kidney function. The renal arteries and veins function without obstruction.
  • Reduces the risk of hemorrhoids in pregnant women.
  • Reduces swelling of the lower extremities.
  • The pressure on the liver is relieved (and blood flow through the umbilical cord improves accordingly).
  • The pain in the lower back and legs stops.

The position at night can be changed from left to right side, but be sure to check yourself so as not to lie on your stomach or back.

To improve the quality of sleep for pregnant women, special pillows have been invented that set the desired position of the body, thereby preventing nightly turning over on the stomach.

A pregnant woman should sleep comfortably and for a sufficient amount of time for the baby to develop properly and be born healthy (at least without the pathologies that lie on the back causes). And even if you can’t lie on your stomach and back, you can create comfortable conditions for yourself.

  • It is better to purchase a medium hardness (non-solid) orthopedic mattress.
  • Clothing should be loose, not squeeze (especially the stomach).
  • Before falling asleep, you need to listen to your body in order to understand whether you are comfortable, something interferes or not.
  • It is advisable to use additional soft pillows that can be placed between the legs, under the stomach, side, back.
  • It is better to choose a bed that does not spring, no matter what the person sleeping next to interferes with the sleep of the pregnant woman.
  • Be sure to occasionally roll over from side to side to prevent swelling of the legs (the vena cava goes closer to the right side, so prolonged lying on this side can lead to venous stasis).
  • For the head, it is best to use an orthopedic pillow (so that there is no cervical osteochondrosis and, as a result, headaches).
  • Before going to bed, you should not drink water, as this can lead to an increase in swelling of the lower extremities.
  • It is useful to take a little walk in the fresh air in the evening.

Every pregnant woman should understand that she is responsible for the life and health of the baby she carries under her heart. And in order to avoid health problems in the future, it is necessary to create conditions that are comfortable primarily for him, and not for yourself. It is for this reason that it will be necessary to abandon such beloved sleeping positions and choose a position only on the side.