Deep breath: breathing exercises against stress. How does the relaxation response work? Vritti Sama, "Equal Breath"

When a person is very worried, they say to him: "breathe deeply." During severe stress, the processes occurring in the body begin to accelerate, so it needs more oxygen. Or, conversely, in situations where a person is in a nervous, tense state that requires heightened attention, breathing slows down, becomes rare. For example, while watching a spectacular circus stunt, spectators are in a state that is usually referred to as "watching with bated breath." This interrelation of the psyche and breathing makes it possible to use regular breathing exercises to calm the nerves. People who master the technique of proper breathing have the ability to control their mood, mental condition, relax nervous system.

  • What kind of breathing is used for relaxation?
  • Basic breathing methods
  • Execution rules breathing exercises
  • The simplest breathing exercises
  • Exercises to Calm the Nervous System
  • Breathing to relax and clear the mind
  • Breathing exercises for sleep

What kind of breathing is used for relaxation?

Any breathing exercises to calm the nervous system of an adult are based on setting a strict rhythm. After all, it is important to understand that the effect of breathing exercises on the body depends on the strength and frequency of breaths, their depth, and the duration of breath holding. If you breathe shallowly, too often, then small portions of oxygen will enter the lungs, and the calming effect will not be achieved. Moreover, there will be stimulation of the nervous system, which will cause an increase in its activity.

Therefore, any breathing exercises are based on measured and deep breathing. In this case, the lungs are more fully filled with air, which leads to the enrichment of all tissues of the body with oxygen, thereby normalizing arterial pressure, muscle spasm is relieved, the brain begins to work better, and the nervous system relaxes.

Basic breathing methods

There are 4 types of breathing in breathing exercises:

  • filling with oxygen of the upper parts of the lungs, when breaths are taken by the movements of the collarbones;
  • chest breathing, when the ribs open and contract;
  • abdominal breathing with the help of the abdominal muscles, due to which the diaphragm begins to move, the internal organs are massaged and oxygenated;
  • a wave-like way of breathing, in which the three methods of breathing described above are sequentially activated.

These breathing methods are basic, and on their basis other breathing techniques have been invented that are used to strengthen and calm the nerves.

Rules for performing breathing exercises

When choosing soothing breathing movements, you need to learn the most important rules for any technique, non-compliance with which will bring all efforts to nothing:

  • Any breathing exercises to calm the nervous system should be done in a lying or standing position, in which the back would be completely straight.
  • Exercise is best done with eyes closed meditating and imagining pleasant pictures and images.
  • You need to fully concentrate on the process of breathing, at first it will have to be controlled consciously. Gradually, the need for conscious control of inhalations and exhalations, but it will be necessary to continue to concentrate on the very process of breathing.
  • The mind should be rid of any negative thoughts, and all muscles should be completely relaxed. The relaxation of the muscles should be performed smoothly - from the tips of the toes and further up the body, paying special attention to the face, neck and shoulders, in which the muscles are most tense.
  • Calming exercises need to be repeated 5-10 times, but do not overstrain at the same time. Before moving on to the next exercise, you need to wait a bit so that the body has time to adapt.
  • While inhaling, you need to imagine how the body, along with oxygen, is filled with calmness and pure energy. During exhalation, you need to imagine how the accumulated tension is “squeezed out” of the body.
  • It is also useful during breathing exercises to repeat to yourself settings like “I am calming down”, “I am calm”, “I am relaxing”, etc. Such formulations should not contain negative particles “not” and simply negative content (“I am not anxious ”), and forms of the future tense (“I will calm down soon”).

The simplest breathing exercises

The first breathing exercises are based on nasal breathing, you need to start them with a full exhalation, using complex breathing.

  • Belly breathing. The abdomen expands during a deep inhalation and falls down during a slow exhalation. The duration of the breath is 3-4 seconds, after which it is required to hold the breath for a couple of seconds, and then exhale for 4-5 seconds. The interval between breaths is 2-3 seconds.
  • Breathing in the chest. Inhale - the ribs "open" for 3-4 seconds, then hold the breath for 2 seconds. Then comes the exhalation rib cage"compresses" within 4-5 seconds. Then 2-3 seconds break, and the exercise is repeated.
  • Clavicular breathing, in which the clavicles rise when inhaling, and lower when exhaling. The intervals and duration of the exercise are the same.
  • Wave-like breathing, in which the breath begins from the abdomen, then continues through the chest and ends with the collarbones. Exhalation occurs in the opposite direction. The final stage should be carried out especially measuredly.

Exercises to Calm the Nervous System

Often in everyday life you can hear a fairly common phrase: "All diseases are from nerves." Indeed, the state of the nervous system has a close relationship with the state of health. And among those people who do not know how to control their nerves, very often there are hypertension, ulcers, cores.

Exercise #1

This stress relief exercise can be done in any position that suits you - sitting or standing. First you need to take a deep breath. Then you need to hold your breath, mentally imagine a circle and slowly exhale it. Exhale in this way three more circles, and then imagine a square and also mentally exhale it twice.

Exercise #2

The exercise is done lying on your back. It is necessary to establish a rhythmic, calm breathing and imagine that with each breath your lungs fill up life force, and on exhalation it spills over all parts of the body.

Exercise #3

According to many experts, yawning helps to fill the blood with oxygen and release it from excess carbon dioxide. Also, during a yawn, there is tension in the muscles of the mouth, face, neck, which leads to an acceleration of blood flow in the vessels of the brain. A yawn helps to improve the blood supply to the lungs and expel blood from the liver, increase the tone of the body and create impulses of positive emotions.

These positive properties yawning is used by the Japanese who work in the electrical industry - every half hour they do breathing exercises that help a lot with tension. They unanimously break away from work for a short break in order to yawn in an organized way with the whole team, and then start working again.

A healthy yawn should be correct: it must be done with your eyes closed, and as wide as possible. open mouth. Oral cavity it must be tense. In this position, try to pronounce the sound "uuuuu" low and stretched and imagine that a cavity is formed inside the mouth, descending down.

While yawning, you should stretch your whole body. To make the exercise even more effective, you can perform it while smiling. Smiling, as you know, contributes to the formation of a positive emotional impulse and perfectly relaxes the muscles of the face.

Exercise #4

If you have to go through a psychologically tense situation, then in order to maintain self-control in it, self-confidence, conscious control of the situation, it is recommended to do such an exercise. Imagine that in your body at chest level there is a powerful press. Take short and vigorous breaths, clearly feeling the presence of this press in the chest, its strength and heaviness. Then take slow, long exhalations, imagining that the heaviness descends and displaces emotional tension, unpleasant thoughts from the body. Finishing the exercise, you need to mentally “shoot” with the press everything negative emotions into the ground.

Video with exercises to calm the nerves:

Breathing to relax and clear the mind

Exercise #1

Take a fairly deep breath through your mouth, pursing your lips tightly. You need to exhale the air in short jerks, as if pushing it out from the inside, also through pursed lips.

Exercise #2

Take a deep breath, pulling in your stomach. Exhalation is done in short jerks, in portions, through lips folded into a pipe. It is necessary to exhale until the lungs are completely empty. Then wait a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

Exercise #3

Place one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your head. This position helps to increase blood flow, cleanse the consciousness and mind, get rid of tension and anxiety. Holding your palms in this position, inhale and exhale measuredly, making short breath holdings between inhalations and exhalations.

Exercise #4

Here, the technique of sequential clamping of the nostrils is used with the help of right hand. The thumb should be applied to the right nostril, and the little finger to the left. Alternately through both nostrils you need to carry out calm breaths and full exhalations. When the right nostril is blocked, the left hemisphere of the brain is stimulated and vice versa.

Exercise #5

This exercise is used to relieve stress. First, a rather deep, but short breath follows, after which you need to hold your breath for 4 seconds and move on to a deep full exhalation. This is followed by a 5-second pause before the next breath.

Video with calming breathing exercises:

Breathing exercises for sleep

People who suffer from a disorder such as insomnia are recommended breathing exercises for sleep, the exercises of which are aimed at training the correct breathing rhythm and normalizing not only sleep, but also the general mental state.

Exercise #1

Take a calm, deep breath, slowly sticking out your stomach, opening your chest and filling it with air. The chest, filled with air, should rise and tighten the stomach. Thus, all parts of your lungs will be filled with air. Then slowly exhale the air from them in the reverse order: first, the lower sections of the lungs are emptied, then the rest, while deflating and lowering the stomach, and then the chest.

Exercise #2

When doing this breathing exercise to improve sleep, you need to make sure that your chest remains as motionless as possible. Take deep breaths, pushing your stomach out, and then exhale the air from your lungs, drawing your stomach back in.

Exercise #3

These breathing exercises for deep sleep will help you relax and cope with insomnia. It uses very simple technique: 5 minutes to carry out light, slow breaths and exhalations, concentrating on the breathing process and listening to your own inner feelings. To make this exercise more effective, it is advisable to press your palms to solar plexus while breathing through the chest and belly.

In the early days, breathing exercises before going to bed should be done no more than 2-3 minutes. In the following days, gradually increase the time of classes.

Excessively intense training can lead to excessive alertness and worsening of the process of falling asleep.

When doing gymnastics, you need to carefully monitor your feelings. If you feel tired and tense, you should immediately stop exercising. Do breathing exercises with a good, calm mood, mentally setting yourself up for a healthy sleep.

Do you use breathing exercises to calm your nerves or improve your sleep? Do they help you? Tell us about it in the comments.

Doctors are confident that regular breathing exercises will help both calm down and recharge your batteries. They save and various diseases- from panic attacks to digestive disorders and skin reactions. What exercises are best to use and how to properly conduct such gymnastics, told sports doctor, Ph.D. Mikhail Krivoshchapov.

Relaxation, recovery, tranquility

The benefits of such exercises are undeniable. Deep breaths saturate the body with oxygen to the maximum, which means that the metabolism noticeably improves, the work of all systems and organs normalizes, the skin evens out, a healthy glow appears, and the head becomes clearer. Slowly performed inhalations and exhalations help to calm the nervous system. But it is often loosened nerves that are blamed for various diseases.

By using special exercises you can beat stress, relax your muscles, restore your voice, and even beat a cold. The main thing is to follow a number of simple rules.

It just seems that there is nothing difficult in the process of breathing. In fact, not everyone knows that breathing should be smooth, without jerks, so that both the chest and the diaphragm take part in the process. Inhalation must be done through the nose, because. it is in the nasal cavity that the air is heated and humidified, as well as its purification from dust. True, in some cases, for example, with a cold, it is allowed to breathe through the mouth.

Ideally, breathing exercises should be performed on fresh air. And in the summer it is quite possible to carry out. In general, it is recommended to practice outdoors while the air temperature is within +5 degrees. When lower, there is a risk of catching a cold - in this case, you need to train in a well-ventilated area.

In rhythm 4-7-8

The exercises are quite simple, but they should be approached with all seriousness. You need to choose the options that are suitable for you carefully. So, for example, if you need to increase your attention, you should use an exercise such as Stimulating Breathing, which has passed into medical practice from yoga. Breathe in and out through your nose as quickly as you can. At the same time, the mouth is closed, and the breath is short to the maximum - 3 breaths and exhalations per second. This exercise is quite noisy. Beginners should not perform the exercise for more than 15 seconds. Further, as you gain practice, the cycles can increase by 5 seconds each and reach up to a minute. After each of them, you need to breathe as usual. At correct execution exercises a person feels a surge of strength. This exercise can easily replace the usual cup of coffee.

If you are too tense, feel that the nerves are literally at the limit, you can use the exercise "Breathing 4-7-8". It is quite simple and does not require any equipment. Hold the tip of your tongue against the hard palate just behind your upper teeth. Exhale completely through your mouth, close your mouth and inhale through your nose for a count of 4. Then hold your breath, counting to 7. And then exhale again through your mouth, counting to yourself to 8. This is one cycle. Repeat these should be 3. Initially, you need to perform this exercise 1-2 times a day, but not more than 4 cycles at a time. After a month, their number can be increased to 6 or even 8.

This exercise causes active ventilation and a decrease in the acidity of the blood, which allows you to cause an influx of additional oxygen to the brain. And this helps to calm and focus on important details.

In the bustle, rush and constant stress, our breathing becomes superficial, shallow. Indeed, during a stressful situation, adrenaline is released into the blood, the body prepares for three actions:

  • fight;
  • run;
  • freeze and hide.

First of all, it affects our breathing. Breathing under stress becomes superficial, intermittent and frequent. Remember the expression "breathe full chest”, it is not for nothing that it is associated with freedom, ease and tranquility. This is how a person breathes fully and slowly in a harmonious state.

It is also known that through conscious work with breathing, you can bring yourself into a calm, harmonious state. A certain rhythm and depth of breathing during gymnastics helps to focus, calm down, and even in the most disturbing environment, you can make the right decision. In addition, breathing is the only body function that can be consciously controlled, unlike heartbeat or stomach cramps, tremors or sweating.

The Importance of Conscious Breathing

Various breathing techniques and gymnastics came to us from the east, where they say “who controls breathing controls life”, because in yoga it is believed that life is measured out to us for a certain number of breaths and exhalations, which means that the fuller and slower we breathe, the longer our duration life.

Many pranayamas (breathing exercises) require extensive training and guidance from a mentor. However, there are universal and simple exercises.

Breathing exercises are based on deep breathing or, as it is also called, abdominal. It not only calms and harmonizes, but also saturates the internal organs with oxygen much more than superficial or chest. Abdominal breathing, due to the movement of the abdominal wall and the removal of clamps, has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the lungs.

Basic rules of breathing exercises

  1. Comfortable environment. If you are just starting to learn breathing exercises, it is important to take 3-5 minutes in a calm and comfortable environment to help your body and mind relax. In the future, with the help of breathing, you can relax yourself in any, even the most tense, atmosphere.
  2. During stress, the psyche is tense and there is a desire to do everything quickly. Solve all problems in a snatch and approach relaxation in the same vein. A person in stress begins to breathe too deeply, not listening to his feelings. Such forced deep breathing can lead to hyperventilation, excess oxygen, and even fainting. Breathe calmly and evenly as deeply as this moment body allows. In the future, it will become easier and easier for you to breathe deeper and in the right rhythm.
  3. Mindfulness while breathing as a relaxation technique. Take a break from external stimuli and direct all your attention to the body. Move your attention all over your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You will begin to notice spontaneous muscle twitches that release tension in this way. And also notice clamps and blocks that cannot just relax - direct your attention there and consciously relax.
  4. To train abdominal breathing, practice as little gymnastics as possible. Lying on your back, place a small book or small pillow on your stomach. Consciously breathe into your belly as you lift the weight. Gradually make the load heavier by adding books. So in a simple way you can train the muscles of the diaphragm and deepen abdominal breathing.

  1. The simplest breathing exercise for relaxation is counting. Sit in a chair, preferably with a straight back. Relax your arms, legs, neck. Breathe deeply. Start counting your inhales and exhales. When you reach 10, start over. This exercise will easily bring you back to the “here and now” state, allowing you to clearly and soberly assess the situation.
  2. Standing or sitting in comfortable posture, inhale for 2 counts. Inhale first with your belly, then fill your chest. Then exhale slowly for a count of 5. After exhaling, pause for a count of 5. Repeat several times. After this exercise, the heart rate will slow down, thinking will clear up.
  3. Standing or sitting with a straight back, lay forefinger left hand in the middle of the forehead, thumb close the left nostril. The remaining fingers lie freely on right cheek. Inhale through the right nostril and then close it ring finger while opening the left nostril and exhaling through it. Then inhale through the left nostril, pinch, and exhale through the right nostril. And so alternately do several times.

According to yogis, such breathing exercises even out internal balance in the body, harmonizes energy and has a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person.

Most people experience stress modern people. Many people get used to living in such a state, not knowing and not understanding how to get rid of oppressive feelings. Specially designed breathing exercises for stress will help to cope with the problem. Carried out correctly, it will relieve tension, restore a sense of calm and restore peace of mind. Often, such techniques pull a person out of even a severe depressive state, returning the joy of life. But in order to breathe properly, it is important to know how to do it.

Breathing is the most important function human body supporting life. It is fully automated, and in a normal situation, people do not notice how they breathe, and do not make any effort to do so. Normal, regular lung function provides blood the right amount oxygen, regulates metabolic processes and performs a number of other tasks:

  • breaks down complex organic (and inorganic) nutrients into simpler and more easily digestible ones - the oxidation process;
  • participates in the development required amount energy;
  • stimulates mental activity(the brain dies quickly without oxygen).

Breathing must be deep, even in order to perform all functions correctly. And what happens at the moment of the strongest psychological stress? Breaths become superficial, short. The body does not receive the required amount of life-giving gas - and health problems begin:

  • fast fatiguability,
  • irritability,
  • insomnia or, conversely, pathological drowsiness,
  • prostration,
  • weakening of the immune system
  • exacerbation of chronic or the emergence of new physical diseases,
  • nightmares,
  • progressive anemia and much more.

All these are the consequences of improper breathing caused by stressful situations. Moreover, they are often of a permanent nature, especially in the conditions of life in modern cities, which set an incredible pace of life (see).

Cope with a serious problem and return not only mental and physical health, but also the joy of every new day, energy, positive attitude help a variety of breathing techniques to relieve stress - special complexes exercises designed with human needs in mind. Knowing them, you will learn to breathe deeply - and resist adverse factors and environmental influences.

The understanding of proper breathing does not differ much depending on the specific technique. The main condition is uniformity and depth. You should inhale deeply, not grabbing air in fits and starts. Only in this way will it be possible to maintain self-control even in the most difficult situation, stay calm and overcome panic. The body will receive the right substance and launch all natural chemical reactions whatever happens, it's good. And the brain, not left without a vital portion of oxygen, will retain the ability to reason logically without falling into hysterics.

And now - specifically about some popular techniques.

What should be breathing according to yoga

The purpose of yoga is to teach a person to control as much as possible own body and above all, breathing. The ancient teaching treats this function very carefully, devoting a lot of time to it. Students must learn to control their lungs and feel how the air passes in: unhindered, deep, correct.

According to yoga, breathing exercises to relieve stress help to establish the strongest connection with inner world, activates powerful energy flows and leads to a state of complete calm or, conversely, slightly excites - depending on what the person wants to achieve. It also helps the stress caused by overexcitation.

The correct method of breathing is only with the belly. It is in this case that the entire volume of the lungs is involved, and oxygen is supplied in the maximum amount. Yogis advise learning from babies. If you watch how the baby breathes, it becomes obvious: his stomach literally goes up and down. Moreover, air always enters through the nose.

There are three types of breathing in total.

Type of breathAuthorities involvedAdvantages and disadvantages
Clavicular, or superiorOnly the upper part of the lungs, the shoulders and chest are actively workingA small volume of the lungs is filled, while the body spends a lot of energy in vain.
Intercostal, or middleThe middle part of the lungs. The intercostal muscles are active.There is more oxygen, but still not enough.
Diaphragmatic, or lowerDiaphragm. The stomach “breathes”, while filling both the upper and lower regions of the lungs. Bending down, the diaphragm simultaneously produces natural massage internal organs peritoneum.Most correct type. Delivers a large volume of air.

Real yogis use all three types at the same time, making the most of the strength and volume of the lungs. Moreover, one of the main conditions: actions occur automatically, without external control. Otherwise, a person spends energy on monitoring the work of his own respiratory system and, as a result, goes astray from the natural rhythm.

Relaxation, kneeling, detachment from the outside world are important conditions for exercise. Breathing from stress will help you only if you can achieve maximum relaxation and forget about control.

Fiery (cleansing) breath

On mother tongue- "kapalabhati", or "cleansing of the skull." The classic sitting position (in Turkish, on your knees or in another comfortable position), the back is straight. Eyes closed, facial muscles relaxed. Index and thumb both hands are closed in a ring, and the rest are straightened and directed upwards, opening the palm.

We breathe through the nose, concentrating on the fullness and depth of the breath. Completing the exhalation, you need to sharply contract the abdominal muscles, blowing out the remaining air (a similar movement occurs when you blow your nose). This is followed by a long breath, during which the muscles of the abdominal wall relax.

You should start with three sets of 10 reps, gradually increasing to 108 in one set. Rest for about half a minute between cycles. Contraindications - the formation of hernias in the abdominal space, hypertension, problems of the cardiovascular system and lungs.

Complete yoga

It is considered the deepest and involves the entire volume of the lungs. Performing such an exercise daily, you will receive the necessary charge of life-giving energy and feel a significant improvement. general condition.

The initial position is the same as in the one described earlier, the only thing is that it is recommended to sit in Turkish, especially for those who have just begun to master the technique.

Yogi uses all three types of breathing at the same time - main secret exercises. To do this, first slowly exhale all the air, and then inhale, starting with the lower type of breathing. We move the stomach forward, filling the lower part of the lungs with oxygen. We expand the chest, performing the second type - air enters the middle part of our natural furs. We turn to clavicular breathing, connecting the collarbone and neck to the work, lifting the upper section of the ribs. At the same time, the shoulders should straighten a little (do not rise!) This is how the breath ends.

A full exhalation is carried out in the same order: the abdomen (diaphragm), middle ribs and chest, collarbones and neck. Breathing in this way, keep a sense of inner comfort and do not overstrain, otherwise you will not achieve the expected effect. Beginner yogis are recommended to carry out 3 cycles of complete breathing daily, gradually reaching up to 10-14 times.

Contraindications: any pulmonary pathological process, cardiovascular disease or hernia.

Chinese breathing exercises

The Chinese technique of correct breathing is based on deep Eastern wisdom people. Carrying out simple exercises on your own, you will not only get rid of the state of constant stress and gain inner harmony but also lose weight. In general, almost all breathing exercises help in the fight against excess weight, primarily because they normalize metabolism.

The well-known Chinese system is called "jianfei" and consists of a whole range of diverse exercises. But we will introduce you to the most effective and uncomplicated.


Oriental nutritionists advised using this exercise as a replacement for one of the meals and, best of all, dinner. However, this is not necessary, but it will still be of great benefit if you start performing on an empty stomach.

Maximum comfortable position- Lying on your back. Relaxing, you need to lower your legs to the floor, resting your feet on the surface. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Slowly pull in the stomach first, and then raise the chest, inhaling the air. You will get the necessary wave-like movement, which gave the name to the exercise. When exhaling, the chest retracts, and the stomach inflates.

It is recommended to perform about 40 such cycles. However, if during the session you feel nausea, dizziness, stop immediately. Watch the respiratory rhythm: it should not differ from the natural one, thereby causing discomfort.


According to Chinese practice, it is this exercise that most effectively restores the nervous system, returning a person a sense of inner peace. With your feet hip-width apart, sit comfortably on a low chair. The lower leg and thigh form an almost right angle. Important condition: the head is disconnected from various thoughts and is focused only on the exercise.

Put your elbows on your knees. Girls clench into a fist left hand, guys - right. The free hand grabs the wrist of the one that is compressed. The forehead rests on the fist, the eyes are closed, the body is relaxed. The abdomen must be completely filled with air, while alternating inhalations and exhalations through the nose and mouth. Each time the breath is held for about 5 seconds.

Lead time is a quarter of an hour. If you feel dizzy or otherwise uncomfortable, change the pace of your inhalations and exhalations.


This is a whole complex, consisting of three stages. The lesson is designed to achieve peace of mind, relieve fatigue, get rid of the feeling of tension.

  1. We breathe evenly, deeply, using the diaphragm. Full concentration on one's own state, disconnection from external annoying sources. The duration of the stage is 5 minutes.
  2. We breathe easily, naturally. the main task- achieve inaudible, but at the same time deep and even breaths. Also 5 minutes.
  3. We breathe at our usual pace, without focusing on the process itself. We think of something pleasant, relaxing. Duration - 10 minutes.

The described 3 exercises form the basis of Chinese jianfei breathing exercises. They can be performed one after another (“wave”, “frog”, “lotus”), or separately, depending on the state of health and mood. Contraindications: hypertension, problems with the spine (see), the presence of stones in the bile ducts.

Breathing exercises of the ancient Slavs

Slavic breathing exercises for stress - effective remedy achieving mental balance. She helps deal with depressive states feel the flow vital energy improve mood and overall well-being. Understanding that a person draws strength not only from physical food, but also from spiritual, and, in particular, from the air entering the body, our ancestors gave essential correct system inhalations and exhalations. Some exercises are given below.

Full breath

The essence is the same as in yoga: first the diaphragm works, filling the lower part of the lungs, then the ribs, sternum, collarbones, neck. Only between inhalations and exhalations is maintained a small pause, equal in time to the inhalation (or exhalation) itself. Air enters and leaves the body only through the nose.


Position - lying on the back. When inhaling, a person holds his breath, allowing vital energy to saturate all cells. Hold the air inside as long as you can tolerate, then exhale powerfully through your mouth and take a few full breaths, and then repeat the exercise while inhaling.

Contraindications: the same as in the techniques listed above.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova

This is the author's set of breathing exercises aimed not only at combating stress, but also at improving overall health. The developer of the technique is Alexandra Strelnikova, a famous opera singer, born in 1912. She loved her procession very much, giving herself to her with all her soul, but due to poor health, she lost her voice early.

The disease would have broken the girl, but she turned out to be strong and decided to resist fate. Together with her mother, young Sasha came up with and implemented a set of breathing exercises that restored her ability to sing. Strelnikova died in the 80s of the last century, performing opera parts until the end of her life. She gave people not only excellent performances, but also a health system that is effective in diseases respiratory tract and their consequences (sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).

The methodology is based on correct breathing and necessary physical activity causing the human body to increase its need for oxygen. A sharp, deep breath is the basis of the technique. It will not be possible to describe all the exercises, as they are closely interconnected and have a certain sequence. To understand the essence of Strelnikova's methodology, you need to familiarize yourself with her works.

As years of experience show different countries, peoples, researchers and authors, breathing exercises are an effective means of dealing with stressful situations. She restores correct work all functional systems significantly improves well-being, helps to get rid of extra pounds. And most importantly, it does not require large physical expenditures and trips to gyms. All exercises can be done at home, no more than 15 minutes and get a positive charge that changes your mood for the better!

stress, fatigue, panic attacks and a feeling of persistent anxiety - what kind of miracle drugs are not offered to us to get rid of these problems: from exercise to spa treatments, from antidepressants to an extended vacation in Bali. However, many of us are unaware that everyone always has a safe, effective and absolutely free remedy for restoring peace of mind at hand. This magical elixir is nothing but your own breath, which has unique restorative properties. By controlling your breathing cycle, you can radically change morale and state of mind. By slowing down our breathing, we thereby influence the parasympathetic nervous system - a complex biological mechanism that can calm us down even in the most difficult moments for the psyche. But how can banal slow breathing relieve stress? Yes, very simple. In a state of nervous excitement, we begin to breathe too fast. This leads to an increase in oxygen levels and, accordingly, a decrease in carbon dioxide levels, which disrupts the ideal acid-base balance of the blood - the pH level. This condition, known as respiratory alkalosis, can lead to muscle spasms, nausea, irritability, dizziness, loss of concentration, anxiety, and suspiciousness. Slowing your breath, on the contrary, increases the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, which brings the pH level back to normal.

Inhale - exhale

Breathing can be a powerful ally in the fight against blues and fatigue. Breathing exercises are your lifesaver for all occasions, whether it's a quarrel with a loved one or problems in business. But before you start practicing these techniques, you will need some preparation time. In a calm state, observe your breathing, feel its rhythm. Be warned: it won't be easy at first - it's like getting a fish to talk about the water it swims in. For us, breathing is so familiar that we do not pay any attention to it, and therefore have very little idea of ​​its depth and rhythm. However, it is worth thinking about it, and you will begin to notice a great many nuances - both in physical and in emotional sensations with each inhalation or exhalation.

You may notice that the very observation of the respiratory process will immediately bring about a whole series of changes in it. At first, breathing will slow down. The normal rhythm will even out a little. And finally, the air will take up a little more space in your body and your breathing will become deep. Most of us only use our lower ribs and upper abdomen when breathing. Ideally, it should reveal the entire body.

To experiment with expanding your breath, sit upright in a chair or, better still, lie on your back. Place your fingertips a little higher pubic bone. Try to direct a few breaths in this direction, each time expanding the abdomen.

Then begin to carefully increase the depth of penetration of inspiration. During this exercise, try to keep your throat as relaxed as possible: excess tension will prevent you from achieving the desired result.

When you can move your breath into lower part belly and upper part chest, try to “wake up” the back of the torso, which for many is a kind of terra incognita. As hard as you can, try to draw your breath into your spine, feeling the back of your torso inflate and deflate with each breath.

Prescription breath

Sometimes even a simple five-minute deepening of the breath can miraculously energize us, and simply make up for the lack of optimism. But you can achieve an even greater effect with the help of regular practice of pranayama - a system of special breathing exercises. These techniques, tirelessly perfected by yogis over the past few millennia, purposefully change the speed, rhythm and volume of breathing.

One warning before starting the practice: when doing any of the breathing exercises, in no case should you overdo it. If you feel uncomfortable, return to your normal breathing rhythm. If discomfort increase, this is a signal to stop the exercise. Your breath - believe it or not - has natural intelligence honed over millions of years of evolution. Learn to recognize these signals and respond to them.

Usually pranayama is performed while sitting on the floor, with the spine straightened and elongated - for example, in Padmasana or Siddhasana. But such postures are categorically not suitable for beginners: after a few minutes, they begin to suffer from pain and lose all ability to concentrate. Therefore, if you have started doing yoga relatively recently, it is better to sit on a chair or lie on the floor on your back. If the floor is hard, place a folded blanket under your torso and a small, hard pillow under your head. Stretch your legs straight, spreading your heels ten centimeters apart. Or you can bend your knees a little by placing a bolster or another rolled-up blanket under them. This pose will help relax your tense back and stomach. Extend your arms to the sides. Place a silk bag over your eyes for relaxation.

Having taken a comfortable position, observe your normal breathing for several minutes, fixing the results in your mind. Then, within a minute, mentally count the duration of the inhalations and exhalations - for example, “one second”, “two seconds”, etc. (or, if you prefer, “one Omm”, “two Omm”). Don't be surprised if your exhalations are slightly longer than your inhalations, this is quite normal. When you focus on your breathing, you can move on to exercises that heal anxiety, fatigue, and depression.

Anxiety. You can deal with it by lengthening your exhalations. For example, if your normal exhalation is six seconds long, try to stretch several exhalations to seven seconds, then several exhalations to eight, and so on, until you reach your limit - the longest, but still comfortable exhalation.

When you lengthen your exhalations in this way by a few seconds, notice their subtle sound. You will notice that with each exhalation you get a soft ha - like a light breath. Try to make this sound as soft and even as possible - from the beginning to the end of the exhalation. Pause briefly at the end of each exhalation, lying quietly and still. Continuing in this way, observe the breath for at least 10-15 minutes.

Fatigue. To overcome fatigue, on the contrary, you need to lengthen your breaths. Breathe for a few minutes in your normal mode. When your breathing becomes even and slow, pause briefly after exhaling. Freeze. After a few seconds, you will feel a kind of hesitation - the approach of the next breath. The sensation is like a wave rushing towards the shore. Don't inhale right away. Instead, let the “wave” get even higher. Then inhale without effort or resistance.

Increase the duration of holding your breath before inhaling. Then gradually lengthen the inhalations, just as you did with the exhalations in the previous exercise. Finally, pay attention to the sound of your breaths - slightly hissing, yogis call it sa. Try to make the sound as soft and even as possible - from the beginning to the end of the breath. Observe your breath for 10-15 minutes.

Depression. Recovering from depression is much more difficult. Do not exercise at your most difficult moments. Forcibly changing the rhythm of breathing can only worsen the situation.

Let your breathing slow down and become more even. Then count the duration of your breath. When you exhale, try to balance it in duration with the inhalation. Take equal breaths in and out for about a minute. Then gradually - once every three or four breaths - increase each inhalation and exhalation for a second, until you reach your maximum. Your mood will serve as the best timer. For example, if you decide to practice for ten minutes, be prepared to shorten that time if you feel your depression receding. But if you think you still need exercise, don't stop.

Recharging. Schedule a daily 10-minute breathing exercise during your quietest time of day. For some, this is early morning, someone manages to truly relax only in the evening. However, even if you cannot exercise regularly at the same time, it is enough to take a simple minute break several times a day - close your eyes and do the exercise. It may turn out that such breaks will cheer you up much better than the usual cup of coffee or chocolate.