How to determine the type of hair and choose the right care at home. Features and signs of dry and oily hair: how to determine your type


External environmental factors (solar radiation, wind, cold, air conditioning) negatively affect the hair, drying it with a hairdryer and thermal styling daily injures them. In such conditions, the hair needs constant care and restoration using cosmetic preparations. Balms, lotions, creams - there are many of them on the market, but not every product on offer can be used, choose care products that match your hair type.

The simplest test:

  • the day before, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water without balms and rinses;
  • take a piece of parchment paper or a thin paper napkin in one layer and press it to the hair at the crown and behind the ears;
  • if greasy traces remain on the paper - the hair is greasy, if there are no traces - dry or normal.

It is also possible that the hair is of a combined type: oily at the roots and dry at the tips.


The hairdresser will help to recognize the combined hair. Special care products have been developed for this type of hair, although you can wash it with shampoo for oily hair and apply conditioner from the middle of the strands to the ends.


Greasy and heavy-looking greasy hair does not hold volume at the roots, they hang in strands. The cause of fat content is an excess of fat produced by the subcutaneous glands. The increased work of fat cells can be provoked by physical activity, exposure to sunlight, hormonal imbalance in adolescence or pregnancy, an excessive amount of styling products.

Oily hair is obvious the next day after washing, it's hard to make a mistake here. Oily hair is washed with a special shampoo for everyday use, no conditioner is applied. The exception is dry tips, they need to be nourished daily.

Washing with hot water and prolonged combing increases the oiliness of the hair. Fatty, fried and spicy foods have the same effect. Vegetables and fruits in the diet should be as much as possible.


Shiny and fresh, as if only after washing, normal hair looks like this for several days. There are no problems with them: shampoo, conditioner and a comb with rare teeth - all that is needed for care.


Dry hair does not have enough subcutaneous fat to lubricate along its entire length, so moisture from their surface evaporates. Coloring, perm, straightening, hair dryer and other styling products gradually lead to dry hair. The lack of a protective layer makes the hair brittle, it breaks off and splits at the ends. Dry hair contributes to chlorine water and solar radiation.

Wash once a week and intensively apply nourishing and moisturizing products. Do not comb wet, dry with a hairdryer, rub with a towel.

Care that matches your hair type will help keep it healthy. You need to start by determining the type yourself or with the help of professionals.

The formation of hair type occurs under the influence of genetic information. The composition of curls, shape and color are accompanied by special characteristics for each person. Individual parameters are key when choosing, because if you determine the type of hair incorrectly, you can harm the condition of the strands.

What are the types of hair

An essential condition for competent care at home for hair is knowledge of your own type. The choice of masks, conditioners and shampoos should be selected taking into account individual characteristics in order to avoid harm to curls.

It is easy to determine the type of hair using the test below in the article. Hair in women and men differ in the following parameters:

  • fat content (mixed, normal, fatty, dry);
  • density (thick, thin, medium);
  • elasticity (wavy, straight, curly).

Attention! A slight modification of the type of curls can be provoked by changes in climatic conditions and health, as well as improper care. The fat content and appearance of the strands are changing.

The condition of the hair is healthy and lifeless.

By fat content

The secretion of sebum depends on the work of the sebaceous glands of the root zone. The intensity of discharge in some people varies throughout life and due to exposure to certain cosmetic products, such as shampoos and hair dyes.

With insufficient secretion by the glands, the skin becomes dry. Stable production of fat is characteristic of the normal type, and increased separation - for fatty. There is also a fourth type of hair - combined.


Owners of this type of curls almost do not encounter difficulties in care. However, not always healthy appearance and strength mean that the strands do not require careful attention. Characteristic features of the normal type:

  • elasticity;
  • easy combing;
  • ease of installation;
  • the lack of a tendency to cross-section at the tips;
  • slight dryness (manifested sometimes);
  • good moisture in the root zone;
  • lack of peeling of the skin;
  • when washing with an appropriate shampoo, there is no feeling of tightness of the skin;
  • independent and easy recovery after exposure to coloring compounds and other factors.

Important! It is enough to clean the hair with 2-3 washing procedures per week. Any cosmetic product must contain the mark "for normal hair." To maintain health, weekly masks with nourishing and moisturizing properties (prepared by yourself or purchased) are recommended.

Chamomile decoction has a beneficial effect on the normal type of curls. A glass of boiling water should be poured over a handful of flowers of the plant (2 tablespoons) and insisted for 30 minutes. Regular trimming (1 time in 2 months) will protect the ends of the strands from sections.


The second most problematic type of hairline after the fatty type. Usually, dryness is characterized by the hairs themselves and the scalp, resulting in symptoms such as dandruff, inflammation, itching, flaking and irritation.

Hot styling, coloring procedures and weather factors cause great harm to such hair. Improper care also has a lot to do with it, especially when it comes to incorrectly chosen cosmetics.

Characteristic signs:

  • dullness;
  • lack of elasticity;
  • fragility;
  • tangling and difficult combing, especially after shampooing;
  • difficult to fit;
  • the cross-section of the ends is clearly expressed;
  • tendency to alopecia;
  • feeling of tightness and discomfort after washing the hair.

Dryness can be caused by nature (reduced fat production), negative influences and approaching old age. If there were no signs of overdryness before, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of such a metamorphosis.

For this you will need:

  1. Refuse to use thermal appliances and frequent washing. For the latter, chlorinated water is unsuitable; it is better to replace it with filtered or boiled water. Chlorine dries out the hair very much. It is worth spraying thermal liquid on the head several times a day.
  2. Constantly moisturize the strands with special cosmetics, and in sunny weather, apply protective products with an ultraviolet filter. Serums, sprays, oils or creams should be applied to split ends after each wash. About three times a week, you can carry out home procedures using homemade mixtures based on one aroma oil or complex. This nourishment will help speed up the recovery process.
  3. Headgear should always be worn in frosty and hot weather, as well as in swimming pools, baths and saunas. After swimming in the salty waters of the sea, as well as a lake or a river, the strands require thorough rinsing with a clean and fresh liquid.
  4. Care products must be intended for dry hair, as they will provide the best nutrition and hydration due to the increased concentration of active ingredients.
  5. Coloring, straightening and perms are detrimental to curls, so they simply need to be abandoned. The discoloration of the hair is especially detrimental. All of these procedures are too aggressive for overdried strands. If a color change is indispensable, it is preferable to use formulations without ammonia.
  6. The diet should include only the right foods: fish, vegetables, fruits, beef, lean poultry, legumes, nuts and cereals. Additionally, at the end of spring and autumn, you need to take multivitamin complexes. The volume of pure water used should also not be below the minimum mark of one and a half liters.
  7. It is permissible to comb your hair with a comb made of wood, with sparsely spaced teeth. Metal is traumatic for the hair structure. Wet hair must not be brushed.
  8. Cutting with hot scissors will allow you to solder the exfoliating ends and protect against further destruction of the structure.
  9. In winter, in order to avoid aggravating dryness due to exposure to heating devices, it is worth artificially moistening the air in the apartment. An ionizer or an ordinary bowl of water, which is placed next to the battery, will help with this.

Attention! If nothing helps to bring dry curls back to life, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify diseases of internal organs or hormonal failure.


Grease appears on the first day after washing. The most problematic type of hair type. Even curls get fat if there is too much secretion produced by the sebaceous glands.

The hair requires special attention not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because of the frequent manifestations of oiliness due to health problems.

Characteristic features of this type of hair:

  • sticking strands;
  • no sections;
  • the formation of oily dandruff;
  • sensation of itching in the root zone;
  • untidy appearance;
  • no feeling of tightness after washing;
  • volume does not appear even after laying.

Increased fat content is an ideal condition for the active reproduction of harmful bacteria that cause epidermal diseases and baldness.

The most common causes of excessive greasiness are:

  • hormonal or endocrine failure;
  • disorders in the work of the nervous system;
  • experiences and stress;
  • a course of taking certain medications;
  • excessive sweating;
  • improper diet: increased consumption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • excessive brushing effort.

To normalize the work of the glands, you will need to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Diet adjustment. A prerequisite is the reduction of spicy, sweet fried and fatty foods. Instead, increase your intake of grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  2. Drink more filtered water.
  3. It is preferable to wash your hair with room temperature liquid on a regular basis to prevent the active development of harmful bacteria.
  4. Treating the hair roots with a permanent will reduce the frequency of washing.
  5. The method of dry cleansing curls is also effective.

If you choose the right products for oily strands, you can ensure the extension of the feeling of freshness.


Dry curls and oily scalp are obvious symptoms of this type of hair.

Characteristic features of combined curls:

  • the root zone is salted after 2 days from the moment of washing;
  • section and fragility of the ends.

Caring for such strands complicates the combination of two opposite parameters - greasiness and dryness. More often this type manifests itself in owners of long curls with an uneven distribution of sebum along the length of the hair.

Attention! Features of the combined hair usually appear in the spring, when the wearing of insulated headwear ends. The roots begin to get oily, and the tips after the heating season and frosty weather suffer from brittleness and thinning.

Incorrect coloring, frequent styling with irons and hair dryers, as well as chlorinated water are sources of great stress for the hair.

The main recommendation for the care of combined strands is the rejection of the use of cosmetics for oily and dry hair. The first type of product will provoke even greater dryness of the ends, and the second will cause an increase in sebum production.

The best option is a shampoo that does not contain tar, silicone additives, acids and sulfur. It is worth taking a detergent with jojoba oil, ceramides and silk proteins. Special cosmetics for mixed hair are present in the assortment of most professional lines in the respective stores.

Soft products for any kind of curls are also suitable. Revitalizing sprays and end creams, as well as homemade masks, will provide beneficial effects to the strands.


The number of follicles is embedded in the skin of the head of any person by the genetic code. It is impossible to change it significantly. The original number of hair follicles laid down by nature reaches one million.

Of these, development is carried out only in 100-160 thousand, hairs are already growing from these roots. Within one square centimeter, there are 20-310. The rods form the human hair.

The number of actively developing follicles depends on national, age and gender characteristics. Scientists have even identified the relationship between natural pigment and density (number of rods):

  • fair-haired - 150 thousand actively developed bulbs;
  • dark-haired - 100 thousand;
  • redheads - up to 80 thousand

The main parameter of the texture of curls is their thickness. Hair is medium, thin or thick.


Strands are characterized by high strength, volume and heaviness. Often, owners experience difficulties when trying to make the desired styling and curling. Its own gravity causes the curls to quickly return to their natural state - straightness.

Important! To color thick strands, it will take longer to withstand the composition on the hair, since the pigments need more time to penetrate the hair structure. However, such curls are easier to tolerate procedures for changing the shade, bleaching and perms. The peculiarity of the hair makes it stable and helps to maintain grooming, as well as health.


The most unpretentious kind of curls, the care of which pleasantly does not imply any hassle. Typical representatives are residents of European countries. Medium-thick strands take on an attractive shape when choosing almost any haircut.

The effect of the created styling lasts for a long time. Elastic structure, light coloring, resistance to the aggressive effects of straightening and perm are the characteristic features of this type of hair.


The main disadvantage that upsets the representatives of this hair type is the lack of volume. Even with a large number of follicles, due to the thinning of the hairs themselves, the strands look sparse. Such curls are especially fragile, often suffer from split ends and need regular moisture.

Hairdressers are advised to completely stop using any thermal devices of thin type owners in order to avoid aggravating thinness. Despite a good reaction to coloring compounds, they are severely injured due to exposure to chemicals and lose their healthy appearance.

By elasticity

Another parameter by which the classification of hair types is carried out is elasticity. Hair happens: wavy, curly and straight. It is easy to determine this feature on your own curls. You just need to look at the strands in the mirror. Curly and wavy hair also has several subtypes.


Such hair falls in an even cascade on the shoulders without any sharp bends. Straight strands usually have a beautiful sheen, as the smooth surface reflects light well. This type of curls is considered a standard that allows you to create any hairstyle and conduct various experiments.


Appearance is clear from the name. The strands are expressed in curls and waves to a greater or lesser extent. They twist into curls or spirals. Wavy hair is the cherished dream of most girls, because they allow you to give the image of romance.


The strands are twisted into elastic spirals and loops. Outwardly, the hair looks very lush, but often dry curls involve a lot of complexities and nuances of care.

However, if the owner manages to give them neatness, the hair looks simply luxurious and makes the woman noticeable in the crowd.

How to determine your type

If it is not difficult to determine your type by elasticity, then for fat content and density, not everything is so simple. Below is a test to identify the variety of curls. He will help you verify your own guesses and learn how to care for a particular type of hair.

Determination of fat content

I. How often do you have to wash your hair during the week to keep it clean and well-groomed?

  1. 2-3 times is enough;
  2. 1-2 times;
  3. daily;
  4. up to 2 times.

II. How would you characterize the condition of the ends of the strands?

  1. Smooth or with a small dissection.
  2. Overdried, brittle, hard and split.
  3. There is no split.
  4. They break and flake.

III. Describe the state of the root zone.

  1. Rarely pickled, 2-3 days after washing.
  2. After using the shampoo, the skin is dry, after 7 days it becomes slightly oily.
  3. Normal, becomes greasy the next day.
  4. Clean and fresh, greasy by the third day, but the ends remain dry.

IV. Do curls shine in the sun?

  1. Yes, the strands shimmer in the sun.
  2. The shine is barely noticeable, the hair is dull.
  3. Radiance only after washing the head, on the second day a greasy sheen appears.
  4. Shine is visible at the roots, the ends are dull, practically do not reflect light.

V. How long does moisture stay? Remember how curls dry after washing and find the right answer.

  1. Hair needs a long time to dry.
  2. Almost instantly, the strands become dry, the ends dry even faster.
  3. Moderate drying time.
  4. the tips become dry first, the roots take much longer.

VI. Do you use thermal devices (hair dryers, straighteners or curling irons)?

  1. Yes, it does not affect the condition of the curls.
  2. Extremely rarely, this causes aggravation of sections, brittleness and overdrying.
  3. A hair dryer is not used, as this increases the greasy roots.
  4. I prefer not to use because the ends are dry and break.

VII. Is the hair prone to electrification?

  1. Electrified often, especially in winter.
  2. It happens rarely.
  3. It is observed only at the tips.

VIII. Does your hair have a lot of volume?

  1. Moderate splendor.
  2. Very bulky, spread out.
  3. After washing, the volume is noticeable, but on the second day it is lost, and the strands stick together.
  4. In the root zone, the hair is lush, and at the ends - fluffy.

If it is 1, your hair type is normal. To maintain health, it is enough to apply a hair mask every week. If necessary, the frequency of cosmetics can be increased up to two times in 7 days.

If you scored more answers under number 2, your hair type is dry. First you need to analyze the care of the strands and provide them with nutrition and hydration. In addition, it is recommended to include in everyday life protective equipment from ultraviolet radiation and thermal devices.

If there are more answer options under number 3, the type of your curls is bold. To bring greasy hair in order, you will need a whole range of procedures, including shampoos and masks.

Most of the answers at number 4 mean the combined type of curls. In this case, special attention is required for thin and brittle ends. It is preferable to include special masks, creams and sprays for split ends in the care.

How to determine the thickness

The thickness of the hairs can be measured by a trichologist using a special device - a micrometer. Four zones are examined: temples, lower part of the nape, bangs and crown. The check is carried out close to the roots, the curls must be clean, dry, without treatment with styling products.

Depending on the diameter of the hairs are:

  • thin (silky) - up to 0.05 mm;
  • medium: 0.05–0.07 mm;
  • thick (hard): from 0.07 mm.

Attention! The second way to determine the density involves the study of parting. It is necessary to separate the hair and examine the resulting line.

Thin hair is characterized by a wide dividing line. The skin is clearly visible, as are the roots of the hair. If the curls are thick, the parting will turn out to be very narrow, and the skin will not be visible.

The third option has no scientific justification, but it is often practiced. The strands should be removed in the tail and with the help of a centimeter tape measure the circumference of the hair. The result up to 5 cm indicates the subtlety of the hair. An indicator of 5-10 cm usually corresponds to the normal (average) type. For dense cover, these figures vary from 10 to 15 cm.

Is it possible to change the type

Dry hair does not need frequent washing, since the root zone is already characterized by tightness. A common occurrence is dry dandruff, if it is detected, caring cosmetics should be selected very carefully. Weakened and dull strands need to add shine. For this reason, products should have firming and nourishing properties, as well as treat split ends.

Meticulous care is not limited to conditioners and shampoos. Dry hair requires regular application of masks and head massage. The maximum frequency of washing is twice a week. In the diet, you should add foods that can give curls shine. These include olive oil, cereal and brewer's yeast.

Normal curls do not require correction, they easily tolerate the use of any shampoos and caring products. The advantage for the owner of this type of strands is the lack of need for thorough care.

However, the right diet is a mandatory criterion, since the slightest changes in hormonal levels can provoke a decrease or increase in the production of sebum.

Improper staining, perm, regular trips to the solarium and other procedures that have a negative impact can worsen the condition of the curls.

Fatty hair is considered more capricious than others. She needs a daily wash, and the strands lack shine. The volume almost does not hold, dandruff is often present, which is stored in the root zone in the form of particles of the epidermis. Features of caring for such hair should be taken into account.

An example is masks and conditioners, which can aggravate greasy shine, so their use should be excluded or limited. The diet must be adjusted by refusing fatty foods. Coloring and styling products will help dry the strands.

Mixed curls make the choice of detergents and care products very problematic, because the roots are oily, and the ends suffer from dryness. Often, the solution is to purchase several products to bring the hair in order.

Due to the greasy root zone, the shampoo is used for the oily type, and after washing it off, a mask or caring balm is applied for the dry type. The split ends just need to be trimmed regularly, since it is almost impossible to reanimate them by any other means. For owners of combined hair, hairdressers do not recommend growing long hair, since medium strands are easier to care for.

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How to determine the type of hair?

Structure, structural features of the hair.

Each person has their own specific type of hair, and this circumstance cannot be changed in any way, but it is interesting to note that not everyone knows what kind of hair they have, especially men. Only knowledge of this will allow you to determine the appropriate and proper care for them. Let's look at how to determine the type of hair.

There are the following types of hair:

  • normal hair quite thick and elastic, have good strength and have a healthy sheen, effectively shimmering in the sun. These properties are preserved for a couple of days after the last shampooing. The pluses include the fact that the normal type of care is quite simple. They practically do not split, easily combed in a dry and wet state. It is worth noting that even with repeated twisting, they will not break, but will immediately restore their original shape, and they are also easy to style. People with a normal type are not bothered by dandruff and itching, the scalp is usually clean.
  • Dry hair much thinner than their normal counterparts, they are sensitive to cosmetics and chemicals, as well as to the effects of atmospheric agents. Due to reduced sebum secretion, they quickly lose their pleasant shine and their elasticity, which is why they become brittle and brittle, often resembling artificial ones. All this leads to the formation of dry dandruff, which gives itself out when combing, imperceptibly settling on clothes. Dry hair will be more difficult to style even after washing, it combs much worse, quickly tangles, splits and breaks. A couple of days after the last wash, fine dry dandruff may appear on the head.
  • Greasy hair have good elasticity, practically do not absorb water, have a characteristic dull sheen, after a while they begin to stick together, they seem untidy and dirty.
  • mixed type different hair condition depending on its length. This is due to the fact that such hair is lubricated unevenly with fat, so the ends are split, while the roots are oily. In this case, special care is required using several means.

How to determine the type of hair: table

Normal Fatty Dry Mixed
How often do you wash your hair? Once every two or three days Almost every day Once a week Once every 4 days
Root condition
Fat by the end of 3 days
The day has passed and they are already fat
After washing, immediately dry, on day 3-4 normal, oily on day 7
Roots become greasy by the end of 2-3 days
Evaluate the condition of the ends of the hair
Dryish or normal, sometimes split
The tips are in good condition, they don't split at all.
The ends are brittle, often split
Brittle, dry ends, also split
Glitter hair
healthy and shiny
Shine only on the first day after shampooing
Mostly dim
The tips are dull and the roots have a greasy sheen
Almost never
Relatively often
Usually tips
Splendor is average
Normal splendor only for 1 day after washing, then they begin to stick together and lose splendor
Increased splendor
The tips fly apart quickly, and at the roots there is normal splendor
Overall, the fit is holding up well.
Fits great but doesn't stay on
Hair is hard to style
On average, the styling keeps well, but at the tips it deteriorates faster.

Knowing your hair type is the foundation of successful home hair care.

It is depending on the type of hair that shampoos and masks should be selected, otherwise you can seriously harm.

To understand how to determine your hair type, you just need to observe them, and if you are having difficulty, then the test later in this article will help you determine the type of hair.

What types of hair are there? These are normal, dry, oily and mixed (oily at the roots but dry at the ends) hair.

Also, hair is divided into thin and thick, depleted and healthy. True, the type of hair can change slightly depending on the state of health, climate, care - become drier or oily, healthier or emaciated.

Advantages and disadvantages of each hair type

For example, oily hair may look healthier and shinier (albeit not for long), they are less prone to age-related changes. The oiliness of the hair depends on the level of oiliness of the scalp and the activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as on the type of food - an abundance of carbohydrates in the form of sweets, as well as fatty, fried, spicy foods and fast food make the skin and hair more oily.

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Dry hair does not require frequent washing, as it does not get greasy for a long time and does not take on a dirty look. The disadvantages of dry hair are that they look dull and lifeless, split at the ends, are very tangled and torn. Perhaps the appearance of dry fine dandruff. Often, dry hair is not such by nature, but as a result of improper care or abuse of certain procedures - coloring, perm, ironing, hair dryer.

The mixed type is more typical for long hair, when the hair roots are quite oily, but the ends of the grease are not enough, which makes them dry and split. Depleted hair is rough to the touch, porous, naughty, has lost its shine and elasticity.

The table below will tell you how to determine the type of hair, but only if the hair is more or less healthy, not damaged or depleted. After all, a variety of damaging factors and cosmetic procedures sometimes lead to very strong variations in the condition of the hair.

But, for example, thin hair is torn and split, whether they are at least dry, at least oily, and thick - sometimes you can’t spoil anything.

Table for determining the type of hair:

hair type




Mixed (oily at the roots, dry at the tips)

The need for washing

Every 2 - 3 days


Once a week

Every 2 - 4 days

scalp, hair roots

After washing normal, after a couple of days oily

After washing, normal, in the evening of the first day or in the morning of the second, oily again

After washing - dry or normal, 3-4 days normal, by the 7th day - oily

Normal after washing, oily after 2-3 days

Tips (for medium hair length)

Normal to slightly dry, ends may be a little split

Do not split or almost do not split

Dry, brittle, may have many broken or split ends

Dry, split

After washing - clean shine, after 2-3 days - oily shine at the roots

Clean shine after washing, oily shine by the end of the first day or the morning of the second

After washing - a slight shine, then the hair fades

After washing, a clean shine at the roots, a slight shine at the tips. On day 3-4 - oily sheen at the roots and no shine at the tips

Fluffiness and volume

normal splendor

Only immediately after washing or not at all


Medium, tips may fluff


Very rarely

Maybe on the ends

Styling without styling products

Give in well

Hair is manageable but doesn't last long

Bad fit

Root laying

Usual basic care at home:

  • For normal hair. Use shampoo for normal hair 2-3 times a week or more often if necessary, balms or masks, if desired, leave-in care products. Hairdressing procedures are not contraindicated.
  • For oily hair. Wash your hair daily or every other day with a mild shampoo. Wash your hair once a week with a deep cleansing shampoo. Sometimes you can make masks that are suitable for you, but do not get carried away and avoid silicones. If desired, use products for the ends of the hair. Limit the content of carbohydrates in the diet, fatty, fried, sweet, spicy, smoked. Drink more pure water. Read article >>>
  • For dry hair. Use very gentle home care and washing. Wash your hair every 5-6 days with a silicone-free moisturizing shampoo for dry hair. Do not color or chemically perm. It is allowed to use care products containing silicones if the hair has been dyed, straightened, permed. Use leave-in hair care products regularly. Trim the ends once every 1-2 months.
  • For mixed hair types. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week with shampoo for mixed or normal hair, use balms and masks. Do not use silicone-containing care products if the hair is not dyed, bleached, permed. For the tips, it is desirable to use moisturizing leave-in products ( read the article about

The use of cosmetic and hygiene products that do not match the type of scalp is one of the most common mistakes in. You have to pay for ignorance with increased greasiness or, conversely, dry hair, thinning, dandruff. Ultimately, women, over and over again making mistakes in choosing shampoos, conditioners, masks and styling products, are wondering how to determine the type of hair.

Characteristics of hair types

To describe the condition of the hair, hairdressers and trichologists use many characteristics. They take into account the length, thickness, density of the hair, the degree of their fragility and moisture. The shape of the curls are curly, wavy, straight. The health of the hair can be judged by its strength, radiance, smoothness. When determining the type of hair, the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp is taken into account. The distribution of sebum along the entire length of the hair is also important.

  • Normal hair is distinguished by healthy shine, elasticity, and moderate splendor. They look clean and well-groomed the first two days after washing their hair. On the third day, the fat content of the hair at the roots becomes noticeable. The ends of the strands may be split, but not significantly. Normal hair is weakly electrified, lends itself well to styling. They require minimal maintenance care.
  • stay clean for a week. They hold their shape well and are fluffy. On the other hand, the color of such curls is dull. The hair is clearly not enough moisture, which manifests itself in fragility, a large amount. Hair prone to dryness is electrified and tangled, which complicates the styling process. They seem to grow slowly. In reality, the hair does not grow well in length due to increased brittleness.
  • Oily hair quickly gets dirty - this is perhaps their main problem. If the sebaceous glands of the skin actively secrete sebum, the hair looks presentable only a day after shampooing. Clean hair fits without problems, keeps volume. After a day, they begin to stick together, lose splendor. The hair acquires a characteristic oily sheen, a slight smell of rancid oil. At the same time, the owners of oily curls are not aware of the problem of split ends.
  • Combination hair becomes greasy at the roots on the second or third day after shampooing. The rest of the hair remains clean for a long time - up to a week. Mixed hair often lacks basal volume. The ends of the strands tend to split, fluff and electrify. The combined type is found, as a rule, in owners of long hair.

Important! The individual intensity of sebum secretion is determined by many factors, including heredity. Over the years, the activity of the sebaceous glands, as a rule, decreases. Hair type changes with frequent coloring, washing, hormone imbalance and so on.

Ways to determine the type of hair

To find out what type of scalp you have, the following test with napkins will help. Wash your hair in the morning as usual. In the evening of the next day, lightly rub the scalp on the top of the head with a paper sheet. Next, select a strand and, holding it in the middle with a second napkin, draw paper to the tip. Oily traces on all napkins are a sign of oily hair. The absence of spots indicates a normal or dry type. There are marks on the first napkin, and not on the second? You have a combined type.

Tests also help to identify at home. Find out your hair type by answering the following questions.

  1. How often do you wash your hair?

A. Every 3-4 days.

B. After 7 or more days.

B. Once every two days or more.

D. Every 4-6 days.

  1. Which description matches you?

A. Curls normally tolerate high temperatures, do not split.

B. The hair is sensitive to thermal effects, the ends are noticeably split.

B. Curls are not damaged. If there are split ends, then few.

D. Blow-drying has a negative effect only on the lower segment of the hair.

  1. Are your curls electrified?

A. None or only at the ends.

B. They are strongly electrified, along the entire length.

V. Extremely rare, only in the cold season.

G. Strongly, but only at the ends.

  1. Does your hair have volume?

A. Yes, the hair remains lush for several days.

B. Yes, they are always voluminous, “scatter”.

Q. No, the volume is only after washing.

G. Yes, but only basal.

  1. Do your strands shine?

A. Yes, the hair has a healthy, even shine.

B. No, they don't shine.

Q. Yes, but healthy shine quickly turns into oily.

G. Yes, but only at the roots. The bottom of the hair looks dull.

  1. Are your curls easy to style?

A. Yes. Laying in general lasts a long time.

B. No, the hair does not fit well.

Q. Yes, easy to style, but only for a short time.

D. Well fit in the root zone.

If “A” answers predominate, you have a normal type. The owners of dry hair will be dominated by "B" options. Theses under the letter "B" correspond to oily hair. You have a combined type if most of the answers are "G".

The surest way to find out your hair type is to contact a trichologist. A doctor specializing in problems of the hair and scalp uses laboratory tests and clinical tests to identify.

Normal curls do not need special care. To keep them healthy and clean, it is enough to wash them twice a week with an egg, honey or herbal shampoo. At the end, the hair can be rinsed with nettle-based decoctions, water acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Shampoos with oils are ideal for dry hair. When washing, be sure to use conditioner, when laying - thermal protective agents. Hair problems are solved by special masks and oil wraps. Shampoos with fruit acids, extracts of nettle, mint, tea tree, calendula, as well as sour-milk masks cope with the increased fat content of curls. With a mixed type, it is recommended to apply cosmetic once a week.