Wishes to adults from children Russian. Wishes to parents, the dearest people on earth. wishes for mom and dad

Wishes for children are born of the best parental feelings. Such wishes are more like edification, parting words that teachers give to their students. But parents are our best mentors and teachers, aren't they? Is not it? For them, the main thing is to protect children with advice from life's troubles.

In verse

  • My children, you are well!
  • So that life gives only the best!
  • In the family, so that there is prosperity,
  • In the house to be in order!
  • Wishes for you passionate
  • Good mood for you
  • And be optimistic
  • I wish you this personally!
  • Children, I wish you a pleasant trip,
  • And interesting meetings, dates,
  • To make this journey come true
  • Everything that you have long dreamed of!
  • To conquer the mountain peaks
  • For the seas to caress you with waves,
  • And so that your whole trip
  • Turned into a complete ecstasy.
  • Children, I want to buy a refrigerator,
  • Fill it to capacity
  • And so that there are always fresh fruits,
  • Sausage, herring and lard.
  • So that the borscht stood and another snack,
  • To keep the meat longer
  • And let your refrigerator be filled,
  • And every day it gets bigger and bigger!
  • Children, may God keep you from troubles,
  • May love not be scarce
  • Give it to each other
  • Let your life go in circles
  • Let him give you his presents,
  • Packs in the best moments,
  • you cherish those moments
  • Applause for the angel!
  • I have for children
  • best wishes:
  • Bright and beautiful days!
  • To make the sky clouds
  • Never covered
  • Bad weather to rush away
  • Get out of your house.
  • There was no falsehood there!
  • To make the morning joyful
  • The kiss was always sweet
  • Be in love in power
  • And bathe each other in wild passion!
  • My dear children!
  • May your days be long!
  • To be able to buy a car
  • Drive out the routine from fate!
  • We went to the seas
  • So that life does not flow in vain!
  • For friendship to be important
  • So that you fight bravely
  • With all sorts of difficulties
  • And with sorrows, boredom!
  • For you to travel everywhere
  • Rejoice in the world, people!
  • Children, I want to buy you a bed!
  • On it so that they could coolly relax!
  • To sleep there sweetly and dream,
  • So that they are both sweet and tasty!
  • So that your sleep is calm, the night is not long,
  • So that you always rest at the hour of sleep,
  • And to make the bed very soft,
  • And she brought you a positive.
  • So that passion is quenched on that bed,
  • And the guests so that the house does not knock inappropriately,
  • So that all your fantasies come true,
  • Enemies to all evil and all people to envy.
  • My glorious children!
  • Peace, joy, love!
  • Life ups to you!
  • Kaifa from such flights!
  • unusual joy,
  • And marshmallow sweets!
  • chocolate mood,
  • The most disgusting!
  • For you to love passionately
  • You never felt sad
  • Eating and drinking deliciously
  • All that is always possible!

In prose

My kids, my kittens and hares! My favorites, sweet buns, bulk apples, colorful butterflies, balls, balls, cars and bows! My favorites! For your sake, your mother gets up early, early! Wake up and breathe. You are everything to me: sunrises and sunsets, day and night, good and bad, abrasions, joys, achievements, pride, satisfaction! I hope to see you brave, kind, sincere. Never forget your mom!

From the moment I became a mother, the real happiness for me is the smiles of my children. If you are next to me, do not get sick and do not be sad, then there are no problems in today. Everything else recedes into the background and becomes unimportant. I wish you, my good ones, that life be kind to you, and those around you are fair. Help people and appreciate friends and they will answer you the same!

Children grow up, parents grow old - this is an eternal truth, a law of nature, which no one living on earth can change ... I wish and ask God for only one thing: may my children never need anything. May they live to see that happy time when wars, economic problems, closed borders between countries, hunger and fear for the future of their loved ones will remain in the distant past!

In your own words

In an old Soviet song, it was proposed to give the children the globe, moreover, as a toy. Completely disagree with this proposal. Because my kids manage by the evening to break and disassemble everything that can break or be taken apart. Whether it's a keyboard, remote or new toys! It seems to me - give them free rein and they will even take apart their own house brick by brick during the day! Therefore, I wish my little engineers and builders to grow up as soon as possible and not to break, but to equip our common planet! They say that children are the flowers of life. So, I grew a whole flower bed in my family garden, four (two, three, five) wonderful flowers: one pink and three blue ones. Daughter and three sons. You give me clean air that I have been breathing deeply for many years! I wish you to always quench your thirst for life with a warm, refreshing rain of knowledge and joy! Be a decoration and happiness for any room and home! For many centuries people have been struggling with the question: what is happiness? Happiness - pieces of paper and apple cores scattered around the house, wallpaper painted with felt-tip pens, neatly cut with scissors, a heart on her husband's favorite shirt, an empty plate of porridge, juice in the refrigerator. Happiness is my children! Let wars and weather disasters bypass them, and each new day brings only joy and knowledge!

I wish this birthday
Forget worries and worries
And give in to joyful feelings,
And part with adversity!

I wish this birthday
Remember goals and aspirations
And they are easy to reach
From the big without turning the way!

I wish this birthday
Soar on the wings of pleasure
And so fly to heaven
Where is love and happiness!

I sincerely congratulate you today!
Let me give you a piece of the sun
I wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness on your birthday,
In love, how to sail through life in a ship!

Solve all problems with a smile
I wish you the strength to make all your dreams come true
Let the soul play a gentle violin
And I want to create, desire, love!

Let the birthday collect
Around all relatives and friends,
And every hour this holiday
It only gets more fun!

Let life shine like a rainbow
Shimmering and shining.
Let it pleasantly surprise
And only pleases you!

I wish you happy laughter
Happy and loving eyes
Good health, success,
Not somewhere else, but right now.

The sun shines especially today
Everyone will notice such a smile:
After all, the holiday has come to you - your birthday!
Gifts, surprises and congratulations!

Let only good people surround
And the soul will be full of happiness and joy.
May health never fail you
And to luck, fate seems to lead by the hand.

May you not have to stray through life,
Every day there is a reason to smile.
Let success become your new name
And no one will judge or deceive.

Let this day pass interestingly and brightly,
And your destiny is to swim in the ocean of gifts!
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of our hearts.
We don't know a better person!

On this glorious birthday holiday
I wish you a lot of light and goodness.
Happiness, laughter, joy, fun,
Sincere smiles and warmth.

May all undertakings succeed
Avoid adversity,
In your honor, all congratulations pour,
The heart is filled with love.

Live like in a fairy tale, obeying thoughts,
Set a goal and move forward.
Wisdom to find, find your meaning,
In life and in harmony, in love.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness, joy.
And a lot more love
Clear, bright head.

And of course mood
I wish without a doubt.
I wish friends
Have always been faithful.

From the bottom of my heart I want you
Bypassed the trouble.
So that success is always near,
And the energy is full of charge!

May what you dream come true
Let what you need come into life
Let no one guess
Your guarantee of success!

Let the path to the heights be easy,
And light every day of yours.
But I wish you health
Like a strong and steel castle!

You enjoy a wonderful day
Everything comes true today.
I want everything to go up
And may luck smile!

Let love reign in the soul
And disperses the blood in the heart.
Kindness, warmth and euphoria,
And so that loved ones love!

I wish you bright years
There are no people like you in the world.
Fantastic view from the balcony
Huge cash flow!

Let today be a holiday
The table is rich and salute.
Chicken with a crust on a platter,
The reason is here today!

Happy Birthday! Happy wonderful day!
Let life always be in full swing!
The mood will be great
And no problem.

A smile dances on the face,
And my heart is just heaven.
So what if it's a year older!
Smile, don't be sad.

May fate bestow upon you
Happiness, joy, success.
Don't let the years make you old
The house will be filled with laughter.

Miracles to be fulfilled
To always be lucky in everything.
Don't give up, smile
Troubles and enemies out of spite.

So that from the first time
It always worked out.
And health in the liver, in the kidneys!
Right now and forever!

What to wish you today -
I will not guess for a long time:
Let a smile, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
You will not be abandoned.
Success in life and work,
Reliable, faithful all friends.
To prosperity and health
And the joy of holiday lights
Always to keep pace with you
Good to have a road
And so that relatives, relatives
They were your support.

Family is a word that contains all the most dear, dear ... It is an integral cell of society, at the head of which for each person should be dad and mom, the people who gave him life.

Dear heart

Parents are people thanks to whom we are born into the world, learn, get on our feet and already give life to another person. Throughout our lives, they are our support and support in a variety of situations.

Whom, if not parents, to love, honor and respect? After all, how much time and effort they have invested in us, and now it is our turn to pay them reciprocity and respect. Not a single child should forget to send at least a simple postcard with warm wishes to their parents.

Joyful and bright moments of life

Each family has its own values, honors traditions. Many gather at the festive table on significant dates. One of these holidays is the New Year.

From the very appearance of this holiday in people's lives, it began to be considered a family holiday. warmth, care and reliability - it is with such wonderful manifestations of feelings that a person should enter the New Year.

Therefore, it is on this holiday that you need to express all love, gratitude, pick up wonderful wishes for parents. On New Year's Eve, everyone gives gifts and waits for a miracle, wishing relatives and friends all the very best. You can pick up a postcard with a ready-made congratulation or come up with it yourself.

Wishes to parents in prose

Prose will help to beautifully and sincerely congratulate the most beloved, dear people. You can choose a ready-made version or compose it yourself, investing in congratulations to your parents the most

Mankind has invented so many different words, but the most important of them is the word "parents"! If you pronounce it or hear it, each of us has images of the dearest people - dad and mom. This word is filled with pure, warm and bright feelings. I want to wish my parents a Happy New Year and once again thank you for everything you have done for me. For this beautiful world that was given to me. Thank you my family. Health to you strong and clear sky above your head!

Dear parents, dear and dear, how much time and effort you have spent to educate us and instill in us the best qualities! So let the coming New Year bring you new bright emotions and impressions! Stay always young and beautiful in your soul, but most importantly, support and love no matter what!

New Year is a family holiday, and now, sitting surrounded by the most dear people to me, I want to say again how much I love you. My golden dad and mom, live happily ever after, may the new year bring only joy to your life.

A poem would also be a good option.

Wishes to parents in verse

Mom and dad are important people

The best on this earth!

When you are with me, I know for sure

I can safely walk the earth!

Strong hands, dear heart,

You raised me to my feet!

Thank you family for your efforts

For your suffering in my name!

I will surround you with care and affection, golden ones,

Relatives, my beloved, forever!

Let all worries go away

They don't belong in your home.

And misfortune, and disease,

The hopelessness will go away.

And sure luck

Both health and peace

Fulfillment of dreams

Wonderful holiday, New Year,

Will bring to your doorstep!

Wishes to parents in your own words

If in the holiday commotion you did not have time to prepare beautiful poems for your relatives, you can always express congratulations in your own words. Sometimes they are more expensive than the longest selected verses.

On New Year's Eve, every person on earth believes in miracles. Another page has opened for us in life. And as always, we, your children, will do our best to fill it with the brightest colors, fulfill the most cherished desires, give love, care, affection. You are the best parents on earth. Good health, happiness, family good!

The smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines and sparkling champagne means that the New Year is on the threshold, a holiday of miracle and magic. May your wishes, made to the sound of chimes, be fulfilled. And the new 365 days will bring you health, happiness, good luck, love and kindness from relatives and friends.

Whatever the wishes of the parents, they should be filled with sincere love and gratitude. Appreciate your mom and dad and do not forget to congratulate them on the holidays!

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How can you pass on your experience to your children and grandchildren? How not to miss the moment when they stop asking funny childish questions and start thinking about important adult issues?

Yes, today grandparents do not often meet their grandchildren from school to feed them lunch or help with homework. Sometimes they don't see them every year. Grandchildren do not have time to ask questions, and adults do not have time to teach them everything they wanted. Everyone is trying to find their way out of the situation. A 96-year-old man decided to write a letter that only fell into his grandson's hands after his grandfather died. A small piece of paper and the inscription: “Read. Remember. Live."

1. This day will only come once. So light the candles, get out the napkins and put on nice clothes.

2. When you get sick, your job won't take care of you, but family and friends will.

3. Bury your past and say goodbye to it peacefully so that it does not appear one day and begin to hunt for you.

4. Save money for the things that are really important in your life.

5. Relationships that need to be kept secret are relationships that shouldn't exist at all.

6. Know that life can change in the blink of an eye.

7. Don't try to win every argument and be right every moment.

8. Breathe in. Relax. And calm your mind. That's the whole difference.

9. It's never too late to be happy.

10. Stop comparing your life to other people's lives. You don't know what their journey has been up to this point and how it will end.

11. Never give up on your dreams. If you really want it, don't take no for an answer.

12. Always promise less and deliver more.

13. The only person responsible for your happiness is yourself.

14. You don't have to forget everything. But you must forgive.

15. Life is sacred. So if you have a choice, always choose life.

16. Even if you have the right to go first, yield.

17. Don't take everything so seriously.

18. Time heals almost everything. Just give him time.

19. Sometimes a big part of success depends only on the ability to show oneself.

20. Your children will only be children once.

21. If we could throw our problems into a big communal cauldron with other people, we would immediately take them back.

22. Don't waste your time on jealousy.

23. Always remember that the best part of your life is still ahead.

24. Wake up, get up, get dressed and go out to people, no matter how you feel inside.

25. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your parents. Respect and love them - always.

26. Avoid drama and don't create it yourself.

27. The only thing that matters in the end is what you loved.

28. Growing up and getting old - such an alternative is much better than all the others.

29. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being seen crying.

30. It is useless to resist chocolate.

31. Life is not always fair, but this game is still worth the candle.

32. Life is not always presented to you in a festive wrapper with a bow, but it is still a gift.