26 weeks what the baby looks like. Mom's pain. Psychological and emotional state

26th week of pregnancy: fetal growth is 23 cm from the crown to the coccyx, about 33-35 cm from the top of the head to the heels. Weight reaches 850 g. The active development of the hearing of the fetus continues. It's a good habit for mom to check her blood pressure regularly. Carpal tunnel syndrome may occur.

Fetal development

Your baby is diligently reinforcing the achievements of the previous weeks. For example, he tries to open his eyes. The muscles of the eyelids are already sufficiently developed for this. The fetus may blink and squint. The ability to open and close the eyes is very useful after birth, especially in bright light. If the tiny muscles of the eyelids do not develop as they should, the child will not be able to fully control them after birth. Eyelid drooping usually requires surgery. So the new skill is very important for the fetus, although now it is in complete darkness.

For a long time, all auditory organs have been developing in the fetus. These are not only the outer ears, but also the eardrums, and tiny bones, as well as ligaments. At first, the loudest sounds simply cause vibrations: the baby hears, but does not recognize what is happening. Later, after the development of the cerebral cortex, the fetus begins to distinguish sound vibrations.

There are no objective medical studies of fetal hearing. But observations show that it is necessary to talk with a child even before birth. If mother, father and other relatives regularly speak aloud to the unborn baby, this will bring great benefits. Later, the newborn will hear many familiar sounds and will respond positively to them.

And this is what your bugger looks like

Gradually, there is a synchronization of the brain and motor activity of the fetus. This means that some movements are a response to external stimuli, and not just reflex movements. The baby can noticeably perk up if the mother listens to music, talks loudly, or is frightened of something.

At week 26, the strengthening of the bones of the skeleton and the formation of subcutaneous fat cells continue. The rudiments of the teeth inside the gums are almost completely mineralized. Increase and develop neural connections. Barely noticeably growing hair and nails. Gradually, the hormonal background is formed. The circumference of the head reaches about 20 cm. In boys, the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum is underway.

How is the fetus located at this time? As long as you like. Now it’s too early to worry about the position of the baby’s body.

Volume amniotic fluid, which surrounds the baby, is approximately 0.7 liters. The weight of the placenta is approximately 300 grams. The tiny heart counts 120-160 beats every minute. The fetal heartbeat can usually be heard by pressing the ear firmly against the mother's abdomen.

If a premature birth occurs now, it will be very difficult for the newborn to adapt. To save his life will require special medical equipment and the efforts of many physicians. According to doctors, the risk of early labor activity higher in summer. The reason is the dehydration of the body of a woman in the heat.

How's mom doing

It's been six lunar months your pregnancy is in its seventh. The second trimester is coming to an end. It is considered the calmest time when expecting a baby. At the twenty-sixth week, mom's feelings already show the approach of the most difficult and crucial period.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Now it seems to many women that the child under their heart is constantly moving. This is easy to explain: the fetus has grown, it becomes cramped. The uterus has grown so much that some of the baby's pushes are already felt under the ribs. But there are also calm children, everything is individual.

Your body is still gaining weight. In some women, only the stomach grows, in others the waist is completely lost, and the hips increase in volume. The chest has probably already grown by 1-2 sizes, but it may pour a little more. Normally, the total weight gain since the beginning of pregnancy can reach 9 kg. An increase in the size of the uterus often leads to shortness of breath when physical activity. Learn to walk so that your breath does not go astray.

Your tummy has grown so much that it does not allow you to bend over at all. This is especially noticeable during pregnancy with twins. Because of this, it is certainly very uncomfortable to put on shoes. IN warm time it is better to wear simple shoes or moccasins - they are easy to put on and take off. Wear boots, sneakers and other shoes with buckles and laces only while sitting.

Photo of tummies (click to enlarge)

A mucous plug gradually forms in the cervix. It literally clogs the entrance to the uterine cavity and protects it from infections and other negative impacts. Consolidation of mucus occurs completely unnoticed by a woman.

Vaginal discharge should still be moderate, without a pronounced color and smell. Report any deviation to the doctor.

Possible troubles and complications

Get into the habit of regularly measuring your blood pressure and recording the results. On early dates it is often low, and closer to the third trimester it can periodically increase. Arterial pressure - important indicator well-being of the pregnant woman. If it constantly deviates from the norm, it can lead to serious complications. The most severe is (preeclampsia), kidney disease (nephropathy), preeclampsia and eclampsia (syndromes that often threaten the life of mother and baby).

Another unpleasant sensation is lower back pain. They may have various reasons. The simplest explanation is the growth of the uterus, its pressure on the nerve nodes, plus the stretching of the internal ligaments. However, kidney problems are also often manifested by pain in the lumbar region.

For minor discomfort, there is a simple check. Accept warm bath, stay in it for a while in the most comfortable and relaxed position. If it becomes easier - you have the so-called physiological pain, it is not dangerous. Nothing has changed - see a doctor. This is especially important if discomfort occur on one side, the color of the urine has changed, or you already have kidney disease. Severe pain of any nature necessarily requires the help of doctors.

If you work a lot on the computer, play the piano, or do any other repetitive work with your hands, you may experience carpal tunnel syndrome. Often this is a consequence of constant swelling of the hands. The fluid that has stagnated in the connective tissues compresses the nerve fibers, which causes pain in the hands or only in the wrists. This problem can accompany you until the very birth and is not completely solved. However, you can ease the discomfort. Try to shake, stretch your hands more often, even if they are not swollen and tired. When sleeping, try to position yourself so that your hands do not drop down. In this case, you can avoid fluid stagnation and improve blood circulation.

In some cases, pregnant women experience bile stasis. If the problem is not solved, stones may form in gallbladder. First alarm signal- Pain under the ribs on the right. The exact diagnosis and methods of therapy are established by the doctor.

When to go to the doctor

If there aren't any anxiety symptoms, stick to the calendar of visits. Ultrasound at this time is prescribed according to special indications. For example, if you missed fixed time examinations. Most likely before a doctor's appointment antenatal clinic You will need to take a urine and blood test. The doctor writes out directions in advance, at the previous visit.

  1. Stick to a strict diet, try not to deviate from nutritional principles.
  2. The best food option is small portions. Never allow yourself to overeat, it overloads your body and one day will turn into excess weight.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids so you don't get thirsty.
  4. Avoid any problems with bowel movements, especially avoid constipation. Wash regularly to prevent hemorrhoids anus warm or cool water.
  5. Wear the most comfortable underwear, clothes and shoes. Throughout the day, you should not experience pressure, friction or other discomfort.
  6. If you don't already have prenatal bandage time to buy it.
  7. When age spots on the face, be patient and do not mask them with a layer of cosmetics. This is very harmful to your skin.
  8. Try to prevent stretch marks. It is advisable to rub the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks several times a day with special means.
  9. If you work or study, it's time to think about your loved ones maternity leave. For example, discuss with the employer the temporary transfer of your duties.
  10. If you have varicose veins in your legs, talk to your doctor about wearing compression stockings or socks.
  11. In case of slight swelling on the legs, regularly pour water of contrasting temperatures over them. Put your feet up when you lie down or sit.
  12. It is advisable not to sleep on the left side. Before going to bed, make yourself as comfortable as possible with a few small pillows.
  13. If cramps appear, rub the problem area until complete relief. Since cramps are often due to a lack of calcium and potassium, discuss dietary adjustments with your doctor.
  14. Do not forget about walking and special sports for pregnant women.
  15. Plan any business with a margin of time. You can't move fast right now. It is advisable to avoid public transport at rush hour.
  16. Don't stay still for a long time. Change body position, do small warm-ups at every opportunity.
  17. Record the time of training bouts. If they occur more than four times within an hour, there is a threat premature birth.

It is very important to carefully monitor your well-being. Do not dismiss problems, do not be lazy to go to the doctors. Very soon you will need a lot of strength to convey and give birth to a baby.

Well, are we growing? Yes, now the weight of the child is already more than 800 grams, and the body length is almost 33 cm. Such results were achieved largely thanks to the growth hormone that is produced in his body. Volume indicators are also increasing: the diameter of the head is now 65.1 mm, the tummy and breast are 67.4 mm and 65.8 mm.

It is interesting that the child distinguishes not only tastes, but also smells. And his hearing responds to different sounds. Moreover, it turns out that he reacts to low sounds better, faster. Loud and harsh sounds make him shrink. And only the calm pacifying state of the mother returns him to a serene state.

This week, in fact, lays the foundation for the very teeth that will grow in him after the milk ones. Bone and muscular system the child is already fully developed, so sometimes his movements are quite noticeable. You still need to count their number to know for sure that his condition is normal.

Even those of us who consider ourselves an incorrigible workaholic by the 26th week are mentally ready to put aside our affairs in order to focus on the most important thing. Understanding this, colleagues try to spare you. You are more focused on your condition and upcoming motherhood.

Understand your condition and family members. You already do the usual household chores with difficulty, you often need breaks. The tummy is getting bigger every day and sometimes you feel terribly clumsy and lazy. I would like to rest. It's not better to lie down though. One way or another, the baby is a concern. Movement during pregnancy is life. When you're busy, time goes by faster.

The fundus of the uterus has already risen by 26 cm. Pulling sensations have already become familiar, although sometimes the activity of the baby responds with pressure and spasms in the liver. At this time, stagnation of bile may occur, so you should avoid fried, salted and smoked, so as not to aggravate the situation. When the baby is active, you may feel pressure in the lower part of the uterus. If at the same time there are watery discharge and the cervix is ​​ajar, which your gynecologist will inform you about, you will need to undergo treatment. Because it can be the cause of infection in the uterus and in the fetal membranes. In critical situations, it is possible to save the pregnancy in an operative way - by applying a suture to the cervix.

Some women are very difficult to endure the second half of pregnancy. They complain of swelling high pressure and other signs late toxicosis. These symptoms often occur with excess weight. To avoid complications, they are offered to spend this period under medical supervision. And often this is not superfluous.

26th week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

At this time, the appearance of whites requires a careful examination. They may be purulent or mucous and indicate that there is an infection in the vagina. That is why, upon examination, the doctor necessarily takes an analysis of the microflora and offers a treatment that will help avoid further infection of the fetus. After all, such infections can lead to intrauterine diseases of the child.

Blood in secretions is always a reason to seek emergency care. At this time, this may be a symptom of the threat of premature birth. If you notice a leak amniotic fluid, but in general you feel fine, do not delay a visit to the doctor.

26th week of pregnancy: nutrition for a pregnant woman

Probably, over the past few months, for all your consciousness, you simply can’t stand talking about proper nutrition. So you want to relax and eat what you love. Be it a cake, a cake or a glass of dry wine. Of course, you should not look for vitamins in confectionery, but if your mood improves from a piece of cake, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Chocolate, especially black, is even useful in this sense - it contains magnesium. The main thing is that these products are only nice addition to your healthy diet.

26th week of pregnancy: preparation for childbirth

Yes, sometimes it’s good to take at least a short break. Even if you are accustomed to treat any business responsibly. Then you will have the strength for a new breakthrough. Some parents at this time are fond of studying various techniques births, including partnerships. Reading books about early development children. In a word, they are trying to prepare for the birth of the baby with all their might.
If you trust the father of the child, let him watch your baby with you, perhaps go to courses together.

The most ironic fathers will not be able to resist the opportunity to support you during pregnancy. Again, now even the fashion for exemplary fathers. Now no one is surprised when he sees young father with a stroller or before that, together with his wife at the school of future parents. This will brighten up the expectation and strengthen your relationship. And this is just as important not only for yourself, but also for the future member of your family.

By the way, it is better to sign up in advance for the most fashionable and popular courses for future parents. Because it is desirable to attend such classes for up to seven months.

Perhaps one of the women believes that when you are pregnant, it is inappropriate to think about beauty. But in vain. A beautiful well-groomed mother feels much better herself, and her husband, looking at her, will not avoid joint family events. So just as you take care of yourself for your child, take care of yourself for yourself and your husband. After all, pregnancy is not a disease, there is no need to look worse. Good mood won't hurt anyone.

Now you can see the face of the baby in the picture. It turns out that by this time the baby is already trying to open his eyes. Their color has already been determined. There are eyelashes and eyebrows. His body weight reaches 970 grams, and his height is almost 40 cm. At each ultrasound examination, the doctor measures the volume of the fetal head, examines his brain. Already now all its departments, vessels, cerebellum are visible.

On 26 obstetric week pregnancy the first two trimesters of pregnancy are left behind, only a third is left, and now you are already at the “finish line”. The belly is getting bigger and bigger. You get fat because the baby grows, the uterus and placenta increase.

It became more difficult to manage household chores, bend over and squat. There are ailments such as: back pain, leg cramps, pressure in the bladder. Do not worry, for this period these are normal physiological sensations.

Fetal size and development at 26 weeks gestation

At 26 weeks pregnant, your baby is developing very actively:

  • fruit weight - 770-900 grams;
  • height - 33-34 centimeters.

position in the uterus- pelvic and head. This is due to the fact that there is now enough space to turn around. But this is no cause for concern.

pelvic position at the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy is considered normal up to 32 weeks. The baby lies with the pelvis to the birth canal, which during childbirth can cause some complications. If by the time of their onset the child has not changed position, or if transverse position- obstetricians offer to do a caesarean section.

You can try it yourself determine the position of the child. Relax completely, lie down in comfortable posture, better on the back. Feel the tummy with smooth movements, without pressing. If you felt strong jolts, these are the baby's legs, if smooth movements, these are the arms. So you can understand where the baby's head is.

Formation of the organs and body of the child:

  • At 26 weeks, the diameter of the baby's head increases - up to 65 mm, chest- up to 66 mm, tummy - up to 68 mm.
  • The color of the baby's skin has changed somewhat. The skin is slightly wrinkled, but will become smooth a few weeks before delivery.
  • The baby's face becomes more defined: the eyebrows, nose, ears and neck become clearly visible.
  • Small folds appear on the elbows, the arms and legs of the baby are strengthened.
  • The normal heartbeat of the baby is no more than 160 beats / min.

In a state of sleep it is about 20 hours a day, and then you feel its activity very well.

In a male fetus, this week, the testicles are already starting to descend into the scrotum. It happens that they can fall after childbirth, in the process of delay in abdominal cavity, but this does not affect the further reproductive function.

At 26 weeks, the baby develops rudiments of milk teeth.

Baby skills:

  • The child begins to open his eyes more often.
  • He already sees very well, feels the position and proportions of his body.
  • Distinguishes tastes and even smells.
  • The formation of the inner ear has ended and now it hears sounds.

It is considered normal physical activity baby for a period of 26 weeks - 250 movements per day, that is, on average - 10 times per hour.

Sometimes, towards the end of the 26th week, you can feel strange fetal movements, tapping, rhythmic twitching. This ! Do not worry, the baby is completely healthy and does not experience any discomfort. Accurate the answer to why the baby hiccups is not.

According to some studies, the conclusions are different - that the baby hiccups when amniotic fluid accidentally enters the oral cavity, or that the baby thus purposefully develops the lungs and diaphragm, and also develops swallowing skills. In any case, if the "hiccups" do not subside in any way, try changing the position of the body, lie on your side, cover your tummy, or just gently stroke it.

If you have multiple pregnancy - twins, then this is both a great happiness and an additional reason to be observed by specialists to exclude various complications. At the 26th week of pregnancy, the twins should reach a weight of about 800 grams - this indicates proper growth and development. If the weight is below this norm, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude developmental delay.

What happens to mom at 26 weeks

Pregnancy is in full swing. Just a little more, and you can put your baby to your chest, hug and kiss him.

Condition of the abdomen and uterus

The tummy is already clearly visible under the clothes. It has significantly increased the fat layer. So the mother's body tries to protect the fetus from hypothermia and various damage. Above you can see a photo of the tummies at 26 weeks pregnant.

The uterus has risen 3 fingers above the navel and 26 cm above the pubic joint and continues to rise every week by 1 cm. Now doctors need to measure its size, tone and general state. about the tone of the uterus ...

It can put pressure on the stomach and partially interfere with normal blood flow. Therefore, there may be an unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth Don't worry, it's within the normal range.

Very often, due to an enlarged belly, mommy experiences certain trouble sleeping. It is already impossible to sleep on the stomach and therefore, it is necessary to choose the most optimal posture for sleep. The most comfortable and correct position will be considered to be on the left side with a slightly bent leg at the knee. Also, to relieve the load from the legs and back, it is recommended to put pillows under the legs and lower back during rest.

Weight of the expectant mother

Psychological and emotional state

The beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy is associated with changes not only physical, but also psychological. Most often, during this period, there is change of mood. This is due to the change hormonal background mothers. It is practically uncontrollable, but it is still worth trying to explain this condition to the spouse and relatives. Remove all kinds of irritants around you and surround yourself with positive emotions.

If you have got distraction, which is also explained hormonal changes, write yourself little notes or reminders. So that pregnancy fatigue does not overcome you - be distracted and find positive sides this state!

Many mothers experience some fear of childbirth. It's all about the unknown. In this case, read the special literature, talk to your doctor.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 26th week of pregnancy

At the 26th week of pregnancy, there is a scheduled consultation with gynecologist in order to measure pressure, determine the circumference of the abdomen and listen to the fetal heartbeat. It is also necessary to submit blood and urine tests, check .

It is oligohydramnios, during this period of pregnancy, that is considered a dangerous and unfavorable diagnosis, which entails:

  • complications in the development of the fetus (hypotrophy);
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage);
  • complicates the further process of childbirth;
  • leads to fetal death.

If the diagnosis is confirmed the woman is hospitalized to find out the reason. Usually reduce motor activity And physical exercise moms, appoint and obligatory proper nutrition. The most important - do not self-medicate.

Mom's diet, skin care and exercise at 26 weeks pregnant

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

Your child is growing rapidly and, accordingly, your intake should increase to 2000-2200 kcal per day. This does not mean that you need to eat twice as much. Just your diet should be varied and balanced: proteins, vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates.

The special need of the child during this period is in proteins. It is found in meat, milk, fish, nuts and other foods. It is very useful to drink simple clean water and natural juices.

Certain foods should be eliminated from the diet limit their intake:

  • smoked;
  • acute;
  • salty;
  • preservatives and semi-finished products;
  • purchased juices (it is better to replace with natural ones);
  • alcohol.

Carefully monitor the amount of fluid consumed, as the load on the kidneys is now already increased.

Exercise at 26 weeks

Pregnancy is not a disease! Therefore, a pregnant woman is required. Of course heavy physical exercise not worth doing, but doing gymnastics is necessary.

First, this breathing exercises:

  • inhale through the nose, hands on the ribs, exhale slowly through the mouth;
  • one hand on the ribs, the other on the stomach: inhale quickly through the nose, hold the breath for 1 second, and exhale through the mouth. This is called diaphragmatic breathing.

Then, positional exercises:

  • exercise "kitty": on all fours, first round the back, head down, and then head up, and bend the back. This exercise is very useful and you can do it at any month of pregnancy.
  • sit on the floor, put your hands behind your back and lean back on the floor. Move ahead of you left hand to the right with a turn of the body and vice versa. So you need to do 3-4 repetitions.

In addition, it is necessary hiking and swimming. Most importantly, before starting classes, consult your doctor.

Skin condition at 26 weeks

Pregnancy "tests the strength" of the entire body of a woman. Skin is no exception. During this period, it may become more thin and sensitive. This is due to hormonal changes.

  • Choose moisturizing and cleansing skin care products without alcohol base. Better than trusted brands and suitable for the skin in its current state.
  • Don't go out in the sun without putting on sunscreen with at least SPF-15.

Also, at 26 weeks appear stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs. In this case, you need to use products for pregnant women, moisturizing the skin and making it supple. Or you can use olive oil or butter.

Sexual relations at 26 weeks

If there are no contraindications from doctors, then at the 26th week of pregnancy it is considered not only permitted, but necessary and useful.

This is explained by the fact that a woman always experiences the pleasure of sex this month, which has a very positive effect on the condition of the baby: the placenta begins to function even more actively, and the hormone of happiness produced, endorphin, goes to the baby.

The only thing when choosing poses is to exclude those that put pressure on the stomach.

Conversation with the baby, what kind of music can be played to him

At week 26, the baby clearly hears you. He responds easily to sounds. Most of all, he distinguishes low sounds, so his father's voice will be very pleasant to him now.

Talk to him, read fairy tales, joke! He will be very active in this response.

Let's listen to him light music, classical. You will understand what kind of music your baby likes. Sing lullabies to him. All this will have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background of the child.

Make the most of this time for yourself and your child:

  • stroke the tummy and talk to the baby;
  • if there is back pain, use a special bandage;
  • monitor your discharge and blood pressure - call your doctor immediately if it occurs;
  • walk on fresh air, eat fruit and more positive thoughts;
  • It will not be superfluous to attend courses for expectant mothers.

Video about the 26th week of pregnancy

We invite you to watch a video about how your baby is developing. This video will give you confidence that you are doing everything right.

26 weeks continues the seventh month of pregnancy. Pregnancy is slowly reaching the “finish line”. The first two trimesters are left behind, and now the woman is waiting for the last three months of anxious waiting for a meeting with her already beloved baby. And the 26th week of pregnancy becomes the second week of the third trimester, which "opens" the seventh month of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 26 weeks pregnant

At normal course pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is usually prescribed no more than three times during the entire period of bearing a baby. And it is possible that the second planned ultrasound will be scheduled for the woman just at the 26th week of pregnancy. At this time, with the help of an ultrasound examination, the doctor will most likely inform future parents about the birth of a baby of which gender they should slowly prepare for.

And yet, the main purpose of ultrasound at the 26th week of pregnancy is the ability to assess the degree of fetal development in order to exclude heart defects, urinary tract, skeleton, and genital organs. In addition, ultrasound at 26 weeks of gestation eliminates the likelihood of malformations. nervous system, assess the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, examine the place of attachment of the placenta, as well as its condition.


In addition to ultrasound, expectant mother other tests may be ordered at 26 weeks of gestation. IN without fail- Urinalysis and clinical blood analysis. Urine tests will allow you to assess how well the organs of the urinary system cope with the increased load on them, and whether a latent inflammatory process is inherent in pregnancy.

A clinical blood test will be needed to determine the level of glucose in the mother's body and to exclude the likelihood of developing diabetes in pregnant women. Diabetes mellitus, although not as common (in mild form occurs among 2% of pregnant women), still requires mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist: an excess of glucose in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to a set excess weight baby, to a significant decrease blood pressure. It is possible to correct the level of sugar in the blood with the help of special diet compiled by an endocrinologist, which will have to be followed until childbirth.

In addition, tests at the 26th week of pregnancy will show how much hemoglobin is present in the mother's body, and whether there is a threat of development (or even the presence) of iron deficiency anemia. Again, if the tests indicate abnormal levels of iron, it is necessary not only to adjust the diet towards iron-containing foods, but also, possibly, resort to the use of iron-containing supplements.


Monitoring the condition of a pregnant woman for a period of 7 months of pregnancy is necessary: ​​the time of the baby's birth is getting closer, which means that it is necessary to carefully monitor any changes in the mother's body. And these changes are increasingly making themselves felt - for example, the uterus at 26 weeks of pregnancy has time to increase to an impressive size.

So, now the uterus reaches 24 cm in height and 16 cm in width, the uterus is located at 26 weeks of pregnancy at a distance of 6 cm above the navel and at a height of 26 cm above the pubis. Furthermore- every week the uterus rises more and more: weekly by 1 cm. And, as it increases, the uterus begins to put pressure on the abdominal organs, which explains the swelling, heartburn, and constipation characteristic of the third trimester of pregnancy.

At the same time, the cervical canal of the uterus is gradually filled with a thick mucous plug - it will leave at the moment when the baby is destined to be born, and will become one of the symptoms of the onset of childbirth. In the meantime, the uterus at 26 weeks of pregnancy for childbirth can even “prepare”, contracting irregularly and painlessly. Periodic contractions that do not cause mommy severe pain are called training contractions, or Breston-Higins contractions. They do not pose any threat to pregnancy and the baby, if they are not accompanied severe pain, watery discharge and do not differ in regularity. But in the case when the uterus begins to contract at 26 weeks with a special frequency, the contractions are painful, and besides, watery discharge is also observed (which, most likely, is amniotic fluid), a doctor should be called urgently.

Discharge at 26 weeks pregnant

By the way, with the formation of a mucous plug that closes the cervical canal of the uterus, an increase in discharge at this stage of pregnancy may be associated. Normally, the discharge should be moderate, have a light or whitish color and a uniform consistency.

The reason for the mandatory and prompt visit to the doctor is the appearance of green, purulent or mucous, curdled discharge, which indicates the development of an infection. Usually, such discharge is also accompanied by tangible discomfort - itching and burning sensation in the genitals. Treatment when an infection occurs is required without fail, otherwise infection may occur. membranes and infection of the fetus, which has an extremely negative effect on its growth and development.

It is also urgent to call an ambulance team in case of bleeding, accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Such signs indicate detachment of a normally located placenta or its presentation. Suspicion should also be caused by abundant watery discharge at the 26th week of pregnancy - such symptoms are typical for leakage of amniotic fluid. Sometimes amniotic fluid can be poured out in small portions, while the watery discharge at the 26th week of pregnancy is moderate and not accompanied by any special symptoms. However, even the appearance of slight watery discharge should alert a woman and become a significant reason for an additional consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.


As the uterus grows, the stomach also increases - the stomach at the 26th week of pregnancy is already clearly rounded, rises and bulges forward. With the growth of the abdomen, the appearance of characteristic stripes on it is associated, which, with improper care of the skin of the abdomen, will turn into stretch marks after childbirth. It is possible to prevent their appearance by using special moisturizers and gels for stretch marks for pregnancy. By the way, for the same purpose, it is quite possible to use an ordinary heated vegetable oil- olive or almond. Remedies for stretch marks should be regularly rubbed into the skin of the abdomen, and in parallel - the chest and thighs - 1-2 times a day after water procedures.

With an increase in the abdomen, mommy also experiences certain inconveniences with sleep. So, it is no longer possible to sleep on the stomach, therefore, you will have to choose the most optimal position for sleeping. It is believed that this will be the pose, lying on the left side with a slightly bent leg at the knee. By the way, to relieve the load from the legs and back, it is also advisable to put pillows under the legs and lower back during rest.


The fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy has already acquired those individual features that in the future will be inherent in him and only him. So, the baby’s eyebrows, eyelashes are already in “their places”, ears have also taken shape, which even protrude a little from the head. At this time, the structures of the inner ear have almost finished forming - the baby now has a sensitive ear, and listens not only to the beat mother's heart and rumbling of the intestines, but also to sounds from outside. At the same time, the baby’s eyes are also slowly opening, which means that sharp loud sounds and bright light sources should be avoided if possible. Instead, you should now sing lullabies to the baby, read fairy tales and put on classical music: it is believed that the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy is able to distinguish between mother's and father's voice, and communication with parents has a beneficial effect on its further development.

The bone tissue of the crumb continues to strengthen at this time, the rudiments of milk and molars have already been formed, and the rudiments of permanent teeth gradually become ossified. The fetal respiratory system is finishing to improve: the lungs take their final shape and take their “placed” place - the baby is now ready to breathe as soon as he leaves his mother’s tummy.

Slowly changes color and the baby's skin begins to smooth out. It is still somewhat wrinkled from being in the aquatic environment (it will smooth out a few weeks before the birth), but the baby's arms and legs are gradually rounded, and folds form in the elbow area.

The baby's brain, in turn, already performed unusually important task: its connection with the adrenal cortex is being debugged. Which eventually leads to the production of its own growth hormone by the pituitary gland, as well as some other hormones.

If we talk about the parameters that distinguish the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy: its weight is approximately 750 g, and its height can exceed 35.5 cm. The baby is enough a large number of spends time in a state of sleep - from 16 to 20 hours; the rest of the time it moves and moves. And, since there are fewer and fewer places for the activity of the baby, his movements can already be observed by others.

Feelings at 26 weeks pregnant

Yes, yes, the sensations at the 26th week of pregnancy from the movements of the baby are already so strong that even household members can “feel” the baby in the mother’s tummy - simply by placing their palm on the pregnant woman’s stomach. Moreover, by putting your ear to the mother's belly, you can even hear how the baby's tiny heart beats.

The periods of activity and calmness of the crumbs necessarily alternate, and in each individual case the rhythm of their alternation will be individual. If one mother’s baby is restless, often and persistently makes itself felt, then the other baby, still in the tummy, is calm and “unobtrusive”. Even before birth, children behave differently, and often later, as they grow older, their temperament, “fixed” back in the period prenatal development, only confirmed.

Sometimes mommy can get pretty worried, not feeling the baby's movements for some time. However, this can happen due to the fact that during the day a woman is busy with a lot of things related, among other things, to upcoming birth. In the turmoil, a pregnant woman simply may not feel the baby's movements, "miss" them, in this case it is enough just to lie on her side and listen to the sensations. The fact is that the baby often begins to “spin” just when mommy lies down to rest - some women even complain that they can’t sleep at night due to the baby’s excessive activity. If, nevertheless, anxiety does not let go, you can simply additionally consult a doctor and listen to the baby's heartbeat. Frequent knock little heart finally convince mom that everything is going on as usual and the baby is growing safely in the tummy, preparing to meet the new world.


Since the uterus has already increased quite significantly, and the space in the baby's tummy is getting smaller and smaller, pushing it can already cause some pain at the 26th week of pregnancy. They are usually given with sharp painful sensations under the ribs, in the lower abdomen. Such pains at the 26th week of pregnancy are also associated with the action of hormones that soften the ligaments and joints, with the pressure of the grown uterus on internal organs abdominal cavity. You can reduce them by taking lying position on the side - this way you can ease the pressure on the organs and give the body a little rest from the load.

Also at this time, headaches, cramps in the legs, caused by an increased load on them, may continue. Again, the main "doctor" in this case is rest: the legs must be regularly unloaded - lie down more often, substituting pillows under the legs and raising them a little. And to cope with headaches, resting in a cool and darkened, well-ventilated room.

It is not uncommon for women to complain of pain at the 26th week of pregnancy in the back and lower back. This is the result of the action of the same hormones that soften the ligaments and joints, and even the result of a gradual shift in the center of gravity. The way out is the regular “unloading” of the back, the rejection of heels, the use of yoga exercises or gymnastics for pregnant women, aimed at strengthening the back muscles and acquiring a supportive bandage.


Pain that occurs in the back and lower back, and pain in general, is largely associated with ever-increasing weight. So, the weight at the 26th week of pregnancy can already be plus 7-10 kg. Weight should continue to be carefully controlled and be sure to monitor the increase: ideally, it should be 300-500 g every week. Since the appetite is now usually excellent, it is advisable not to deviate from the previously compiled diet and not to eat more than necessary. Yes, and nutrition should be given some attention - choosing healthy and nutritious foods that will bring the greatest benefit.

Nutrition at 26 weeks pregnant

Nutrition at the 26th week of pregnancy, of course, should be complete and satisfy the baby's need for nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to limit the consumption of allergenic products, which are chocolate and cocoa, honey, berries and fruits of bright red and orange color, milk, eggs. But this does not mean at all that they should be completely abandoned: if mommy’s allergies are not diagnosed, in small quantities such products are not at all contraindicated, only they should be consumed moderately.

Naturally, from all sorts of "excesses" in the form harmful products by the type of smoked meats, fried foods, fast food, sweet sparkling water, marinades, it was advisable to refuse even at the moment when the pregnancy became known. You should not indulge in such food even now, leaving it to your “non-pregnant” friends. Instead, it is advisable to steam, bake or boil dishes - and, moreover, with a minimum amount of salt. Salt, as you know, has the ability to retain water in the body, and this is fraught with the development of edema. It is also advisable not to be zealous with sweets, confectionery: simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and contribute to rapid weight gain - not only in mommy, but also in the fetus. In addition, fast-digesting carbohydrates significantly increase blood glucose levels, which can be a catalyst for the development of diabetes in pregnant women, and in the future - and diabetes at the baby.


A very pleasant fact is that sex at the 26th week of pregnancy is not only allowed, but even considered useful. This fact is explained by the fact that a woman almost always experiences the pleasure of sex at such times: the blood supply to the genital organs is increased, which increases their sensitivity, and at the same time, the orgasmic sensations of a pregnant woman. The orgasm experienced by the mother also has a beneficial effect on the baby: the placenta functions more actively, and the hormone of happiness produced in the body of a woman, endorphin, brings joy to the baby.

If there aren't any special instructions doctor about intimacy, and mommy feels good, sex at the 26th week of pregnancy is even welcome. The only thing: when practicing sex, you need to choose positions that exclude pressure on the stomach. There are plenty of such poses, which means intimate life spouses, despite pregnancy, can be very diverse.

The child's eyes are fully developed. The child tries to open his eyes, but cannot open them completely. The color of his eyes is already determined, but over the years it may change. Taste buds on the tongue allow the child to taste food, research by doctors has shown that the child prefers sweet foods over smoky or bitter ones.

The layer of adipose tissue stops growing, but this is enough for the child. Eyelashes and eyebrows grow, on ultrasound you can see the bend of the eyebrows. The baby still reacts to changes in the external environment, try to relax him with calm music or a gentle voice.

How is the baby located at 26 weeks of pregnancy? This fact depends on several parameters. The weight of the child has increased to about 850 grams, so his movements are felt stronger than before. The woman clearly feels pain in her back and ribs. To smooth out pain - buy a mattress for pregnant women, consult your doctor before buying. Try to sleep on your side, otherwise you will clearly feel all the blows of the child.

26 weeks pregnant - how many months is that?

Week 26 of pregnancy is the second week of the third trimester or the second week of the seventh month. The first two trimesters are already over, the expectant mother has already, so to speak, reached the “finish line” and is looking forward to the appearance of her baby.

Ultrasound and tests at 26 weeks of gestation

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then an ultrasound examination is prescribed no more than three times for the entire period of bearing a baby. The gynecologist usually prescribes the second planned ultrasound for the 26th week. The main purpose of which is to assess the degree of fetal development, exclude malformations and pathologies in the development of the heart, urinary tract, genital organs, skeleton, as well as exclude the likelihood of developing malformations of the nervous system, study the state of the placenta and its place of attachment, assess the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid . (26 weeks pregnant is shown in the photo and video below)

At the request of the future parents, the doctor is already very likely to say the sex of the baby. Except ultrasound, at 26 weeks of pregnancy, other tests may be prescribed. Mandatory of which are: a clinical blood test and a urine test. By using clinical analysis blood determine the level of glucose in the body of the future mother to exclude the development of diabetes.

Mild gestational diabetes occurs in 2% of pregnant women. The disease is not very common, but in any case it requires consultation with an endocrinologist, because an excess of glucose in the mother's body can lead to a baby gaining weight and lowering blood pressure. Correction of blood sugar levels is carried out with the help of a special diet that must be maintained until childbirth. In addition, a blood test allows you to determine the hemoglobin content in the body of a pregnant woman and determine whether Iron-deficiency anemia. And if the tests show any deviations from the norm, the doctor corrects the mother's diet in favor of iron-containing foods or prescribes iron-containing drugs.

Urinalysis shows the number of leukocytes and protein in the blood, which allows you to determine the presence of a latent inflammatory process, and how effectively the urinary system copes with the increased load.

Condition of the uterus at 26 weeks

Soon your baby will be born, which means that you need to monitor every change in the body more carefully. For example, the uterus at the 26th week of pregnancy increases to an impressive size: it reaches 16 cm in width and 24 cm in height and is located at a height of 26 cm from pubic area 6 cm above the navel. Each subsequent week, the uterus will rise 1 cm higher and, as it increases, it will begin to put pressure on all the organs located in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the period of the third trimester is characterized by heartburn, bloating and constipation.

Photo ultrasound at 26 weeks

The cervical canal of the uterus is filled with a mucous plug, which will begin to move away at the moment when the baby decides to be born and is a kind of indicator that indicates the onset of labor. At 26 weeks, intermittent contractions may appear, which doctors call training contractions or Breston-Higins contractions. Such contractions do not have strong painful sensations and are irregular. In this way, the uterus prepares for childbirth and neither the baby nor the mother is threatened by training contractions. But if at 26 weeks the uterus begins to contract with a special frequency, with severe pain, watery discharge, you must urgently call a doctor.

An increase in discharge during this period of pregnancy may be a consequence of the formation of a mucous plug. If the discharge is moderate, light or white color with a homogeneous consistency, then you should not worry, such discharge at the 26th week of pregnancy is the norm. But if purulent, green or curdled discharge- follows in as soon as possible see a doctor. Such characteristic discharge is often accompanied by itching, burning sensation in the genitals and indicate the development of an infection. In case of infectious disease the expectant mother must necessarily undergo treatment, since infection of the fetal membranes and infection of the fetus itself is possible, which negatively affects the development and growth of the fetus.

In case of bleeding, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance. Bloody issues, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, may be harbingers and signs of detachment of the placenta previa or its normal location. Suspicion in a pregnant woman should also cause watery discharge, which is a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. Even if the leakage occurs in small portions, is moderate and not accompanied by special symptoms, the expectant mother should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist about this.

Belly change at 26 weeks

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the stomach is rounded, rises and begins to bulge forward. As the abdomen grows, stripes appear on it, which turn into stretch marks after childbirth. Stretch marks can be prevented by proper care behind the skin of the abdomen. Today there are many special creams and gels vs. The selected agent should be rubbed 1-2 times a day after taking water procedures in the abdomen, thighs and parallel to the chest. You can also try using heated olive or vegetable oil.

Photo of tummies at 26 weeks

Fetal development at 26 weeks gestation

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus already has individual features that can be seen in the photo of the baby above. Eyelashes and eyebrows have already formed and are in place.

The ears are also formed and protrude slightly from the head. At this time, the formation of the structure of the inner ear is in the final phase, so the baby is already sensitive to hearing and can listen to sounds from the outside. Your baby's eyes are starting to open slowly, so try to avoid bright light sources. It is better to sing lullabies to your baby, read fairy tales, put on classical music, talk. After all, it is believed that the fetus already knows how to distinguish between mother's and father's voice, and joint communication the baby with his parents has a beneficial effect on his development and perception of the world after his birth. The respiratory system also completes its formation: the lungs take their place and take their final shape. The bone tissue continues to strengthen, the rudiments of permanent teeth ossify. And the rudiments of molars and milk teeth have already formed. The skin of the baby gradually begins to change color and smooth out.

The arms and legs are rounded, folds are formed on the elbows. The baby's heart beats at a frequency of 125 - 160 beats per minute. Blood circulation occurs through the placenta, where it is saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Then, through the umbilical vein, blood enters the baby's body. The brain of a baby at 26 weeks of gestation performs an unusually important task: a connection is established with the adrenal cortex. This means that the pituitary gland will already be able to produce its own growth hormone and some other hormones. The 26th week of pregnancy is the time when the fetus weighs approximately 750 g and has a height of 35.5 cm. Basically, the baby is in a state of sleep (from 16 to 20 hours), and at the time of wakefulness, it actively stirs and moves.

Fetal arrhythmia

If you notice that your baby's heart is beating unevenly or its rhythm is disturbed, don't worry - this happens quite often. This phenomenon is called fetal arrhythmia. The reason for the uneven heartbeat is due to the fact that the baby's heart is constantly growing and developing. As soon as the heart is fully formed, the arrhythmia will pass. You can contact a perinatologist or an ultrasound specialist who will help and advise on this phenomenon. If the arrhythmia is still diagnosed before childbirth, then ask that the baby's heartbeat be monitored during labor. If the arrhythmia was fixed during childbirth, insist on the presence of a pediatrician who will accept everything necessary measures if there are complications.


The sensations from moving the baby at 26 weeks are already so strong that even household members can “feel” them. To do this, you just need to put your hand on your tummy future mother. And if you put your ear to the tummy, you can hear the beating of a tiny heart.

The activity and period of calmness of the fetus is purely individual character. Some children persistently make themselves felt, constantly pushing their mother in the stomach, others are calm. And it is not uncommon that after the birth and as the baby grows older, his temperament, recorded even in the period of intrauterine development, is only confirmed. It happens that the expectant mother does not feel the baby's movements during certain period. This can happen due to busyness throughout the day and a lot of things. Therefore, do not immediately panic, but simply lie on your side and listen to your feelings. But if, nevertheless, the feeling of excitement and anxiety does not let go, consult a doctor to listen to your baby's heartbeat in order to be 100% sure of successful development baby.

Pain at 26 weeks pregnant

The first cause of pain may be the baby's tremors, because every day it becomes more and more crowded in his mother's tummy. The 26th week of pregnancy is a period when there are pains under the ribs and in the lower abdomen, associated with the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the internal organs, as well as with the action of hormones aimed at softening the joints and ligaments. Decrease pain You can take a supine position on your side. In this position, the pressure of the uterus on the organs becomes less, and the body can take a break from the load. The period of the third trimester is accompanied by frequent headaches and cramps in the legs. And again, the main savior is rest. To relieve the load from the legs, it is necessary to lie down more often during the day, while placing a pillow under the legs. But in order to cope with a headache, just make it a rule to rest in a cool, ventilated room with dim lighting. At 26 weeks pregnant, many women complain that their back or lower back hurts. Pain in these places may be the result of a gradual shift in the center of gravity, as well as the action of hormones that soften the joints and ligaments. The only way out is to unload the back. You should get rid of heels, do gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women and buy a supportive bandage.

Weight at 26 weeks

Pain can also be associated with ever-increasing weight. During the entire pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor weight gain: every week, mommy should gain 300 - 500 g. Since the appetite in the second trimester is excellent, by the 26th week of pregnancy, the weight can already correspond to plus 7 - 10 kg. Therefore, try to eat only wholesome and healthy food, without deviating from the compiled diet.

Proper nutrition

The nutrition of the expectant mother at the 26th week of pregnancy is aimed at providing the baby necessary quantity vitamins, minerals and of course nutrients, and therefore should be complete and correct. First of all, you should limit yourself in the consumption of products - allergens: cocoa, chocolate, honey, milk, eggs, fruits and berries of orange and red color. The group of forbidden foods includes fried foods, soda, fast food, smoked meats. These products should be discarded at the moment when the pregnancy became known.

It is advisable to bake, boil or steam all the dishes included in the diet, adding minimal amount salt. Everyone knows that salt retains water in the body, provoking the development of edema. Sweets, confectionery products contribute to rapid weight gain, both in the expectant mother and in the fetus. In addition, all sweets are simple carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed and increase glucose levels to a large extent. Enhanced Level glucose in the blood of a pregnant woman can be a catalyst for the development of diabetes in a pregnant woman, and in the future, diabetes in a baby. Therefore, it is worth consuming any kind of sweets in moderation. Remember that the right one is very important!


The breast is rapidly increasing in size. You should start preparing the nipples for the upcoming breastfeeding. To do this, you need to follow simple procedures: reception air baths, wiping the breasts with cool water, and the nipples with a hard towel (just do not overdo it so as not to cause uterine contractions).

Sex at 26 weeks pregnant

If there are no contraindications from the doctor, mom feels good, then having sex at 26 weeks of pregnancy is even welcome. This is explained by the fact that at these times a woman almost always experiences an orgasm, because the sensitivity of the genital organs is increased due to active blood supply, which means that orgasmic sensations are much higher than before pregnancy. The test orgasm has a positive effect on the baby: the functions of the placenta are activated, and the hormone of happiness produced in the mother's body - endorphin, brings a feeling of joy and crumbs. Just do not forget that while having sex it is necessary to choose positions that exclude pressure on the stomach. In sexual practice, there are plenty of such positions, so the intimate life of spouses can even be very diverse.


  • Headaches and increased pressure, and against its background, even vision problems.
  • Sufficiently painful sensations caused by the movements of the child.
  • Severe lower back pain, swelling and soreness of the legs.
  1. Pregnancy 26 weeks is a great time to save a photo of the baby after the ultrasound.
  2. We continue with the help of a corset and an elastic bandage to fight varicose veins.
  3. We eat fruits, do exercises, walk, communicate with the child.
  4. We think about something pleasant - about a name for the baby (here you can choose original and beautiful ones), about arranging his place, about how everyone will be happy about his birth.
  5. Do not forget about the benefits of courses for expectant mothers. You can read about how the 26th week of pregnancy proceeds and much more in our forum section.

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Author of the publication: Alisa Egorova