Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Optimal resting positions, why you shouldn't sleep on your back during pregnancy

Pregnant women are forced to comply with many restrictions: this applies to medications, and physical activity, and nutrition. Even expectant mothers should sleep according to the rules. The correct sleeping position affects both the baby and the mother's well-being, because at night the body, especially which has become much heavier in a few months, must rest. It seems that the most optimal position is on the back, but is it really so?

How to sleep during pregnancy

- at an early stage

Despite the fact that the first trimester is considered the most dangerous for the embryo, it is at this time that the mother has no restrictions on sleep. You can sleep in any position, because the fetus is still too small and does not put pressure on the uterus and neighboring organs.

The main thing is to be comfortable and have enough time for a good rest.

However, it is still better to accustom yourself to sleep on your side from the first weeks of pregnancy, abandoning the position on your back and on your stomach. So the expectant mother will be easier in the later stages.

- at a later date

From about the middle of the second trimester, the belly of a pregnant woman becomes noticeable, but even earlier, from the 13th week, the size of the fetus causes the uterus to increase, oppressing neighboring organs.

From now on, you can’t sleep on your back: there is a risk of squeezing the inferior vena cava, which runs through the spine.

Of course, when the stomach begins to grow, you can no longer sleep on your stomach. In this position, there is strong pressure on the fetus. The most optimal position in the third trimester is on the left side, because. on the right kidney is compressed. Feet should be placed one on one or clamped between them a pillow or cushion.

In general, a woman needs to listen to her feelings. If after sleep she feels relaxed and full of energy, it means that the child was comfortable "sleeping" in this position. Sometimes the baby starts kicking and pushing while the mother is sleeping, which can mean that he is uncomfortable. Thus, he tries to inform his mother that it would not hurt to lie down differently.

In the last 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend sleeping half-sitting.

Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back at a later date?

The main reason why it is forbidden to sleep on your back from the 3rd month of pregnancy is the pressure of the fetus on the blood vessels and spine. In the place where the uterus is located, the spine just bends, i.e. he seems to be in contact with her if the woman lies on her back. There are pronounced pains and heaviness in the back, pressure rises, swelling and stiffness in the muscles appear.

Compressed blood vessels affect blood circulation: the baby does not receive enough nutrients, and the mother does not supply the tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen. If you lie on your back for a long time, the lack of oxygen to the brain can even lead to loss of consciousness.

The closer to childbirth, the more dangerous it is to lie on your back. The inferior vena cava, which transports blood from the lower body to the heart, is clamped. As a result, the mother may feel weak, dizzy, shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes and shortness of breath. In this case, you must immediately roll over on your side and lie down like this for several minutes. Feeling better instantly.

Compression of the vena cava is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Also, sleeping on the back provokes an excessive load on the bladder, so the woman will often have to run to the toilet, which also negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother. Suffering from the liver, kidneys, intestines.

When sleeping and lying on his back, the child also experiences an acute lack of oxygen, which is very dangerous.

What to do if a woman is used to sleeping on her back?

Firstly, in order to get rid of this habit, which will become harmful during pregnancy, you need to prepare for proper sleep in advance. It is advisable to try to go to bed on your side already at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Secondly, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which involves exactly sleeping on your side. The pillow is very soft and comfortable: it acts as a support and support for the legs at the same time, and reminds mom that it is better not to roll over on her back.

Finally, you can simply ask your husband to pay attention to the position during sleep, if he wakes up, and remind him to roll over.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

The position of the mother's body affects, first of all, her well-being. A pregnant woman experiences a tremendous load when walking, so it is very important to have a good rest during sleep. During the day, the legs and spine are subject to the greatest trials, and if the body is incorrectly positioned at night, the spine will hurt even more.

If the position of the woman’s body does not suit the baby, he will feel discomfort and try to change his own position. As a result of such manipulations, the baby may take a position that is not suitable for the birth process. This is called a breech or transverse presentation of the fetus.

When the expectant mother lies on her left side, her organs and vessels are not squeezed. The child receives all the necessary nutrients, and the spine rests.

It is also very important to rise correctly. This should be done slowly, gradually, without jerks and sudden movements. First you need to lie down for a few minutes after waking up, then turn on the side that is closer to the descent from the bed, lower your legs to the floor and then get up.

Expectant mothers need to always take care of themselves and their baby, even during sleep. It is very important to choose the right pajamas, natural bedding, ventilate the room well, but do not forget about a comfortable position. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to sleep on the stomach, and from the 13th week - on the back. In this position, there is a huge pressure on the internal organs of the mother, and the baby does not receive the right amount of oxygen.

This position will not allow a woman to sleep and rest normally, because the load on the spine when sleeping on her back is colossal. It is best to sleep on your left side with a soft pillow between your legs.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Every woman tries to limit herself in many ways for the most important months in her life. Unfortunately, pregnant women find out about some recommendations too late and realize that they still “didn’t finish” something. And other tips are well known, no one even now remembers why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, but every expectant mother has heard about this ban.

Changes during pregnancy

Pregnancy is guaranteed to bring a lot of new things to life:

  • Changes in metabolism will entail many rearrangements and adaptations in the body. Fortunately, after giving birth, everything will return to normal.
  • Headaches, nausea and vomiting in the morning accompany 80% of pregnant women. In theory, this should not be, but if the urges occur no more than a couple of times a day, quickly pass and bother for less than a week, it’s too early to worry.
  • Save the waist will not work, in any case. Visits to the gym and a properly selected exercise program after childbirth will help “recapture” a couple of kilograms from nature.
  • The expansion of the veins in the lower extremities is also difficult to call a physiological reaction, but in many pregnant women this disappears immediately, in the early postpartum period.

Change can seem scary and really scary, but it's better with it. familiarize yourself in advance to understand what to expect next. In this case, the changes will not come as a surprise, the morally pregnant woman will be ready for them.

Why can't you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

In the kingdom of Morpheus, each person spends at least a third of his life, but this area is still one of the most unexplored. Any full-fledged research began only in the 20th century, with the development of physiology.

But the people have long there is a prejudice that it is harmful for a pregnant woman to sleep on her back. Time to find out if this opinion is backed up in terms of anatomy and physiology or is another misconception:

  1. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones and the increasing size of the fetus, the uterus also acquires a significant volume.
  2. The muscular organ rises up towards the abdominal cavity, slightly shifting upwards all the contents of the abdomen, along with the intestines.
  3. Normally, the uterus is located "in front", and all the displaced contents are slightly higher and posterior.
  4. In late pregnancy, the mass of the fetus and the pregnant uterus can reach up to 4 kg, such a weight may well crush other entrails in the wrong position.

It turns out that there is indeed a rational grain in such advice. The uterus is able to compress the inferior vena cava and disrupt the outflow of blood from the entire lower half of the body. The pressure can succumb to the vertebral vessels and the circulatory system of the uterus itself. And this will already have negative consequences for the baby himself.

From what week can you not sleep on your back?

Until some time, it is impossible to determine “by eye” for a pregnant woman that she is in an “interesting position”. In the early stages, the development of the uterus and fetus does not occur so rapidly, so that the mass of the muscular organ does not change significantly. The first few months you can sleep in any position, this will not affect the health of the mother and fetus. Restrictions should be introduced:

  • When health begins to deteriorate after sleeping on the back or right side.
  • After 4 months of pregnancy or from 17 weeks.
  • When it is impossible to fall asleep on the back, a feeling of pronounced discomfort.
  • In case of changes in the vessels of the lower extremities.

Doctors recommend stopping sleeping on your back after 4 months, but no one has canceled individual characteristics. Therefore, some pregnant women have to give up resting in this position a little earlier, while others are able to sleep on their backs until the last months of pregnancy. So it’s better to be guided by your own feelings, but for the majority of future women in labor, the only acceptable option for most future women in labor has been sleeping on the left side for 6 months. Only in this position do women feel really comfortable.

What are the consequences of sleeping on your back in pregnancy?

There is always a small percentage of “system fighters” who are wondering what will happen if you violate the recommendations of doctors and still sleep on your back:

  1. The uterus can press down on the inferior vena cava, which is the collector of all venous blood from the lower half of the body.
  2. Violation of the outflow due to squeezing of the vessel can lead to stagnation of blood, this will be especially noticeable in the superficial veins of the legs.
  3. The uterus can compress the vertebral vessels, aggravating the picture and the mother's well-being.
  4. The disruption of the blood supply to the placenta will lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen supplied to the fetus. At the very least, it will move more often.

By and large, there will be no really terrible consequences. It’s just that the mother and fetus will experience discomfort at night associated with an irrational choice of posture. A slight adjustment of the position in bed will help get rid of discomfort, fall asleep faster and in the morning not think about why your legs are so swollen.

However, you should not play with hypoxia, during fetal development, the baby needs as much oxygen as possible, and its only supplier is the mother's body - its blood vessels.

Pregnancy and modern medicine

Today you can hear many statements that now pregnant women are given too much attention and are treated too carefully. Like, such guardianship will not lead to good, because for centuries women themselves somehow gave birth and nothing, without women's consultations, dietary supplements and gymnastics.

There is one small caveat in all this:

  • Female and infant mortality until the 20th century was at a catastrophically high level.
  • Only thanks to a complex of medical measures and the development of science, it was possible to seriously reduce the terrible indicator.
  • In the Russian Empire and the Russian Federation, early childhood mortality rates differ tenfold.

Well, if someone wants to risk their own health on their own, they can not be vaccinated, refuse any water treatment, pick up children from school. So that everything was “like in the good old days”. Some points should not be brought to the point of absurdity, now women in labor can really be provided with comprehensive medical care, so Don't miss out on these kinds of opportunities..

Why do pregnant women not sleep on their backs?

There is no strict ban on sleeping on your back, there are only recommendations from individual doctors.

In fact, pregnant women themselves are well aware and feel that sleeping in this position does not bring relief and only increases discomfort:

  1. In the “on the back” position, the pregnant uterus presses on the inferior vena cava and the vessels of the uterus itself.
  2. The outflow of blood from the lower extremities and the flow of blood to the body of the fetus are disturbed.
  3. The child feels all the "charms" of hypoxia, the lack of oxygen at such an early stage of development can have far-reaching consequences.
  4. In the morning, the mother feels numbness and tingling in her legs, a kind of retribution for sleeping on her back.

In fact, there is no talk of any serious harm to the baby. As a rule, the mother herself wakes up due to a feeling of discomfort and changes the position of the body. But many doctors still prefer to explain why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs so that mommy fully understands the whole situation.

In this video, obstetrician-gynecologist Antonina Fadeeva will tell you why a woman should not sleep on her back in the 2nd half of pregnancy:

In anticipation of the baby, many women refuse to sleep on their backs, explaining this by poor health and fear for the health of the child. Are there any risks in this position? Why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, and what position should be chosen for sleeping during this difficult period?

Position on the back

In the supine position, a pregnant woman can safely sleep up to a period of 14-16 weeks. Problems can arise only with severe toxicosis. In the supine position, nausea increases, urge to vomit appears, and the general well-being of the expectant mother worsens. With severe toxicosis in the first trimester, the position on the back should be refrained from.

Sleeping on your back is not recommended for pregnant women after 16 weeks. At this time, the uterus goes beyond the womb and with all its mass presses on the abdominal organs. The inferior vena cava, one of the largest vessels of the human body, also gets it. When the vena cava is compressed by the growing uterus, rather unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • noise in ears;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • labored breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

The position on the back is unfavorable for the baby. With compression of the inferior vena cava, blood supply to the pelvic organs and the placenta slows down, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted. Hypoxia develops, the rate of physical development decreases, which naturally affects the health of the child after his birth. The conclusion is simple: you should not sleep on your back after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

Prone position

On the stomach, the expectant mother can sleep only up to a period of 10-12 weeks. In the first trimester, as long as the uterus does not extend beyond the pubic bone, this position will be completely safe for the growing baby. In the early stages, the prone position may even be beneficial for a woman. In this position, the manifestations of toxicosis are reduced, sleep improves, and the load on the spine is reduced. Many women sleep well only on their stomachs, with their arms outstretched in front of them or putting them under their heads.

You can't sleep on your stomach after 12 weeks. In the II trimester, the uterus grows and extends beyond the small pelvis, located in the abdominal cavity. In the position on the stomach, the woman presses with all her weight on the child in her womb. This position is dangerous for the fetus and is not allowed in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman wants to lie on her stomach, you can sit between large rollers or pillows, covering yourself with a soft cloth on all sides. In this position, there is no load on the stomach, there is no compression of the uterus, placenta and fetus. It is not recommended to stay in a prone position (even between pillows) for more than 10-15 minutes in a row.

Side position

The position on the left or right side is the most comfortable position during pregnancy. In this position, the organs of the pelvis and abdominal cavity are not squeezed, the blood flow in the placenta is not disturbed, and the baby does not suffer. You can sleep on your side from the moment of conception until the very birth.

The choice of a comfortable side in the side position will depend on the feelings of the expectant mother. Many women cannot sleep on their right side during pregnancy. Here are the liver and gallbladder - important organs of the digestive system. With their compression, heartburn and abdominal pain appear, intestinal motility increases. The appearance of any unpleasant symptoms is a reason to change the position of the body and gently roll over to the left side.

How to choose a sleeping position?

When choosing a comfortable sleeping position, a pregnant woman should follow some rules:

  1. Up to 12 weeks you are allowed to sleep in any comfortable position.
  2. After 12 weeks, do not sleep on your stomach.
  3. In the third trimester, all examinations lying on the back should be carried out with sufficient caution. If you feel worse, you should change your position (turn over on your side).
  4. The optimal sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side. In this position, the left leg should be extended, and the right leg should be bent at the knee. In this position, the load on the abdominal muscles is reduced and the uterus is relaxed.
  5. You should not sleep on a surface that is too hard and, on the contrary, too soft. The sleeping mattress should be of medium firmness, without dips and bumps.
  6. Do not sleep in one position for a long time. You need to change position every 2-4 hours.
  7. For comfort, you can use special pillows.

Pillows for pregnant women are the best assistant for a future mother. Special pillows look like horseshoe-shaped rollers from 140 to 220 cm long. Filler for pillows are safe materials - sintepuh or holofiber. A pillow can be placed under the lower back or arranged between the legs in a side position. Such pillows unload the spine, relieve tension from the muscles of the back and create conditions for a calm and comfortable sleep. After giving birth, pillows will help the woman to take a comfortable position for feeding the baby.

The expectant mother knows: after the birth of the baby, you only have to dream of a calm, full sleep. An unpleasant surprise will be the difficulties that began during pregnancy. What sleeping positions should be avoided and how to maximize your rest without harming yourself and your baby?

Pregnant women who have a habit of sleeping on their back or right side have an increased risk of having a stillbirth. The likelihood of a tragic end of pregnancy is doubled compared to those who preferred to sleep on their left side, studies show. Experts emphasize that the exact relationship between the position of a woman in labor in a dream and the death of a child has not been established.


The reason for the conclusions was the restriction of blood flow to the child in the womb. The uterus grows, starting to squeeze the vessels located in the pelvic region. There is the inferior vena cava. Therefore, such a state of discomfort when lying on the back is called inferior vena cava syndrome. Squeezing the vessel disrupts the outflow of blood to the upper body, the heart. The quality of nutrition that the baby receives while in the womb of the mother is deteriorating. There are symptoms that cause the discomfort caused to the woman: dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness and headaches, drops in blood pressure. It is impossible to correct this condition at the stage of pregnancy - it will pass on its own after childbirth.

Prolonged position on the right side puts a noticeable pressure on the woman's liver. This should be avoided.

Why is it undesirable to sleep on your back and stomach during pregnancy?

The position in which a woman, waiting for the birth of a child, lies on her back is considered the worst. Discomfort occurs due to the severity of the uterus, in this position resting on the upper part of the spine, back muscles, large blood vessels. The exerted weight pressure causes pain in the expectant mother, hemorrhoids and impairs blood circulation, harming the child.

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended by doctors, because in this position there is tangible pressure on the growing fetus. This position becomes uncomfortable for the woman herself. The position of the uterus changes almost immediately after the onset of pregnancy, the mammary glands become sensitive - the usual position ceases to suit the expectant mother.

How long can you sleep in these positions?

A woman should start to wean herself from the habit of sleeping on her stomach immediately after the establishment of pregnancy. It will serve as an alternative to sleeping on your side or back - it doesn’t matter in the initial trimester.

Starting from the fourth month, especially closer to the end of the term, when the fetus is quite large, doctors strongly discourage sleeping on the back.

Correct sleeping positions for pregnant women

The solution to the question “how to sleep properly in order to fully relax without harming the child?” - can be a difficult test for a pregnant woman.

  1. Use pillows. They will help you find the most comfortable position. A special curved pillow for pregnant women will be a wonderful acquisition. There are orthopedic mattresses designed to improve the quality of sleep for expectant mothers.
  2. Try to sleep lying on your left side. Hold a pillow between your legs so that it is slightly behind your lower back, providing more support. Blood flow will improve, contributing to the quality transport of nutrients from the blood to the placenta. The kidneys will work more efficiently. Good removal of excess fluid reduces swelling, swelling of the extremities.
  3. In the side position, place one pillow below your chest, the other between your stomach and knees, forming a "cradle" for your stomach. This will ease the pressure and thrusts produced by the baby.
  4. You can allow yourself to lie on your back a little. In this position, be sure to place a roller under the lower back. It is also desirable to put something under the legs, fixing them in an elevated position - this will prevent the appearance of edema.

The full term of bearing a child is 38-40 weeks. During this time, the fetus is fully formed for independent life. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, recommendations for sleep may vary. There are restrictions associated with the need to change the usual way of life.

When asked if pregnant women can sleep on their side, the answer is yes, this is the most comfortable position.

Sleep in the process of maturation of the unborn baby should be full and comfortable. Therefore, questions arise whether pregnant women can sleep sitting, on the floor, on their stomach or on their backs.

  1. At the beginning of pregnancy until the 12th week, you can sleep in almost any comfortable position, since the size of the fetus is still small.
  2. From the 13th week, sleep on the back should be excluded: the baby’s pressure on the internal organs increases and there is a possibility of squeezing the inferior vena cava, which passes through the entire spine.
  3. In the third trimester, it is best to sleep on the left side, as the kidney is squeezed on the right side.
  4. You can not sleep on your stomach during pregnancy: in this position there is a strong pressure on the fetus.

In search of a comfortable position, pay attention to how you feel. If lying on your side or back you feel that your condition is deteriorating, unpleasant symptoms begin to appear, you should choose a different position.

The position during sleep should be pleasant and comfortable for both mother and baby. If your baby starts to actively push when you settle down to sleep, he may not like your position.

Is it possible to sleep on the floor while pregnant?

Having received an answer to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs or stomachs, choose a suitable place to sleep. There are no exact and strict criteria for choosing a mattress, as well as prohibitions to sleep on a flat hard surface.

When choosing a place for a good rest, consider several factors:

  • If you are buying a new mattress, it is better to choose an orthopedic option of medium firmness, as this will allow you to correctly distribute the load along the spine.
  • If you want to sleep on the floor, place pillows under your stomach and legs so that not only you, but also the child is comfortable.

The main thing is that the expectant mother's sleep should be long and comfortable. If, upon waking up, you feel that your legs or arms are numb, change the mattress or position, and also purchase a special pillow for pregnant women.