Do I have the right to choose a doctor in the antenatal clinic. How to change a doctor in a antenatal clinic that does not suit me

IN antenatal clinic not satisfied with the doctor with whom I am registered during pregnancy. The head of the LCD refuses to change the doctor for another, citing that she can change for another doctor only with the consent of the doctor himself. I went to 2 doctors and was denied. The manager refused to accept my application, and she also refused to write a written refusal. Sent to the head of the doctor, but I think there will be the same situation. I also don’t accept me because they oblige me to sign some papers at the reception. Is it legal? Can I write a complaint to the Ministry of Health ?, and referring to which law?


Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2012 No. 407n “On approval of the procedure for assistance to the head medical organization(its subdivisions) the patient’s choice of a doctor in the event of a patient’s request to change the attending physician” establishes the obligation of the heads of medical institutions to respond to the patient’s request to change the attending physician. To change the attending physician, you need to write an application addressed to the head physician. The application must indicate the reason why you want to change doctors. There can be any reason: the doctor’s work schedule is not convenient for you, loss of confidence, etc. After these steps chief physician medical institution within three days must acquaint you in writing or orally with the list of available doctors, their work schedule and give you the right to choose.
But the specialist you have chosen is not obliged to take you for treatment. The right to refuse a patient is also spelled out in the above order. In case of refusal to choose a doctor, contact higher authorities: the health department of your city, district, region.

With the onset of pregnancy, your life not only begins new stage, which is simply obliged to be happy and joyful, but new rights also appear. Changes legal status women during pregnancy extend to almost all spheres of life: the sphere of work, the sphere of health care, the sphere of social interaction, etc. And non-observance of the rights of pregnant women, which, unfortunately, often takes place, can offend and disappoint future mother, emotional condition which during this period requires the most delicate treatment. And, sadly, this non-observance of the rights of pregnant women can begin right from the threshold of the antenatal clinic.

What are the rights of pregnant women in the antenatal clinic, and how can they be reasonably defended?

Registration in the antenatal clinic

By law, a pregnant woman has the right to register with the antenatal clinic when she herself wishes it - but, as a rule, not earlier 5-6 weeks of pregnancy when the presence of a fetus in the uterus can already be determined. As for the upper limit of the gestational age when registering in a antenatal clinic, only your personal consciousness and your desire to receive additional payments(as registered in the antenatal clinic on early dates pregnancy). In addition, you need to have time to pass a number of tests and visit a doctor at least 2 times in a antenatal clinic in order to get an exchange card.

By law, you have the right to choose any, and not just the one that is located at your place of registration or place of residence. You can even register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic in another city. The main thing at the same time is that your CHI policy is valid throughout Russia.

To register at the antenatal clinic, you need to write an application addressed to the chief doctor of the consultation, provide the original and a copy of the significant pages of the passport, the compulsory medical insurance policy, the SNILS insurance certificate (if any), and also (if you are registering at a place other than the place of residence ) an extract from the outpatient card of your residential complex and a certificate stating that you have been deregistered there.

And remember the main thing: the antenatal clinic has no right to refuse to register you or demand the provision of other documents not specified by law!

If such an embarrassment happened, you have the right to apply to hotline your county health department, subject level health authority Russian Federation in which you were denied or even to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Just do not forget to indicate the names and surnames of the chief physician and the doctors who refused to register you. If you do not want to involve serious structures in resolving this situation, try writing a claim statement addressed to the head physician of the antenatal clinic that refused you. The text of the application should be something like this:

In accordance with the BASIC LEGISLATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON PROTECTION OF THE HEALTH OF CITIZENS (as amended by federal laws No. 30-FZ of 02.03.1998, No. 214-FZ of 20.12.1999, No. 139-FZ of 02.12.2000, No. 15-FZ of 10.01.2003, No. 29-FZ of 27.02.2003, No. 29-FZ of 30.06.2003 86-FZ, dated 06/29/2004 N 58-FZ, dated 08/22/2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on 12/29/2004), dated 12/01/2004 N 151-FZ, dated 03/07/2005 N 15-FZ, as amended. , introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1993 N 2288) I ask you to register me for pregnancy.

I believe that an unreasonable refusal to register can harm me and the fetus due to non-detection or untimely detection possible factors and pathologies that harmful effect on the body.

I draw your attention to the fact that in cases of harm to the health of citizens, the perpetrators are obliged to compensate the victims for the damage in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The damage subject to compensation is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. I also inform you that liability for failure to provide medical care is regulated by Art. 124 and Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Name, date, signature.

Register this application with the secretary of the chief medical officer and take from him a copy of the application with a mark of acceptance and the indicated date of acceptance. Most likely, they will call you back before you decide to return with a claim to the LCD.

It also happens that women, having registered at the antenatal clinic, decide to conduct pregnancy in a private clinic and be observed for a fee. Unfortunately, there have been cases when the unscrupulous administration of antenatal clinics called such "defectors" with threats to remove them from the register. If suddenly you find yourself in such a situation - remember: the antenatal clinic has no rights to deregister a pregnant woman!

The choice of a doctor and the rights of women when visiting him in a antenatal clinic

The rights of pregnant women in the antenatal clinic include information on choosing a doctor in the antenatal clinic. By law, you have the right to choose any doctor who will observe your pregnancy, or change a doctor who, according to some criteria, did not suit you. Moreover, such rights of pregnant women apply to state antenatal clinics and private clinics.

When visiting a doctor in a antenatal clinic, you have the right to receive answers in an accessible form to all your questions regarding your condition, the results of certain examinations, the development of your baby, etc. About all options for medical interventions and the rationale for prescribing certain medical preparations You also have the right to be informed. And, of course, the doctor has no right to forbid you to get acquainted with your medical card and other medical records relating to you.

Paid services and women's consultation

If you decide to be observed for a fee in your antenatal clinic, conduct your pregnancy in a private clinic, or simply take some tests and undergo some examinations additionally and on a paid basis, no one has the right to refuse you this. The rights of pregnant women in the antenatal clinic include the information that any examinations, tests or even full pregnancy management services received on a paid basis are documents and must be accepted by the antenatal clinic and the maternity hospital as valid.

Know your rights and know how to defend them, because the scope of the rights of pregnant women in the antenatal clinic is really impressive - you just need to know how to use them!