Methodological development (senior group) on the topic: Parent meeting in the senior group. Parent meeting in the senior group. Topic: “The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and pupils of the senior group”

Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

state budgetary educational institution

additional education Nizhny Novgorod Institute

development of education NIRO.

Methodical development project activities educator on the topic: " Outline plan holding a parent meeting

at the rate: Actual problems preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard."

Larionova Olga Nikolaevna

educator MADOU

Kindergarten "Star"

Red Bucky

year 2014

Summary of the parent meeting in senior group"The role of the family in shaping the personality of a preschooler"


1. Identification of the features of the relationship between the child and parents;

2. Expand parents' understanding of the rules family education.

Decoration, equipment and supplies:

1. Exhibition of children's drawings "My family"

2. An exhibition of parental drawings "The coat of arms of the family"

3. There are posters on the wall with written expressions.

"The character and moral behavior of the child is a cast from the character of the parents, it develops in response to their character and their behavior" Erich Fromm

"Where there is no wisdom parenting, the love of mother and father for children disfigures them "V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

5. Invitations for Parent meeting(shaped like a heart).

6. A selection of various melodies, a tape recorder.

7. Literature for parents; A.S. Makarenko book for parents.

8. Test "finish the sentences".

9. The game "guess the word from the children's" explanations "".

10. paper hearts with the proverbs "explain the meaning of the Russian folk proverb about the family."

11. Folder-slider "The role of the family in the upbringing of the child."

12. Mood flower (words of courtesy are written on the petals)

13. Children's palms (the children circled their hand).

14. Memo for parents.

Preparatory stage:

1. Arrange tables and chairs to make open center groups and parents could see each other.

2. Prepare an exhibition of literature for parents.

3. Prepare memos for parents.

Meeting progress:

Calm, pleasant music sounds.

Hello dear parents! We are very glad to see you.

Dear parents, today let's talk about your children, about the role the family plays in their upbringing. Family - for a child - is the place of his birth, formation. What a child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains for a significant part of his life. It lays the foundation of the child's personality. Without an alliance with children, without your support and help, the child will not be happy and healthy.

But first, let's relax a little after a hard working day.

Game: Mood Flower

Goal: Create with parents good mood, desire to communicate.

Take a flower - tear off a petal (politeness) and give it to a neighbor, he will turn to another and so on in a circle, this is important condition at our meeting.

Truly well-mannered person maybe in the environment in which the traditions and customs of generations are honored, where there is close connection between past, present and future. Only his family can give such an opportunity to a person.

Conversation "Coat of Arms of the Family".

And now, I suggest you take your coats of arms-families and tell what you have depicted.

Parents' stories.

Thank you for being in the families you have family traditions, respect the elders and their work, help the younger ones, create harmony, all of you are united by one word - "family".

The behavior of parents is the most decisive in education. A person can buy various professions, but one of the main professions of a man and a woman, mother and father is the profession of being a parent. If the father and mother strive to comprehend the science of fatherhood and motherhood, if they demonstrate their reasonable behavior and actions as parents, they have a chance to achieve success and victories in the upbringing of their children.

Game - guess the word from the children's "explainers""

Target: To give parents the opportunity to make an introspection of their relationship to the child, father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, younger brother or sister, friends of children.

“She loves to cook, go to the store and spend money, takes care of me when I’m sick, scolds me when I don’t clean up toys, hugs and kisses, says “my sunshine”, makes comments to dad. (Mom).

Every parent wants to raise their child happy, healthy, smart. For him to choose the right path, to be able to realize himself, to create happy family and raised his children with dignity - all parents think about this, regardless of what country we live in, what language we speak. Each of us as parents wants only the best for our children.

We spend a lot of time at work, it seems that the main thing is to feed, clothe, create certain benefits. And we don’t have time to talk with a child, to hear about what is going on in his child’s soul. Or we do it on the run in a hurry.

Dear Parents! Put everything aside, draw the child to you, hug him. Psychologists say that in order for a child to feel happy, he needs to be patted on the head 7 times a day, hugged, approved, that is, through bodily touch, confirm: "I love you."

And therefore proper upbringing in the family, as the proverb says. - "This is our happy old age; bad upbringing is our future sorrow is our tears.

Proverbs "hearts"

Target: Develop social thinking, social creativity, sociability, introduce the rules of behavior in society.

And now, I offer you, dear parents, paper hearts

with Russians folk proverbs about family, you get out big heart- small hearts, think and explain the meaning of the proverb.

"When the sun is warm - and when the mother is good"

"Mother feeds children - like the land of people"

"There is no better friend than a mother"

"No treasure is needed - when the family is in harmony"

"The hostess in the house is like a pancake in honey or a bee in the garden"

"The hut is not red with corners - it is red with pies"

"Being a guest is good, but being at home is better"

"Houses and - walls help"

"My home is my castle"

"What are the parents - such are the children"

"Life is beautiful - when there is peace at home."

Thank you for your kind explanations.

A huge influence on the formation moral qualities The child is currently playing computer and television. It must be remembered that a child who daily watches scenes of violence, murder, becomes irritable, unbalanced, aggressive. You - parents, need to control what games your child plays, what programs and films he watches.

We offer you the game "Finish the sentence".

Please take one colored pencil from the stand, unroll a roll of paper on it, read carefully and in free place complete the sentence with one or two words, adding the word - he is learning.

1. The child is constantly criticized, he is learning ... (hating).

2. The child lives in enmity, he learns ... (to be aggressive).

3. The child lives in reproaches, he learns ... (to live with guilt).

4. The child grows up in tolerance, he learns ... (understand others).

5. The child is praised, he is learning ... (be grateful).

6. The child grows in honesty, he learns ... (to be fair).

7. The child grows up in safety, he learns ... (believe in people).

8. The child supports, he learns ... (value himself).

9. The child is ridiculed, he is learning ... (to be closed).

10. Lives in understanding and friendship, he learns... (to find love in the world).

Thank you for your advice, warnings, they will help many of you in a certain situation.

Meeting results:

Dear parents, it depends on you, to a large extent, how your child will grow up, kindergarten, and we, educators, can only help you find a way out. difficult situation. But you need to remember that your real actions, your behavior, have the greatest influence on the formation of a child's personality. Try to be an example for your children.


Dear parents, the children have prepared "gifts" for you with their hands and painted their hearts on them. And you write on each finger - how you affectionately call your child to the music of the "Hymn of the Family" (I. Reznik).

I would like to end our meeting with a poem, once again confirming everything that was discussed at the meeting.

"A child learns

What he sees in his house.

Parents are an example to him!

Who is rude in front of his wife and children,

Who loves the language of debauchery,

Let him remember that he will more than receive

From them everything that teaches them.

The wolf didn't raise the sheep

The gait of the cancer was given by the father!

If children see us and hear us,

We are responsible for our deeds.

And for the words: easy to push

children in a bad way.

Keep up your house

so as not to repent later." Sebastian. Brant.

At the end, all parents are given memos with the rules for raising children and are invited to a tea party.

Application #1:

Memo for parents on raising a culture of behavior in children.

1. Do not show your child ostentatious politeness and sensitivity. Very soon, he will begin to imitate you and act in this way primarily towards you.

2. Don't be rude or use foul language yourself. Your habit will become your child's habit.

3. Don't talk badly or disrespectfully about strangers. if you set an example in this to your child, expect that very soon he will become the same about you.

4. Be tactful towards other people. This good lesson kindness and humanity for your child.

5. Don't be afraid to apologize to someone in front of your child. At that moment, you do not lose anything, only gain his respect.

6. Show nobility even when you really don’t want to show it, teach your child nobility. Remember that behavior is a mirror that reflects the true appearance of everyone!


1. "Parent meetings in the preschool educational institution" O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova Iris didactics, Moscow 2007

2. "Parent meetings in kindergarten" senior group S.V. Chirkov "VAKO, Moscow 2008

3. "Kindergarten and family" E.S. Evdokimova, N.V. Dodokina, E.A. Kudryavtseva Mosaic-synthesis Moscow 2007

State budgetary educational institution kindergarten No. 43 of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Members: educators, parents.

St. Petersburg, Kolpino

September 2018

Parent meeting in the senior group No. 5 "Teremok" at the beginning school year "Preparing for the New School Year"

"Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old"

Educators: Efimova A.I., Levitskaya I.A. from 13.09.2018

Conduct form: round table.

Members: educators, parents.

Target: familiarization of parents with the developmental features of children 5-6 years old.

Tasks: Consider age and individual characteristics children 5 - 6 years old, to acquaint parents with the tasks and features of educational work. To form practical skills in parents in the field of interaction with children. To develop interest in the knowledge of your child, to promote active engagement with him. To promote the emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, the organization of their communication.

Ways, means:

Musical accompaniment: greeting parents, creating an emotionally positive mood.

Exhibition design: Children's drawings on the topic: « Saying goodbye to summer";

game exercise"Wishes".

Memo "Rules for parents".

Meeting plan:

6. Decision of the meeting.

caregiver: Good evening dear parents! We are very glad to see you at the meeting today. We would like to remind you that now we are the senior group. We have changed the mode of the day, the time of holding and the number of classes per day. Our meeting, we will start today with the game "Acquaintance"

Game "Introduction"

Educator: In order for us to get to know each other better, let's get to know each other. After all, children and, of course, their parents were added to our group. Each of us will now give his name and come up with an adjective, starting with the first letter of his name, which characterizes him. (For example: Irina is proactive, etc.)

So we met, and our next game is called "Klubochek"
Game "Club" We pass the ball to each other, unwind it, and answer the question: “What makes you happy in your child?” (Parents calling positive traits child, gradually unwind the ball.)
Conclusion: From everything we heard, we can conclude that our group is visited by smart, cheerful, inquisitive and moderately active children.
Dear parents, please answer another question:
"What upsets you about your child?" (parents, naming the negative qualities of the child, gradually wind the ball.)
Conclusion: the problems of our children lie in a misunderstanding of us - adults, our requirements. We often lack patience and trust. In order to earn the trust of a child, one must have with him common interests. It's good if you share common hobbies.

Let's see if you can find the key to your child.


Parents are given a sheet of paper in a cage. The teacher says, now we will learn to draw different patterns. Try to keep them nice and neat. To do this, listen carefully - we will say in which direction and how many cells to draw a line. Draw only those lines that we will name. When you draw one, wait until I name the next one. Start each line where the previous one ended, without lifting the pencil from the paper. We begin to draw the first pattern. We put a pencil, retreat 4 cells on the left, seven cells on top, put a point and start drawing: 8 cells to the right, 2 cells up, 4 to the right, 5 down, 4 to the left, 2 up, 4 to the left, 3 down, 1 to the left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 3 up, 1 left, 1 up.

What have we got? That's right, key! We draw a hole in the head of the key in the cells. If you can’t complete the task correctly, it is useful to practice. We wish you all to find your key to your child. Don't forget to praise the kids anyway!

Presentation on the topic:"Goals and objectives for the coming academic year by areas of development"

Your children have grown older, in connection with this, their responsibilities increase. The transition of children to the older group is associated with some changes in the conditions of their life and upbringing: they are now included in a systematic and more complex in content. collective activity(play, work, learning). Both the program and teaching methods are becoming learning activities.

To educational process profit is properly organized, in our work we rely on the main legal documents regulating PEI activities:

the federal law"On education";

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;

SanPin 2.4. 1. 2660-10.

International convention on the rights of the child.

To date, we are working on the program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by Veraksa N.E., Vasilyeva T.S., Komarova M.A.

Age 5 to 6 years - new milestone in the development and upbringing of the preschool child.

We would like to introduce you to the goals and objectives for the upcoming academic year in the main areas of development.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations .

By the end of the school year, children should learn counting skills within 10. Be able to indicate the number of items with the appropriate number.

Be able to compare up to 10 objects in width and height, arrange them in ascending order.

To be able to divide the square into 4 equal parts, name the parts.

Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides, corners and middle of the sheet.

Be able to distinguish and name flat and volumetric geometric figures(circle, square, triangle, rectangle, sphere, cube, cylinder).

Be able to consistently name the days of the week, determine which day of the week is today, which was yesterday, which will be tomorrow.

The development of speech.

The development of speech is carried out in the following areas:

1.Developing speech environment: promoting the improvement of the child's speech communications in kindergarten with adults, peers and younger or older children.

2. Vocabulary formation: enrichment, emotional and evaluative vocabulary, development of interest in the meaning of the word, use various parts speech.

3. Sound culture of speech: improvement phonemic hearing(learn to use words with a given sound, find words with this sound in a sentence and text, determine the place of a sound in a word).

4. The grammatical structure of speech: introduce and teach to form single-root words (nouns - from suffixes, verbs - from prefixes, adjectives in a comparative and superlative degree), make complex sentences.

5. Connected speech: improvement of dialogic and monologue forms of speech (dialogue, retelling, story according to plan, story from personal experience, writing fairy tales, fables and riddles).

6.Preparation for teaching literacy: presentation of a sentence, making sentences and dividing into words, dividing words into syllables, making words from syllables.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Mastering the technical skills of fine arts.

In drawing: application various materials and tools (pastel, crayons, watercolor, felt-tip pens), using a palette, creating new color tones and shades; various ways drawing with a brush (with the whole pile, the end of the brush, priming, etc.).

In application: the use of various materials (paper, fabric, natural and waste materials); mastering the technique of symmetrical and openwork cutting, break and voluminous applications, collage; cutting circles and ovals, short and long strips etc..

In molding: the use of various materials (plasticine, dough, snow, sand); creation of three-dimensional and relief images (plasticine drawing, prints, stack drawing); sculpting constructive and mixed way, smoothing the surface of an object, sculpting small parts; creation of multi-figured compositions.

In construction: mastering the technique of origami, designing from natural and waste material, the creation of buildings for various purposes from a plastic, wooden, metal constructor.

cognitive development:

Formation of ideas about living and inanimate nature, seasonal changes in it and human activities. About plants, fungi, animals, as representatives of life in the natural world, their basic life functions and needs, habitat. About the natural communities of animals and plants, their relationship and features of adaptation to the environment and seasonal changes in not. Man as a living being, his similarities with other living beings and differences, environmental protection activities of man. On the value of nature as an environment for human life.

Social and communicative development:

The child shows interest in the rules of safe behavior, can give examples correct behavior in certain dangerous situations; Under the supervision of an adult, he knows how to use dangerous household items(scissors, needles) and electrical appliances (tape recorder, TV, vacuum cleaner); Cautious when dealing with unfamiliar animals; Follows the rules traffic behaves correctly in transport; It behaves correctly on the water, in the sun; Does not make contact with strangers on the street; In the event of unexpected, life-threatening and health-threatening situations, he knows how to attract the attention of an adult.

The child wants to know different types labor activity adults and reflect their ideas in the pictorial and gaming activity, role-playing games; Understands the importance of different professions, the work of parents, the importance of using technology, various machines and mechanisms in labor; Protects the work of adults, tries to provide all possible assistance in their work; Independent in self-service; Achieves the result of labor, with a little help from an adult, successfully solves intellectual and creative tasks when creating crafts, experimenting with materials, designing; The child has formed the foundations of a work culture ( careful attitude to tools, rational use of materials, cleaning of the workplace).

The child has a positive attitude towards others, willingly communicates with close adults and peers, is restrained in relation to strangers; Complies generally accepted norms and rules of a culture of conduct; Sensitive to others, recognizes different emotional states, willingly responds to a request for help, to teach something; Interested in the objective and social world, has ideas about what is good and what is bad; Shows interest in the city, the country in which he lives, knows its name, state symbols, some sights and events of city life, is proud of his country; Experiencing a sense of pride and satisfaction from a job well done and the approval of elders.

Physical development:

By the end of the year, children can:

Walk and run easily, rhythmically, maintaining the correct posture, direction and pace.

Climbing the gymnastic wall (height 2.5 m) with a change in pace.

Jump onto a soft surface (height 20 cm), jump to a designated place from a height of 30 cm, long jump from a place (at least 80 cm), from a running start (at least 100 cm); in height with a running start (at least 40 cm); jump over a short and long rope.

Throw objects with the right and left hands at a distance of 5-9 meters, at a vertical and horizontal target from a distance of 3-4 meters, combine a swing with a throw, throw the ball up, on the ground and catch it with one hand, hit the ball on the spot at least 10 times , in walking (distance 6 m), own the ball school.

Perform static and dynamic balance exercises.

Rebuild in a column of three, four; equalize and open in a column, line; make turns to the right, to the left, around.

To know the initial positions, the sequence of performing general developmental exercises, to understand their health-improving significance.

Slide along the icy paths while completing the task.

Skiing with a gliding step for a distance of about 2 km; take care of your skis.

Ride a scooter.

Participate in exercises with elements of sports games.

Continue to develop creativity motor activity, to form the ability to vary exercises and games, to invent and perform imitation and non-imitation exercises, demonstrating beauty, grace, expressiveness, plasticity of movements.

We hope that together we will achieve all this.

Educator: For physical education: all White T-shirt, black shorts, white socks, white-soled shoes. The form is stored in a bag in the locker.

A prerequisite on holiday matinees dress:

for boys - shirt, trousers, tie, Czechs;

for girls - elegant dress, bows, Czechs.

Reception of children in GBDOU is carried out until 8.30. After the children are not accepted. Being late gets in the way pedagogical process distract children and caregivers from regime moments and charging.

If for some reason you are late, warn the teacher, wait until the morning exercises are over, do not have a child during the exercises.

Receipts Kindergarten payments are due by the 10th of each month. On the 10th, children are no longer admitted to kindergarten.

If the child does not attend kindergarten due to illness, vacation, etc., parents must collect the receipt and pay it on time.

If the child was given a referral to a pediatrician, then the child is admitted to kindergarten only with a certificate from the district pediatrician.

children it is not allowed to bring toys, lipsticks, perfumes, etc., chewing gum, candies.

It is forbidden take children to parents in a state of intoxication and to persons under 15 years of age. The teacher has the right not to give the child in these cases. If children are taken away by grandparents, bring photocopies of documents.

Girls you need to bring a comb.

New rule this year: educators need to visit all pupils at home, see the conditions where the child lives.

Requestparents- take part in the life of the group and kindergarten in the design of the site, group.

Participate in competitions, events dedicated to the holidays.

Educator: Continuing our meeting, we want to remind you of the safety rules. These are personal safety rules, traffic rules, fire safety, and of course do not forget about terrorism. In kindergarten, we study and repeat these rules, but you should not forget about them either. Be an example for your beloved children.
Educator: Dear parents! At the end of our meeting, let's decide on the choice parent committee. The choice of the parent meeting is carried out by counting the votes and announcing the results.

We wish you success, patience and hope for mutual understanding.

Memo "Rules for parents".

1. Bring the child to kindergarten before 8.30 am; in a clean, tidy and comfortable clothes and shoes, with the necessary set of change of underwear, with neatly combed hair and short-cut nails; healthy (notify the educator about all cases of the child’s malaise).

2. Patients and children with suspected illness identified during the morning reception are not admitted to the kindergarten.

3. Inform the teacher about the absence of the child due to illness on the day of illness

4. After an illness, as well as absence from kindergarten for more than five days, a certificate of the child's health from the local pediatrician is submitted.

5. Personally transfer and pick up the child from the caregiver. You need to write an application addressed to the head if you entrust the right to pick up the child to relatives or children over 16 years old.

6. On the eve of the alleged absence of a child in kindergarten for family circumstances(vacation, summer period, spa treatment, etc.) leave a statement to the manager.

7. Pay a fee for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten no later than the 10th day of each month. Timely submit documents confirming benefits for paying for the maintenance of a child in kindergarten.

8. Comply ethical standards communicating with children and kindergarten staff.

Bring valuables and toys to the kindergarten.

It is forbidden:

Coming to kindergarten in a state of intoxication;

Smoking on the territory of the kindergarten;

bring animals


parent meeting of group No. 5 "Teremok"

Meeting agenda:

1. Introductory part. (greeting parents, the game "Acquaintance", "Club"). Congratulations to parents on the start of the school year.

2. Speech of the educator - “Peculiarities of development and education of older children preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives for the new academic year.

4. The choice of the parent committee.

5. Final part. Briefly about miscellaneous.

6. Decision of the meeting.

Present: 19 people.

Invited: Parents. Deputy Head by UVR. Head of DOU.

Absent: 6 people.

Speakers on the topic of the meeting:

1. Efimova A.I. spoke on the first question, greeted the parents and congratulated them on the new school year. Spent feedback with parents, introduced the parents of newly arrived children to game form with the rest. Helped find the key to each child.

2. The teacher Levitskaya I. A. introduced parents to the features of the development and education of children of senior preschool age. Irina Alexandrovna gave recommendations on the development of independence, organization and discipline in children. She introduced parents to the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old. She also explained to parents how important it is to take into account age characteristics in the course of the educational process, as well as the need to implement individual approach to each student.

3. Efimova A.I. spoke on the third question. I acquainted parents with the schedule of classes, their number and duration, with the daily routine. She spoke about the tasks of raising and educating children of the senior group for the 2018-2019 academic year. The teacher directed the parents to the joint work of the kindergarten and the family.

Decided: parents will provide all possible assistance in the work of teachers.

4. On the fourth question, the teacher of the group Levitskaya I.A. spoke. She suggested that the parents of the group elect members of the parent committee. Candidates were proposed by self-nomination: Glazyrina I. A., Stepanova N. S., Ustinova E. Yu. As a result of an open vote of the parents of the group, these candidacies were unanimously approved, Ustinova E. Yu. next year.

5. On the fifth question, Efimova was instructed: "Children falling from windows." Read accident statistics.

Decided: the decision to comply with security measures during ventilation.

All those present at the meeting were familiarized with methodological development No. 24-25 of October 30, 2012 "On the procedure for attracting and using funds from individuals and legal entities and measures to prevent illegal fundraising."

We familiarized all those present with the upcoming work during a single week of "security".

Meeting decision:

1. Joint work of parents and educators in consolidating the skills and abilities of children.

2. Active participation of parents in group activities.

3. Pay more attention to the development of road safety skills in the joint work of the family and kindergarten.

4. Parents unanimously accepted the proposed candidates for the parent committee.

5. Preservation of the physical and psychological health of children by common forces.

6. Participants of the parent meeting unanimously decided not to allow illegal collection Money and coercion of voluntary donations.

7. It was decided to provide all possible assistance in holding a single security week.

Educators: Efimova A.I.; Levitskaya I. A.

Parent meeting in the senior group:

“The beginning of the school year. Introductory".


Complement game.

Hello, dear parents, I am glad to welcome you. Today's parent meeting, I want to start with the Complement game.

Since it is autumn outside, I hold such a leaf in my hands. Now we will pass it on to each other, while saying a compliment or some wish to a nearby neighbor.

Dear parents, the truth has become warm and good for the soul. With this game, I wanted to show you that we, educators, and you parents are united Together we create mood for our children.

Please, please take your seats.

Dear parents, we have gathered today at the beginning of the new school year. Today I would like to talk specifically about our children, about achievements and problems. We, the team of our group, want us to be one friendly, a strong family.

I want to remind you that now we are the senior group. We have changed the mode of the day, the time of holding and the number of classes per day.

Your children have grown older, in connection with this, their responsibilities increase. And I would really like you - parents to take the educational process seriously.

Much can be done for the child in this regard by the parents, the first and most important educators. - Tell me, can you make a clap with one palm? Need a second hand. Clap is the result of the action of two palms. The entire pedagogical team that works with your children is only one hand. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she may be, without a second palm (and she is in your face- dear parents) we are powerless.

From this we can deduce the first rule:

Only together, all together, we will overcome all the difficulties in raising and educating children.

The age from 5 to 6 years is a new important stage in the development and upbringing of a preschool child.

The upbringing of 5-year-old children is a qualitatively new step in comparison with the upbringing of children of middle preschool age; these opportunities should not be missed. The success of the child in school will largely depend on how attentively the parents will treat the solution of educational and educational problems this year.

The transition of children to the older group is associated with some changes in the conditions of their life and upbringing: they are now included in a systematic and more complex collective activity (play, work, education). Both the program and teaching methods acquire the character of educational activity.

Teaching methods.

motor skills

Between the ages of five and six, your child makes even greater advances in motor skills and strength. The speed of movements continues to increase, their coordination noticeably improves. Now he can already perform 2-3 types of motor skills at the same time: run, catch the ball, dance. The child loves to run and compete. Maybe more than an hour without looking up to play in the street sport games, run at a distance of up to 200 m. He learns to skate, ski, roller skate, if he has not yet learned how, then he can easily master swimming.

emotional development

The child already has their own ideas about beauty. Some enjoy listening to classical music. The kid learns to throw out part of the emotions in his favorite activities (drawing, dancing, games, etc.), and strive to control them, tries to restrain and hide his feelings (but he may not always be able to do this.) The most difficult thing for children is to cope with their fear .

social development

From five, the child already clearly knows his gender and even in games does not want to change it. At this age, the upbringing of a boy is very important place assigned to the father, and in girls - to the mother. Dads teach their sons to be masculine, mothers teach their daughters to be feminine. Only those qualities laid down in childhood harmoniously come to life. adult life. The baby is laid ideas about the role of the opposite sex in life. The daughter comprehends the role of a man through the behavior of her father, and the boys - the role of a woman, through communication with their mother. At this age, it should already be told in an accessible form for the baby about how he was born. The child has grown to understand such a secret. It would be more correct if you cut it for him at home, otherwise the children in the yard will do it. After five years, relationships with peers become friendly. The first friends appear, usually of the same sex. He spends most of his time with them. There is some separation from the parents. The child can already painlessly endure a short separation from loved ones.

intellectual development

By the age of six, a child can already not only distinguish between animals, but divide them into wild and domestic. Can combine items various features find similarities and differences between them. After five years, the baby is interested not only in the names of objects, but also in what they are made of. He has his own idea of ​​the physical phenomena surrounding him, can explain what electricity is, a magnet. The child is very well oriented in space: on the street, in familiar

premises, houses. Knows where to buy toys, food, medicines. He is trying to master the alphabet and learn to read by syllables, and also continues to improve his writing. block letters. Can count (sometimes up to a hundred), add and subtract within ten.

Behavioral features

The child already has his own opinion about everything. Can explain who and why he likes or dislikes. He is observant. He is very interested in everything that happens around him. He seeks to find the causes and connections between various phenomena. The baby becomes very independent. If he wants to learn something, he can do new interesting things for I him occupation for more than half an hour. But switching it to different activities purposefully is still very difficult. The child applies his new knowledge in games, invents the plots of games himself, easily masters complex toys - a designer, a computer). By the age of six, he masters most of the necessary skills and improves them right before his eyes - he becomes more accurate, monitors his appearance- Hairstyle, clothes, helps you with the housework.

creative development

Peak creative development child. He creates without getting tired, barely waking up, turning a simple tulip into an extraordinary one. The Scarlet Flower, builds houses for aliens. He is very attracted to painting, he can look at paintings and paints for a long time. With pleasure he draws himself, tries to copy something from the picture and invent his own plot. At the age of five, a child expresses his feelings in relation to what he draws with different colors. It is believed that children's drawings are the key to inner world baby. Now he already draws a person as he really is, detailing a face with eyes so that he can see, with ears to hear, a mouth to speak and a nose to smell. The drawn man has a neck. It already has clothes, shoes and other details of clothing. The more the picture resembles a real person, the more developed your child is and the better prepared he is at school.

So, taking into account the above age characteristics of children of the 6th year of life, it is necessary to carry out the following tasks:

To develop the movements of children, to achieve their greater coordination, accuracy, speed;

To cultivate independence and speed of movement in self-service;

Expand children's understanding of public life, nature, labor of adults, educate right attitude to them;

To cultivate the ability to hold a goal, follow the instructions of an adult, focus and purposefulness;

To form separate concepts in children, to develop logical thinking;

Develop coherent speech of children;

Improve artistic skills in drawing, singing, dancing, reading poetry, retelling fairy tales, stories, enrich aesthetic perceptions and experiences;

Teach children teamwork skills

To develop arbitrary control of children by their behavior.

- Take everything by flower. Color them (on the tables are the same flowers in size, shape, colored pencils). Now compare your 2 flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in size, color, shape. - Tell me, after you have painted a flower, you can find two completely identical flowers? (No). Under the same conditions, we do everything differently. Hence our second rule:

Never compare your child to others!

There is no one or something better or worse. There is something else! The main mistake of parents of preschoolers is that from the very early childhood well-meaning adults try to develop the child's intellect as best they can, relegating the physical, verbal, personal development. But all these components preschool development must be generated in parallel.

Question and answer game.

- Well, now we will find out how you know your children (there are sheets of questions on the table), the parents take turns answering.

2. Can your child distinguish between the right, left hand, leg?

3. In your opinion, is your child oriented in parts of the day?

4. Does your child know the address of residence?

5. Can your child name his favorite fairy tale, read a poem?

6. Can your child compose a fairy tale himself?

7. Does your child know how to take care of living objects of the world? How does he feel about animals and plants?

8. Do you think your child can talk about the desire to acquire a certain profession in the future?

9. Do you think your child is polite?

10. Do you think your child can compare 2-3 objects by size? (more - less, shorter - longer)

11. How does your child behave at a party?

12. Can your child hold scissors correctly? Will he be able to cut out a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle?

13. What is your child's favorite thing to draw and does he show interest in this activity?

14. Does your child have an interest in modeling? What does he like to make at home? 15. How does the child inform you when he comes from kindergarten?

16. Is your child interested in speech sounds? Do you hear the first sound? Can you think of a word for a given sound?

17. Will your child be able to empathize with the offended and disagree with the actions of the offender? 18. Can your child determine the position of objects in space in relation to himself? (front - back, top - bottom).

If you answered yes to 15 or more questions, then you are not working with him in vain, and in the future, if he has difficulties in learning, he will be able to cope with them with your help.

Let's play a little!


Parents are given a sheet of paper in a cage. The teacher says, now we will learn to draw different patterns. Try to keep them nice and neat. To do this, listen carefully - I will say in which direction and how many cells to draw a line. Draw only those lines that I will name. When you draw one, wait 3 until I name the next one. Start each line where the previous one ended, without lifting the pencil from the paper. We begin to draw the first pattern. We put a pencil, retreat 4 cells on the left, seven cells on top, put a point and start drawing: 8 cells to the right, 2 cells up, 4 to the right, 5 down, 4 to the left, 2 up, 4 to the left, 3 down, 1 to the left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 3 up, 1 left, 1 up.

What have we got? That's right, key! We draw a hole in the head of the key in the cells. If you cannot complete the task correctly, it is useful to practice, starting with the simplest ones. We wish you all to find your key to your child. Don't forget to praise the kids anyway!

Test forparents"Me and my child."

I can and always do

I can, I don't always do it - B

Can't - V

Can you:

1. Leave everything at any time

their own business and take care of the child?

2. To consult with the child, regardless of his age?

3. Confess to the child in the mistake made in relation to him?

4. Apologize to your child if you're wrong?

5. Always refrain from using words and expressions that can hurt the child?

6. Promise the child to fulfill his desire for good behavior?

7. Give your child one day when he can do what he wants and behave the way he wants.

wants to not interfere in anything?

8. Do not react if your child hits, roughly pushed, or just undeservedly offended another child?

9. To resist children's tears and requests, if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?


Answer "A" is worth 3 points.

Answer "B" is worth 2 points.

Answer "IN" is valued at 1 point.

Test results

"Me and my baby".

From 30 to 39 points. A child is the greatest value in your life. You seek not only to understand, but also to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to progressive methods of education and a constant line of behavior. In other words, you are doing the right thing and can hope for good result.

From 16 to 30 points. Caring for your child is of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, at other times you are too soft; in addition, you are prone to compromises, which weaken the educational effect. You should think about your approach to raising a child.

Less than 16 points. You serious problems with raising a child. You lack either knowledge or patience, or perhaps both. We advise you to turn to the help of specialists, teachers and psychologists, to get acquainted with publications on family education.

The game "Flower - seven-flower".

Now we will play the game "Flower - seven-flower". (flowers with stems lie on the tables of the parents) - In front of you is a flower - a seven-flower. imagine that this is your baby, tender, blooming. Write affectionate derivatives of the name or family nicknames on the petals.

Conclusion: From everything we heard, we can conclude that our group is visited by smart, cheerful, inquisitive and moderately active children.

Dear parents, please answer another question:

« What upsets you about your child?» (parents, naming the negative qualities of the child, gradually wind the ball.)Conclusion: the problems of our children lie in a misunderstanding of us - adults, our requirements. We often lack patience and trust. In order to earn the trust of the child, it is necessary to have common interests with him. It's good if you share common hobbies. And how we love them! And what do we call them affectionate, gentle, warm words!

Raising children is a complex process. Be creative in choosing the means of education, and most importantly, do not forget that one of the most reliable is a good example, you, the parents. Return to your childhood more often - this is good school life.

Our third rule:

REMEMBER! A child is the greatest value in your life!

Strive to understand and recognize him, treat him with respect, adhere to the most progressive methods of education and a constant line of behavior. Good luck to you and more faith in yourself and in the capabilities of your child.

Parent meeting in the senior group.

Subject: "The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and pupils of the senior group."


Familiarization of parents with the developmental features of children 5-6 years old.


1. To form practical skills in the field of interaction with children in parents.

2. To develop interest in the knowledge of your child, to promote active interaction with him.

3. To promote the emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, the organization of their communication.


1. Solemn start of the meeting. Congratulations to parents on the start of the school year.

2. Features of the educational process in the senior group.

3. Teacher's speech: “Senior preschool age - what is it like? »

4. The choice of the parent committee of the group.

5. Miscellaneous


caregiver : Hello, dear parents! We gathered today at the beginning of a new academic year. Today I would like to talk specifically about our children, about achievements and problems. We, the team of our group, want us to be one friendly, strong family.

I want to remind you that now we are the senior group. We have changed the mode of the day, the time of holding and the number of classes per day.

In order for the educational process to be properly organized, in our work we rely on the main legal documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions:

  • Federal Law "On Education";
  • Project - Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
  • SanPin
  • International convention on the rights of the child.

To date, we are working on the program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by Veraksa N.E., Vasilyeva T.S., Komarova M.A.

Your children have grown older, in connection with this, their responsibilities increase. And I would really like you - parents to take the educational process seriously.

According to Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education,

item 1: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child in early childhood

The age from 5 to 6 years is a new important stage in the development and upbringing of a preschool child.

The upbringing of 5-year-old children is a qualitatively new step in comparison with the upbringing of children of middle preschool age; these opportunities should not be missed. The success of the child in school will largely depend on how attentively the parents will treat the solution of educational and educational problems this year.

The transition of children to the older group is associated with some changes in the conditions of their life and upbringing: they are now included in a systematic and more complex collective activity (play, work, education). Both the program and teaching methods acquire the character of educational activity.

motor skills

Between the ages of five and six, your child makes even greater advances in motor skills and strength. The speed of movements continues to increase, their coordination noticeably improves. Now he can already perform 2-3 types of motor skills at the same time: run, catch the ball, dance. The child loves to run and compete. He can play sports games on the street for more than an hour, run up to 200 m. He learns to skate, ski, roller skate, if he has not yet learned how, he can easily master swimming.

emotional development

The child already has their own ideas about beauty. Some enjoy listening to classical music. The kid learns to throw out part of the emotions in his favorite activities (drawing, dancing, games, etc.), and strive to control them, tries to restrain and hide his feelings (but he may not always be able to do this.) The most difficult thing for children is to cope with their fear .

social development

From the age of five, the child already clearly knows his gender and does not want to change it even in games. At this age, in the upbringing of a boy, a very important place is given to the father, and for girls - to the mother. Dads teach their sons to be masculine, mothers teach their daughters to be feminine. Only those qualities laid down in childhood harmoniously come into adulthood. The baby is laid ideas about the role of the opposite sex in life. The daughter comprehends the role of a man through the behavior of her father, and the boys - the role of a woman, through communication with their mother. At this age, it should already be told in an accessible form for the baby about how he was born. The child has grown to understand such a mystery. It would be more correct if you cut it for him at home, otherwise the children in the yard will do it. After five years, relationships with peers become friendly. The first friends appear, usually of the same sex. He spends most of his time with them. There is some separation from the parents. The child can already painlessly endure a short separation from loved ones.

intellectual development

By the age of six, a child can already not only distinguish between animals, but divide them into wild and domestic. Can combine objects according to various characteristics, find similarities and differences between them. After five years, the baby is interested not only in the names of objects, but also in what they are made of. He has his own idea of ​​the physical phenomena surrounding him, can explain what electricity is, a magnet. The child is very well oriented in space: on the street, in familiar

premises, houses. Knows where to buy toys, food, medicines. He is trying to learn the alphabet and learn to read by syllables, and also continues to improve the letter in block letters. Can count (sometimes up to a hundred), add and subtract within ten.

Behavioral features

The child already has his own opinion about everything. Can explain who and why he likes or dislikes. He is observant. He is very interested in everything that happens around him. He seeks to find the causes and connections between various phenomena. The baby becomes very independent. If he wants to learn something, he can do new interesting things for I him occupation for more than half an hour. But switching it to different activities purposefully is still very difficult. The child applies his new knowledge in games, invents the plots of games himself, easily masters complex toys - a designer, a computer). By the age of six, he masters most of the necessary skills and improves them right before your eyes - he becomes more accurate, looks after his appearance - hair, clothes, helps you with the housework.

creative development

The peak of the creative development of the child. He creates without getting tired, barely waking up, turning a simple tulip into an unusual scarlet flower, building houses for aliens. He is very attracted to painting, he can look at paintings and paints for a long time. With pleasure he draws himself, tries to copy something from the picture and invent his own plot. At the age of five, a child expresses his feelings in relation to what he draws with different colors. It is believed that children's drawings are the key to the inner world of the baby. Now he already draws a person as he really is, detailing a face with eyes so that he can see, with ears to hear, a mouth to speak and a nose to smell. The drawn man has a neck. It already has clothes, shoes and other details of clothing. The more the picture resembles a real person, the more developed your child is and the better prepared he is at school.

So, taking into account the above age characteristics of children of the 6th year of life, it is necessary to carry out the following tasks:

To develop the movements of children, to achieve their greater coordination, accuracy, speed;

To cultivate independence and speed of movement in self-service;

To expand children's ideas about social life, nature, the work of adults, to educate the right attitude towards them;

To cultivate the ability to hold a goal, follow the instructions of an adult, focus and purposefulness;

Form separate concepts in children, develop logical thinking;

Develop coherent speech of children;

Improve artistic skills in drawing, singing, dancing, reading poetry, retelling fairy tales, stories, enrich aesthetic perceptions and experiences;

Teach children teamwork skills

To develop arbitrary control of children by their behavior.

Well, now we will find out how you know your children.(there are sheets of questions on the table) the parents take turns answering.

2. Can your child distinguish between right, left hand, foot?

3. In your opinion, is your child oriented in parts of the day?

4. Does your child know the address of residence?

5. Can your child name his favorite fairy tale, read a poem?

6. Can your child compose a fairy tale himself?

7. Does your child know how to take care of living objects of the world? How does he feel about animals and plants?

8. Do you think your child can talk about the desire to acquire a certain profession in the future?

9. Do you think your child is polite?

10. Do you think your child can compare 2-3 objects by size? (more - less, shorter - longer)

11. How does your child behave at a party?

12. Can your child hold scissors correctly? Will he be able to cut out a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle?

13. What is your child's favorite thing to draw and does he show interest in this activity?

14. Does your child have an interest in modeling? What does he like to make at home?

15. How does the child inform you when he comes from kindergarten?

16. Is your child interested in speech sounds? Do you hear the first sound? Can you think of a word for a given sound?

17. Will your child be able to empathize with the offended and disagree with the actions of the offender?

18. Can your child determine the position of objects in space in relation to himself? (front - back, top - bottom).

Selection of the parent committee of the group.


Questionnaire for parents.

1. Do you think it is necessary for the kindergarten and the family to work together _________

2. What problems of raising a child would you like to discuss with preschool teachers?


3. Do you experience difficulties in communicating with educators? __________________

4. What are the reasons for these difficulties:

  • lack of knowledge
  • inability to engage in dialogue
  • excessive shyness, timidity
  • teacher's misunderstanding
  • other________________________________-

5. What activities could you do for your children together with educators? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Are you ready to participate in the activities offered by the DOE team? _________________________________________________________________

7. What issues of raising or educating a child would you like to discuss at the following parent meetings (individual consultations): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Target: To acquaint parents with the developmental features of children 5-6 years old.
1. Formation of practical skills in the field of interaction with children in parents.
2. To develop interest in the knowledge of your child, to promote active interaction with him.
3. Emotional rapprochement of all participants in the educational process, organization of their communication.
Equipment: A ball with threads, a seven-color flower for each parent, felt-tip pens, leaflets with questions, for each parent.

Proceedings of the meeting
Educator: Hello, our dear parents! We gathered today at the beginning of our academic year. Today I would like to talk specifically about our children, about achievements and problems. We, the team of our group, want us to be one friendly, strong family. And this is what we will see now.
Game "Glube" We pass the ball to each other, unwind it, and answer the question: "What makes you happy in your child?" (Parents, naming the positive qualities of the child, gradually unwind the ball.)
Conclusion: From everything we heard, we can conclude that our group is visited by smart, cheerful, inquisitive and moderately active children.
Dear parents, please answer another question:
"What upsets you about your child?" (parents, naming the negative qualities of the child, gradually wind the ball.)
Conclusion: the problems of our children lie in a misunderstanding of us - adults, our requirements. We often lack patience and trust. In order to earn the trust of the child, it is necessary to have common interests with him. It's good if you share common hobbies. And how we love them! And what we call them affectionate, gentle, warm words.!
Well, now we will find out how you know your children. (there are sheets of questions on the table) the parents take turns answering.
1. How long can your child count?
2. Can your child distinguish between right, left hand, foot? How do you think?
3. In your opinion, is your child oriented in parts of the day?
4. Does your child know the address of residence?
5. Can your child name his favorite fairy tale, read a poem?
6. Can your child compose a fairy tale himself?
7. Does your child know how to take care of living objects of the world? How does he relate to live fish, plants?
8. Do you think your child can talk about the desire to acquire a certain profession in the future?
9. Do you think your child is polite?
10. Do you think your child can compare 2-3 objects by size? (more - less, shorter, the same)
11. How does your child behave at a party?
12. Can your child hold scissors correctly?
Will he be able to cut out a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle?
13. What is your child's favorite thing to draw and does he show interest in this activity?
14. Does your child have an interest in modeling? In your opinion?
What is sculpting at home?
15. How does your child inform when he comes from kindergarten?
16. Is your child interested in speech sounds? Do you hear the first sound? Can you think of a word for a given sound?
17. Will your child be able to empathize with the offended and disagree with the actions of the offender?
18. Can your child determine the position of objects in space in relation to himself? (front - back, top - bottom).
I want to remind you that now we are the senior group. We have changed the mode of the day, the time of holding and the number of classes per day.
In order for the educational process to be properly organized, in our work we rely on the main legal documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions:
Federal Law "On Education";
The project is the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
International convention on the rights of the child.
Today we are working on the program of preschool education Childhood.
Your children have grown older, in connection with this, their responsibilities increase. And I would really like you - parents to take the educational process seriously.
According to Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Education,
item 1: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood.
item 2: “For the upbringing of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, development of individual abilities and necessary correction developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool institutions operates to help the family”
We prepare children for school, develop perseverance, curiosity, attention, memory.
And exactly teamwork us teachers and you, parents, can give a positive result.
At home, you should not treat them like babies, but rather involve them in helping around the house. Take into account the recommendations that teachers give you in terms of classes. To consolidate the skills of children in modeling, drawing, the ability to use scissors. Develop their motor skills, taste, interest in creativity.
I ask you to pay great attention to reading fiction. It develops hearing, enriches lexicon, develops speech, the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, the ability to correctly compose a sentence. After reading the work, be sure to discuss with the child what was read so that the child learns to listen and hear.
In classes for the development of speech and familiarization with others, for drawing, modeling, applications, mathematics, we follow the correct sound pronunciation throughout the day.
I want to draw your attention to the fact that speech and intellect are closely interconnected: If we improve speech, it means that the level of development of thinking rises. Speech defects have an inhibitory effect on the development of speech itself, and on the development of the child's thinking, on his preparation for mastering literacy.
Incorrect pronunciation brings children a lot of grief and difficulties: they are embarrassed by their speech, feel insecure, become shy, withdraw, make poor contact with others, and painfully endure ridicule. Of course, this will affect the child's interest in learning, his character, interfere with the assimilation school curriculum will lead to poor performance.
It is important that you monitor the correct speech of your children, you must constantly remind the child: “You know how to speak correctly! »; to correct his speech in order to eliminate the wrong stereotype of pronunciation, to introduce a clear sound into speech.
Now we will talk about age features your children.
In a five-six-year-old child, self-service skills acquired earlier are being improved. At this age, the child is already able to independently and neatly dress, eat, use a fork, a knife.
Thus, older preschoolers should be assigned self-service responsibilities and parents should remind children to check the quality of work and its results.
When teaching children to self-service, adults must be demanding. It is unacceptable if educators teach children to be independent, and parents do not support it. Such disagreements complicate the process of education and undermine the authority of educators in the eyes of children.
To raise children's interest in self-care, it is advisable to use rewards. When accustoming a child to work, it is necessary to constantly check him, encourage his successes, inform other family members about them, in every possible way show that self-service work is useful not only for him, but for everyone.
Clothes for children should be comfortable, so that the process of dressing does not cause difficulties and discomfort in the child. In the group we go only boys - shorts, t-shirts, socks, girls - skirts, t-shirts, socks. For physical education classes, black shorts and a white T-shirt are mandatory.
Between the ages of 5 and 6, changes occur in the child's self-image. These representations begin to include not only the characteristics with which the child endows himself in the present at a given period of time, but also the qualities that he would like or, conversely, would not like to possess in the future, and so far exist as images. real people or fairy tale characters(“I want to be like Spider-Man”, “I will be like a princess”, etc.). They show the ethical norms learned by children.
At the age of 5-6, a child develops a system of primary gender identity. Preschoolers evaluate their actions in accordance with gender, predict possible options resolution of various situations of communication with children of the same and the opposite sex. When justifying the choice of peers of the opposite sex, boys rely on such qualities of girls as beauty, tenderness, affection, and girls on such qualities as strength, the ability to stand up for another.
Children of the sixth year of life can already distribute roles before the start of the game and build their behavior, adhering to the role. Children begin to learn social relations and understand the subordination of positions in various types activities of adults, some roles are more attractive to them than others. When distributing roles, conflicts may arise related to the subordination of role behavior.
Designing is characterized by the ability to analyze the conditions in which the activity takes place. Children use and name various details. Constructive activities can be carried out on the basis of a scheme, by design and by conditions. Construction appears during joint activities. Children can design from paper, folding it several times, from natural material. However, children may have difficulty analyzing the spatial position of an object.
The development of the imagination at this age allows children to compose quite original and consistently unfolding stories.
But I want to note that the imagination will actively develop only if special work upon its activation.
Speech continues to improve, including its sound side. Children can correctly reproduce hissing, whistling and sonorous sounds. Phonetic hearing, intonational expressiveness of speech develop when reading poetry, in everyday life.
Connected speech develops. Children can retell, tell from a picture, convey not only the main thing, but also the details.
Here are the main features of children 5-6 years old.
At the end of our meeting, I invite you to listen to an excerpt from I. Orlova's poem "Children".
Children are happiness, children are joy,
Children are a fresh breeze in life.
They can not be earned, this is not a reward,
God gives them by grace to adults.

Children, oddly enough, are also a test.
Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.
They need care, affection, understanding.
Children are time, children are work.

Children are a miracle, a message of kindness,
Rays of sunrise, droplets of love.
Children are every girl's desire
(Even careerists, at heart).