Socialization and social development of preschool children. Social development of preschool children. Social and personal development of preschool children - Features

Material Description: I offer you an article on pedagogical topics in the section "Modern trends in the development of preschool education" (from personal experience) on the topic "Social development of preschoolers." This material is useful in the work of educators, methodologists and contains information that can be used at parent meetings, teachers' councils, etc.

Preschool age is a time of active socialization of the child, the development of communication with adults and peers, the awakening of moral and aesthetic feelings. The kindergarten is designed to provide the child with harmonious interaction with the world, the right direction of his emotional development, and awaken good feelings.

The child looks at the world around him with wide eyes. He wants to know it, to feel it, to make it his own. And we educators help a little person to become a Man with a capital letter. In close interaction "child-adult" and the social development of the child's personality takes place. And the more consciously an adult organizes this process - an educator, a parent, the more effective it will be.

Social development is one of the directions of modern preschool education. For the successful implementation of its goals, teachers need a high level of professional competence. In our kindergarten, the programs “I am a Man” (S.I. Kozlova and others), “Fundamentals of a Healthy Lifestyle” (N.P. Smirnova and others) are widely used. These programs guide educators to: goals:

To create conditions for the full social development of children;

Think over the types and forms of pedagogical activity, including special classes that form self-confidence, self-esteem, a positive attitude towards the world, understanding the emotional state of people around, the need for empathy, etc.

Determine the level of development of each child on the basis of special indicators (interest in oneself, interest in peers, in a kindergarten group, etc.).

In the “I am a Human” program, social development is interpreted as a problem of understanding the social world, and the authors of the “Fundamentals of a Healthy Lifestyle” program are interested in the problem of social adaptation of children, taking into account the realities of the modern world.

The purpose of my work in this direction- to reveal the world around the child, to form his ideas about himself as a representative of the human race; about people, about their feelings, actions, rights and obligations; about different human activities; about space; finally, about what was once, what we are proud of, etc. and so on. In other words, to form a worldview, one's own "picture of the world".

Of course, a preschooler is not yet able to purposefully educate himself, but attention to himself, an understanding of his essence, an understanding that he is a person, a gradual awareness of his capabilities will help the child learn to be attentive to his physical and mental health, through himself learn to see other people, understand their feelings, experiences, actions, thoughts.

The main task is the gradual introduction of the child into understanding the essence of the social world. Naturally, the speed of assimilation of the material and the depth of its knowledge are very individual. Much depends on the gender of the child, on the nature of the social experience he has accumulated, on the characteristics of the development of his emotional and cognitive spheres, etc. The task of the educator is to focus not only on the age of the preschooler, but also on the actual mastering of the material. Using games, activities, exercises with varying degrees of complexity, in order to select what best suits the level of development of a particular child so that he masters the material individually.

The content of games, exercises, classes, tasks for observations, experiments depends on the creativity and professionalism of the teacher. For example, in the game "What is he like" we teach children to listen to the intonation of the speaker and determine his state of mind by intonation. And in the “Interesting Minute” exercise, we invite the children to remember and tell what remarkable thing they noticed during the day (a good deed of a friend, helping an adult, etc.) and comment on this event.

In accordance with the content of the material, its features, the main activity of the child, the most adequate to the task being implemented, is determined. In one case, it can be a game, in another - work, in the third - classes, cognitive activities. Forms of work - collective, subgroup, individual.

Particular attention is paid to the organization and style of educational work, since it is this process that is the basis and indicator of the success of solving problems for the social development of preschoolers. The orientation of educational work: the child should feel confident, protected, happy, convinced that he is loved, that his reasonable needs are satisfied in the preschool educational institution. The kindergarten is his home, so he knows the premises well, freely and independently orients himself in this space. Together with the children, we equip our group, they help, say, to make manuals, toys, meet and see off guests, etc. If the child is mistaken in something, we suggest, but in such a way as to once again arouse interest.

In our group, places are allocated not only for solitude - to draw alone, look at a book, think, dream, but also for collective games, activities, experiments, work. In general, the atmosphere of employment, meaningful communication, research, creativity, and joy should reign in the group.

The child knows not only his duties, but also his rights. In an environment where the teacher pays attention to each pupil, he is nevertheless not isolated from other children - they are united by interesting joint activities. Relationships with adults are trusting, friendly, but not equal. The child understands: he still does not know much, he does not know how. An adult is educated, experienced, so you need to listen to his advice, words. However, at the same time, the child knows that not all adults are educated, that the behavior of many does not at all correspond to moral principles (and this is not hidden from him). The child learns to distinguish positive deeds from bad ones.

Our goal is to give initial ideas, to arouse interest in self-knowledge, the desire and ability to analyze one's actions, actions, feelings, thoughts. At the same time, we must not forget for a moment: the listener is a preschooler, an emotional, spontaneous being. The story (conversation) of the teacher is simple, arises naturally (on a walk, in the evening, before eating, while washing, etc.). We try to arouse interest in the child, the desire not only to answer us, but also to ask questions himself. We are in no hurry to answer his questions. A joint search through observations, experiments, reading books will lead to the correct answer indirectly. We support in the preschooler the confidence that he himself will certainly find the correct answer, think of it, solve a difficult task for himself.

Work on social development can be started already with the younger group, gradually complicating its content. It is interesting for younger preschoolers to include themselves in the surrounding reality through play activities. Accordingly, considering one's "I" as a part of "adult" reality allows one to form an idea of ​​oneself, one's capabilities, to cultivate initiative and independence, to develop activity and self-confidence. Already in the younger group, children are actively involved in games - imitations. Kids imitate the actions of different animals, and also convey the images of animals and their cubs. According to my show and independently in movements and facial expressions, they reproduce different moods of animals (kind - evil, cheerful - sad) and their images. For example: a small fast mouse and a big clumsy bear.

Our constant assistant in the social development of children is the family. Only in cooperation with close adults can high educational results be achieved. We try to interest the parents of our pupils, for example, with the desire to instill in children love for their ancestors. We are trying to revive a valuable tradition - to be proud of our pedigree, to continue its best traditions. In this regard, individual conversations are useful, the purpose of which is to draw the attention of the child to his own family, to teach her to love, to be proud of her.

Interaction with the family is effective only when we and the parents trust each other, understand and accept the common goals, methods and means of social development. Showing parents their sincere interest, kind attitude towards the child, the desire to promote his successful development allows us to become the basis of our joint efforts with the family and help the child to establish contacts with the social world.

The basis for the accumulation of positive experience is an emotionally comfortable climate in the group and meaningful, personally oriented interaction between the educator and the children.

A living example of a teacher, his sincere participation in the affairs and problems of children, the ability to support their initiative and encourage them to show good feelings are the most important conditions for the successful social development of preschool children. So, the social development of preschoolers is manifested in the humanistic orientation of their activity, in the desire to express their attitude to the world in accordance with the cultural traditions accepted in society.

The social and personal development of a preschooler includes the child's first understanding of the norms that are accepted in society. Along with this, it is also the basis for the formation of a full-fledged and adapted to society individual.

From the name it is clear that the development of the child's personality occurs in close relationship with the social norms that are accepted in the place where the child lives. Such development is only complete when it contains 2 components:

  • o relationships with people close to the child;
  • o Important activities for this period, which include games, training and assistance.

At the same time, each period of development is a symbiosis of rights that are manifested within the limits of what is permitted in connection with the age and level of thinking of the child, as well as duties that, taking into account adaptation to the world around, the child is able to perform. All this forms a collective concept for psychologists called the social situation of development. Despite the individuality of the development of each baby, the situation of development is not an exception or feature. This is a situation caused by the psychological laws of growth, capable of shaping the personal development of a preschooler.

The tendencies of such development have been developed empirically and historically formed. But at the same time, the development of a certain generation of children can change depending on the needs of the time.

The most convenient and effective form of social development of children is the game form. Play until the age of seven is the main activity of every child. And communication is an integral part of the game.

During the game, the child develops both emotionally and socially. He tries to behave like an adult, “trying on” the behavior of his parents, learning to take an active part in social life. In the game, children analyze different ways of resolving conflicts, learn to interact with the outside world.

However, in addition to playing, conversations, exercises, reading, study, observation and discussion are important for preschoolers. Parents should encourage the moral deeds of the child. All this helps the child in social development. The child is very receptive to everything: he feels the beauty, you can visit the cinema, museums, theaters with him.

It must be remembered that if an adult feels unwell or is in a bad mood, then you should not organize joint events with the child. After all, he feels insincerity and falseness. And therefore can copy this behavior.

To be successful in society, it is necessary to have social skills, establish contacts and solve problems together, showing respect and tolerance for each other. The rudiments of social development begin to manifest themselves in infancy. At preschool age, friendships continue to form, where the partner is evaluated according to business and personal qualities. The level of social development of a preschooler (O.V. Solodyankina) is presented below.

Levels of mastery of self-service skills:

low: knowledge is elementary, not systematized in accordance with the age and requirements of the training program. The amount of knowledge does not make it difficult to communicate and interact with other people. Most of the practical actions are performed only in joint actions with adults, with the constant help of an adult.

medium: knowledge, skills and abilities are partially systematized in accordance with the age and requirements of the training program. Most of the practical actions are performed independently, but not regularly.

high: knowledge, skills and abilities are systematized. The child independently performs actions in accordance with the age and requirements of the training program.

Levels of social adaptation

low: high level of emotional anxiety, low self-esteem, incomplete or distorted ideas about the ways or norms of social interaction. Training based on situational personal and business interest. The child does not outwardly show initiative (acts individually or passively follows the initiator).

medium: the average level of emotional anxiety, stereotyped self-esteem, the emergence of opportunities to reflect not only personal, but also social experience in communication; communication based on personal and cognitive interest. The child does not outwardly show initiative, but actively takes the position of a partner.

high: low level of emotional anxiety, self-esteem, based on the importance of personal and socially significant characteristics, communication in accordance with knowledge of socially acceptable ways of communication, communication based on out of situational personal cognitive interest. The child shows initiative (knows how to coordinate his actions with the desires of partners, acts taking into account the actions of a partner).

Social competence:

low: needs support for his initiative in games and actions according to his own rules. In every possible way attracts the attention of peers and adults. Single games with objects and toys are more successful than group games. Interactions with peers develop successfully with the participation of an adult or correction on his part. Needs evaluation of actions by adults (especially positive). Often does not want to take care of others, openly protests such proposals. Often emotionally deaf to the pain caused to other people and animals.

medium: prefers peers to adults in their studies. Collective games prefer all other activities. Needs the attention of peers and their recognition of their successes. Can follow the order of precedence. Shows compassion and care for loved ones.

high: feels the need for cooperation and knows how to subordinate his interests to the rules of the game. Prefers regular partners for joint games. Preferences can turn into friendship. Restless, but can subordinate its activity to not very distant goals. Can take the younger one interesting for his occupation. Interested in the evaluation of work by peers and adults. Holds the role he has assumed until the end of the game. Shows compassion and care for loved ones; initiative, inquisitive, with pleasure and fearlessly participates in the search for a way out of difficult situations.

Social status:

low: the child is not accepted or isolated.

medium: the child is accepted.

high: the child is preferred over others.

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The problem of the development of social pedagogy today seems to be very relevant. Social assistance has deep historical roots. Numerous examples of charity and guardianship have been known since ancient times.

The preschool period is extremely significant for the child's entry into the world of social relations, for the process of his socialization, which, according to L.S. Vygotsky, is regarded as "growing into human culture."

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Social development (socialization) is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of the socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations, which consists of:

  • labor skills; (slide number 3)
  • knowledge; (slide number 4)
  • norms, values, traditions, rules; (slide number 5)
  • social qualities of a person that allow a person to comfortably and effectively exist in a society of other people, the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children (tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the point of view of the interlocutor, which differs from one's own). (slide number 6)

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage in the socialization of a child in the general process of assimilation of the experience of social life and social relations. Man by nature is a social being. All the facts describing cases of forced isolation of small children, the so-called "Mowglis", show that such children never become full-fledged people: they cannot master human speech, elementary forms of communication, behavior and die early.

Social and pedagogical activity in the conditions of a preschool educational institution is the work that includes pedagogical and psychological activities aimed at helping the child, teacher and parent in developing their own individuality, organizing themselves, their psychological state; assistance in solving emerging problems and overcoming them in communication; as well as help in becoming a small person in society.

The very word "society" comes from the Latin "societas", meaning "comrade", "friend", "buddy". From the very first days of life, a child is a social being, since any of his needs cannot be satisfied without the help and participation of another person.

Social experience is acquired by the child in communication and depends on the variety of social relations that are provided to him by his immediate environment. A developing environment without an active position of an adult, aimed at broadcasting cultural forms of relationships in human society, does not carry social experience. Assimilation by a child of the universal human experience accumulated by previous generations occurs only in joint activities and communication with other people. This is how a child acquires speech, new knowledge and skills; his own beliefs, spiritual values ​​and needs are formed, his character is laid.

All adults who communicate with the child and influence his social development can be divided into four levels of proximity, characterized by various combinations of three factors:

  • frequency of contact with the child;
  • emotional richness of contacts;
  • informative.

On the first level there are parents - all three indicators have a maximum value.

The second level is occupied by preschool teachers - the maximum value of information content, emotional richness.

The third level is adults who have situational contacts with the child, or those whom children can observe on the street, in the clinic, in transport, etc.

The fourth level is people whose existence the child may know, but whom he will never meet: residents of other cities, countries, etc.

The immediate environment of the child - the first and second levels of proximity - due to the emotional richness of contacts with the child, not only influence his development, but also change themselves under the influence of these relationships. For the success of the social development of the child, it is necessary that his communication with the closest adult environment be dialogic and free from directives. However, even direct communication between people is actually a complex and multifaceted process. In it, communicative interaction is carried out, information is exchanged. The main means of human communication are speech, gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. Even before speaking, the child accurately responds to the smile, tone and intonation of the voice. Communication involves people understanding each other. But young children are self-centered. They believe that others think, feel, see the situation in the same way as they do, so it is difficult for them to enter into the position of another person, to put themselves in his place. It is the lack of understanding between people that most often causes conflicts. This explains the so frequent quarrels, disputes and even fights between children. Social competence is achieved through productive communication of the child with adults and peers. For most children, this level of development of communication can only be achieved in the educational process.

Basic principles of organizing the process of social education (slide number 8)

  • individual assistance in the elimination of conflict and critical
    situations in the social interaction of the individual, the value formation of her life relations;
  • education in a person of abilities and needs to discover and create himself in the main forms of human activity;
  • development of the ability to know oneself in unity with the world, in dialogue with it;
  • development of the ability of self-determination, self-actualization on the basis of reproduction, development, appropriation of the cultural experience of self-development of mankind;
  • the formation of the need and ability to communicate with the world on the basis of humanistic values ​​and ideals, the rights of a free person.

Current trends in the development of the education system in Russia are associated with the implementation of a request for an optimal update of its content and methods in accordance with the progress of society, science, and culture. The public order for the development of the education system is predetermined by its main goal - preparing the younger generation for active creative life in the world community, capable of solving the global problems of mankind.

The current state of science and practice of preschool education indicates the presence of a huge potential in the development and implementation of programs and technologies for the social development of preschoolers. This direction is reflected in the requirements of the state educational standard, included in the content of federal and regional comprehensive and partial programs (“Childhood”, “I am a person”, “Kindergarten is a house of joy”, “Origins”, “Rainbow”, “I, you , we”, “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”, “Eternal values ​​of the small Motherland”, “Development of children's ideas about history and culture”, “Community”, etc.).

An analysis of the available programs makes it possible to judge the possibility of implementing certain areas of social development of preschoolers.

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Social development is a process during which a child learns the values, traditions of his people, the culture of the society in which he will live. This experience is represented in the personality structure by a unique combination of four components that are closely interdependent:

  1. cultural skills - are a set of specific skills that society imposes on a person in various situations as mandatory. For example: the skill of ordinal counting to ten before entering school.
  2. Specific knowledge -
  3. representations received by a person in the individual experience of mastering the surrounding world and bearing the imprints of his interaction with reality in the form of individual preferences, interests, value systems. Their distinctive feature is the close semantic and emotional relationship between them. Their combination forms an individual picture of the world.
  4. role-playing behavior
  5. behavior in a specific situation, due to the natural and socio-cultural environment. Reflects a person's acquaintance with the norms, customs, rules, regulates his behavior in certain situations, is determined by his social competence. Even in preschool childhood, a child already has many roles: he is a son or daughter, a kindergarten pupil, someone's friend. It is not for nothing that a small child behaves differently at home than in kindergarten, and communicates with friends differently than with unfamiliar adults. Each social role has its own rules, which can change and are different for each subculture, the system of values, norms, and traditions adopted in this society. But if an adult freely and consciously accepts this or that role, understands the possible consequences of his actions and realizes responsibility for the results of his behavior, then the child has only to learn this.
  6. social qualities,
  7. which can be combined into five complex characteristics: cooperation and concern for others, rivalry and initiative, autonomy and independence, social adaptability, openness and social flexibility.

All components of social development are closely interconnected. Therefore, changes in one of them inevitably entail changes in the other three components.

For example: the child has achieved acceptance into the games of peers who previously rejected him. His social qualities immediately changed - he became less aggressive, more attentive and open to communication. His horizons expanded with new ideas about human relations and himself: I am also good, it turns out that children love me, children are not evil either, it’s fun to spend time with them, etc. His cultural skills will inevitably be enriched after a while with new methods of communicating with objects of the world around him. , because he will be able to observe and try these tricks with playmates. Previously, this was impossible, the experience of others was rejected, because the children themselves were rejected, the attitude towards them was unconstructive.

All deviations in the social development of a preschool child are the result of the wrong behavior of surrounding adults. They simply do not understand that their behavior creates situations in the child's life that he cannot cope with, so his behavior begins to take on an antisocial character.

The process of social development is a complex phenomenon, in the course of which the child appropriates the objectively set norms of human society and constantly discovers, asserts himself as a social subject.

How to contribute to the social development of a preschooler? We can offer the following tactics of interaction between the educator and children in order to form socially acceptable forms of behavior and assimilate the moral norms of society:

  • Discuss more often the consequences of the actions of a child or an adult on the feelings of another person;
  • emphasize similarities between different people;
  • offer children games and situations in which cooperation and mutual assistance are needed;
  • involve children in the discussion of interpersonal conflicts that arise on moral grounds;
  • consistently ignore instances of negative behavior, pay attention to a child who behaves well;
  • do not repeat endlessly the same demands, prohibitions and punishments;
  • clearly state the rules of conduct. Explain why you should do this and not otherwise.

With regard to the content of preschool education in the aspect of social development, we can talk about the following sections of culture and the directions of the organization of the pedagogical process corresponding to them: the culture of communication included in the content of moral education; psychosexual culture, the content of which is reflected in the section on sex education; national culture, implemented in the process of patriotic education and religious education; ethnic culture included in the content of international education; legal culture, the content of which is presented in the section on the foundations of legal consciousness. This approach, perhaps, somewhat limits the content of social development, excluding the sections of ecological, mental, labor, valeological, aesthetic, physical, and economic education.

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However, the process of social development involves the implementation of an integrated approach, the legitimacy of the conditional allocation of these sections from a holistic pedagogical process is confirmed by one of the essential grounds associated with the social identification of a child at preschool age: species (child - person), generic (child - family member), gender ( a child is a carrier of sexual essence), national (a child is a carrier of national characteristics), ethnic (a child is a representative of the people), legal (a child is a representative of the rule of law).

The social development of the individual is carried out in activity. In it, a growing person goes from self-distinction, self-perception through self-affirmation to self-determination, socially responsible behavior and self-realization.

Due to the specifics of the development of mental processes and functions, the identification of a preschooler is possible at the level of empathic experience that arises in the course of identifying oneself with other people.

The effectiveness of social development as a result of socialization-individualization is due to the action of various factors. In the aspect of pedagogical research, the most important of them is education, the purpose of which is familiarization with culture, its reproduction, appropriation and creation. Modern studies of the child's personal development (in particular, the group of authors for the development of the basic program "Origins") make it possible to supplement, concretize the indicated list and classify a number of basic personality characteristics as universal human abilities, the formation of which is feasible in the process of social development: competence, creativity, initiative, arbitrariness, independence, responsibility, security, freedom of behavior, self-awareness of the individual, the ability to self-esteem.

The social experience, to which the child joins from the first years of his life, is accumulated and manifested in social culture. The assimilation of cultural values, their transformation, contributing to the social process, is one of the fundamental tasks of education.

  • the content of the social development of preschool children is determined by various bases of social identification that are dominant at a particular age: younger preschool age - species and generic identification; medium - species, generic, gender identification; senior - specific, generic, gender, national, ethnic, legal identification;

Of great importance in the process of assimilation of culture and in the formation of universal social abilities is the mechanism of imitation as one of the ways of penetrating into the semantic structures of human activity. Initially, imitating the people around him, the child masters the generally accepted ways of behavior, regardless of the characteristics of the communicative situation. Interaction with other people is not differentiated by species, generic, gender, national characteristics.

With the actualization of intellectual activity, the enrichment of the semantic social spectrum of interaction, there is an awareness of the value of each rule, norm; their use becomes associated with a specific situation. Actions previously mastered at the level of mechanical imitation acquire a new, socially filled meaning. Awareness of the value of socially oriented actions means the emergence of a new mechanism of social development - normative regulation, the influence of which in preschool age is inestimable.

The implementation of the tasks of social development of preschool children is most effective in the presence of a holistic pedagogical system, built in accordance with the main approaches of the general scientific level of pedagogy methodology.

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  • The axeological approach allows us to determine the set of priority values ​​in education, upbringing and self-development of a person. In relation to the social development of preschool children, the values ​​of communicative, psychosexual, national, ethnic, legal culture can act as such.
  • The culturological approach allows taking into account all the conditions of the place and time in which a person was born and lives, the specifics of his immediate environment and the historical past of his country, city, the main value orientations of representatives of his people, ethnic group. The dialogue of cultures, which is one of the dominant paradigms of the modern education system, is impossible without familiarization with the values ​​of one's own culture.
  • The humanistic approach involves the recognition of the personality in the child, orientation to his subjective needs and interests, recognition of his rights and freedoms, the intrinsic value of childhood as the basis of mental development, the cultural function of childhood as one of the most important aspects of social development, psychological comfort and the good of the child as priority criteria in assessing activities of social institutions.
  • The anthropological approach makes it possible to raise the status of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in determining the dynamics of the social development of preschoolers, to take into account various (age, gender, national) features of personal development in the process of moral, sexual, patriotic, international, legal education.
  • The synergetic approach allows us to consider each subject of the pedagogical process (children, educators, parents) as self-developing subsystems that make the transition from development to self-development. In the aspect of the social development of children, this approach provides, for example, a gradual change in the general orientations of the teacher in the formation of the main types of activity (from perception - to reproduction according to the model - to independent reproduction - to creativity).
  • The polysubject approach implies the need to take into account the influence of all factors of social development (microfactors: family, peers, kindergarten, school, etc.; mesofactors: ethno-cultural conditions, climate; macrofactors: society, state, planet, space).
  • The system-structural approach involves the organization of work on the social development of preschoolers in accordance with a holistic pedagogical system of interrelated and interdependent goals, objectives, content, means, methods, forms of organization, conditions and results of interaction between teachers and children.
  • An integrated approach involves the interconnection of all structural components of the pedagogical system in relation to all links and participants in the pedagogical process. The content of social development includes the orientation of the child in the phenomena of social and personal life, in himself.
  • The activity approach makes it possible to determine the dominant relationship of the child with the outside world, to actualize the realization of needs in understanding oneself as a subject of activity. Social development is carried out in the process of significant, motivated activities, a special place among which is occupied by the game, as an intrinsically valuable activity that provides a sense of freedom, subordination of things, actions, relationships, allowing you to fully realize yourself “here and now”, achieve a state of emotional comfort, become involved in a children's society built on the free communication of equals.
  • The environmental approach allows us to solve the problem of organizing the educational space as a means of social development of the individual. The environment is a set of niches and elements, among which and in interaction with which the life of children takes place (Yu.S. Manuilov). A niche is a specific space of opportunity that allows children to satisfy their needs. Conventionally, they can be divided into natural, social, cultural. In relation to the tasks of social development, the organization of the educational space requires the creation of a subject-developing environment that ensures the most effective familiarization of children with the standards of culture (universal, traditional, regional). The element is an unrestrained force acting in the natural and social environment in the form of various social movements, manifested in moods, needs, attitudes. With regard to the plan of social development, the elements will be found in the interaction of children and adults, in the dominant value orientations, the hierarchy of goals in relation to the ranking of educational tasks.

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A brief review of the main conceptual provisions of the problem of social development allows us to draw the following conclusions:

  • social development is a consistent, multifaceted process and the result of socialization-individualization, during which a person is introduced to the “universal social” and constantly discovers, asserts himself as a subject of social culture;
  • preschool age is a sensitive period in the social development of a person;
  • the social development of preschool children is carried out in the actual multidirectional activity for the development of the objective world and the world of relations between people.

List of used literature

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers. M., 2003
  2. Arnautova E.P. Teachers family M., 2002
  3. Blinova L.F. Social and personal development of children of senior preschool age. Kazan., 2007
  4. Galaguzova M.A. Social Pedagogy M., 2001
  5. Danilina T.A., Stepina N.M. Social partnership of teachers, children and parents. M., 2004.
  6. Kolomiichenko L.V. The concept and program of social development of preschool children. Perm, 2002.
  7. Komratova N.G., Gribova L.F. Socio-moral education of children. M., 2005
  8. Ryleeva E.N. More fun together! M., 2004

The most active social development of the child occurs in his first years of life. For example, in the first 12 months of his life, a baby learns a huge amount of skills and knowledge, establishes emotional contact with people around him, learns to control his body, trust adults, memorizes several hundred words and learns to pronounce individual sounds and syllables. In order for the social and personal development of the child to be carried out in the right direction and on time, parents should make certain efforts: constantly communicate with the baby, talk, sing songs and tell fairy tales, as well as show their love, walk and acquaint with the outside world.

What is social development?

The very concept of "social development of a child" implies a process in which the baby learns the values, culture of society, traditions, etc. In the process of growing up, he is exposed to various social factors in the development of the child: communication with adults and peers, education in kindergarten and school, games, etc. .d. That is, the baby gradually learns to live in society, obeying the generally accepted rules and norms of behavior, taking into account the interests and feelings of others.

Naturally, the closest environment - the family - has the greatest influence on the social and personal development of the child. We can say that the family is a kind of translator, passing on experience, knowledge, traditions and values ​​to the younger generation. Therefore, for the normal, full development of the child, a warm, loving family atmosphere, saturated with respect and trust in each other, is very important.

Consider the main social factors in the development of the child:

Communication with children and adults. Among the key factors influencing the development of the child, the main place is occupied by communication. It is through communication that the child’s friendly relationships with peers are formed, education is carried out at home, in kindergarten and school. From early childhood, the child has the basic elements of communication. In the first six months of his life, the baby expresses his sensations and feelings through movements, facial expressions and sounds. Here are the stages of communication that a child goes through in different age periods:

  • Infancy. Starting from the age of six months, the infant's communication with loved ones is mainly of a situational-business form. That is, the child practically interacts with adults, he needs not only care and attention, but also live communication, joint actions and advice. When interacting with adults, the child quickly learns the role of various objects and learns to handle them.
  • Three to five. At this age, communication takes on an extra-situational-cognitive form. That is, the child is able to formulate and ask questions about people, objects and phenomena. Having mastered speech, he can discuss phenomena and objects. At the age of 3-5 years, the baby seeks to learn new information, share it with others and discuss everything that happens.
  • Six to seven. During this period, the child has a personal form of communication, that is, the baby is increasingly asking about a person and his essence. It is important that from 6 to 7 years old the child does not stop feeling love, understanding and sympathy from the parents. At this age, adults are a role model for the baby, he copies the behavior of loved ones. Also at this moment, communication with peers is extremely important; in educational institutions, the child should feel relaxed and free.

Socialization through play. For the correct social and personal development of the child, the game is extremely important. Therefore, parents need to encourage the child in every possible way to the game process, teaching him the principles of the game. The basis of the game is communication. Game activity is the main activity for a child under 7 years old. If a child plays correctly and a lot, he develops at a rapid pace, both emotionally and socio-emotionally. Usually, in the games of children, the life of adults is reproduced, they can play mother-daughters, doctors, school, shops, etc. It is in the game that options for resolving conflict situations are developed and lived, communication skills are honed, etc.

Cultural development. The kid is receptive to the beautiful, and various types of art influence the social development of the child, so he should certainly be introduced to the masterpieces of human art: painting, sculpture, music, etc. Versatile classes, exercises, conversations, reading books, etc. are also important for the correct social development of the child. listening to music, observing and discussing life situations, etc. These components form the child's personality.

Diagnostics of the child's social development

Methods for diagnosing the social development of a child are associated with a variety of manifestations of his personality in communication and various activities. The main method for diagnosing the social development of a child is observation, during which the following points are revealed:

  • Emotional manifestations: how often the child is cheerful, with what mood he comes to the kindergarten or school, how often the baby is sad or angry, and what causes such emotions, how much the child is conflicted, how often he shows stubbornness and aggression.
  • The manifestation of activity in communication, the initiative of the child in contacts with peers and adults, timidity and shyness.
  • Ability to communicate and interact with peers and seniors.
  • Compliance with established rules, ability to resolve conflicts.
  • Respect for the feelings and desires of others.
  • The culture of communication, polite manners, the ability to start a conversation, understanding the basic manners of behavior, response to suggestions from adults and peers.
  • The presence of cognitive interest in others, the desire to understand the inner world of relatives and friends.
  • Individual manifestation of the child in a variety of activities (the ability to put forward a personal idea, develop a plan of action, correct mistakes, attitude to the advice of peers and adults, etc.).

The social function of a preschool educational institution is to provide conditions that develop in children a positive attitude towards themselves, other people, the world around them, communicative and social competence.

In the Draft State Standard for Preschool Education, social and personal development is considered as a complex process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live.

The methodological basis of this problem is the provision

philosophy about the relationship between man and society, considering a person as a value (apological approach), about the active role of a person in transforming the world around him and himself. In the pedagogy of preschool childhood, the solution of these problems is associated with the formation of value orientations, moral qualities of the child, which constitute the spiritual basis of his personality.

The modern psychological and pedagogical literature shows the main lines of the child's social development, the content of pedagogical work, the technology for the formation of the social world of children, the task of adults is to help children enter the modern world. The formation of social behavior is impossible without the recognition by teachers and parents of the uniqueness of each child, taking into account gender, individuality, age-related characteristics of his psyche.

Difficulties in the social development of children are explained by the fact that children live in the adult world, experience social and economic inequality, lack of a culture of communication and relationships between people, kindness and attention to each other. Unfavorable variants of the manifestation of social behavior often arise under the influence of the observed negative actions of the surrounding people, the influence of a number of

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The psychological foundations of social development are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonina, M.I., Lisina, G.A. Repina etc.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, the social situation of development is nothing but a system of relations between a child of a given age and social reality. The social development of the child in society occurs in the course of joint, partnership activities with adults. Many psychologists distinguish the role of the child's cooperation with the people around him in assimilating the achievements of social experience, mastering moral norms and rules of behavior. The social development of the child also occurs in communication with peers (Ya.L. Kolominsky, M.I. Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, T.A. Repina, B. Sterkina). In the monograph by T.A. Repina revealed the features of the socio-psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group and its socializing role in the development of the child; the dependence of the nature of children's relationships on the style of communication with them by teachers is shown. (See Repina T.A. Social and psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group: Pedagogical science - school reform. // Scientific research institute of preschool education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. - M .: Pedagogy, 1988).

"Children's Society" (the term of A.P. Usova), or a kindergarten group, is the most important socializing factor. It is in the group of peers that the child shows his activity, acquires the first social status (“star”, “preferred”, “rejected”). The criteria for fixing a sign of social status are the basic personality traits (competence, activity, independence, freedom of behavior, creativity, arbitrariness).

Results of T.A. Repina, L.V., Gradusova, E.A. Kudryavtseva indicate that the psychological sex of the child develops intensively at preschool age.

This is manifested in the formation of sex-role preferences and interests that are different for boys and girls, as well as behavior in accordance with sex-role standards accepted in society. The main reason for the process of sexual socialization is the different socio-pedagogical requirements for boys and girls on the part of parents and teachers. In modern educational programs ("Childhood" -1995; "Origins" -2001: "Rainbow" - 1989), methods of a differentiated approach have been developed depending on the gender of the child.

A peer group for a child is a source of many positive emotions. It corrects the child's self-esteem, the level of claims. Comparison of oneself with other children, assessment of behavior by peers, provides the basis for positive self-realization of a growing personality. The relationship of the child with the group ("children's society") is mediated through social emotions, which are one of the most important stages of socialization, thus determining the process of entry of the individual into society. In the works of A.V. Zaporozhets. A.N. Leontiev, A.D. Kosheleva. A.V. Neverovich, L.S. Vygotsky, N.N. Ryabonedel and others show the regulatory role of social emotions, their relationship with the incentive motives of the child's behavior. The development of social emotions involves not only the mastery of social competence (as the amount of knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior, evaluative categories, cultural symbols), but also the development of attitudes towards this knowledge, which can be called socio-emotional standards. In a number of psychological and pedagogical studies conducted under the guidance of T.D. Martsinkovskaya, it was revealed that a high level of development of social emotions in preschoolers positively correlates with a high level of intelligence; (see Mitra M. Comparative analysis of the emotional development of preschoolers in Russia, Greece and Cyprus. - Abstract of diss. candidate of pedagogical sciences. - M .. 1995), with the leading position of the child in the kindergarten group (see Kolesnikova E.A. Formation of social emotions in the aesthetic activity of a preschool child //Modernization of the educational work of the kindergarten. - Shadrinsk. 1 ° 94.). It has been established that social emotions affect the nature of communication between preschoolers and peers (see Ryabonedel N.N. The influence of social emotions on the personal characteristics of a preschooler. //Cognitive and affective aspects of personality development at different age stages: Collection of scientific works. - Shadrinsk. 1996).

Thus, in the social development of a child, it is very important to pay professional attention to the psychological mechanisms of the formation of social emotions. The pedagogical value of solving this problem lies in the fact that social emotions not only facilitate the process of the child entering the world of the group, but also the process of self-awareness (I-image), their relationships, feelings, states, experiences.

The psychological and pedagogical foundations are revealed in the modern Concept of the social development of a preschool child, presented in the works of S.A. Kozlova (see Kozlova S.A. Theory and methods of familiarizing preschoolers with social reality. - M., 1998; Kozlova S.A. My world: Introducing the child to the social world. - M .. 2000: Kozlova S.A. The concept of social development of a child of preschool age // Theoretical problems of education and training of preschool children: Collection of scientific works, Moscow, 2001).

Let us give a brief description of this concept. The main concepts of the concept: social experience, social feelings, social reality, social world, social development, socialization of the individual, social "portrait" of the environment. There are hierarchical links between these concepts. As noted by S.A. Kozlova, a child, having been born in the social world, begins to learn it from what is close, what surrounds him, i.e. with the social reality with which he begins to interact. The social “portrait” of the environment evokes different emotions and feelings in the child. While not yet knowing in detail and meaningfully about the social world, the child already feels it, empathizes, perceiving the phenomena and objects of this world. That is, social feelings are primary, social experience accumulates gradually, social competence is formed, which forms the basis of social behavior of social assessments, awareness, understanding, acceptance of the world of people and leads to social development, to socialization.

Socialization is considered by S.A. Kozlova in the trinity of its manifestations: adaptation to the social world; acceptance of the social world as a given; the ability and need to change, transform social reality and the social world.

An indicator of a socialized personality is its orientation (orientation) to other people and to itself. The task of the teacher is to form in children an interest in another person, in the world of his work, his feelings, in his characteristics as a person. Self-knowledge includes the formation of interest in oneself ("I" physical. "I" emotional, etc.).

In the process of socialization, there is also a contradictory understanding of the relationship between the national and planetary components. Position S.A. Kozlova is that children need to develop interest and respect for other people, the ability to be tolerant of children and adults regardless of social origin, race, nationality, language, gender, age. Planetarity, the feeling of being an inhabitant of the planet Earth, must be combined with the awareness of one's belonging to a certain culture.

Thus, the methodological part of the concept of social development of the personality of a child of preschool age includes the following concepts:

Initial focus on the person;

The primacy of the emotional perception of the social world;

Knowing yourself as awareness, finding your place in the world of people;

Mastering the values ​​of the world in order to realize oneself in it;

Socialization as a triadic process.

The concept contains a technological part. Includes several provisions:

The process of socialization by mechanism coincides with moral education (the formation of ideas, feelings, behavior);

Socialization is a two-way process, it occurs under the influence from the outside (society) and is impossible without a response from the subject.

This concept is implemented in the program of S.A. Kozlova "I am a Man": A program for introducing a child to the social world. - M., 1996, as well as in the guidelines (see Kozlova S.A., Knyazeva O.A.. Shukshina SE. My body. - M., 2000).

Social development is also represented in comprehensive educational programs. In the program "Origins" (2001), the section "Social development" is specially allocated, this section includes the characteristics of age opportunities, tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work. Social development begins from the first days of a child's life, covers a wide age spectrum: from younger to older preschool age.

The basis of social development is the emergence of a sense of attachment and trust in adults, the development of interest in the world around and oneself. Social development creates the basis for the assimilation of moral values ​​by children, ethically valuable ways of communication. The formed interpersonal relations, in turn, become the moral basis of social behavior, the formation of a sense of patriotism in children - love for their native land, native country, affection, devotion and responsibility towards the people inhabiting it. The result of social development is social confidence, interest in self-knowledge, education of the child to himself and other people.

In the educational program "Childhood" (St. Petersburg, 1995), the social and emotional development of a preschooler is considered as the central direction of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution. The content of the section "A child in the circle of adults and peers" implements the components of social experience: axeological (value), cognitive, communicative and behavioral-active components. The kindergarten teacher needs to ensure a single process of socialization - the individualization of the personality of a preschooler through the child's emotional acceptance of himself, his self-worth and his connection with the social world. The process of socialization is carried out in the following areas: social adaptation - social orientation - social competence - social and moral orientation.

The result of social and moral development is the general and personal socialization of preschool children. During preschool age, the child develops a sense of self-respect, self-esteem, an optimistic attitude.

Research by T.A. Repina allows teachers to clearly define the possibilities of a "children's society" (group) for the social development of children:

The function of general socialization. Children receive the first social experience of group communication, interaction, cooperation, the experience of association. As a rule, this happens in gaming, labor, artistic and aesthetic, constructive and construction, and other types of activities;

The function of intensifying the process of sexual socialization and sexual differentiation.

Starting from the age of 5, children prefer peers of the same sex in communication, in joint activities, in the system of group relations;

The information function and the function of forming the value orientations of the DOW group. Here the role of the subculture of childhood is great, especially the educational process of children's saz;

Evaluative function that influences the formation of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of the child, his moral behavior.

The preschool teacher needs to consider the conditions for using the functions and capabilities of the children's society:

Using methods for diagnosing communication and relationships between children in various types of joint activities, which make it possible to identify the position of the child in a peer group, social and moral ideas, emotional states, behavior, practical skills;

Using a democratic (helpful) style of interaction with children;

Creation in the group of a positive, emotionally active attitude, microclimate;

Formation in children of focused positive motives, tactics based on focusing on others, on the manifestation of empathy, altruism;

Involvement of traditions, rituals;

Organization of joint activities of children with peers of different age associations;

Organization of individual exhibitions, vernissages of children's creativity;

Timely correction of the social behavior of children: control over behavior in the form of advice, the creation of special educational situations built on the principle of "understand, empathize, act."

An important factor in the social development of children is the family (Work by T.V. Antonova, R.A. Ivankova, A.A. Royak, R.B. Sterknaya, E.O. Smirnova, etc.). The cooperation of educators and parents creates optimal conditions for the formation of the child's social experience, its self-development, self-expression and creativity.

The book “Communication of Children in Kindergarten and the Family” (Edited by T.L. Repina. R.B. Sterkina - M., 1990) presents the distinctive features of communication with children of educators and parents, depending on the styles of education. Adults with a democratic style of communication create conditions for trusting, friendly, emotionally positive relationships. "Authoritarian" adults contribute to conflict, hostility in relationships, create unfavorable conditions for the social and moral development of preschool children. In a special study by G. Stepanova, the significance of the "child-adult" interaction is shown, in which each influences and modifies the behavior of the other. “The child constantly observes, imitates and models the attitudes, behavior and activities of the adults around him. Such modeling has a much greater impact on the social development of the child than verbal instructions and teachings, ”the researcher emphasizes (see: Stepanova G.B. The emotional state of a preschool child and their pedagogical assessment in a kindergarten. // Preschool education. - 1998 .- No. 5).

The general conditions for cooperation between teachers and parents on social development will be:

Ensuring the emotional well-being and satisfaction of the vital needs of the child in the kindergarten group;

Preservation and maintenance of a single line of positive social development of children in preschool educational institutions and families;

Respect for the personality of the child, realized! ie self-values ​​of preschool childhood;

The formation of a child's positive sense of self, confidence in his abilities, that he is good, he is loved.

In the laboratory of social development of the Center "Preschool childhood" them. A.V. Zaporozhets, a collective study of the uniqueness of social competence, social and pedagogical conditions of formation in the family was carried out. According to V.M. Ivanova, R.K. Serezhnikova in

one-child family (having a high economic potential), the child, as a rule, does not attend kindergarten. In view of this, there is a lack of communication with peers, the relationship of the child with parents in the family is complicated. The method of complex theatrical games (“home theater”) was used as the main means of correcting parent-child relationships. The acquired communication and playing skills helped the child to build relationships with peers in the children's society. This tool created an atmosphere of openness, trust with

both sides.

E.P. Arnautova. ON THE. Razgonova confirm the expediency of using for social competence, as a basic characteristic, methods of game art therapy, sketches that involve the active involvement of adults in playing, visual, theatrical activities together with children, in the world of fairy tales, dance, music (see Collection of Preschool Education. Traditions and Modernity - M.. 1996. Article by T.V.Antonova Social competence of the individual in the conditions of its formation in kindergarten).

The problem of social development in a number of works is considered from the perspective of the development of social confidence in preschoolers (see: Development of social confidence in preschoolers: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. - M .: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS. 2002) (health-saving pedagogy). Socially competent behavior, according to the author, is the basis of a healthy lifestyle for children.

The authors of the manual E.V. Prima, L.V. Fillipova, I.N. Koltsova, NY. Molostova believe that socially competent behavior provides the child with an adequate attitude to positive and negative situations. Social competence includes a large and varied set of behavioral techniques; adequate perception of the situation: the ability to reflectively control both the situation and alternative behavior. The components of socially competent behavior include: the ability to say "no"; the ability to express desires and requirements; possession of effective communication skills: the ability to establish contacts, conduct and end a conversation; Express both positive and negative feelings.

The authors of the manual offer a program aimed at developing social abilities and social skills and at preventing insecure behavior and related psycho-emotional problems. The program is implemented through game classes and includes three sections: "Me and the world", "Me and others", "Alone and together".

A feature of the program is the involvement of three forms of socialization (identification, individualization and personalization). The program takes into account the age-related features of the psyche: imaginative thinking, the predominance of the emotional component in the experience, the leading type of activity. The development of children's social confidence goes through the enrichment of sensory experience ("The world of sounds", "The world of touches", "A look at the world around"). Through dramatization games, games with rules, didactic exercises and games, conversations in a circle, there is a unification, emotional rapprochement of children, the development of a system of perception of each other, the development of social abilities (trust, confidence, the formation of a positive image of "I"), the development of social skills .

In the conditions of a family preschool educational institution, the methodological recommendations of the authors of the manual can be used to help children gain experience in socially confident behavior and develop social abilities and skills in the process of communication.

The pedagogical technology “Discover yourself” is devoted to the development of social competence (see Ryleeva E.V. More fun together! Didactic games for developing cooperation skills in children aged 4-6. - M .: Airek-PRESS. 2003). This technology is a comprehensive support for the social development of preschoolers, focused on the formation in children of the beginnings of life self-determination. Technology for integrating didactic games into the educational space of the kindergarten

involves the involvement of training sessions in which cognitive tasks and speech development are solved. Social development is understood by the author of the technology as a process of transfer and further development by a person of the socio-cultural experience accumulated by mankind. Collaboration is what helps to turn any business into interesting and useful for oneself and others. Collaborative skills are habitual ways for children to behave in situations where it is necessary to find the most effective use of their personal potential in a collective effort. The games offered in the pedagogical technology "Discover yourself" are typical difficult situations that a child has to face in kindergarten. In these games, the role-playing behavior of all participants in the game, including the teacher, is prescribed. Consequently, cooperation creates conditions for the development of autonomy and independence of social adaptability, openness and social flexibility. (For example, the game "Find your group." "Let's think together", "Live jump ropes", "Find your place in the row", etc.). Consideration of social development through the prism of partnership, joint activities of adults and children is the most promising in the theory and practice of social development of preschool children.