The norm of milk for a newborn for one feeding. Common norms for breastfeeding. Nutritional norms for IV

The first time a baby is breastfed in the hospital, he will receive very little - just a few precious drops of colostrum. This is due to the fact that the child does not yet know how to breastfeed, he quickly gets tired, in addition, colostrum is very concentrated. enough to meet the needs of nutrients. The volume of his stomach is only 7 ml.
Further, the child begins to apply to the breast more often and longer. The increase in the amount of milk eaten (from colostrum to transitional milk, then to mature milk) is quite fast.

For the first day, the baby will drink only 10 ml of colostrum per application. On the second day, the volume of daily colostrum will increase to 90 ml (10-30 ml at a time). Milk comes on the third day, now the child can eat up to 190 ml of milk per day (30 ml per feeding). On the fourth day, the total amount of milk eaten will increase to 300 ml (40 ml per feeding). On the fifth day, the newborn will eat 350 ml of milk (50 ml at a time).

On the sixth day, the baby will cope with 400 ml of mother's milk or mixture (60 ml at a time). On the seventh day, the volume of each application will be 70 ml, and on the eighth - 80 ml. On the ninth and tenth days at a time, the child will suck out 80-90 ml breast milk or bottled mixes.

By one month, the volume of the baby's stomach will increase to 100 ml.

How to calculate the feeding norms for a child up to 10 days

All calculations to determine the volume required amount The nutrition of the baby can be divided into two: the calculation for the first ten days of life (), and the second calculation for the baby from ten days of life to one year.

The formula for determining the volume of nutrition of a child in the first 10 days of his life:
N (number of days of life) x 10 \u003d one-time amount of food for the child.

Daily amount of food in the first 10 days of life:
If a child was born weighing up to 3200 grams, then the formula is: age in days (N) x 70.
Example: a child of 5 days old with a weight of 2800 grams should receive per day: 5 x 70 = 350 ml of milk.

If a child was born with a weight of 3200 grams, then the formula is: age in days (N) x 80.
Example: a child of 5 days old with a weight of 3800 grams should receive per day: 5 x 80 = 400 ml of milk.

How to calculate feeding rates for a child from 10 days to 1 year

The formula for determining the daily amount of food for a child from the first 10 days of his life to 1 year:
From 10 days to 6 weeks - 1/5 of body weight;
From 6 weeks to 4 months - 1/6 of body weight;
From 4 months to 6 months - 1/7 of body weight;
From 6 months to 8 months - 1/8 of body weight;
From 8 months to 12 months - 1/9 of body weight.

Example: child (4 weeks), weight 4000 gr. The calculation of the daily volume of milk for him is as follows: 4000/5 = 800 ml.
Remember that up to one year old child, the daily food intake should not exceed 1200 ml per day.

How to tell if a baby is getting enough milk

On breastfeeding, a weekly weight gain of 150 - 200 grams is considered normal, if less than 100 grams, then you should worry and take action. Babies eat up to 12 times a day, in order to control the amount of milk eaten by a child at one time, use baby scales: weigh in the same clothes with a diaper before and after one feeding. Write down the difference, show the pediatrician at the reception.

There is also a way to monitor urination: after the first three days of life, there should be at least 5-6 wet diapers per day. Watch the behavior of the baby, if he is restless, sleeps poorly, and looks for breasts with his mouth - conclude that the child is malnourished. Satisfied and happy child will be cheerful, cheerful, sleep well and for a long time, not show concern for no apparent reason.

Many mothers, especially those who have given birth for the first time, are very worried about the fact that babies consume only a few drops of breast milk on the first day. Nursing women must know what portion to eat at a time for newborns, and be able to determine the amount of sucked milk. So how much should a newborn eat per feeding? Let's find out below!

What is the volume of the stomach in a newborn

It's incredible, but the volume of the stomach of a newly born baby is less than 7 ml. That is, in terms of size, the organ can be compared with a thimble, in which no more than a teaspoon of milk is placed. On the first day of a child's life, the mucous walls of the stomach are dense and inelastic, they are simply not able to accept a large number of food.

If the newborn eats too much, then he still has to spit up the excess milk. But worry about the fact that the child's body receives little useful substances, not worth it: mammary glands mothers for the first few days form colostrum - a highly nutritious and easily digestible substance. The child grows up at a rapid pace: after three days, the volume of the stomach is 30 ml, after a week - 80 ml, and by the end of the month - almost 150 ml.

How much should a newborn baby eat in the first three days of life

The feeding procedure in women who have given birth for the first time causes panic. This is not surprising, because advice from medical manuals is often inapplicable in practice. Young mothers should not worry: calculating the rate of milk for newborn babies is not as difficult as it seems.

Toddlers who are not yet able to make active sucking movements with their mouths absorb a small amount of food from the chest, but a few drops of satisfying and nutritious colostrum are enough for them.

Since the stomach of a newborn on the first day of life is not able to take no more than 8 ml of milk per feeding, and the daily portion of food is 100 ml, mothers need to feed at least 12 times. On the second day, the amount of colostrum consumed increases to 250 ml, and on the third day - up to 350 ml.

How much should a newborn eat in the first two weeks of life

When a baby is two weeks old from birth, the calculation of the milk norm for him becomes quite simple. Mom needs to multiply the days he has lived by the number 10. The final value is the portion of the liquid that the baby sucks out at one time. For example, if a baby is 16 days old, then he needs 160 ml of milk at a time. Per day two week old baby eats a portion of food equal to 20% of body weight. If the baby weighs 7 kilograms, then during the day he consumes more than a liter of milk.

How much should a newborn baby eat by month: table

How many times a day should a newborn baby be fed?

The frequency of feeding depends on how the food is organized: in accordance with the regimen or at the request of the baby. Many modern pediatricians recommend putting the baby to the breast as soon as he wants to eat, without observing time limits. This method of feeding is favorable both for improving the mother's lactation and for maintaining normal mental state a newborn child, but is uncomfortable due to the inability to devote enough time to other things.

But with a regimen of nutrition, the baby is applied to the chest at a strictly allotted time. When setting the intervals between feedings, the mother needs to take into account that the baby eats little, but often. Every month, the frequency of feeding decreases, and the duration of the intervals increases approximately as follows:

  1. in the first month - at least 10 feedings, the interval is no more than 2 hours;
  2. at 2 - 3 months - up to 8 feedings, interval - no more than 3 hours;
  3. at 4 - 5 months - up to 6 feedings, the interval - no more than 4 hours;
  4. in six months - up to 5 feedings, the interval is no more than 4 hours.

How much formula should a newborn eat

Just like when breastfeeding, the baby needs to eat at least ten times a day, and the amount of artificial mixture consumed should be the same as breast milk. If the baby does not want to eat often, then the portion of the mixture can be slightly increased. You should not overfeed the baby, even if he has a good appetite. The table shows the recommended daily portions of the artificial mixture:

How to calculate the daily amount of breast milk according to Maslov

The Soviet pediatrician Maslov developed a caloric method for determining the amount of milk, necessary for a newborn to kid. For a correct calculation, you need to know the exact weight of the baby. A liter of breast milk contains about 700 kilocalories. One kilogram of a child's body weight per day needs next amount energy:

  • up to three months of life - 125 kcal;
  • from three to six months - 120 kcal;
  • from six to nine months - 110 kcal;
  • from nine months to a year - 100 kcal.

To calculate the daily portion of milk, you need to multiply the number of kilocalories by the weight of the baby. Eg, two month old baby weighs 6 kg. It turns out: 125 kcal × 6 kg = 750 kcal. IN this case the child needs to consume a little more than half a liter of breast milk per day.

How to tell if a newborn baby is getting enough food

The most reliable indicator good nutrition child - a steadily increasing weight and length of the body. Every month, the baby must be weighed in the clinic. During the examination, the pediatrician determines whether the baby is malnourished or, conversely, eats too much in a day. The table below gives the rate of weight gain for a child from birth to a year.

The table indicates the average data, if the baby's weight deviates slightly from the norm, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the body weight differs too much from the table values, then most likely the child is starving or, conversely, overeating. In this case, you should definitely go to a consultation with a pediatrician.

Correct and rationed nutrition is a guarantee good health for a child. But a newborn baby is not able to independently control his diet. Therefore, this task falls on the shoulders of his parents. The answer to the question of how much breast milk a newborn should eat will help raise a strong and healthy baby.

After giving birth, a young mother's milk will appear four days later. But the newborn will require milk. Most mothers worry about this because the baby will not be able to get enough nutrition. But there is no need to worry, because this is a natural development of events.

There are a number of factors in support of this:

  • instead of milk, a young mother gets a substance known as "colostrum" - it contains a large amount of useful substances that can provide a child with a healthy diet;
  • it will take some time for the baby to learn to suck - so at first he will not be able to consume much milk;
  • for one feeding, a newborn consumes no more than nine milliliters of colostrum - this norm will be enough for him before the mother has a new portion;
  • milk will appear very quickly, even if at first it was completely absent - extra excitement, on the contrary, slows down this process;
  • during the first day, the baby will only need one hundred milliliters of colostrum - this amount is fully produced by most mothers.

Milk production is provided by a hormone that is activated in the body of a woman after the birth of a child. The amount of the hormone increases, and with it the formation of milk occurs.

Many women worry that colostrum is not meant for the baby. But research scientists have shown the opposite. Colostrum is not just good for the baby, it's required to provide the foundation for healthy development. immune system. For the first time, the baby consumes no more than two milliliters of this substance. Together with him, he receives trace elements, immunoglobulins and antibodies that help in further development.

Milk rates in the first ten days

The main factors on which the volume of milk consumed by an infant depends are his age and body weight. In the first days after birth, the baby grows rapidly, and with it the volume of milk that he needs also increases.

Every day the rate increases:

  • after the first day, the minimum norm for a newborn is two hundred milliliters (one serving is twenty milliliters);
  • after the second day, the minimum rate is three hundred milliliters (one serving - thirty milliliters);
  • in the future, the minimum rate increases along the same trend.

To calculate the minimum rate in the first ten days, a special formula is used. The age of the newborn must be multiplied by ten. The resulting figure will show how much a newborn should eat for one feeding of breast milk.

When breastfeeding, it is difficult to determine how much milk the baby has drunk. To solve this problem medical scales are used. It is necessary to weigh the baby before feeding, and after. The change between the two numbers will indicate the amount of milk the baby has drunk. This method will help you find out if the baby is consuming minimal amount food or not. It is important that the number corresponds to the approximate norm.

When and how best to breastfeed

The main task of a young mother is to provide the child with convenience and comfort in the process of feeding. The first feeding will be needed quickly, so it is often carried out right in the delivery room.

In most cases, children immediately stay with their mother. The exception is possible contraindications. There is no consensus on the optimal diet.

It is widely applicable practice when feeding is carried out every two to three hours. But many doctors are of the opinion that you do not need to worry about how much you should eat. month old baby per breastfeed. All that is required of the mother is to feed the baby when he wants to.

This may occur less frequently than the specified interval, or, conversely, more often.

The process of milk stay in women after the birth of a child takes about two weeks. Therefore, the rate for the first ten days is calculated separately. The minimum portion is approximately twenty percent of the weight of the newborn.

A young mother should consider several important points while breastfeeding:

  • the baby may require to eat up to twelve times within twenty-four hours;
  • often the interval between meals does not exceed one and a half hours;
  • the time it takes to eat takes at least fifteen minutes, but sometimes it can reach forty minutes.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the first ten days you will have to spend most of your time with the baby. In some children, the sucking reflex is so developed that they can suckle even when the milk has already run out.

The mammary glands of a woman are most active at night. In the first two weeks of life, the baby wakes up at night almost as often as during the day. After reaching this age, he wakes up to three times a night, and the anxiety goes away.

You can not tear the baby from the breast too quickly. But if the feeding process is delayed more than an hour Don't let your baby continue to breastfeed. Formula should only be used when breastfeeding is not possible.

Table of nutritional norms up to a year

Up to a year, children should receive the same amount of food. To determine the optimal amount of milk for a child, a special table has been created in which nutritional norms are prescribed depending on age:

How old was the babyAmount of milk per meal in millilitersDaily rate
Three to four daysUp to 60No more than three hundred milliliters
Up to one weekUp to 60No more than four hundred milliliters
Up to two weeksUp to 9020% of the newborn's weight
Up to 1 monthUp to 110Not more than six hundred milliliters
At 2 monthsUp to 150Not more than eight hundred milliliters
At 3 monthsUp to 18016.5% of the infant's weight
At 4 monthsup to 21016.5% of the infant's weight
At 5 - 6 monthsup to 24014.2% of baby's weight
7 months to a yearup to 24011% to 12.5% ​​of the child's weight

After reaching the age of six months, the baby's diet must be diversified, accustoming him to other foods.

This should be done sequentially, as indicated in the table:

The first cereals should be cooked completely in water. Vegetable oil it is not recommended to add before seven months of age. For the first time, just one drop will be enough. Each time, the volume must be increased until it reaches one teaspoon. The situation is similar with butter. Starting from one gram, the portion should be gradually increased to ten grams.

How to tell if a baby is full

Young parents should be as attentive as possible to maintaining the nutritional norm for their child. Overeating or undereating can lead to serious problems with health.

A well-fed baby is determined by a number of signs:

  • calm behavior;
  • healthy and sound sleep;
  • measured and systematic weight gain;
  • stable urination from twelve times a day.

A newborn should gain at least half a kilogram every month. If he does not gain this indicator within a month, he needs more food.

The baby has not eaten if:

  • after feeding, he begins to cry and look for his mother's breast;
  • bowel movements occur less frequently than normal;
  • after reaching ten days of age, breastfeeding takes a long time for the baby.

It is normal for newborns to have a bowel movement after every meal.

– more simple task than it seems to new mothers. If the baby grows normally, falls asleep after feeding, and no longer requires milk, then he himself consumes the norm necessary for him.

This question, probably, at least once was asked by every woman with children. And most likely, the concern about the malnutrition of the crumbs arose after the conclusion of the pediatrician that the baby needs to be supplemented: they say that he is underweight. Doctors really determine whether a baby has enough milk, according to monthly increase. But modern experts do not recommend limiting yourself to this criterion alone. In general, the approach to breastfeeding today has changed radically. If it seems to you that the baby is not full or that your milk is not enough, do not rush to supplement it! Especially if he only has breasts. With properly organized breastfeeding, there is no need to add infant formula to the diet of a newborn. But for mothers of artificial babies, the question of how many grams of the mixture a newborn should eat at a time or per day is certainly very relevant. However, today we will talk about how much a newborn should eat, located on both IV and GV.

How much breast milk / mixture should a newborn eat: table

In the first hours and days after birth, the baby mostly sleeps, he eats very little. Interestingly, the volume of his ventricle is only 7 ml! But let's remember that it is not in vain that colostrum is so nutritious and there is not so much of it. Moreover, the baby is still quite weak, and cannot actively and for a long time suckle the breast. Gradually, the capacity of the baby's stomach increases, and accordingly, he begins to eat more, gaining strength.

How much a newborn eats depends on a large number of factors, and this must always be remembered! This is the weight of the crumbs at birth, the state of his health, and even the time of day. Appetite and food needs can change constantly. And also great importance has a feature child's body: Different babies have different food needs.

That is why, last but not least, it is extremely important to properly organize breastfeeding from the first days. The kid himself will be able to regulate the amount of food consumed and eat as much as he needs or wants. Modern experts are sure: to undereat or overeat on breastfeeding baby can't! Moreover, after a certain period after childbirth, mother's milk begins to be produced in a certain mode: that is, exactly in the amount that her baby needs specifically at a given age stage(in response to the volume eaten by the crumbs).

However, due to some reasons, in certain situations, it is still necessary to know how much a child should normally eat. We will talk about this in detail, but for now we offer a table in which the approximate norms for children from birth to a year are indicated - and it is very convenient and simple.

How many grams of breast milk/formula should a newborn baby up to a year eat?

This Geibern calculation is just one of many options.

We draw your special attention to the fact that the figures given are only a guideline. In each individual case, the norm may differ from that indicated in the table. It largely depends on the type of feeding. But in any case, a child under one year old should not eat more than 1200 ml per day! Overeating is no less harmful and dangerous than undereating.

The amount eaten by the baby at a time is primarily of interest to mothers whose children eat mixtures. Moreover, in this case, it is important to adhere to the feeding regimen: since the mixture is digested much longer than breast milk, the intervals between feedings should be an average of 3 hours.

Food jars usually indicate the norm for a child of a certain age. But pediatricians believe that this clean water commerce: the more the child eats, the faster the package will run out, and you will have to buy more often. And therefore, it is necessary to determine the portion rate for your crumbs in a different way - relative to the age and body weight of the newborn.

There are many different ways to do this.

How to determine a single serving of milk/formula for a newborn:

  • The simplest formula: N*10=X, where N is the age of the child in days, and X is the amount of milk eaten at a time.
  • The weight of a newborn baby (g) must be divided by his height (cm). The resulting number will be the approximate one-time amount of food for the crumbs.

How to determine the daily portion of milk / formula for a newborn:

  • It depends on the weight of the child. If the baby weighs less than 3200 g, then the formula looks like this: N * 70 \u003d X, where N is the child’s age in days, and X is the amount of milk eaten per day. With a weight of more than 3200 g, the formula is: N * 80 \u003d X.
  • Starting from the age of two months, the newborn should eat 800 ml of milk / formula per day, and with each next month 50 ml are added to this volume, that is, at 8 months, the daily portion averages 1110 ml.

Despite the variety of ways to calculate one-time and daily portions of formula / milk for a newborn, all children have their own food needs. different kids at the same age, they can eat unequal amounts, but at the same time it is equally good to gain weight and develop. This is what should be taken into account in the first place, assessing whether the child is full. Mainly, focus on his behavior and well-being during and after feeding. And also consider weight gain (but this is far from the most important criterion!): 150-200 g per week is the golden mean.

You can also do a wet diaper test: during the day, only diapers should be used instead of diapers! After 24 hours from the start of the experiment, the number of diapers used should be counted: if there are at least 12, then there is nothing to worry about.

To determine how much the baby eats at a time, simply by weighing the child before and after feeding, always in the same clothes. The difference will show the portion he consumed. However, such a single weighing should in no case be taken as indicative: portions of sucked from feeding to feeding breast milk can be very different! Moreover, babies are usually applied to the breast much more often (approximately 10-12 times a day) than artificial ones eat (on average 8 times a day), and therefore they eat less at a time. Therefore, in order to draw more or less objective conclusions, control weighings must be carried out for several days in a row.

And in general, with regard to babies, everything is completely different here.

In order not to worry about the lack of breast milk, the lactation process must be established immediately, and done correctly. The easiest way is to invite a breastfeeding consultant: he will teach you how to properly attach the baby to the breast and talk about all the possible nuances.

The most important thing that a nursing mother should know and consider is the following:

  1. Much more important is how much a newborn eats per day, and not at a time. One feeding cannot be indicative.
  2. A child's appetite and need for food is constantly changing, especially in the first weeks and months of life, and this is normal. And therefore, you should not control the amount of food eaten by the child at this time: just offer him a breast every time on demand, without limiting!
  3. In no case should you refuse a baby in the chest!
  4. Make sure that during feedings the child will certainly suck out the back milk - it is the most valuable and nutritious. That is, do not change breasts often. Hind milk enters the baby after at least 15 minutes from the start of continuous sucking.
  5. Breast milk is produced most actively at night, and therefore it is extremely important to feed the crumbs at night!
  6. The fat content and nutritional value of breast milk is also constantly changing, and it is almost impossible to determine them “by eye”.
  7. In the first three months, the production of breast milk is regulated by hormones, and therefore problems with lactation during this period are infrequent. But if the process is not set up correctly, then errors will almost certainly surface after this period.
  8. After three months, breast milk is produced in response to the offer: that is, it begins to be produced in the amount that your baby needs now. It is after a 3-month milestone that it may seem to the mother that there is less milk, because the breast between feedings is no longer poured, as before. This is an erroneous opinion. Despite its softness and apparent emptiness, there is enough milk in the breast. You can feel the milk coming directly during feeding - there is a tingling sensation in the mammary gland.
  9. It is during this period that the child begins to change the feeding regimen: he can apply more or less than usual, take the breast and immediately throw it, etc. Now this is normal. But many mothers unknowingly think that, probably, there is less milk - and the child is hungry.
  10. Exist lactation crises when less breast milk is produced temporarily. At this time, there is a restructuring in the process of its development in response to the changing needs of the child. If lactation is adjusted correctly and the woman continues to offer the baby a breast each time, then he is able to survive the milk crisis without any damage and wait for the amount of food he needs.
  11. A healthy newborn who is exclusively breastfed cannot starve if he has unlimited access to the breast.
  12. Do not express breast milkto determine its amount. You may not squeeze out anything, but this does not mean at all that your chest is empty, but doubt and anxiety are provided after that. And the fact that the baby constantly “hangs” on his chest is his physiological need, and not a sign of malnutrition.
  13. Also, do not try to increase the fat content of milk - it does not make any sense. It is much more important to enjoy the process of breastfeeding and not be nervous once again.

However, you won’t have to be nervous: if the breastfeeding process is set up correctly, and the newborn receives breasts whenever he wants, there is no reason to worry about malnutrition, modern pediatricians are sure. And this is another undeniable huge benefit of breastfeeding.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

The baby was born. A happy mom has a time of worries, worries and worries. The main thing that now worries a mother who is breastfeeding is whether the baby gets enough nutrition, fatty or not her milk?


First feeding

Milk after childbirth usually begins to arrive by fourth day. The baby is brought to the first feeding, most often on the second day. And now the young mother begins to worry that her baby will remain hungry, that there is very little milk. You shouldn't do this for several reasons:

  • The newborn is still weakly sucking his mother's breast (the sucking reflex is poorly developed), he needs to learn this, so he eats very little.
  • Colostrum, which is now produced by the mother's body, is fatty and nutritious. It contains everything necessary to ensure the full life of the newborn.
  • The volume of the ventricle in infants is still very small (on the first day, only about 10 ml), therefore, the amount of colostrum eaten per feeding is also small, about 7 - 9 ml.
  • It turns out to feed the child 10 - 12 per day, that is, for the first day the baby's norm is about 100 ml of milk.
  • You shouldn't think that infant will remain hungry because there is not enough milk. It will start arriving soon. But unnecessary worries can delay the increase in lactation.

Milk rates in the first ten days

How much milk a baby will eat now depends only on its weight and age. From day to day, the volume of the ventricle in a newborn increases, and the volume of milk consumed increases accordingly.

  • On the second day, the baby drinks about 20 grams in one feeding, daily dose– 200-240 ml,
  • On the third - 30 ml (300-340 ml, respectively) and so on.
  • For a child of the first 10 days of life, you can calculate the required amount of milk consumption for 1 feeding by simply multiplying the number of days from birth by 10.

Nutritional formula for the first 10 days: N (number of days) * 10 = one-time feeding volume in ml.

Accurate scales to measure the weight of a newborn baby

More precisely, the volume of a single dose of milk consumed can be determined by weighing the infant by medical scales before feeding and immediately after it. The difference between the results of weighing is the volume of milk drunk by the baby. It is advisable to weigh several feedings in a row. Knowing the approximate dose ( see above standards), you will understand whether the baby is sucking his portion or not.

When and how is it better to feed a baby?

After ten days, mommy's milk will stop coming. Now the approximate amount eaten per day will be equal to a fifth of the weight of the baby.

Children's pediatricians have come to the conclusion that it is not necessary to force-feed a child during strictly allotted hours. It is better to wait until the baby himself demands to feed him. Usually this happens 10-12 times a day with an interval of 1.5 - 2 hours.

Read about the pros and cons of feeding on demand -

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

As a rule, the baby actively sucks the breast for 15-30 minutes, sometimes even 40. It happens that the baby has sucked out all the milk, but continues to suck the breast for some time, either sucking out the last drops of milk, or he just likes the sucking process itself. Don't let him breastfeed for more than an hour.

Table of nutritional norms up to a year

On artificial nutrition

Everything that has already been said above applies to breastfeeding. What if your child gets artificial nutrition? How to calculate the required rate of milk or mixture?

  1. This is where nutrition is important. It is necessary to feed the baby at least 8 times a day.
  2. We calculate the norms, as for breastfeeding, but if the baby eats less often, then the norm can be slightly increased.
  3. The main thing is not to overfeed the child. After all, it is easier to suck milk from the nipple, and the sucking reflex of the baby is highly developed already a few days after birth.
  4. If you feed your baby not with milk, but with formula, then everything is even simpler - the dosage required for each age is indicated on the package (See the article about mixtures and about that).

How to calculate the daily rate for artificial nutrition?

For example: Let's use a table. The child is 2 months old, weight - 4800 gr. Daily amount of milk: 4800/6= 800 ml. Dividing by the number of feedings per day, we get a single dose: 800/6 = 130 ml. So, in one feeding, the baby should eat 130 grams of milk / mixture.

Features of nutrition with artificial feeding

  • Do not worry if the baby ate less than the prescribed norm - in next feeding he can eat a little more and get the right amount.
  • You should know that the baby's ventricle is artificial feeding digests food more slowly, be it milk or formula. Therefore, during the day you should feed after 2.5 - 3 hours, the nighttime break in feeding can be 5 - 6 hours.
  • If the baby wakes up some time after feeding and cries, do not supplement him with more. Most likely, he did not burp air, and his tummy hurts. Hold it upright. As soon as he burps the air, let him fall asleep again.
  • If he did not drink the whole norm, it is better to let him finish it a little later, when you know for sure that he is hungry.

How to determine that the child is full?

An attentive mother will determine by many signs that the baby is full:

  • He is calm;
  • Sleeping soundly;
  • Good weight gain (See article);
  • He pees regularly (12-15 times a day) and poops regularly (See article).

When a baby simply cries often, this is not an indicator of underfeeding. Most likely, he is simply tormented by gases and colic.

If your child is restless, sleeps poorly, wakes up often, weight gain is small compared to the norm, greedily pounces on the chest (or a bottle of formula), then the baby is clearly experiencing some nutritional problems and it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Video: how to determine if a baby is getting enough milk

There are many breastfeeding tips, but don't blindly follow them. Remember that everything is very individual. Be attentive and patient, and soon your baby will establish his own, convenient for him, diet.

As soon as the feeding regimen returns to normal, you can not worry about how much your baby ate. He will eat as much as he needs.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!