How much liquid to drink during pregnancy. Daily water intake during pregnancy. What should be limited and why

More than half of the human body is made up of water. And all vital processes in it occur with the obligatory participation of water. Therefore, without life-giving moisture, we cannot exist - the slightest deficiency of it does not affect the most in the best way on our health and well-being, and a clear lack of fluid completely disables the body.

It should be said that during pregnancy, the importance of water for a woman not only increases, but also acquires a new meaning, because another one is included in the water circulation system in the body - the child.

At the same time, an excess of fluid in the body becomes much more harmful and dangerous. So this issue is one of the most important during the period of bearing a child and requires constant monitoring.

The benefits of water for the body of pregnant women

Already from the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother faces many dangers in the form of a deterioration in health and well-being. Often at this time there is a significant decrease arterial pressure, many women begin to suffer from, the risks of developing thrombophlebitis and increase. But not everyone knows that by ensuring a sufficient supply of fluid to the body, these troubles can be avoided or their manifestation can be significantly reduced. In addition, against the background of a lack of water, metabolic processes in the mother’s body are disrupted, the level of toxicity increases (due to insufficient purification from metabolic products), irritability and fatigue increase, immunity decreases, the skin loses elasticity and firmness. Which is completely scary - the risk of mutations and other complications increases.

Even the medications that a woman usually takes during this period (the same vitamins) are better absorbed with plenty of water.

That's why every pregnant woman should drink enough fluids, which is most important during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink a lot of water?

At the same time, one should not forget that human body can adapt only to a lack of fluid, but cannot fight with an excess. And if usually this does not bother us much, then for a woman in a position, this order of things poses a certain threat. An excess of fluid leads to the appearance, the kidneys of the expectant mother already work for two and cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on them. This is also one of the reasons for the appearance overweight pregnant.

This condition is especially dangerous in the third trimester, and most of all - before the birth itself (this can affect, among other things, the development of malformations in the fetus and). The body is preparing to store water in a double amount, because the volumes amniotic fluid and blood are constantly increasing, and the time of childbirth (when fluid loss is potentially especially large) is approaching. Therefore, in recent months term, the mother should limit the flow of fluid into the body.

Fluid intake during pregnancy

Since the value of life-giving moisture is especially great on early dates pregnancy during the period of active cell division and growth, laying and development of all organs and systems of the baby, the mother's water intake during this period should be sufficient. With a weight of 50 kg, you should drink an average of 2 liters of water per day, at 60 kg - 2.3 liters, 70 kg - 2.55 liters, 80 kg - an average of about 3 liters of water per day.

It should be borne in mind that in the hot season, at elevated body temperature or, during the period, the needs of a pregnant woman for water increase.

But already from the second trimester, you should not be zealous with some water. Drink enough to not feel thirsty, but do not overdose. If, according to indications, the volumes of fluid entering the body will need to be limited, the doctor will individually will establish for you an acceptable drinking regimen.

But from the third trimester, the amount of water you drink will need to be strictly controlled. In the recommendations for nutrition during pregnancy, you can find an indication of the restriction of drinking for last dates, however, such a formulation of the question is somewhat incorrect - limiting fluid intake without limiting salt intake does not prevent edema and, in principle, is not easy for a woman.

The thing is that you should mainly limit and then completely abandon the consumption of salt, since it is she who leads to fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, from the 20th week, begin to gradually reduce the addition of salt to dishes. If you completely stop adding salt to food, then a significant restriction of drinking will not be required if this is not necessary for medical indications(for example, with kidney pathology, late toxicosis and edema).

By the way, if everything is fine with your health and your condition is normal, limiting your drinking in the third trimester can even be dangerous. After all, the amniotic fluid in recent months is updated 8 times a day! And for this you need a decent water reserve. But still, gynecologists recommend that in the prenatal period, if possible, replace an extra glass of liquid with a whole vegetable or fruit.

It should also be noted that in some conditions it is impossible to limit fluid intake at all: for example, with pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. Therefore, the most right decision will coordinate his drinking regimen with his doctor. But before you get to the doctor, spend home test for dehydration. Collect a portion of your urine and evaluate its color: almost transparent or very light urine indicates a sufficient intake of fluid into the body, and saturated or dark indicates a clear deficiency.

What is best to drink during pregnancy is a separate issue. But, of course, the best and most useful drink has always been and will be living clean water.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Mineral waters are waters containing natural salts, trace elements and some other biologically active substances. Depending on the composition, they can be drinking, medicinal or intended for external use and inhalation.

If the water is intended for ingestion, it is usually carbonated with carbon dioxide and bottled, hermetically closing them. Mineral water packaged in this way is one of the most popular and favorite drinks of all people. But is it really that useful? Is it possible to use mineral water pregnant women and how to choose it correctly?

Is it possible to drink mineral sparkling water during pregnancy?

There is no unambiguous opinion about the frequent drinking of mineral water by expectant mothers. It is believed that non-carbonated table water will not cause harm for sure. Properly selected mineral water will help to fill the deficiency of trace elements, if any. It also perfectly quenches thirst.

If a pregnant woman spends little time on fresh air and suffers from oxygen deficiency, special oxygenated water may be recommended. This is a good prophylactic against fetal hypoxia. In addition, it enhances vitality and immunity.

Mineral water also has unpleasant side effects. It is not recommended to drink chronic gastritis and an ulcer, especially if the disease is accompanied by vomiting and. Caution should be taken with mineral water for expectant mothers suffering from diarrhea and pancreatitis. Any medicinal waters with a high concentration of salts and minerals are prohibited for cholelithiasis, especially if the size of the stones already exceeds 5 mm in diameter.

A lot of controversy arises about soda. Even if it is based on healthy mineral water and there are no additives, carbon dioxide can cause harm to the body. It creates bubbles, which, when they enter the stomach, affect its normal contraction and functioning. The gas seems to inflate the organ from the inside and can exit through the esophagus, provoking an unpleasant burp in the expectant mother. If a woman suffers from heartburn, the pain and burning sensation will increase.

If the gas does not exit through the esophagus, but moves into the intestines, this is also not very good - bloating and impaired peristalsis may occur. This condition threatens with constipation or vice versa, a strong liquefaction of the stool. Therefore, expectant mothers should give preference to non-carbonated water.

If you really want soda, you can afford a little. At the same time, you need to take care of your health.

The effect on the body of mineral waters with a different complex of salts and minerals may also differ. Before choosing a drink for yourself, you need to analyze its composition. It is also advisable to consult your doctor about this. If in doubt, give preference to fruit drinks or compotes.

The ideal version of mineral water for a future mother is non-carbonated with a small amount of salts and other active substances. It is very important to pay attention to the quality of the composition:

  • Potassium-sodium salts during pregnancy are more useful, since these minerals contribute to the correct passage of a variety of processes in the body, for example, cellular metabolism and signaling along nerve fibers.
  • Chlorides in mineral water can attract water, causing swelling and increased blood pressure in the expectant mother.

If a woman is healthy and does not suffer from a lack of any salts and elements, it is better to drink table water. In it, the concentration of minerals is much lower. Therapeutic table and table water is better to drink after consulting a doctor.

Do not buy artificially mineralized water. Often it is taken from an ordinary water supply, cleaned and salt is added. It does not differ in taste from natural mineral water, but the properties can be completely different.

Light table water in the first trimester helps many mothers get rid of nausea. But it is important not to drink it too much - a few glasses are enough. Excess fluid can lead to swelling. It is also important to drink not only mineral, but also plain clean water.

When choosing a mineral water for yourself, be sure to pay attention to the spill date and expiration date, composition and purpose. It is better to drink water without gas or slightly carbonated.

A woman's immune defenses are usually weakened during pregnancy, and this increases the risk of developing colds. Since the use of most drugs during this period is prohibited, you have to look for safe methods treatment of cough and runny nose, for example, inhalation. They help thin the mucus respiratory tract and make breathing easier for the expectant mother. This helps prevent, so in most cases, doctors are positive about this procedure.

If you only have sparkling water, the bottle needs to be opened and all the carbon dioxide released. You can also pour the mineral water into another container and stir it well, releasing gas. But it will completely evaporate only after about 2 hours. It is desirable to carry out inhalations with the help of an ordinary pan, in which water is heated and steam is breathed. The usefulness of a nebulizer in this situation is very doubtful, since it delivers fluid particles to the lungs, and we do not need water there, especially with salts.


During pregnancy, you can safely drink only non-carbonated table water in moderation. In other situations, it is better to give preference to traditional compotes or fruit drinks. Inhalations with mineral water are allowed, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before conducting them.

For a long time, doctors have recommended that pregnant women reduce fluid intake to 1000 ml per day. This restriction was introduced in order to avoid problems with puffiness. Most expectant mothers during the bearing of the baby got acquainted with this phenomenon firsthand. Edema is the most common complaint of women expecting a baby. Today, many doctors believe that reducing the amount of water in the diet of a pregnant woman negatively affects her well-being and does not always help to cope with edema. Inadequate fluid intake can lead to dehydration. For a normal metabolism, a person needs to consume at least 2-2.5 liters per day. Drinking water during pregnancy is not only possible, but necessary. She is the source of life. Not all water, however, can be beneficial.

The role of water in the body of a pregnant woman

For normal operation female body It is very important to use high-quality clean water. After all, it removes harmful chemical elements, supports normal level moisture in the skin and hair, as well as the consistency and volume of blood. No one is without water metabolic process. And it should be enough in the body of a pregnant woman.

Rushing to get as many vitamins and minerals as possible, many expectant mothers drink only juices and dairy products. But we must not forget about the water. Its importance for the full functioning of organs and systems can hardly be overestimated.

A sufficient amount of moisture consumed during pregnancy provides:

  • maintaining normal fetal blood flow;
  • the formation of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios is a pathology);
  • increase in the blood volume of the expectant mother;
  • elasticity of body tissues;
  • normal process of digestion;
  • improved metabolism;
  • the removal of toxins and other waste products not only of the maternal organism, but also of the fetal organism.

A pregnant woman, consuming little water, runs the risk of problems with the functioning of the placenta and the development of the fetus. But drinking water in an amount significantly exceeding the norm is also not recommended. Due to an excess of fluid, swelling and risk may appear. late toxicosis, which will complicate the process of childbirth and subsequent recovery.

To feel good, you need to stick to individual norm: do not limit the amount of fluid you drink per day and do not drink too much. The water consumed by the expectant mother must be highest quality and do not contain unnecessary components.

Drinking regimen at different times

Pregnant women need about half a liter of fluid more than the usual daily allowance for an adult. The body of the expectant mother increases the sweating process, so she needs more water to replenish her reserves. In this case, it is necessary to observe the following rule: drink water in the morning and evening, leaving daytime for all kinds of fruit drinks, compotes and teas.

In the first half of pregnancy

In early pregnancy developing fetus especially requires nutrients. The organ systems of the unborn child are being laid. The cells of his body are constantly growing.

The value of water at this stage is great, how much should you drink? During this period, a woman should drink 2 to 3 liters of fluid per day, depending on body weight. On average, you need to consume 30-40 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the expectant mother is worried about toxicosis or fever she should drink more water than usual.

Half of the daily fluid intake can be juices, compotes, fruit drinks, milk, kefir, coffee, tea, as well as first courses. This also includes the moisture found in fresh vegetables and fruits that you eat during the day.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color and smell of pregnant urine. A sign of a lack of fluid in the body can be cloudy dark urine with a pronounced odor. If you notice this in yourself, contact your doctor immediately to rule out the possibility of dehydration.

Symptoms of dehydration:

  • dry lips at any time of the year;
  • dry skin on the face and limbs;
  • toxicosis;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • digestive difficulties and constipation;
  • general ill health.

Dehydration during pregnancy is very dangerous for the fetus. When there is not enough fluid in the bloodstream, the blood of the expectant mother becomes thicker, which greatly complicates the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta. The baby in the womb begins to experience oxygen starvation and lag behind in development.

In the second half of pregnancy

In the second, and especially in the third trimester, the amount of fluid consumed should be reduced: drink only to quench your thirst. Starting from the sixth month of pregnancy, the amount of water you drink must be strictly controlled. It is also worth reducing the amount of salty foods in your diet to 5 g per day, since salt retains moisture in the body, and this is fraught with swelling. The less salt a woman consumes while carrying a child, the better.

Important! If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with kidney problems, then it is impossible to limit fluid intake.

After the 20th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend reducing the amount of liquid drunk by the expectant mother to 1.5 liters per day, taking into account soups, juices, compotes, teas, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. And at 30 weeks you will drink even less - only 1.2 liters per day (this is water plus first courses and plus other drinks, milk, fruits and vegetables).

The ratio of water and other water-containing products is still the same - approximately 1:1. The numbers here are averaged. The table will help you navigate more accurately.

Table "Norms of fluid intake for expectant mothers"

The rate of water consumption is individual for each expectant mother. If you are afraid of harming yourself and your baby by drinking too much or too little liquid, consult with a specialist who manages your pregnancy. Knowing all the nuances of its flow, he will establish an individual drinking regimen for you.

Video "How much water to drink a day"

What kind of water do you prefer

The human body consists of 70% water. It is important to drink good quality water.

The water used by the expectant mother should:

  • be clean: do not contain impurities and foreign substances (salts of heavy metals, bacteria and microorganisms, etc.);
  • be bottled: spring or mineral;
  • contain no gases.

Important! Clean water intended for drinking should not be boiled. Heat destroys useful material and minerals.

Tap water

Drinking tap water during pregnancy is risky and harmful. Do not drink tap water. This can have serious consequences for the fetus. It may contain lead and other heavy impurities. The water that comes through pipes to our apartments is conventionally called drinking water. You can drink it only if there is no alternative.

Experts have identified more than 2,000 foreign substances in the composition of tap water. chemical substances, including phenols, manganese, aluminium, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, chromium and petroleum derivatives. All these elements should not be present in water intended for drinking.

Actual tap water quality values ​​in the table are average values ​​and may vary by region. But here it is clearly seen that they are noticeably different from those indicated in the regulatory documentation.

It is worth switching to the use of spring, artesian additionally purified water even before the conception of the baby: purification of tap water with the help of filters can be effective, but not 100%.

boiled tap water

Chlorine is added to tap water to disinfect it. When boiled, it does not evaporate, but begins to interact with other chemical elements. Therefore, even after boiling, such water is not suitable for drinking.

Purified tap

Purified water refers to tap water that has been filtered. At home, for this purpose, pitcher charcoal filters are often used, filters that are installed under the sink or as a nozzle on the faucet. They purify water from chlorine and foreign taste, and some from harmful bacteria. Filter cassettes must be replaced according to the instructions, for pitcher filters it is about once a month, since they are ineffective during long-term operation. Due to the poor quality of tap water in Russia, imported cleaning mechanisms serve less than the allotted time. Therefore, in some regions it is more profitable to buy bottled water than to spend money on frequent shift filters for cleaning tap water.

The carbon filter will purify tap water from chlorine and impurities, but not from harmful bacteria.

Membrane filters purify water from everything that is in it: both harmful and useful (including mineral salts and other trace elements important for the normal functioning of the human body). As a result, it becomes empty and does not bear any benefit to the body. The solution to this problem can be a mineralizer.

Membrane filters purify water not only from harmful impurities, but also from everything useful that it contains: mineral salts and other trace elements

Mineral bottled water

Medicinal mineral water is useful in the presence of certain indications, because it contains a large number of mineral salts. It should be used in doses, and after consulting with your doctor.

Healthy pregnant women are not recommended to drink medicinal mineral water. This is fraught with gastritis and salt deposits.

Table mineral water should be included in the daily diet. The mineral content in it is small and will not bring harm. Bottled table mineral water is not oversaturated with salts, does not contain chlorine and impurities. Such water can become the main source of moisture for the whole family.

When purchasing table mineral water, you should pay attention to its composition. Don't buy water that has been artificially mineralized. These bottles contain purified tap water with the addition of additional substances. Read the label carefully before buying.

Be careful! A significant part of the water delivered to the homes of Russians by order is ordinary (tap) purified water.



baby water

By the way, many people today drink baby water, also sold in bottles of different sizes. Why not buy such water for expectant mothers? Baby water will not harm you. But the content of mineral salts in it is adapted to the needs of the child's body. There are significantly fewer of them than in “adult” water. Therefore, you will get less benefit from its consumption.

Sparkling water

Doctors advise pregnant women to refrain from drinking any carbonated drinks. Bubbles fill the water with carbon dioxide. If ingested, it can interfere with normal functioning digestive system. Bubbles accumulate inside the stomach and intestines. As a result, future mom suffering from heartburn, belching, intestinal colic. Flatulence or constipation may occur.

Carbonated water can exacerbate chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Doctors do not advise drinking it even during breastfeeding.

Doctors are currently antenatal clinics every second pregnant woman is diagnosed with fetal hypoxia. This means that the baby inside does not have enough oxygen. Therefore, it is important for the expectant mother to walk a lot in the fresh air, which in conditions big city sometimes difficult to do.

The lack of oxygen can be replenished by drinking oxygenated (oxygenated) water. It is very useful during pregnancy.

Oxygenated water tones, helps to cope with toxicosis, improves immunity, normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function, lowers blood sugar levels, normalizes weight and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

You can buy oxygenated water in regular supermarkets or pharmacies.

Get oxygenated water industrial environment by saturating ordinary spring or artesian water with oxygen under high pressure.

Drink this water immediately after opening the package. Within 15-20 minutes, all oxygen leaves it.

Bottles: glass or plastic

Expectant mothers often have doubts about the use of bottled water because of the quality of the container into which this water is poured. Buy water at glass bottles preferably. However, due to its relative high cost, water in plastic bottles is much more in demand among buyers. They are made of food-grade polymers (polyethylene) and are safe for health. But here it should be noted: safe plastic bottles only for single use, that is, they are subject to mandatory disposal or recycling after emptying. It is not recommended to pour drinks into them again and again, as plastic can eventually begin to release harmful carcinogens into the liquid and into the air that fill the bottle.

Bottled water in plastic containers will not cause any harm to the health of the expectant mother if you bought it in a supermarket and it has all quality certificates. But if the bottles from under it are reused, no one will guarantee that the drinks poured into them will only benefit.

How to drink water for expectant mothers

  • IN hot weather a person drinks in large portions, taking frequent sips. Excess moisture accumulates in the body, which can cause swelling. Drink water measuredly, in small sips. Quench your thirst by moisturizing your lips. The brain will react to this and you will feel that you no longer want to drink. How faster man drinks, the more thirsty.
  • Do not forget about water during breakfast, lunch and dinner. If the food is too dry, it is enough to drink it with a small amount of water, thereby facilitating digestion.
  • The temperature of the liquid used is of great importance. In the cold season, drink water with a temperature of about 20-22 degrees. In summer, a moderately cool drink will quench your thirst. Do not drink ice-cold juices and water. A woman in position should not get sick.
  • To be energetic and strong during pregnancy will help tea from herbs, natural juices, fruit drinks, dairy products. Rosehip infusion also has an excellent tonic effect.

Whatever you do during pregnancy, listen to own desires and feelings. The child inside you will let you know if he is well. Remember, we are what we eat and drink. Take your diet, the quality of food and water carefully and seriously. Strictly follow your doctor's instructions for drinking regime, then health, yours and the baby, will be strong, and immunity invulnerable.

Every person should consume enough water on a daily basis. It is believed that pregnancy makes adjustments to the usual drinking schedule. Unfortunately, expectant mothers often make the mistake of trying to drink less. They are afraid of excessive swelling and seek to avoid polyhydramnios. In fact, water has no contraindications during pregnancy, and according to experts, a pregnant woman should drink for two. This is very important for the well-being of the expectant mother and child. Water will become the bridge through which nutrients from food can enter the fetus.

Why do pregnant women limit their water intake?

If you have an appointment with the gynecologist tomorrow, you will abstain from drinking enough water to avoid swelling. You do not want to go to the hospital with a diagnosis of "polyhydramnios" after the next ultrasound. But what you really do big mistake, and the water will not linger in your body and will not harm the fetus. Oddly enough, drinking plenty of fluids prevents swelling, so you don't need to limit yourself or suffer from thirst.

Amniotic fluid is essential for the normal growth of the baby

Some pregnant women fear that drinking too much will lead to a dramatic increase in amniotic fluid- amniotic fluid necessary for normal development baby. However, pure water does not provoke polyhydramnios. This condition is usually caused by a blockage in the baby's intestines, problems with the placenta, or genetic predisposition. Sometimes polyhydramnios can be triggered by diabetes in the mother.

Some women believe that heavy drinking can cause swelling of the genitals. This is also a delusion. Tumors of the genital organs are provoked by sexually transmitted infections and are treated under the supervision of a gynecologist. Therefore, if the expectant mother drinks too much water during pregnancy, it is absolutely safe for the health of the baby. Water can bring nothing but benefit. Besides the fact that fluid in large quantities keeps your body hydrated, there are other reasons why you might consider increasing your fluid intake.

It helps in the absorption of nutrients

Fluid is essential for your body, as cells and organs are more than two-thirds water. For a child, hydration is even more important as it helps to provide the body with the important nutrients it needs for healthy growth. Also, increasing blood volume and drinking enough water will help you keep track of all the changes that occur in your body.

Prevention of urinary tract infections

Water is important not only for transporting nutrients from your body to your baby's body, but also for flushing out toxic substances. The kidneys of pregnant women are under the load of a growing fetus, so expectant mothers are characterized frequent urges to urination. Therefore, the normal functioning of the urinary system is impossible without a sufficient amount of fluid. Contrary to the fears of expectant mothers, this does not provide an additional burden on the baby's kidneys. There is another huge benefit: water prevents urinary tract infections, which are common during pregnancy. Drinking plenty of water can also help prevent constipation.

Water fights dizziness and fatigue

Pregnant women often feel increased fatigue and drowsiness. It's perfect normal phenomenon which, however, causes considerable discomfort. And this unpleasant feeling only intensifies if you forget to drink another glass of water. Drink as much as you can to effectively combat fatigue and dizziness, two problems that typically result from dehydration. Some women, without paying enough attention to hydration, are forced to put up with an increase in body temperature (overheating). Drinking plenty of water will help relieve most possible conditions physical discomfort during pregnancy.

Prevention of early uterine contractions

In some scientific studies, scientists have found a relationship between premature birth and dehydration. Women who do not drink enough water unexpectedly notice uterine contractions, which in early pregnancy without proper medical supervision (not in a hospital setting) causes a risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

How does heavy drinking affect the quality of amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid is essential for the normal development of the fetus. It performs the functions of protection and provides sufficient space for the movement of the baby. Dehydration reduces the amount of amniotic fluid, which can dangerous consequences for the health of the baby. Scientific studies have shown that timely hydration only improves the quality of amniotic fluid.

How much water should you drink during pregnancy?

If eating for two during pregnancy is not at all necessary, then drinking for two is desirable. Drink a lot more than another adult who is next to you. And if this information is too vague, we recommend that you stick to the norm of 10 to 13 glasses of water on a daily basis. Some experts advise expectant mothers to consume 3 liters of fluid per day. Of this amount per share clean water should account for at least 1.5 liters. The rest of the liquid, the expectant mother should receive from food and drinks (including milk, juices and herbal tea).

If these water consumption rates seem gigantic to you, no one is forcing you to drastically increase the rate. It is enough if on a daily basis during the week you add only one glass of water. Be careful with fluid intake in the evening. Too much water before going to bed will adversely affect the quality of sleep.

If you are not used to drinking two, and even more so three liters of liquid in one day, we advise you to use the following methods. Drink the first glass of water immediately after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach. Try to limit your caffeine intake, as this substance causes dehydration and acts as a diuretic.

Even though water is the best option for hydration, natural fruit juices and herbal decoctions without sugar.

Don't wait until the time when you're thirsty. Set a strict drinking schedule and stick to it. For example, drink another glass of fluid every hour while awake. Remember that thirst is a sign of dehydration, so take a sip of water right now.

Use juicy vegetables and fruits as healthy snacks, this will increase fluid intake a little more.

The time will come and you will restore muscle tone, but strenuous exercise during pregnancy can have adverse effects on the health of the baby. Either way, before every yoga or gymnastics session, drink a glass of water. Do this when you go for a walk.