A conspiracy to meet a person is fast. Conspiracies for a meeting and to dream of a loved one

What to do if a loved one left and does not return, and the phone is out of range? He could turn off the phone or change the SIM card. But you urgently need to see it and say important words! In this case, a conspiracy to meet with a loved one will help.

This call to meet a guy from gypsy magic. You need to take 15 laurel leaves and a red woolen thread. With these things go to the river. On the shore, tie three bay leaves with a thread and throw them into the river. For each bunch of leaves you need to say a conspiracy:

"The leaf floats on the river,
He will call my beloved (name) to me.

Despite the simplicity of the ritual, it is an effective magic. Soon, your loved one will remember you and will meet you halfway in everything.

Ritual with a photo

  • two wax candles;
  • photograph of a loved one.

This call for a quick meeting is held at sunrise and sunset for two days in a row. Put a photo on the table, and light a candle in front of it.

Look through the flame into the eyes of a person and read the plot from memory:

“The day has passed and the night has passed.
I waited for the day and I waited for the night.
Now I'm waiting for you, (name of the callee)."

Read as many times as you like. All conspiracies for a meeting are pronounced in an authoritative voice. If a loved one disappeared for some unknown reason, you can call him with affection in your voice, ask.

If you have recently met and want to meet, then you need to show the will to make him come. As you read, you may feel resistance to your words. It needs to be overpowered, broken. You will feel inside yourself whether you succeeded or not. The result of your actions will depend on this.

After reading the plot required amount once, put out the fire with your fingers (you can not blow it out). In the evening, repeat the ceremony, and leave the candle to burn out to the end. Take the second candle the next morning. In the morning, the conspiracy is pronounced facing east, and in the evening - facing west.

When we read conspiracies for a meeting, the phase of the moon does not matter.

Calling a loved one through a dream

Eat various conspiracies to meet with a loved one, one of them is a call through a dream. To perform this rite, you will need the following things:

  • two candles;
  • mirror;
  • photograph of a loved one.

Take two candles and place them on the sides of the mirror, but so that they are reflected in the mirror surface.

In front of the mirror you should put a photo of your loved one. Look in the mirror and read the call to the meeting:

“I will come to you in a dream.
Don't drive me away
And come to me yourself."

After reading the plot, leave the candles to burn out. Place the photo under your pillow. The next day, the person will make itself felt.

Bring back a loved one with candles

If you had a fight with someone and want to get him back, then you need to read this very strong conspiracy to meet a person who will definitely bring him to you!

Buy 3 small candles in the church and place them on the table in a triangle, in the center of which place a photo of the called person or a piece of paper with his initials.

When we install the first candle, we say:


Installing the second candle, we say:

"Hold up!"

On the third we say:

“I am blocking your path, (name)!
I send alarms after you, (name)!
Stop! Come back to me!"

The plot should be read at least nine times, but more can be done. Like all calls to a meeting, this rite involves your willpower. It is necessary to force a person to return, to break his will. After all, in his plans to meet with you may not be.

After reading the words, turn the photo over and drip a drop of wax from each candle onto it, saying:


We leave the candles to burn out, and put the photo under our pillow for three days.

The ritual of attracting a loved one

This ceremony requires a photograph and a pendulum. A pendulum can be made by hanging a ring on a chain. Put the photo on the table, hold the hand with the pendulum over the photo, and rotate the pendulum clockwise. At this time, imagine how the right person is coming towards you.

You can perform the ritual silently, or you can repeat the words:

"Come to me!".

Everything will depend on your emotional state.

When you feel inside yourself that the person obeys your will, complete your actions and stop the pendulum.

Calling a loved one through an object

If you have a personal item of a loved one, then do so. Tie a longer thread to it and slowly pull this thing towards you, imagining how he calls you on the phone or at the door. Do not rush, pull the object gradually.

You should have time to feel that your desire to meet is quite real and feasible. When the thing is in your hands, the right person will start thinking about calling you.

Almost every conspiracy for a meeting can be attributed to love magic. As a rule, such conspiracies are needed for those who do not want to get in touch for any reason, but are waiting for a meeting with a certain person. And magic can tweak it for you.

In the article:

Conspiracies to meet on the threshold and shoes

With some kinds of love calls great attention is given to the threshold of the house to which a certain person is called. If you use the conspiracy presented below, then the person you are interested in will come to visit after a while.

Read the plot, standing on the threshold of your house or apartment. Pick up slippers, boots or any other piece of footwear, knock them on the threshold and say:

Aki the threshold is always in one place,
So the servant of God (name) was always with me.
How to never get off the threshold,
so my beloved will never leave me.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A strong conspiracy to meet a person

Like many others this conspiracy only works if you understand why you need this meeting, you are ready for it and know what you will do when it finally takes place. He arranges a chance meeting anywhere, anytime, it will be unexpected even for you.

Before you is a very strong conspiracy to meet a person. If he is not sick, alive and able to leave the house, then you will see him soon. In the event that you make a call to a seriously ill or deceased person, you will not see him. But you will have to face a person who will be very similar to the one you wanted to see. Know that if it turned out this way, then your loved one is in trouble or died.

In order to read the plot, you need any scissors, a red candle and a photograph of who you want to see. Light a candle, hold the photo behind the flame so that the candle is between the photo and you. Scissors should cut fire with these words:

I cut off the clear fire from the candle,
I break all the barriers between the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name).
So that the servant of God (name) does not sleep, does not eat, does not drink,
Yes, without the servant of God (name) did not live.
Like wax from a burning flame expires,
So the servant of God (name) from the conspiracy of my peace does not know.
Appear before me, not in dreams, not in thoughts, but alive.
Key. Lock. Language.

When you say "amen," put down your scissors and don't use them to cut fire.

Conspiracy to meet with a guy for a candle

This method of setting up a chance meeting with a guy with the help of magic is very simple and highly reliable. But it does not always work quickly, it may take up to three weeks before the meeting. You can use this conspiracy not only in the interests personal life but also for business negotiations and meetings with the right people.

Buy a new candle. It can be either wax or paraffin. Get your scissors ready. With them you will cut the flame with these words:

As a waxed candle melts from a burning flame, so the servant of God (name) from my mighty slander will come running to me and appear before my eyes. The case is strong, but the word is stucco. Amen.

You need to say three times, and after each word "A min» make the sign of the cross three times. Extinguish the candle without the help of water and air - with your fingers or a special cap for extinguishing candles. After that, it must be removed so that no one finds it.

Conspiracy to meet with a loved one or business partner

This plot can be used not only to set up a chance meeting with a loved one, but also to meet with business partner or an important person for your affairs. To do this, you need to know the place in which the person you are interested in often appears, and have access to it. A place that was once a favorite is also suitable. For example, if your goal is to see ex boyfriend and try to get it back former attitude to yourself, choose the place of your acquaintance.

Early in the morning, at dawn, or at least before noon, say a conspiracy:

Servant of God (name), my heart friend,
I want to meet you, but think about common affairs.
Today you will come with me to a meeting in (place),
You will not escape, but you will find me.

Then you need to go to the place that you indicated in the text of the plot. Try to intuitively understand what time it needs to be done.

Conspiracy for a chance meeting with the help of demons

The evil spirits have long been turned to for help with love affairs, and she always provided it even when all other ways to solve problems did not live up to expectations. This plot is reliable enough, but only suitable for creating a casual meeting with a loved one. It refers exclusively to love magic, so if you want to accidentally run into a person with whom you are connected only by financial or other issues, choose another way.

In the text of this conspiracy there is an appeal to evil spirits. What does this mean? Everything that is described must be carried out exactly., the text of the conspiracy cannot be distorted. Devilry does not forgive mistakes.

Before proceeding, remove from the room in which you will do this, all items associated with any light religions. These are icons, crucifixes and similar things. You should also remove the pectoral cross. If you have tattoos with Orthodox symbols, you can not resort to rituals of this kind.

A conspiracy for a chance meeting is carried out all alone. You should not invite girlfriends "for company" or read it when your roommates are sleeping. There should be no one in the room, and ideally, you should be left alone in the apartment or house.

When the room for the ritual is prepared, take care of yourself. Make-up should not be on your face, even nail polish is undesirable. Remove all jewelry - earrings, pendants, rings. Hair should be loose and avoid the presence of hairpins and bows. Clothing is a simple shirt. A large T-shirt or nightgown fits well. simple cut without excessive decoration.

At midnight, turn off all electricity in the room in which you will be doing. Light one candle. Any candle is suitable, except for church ones. Any black fabric should be laid on the floor. It doesn't matter where you got it from, it even fits black coat or a robe. The main thing is that its buttons or fasteners are unbuttoned, there are no patterns and decorations on the fabric.

Place two coins of the largest denomination possible on the black cloth. Become your heels on them, concentrate, imagine as clearly and in detail as possible the image of the person you want to meet by chance. When you are ready, say three times:

When I open the door, I won't cross myself.
As soon as I leave the house, I will not pray.
I will go to the green grove, behind the clean field,
Where the mighty aspen grows, among dense oaks.
At the top of the aspen, the old devil sits, looking far away.
Grandfather devil, do me a favor, help me in business,
Yes, around the world, ninety-nine demons disperse,
So that they look for a red young man / girl (name),
To pinch him (her), tickle him and torment him with fire,
They returned to me, (name).

After you say the plot, remove everything that could remind you of your ritual and go to bed. Do not lose coins, because the next morning they need to be exchanged in any store or market. It is necessary to change for money of a denomination less than these coins. The resulting change must be given to the beggars who ask for alms. The spell starts the moment you get rid of all the coins.

Strong conspiracy to meet at the crossroads

Lives at crossroads Spirit of the Road. If you know how to address him, then you can ask for a lot. For example, it can bring any person to you. It is believed that he lives at every intersection, but he can only hear where dirt roads intersect, there is no extra noise and a large number of people.

So, find three crossroads of dirt roads (not paths, but relatively wide dirt roads). These are often found in holiday villages and places where people often come to relax in nature. Prepare three pies in advance, absolutely any, but you should not be greedy and make a pie without any important components just to make it look like delicious pastries.

Now go to the first intersection. Stand in its center, evoke the image of the person you wish to see. You can imagine a loved one, a missing relative, a child who has run away from home, and a business partner. This conspiracy works "in all directions."

After visualization, read the plot once for each road that intersects at this intersection. It usually happens three or more times.

Let's take a closer look at the love spell to meet a man to read it yourself - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A girl is a creature, as you know, emotional. Even if doubts are deep and sincere feelings a loved one does not arise, and cannot arise, but from him there is no hearing, no spirit, no calls for a long time not visible. Each begins to be tormented by depressing thoughts about falling out of love, finding another? Following worries about the further development of relationships come doubts about themselves and their attractiveness. After all, if he calls, it means that he is bored and languishing in anticipation of a meeting, and when the phone is silent, one can only guess.

Unable to wait at the handset, when the beloved finally guesses to remind himself and dials the coveted number, girls often use the help of magic, making a love spell so that the guy calls. He's not as strong as real love spell, but, as experience shows, it is still effective. However, magic is magic. Before deciding to take this step, the girl should make sure that she understands the difference between a true feeling and what a conspiracy awakens in a person.

Being under the influence of witchcraft, her beloved may not even be aware of changes in himself, taking them for granted. This love spell is not a church one, and therefore its action is more humane. A conspiracy to call a loved one does not constrain the freedom and will of a man, the craving for a girl who performed the ceremony will also not be painfully irresistible. Today, there are many conspiracies that help make what you want come true and get a call from your lover, but more effective are:

  • call conspiracy;
  • conspiracy on the telephone receiver;
  • plot using a photograph of a man;
  • a conspiracy to desire to meet.

Love spells for a call and a meeting

First of all, you should recreate the image of your loved one in your subconscious as accurately as possible in all details, remember his eyes, look and concentrate on them. Gathering your thoughts, you need to read the words of the conspiracy nine times in a row:

“My beloved (name of the object of passion), why don’t you call and say nothing? After all, I am beautiful, clever, for everyone and everything is good, and I will become your most beloved. Grab your phone and dial my number. When you hear my voice, you will often breathe with joy. Amen".

Moreover, it is extremely important not to stumble and not stop at anything while reading.

The essence of the rite is to settle in the soul of a loved one passionate desire dial the girl's number in order to quickly hear her voice. This conspiracy will become especially relevant in the event of a quarrel that caused a quarrel between lovers or during a long separation. Perhaps the fears are completely in vain, and the beloved is busy with something urgent, and therefore does not call. As soon as the plot is read, a painful craving will appear in the man to pick up the phone and make a call, wherever he is and whatever he is doing.

The call does not carry a conspiracy negative consequences, so the following can be positive sides this way:

  • the victim does not experience painful affection;
  • the man does not experience any discomfort;
  • the victim's state of health does not deteriorate;
  • the results make themselves felt after a short time;
  • with the help of such a ritual, you can force a man to invite you on a date;
  • the ritual does not impose responsibility on the participants.

Love spell for a meeting using a photo

Having obtained a photograph of a man and prepared a sheet with the text of a special conspiracy, you should take a photo in left hand. The right one will hold a church candle.

The magic text is read by standing in front of the open window until the air flow from it into the room extinguishes the flame of the candle or until it burns out completely, but not less than three times:

“My gray-winged dove, the servant of God (the name of the object of feelings), How good it was with me, and whether it will still be, open your heart to me, remember the number of the servant of God (the name of the reader), and invite you to the meeting as soon as possible. Amen!".

Never extinguish a candle flame by hand! A love spell for a meeting will not make you wait long for the results.

There is also a stronger conspiracy to call. The window, as in the previous plot, must be open. Going to bed, take a telephone receiver with them and read the text:

“I am waiting for a call from the servant of God (the name of the beloved), like a dry land of rain. With this conspiracy, I will remind him of myself, I will make him bored. So that the bell rang in the handset, and he appeared before my eyes. As all conceived, so be it. Amen!".

In the morning, the long-awaited call should be heard.

Conspiracy on the phone

It is necessary to take the phone to which the beloved will have to call, and put it on one hand, covering it on top of the other. Then follows to the smallest details visualize in your mind the appearance of your loved one, as well as the development of relationships that you would like to achieve with him later. Internal sensations should correspond to the coming reality, that is, be such that the melody of the desired call is already spreading around the room. The exact mental design of the planned conversation is extremely important. Feeling the strength and confidence in the success of the work begun, you need to read the words of the prayer, asking for a speedy call from the guy:

“Somewhere I hear a bell ringing, then my beloved is calling me. Every day and every hour, I want to hear his voice. Let him aspire to me like a winged bird in the sky. like a river needs water, it needs me. Let him dial my number, and he always misses me. Let it be so!".

Strong conspiracy to call

This ceremony is carried out without fail on the growing moon, preferably on the fifth day of the week. You will have to go to bed after midnight, and before that they take a photo of a man and a telephone receiver, as well as a red thread with which they will be tied. If you weren’t lucky enough to get a photo, it doesn’t matter, in this case you need to tie the tube itself, just imagining your loved one in your mind. Having done everything, you should read the text of the prayer. In it, they ask the wind for help, so that it would carry the thoughts of the girl to the man and impose on him the desire to immediately hear her voice:

“The wind is a glorious breeze, you fly everywhere, you see everything. Bring my dear (name) the news that I am waiting for him. Let it fly to me on the wings of love, and light up my day with its smile. Fly away from me with this news, and return with your beloved voice. Amen".

What can increase the effectiveness of a call to a conspiracy?

In the process of conducting the ceremony and reading conspiracies, each thought, voiced desire, acquires not an informational meaning, but quite an energetic one, which means that they will certainly be heard and brought to life. It's good when two people know each other and the girl has some thing that belongs to a man. It can be anything, including a gift presented to a girl. Even simple photo, which is a projection and ready-made visualization of the human image, can help in building a sympathetic thread and connection between people. As stated earlier, the absence of a photo can be compensated for by mentally visualizing the image.

Many magicians and sorcerers have in their arsenal special copyright conspiracies to call. The result from reading them can be amazing, but it should be remembered that the main component of success is faith in the power of the ritual. If it doesn’t exist, the whole idea as a whole will not make sense.

How to get a guy to call?

Love can be fiery and calm, passionate and peaceful, happy and unrequited. And it also happens that love is experienced by one person who does not know what feelings the lover has.

You can suffer in ignorance, you can suffer, or you can make a simple magic spell so that the guy calls. Such a ritual will push the guy to take decisive action if sympathy for the girl is warming in his heart. It is very important, when making a love spell for a meeting or a call, to follow exactly all the recommendations regarding the performance of the ceremony. In addition, you need to believe in the effectiveness of magic, and then everything will definitely work out!

Use of the ritual

IN Everyday life a love spell for a chance meeting or a call can be used in several situations:

Such a ritual belongs to white magic and is one of the safest and easiest rites of love orientation. Using this love spell, you can not impose strong feelings and force to be with unloved person. That is why such an effect is effective on initial stages relations.

Simple conspiracy

If it so happened that after meeting a guy, the girl left him her phone number, and the long-awaited call did not come, then you can hurry things up and not seem intrusive with the help of magic. A special plot will make the guy call. To perform this rite, you will need one church candle. A plot is read at midnight in front of an open window.

Holding a lit candle in their hands, the words are pronounced:

“My clear falcon, servant of God (name),

How good it was for you with the servant of God (name), remember,

Open your heart to her

Remember the number of the servant of God (name) and invite me on a date as soon as possible.

The spell is repeated three times. When the magic words are spoken, the candle should be extinguished and put away in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. This candle can be used later for rites of love.

The action of the ritual begins almost immediately after reading the plot, and you can expect a call from your lover in one or two days.

Ritual on the phone

For a young man to call, a rite on the handset can be used.

A conspiracy is read on the phone that a loved one should call. magical action must be performed early in the morning, at noon and late in the evening.

Taking the phone in hand, the words are repeated seven times:

“I’m waiting, I can’t wait for a call from the servant of God (name).

With this conspiracy, I remind him of myself,

I awaken memories in him,

I send longing and boredom.

To make a call from him on the phone,

He didn't make me wait long.

How everything was planned, so that it worked out.

morning ritual

When several days have passed after meeting a young man, and he has not called, a morning ritual is used. Magic words are read every day, until a loved one remembers the girl and calls.

Immediately after waking up, the words are repeated three times:

“My beloved, beloved servant of God (name)!

Why don't you call?

Are you not talking to me?

I myself am stately, beautiful, desirable!

And now for you and your favorite!

As a rule, this ritual will make the young man remember the performer of the ceremony within a few days and make her happy with his voice.

A love spell for a meeting or a rite for a call ... Such magical effect lets push young man to the beginning of the relationship. After all, it also happens that a guy likes a girl, but he lacks some kind of determination. In such a situation, a love spell - perfect solution, which will not cause harm, but will only connect two people at the energy level with a thin thread.

Conspiracies to meet the right person


This conspiracy works on quick meeting with the right person who avoids meetings and calls, but it is very necessary to meet him. You can use a defiant plot at any time of the day or night. The best part about a conspiracy to meet is that you can do it yourself and there is no need to use the services of hereditary magicians and witches. After the event, you will definitely meet with the person you are calling, so take a piece of paper and a pen and write down how to make a conspiracy for the meeting yourself. For a magical ritual, take a white scarf without a pattern, 12 buttons, a red thread with a needle and a knife with a wooden handle. Sit facing east and start sewing on buttons and while sewing, read the plot for a meeting:

O Theophan the recluse, come to the inner man

And awaken the attention and interest (name of the person) to me, (your name).

Open the road to the meeting and do not delay the meeting,

Do not detain and do not let detain him, neither old nor young,

Not rich, not poor, not believers, not sinners,

Neither wives nor husbands, nor higher ranks, nor lower ranks,

Neither the first nor the last.

12 disciples of Christ help my meeting.

On one button, you can read the plot for a meeting as many times as it depends on how quickly you sew it on. The main thing is not to interrupt the spell in mid-sentence! Be sure to cut the thread with a knife and in no case tear or bite. Within 12 days you should meet and hide the handkerchief for this time at home in a secluded place away from the eyes and wait for the meeting.

Another very strong conspiracy to meet

Closer to midnight, remove everything connected with the church from the room and open the window, light a candle and read the conspiracy to the meeting three times:

I will go to a clean field, behind a clean field there is a green grove.

In this green grove there is a big tree - an aspen,

and it has a green top.

On its green top sits the largest and oldest devil.

Damn, help me, do me a great service.

Call 99 of your imps and send them to the red fellow / girl (name).

Let them take his / her heart, take out his / her soul, dry out the chest with longing.

Soul and heart will be brought to me, (name).

The next day, change thirty rubles for a trifle and give to the poor (at least two different people they have to ask, you can't just offer them). Call a person to repeat at intervals of three days until the called person comes to meet you. If everything is done correctly, 2-3 repetitions are enough.

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QUICK LOVE OF A GUY You can quickly bewitch your beloved guy on your own and completely free of charge, and we will tell you how to do it. Many love spells are performed at home and the presence of a person next to whom the magic love spell is directed is not at all necessary. We have already told you how to make a love spell for a guy from a photo, and if you have already watched this

Call a loved one to you conspiracy call to meet a person

The strongest and most popular conspiracy to call a person for a quick meeting will quickly make your loved one meet you. This magic call read only on the street and only in summer. To carry it out, you need to go outside early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises and there is still dew on the grass. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot in the dew read a conspiracy call that is able to call a loved one to yourself by letting him feel longing and longing :

Dew to dew, tear to tear, dawn to dawn.

You are a dawn-dawn, where are you,

Rejoice my heart

For the soul of a Christian servant of God (name).

Fall down with dew, salty tears

He has a zealous heart.

As Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary

He mourns, mourns for his Son,

So the servant of God (name) would grieve

And he would miss me, the servant of God (name).

Dawn to dawn, tear to tear,

After reading the conspiracy, the loved one on whom the spell was cast will experience strong melancholy for you and will feel the desire to meet as soon as possible and see you at all costs. The plot is suitable for reconciliation with the help of magic after a strong quarrel.

In order for the husband to hate the rival, a conspiracy is read to quarrel the lapel of the husband from his mistress into thirteen new needles. The rite is very strong and is capable of quarreling the husband and rival once and for all, returning the unfaithful to his wife in the family. Read over each needle once a day powerful conspiracy and take the needle to the opponent's door, throwing it under the threshold. The conspiracy is done for 13 days, and if the husband quarrels with his mistress before the end of the ceremony, be sure to complete the conspiracy of the fight to the last needle. A lapel to forever quarrel a husband with his mistress and make the husband hate his mistress is read independently on any day of the week and at any time convenient for you

A love spell will help to return the husband to the family - a prayer independently read in the church on a candle. Immediately after reading the plot to return the husband, he will return to his wife becoming a loving and caring man. The conspiracy allows you to forget your mistress and even return the husband to his wife after a divorce. If you decide to return your husband to the family on your own with the help of magic, this method of returning your loved one is the most suitable. Memorize the words of a love spell that will return feelings and love to your husband and make him return to

A strong conspiracy love spell on the wind made on your own once and for all will bewitch your loved one and quickly instill in his heart strong feeling love. Immediately after the love spell and reading the conspiracy, the person on whom the love spell was made will begin to care for himself and will make sure that they pay attention to him and reciprocate. Despite the fact that this conspiracy to love is a strong action, its implementation is quite simple. The ritual does not need magical objects, photos and candles, for a love spell you only need to wait for windy weather and go outside and stand facing the wind to read the words of a magic spell on

A good love spell should be read on Monday night. From Monday to Tuesday, from 20 pm until the day is reset (24 hours), take a glass of living water (from a stream, well or lake, river, pond.) And read the plot on it on strong love who will quickly make a man or a guy fall in love with you:

For the kindness and obedience of her husband, the wife needs to read a conspiracy of humility that will make her husband an obedient person who cannot say a word to his wife across. After this conspiracy against the scandalous husband, the husband will stop beating and yelling at his wife, raising his voice in conversation. The conspiracy of obedience must be read at 3 church candles any color. For the ritual, you can buy the cheapest candles that are only in the church and when you come home when your husband is not at home, light all the candles at the same time and holding them in your right hand while the candles are burning, walk around your home and read the words of the conspiracy that will make your husband you

If you want to come to your loved one in a dream and dream about him this night, this is very easy to do with the help of magic. If you read the magic words of the spell conspiracy before going to bed, then on the same night your loved one, who is at a distance from you, will see you in a dream and you will dream of him throughout the night. This magic ritual used by girls who want to see their lover as soon as possible, who for a number of reasons has not seen you for a long time. After reading the following conspiracy, a beloved man who sees you in a dream will want to see you in reality as soon as possible. Managing other people's dreams is a magical act of esotericism built mostly on visualization with

An old conspiracy will help to repel a rival and make your lover fall out of love with your husband and quarrel with him. You can make this simple rite of passage for a quarrel between a husband and a mistress on your own with the help of love magic and reading a strong conspiracy to cool the love feelings of a rival and husband. When your husband is not present at home, go around your house (apartment) from front door clockwise by completing a full circle and 1 time reading this

A good conspiracy to quickly meet your love and successfully marry a rich groom can be done by anyone unmarried girl or the woman is a widow or after a divorce. In order to meet your soul mate, you need to go to the gates of the church without going inside and wait for the moment when the wedding couple leaves the church on the day off when they are getting married in the church. At this very moment, cross yourself three times and bow, say love love spell prayer for the future

If the husband was bewitched by a rival or he just had a mistress, the wife can independently make the lapel of her beloved husband forever from another woman who appeared with him. Do strong lapel a husband from a rival who once and for all will drive him away from his mistress and tie him to his wife can be done on his own and now conspiracies will tell you how it's done. Go to the cemetery during the day and break any dry branch on the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and put it under the threshold or rug (outside). When the husband returns from his mistress, he will step over this branch. Now you need to leave the house and take this branch and take it back to the cemetery, reading a strong lapel on it

You can bewitch your husband to yourself forever on your own. After this love spell, the husband will not go out with friends and women, but will always rush home to his wife. Wherever he is and whatever he does, in his head there will be longing for his wife and a constant desire to see each other as soon as possible. This love spell on your beloved man with whom you are related or in love will help you to bewitch your husband to yourself. On any Wednesday, in each corner of the room where you sleep with your husband, cross each corner three times and in each corner read the text of the love spell for eternal love once aloud

How to let loose on a person on your own love longing and love attraction by itself with the help of prisushki. strong drying for a long time will bind a loved one to you, causing her a strong feeling of love for you. It is quite simple and very effective method love binding to a girl or woman, which has been used with success for centuries. Dry on love girls love for her fast action and ease of implementation by any unprepared person. It is customary to read the text of the prisushka at a distance from the beloved early at dawn. To evoke love feelings of longing for yourself, a girl or woman needs to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn, read these words three times

The conspiracy will make sure that the husband always hurries home, sits at home, does not drink and does not walk with friends, and hurries home after work. The conspiracy to bind the husband to the house should be done by the wife. If the wife does this simple rite on her own with the reading of a special conspiracy, the husband will forever stop drinking and walking with friends and will always pull him home and he will rush to his wife and children. For the ceremony, pour water into a bucket, and then dip your chest in this water: first the left, and then the right, saying the words

So that the young people are not jinxed at the wedding: the bride and groom and do not spoil the divorce, before wedding ceremony you need to read a special conspiracy amulet for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to take her to the registry office or to the wedding, the groom's mother should at home to inside pin a safety pin on your jacket, cross your son and say a wedding conspiracy amulet. No less important is the wedding amulet for the bride, which will protect her at the wedding from the evil eye and damage. The mother of the bride should perform this rite of passage. wedding dress three safety pins a conspiracy amulet is read on a glass of water,

The conspiracy must be read to return the husband to his wife or the wife to her husband, even after a divorce, if the wife or husband has fallen out of love with each other. It is the most loyal and efficient magical way can be used not only by a husband to return his wife or a wife to return her husband, but also by people close to them (mother, father, sister, brother, children) who quarreled. A conspiracy to reunite a husband and wife after a quarrel, quarrel or divorce must be read 2 times: once at the front door of the house where the husband lives, the second time at the door of his wife's apartment. The text of the conspiracy to return a loved one to the family

You can put dryness on a person by conspiracy while being at a distance from him. To induce dryness, a photo of a person and knowledge of the words of a conspiracy are enough - a spell that will quickly bring severe dryness to a person. Take in your left hand a photo of the person you want to bring dryness to and cover it from above right hand read the words of this conspiracy.

Agree, sometimes you want to see your beloved face so much that you are ready to give half your life for a happy coincidence. Magic doesn't do that. There are special rituals, for example, a conspiracy to meet. Only the concept is voluminous and multifaceted. Think for yourself: meetings are different. Some dream to look into the eyes certain person, others - to understand what fate has prepared, others - to feel the delightful delight of love. And all the rituals that fulfill such desires are called the same - “a conspiracy to meet”, but their continuation, however, is different. Let's sort them in order.

Conspiracy for a quick meeting

Let's start with the magical organization of the desired set of circumstances. suitable for people who are tormented by the desire to quickly see a cute face, talk or meet eyes. The ritual is performed at any time, but it works faster on the growing moon. You need to face east. Raise your eyes to the sky. Read a prayer that you know by heart. Then repeat the following words three times: “Just as dew rushes to the sky from the sun’s rays, gathers into the clouds, so the Lord’s servant (person’s name) to me, as to the light, stretches, flies and will remain forever! Amen!".

How to strengthen the rite

If you read the conspiracy to meet confidently, fully trusting your fate magical powers, then everything will definitely work out. In your head at the moment of divination, keep not your passionate desire, but defenselessness. You know, any rite must be filled emotionally. It is to the expression of feelings that egregors react, by whose will circumstances change. You must be able to choose your assistants by generating the appropriate emotional background. Experienced magicians do this automatically. And novice wizards should think about which forces are easiest to work with. That is how you make a "sensual advance payment" for magical services. In our case, fill your soul with a defenseless expectation of help from a strong patron.

If a loved one is "lost"

The most incredible situations happen in life. If a loved one has disappeared somewhere, does not answer calls and does not appear at home, then perform another ritual. Almost every home has spices. We need a bay leaf. Also prepare a church candle and a frying pan. Leaves choose whole, not damaged. Place a candle in front of you and light it. Place a frying pan (other metal container) nearby. Throw a crumpled sheet of paper at its bottom. Light a leaf from a candle, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. They are as follows: “I blow fragrant smoke, I block the Lord’s servant (name) of the road. To forget about everything, he quickly arrived at the threshold. Fly smoke into the distance, bring my sorrows to my beloved. Hug yourself, bring home! Amen!". When finished, toss the leaf into the pan. Take the next one and repeat again. Make sure the laurel burns out completely. Just in the process of performing the ritual, do not think about any troubles and misfortunes that could happen to dear person. This is a powerful gypsy ritual, it literally projects the will of the magician onto the victim. You call grief yourself.

Conspiracy to meet a person

We are all talking about love. But with the help of magic, you can also bring a simple acquaintance into contact. And so that he himself initiates it. The ritual should only be carried out in advance, in the evening. And then the meeting itself will take place the next day. For the ritual, prepare a candle (where without it), a photo of a person, if available, holy water. Pick a time so that no one is distracting. Put a photo in front of you. If there is none, then a sheet of paper on which the name of the object of influence is written. Light a candle and keep water handy. So say: “Lord Almighty! I trust in you! Show the path. Strictly to His (person's name) do not run away from me, but go to a meeting on a horse. Go with a bow and gifts, conduct speeches, and not beat with batogs. God bless you for a successful meeting! So be it! Amen!". Name the photo with water. Forgive the conspiracy again. Repeat three times. And be sure to take this portrait with you in the morning. He will lure right person or circumstances. Please note that this is a very strong conspiracy to meet. If you don't get what you want, you don't need it. There will be something else, much better.

Rite to meet after a quarrel

When a storm flew in the house, carrying a loved one with it, then such a ritual should be performed. He will help calm down and return the "fugitive" to Take a piece rye bread. Sprinkle generously with salt. Place on a napkin in the middle of the table. So say to him: “Everyone is happy with bread and salt, as he enters the capital city. This is for peace and tranquility. You (name) come back, it is written for us to be with you in kind. From bread and salt do not refuse. They are always happy. So you (name) look at me affectionately. We will accept everything for two, what will be ahead! Amen!". Don't take the bread away until morning. And everything will change there. Once again, the sun will shine in the relationship. As soon as the beloved returns, crumble this piece to the birds. And so say: “Bring misfortune beyond the oceans, mountains and fogs. Do not return back! Amen!". This conspiracy to meet is read before going to bed.

How to attract love through magic

Buy a thick candle in the temple. Just go there to big celebration. Bring home. On the way, look into the store and pick up a "new thing" for the future chosen one. For example, slippers or other useful thing. In the evening, light a candle, after turning off the lights and other electrical appliances. Put a new thing and a piece of white woolen thread in front of you. Say this: “From the fire of a candle, the wax will melt. He likes his share. I call you, my dear, with the heat of my heart. Enter the swan into my destiny. I will tie you with seven knots. I won't give it to anyone, I won't let go! Amen!". These words should be pronounced seven times, wrapping a new thing with thread and tying knots. In order for a conspiracy to meet love to definitely help, keep it a secret. And hide the change.

Ritual with a mirror

There are situations when it is urgently necessary to meet and talk with a certain person. Take a small mirror. Catch a ray of sunshine in it. Aim at the wall. And so you say: “A ray is jumping through the fields, through forests and cities. He gathers people, calls for fun. Fly, ray, to the side where crows do not fly, wolves do not roam. Catch the Lord servant (name) and bring him here. Look into his eyes and turn to me. Do not jump, do not have fun, but turn around with an arrow! Amen!". WITH last word The "bunny" should be released, that is, remove the mirror.

Why are rituals not working?

The main mistake of a novice wizard lies in the unpleasant feeling of insecurity in their abilities. It has already been mentioned that a conspiracy to meet a loved one should be filled emotionally, focusing on a certain egregor. Uncertainty and doubts “feed” those who do not wish happiness to people. If you bring such feelings into the ritual, then do not count on success. A magician is a person who has perfect control over emotions. If you want to live with magic, learn this tricky science.

Very often in life there are situations that you really want to meet a person, but life itself seems to prevent this. In this case, of course, you can use magical means. But at the same time, you need to understand exactly why you need this meeting. After all, forcing another person to certain actions, influencing his energy field, is not always favorable.

First you need to try to find mutual friends who would help arrange a meeting. At the very least, this is important in order to make sure that this person is really interested in you. If a man dreams of meeting a woman he likes, who does not even suspect of his existence, then all that is needed is to show determination. It is necessary to buy a bouquet of flowers to approach the chosen one, for example, waiting for her at the exit from work or at home, and offer to get acquainted by inviting her to a restaurant or theater.

Options for strong rites

If, despite all the actions taken, it does not work out with the person you like, then in this case you can use conspiracies, of which there are a huge number. The main condition for the success of the ritual is sincerity and desire see a specific person.

It is very important when reading any conspiracy to meet to concentrate and clearly imagine the person you need to meet. During the ceremony, a future meeting should be visualized. Most meeting conspiracies can be pronounced at any time, the strength of their impact is not related to either the position of the moon or the time of day. As a rule, they are simple and do not require any additional attributes. It is also very important that all conspiracies for a meeting are the means of white magic, so they do not pose any danger to any of the parties to the ritual.

popular way

Exists universal conspiracy, which can be applied when you are just hoping to meet a stranger.

It sounds something like this:

Take me on the road, Lord. Give your permission to the relationship.
Reveal the secret of acquaintance to me and provide me with everything necessary.
Give me confidence in my chosen one (name) or disappointment.
Save me from wasting time. Help me understand perspective.
My heart is worried. Sympathy is born and intensifies.
Stop the torment of my soul, Lord. Help me meet with (name of the chosen one).
Let me take a chance and calm down."

Conspiracy to meet with a loved one

The words of the conspiracy are:

“Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Virgin Mary. I turn to you with a request. Let my thoughts turn into a cloud and float across the sky with others. Over the blue sea and over the island of Buyan. Above the combustible stone Alatyr and above the quicksand and loose sand. Let a cloud shed water, rain and my blood and love over my dear in a wide field, in a distant side.

If you really like a person, but life circumstances develop in such a way that you can’t meet in any way, you can use the ceremony in which you will need to use a photograph of the chosen one.

This rite in its action is a call for a quick meeting. It should be held two days in a row at dawn and at sunset. In a secluded place, you need to set a photograph on the table and light a candle next to it.

Through the flame of a candle, one should look at the image of a loved one and read from memory such a magical plot:

“The day has passed, the night has passed. I waited for the next day, and I'll wait for the night. And then I will wait for you, my beloved, the Servant of God (name of the chosen one).

Pronounce this conspiracy you need many times, until you feel that your call has been heard. To do this, the magic words must be pronounced in an authoritative voice. After reading the plot, you should extinguish the candle with your fingers. On the evening of the same day, the rite should be repeated again, but only the candle should burn out naturally, you can't force it to turn off.

The next day, the ritual is carried out in the same order, but only with new candle. A feature of the rite is that on the first day the plot is read facing east, and on the second day - to the west.

To return a person after a quarrel

There are often situations in life that people, after a trifling quarrel, cannot meet in any way. Inner pride does not allow any of the partners to take the first step. Therefore, you can use magic to arrange a chance meeting.

For the ceremony, you will need to use three church candles. They need to be installed in a secluded place on the table in the form of a triangle, and between them put a photo of a loved one.

In this case, it is very important to withstand the entire installation procedure for such an installation:

  • Putting the first candle, you should say: "Stop."
  • Installing another candle, you need to say: "Hold on."
  • The third candle is set with the words: "Come back to me."

After that, you need to put a photo and, looking at the image of your loved one, say the following magic words:

"I, the Servant of God ( given name) I block you, Servant of God (name of the chosen one), all roads-ways. With my power and the power of the magic word, I send anxiety after you. Stop and don’t go anywhere, but just come to me.”

This conspiracy must be repeated at least nine times, but more can be done. Since this rite is a challenge in its action, its success depends entirely on your volitional efforts.

After saying the magic words enough times, you need to say:


Candles should be left to burn out, and at this time, sit in silence and try to imagine your future meeting with your loved one. The photo should be put under your pillow and kept there for three days.

To have a date

When you have met a person in your life that you like, you can use magic to get him to ask you out on a date.

This is very strong ritual, which must be brought in the bath. It's bring to life in modern world very simple, because today there is a large number of all kinds of baths and saunas, the services of which can be used.

For the ceremony, you will need to make with my own hands birch broom or spruce branches. In addition, you need to purchase 9 red candles.

You need to go to the bath at midnight, there, on the floor in a circle, you need to put candles and light them from right to left. In such an impromptu circle, you need to put a basin of water and stand in it with your feet.

With a well-soaked broom, you need to steam well with the words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), purify my body and soul in order to meet my loved one, the Servant of God (name of the beloved).”

You need to repeat this conspiracy nine times. After that, pour the rest of the water on yourself. Then you need to extinguish the candles and collect the cinders from right to left. Only then can you leave the circle.

The next day, you need to take a few twigs from a bath broom and quietly sweep the threshold of the house where your loved one lives.

In the process of this, it is necessary to pronounce the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), cleansed myself with a broom in the bath and prepared for you, I will now wait for our meeting. May you, Servant of God (name of the beloved), have no obstacles on the way to me, so that no evil force my beloved did not detain you, and you rather meet appointed me. Amen".

Returning home, the twigs must be removed to a secret place along with the broom that was used in the bath.

A complete cleansing will help to enhance the effectiveness of conspiracies for a meeting. To do this, for several days you need to fast, do not smoke and do not drink alcohol. Also, if possible, you should visit the temple.

Meeting conspiracies are absolutely safe, since they do not awaken love, but only push a person to chance meeting with the performer. The further fate of relations between people entirely depends on the decision of the partners.