Original decorations for the new year with their own hands. Candle wrapped in fabric. Decoration outside: home, yard, garden

Here comes the magic time new year holidays which both children and adults look forward to. Since childhood, we all associate winter with real miracles and long-awaited gifts. One has only to believe in magic, and most cherished desire will surely come true! And so that the festive atmosphere will completely envelop you even before the New Year and Christmas, do some magic on the New Year's decor at home.

How to decorate a house for the New Year?

Already on the eve of this wonderful time, you can come up with and make DIY Christmas decorations. If you do not have enough imagination to create your own ideas, the Internet and various glossy publications offer a lot of options. Enough to stock up necessary materials, and most importantly - patience and perseverance, and you will succeed.

First, imagine how your wreath will look like, what colors will prevail in the elements of its decor, and where you would like to place it. As a rule, this Christmas decoration is hung on the door, but you can arrange it anywhere. Once the wreath design is mentally complex, choose the right materials and elements that will be needed to make it. The basis for it can be:

  • clothespins;
  • socks;
  • wine corks;
  • newsprint;
  • cardboard;
  • fruits;
  • Christmas tree toys;
  • candies;
  • cones;
  • balloons;
  • small items of clothing;
  • beads, fabric, and more.

Candles and champagne

Candles are essential New Year's Eve, which will make your home even more comfortable and. It remains only to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the upcoming holidays in a warm family circle. Moreover, it is very simple idea decor on New Year with your own hands.

You can knit candle cases, or use an old knitted sweater, cutting off the necessary piece from it. Such decor will warm and delight you at home on cold winter days.

For the next idea, you will need glass containers and long candles. Put a New Year's candle in their neck, and free place, which is formed at their junction, decorate with a cloth or needles.

With the help of beautiful candles, you can create a spectacular New Year's decor with your own hands, the photo of which is presented below. It can be whole compositions of cones, twigs, artificial snow, tinsel and other small details.

You can take a non-standard approach to decorating candles and dress them up with Christmas balls, only miniature, bright and neat. It will turn out just a wonderful decor for the New Year!

As for champagne and glasses for it, they also need to be transformed for the holiday. They will be spectacular additions to the decoration of the house for the New Year. Wine glasses can be decorated with interesting beads or paint something New Year's on them.

Champagne can be decorated in the following ways:

  • with the help of colored ribbons that can be tied around the bottle and neck;
  • replace the usual sticker on the bottle with a festive one New Year's greetings;
  • draw a winter landscape or any other landscape on champagne thematic picture with the help of paints;
  • for a bottle, just like for a candle, you can make a knitted cover, or use some interesting fabric.

As you can see, you already know several ways to decorate your home with your own hands.

DIY Christmas garlands

Garlands are a proven way to create the right atmosphere in your home. With their help, you can decorate all the rooms and make them more festive. If you are wondering how to decorate a room for the new year, then garlands will be the most suitable option.

You can hang them on the windows, above the door and at the head of the bed. To make the Christmas tree sparkle with bright lights and look even more elegant, decorate it with a garland.

This New Year's decor of the apartment will delight all family members. And if you want not only the interior of the rooms to flicker, you can use garlands to decorate the house outside, and then not only you, but also the neighbors will be able to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the holiday.

Christmas tree decorations

Can not imagine new year's eve without this green beauty. A live Christmas tree creates a magical holiday atmosphere, and the process of decorating it for the New Year entices everyone. This is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Christmas decoration trends change every year, but the main thing is to dress her up the way you like it. It can be anything: balls, pendants, sweets, paper snowflakes, garlands with multi-colored light bulbs, stars, fruits and much more. It all depends on your imagination.

You can also make your own Christmas decorations. For this you need:

  1. Take a balloon and inflate it, but not too much.
  2. Coat it with ordinary glue on top.
  3. While the glue is not dry, you need to wrap the ball with thread and yarn different colors and leave it all to dry.
  4. Take a needle, deflate the balloon and you're done!

In this way, you can make one of the many original Christmas decorations for New Year's decor that will be remembered by all your guests.

We decorate windows

If the snow has not yet pleased you this winter, but you want to see frosty drawings outside the window, then you can decorate the windows. These Christmas ideas will make your home stand out from the rest, and you will feel the winter like no other.

For those who are fond of knitting, you can do colorful snowflakes from threads decorated with beads, and hang them around the apartment. This DIY Christmas decor, ideas for which you can take from the Internet, is easy to implement in any place convenient for you. For this, only schemes and improvised materials are needed. There are many more ways to make snowflakes:

You can also build such decorations:

  • make a composition of candles, cones and spruce, and put it on the windowsill;
  • take home-made or purchased balls, and hang them around the perimeter of the window;
  • you can also hang Christmas socks, garlands and other Christmas decorations for the house.

Do not limit your imagination and create whole New Year's compositions because it's so fun and interesting to create something with your own hands. Include children in this process and help them make something magical.

Wall and door decor for the New Year

Just like windows, walls should be decorated with snowflakes and garlands. self made. for the New Year, it will take you a little time, because you just need to attach decorations with adhesive tape or carnations.

If there was no place in the house for a living Christmas tree, then you can make it from improvised materials and place it directly on the wall. Such a decoration of the house for the New Year will look very original and beautiful, and such an integral attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree can delight you all winter.

Doors in New Year's houses they like to decorate with natural or self-made wreaths. They identify some special festive spirit, and seem to remind you that the New Year will soon be knocking on the door.

You can hang rain or tinsel on it and make a horseshoe that will bring good luck and success to the whole family. Thus, decorating a house for the New Year with your own hands can be not only beautiful, but also useful.

Ideas for serving the New Year's table

When the interior design is completed, and the question of how to decorate the house for the New Year is closed, you can proceed to the final stage - setting the festive table.

This is the place where all close people and friends will gather on New Year's Eve, so you need to put your whole soul into its design, and then all the guests will appreciate your preparation.

Arrange candles and compositions that you have prepared for decorating your home with your own hands on the table. Think about how you can “dress up” the table with holiday napkins. Dishes also need to be in the holiday spirit, so see how you can arrange salads and other cooked goodies.

You can also put a homemade Christmas tree in the center, and let everyone write wishes to each other on it. You can also make DIY gifts for the New Year, videos of which can be viewed on the Internet. This good idea, because such a gesture of attention will be doubly pleasant.

IN Lately DIY Christmas decorations for the home have become very popular. There are several reasons for this: homemade products much better than purchased ones and look beautiful, the ideas are unique, making crafts captivates children.

You can make the product from any improvised material. On the Internet there is step by step manufacturing almost any New Year's toy. You can develop a design yourself, using a variety of materials.

Home decorations (MK)

Having thought about making holiday compositions on your own, a natural question arises: what kind of New Year decorations can you make with your own hands? It is clear that glass crafts at home can not be done. It is worth starting with the definition of materials that are at home and are easy to process. After that, we draw sketches, choose colors for further design.

Thanks to crafts, the holiday will seem more homely and exciting, and the home will shine with new colors. We offer several simple master classes on making decor for the New Year.

From cones

by the most simple option will be the manufacture of jewelry and crafts from cones. curvy, beautiful products are obtained from fir cones. Made from pine individual elements and single decorative ornaments.

The original solution will be a nest of cones different breed spruce trees with elements of branches:

1. First, the cones are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. The bottom and sides are formed, the cones are fastened together with glue, with the help of threads and twigs.

3. Beads, sparkles and other decor will help decorate the composition. The finished decoration can be used as a stand for candles.

In this likeness, vases for tangerines, fruits, and sweets are also made. It is easy to decorate any festive table with such original dishes.

From felt

Recently it has become very popular felt toys in New Year's style. Felt figurines serve as the main decor of the Christmas tree and the house, because they are safe, unbreakable, eco-friendly and bright.

How to make such a toy:

1. Cut out a figure from paper.

2. Put the template on the felt and prepare the patterns.

3. Cut out blanks and make outlines.

4. Sew the details of the cut figure by hand or on a sewing machine.

5. To add volume, you can put cotton wool inside. The felt figurine is ready.

From beads

It takes a long time to make New Year's interior elements and bead drawings. This option is suitable for those who love hard work and have a lot of free time. But such products look worthy. Often there are desktop mini-Christmas trees, as well as key chains-toys. Consider the manufacturing process of the first option.

For the frame of the future Christmas tree, you will need a large bead, for example, amber, 2 cm in diameter. Insert a small stick into its hole. To make the frame more stable, glue it on a large coin or a flat button. Further we work according to the scheme.

The photo below shows a step-by-step master class.

From foamiran

From foamiran, you can make holiday fridge magnets with New Year's stories, a Christmas tree toy, figurines for a garland, and much more.

Let's look at the process of making a Christmas tree from this material:

1. First, a pattern is prepared, according to which the toy will be formed. To do this, draw patterns on a piece of paper and cut them out.

2. We apply patterns on foamiran, circle them with a pencil. The result should be three elements with different cuts.

3. We cut the blanks with scissors clearly along the line. Do this as carefully as possible so that the edges are even.

4. A further principle is to connect the parts. Cover by finished craft you can use sequins, decorate with gouache or sprinkle with sparkles - at your discretion.

Corrugated paper

Large-scale decorations for the New Year holidays are made from corrugated paper. Stylish wall decor elements are obtained from such material. Some craftsmen make up whole pictures with a plot. But we will consider the step-by-step production of the Christmas tree, see the photo below.

From polymer clay

From polymer clay products closest to factory toys are formed. The result is durable, reusable decorations that are easy to prepare with your child. The easiest way to make such a Christmas tree toy is in the form of a snowman.

To start, take White clay- it serves as the basis, you can use color. When the body is ready, then proceed to staining. One toy is made in about 10-15 minutes.


It is better to make New Year's decor elements from foam sheets that will be used outside the home. It can be huge letters, figures, houses. It is easy to cut decorations out of polystyrene using a hacksaw. We decorate objects with luminous garlands, you can paint with paint, paste over with decorative paper.

From tapes

Small toys for the Christmas tree are formed from ribbons. Ribbons often serve as the basis, decorating material for many other compositions. Applications and hanging toys are especially often made from satin ribbons. Fixation is carried out using a thread with a needle, glue, a textile stapler.

From fabric

Decorative pillows are sewn from fabric New Year's motives, soft toys for children. Using different fabrics, contrasting balances and figures are created. It is better to sew elements and details manually. It is very profitable to make New Year's interior elements from textiles - there are always a few extra shreds of fabric at home.

From plastic bottles

Large objects are created using plastic bottles: beautiful houses, boxes, geometric shapes. If properly decorated plastic bottle, then you get a souvenir for a gift for the New Year or a Christmas tree decoration. See what a wonderful penguin you can get.

From discs

With the help of disks, disco balls are mainly created, which are used together with a luminous garland. The atmosphere of a night club is created. A finely chopped disk can also serve as a finishing material for other products. So, for example, you can decorate glass bowl on the tree

From pasta

Pasta is characterized by strength and flexibility in work. From pasta, you can make a small Christmas tree, animal figurines, an asterisk or a snowflake for a Christmas tree. Finished products are easy to paint with gouache, watercolor.

From threads

Often they perform New Year's work to decorate the interior with the help of floss threads. It is enough just to tie a bunch of floss, forming figures. An unusually interesting option will be applications on the New Year theme and posters. It is easy to make a decoration for a Christmas tree from threads, for this it is enough to soak them in glue and form the shape you need. When the product dries, it will become solid.

From branches

Crafts from branches can be candlesticks, vases, decorative plates, boxes for toys, fruits and sweets. It's very fashionable. They use mainly a sprig of pine. As more non-standard wood, branches of other trees are used.

From synthetic winterizer

Soft toys for the Christmas tree are sometimes made from synthetic winterizer, but more often this material is used to create applications. With colored synthetic winterizer, you can embroider pictures on decorative pillows or canvas. The craft in the form of a snowman also looks original - such a toy will decorate the interior of any room.

On the video: a snowman from a synthetic winterizer.

From foma (polyethylene foam)

It is easy to make any shape from foma, just use stencils. The preparations are correct design and color range. Can also be done Christmas tree to decorate your New Year's table. The principle of operation is very simple, see the photo below.


You will need templates and fleece. Details are cut out, which are subsequently sewn together. The principle of operation is the same as when working with felt. Fleece makes soft and pleasant to the touch New Year's decor elements.


Foil makes disposable decorations, toys and a garland. The material is quickly torn, wrinkled and broken. Is used for decorative design and keeping in shape. It is easy and simple to make snowflakes for a Christmas tree, you need to crumple pieces of foil into a sphere and fasten them together with a wire, forming a figure.

From newspapers

Newspapers and glue are used to create papier-mâché Christmas tree toys. A form blank is made from foil, on which a newspaper soaked in glue is applied in layers. When the paper is dry, you can paint the craft with colored paint or cover it with sparkles.

From plywood

Plywood is used to make models of toys for the Christmas tree in the form of images of animals, houses, fruits, vegetables, fairy tale characters. A hole is formed with an awl for attaching the thread. Toys can be used for a long time.

From light bulbs

From light bulbs we make garlands, "balls" for the Christmas tree, fixtures are suitable for the room and the street. Lamps are pasted over with bright or shiny materials. The setup takes a few minutes.

Burlap and jute

Toys are sewn from burlap and jute according to the principle of felt and fleece products. Festive bags and bandages are also made from such natural material. A bouquet of chestnuts, dried flowers, acorns can serve as an addition.

From cotton pads

Cotton wool is used as a finishing material for applications and crafts. We glue it to any base with glue. Cotton wool can be painted with watercolors, gouache. Working with such material is easy and simple.

From newspaper tubes

Interesting baskets for tangerines and other elements of New Year's decor come out of the tubes. Volumetric decorations are also made using tightly rolled sheets of newspapers. The paper can be dyed later.

From twine (string)

Balls and hanging structures are made from twine, twine, rope. Such details connected with each other form a garland. Christmas decorations made of textile material have many positive features: they do not break, they are environmentally friendly, they are safe for children.

On the video: Christmas ball of threads.

From beads

From beads, an additional decor is obtained for larger products. Beads are sewn, glued, put on the base. They make screw Christmas trees. Small crafts serve as gifts for relatives and friends.


Origami is used to create a huge number of works, you can make toys for the Christmas tree, a garland, hanging decorations. Paper figures are stored for a long time, have volume. They are used as interior decor, if the design is of impressive size.

Christmas decorations (MK)

Christmas tree decorations can be made from almost any material that is at home. Thanks to persistent means of fixation, creative ideas are created. For the base, you can use ready-made toys. On plain Christmas balls often painted with stained glass glue or outline a frosty pattern.

Decoration of Christmas balls

Decorating spheres does not require special skills and materials. This finish is ideal for transparent balls, however, as a basis, you can take a foam ball.

Action algorithm:

  1. Remove dirt from the ball and degrease with acetone.
  2. Lubricate the surface with adhesive solution.
  3. "Dress up" the ball finishing materials(in this case, sequins).
  4. If necessary, fix all the details with clear varnish and let dry.
  5. If the ball is made of foam, stick a pin or special fasteners for hanging.

All Christmas decorations can be upgraded. Broken glass from old toys, beads, beads, sequins and ribbons are suitable for decoration.

Hair Jewelry (MK)

It is easy to make New Year's hairpins, headbands and hair ties from improvised materials. On this occasion, you can watch a lot of videos on the Internet. Let's look at two of the most interesting master classes.

Headband with horns

Creativity lies in creating a unique decoration that will decorate the hairstyle. The simplest option is a decorative headband:

1. On the old headband, with the help of wire, the frame of the future craft is formed - deer antlers.

2. The hoop from one end to the other, together with the wire frame, is wrapped with twine.

3. Secondary fastening is made with glue (deer ears and fabric flowers can act as an additional decor).

The decor can be Mickey Mouse ears, a decorative bow or a colored mohawk, Christmas trees, cones, pine branches, snowflakes - there are a lot of ideas.


For more discreet options for hair products, the kanzashi technique is suitable. Work is carried out from ribbons, which are superimposed on a base smeared with glue. Practice is essential for these products.

On the video: New Year's snowflake - headband.

Crochet and knitting Christmas decorations: patterns and description

Christmas decorations can be crocheted or knitted. Knitted animals, little men, fruits, houses will decorate the Christmas tree and the house.

The work is:

  • buying thread and yarn;
  • knitting in accordance with the patterns;
  • stitching products.

Knitted toys last a long time. The technique does not take much time, calms the nerves, and is easy to master. There are combinations of knitting and embroidery in one product.

Decoration Santa Claus crochet
knitted snowflake on the Christmas tree crochet
Christmas balls knitting pattern

wall decorations

On the wall you can hang pictures made in various techniques, simple New Year's posters. Under the ceiling are usually placed garlands of lights or decorative material. There are many options, see the photo and choose the option you like.

door decoration

The door from the street and the room is usually decorated with a New Year's wreath. Modern interpretations represent compositions not from branches and cones, but from glowing garlands. From plywood blanks and threads, you can create a composition in the form of hinged structures.

Wooden decorations also look against the background of a metal door - it is unique, fresh and modern. You can make an original decorative wreath from wood and branches.

New ideas

Original Christmas decorations are easy to create with children. creative ideas you can draw from the drawings and inventions of the baby.


In accordance with the decor, the following original decorations are created:

  • Framed photographs form interesting compositions.

  • They drew an incomprehensible drawing and decorated it with rain and sparkles. The main thing is to be creative.


Interesting and funny ideas can be found in children's magazines.

  • You can alter old soft toys or make them with your own hands from socks.

  • Bring an animal to life from improvised materials, for example, from branches.

Making decorations with the kids

Making jewelry for kids is exciting, and working with them is even more so. Adults can show real class for their child. For a baby, time will fly by quickly and cheerfully.

When choosing a technique, consider:

  • the age of the child;
  • its possibilities;
  • the complexity of the work ahead;
  • material safety.

Greater preference for the manufacture of jewelry is given to: applications, drawings with additional decoration, corrugated paper, napkins.

For girl

An ideal option for a girl would be drawings that can be decorated with sparkles or sequins. The baby can offer ideas for New Year's decorations: jewelry, decorative items for furniture, Christmas toys. The main thing is to use a lot of bright colors.

The simplest and most effective option would be to create a toy of a cartoon or fairy-tale character. Mom can do the main work, and the daughter can help at first.

Preparing for the upcoming New Year brings no less joy than, in fact, its meeting itself. Quite a few important role plays in itchristmas decor, whose presence in your home will create a real atmosphere of celebration and home comfort. In order to beautifully decorate a house and create a real New Year's fairy tale in it, it is not at all necessary to resort to buying expensive decorations - everything can be done independently from materials that are quite accessible to everyone. In our article, we will show you how to, as well as provide a photo selection of original jewelry.

New Year's decor 2018: what is preferable for the symbol of the coming year

Mistress of the coming 2018, according to Eastern calendar, there will be a Yellow (Earth) Dog, so in interior design it is worth taking care of the presence of some symbols. Can addin New Year's decorporcelain figurines of dogs funny puppies from felt and decorate a Christmas tree with them, purchase bones at a pet store and make a pretty garland out of them. A small dog kennel made from a box and installed under the Christmas tree will undoubtedly please the hostess of the coming year, which, in turn, will bring good luck and prosperity to the house.

New Year's interiorcan have any color palette, but yellow and its shades, including orange and red, must be present. Even if you decide to decorate everything in white, which is quite popular these days, a couple of golden bows in a garland or red balls will not break the harmony at all.

DIY Christmas decor: what you can make decorations from

Making decorations for the New Year on your own is a creative and very exciting process, in which it is worth involving the kids with their unbridled imagination.New Year's room decorcan be made from improvised and natural materials, while receiving a bonus - almost free exclusive decoration. As for improvised means - it can be paper, cardboard, cotton wool, candles, scraps of fabric, buttons, beads, etc. ochee. Different new year's eco decorcan be made from cones, branches, spruce paws, small stumps left after cutting down a tree, etc. Next, we will take a closer look at some original views crafts from these materials. Essential supplies you will need to makeDIY Christmas decor- this is a pencil, glue (PVA and a thermal gun), scissors, needles and threads, adhesive tape, paints. Sequins, beads, multi-colored varnish - will help to improve jewelry.

Handsome n garden interior

The Christmas tree, as the main attribute of the holiday, is installed in most cases in the living rooms in order to please not only households, but also guests with its presence. However, small bouquets of spruce branches can also be placed in other rooms, decorating them with garlands and toys.New Year's room decorwill look much more comfortable if you beautifully decorate the window yo m, creating a fabulous composition on the windowsill. Doors, as a rule, are decorated with Christmas wreaths, which you can buy or make yourself from pine needles, adding red viburnum berries, cones, gold beads and other elements. Decorate the railings of stairs in a private house will helpChristmas garlands, photowhich you can find in the article, and the walls and ceiling will look completely New Year's if you decorate them with multi-colored LED strips and pendants. A festive table will also become a separate component of the New Year's interior. Its decoration will be a luxurious tablecloth,New Year's decor of candles, as well as compositions from natural materials.

New Year's decor for the house: we decorate the facade and the local area

Owners of private houses have additional features decorate your yard. Garlands made with your own hands from tinsel, bright balls, golden bows and other decorations will help to solemnly decorate the central entrance. Suchchristmas decorplaced on the railing, framing it with entrance doors and various small architectural forms on adjoining territory. It will look great in daytime. To the streetchristmas decor for homehad a spectacular view on New Year's Eve, you can purchase various LED garlands that will create amazing fabulous atmosphere. They also decorate the perimeters of window openings, roofs, fences, paths, trees, shrubs located on the site, and so on.

How best to decorate the Christmas tree in a modern style

New Year's decor of the apartmentyou should start with the design of the Christmas tree (or pine). The process of decorating it has been known to everyone since childhood, but, unlike previous decades, it is not customary to abuse tinsel now. A green beauty with a variety of toys that emit cheerful reflections from luminous garlands into the interior of the room will look much more aesthetically pleasing. Green needles can be supplemented artificial snow or make it yourself from pieces of cotton wool.

New Year's decor 2018can be done in one color scheme. For example, with the use of decorations only in red, which looks quite stylish and orderly.

Toys on the Christmas tree can be hung randomly or in a certain sequence: vertically, in a spiral, or in size - from largest to smallest.

Christmas decor e lki it will be more weighted if you arrange at its base compositions of figurines, balls, cones, Santa Claus, etc. ochee.

DIY Christmas balls decor

Decor of New Year's toys, with which we will acquaint you, will allow you to breathe new lifein old toys, and will also be a good help for expensive designer jewelry sold in stores. With the help of small pieces of fabric, which every housewife will surely have, you can carry outChristmas ball decor. To do this, wrap the ball with a cloth and tie it on top with a beautiful ribbon, complemented by sparkles, bright beads and other details. Beads will also help to decorate old toys or mask defects on them. It is necessary to apply glue on the surface and sprinkle beads on it, let the composition dry, and then gently shake off everything that has not stuck. In this way, you can process the entire surface or a certain part of it.

New Year's window decor: beauty inside and out

The window is the "face" of the apartment, by which passers-by judge its owners. When decorating your home, you should also take care to decorate it beautifully.New Year's window decor. This can be done using applications on windows by cutting out snowflakes, stars, Christmas trees from paper and gluing them to the glass. It is very convenient to use a stencil and draw a real picture on the window with toothpaste.Ideas for New Year's decorwindows provided pictured in of our article, where you can see what hanging toys, compositions from fairy-tale characters, garlands can be made. A special coziness in the room will be created by a small, paper-cut and equipped with a garland, white forest on the windowsill. By the way, the LED garland can be placed around the entire perimeter of the window or in the form of falling lights, which will undoubtedly cheer up passers-by.

DIY New Year's decor: decorations from improvised materials

The most common material for making simple but original jewelry is paper. It is easy to process and allows you to make the most intricate shapes. One minus is the fragility of products. The paper is very wrinkled, and, at the end of the holidays, suchchristmas decor, most likely will have to be thrown away or very carefully packed until next year.

Christmas paper decor

Since childhood, we all know the technique of cutting snowflakes from white paper. Such decorations to this day do not lose their relevance - they can be madewhite christmas decor. cut a lot small snowflakes and string them on a thread with a needle - you get an elegant garland. Having made several of these garlands, they can beautifully decorate a window opening or make pendants for a chandelier. In addition to snowflakesNew Year paper decormay be in the form of multi-colored chains. It is necessary to cut the same strips of any length (no more than 1 cm wide) and form a link after a link, threading one end of the chain into the previous link and gluing it with the second end. Can be hung from links paper lanterns, stars, Christmas trees and other figures, also cut out of paper.

New Year's decor of candles

Candles are one of the oldest attributes of the New Year celebration. Pick up several candles of different sizes and place them on a saucer, complement the composition with green tinsel or spruce branches, bright Christmas balls, cones, decorated with sparkles. In order to prevent the elements from falling apart, and X can be carefully connected with drops of hot glue. Can doNew Year's decor of candlesusing cinnamon sticks. It's better to take a candle large diameter, and sticks should not exceed its original length. We alternately apply the sticks along the candle and fix everything with a felt rope. Apart from original design, the room will be complemented by an excellent fragrance.

Ideas for New Year's decor in eco style

As we have already said, makingchristmas decor, can be used natural materials. It is not at all difficult to acquire them - just go for a walk in the nearest forest, and there you will find everything you need. Pretty trendy right nowNew Year's decor in eco style, as modern man increasingly prefers naturalness.

New Year's decor from cones

In order to make decorations from cones, you may need paints (gouache or acrylic), a thermal gun and various sparkles. SimplestNew Year's decor from conescan be made in the form of small Christmas trees that will decorate the festive table. It is necessary to take cones large sizes, paint them green or white, after drying, open with varnish and sprinkle with sparkles. Place the finished product in a small pot. Cones can be formed into a Christmas wreath by gluing them into the desired shape with hot glue, or you can design a Christmas tree. Variouschristmas decor shown in the photo in our article.

New Year's decor from branches

Whatever you thinkChristmas decor made of wood(branches, stumps, etc.) the material must be varnished so that it is not exposed to external influences. Thin branches are able to bend well and this will allow us to weave a variety of decorations from them - stands for decorative compositions, Christmas wreaths, etc. Small stumps can serve as the basis for tablet candles, acquiring the appearance of a kind of candlesticks. A large dry branch of a tree can be placed in a vase, varnished, sprinkled with Styrofoam balls or artificial snow, and decorated with LED strip.

New Year's decor for a photo shoot

A beautifully decorated New Year's room can become great occasion, in order to capture the solemnity of the meeting of the New Year. A fireplace decorated with garlands and pendants, a smartly decorated Christmas tree and mountains of gifts - suchNew Year's decor for a photo shootwill look very advantageous. In the center of the composition, you can install an armchair or spread a soft carpet near the Christmas tree, which will accommodate the whole family.

In December, the New Year fuss begins, associated with buying gifts, compiling a menu and decorating everything around.

There is something mysterious and fabulous in this expectation of the holiday, familiar from childhood: when you are waiting for a fluffy Christmas tree to appear at home to decorate it with balls and garlands.

Create festive mood and save it for everything new year holidays the appropriate design of an apartment or a private house will help. Look at the decoration for the New Year as an amusing trip full of discoveries and experiments. Maybe it's time to do something new, add a modern New Year's decor to surprise guests and please loved ones?

And so we are faced with the task of decorating an apartment for new year party. It would seem, what could be easier? The brighter, the merrier. However, everything is not so simple. If you decorate with everything that comes to mind without taking into account the style and color scheme of the interior, then it will turn out to be colorful and tasteless. It is important not to disturb the harmony and comfort with New Year's decorations. It is advisable to stop at one New Year's color combination (dark green with red, silver with blue, red with white, gold with red, shades of purple).

Now it is very popular to use the gifts of nature for decoration: cones, coniferous twigs, nuts, oranges and tangerines (you can even dry crusts). Such blanks bring to the interior not only a special aura of warmth, but also aroma.

In transmission festive atmosphere not only visual perception, but also the sense of smell plays an important role. New Year's smells are the aroma of needles, citrus fruits, cinnamon and chocolate. The lack of natural sources can be compensated for with essential oils, and thematic aroma lamps will become additional element decor.

Glitter, the mirror surface of accessories and subtle patterns will add brightness to the interior. Original jewelry can be made by hand. All you need is a desire and some free time.

How to decorate a Christmas tree?

According to established traditions, spruce or pine are the main symbol of the New Year. An artificial or live Christmas tree must be in the festive interior. Depending on the chosen design style, it can be not only green, but also white. Reduced models are suitable for a small living room.

The general rule for decorating a Christmas tree: the location of larger and bright toys at the very bottom, and small and light at the top. It is believed that the tree should shine and shimmer with everyone bright colors, but now single-plane and plain jewelry and toys have come into fashion. For example, a small Christmas tree can only be decorated bright balls different or the same size.

Christmas tree decoration for the New Year can be made with your own hands. So it will be easier to maintain one style when designing other zones, using similar techniques.

Christmas tree toys can be made from old light bulbs, any shape and size will do. The glass is covered with white acrylic paint, on which the author's drawing or bright sparkles are subsequently applied. A thread, ribbon or knitted cord is tied to the cartridge for hanging.

For those who know how and love to knit, a variant with miniature knitted mittens, socks and scarves. Christmas tree decorated knitted toys, safe for small children and creates a special warmth and comfort.

Naturally and at the same time original look toys from fir cones. The lucky ones who managed to stock up on this material will be able to create a unique atmosphere.

There are a lot of ideas for making Christmas decorations with your own hands. Depending on the complexity of execution, you can choose the most suitable option or find a completely new solution. The outfit of the Christmas tree must be supplemented with multi-colored decorative boxes with gifts.

Share the mood - decorate the windows

Walking in the residential area on the eve of the New Year, it is pleasant to admire the windows decorated with white lacy snowflakes. Gluing paper snowflakes to glass has already become a tradition. This method of decoration is good only if the family has masters in carving fancy patterns. It is not at all necessary to look for some kind of snowflake patterns - it is more interesting to improvise. To add zest to the design of windows to snowflakes, you can add figures of snowmen, deer, Christmas trees.

Another simple way to decorate is to draw with toothpaste or stained glass paint using a stencil. To create a stencil, a thematic drawing is selected, printed, cut out along the contour and, for ease of use, transferred to thicker paper. You can beautifully write "Happy New Year!", Cut out this phrase and get a simple stencil.

Crocheted snowflakes hanging on strings inside the window opening look original and stylish. It is convenient to use this design if there is a wide window sill.

If there is no desire to be creative, then you can purchase colored volumetric stickers in the store.

Angels, bells and cones hanging in the air will look very cute. Balls hanging on ribbons look bright and solemn.

A large window can be decorated with a wreath of coniferous twigs and cones.

Any composition will be complemented by garlands, which are already a traditional companion of the New Year's carnival.

The window sill can be decorated with decorative gifts, rag dolls, coniferous twigs and cotton wool. To keep the festive mood in the evening, rain or small tinsel can be fixed on the curtains.

Feeling New Year's fairy tale strengthen candles or lamps from wine bottles with garlands inside. Their soft light carries something mysterious.

When designing a window, it is necessary to take into account not only the future interior of the room, but also how the scenery will look from the street.

Living Room Interior Design Ideas

Especially carefully you need to think about how to decorate the house for the New Year. The main decor is usually located in the living room. design ideas a lot, but there is no universal solution, just as no two interiors are the same. To create a holiday in your home, you need to use fantasy. Below are a few examples of creating New Year's decor. with my own hands for decoration of various areas of the living room and hallway.

Let's start right away with front door. For its decoration in the European style, wreaths of spruce branches are used. With dark in green pine needles go well with golden balls, red ribbons or silvery cones. In a private house, a beautifully decorated wreath can be hung from the street.

It is very convenient to use garlands to decorate walls and stairs. They can be from LED bulbs, paper rings or snowflakes, large or small cones, miniature soft toys or knitted socks, sweets and oranges, etc.

In a festive interior, a composition of candles, fir branches and balls will look very appropriate. The color scheme of the composition should be selected taking into account the chosen general design style. Alternatively, you can use decorative candlesticks.

You can hang balls, angels, short rain, snowflakes or any other Christmas decorations from the chandelier.

If there is a fireplace or an additional decoration zone is created. The mantelpiece can be overlaid with spruce branches and a garland with flickering light bulbs. You can make it with figurines of Santa Claus and a Snowman, create a “pillow” for laying out tangerines from needles, decorate it with a composition with candles or decorative gifts.

On a bookshelf or coffee table you can put a miniature Christmas tree of cones: simple and original.

A snow-white and soft Christmas tree can be made from cotton pads. Which are glued to a paper cone.

From felt, you can sew cute figures that are suitable for making a garland, and as independent elements.

To decorate a room in an original way for the New Year with your own hands, you do not need to spend a lot of money. You can use any materials, but it is important to observe the measure and maintain color balance.

Decor for the New Year's table

Since the dining table on New Year's Eve will turn into the central celebration area, its design will need to be thought through as carefully as holiday menu. If the serving is planned in a bright color, then it is better to choose a light plain tablecloth. Conversely, with a discreet decor, a tablecloth with a gold pattern is suitable. It is important to maintain the style and color scheme.

On a large table, you can place a bright composition, and if there is not enough space, it is enough to confine yourself to a small decoration of candles.

Help save space beautiful wine glasses or jars in which you can put spruce twig, a brush of mountain ash or bright beads. If you turn the glass over, you get a very interesting candlestick. A few of these wine glasses are sure to add a festive mood.

It is also worth considering serving accessories that are more interesting to make with your own hands. It can be cutlery bags, original napkins, napkin holders and more.

If you start preparations in advance, then there will be time for sewing original covers on high back chairs. As a chair decor, you can also use sewn toys suspended from the back, and large bows from a wide ribbon.

If there is a bright set holiday dishes, then it does not need to be additionally decorated, but transparent glass goblets can be decorated with a ribbon to match the main color of the serving or do something more complicated.

Small crafts made from cones and pine twigs, or figures bought in a store will help diversify the meal. Just do not overdo it so that there is free space for a comfortable dinner.

Private house: decorate the porch, facade and courtyard

Having at your disposal a house with a garden, you can not fail to take the opportunity to create a real winter fairy tale. After midnight, guests will not refuse to go out to Fresh air to launch fireworks, so you should take care of street decorations so as not to disappoint them.

The facade of the house is often decorated with LED garlands. You can simply hang them up or depict any figure (Christmas tree, snowman, star). If desired, garlands can decorate trees and shrubs in front of the house.

On the porch, a small one will look good living spruce in a tub. Ribbons, felt toys and fruits are suitable for decorating it.

You can also put the sled and "load" them with large gift boxes. If large pine branches, you get a realistic composition.

The door can be decorated with a wreath and spruce branches. The wreath is created from any material, it all depends on the imagination.

Recently, luminous animal silhouettes have become popular, which are easy to make with your own hands. First, a frame is made of steel wire or rods, then the frame is wrapped with a garland. A small flock of deer in the garden will delight both children and adults.

For the garden, you can make a large wooden star from dry shoots of medium thickness. In addition to simple garlands, this decor will make New Year's Eve magical.

How to please the owner of 2017 - the Fire Rooster

Being engaged in the festive decoration of your home, you should not forget about the symbolism of the coming year. Fire Rooster loves everything bright and sparkling. This year, more than ever, flickering lights and candles are relevant in the interior. Fill the room with light and sparkles. Of the colors, preference should be given to bright yellow, orange, carrot and red. The background can be green or white.

The decor should not be monotonous and overly restrained. Even in small things it is necessary to maintain diversity. For example, if you are making a composition of balloons, then use balloons of different sizes.

The rooster loves home comfort, so the use of decorative pillows, fabric napkins, chair covers, knitted ornaments is welcome.

For decoration it is better to use natural materials. Here will be appropriate wooden crafts, wicker baskets, a bouquet of dried flowers. Homemade decor items are of particular value.

Among the decorations, the presence of the symbol of the new year is mandatory. You can sew cockerels from felt and hang them in the form of a garland, you can buy a beautiful figurine, you can embroider a colorful cockerel on decorative pillow or create a picture in a frame.

Decorating an apartment or house for the New Year, of course, is creative work, and any creativity brings joy not only to others, but also to the performer himself. Even if the work routine and home life do not leave the strength for a flight of fancy, take care of the New Year's decoration and the festive mood will disperse everything negative emotions. Even better, if you can involve all family members in the process.