The Nutcracker and the Mouse King script for children. Holiday script for schoolchildren “New Year’s Adventures of the Nutcracker” based on Hoffmann’s fairy tale “The Nutcracker. The music plays and the nutcracker comes out

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The development is aimed at introducing children to the traditions and customs of modern Russian society through theatricalization, interactive methods, games and fairy tales. The development is presented in the form of a script for a theatrical production with performances by heroic actors and children.


  • Deputy Director for Methodological Work Chusova Yulia Alexandrovna
  • Musical director Boriskina Galina Nikolaevna

Target: Introducing children to the traditions and customs of modern Russian society through theatricalization, interactive methods, games and fairy tales.


  1. Forming in children an attitude towards the holiday as a wonderful, joyful event, the integrity of the picture of this holiday through traditions and the immediate heroes of the celebration - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
  2. Stimulating the imagination of young spectators with enlarged stage symbols that most fully reflect the essence of theatrical performance.
  3. Uniting the children's team through the process of joint preparation for the New Year's party.
  4. Interaction of all participants in the educational team of the preschool educational institution: teachers, students and their parents.
  5. Developing the ability to be emotionally responsive.
  6. Formation of a culture of communication between children and parents at the holiday.
  7. Teaching children to act freely and expressively while participating in small dramatizations.
  8. Develop performing and creative skills.
  9. Bringing joy to children through singing, playing, and dancing.
  10. Develop the ability to behave during a holiday, enjoy yourself and bring joy to others.

Form: theatrical production with performances by children.

Preliminary work:

  1. Rehearsals with children for performing poems, songs, dances.
  2. Watching the cartoon “The Nutcracker”, Mosfilm, 2004.
  3. Listening to classical music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  4. Preparing and making costumes for the performance.
  5. A selection of music and soundtracks.
  6. Joint creative activities with parents to prepare decorations and costumes for the event.
  7. Consulting teachers on organizational issues of the event.

Attributes and equipment:

  1. Main Christmas tree
  2. Screens (2 pcs.) on both sides of the throne. On one screen there is an image of a castle, on the other there is a magic gate
  3. Throne for the Prince
  4. Nutcracker toy (cardboard)
  5. Masks on sticks (boys) + fans (girls)
  6. Roses (on head + on hand)
  7. Gift bag “alive”
  8. Basins (4 pcs) + snowballs + 2 spoons
  9. Basket, fishing line, snake
  10. 3 jars + gouache at the bottom of the jar (red + green + blue)
  11. Handkerchiefs (yellow, red, green)
  12. Music Center
  13. Audio recording of Elka's voice (on a laptop)


  1. Snow Maiden
  2. Father Frost
  3. Heralds (2 boys)
  4. Prince
  5. Queen Myshilda
  6. Mouse (full)
  7. Mouse (thin)
  8. Marie (girl)
  9. Prince of the East

Musical accompaniment:

  1. Children's choir "Giant" and gr. "Ivanushki International" "New Year"
  2. Song "Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Christmas tree."
  3. Song "Santa Claus".
  4. Song for the game "We'll hang the balls."
  5. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Nutcracker”, “Waltz of the Flowers”, “Dance of the Toy Soldiers”, etc.

Progress of the performance

Fanfare sounds. Two heralds come to the center of the hall.

1 herald:

Attention everyone, gentlemen,
You hurry to the hall, here!
The king is calling everyone today
And the New Year's ball gives!

2 herald:

We have one decree -
We won't let you in without a mask!
Fabulous, cheerful masks,
Mandatory showing!

1 herald:

There will be dancing, there will be laughter,
There's enough fun for everyone here.
We invite all guests,

Together: We are opening the New Year's ball!

The overture sounds, children in costumes (boys in hussar or toy soldier costumes, girls in ball gowns) freely enter the hall.

They go around the room, look at the tree, the gifts under the tree. They line up to dance. The children are all wearing masks, the girls are with fans.

Dance "Masks"

Children line up and read poetry.

  1. Wonderful New Year's Ball!
    Dance, laugh, sing!
    Magic masks carnival
    And arrange it for yourself!
  2. Let's start, let's start this New Year's ball.
    On this wonderful winter holiday
    Everyone came to our Christmas tree.
  3. Hello, hello, glorious holiday!
    Hello, joy, hello, laughter!
    The one who laughs loudest today is the most important one.
  4. This hall sparkles with colorful lights,
    And invites all friends to the New Year's ball!
    So let the music sing, let's start the ball!
    And the merry carnival calls us all to dance!
  5. The favorite holiday of all our children has come,
    Look how the balls sparkle on the Christmas tree!
    We were waiting for this holiday, we knew it would come,
    Our glorious, our beloved, merry New Year!

Round dance No. 1 “New Year’s”

The children sit down, the prince sits on the throne and examines the toy.

The mice enter to the music. They go behind the throne.

Mouse 1. " Come out, there are only children here!”

Mouse 2Comes out and looks around.

Mouse 1. " Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is! There are so many toys on it!”

Mouse 2. " Is there anything edible on it?”

Mouse 1. Come closer, we'll look. ( Inspecting the Christmas tree.)

Mouse 2. " That little yellow ball looks so much like cheese! But what a sweetie! Let me eat it!”

Mouse 1 (Pulls back.) “You can’t eat anything in an unfamiliar place! You could get poisoned or fall into a mousetrap.”

Mouse 2. " But I’ll still bite!”

Mouse 1. " Wait, I was gnawing on a scientific book here, and it says that it’s customary to hide delicious gifts under the Christmas tree.”

Mouse 2. So they are probably lying under the Christmas tree! Let's go look for them. ( They go in different directions, sniff, and reach the prince.)

Mouse 2. Who is this?

Mouse 1. This must be the prince! I saw it in the picture! Very similar!

T. It is tasty?

Mouse 1. What are you doing? He's real! Anyway, enough about food already!

T. Yes, my teeth itch! Let's at least nibble on something a little!

Mouse 1. Okay, come on! ( They take the toy away and try to chew it.)

Prince. Get out, you nasty mice! Take them away, take them away!

T. Look, he didn't like us!

Mouse 1. Ah well! We must call Her Majesty Myshilda! ( Name.)

Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

Myshilda (the queen of mice) enters to the music, looks at everyone menacingly and majestically, and dances.

Myshilda. What happened here?

Mouse 2. They wanted to have fun at the Christmas tree and chew something. And they are driving us away!

Myshilda (strictly). How is it possible to offend my subjects? Well, now I'll show you who's boss here?

Prince: I!

Prince: What a surprise? I like surprises!

Myshilda. And you reach into the bag and find out!

Prince. It's not a royal thing to climb through bags!

Myshilda. Well, as you wish!

Prince. Okay, I'll go! ( He climbs into the screen lying on the floor, the mouse screen is lifted up, the prince goes behind the tree).

Myshilda. (Takes out the Nutcracker.) Did everyone see it? There was a prince, but he became the Nutcracker! And so it will be with everyone who goes against us! ( Leaves a toy under the tree).

Myshilda. My servants, follow me! But we'll be back!

They're leaving.

He comes in to Marie's music and dances.


Hello, hello my friends,
We can't be sad today.
Music, dancing, jokes and laughter,
The holiday brought us all together in this hall!
Legs can't stand still!
Let's dance now!

New Year's round dance No. 2 “Santa Claus”


So that we don’t have to wait any longer for the joyful moment,
I want to look under the tree now.
What's under the tree?
Look, gifts!
There are drums and dolls in bright dresses!
Who is this, sitting dressed up under the Christmas tree?
He has a very kind, friendly appearance.
It's the Nutcracker! It's for everyone -
His job is to crack the hard nut.
Friends, I will not forget about him from now on.
Nutcracker, come here, honey, and now I will-
Give you small nuts,
So that you don't have to open your mouth wide.

Marie sits on a chair and rocks the Nutcracker.

The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

Snow Maiden:

Hello my dears!
Hello, my beautiful ones!
I'm so glad to see you
At this New Year's hour!
How have you grown up in a year?
How prettier you all have become.
Your eyes are clear,
Your cheeks are red!

Snow Maiden:

Hello, dear child,
Why are you so sad?
Here the troubles need to be forgotten,
What can I do to cheer you up?


They say on New Year's Eve,
Whatever you want
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
I have a desire -
Break the Nutcracker's spell, friends!

Snow Maiden:

What an unusual wish. I see that you have a kind heart, but do you have the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles?
Yes, the Nutcracker was once a prince,
And it’s all Myshilda’s fault.
And to become the same prince again,
He must certainly
Enter a magical land.
The Nutcracker will turn into a prince again,
When a girl falls in love with a freak.

Marie: I will fight for the Nutcracker.

Snow Maiden: Well, all that remains is to wish you good luck.

Marie with the Nutcracker in her hands walks to the music.

Snow Maiden:

And now, dear friends,
I will present one surprise!
This is the Prince of the East -
Arrived from a distant country!

The Prince of the East enters to Arabic music and dances an oriental dance.

Prince of the East:

For the amusement of the royal children,
Many years ago
And although they wore bright clothes,
But they still felt sad about distant Africa.

Hello guys. I am the Prince of the East and my name is Ibn Fakir, Khatab, Kefir ice cream. I know this sad story about Mouseilda and the enchanted Nutcracker.

Prince of the East.

Now I'll show you tricks
And I’ll take you to a magical land

(Shows tricks.)

1. “Colored water”

To perform the trick, you need to take 3 jars with screw-on lids. The inside of the lids is covered with watercolor paint (red, green, blue). Water is poured into the jars, the Magician shows everyone that the water is ordinary, then he says the magic words and shakes the jar. The water is colored in the desired color.

Prince of the East:

You, water-water,
My friend, you are cold,
Stand, water-water,
Not light, but green!
You, water-water,
You are my beautiful friend,
Stand, water-water,
Not simple, but red!
You, water-water,
Light as frost
Not a simple one, but a blue one!

2. "Lord of the Snakes"

The pipe sounds, the Prince of the East brings out a basket with a snake in it. The prince puts an invisible fishing line on his hand, a snake is tied to the fishing line, makes movements with his hands and the snake “dances.”

3. "Clock"

The magician takes the watch and places it in an opaque bag, which already contains small parts from the disassembled watch. Music sounds, the magician casts a spell, takes a heavy object (hammer), covers the watch in the bag with his hand, and knocks where the parts are. Then he carefully pours them onto the table. The clock appears to be broken. The magician calms the audience, puts the parts back, casts a spell, and takes out the watch safe and sound.

4. “Handkerchiefs”

3 children are invited, and the Snow Maiden gives them each a scarf and remembers what color the scarf is for which child, the children hide the scarves behind their backs. The Snow Maiden speaks and highlights a certain letter in the first word of the question: “ TO What color is this child's scarf? ( TO at the word which, this is a sign for the Prince of the East that the child has a red scarf). "Ska AND and, what kind of scarf does this child have?”, “U Z Find the color of this child’s handkerchief” (play 2 times).

Prince of the East: Dear guys, it’s time for me to return to the magical land. Marie, come with me, I will show you the way.

To the music, the Prince of the East and Marie approach the beautiful, fairy-tale gate.

Prince of the East:

The magical city gets in the way,
Feel free to enter the magical gates!
And for me, friends, it’s time to hit the road
In the land of the best fairy tales
The kids are waiting for me.

Music sounds, the Prince of the East leaves.

Marie enters the gate, the gate closes, and Marie comes out with the prince.


The spell of my mask has dissipated,
And again, I am the prince of the Kingdom of Sweets!
We are glad to welcome our dear guests
In the Kingdom of Miracles,
In the Kingdom of Sweets!
Let magical transformations await us,
And everyone will find entertainment to their taste!

Snow Maiden:

Waltz of beautiful, magical flowers,
Roses dance smoothly.
A magical aroma, from fairy-tale dreams,
They charm everyone with their waltz.

Girls perform "Waltz of the Flowers".

Myshild with mice enters to the music.


What kind of fun is this?
What New Year?
Have you forgotten who lives in the castle?
Finally, I waited, and my time came.
Rule the roost, without a doubt,
It'll just be me now.
Hey, mouse shelves, leave your holes,
And go to the prince, go on a campaign, urgently!
There will be new orders:
Remove the decorations from the tree,
Chew up toys and gifts and drag them into the hole.
So that now there are no games, no songs,
Hang cheese in the corners!
Curtain the windows black!
Make holes everywhere!


Well, no, at least you could
Get to the holiday
We won't allow it here
Mouse power!
Go away, evil witch,
Don't you dare disturb us.
You see, the saber is golden, (shows saber)
I will protect my friends!
My soldiers, come out quickly,
Let's drive away the nasty mice from their holes!

The boys perform the dance of the tin soldiers (the boys have sabers in their hands).


Ah well! Well, nasty children, beware!
Now I will bite you and you will turn into Christmas tree decorations.

Snow Maiden:

There is nothing worse for mice than bright light.
We'll start the game now
And we will take Myshilda prisoner.
Hold hands quickly
Don't let the mice out.

Children and Myshilda with mice play the game “We won’t let you out.”

Myshilda: Stop clapping and laughing, I can't stand the noise. I, I, I... am losing my strength.

Runs away with the mice from the hall.

Snow Maiden:

All the troubles have flown away,
A fabulous night is knocking.
Let the doors open wider,
Come in, happiness and fun.
I want to tell you, friends,
It is impossible to live without friendship!

The Snow Maiden, the prince, Marie and the children stand up and join hands.

A song from the play “At the End of the Earth” is playing. They perform a song with dance moves. They sit down.

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus must appear
To have fun with us.
He's been gone for a long time,
Nothing would have happened.
So that we can call Frost,
The orchestra must begin to play.

Children play in an orchestra (orchestra on crystal vases and glasses to New Year's music).

You can hear bells and three horses. Santa Claus enters with poems.

Father Frost:

Here I am!
It's been like this since ancient times,
That no New Year
It won't work without me.
I, children, am a very old grandfather,
And believe me, I have been for many years.
In December and January
I walk the earth
I'm grabbing your nose
When I get frosty, it brings me to tears!
Because I'm angry
With his snowy retinue,
Famous Santa Claus.
But today I'm not angry
Kind, generous and simple!
Together with you even now
I'm ready to start dancing.

Round dance with Father Frost "Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Christmas tree"

Oh yes, Christmas tree-soul!
How fragrant, how good!
So that the Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights,
To make the tree more beautiful, say:
Shine Christmas tree!

Christmas tree:

Didn't expect it, no doubt
To hear congratulations from the Christmas tree?
I'm standing here, they've dressed me,
Dressed up and supposed to be silent?
Here you are dancing by the spruce tree,
I want to dance too!
After all, for the holiday I, it’s clear,
No less involved than you.
So give your word to me too!
No, I won’t sing songs with you,
I'm at work and standing
But I really wanted, friends,
Hear my song.
Happy New Year,
And I light the lights!

Turn on the Christmas tree.

Children sing the song “Our Christmas Tree” (The Christmas tree blinks to the music).

Tricky question for you now
Grandfather Frost will ask.
Do you like to play snowballs?
Do you like to lick snowballs?
I do not advise you, brothers,
To overeat on snow porridge.
Now we'll play -
Let's find out who's the smartest!

Game "Snow porridge"

Well, are you frozen?
No problem, let's warm up now.

Musical game “We will hang the balloons”

This is how fun we played -
We sang and danced.
It's time for me to rest
Will you read the poems, kids?

Children's poems for Santa Claus

Thank you kids, well done!
You are excellent readers!
You have a lot of fun
I want to start dancing.
Come on, let's have Russian,
Have fun playing!
The Lady will sound,
Snow Maiden, come out and dance!

Dance D.M. and Snow Maiden “Barynya” or “Kalinka”.

Well, my friends,
Did you like my dance?
Well, it's time for me to get ready,
Hit the road.
It's a shame to part with you...

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, where are the gifts?

Didn't I give them?
How did I forget about them?
I put oranges
And behind them are tangerines,
Gingerbread cookies are crispy,
Jingling lollipops.
And delicious chocolate
I'm happy to give it to the kids!
Everything seems to have been put...
Where are the gifts?
Oh, I forgot!
We can't live without gifts.
I will fix everything, friends.

Music sounds, D.M. "casts a spell."

You don't aim, blizzards,
Make way, pines and spruces!
You little bag, come here
Bring gifts for the children!

A bag “enters” (a person sits in the bag, the bag moves around the hall and runs behind the tree.

D.M.“Baby bag, where are you going? I’ll catch up with you now, little bag!”

He leaves and from behind the tree takes out a bag of gifts and gives it to the children.

Snegurochka and D.M. congratulate everyone present on the New Year and invite everyone to take a photo.

New Year's scenario based on the fairy tale “The Nutcracker” by E. T. Hoffman for the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

The performance used music from P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet " Nutcracker", as well as music by other authors.



Tin soldiers


Queen Myshilda

Snowflake girls

Boys and girls dressed as dolls - characters from famous fairy tales

A short excerpt from the music of the overture to Tchaikovsky's ballet is played. Nutcracker" (at this time, children can dress up behind a screen in the costumes of their characters).

Several “magic” chords sound, and the Astrologer comes out into the middle of the hall.

Astrologer: In wonderful new Year's Eve

The Christmas tree lights sparkled,

Candles were lit in the windows

And the snow continued to fall.

The astrologer steps aside, and to the music of Tchaikovsky's waltz, snowflake girls run out and dance. After the end of the dance, they run away behind the screen and the Astrologer comes out into the middle again.

Astrologer: As soon as children are waiting for gifts

Marie and Franz were waiting for them,

What magic and fairy tale

Will they see this time?

And now from all sides

It sounds, a magical ringing floats.

A ringing sound is heard (you can use a triangle, Marie and Franz enter.

Marie: How beautiful it is here!

Franz: Look what wonderful toys they gave us!

He takes out a box of tin soldiers from under the tree.

The tin soldier lies in a box,

The tin soldier is looking at me.

The tin soldier came home from the war

The tin soldier is a famous hero!

Marie: Look, Franz, Nutcracker!

Takes out a doll Nutcracker, shows it to Franz.

Franz: He's very ugly!

Marie: He is brave, he is the strongest!

I won't let anyone hurt him,

He will stand by our Christmas tree!

Puts Nutcracker near the Christmas tree. The clock strikes, Marie and Franz leave. Fairy comes out.

Fairy: The clock strikes twelve times,

Everything is coming to life now!

The dolls lined up

They want to dance for you!

Dance of animated dolls. After the music ends, they run away behind the screen.

Fairy: Now the toys come to life,

Look, the soldiers are marching!

Soldiers come out from behind the screen, march and stop near the tree.

First little soldier: We are persistent, constant,

Persistent people.

From a tin spoon

A whole platoon of us came out!

Second soldier: The brawlers are running away from us,

We don't like bullies

Tin leads us

Experienced commander!

To the music of the march they go behind the screen. Disturbing music sounds and mice run out.

First mouse: Mice, mice, all here!

There are gifts and food here!

Second mouse: Look, Nutcracker, what a freak!

What a gift for the New Year!

Third mouse: This gift is the best

He will split the enchanted nut in an instant,

And we will become the rulers of the kingdom of darkness!

All mice: We’ll drag him away forever

And we'll ruin the New Year for everyone!

They're trying to drag you away Nutcracker. Marie appears.

Marie: Hey mice, evil mice!

Run from under the roof!

Run from the hall

Until you get hit!

He takes off his shoe and throws it at the mice. Mice throw Nutcracker and run away. Marie takes Nutcracker in her arms and rocks him to sleep, humming a lullaby.

Marie: The day has melted,

The night has come

It's high time for bed.

Go to sleep too, Nutcracker,

Stay strong until the morning.

Leaves, taking away Nutcracker. Fairy comes out.

Fairy: Today a miracle will happen here,

My wand will help me.

I’ll wave it and The Nutcracker will come to life!

He waves his magic wand and slowly walks away. They sound "magical" chords. Coming out from behind the screen Nutcracker – boy in mask.

Nutcracker: Where did Marie run away?

Was it the mouse that scared her?

Disturbing music sounds and mice appear carrying the throne. Next, Myshilda appears and sits on the throne.

Myshilda: I’ll ruin your holiday, Marie!

I'll break your toys!

Nutcracker: Go away, evil witch,

Don't you dare disturb me!

You see, the saber is golden,

I will protect everyone!

Myshilda (grabs the saber from him):

How will you fight now?

Where will you get your strength?

Stay forever

Weak, ugly!

Nutcracker: I came to life, now I’m everywhere

I will protect Maria!

But without a saber I'm in trouble,

You will never defeat Myshilda!

Marie and Franz appear.

Marie: What miracles! My nutcracker is alive!

But what kind of roar, what kind of noise is that?

Myshilda: (trying to attack Nutcracker) :

You will not be able to defeat Myshilda!

I can drag the Nutcracker away!

Marie and Franz: Hey soldiers, help,

Everyone, hurry up and run here!

The soldiers come out.

Toy soldiers: We are ready together immediately

Carry out your orders

And we’ll take Myshilde

Let's tear off the long tail,

From her mouse teeth

We Let's save the Nutcracker!

The battle. To the music, mice and soldiers fight each other, then everyone disappears. The music comes out Nutcracker without mask, and behind him all the participants in the performance.

Nutcracker: The spell has broken and I’m a prince again!

Together: We have driven the kingdom of mice away and now we will have fun all night! We invite guests to the hall for new year carnival!

Good fairy tale with a good ending

On a magical holiday, he comes to our house.

How many miracles this night brought,

The spell has dissipated, disappeared away

The mouse queen with the mouse people,

Peace and goodness will come to us with the New Year!

Publications on the topic:

New Year's holiday based on the fairy tale “The Nutcracker” (senior group) Participants and heroes: storyteller (Drosselmeyer) - Ponosova A.M., Myshilda, Santa Claus, presenter, Nutcracker, Masha, soldiers, snowflakes, mice.

New Year's scenario "The Nutcracker" for children of the preparatory group Scenario for the New Year's party in the Nutcracker preparatory group. Music sounds, children enter the hall and take their places. 1 child All of us.

An integrated block of spiritual and moral direction in the senior preparatory school group dedicated to the Orthodox holiday.

Scenario of the national holiday “Maslenitsa” for senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten Goal: Create a positive holiday mood in children. Program objectives: Educational: To instill a love of folk art.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday based on Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker". (Preparatory group) 2014 2 children in carnival clothes run into the hall.

Scenario of the Christmas tale “The Nutcracker” of the Sunday school of the Church of St. Andrei Rublev in Ramenki. 2015-2016 academic year.

Peaceful angel, heavenly spirit, bright joyful rays.

Today an angel came down to us and sang: “Christ is Born!”

We came to glorify Christ, and to congratulate you on the holiday!

Storyteller: The holiday we have been waiting for so long has arrived. Candles are solemnly burning in the temple, lamps are burning at home, and there are stars in the sky! If you sit quietly and listen, you can hear what the stars are talking about on Christmas night, what tales they tell us. Let's listen and watch one of them.

Song "Silent Night, Holy Night" ( Children are sitting under the Christmas tree)

Marie : Oh, how interesting it is what my godfather has prepared for us this time, because for Christmas he always gives us a beautiful, intricate toy!

Fritz : Probably, this year it will certainly be a fortress, and dressed up soldiers will march in it.

Marie: No, no, my godfather told me about the beautiful garden. There is a big lake, wonderfully beautiful swans with golden ribbons on their necks swim on it and sing beautiful songs.

Louise: The Christ Child always guides the hand of the parents, and children are given what gives them true joy and pleasure; and He knows about this much better than the children themselves, who therefore should not think about anything or guess, but calmly and obediently wait for what will be given to them.

Fritz : Still, I would like a bay horse and hussars. (music)

Storyteller: The children sat tightly pressed to each other and did not dare utter a word; It seemed to them as if quiet wings were blowing over them and beautiful music was coming from afar. A bright beam slid along the wall, then the children realized that the baby Christ had flown off on shining clouds to other happy children. And at the same moment the doors opened.(Dad and Mom come out).

Father and mother : Come on, come on, dear children, look what the baby Christ has given you!

Marie : Oh, what a beautiful, sweet dress! And they will allow me, they will probably allow me, no, they will actually allow me to wear it!

Fritz: (stroking the horse ) – Fierce beast!.( raises a soldier ) It is necessary to immediately inspect my hussars. Platoon, form up! Go on a hike - step by step!

The hussar boys are marching.

Louise : (trying on an elegant dress given by her parents) And I also have a wonderful dress!

Marie: (picks up the Nutcracker and gives it to his father) Oh, dear daddy, for whom is this pretty little man standing right under the tree?

Father : He will work hard for all of you: his job is to carefully crack hard nuts, and he was bought for Louise and for you and Fritz. But if you like the Nutcracker, then you yourself should take care of him and take care of him, although, as I already said, Louise and Fritz can also use his services.

Marie : I'll choose the smallest nuts so you don't have to open your mouth too wide. (Louise joined her, Fritz runs up and starts thrusting big nuts at him, cracking sound).

Marie: Oh, poor Nutcracker! You broke it! (took it away from Fritz ). I won't give you my Nutcracker. Look how pitifully he looks at me!

Godfather ( included ) . Enough bickering, friends. And I have an interesting story for you about Princess Pirlipat, the insidious Myshilda and a skilled watchmaker. Tell?

Louise: Tell me, dear godfather, tell me!

Godfather : Pirlipat's mother was a queen, and Pirlipat, as soon as she was born, immediately became a born princess. The king could not stop looking at his beautiful daughter resting in her cradle. He rejoiced loudly, danced, jumped on one leg and kept shouting: “Heiza!” Has anyone seen a more beautiful girl than my Pirlipathen?But Queen Myshilda, avenging her relatives killed by the mousetraps of the court watchmaker Drosselmeyer, turned the beauty into a freak. Now only the cracking of nuts could calm her down. Drosselmeyer learned that he could return the beauty of the princess - the Krakatuk nut, split by a certain young man. The king sent Drosselmeyer in search of salvation; both the nut and the youth were found in his hometown. Many princes broke their teeth over Krakatuk, and when the king promised to marry his daughter to the savior, his nephew stepped forward. He cracked a nut and the princess, having eaten it, became a beauty, but the young man turned into an ugly Nutcracker. The king ordered the young hero to be brought to Pirlipat. But when the poor fellow appeared before her in all his ugliness, the princess covered her face with both hands in horror and shouted: “Get out of here, that nasty Nutcracker!”The king expelled Drosselmeier, his nephew. However, the latter predicted that the Nutcracker would be a prince and the ugliness would disappear if he defeated the mouse king and a beautiful girl fell in love with him.

Louise : What an ungrateful princess!

Marie : (rises ) I would never do that...

Fritz : (jumps up ) And I would ask this mouse king!

(Children vying with each other to comment on the fairy tale, mother enters)

Mother : It's late evening, time to sleep.

Marie: Mommy, well, let me stay here for one more minute, just one minute! I have so much to do, I’ll get it done and go to bed now...

Mother: Don't stay too long, dear Marie. Otherwise you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow.

Marie: Ah Nutcracker, how good it is that I have you! … If you don’t mind, I’ll put you to bed for the night with my favorite doll.No! The Nutcracker is a brave warrior; he will not agree to spend the night in a doll’s bed. Dear Nutcracker! I’d rather leave you under the tree to guard the gifts for the guests who will come to us tomorrow.

(Music sounds, Marie takes the Nutcracker and spins around the stage with him, then puts him under the tree and sits down next to him.Anastasia's Waltz - song and dance steps ra)

Marie: Now, dear godfather, I know that the Nutcracker must become a prince, or rather a king: everything will happen that way. But you know that he will declare war on the son of Mrs. Myshilda, the mouse king. Why don't you help him?

Godfather: (voice off stage ) Ah, dear Marie, you have been given more than me and all of us. You, like Pirlipat, are a born princess: you rule a beautiful, bright kingdom. But you will have to endure a lot if you take the poor freak Nutcracker under your protection! After all, the mouse king guards him on all paths and roads. Know: not me, but you, you alone can save the Nutcracker. Be persistent and dedicated.

Storyteller: It's midnight. Marie was awakened by a strange knocking sound that seemed to be coming from the corner, as if pebbles were being thrown and rolled there, and from time to time a disgusting squealing and squeaking sound was heard.

Mouse King: Well, ring, ring, ring: the king’s time is approaching!(the clock struck twelve).

Storyteller: But then a strange giggle and squeak was heard from everywhere, and behind the wall there was running and stomping, as if from a thousand tiny paws, and thousands of tiny lights looked through the cracks in the floor. But these were not lights - no, but small shiny eyes, and Marie saw that mice were peeking out from everywhere and crawling out from under the floor.

Marie: Ay, mice, mice, there are mice again!(takes the Nutcracker from under the tree)

Dance of mice.

Mouse King : Give me all the jelly beans, all the marzipan, silly, or I’ll bite your Nutcracker to death!

Marie : To save the Nutcracker, I am ready to give up dragees and marzipan and all my sweets. (put candy on the floor) .

Storyteller : Marie did not regret the sweets at all: in the depths of her soul she was happy, because she thought that she had saved the Nutcracker.

Mysha king : It's not enough for me! Give me your sugar dolls, silly, or I'll bite them to death.(pause ) your Nutcracker, I will gnaw Him to death!

Marie : ( tears flowed from her eyes ). Ax, Mr. Drosselmeyer, I will do everything to save your life, but how hard it is!

Storyteller: However, the Nutcracker had such a pitiful look that Marie, who already imagined that the mouse king wanted to swallow the unfortunate young man, decided to sacrifice everything for him. She put a sugar shepherd, a shepherdess, and some sheep in the basket; She was the last to take out her favorite from the corner - the red-cheeked baby.(gives the basket)

Marie: Ah, good Mr. Drosselmeyer! What can I, poor, unhappy girl, do for you? Well, I’ll give all my picture books to the nasty mouse king to be devoured, I’ll even give away the beautiful dress that the baby Christ gave me, but he will demand more and more from me, so in the end(as you exhale ) I will have nothing left. Oh, I'm a poor, poor girl! Well, what should I do, what should I do?!

Nutcracker (comes out from behind the tree and bows ): how much I owe you! No, don’t sacrifice picture books or a festive dress for me - get me a saber... A saber! I'll take care of the rest myself...(The Nutcracker stands in the pose of a winner - silent picture)

Marie walks around the tree and brings a saber

Marie: Please take it, noble Mr. Drosselmeyer!

Nutcracker: Form up, platoon! Forward to battle!

Toys (hussars) : Lead us into battle - to death or victory!

Nutcracker : Drummer, beat the general advance! (Battle, Marie watches, hiding behind a chair)

(The Mouse King jumped up to the Nutcracker, emitting a victorious squeak)

Marie: Oh my poor Nutcracker!(she took off the shoe from her left foot and threw it with all her might into the thick of the mice, right at their king. At that very moment everything seemed to crumble into dust

Nutcracker: O beautiful Marie! You alone breathed into me knightly courage and gave strength to my hand so that I could defeat the daring one who dared to insult you. The treacherous mouse king is defeated! Kindly accept the spoils from the hands of your loyal knight.

(With these words, the cute Nutcracker very deftly shook off the crown of the mouse king and handed it to Marie).

Nutcracker : What wonders could I show you now that the enemy is defeated, if you would agree to follow me at least a few steps!

Marie : I'll go with you, Mr. Drosselmeyer.

Nutcracker : Then – I will choose the shortest route.(The Sugar Plum Fairy music starts)

Storyteller : He went forward. Marie follows him. A dazzling light shone towards them, and they found themselves in a beautiful fragrant meadow, which all sparkled like shiny precious stones.

Nutcracker: You sacrificed your sweets for me - I want to express my gratitude to you: We are on the Candy Meadow. (FairyThe jelly beans dance and sprinkle them with confetti). Now let's go through those magnificent gates.

Storyteller: Coming closer, Marie saw that it was not marble, but sugared almonds and raisins, which is why the gate under which they passed was called the Almond-Raisin Gate. Marie, without noticing it, walked further and further along the marble slabs, beautifully made of sugar boiled with spices (release the smell of fruity incense).


Marie : Oh, how wonderful it is here!

Nutcracker: We are in the Christmas forest, dear mademoiselle.

Waltz of the Flowers

Nutcracker: This is the village of Pryanichnoye, located on the banks of the Honey River. The people living there are beautiful, but very angry, since everyone there suffers from toothache. We better not go there

Nutcracker: And here is Konfetenburg - a cheerful city, there is noise and fun here every day. Here comes Marzipan Country!

Princesses: O prince, dear prince! Dear brother!

Nutcracker : Here is Mademoiselle Marie, my savior. If she hadn’t thrown the shoe at the right moment, if she hadn’t gotten me a saber, the nasty mouse king would have killed me. O Mademoiselle Stahlbaum! Can Pirlipat compare with her in beauty, dignity and virtue, despite the fact that she is a born princess? No, I say, no!

Princesses : No!(and began to hug Marie).

1. O noble savior of our beloved royal brother!

2.Oh, incomparable Mademoiselle Stahlbaum!

3.You are so beautiful!

4.We are so grateful to you!

5.Look: at your feet is the happy Drosselmeyer, whose life you saved in this very place

Nutcracker ( kneels ): . You deigned to say that you would not have rejected me, like Princess Pirlipat, if because of you I had become a freak. Immediately I ceased to be a pitiful Nutcracker and regained my former beauty. O excellent Mademoiselle Stahlbaum, share the crown and throne with me, we will reign together in the Marzipan Castle.

Marie : Dear Mr. Drosselmeyer! You are a meek, kind-hearted person, and besides, you reign in a beautiful country inhabited by lovely, cheerful inhabitants - how can I not agree that you be my groom!

(Music sounds, everyone becomes a semicircle)

Storyteller: And Marie immediately became Drosselmeyer’s bride. They say that a year later at their wedding twenty-two thousand elegant dolls sparkling with diamonds and pearls danced, and Marie, as they say, is still the queen in a country where sparkling candied fruit groves, transparent marzipan castles are everywhere - in a word, all sorts of miracles and wonders .

    For, as it is written: Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, and the heart of man has not entered into the things that God has prepared for those who love Him.

    Because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

    He who does not love has not known God, because God is love.

    God's love for us was revealed in the fact that God sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might receive life through Him.

    This is love, that we did not love God, but He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

    Beloved, if God so loved us, then we should love each other.

    The Eastern star has long gone out in the winter darkness,

But they did not forget the Birth of Christ on earth.

As preaching the love and truth of the Divine,

He was born again every year on Christmas Day!

8. That night had already receded into the darkness of centuries when, tired of anger and anxiety,

The earth fell asleep in the arms of the sky, and God With Us was born on earth.

Yes! God is with us, not there, in the azure tent, not beyond the bounds of countless worlds,

Not in an evil fire and not in a stormy breath and not in the sleeping memory of centuries.

He is here, now, amid the random bustle, in the muddy stream of life’s anxieties,

You possess an all-joyful secret: evil is powerless, we are eternal, God is with us!

Song "Angels Descend from Heaven"

Irina Bulatova


Scenario based on the fairy tale by E. T. A. Hoffmann

"The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"

in the preparatory group

Characters: 2 children of the presenters, Marie, Nutcracker,

Mouse King and Mice, Soldiers and Dolls,

Ice floes; Chocolates, the Sultan and his retinue,

Gingerbread men.

The script uses music from classical composers:

P. I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker”, S. S. Prokofiev, F. Mendelssohn, J. Bizet.

MUSIC “OVERTURE” by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker” is playing,

Children enter the hall, examine its decoration, read poetry,

they dance in a circle.

MUSIC "MARCH" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" SOUNDS,

2 presenters come out and imitate playing the bugles:

1 Presenter: Let's start the New Year's carnival, masks are flashing mysteriously!

We invite you today to a wonderful, wonderful fairy tale!

2 Presenter: The breeze blew right from behind the Christmas tree,

The magic has arrived - the Fairy has appeared!

MUSIC SOUNDS “WINTER FAIRY” by S. S. Prokofiev, the Fairy comes out:

I am a Fairy! Do you recognize me? I came to visit you guys

And in this shiny box I brought gifts for you!

I'll touch you here and there with my magic wand

And immediately all the gifts in the box will come to life!

Silver floes of ice are quietly ringing,

They want to go to the New Year's fairy tale!



1 Presenter: In the New Year, toys come to life, brave Soldiers march

2 Presenter: Well, the Dolls can’t sit still either, I want them to have fun too!


After all, our whole fairy tale is still ahead (waves his wand)


How the Christmas tree lights up, how many guests there are in our hall!

They call me simply - Marie, I want to have fun with you!

How many toys have you been given, but this box has not yet been opened?

Fairy: Be careful with her, Marie,

Do you want to know who’s inside? Here, look (waves his wand)


Marie: This is the Nutcracker, how beautiful he is!

Very brave and the strongest!

What a miracle - the Nutcracker is alive! Look - that's what he is!

(looks at it from all sides)

But, hear... There is such a rustle and noise here!

Fairy: The Mouse King has come to visit!



Mouse King: Have you seen my nimble babies?

And I am their King, I am the King of all Mice!

People don’t like us, they don’t invite us to the ball, and they’ve been waging wars with the Mice for a long time!

Are you afraid of me, the King? It's time to get even with you!

I’ll ruin your holiday, Marie, and break your toys!

Well, the Nutcracker is too tough for me, I’ll bite it in half in an instant!

Nutcracker: Don't be afraid, Marie, I am with you! Come on, Soldiers into battle!

Dolls, don’t yawn, everyone, step on the enemy!

Blow the cold, Ice, with yours, together we will defeat the enemy together!


THE FAIRY COMES OUT and addresses Marie:

Together you were able to defeat the mice, for this I now want to reward you!

You have become friends with the Nutcracker, Marie! He became a prince - look!


The Prince comes out, takes Marie by the hand and solemnly walks with her through the hall.

Nutcracker: The ball continues, the arrows are running!

Soon the clock will strike 12 for us!

But why, I’ll ask you a question, has Santa Claus not come to us yet?

How long do we still have to wait for him? We need to call him urgently!

The children call Santa Claus, he comes, congratulates the children and guests on the upcoming holiday, and invites the children to a round dance.

Santa Claus: I know that you have all been in a fairy tale,

We won the battle with the Mice!

The Nutcracker is now the Lord of Sweets -

He welcomes guests in his Kingdom!

(The Nutcracker comes out and bows to Santa Claus)

I myself am, of course, happy about this meeting - after all, I adore Marshmallows and Marmalade

Nutcracker: Candies, Marshmallows, Lollipops, Chocolate –

We are waiting for you today at the masquerade ball!

Santa Claus: There is no shortage of good things here in the Kingdom,

Whatever you want, it’s all there!

For example, there is CHOCOLATE - Spanish,

Look at his beautiful dance!


Santa Claus: The mischievous fellows are so beautiful and blush!

Gingerbread daredevils will show the Russian dance!


Santa Claus: And now, dear friends, I will present another surprise!

This black COFFEE is a gift from the East, arrived from distant Arabia!


MARIE COMES OUT: Grandfather, your holiday is New Year!

Very soon he will come to us!

Santa Claus: It makes me happy to sing and dance with you,

Now, friends, let's play!

Santa Claus plays games with children and parents,

The children thank D.M. and sing a New Year's song.

Santa Claus: You had fun and danced! They showed everything they could!

And now – Marshmallows, Marmalades, Caramels, Lollipops and Chocolates,

I will treat you with other gifts - snowy, frosty, mine!


(music from the movie “Morozko”)

Santa Claus: Hey... This is my magic sleigh brought



(Christmas play based on the fairy tale by E.T.A. Hoffmann)


1. Presenter

2. Watchmaker (Khristofor Afanasyevich), Gosha Vershinin, Denis Chaly

3. Lisa – LizaGrebennikova

4. Mitya – Misha Yushchenko

5. Mom– Sanya Telenkova

6. Masha– Anya Ryzhova

7. Petya – Ilya Grebennikov

8. Katya - Nastya

9. Guests – children 2 gr + Youth

10. Christmas decorations– bells

11. Flowers– Ksyusha Sokolova, Sanya Lazareva, Ksyusha Mandrugina, etc. 2 g

12. Nutcracker– Petya Sokolov

13. Clown– Vanya Grebennikov

14. Chimney sweep– Savva Yushchenko

15. New doll – Sonya Ryzhova,

16. Old doll – Arina

17. Inkwell – Nadya Lazareva,

18. Mouse King – Vlad, Gosha

19. Mice: girls. and 2g Ksyusha Kochergina, Ksyusha Sokolova, Sanya Lazareva, Nastya Kayvanova, Ulyana, Marfa

20. Cat – Anya Grebennikova

21. Tin soldiers – boys 1 and 2 gr.

22. Little dolls – girls 1 g

23. Doll – Dasha and Masha

24. Son of the Mouse King– Fedya Kochergin


SceneI. A curtain.Scenery: street of a provincial town, clock dial

Leading: In a small provincial town, all residents are absorbed in the pre-Christmas bustle. The smell of almond cakes comes from the pastry shops, and Christmas tree decorations glitter in the windows. The houses are decorated with lanterns, so the streets are as bright as day. Janitors and janitors scrape the snow on the streets, traders sell delicious aromatic jam. How much work all city residents have on this day! But the most important thing is the work of a watchmaker, because the clock must run accurately on Christmas night. By the way, we should tell you more about the watchmaker.

Everyone in the city knows him, from young to old. Adults - as an adviser to city affairs and as the most skilled watchmaker. In no other city will you see a clock running so accurately and emitting such a melodious ringing.

Children follow him in a crowd. And this is not surprising. Our watchmaker Christopher Afanasyevich, despite his venerable age and important affairs in the city council, no, no, and he will end up in some kind of story that will certainly turn out to be magical. Before Christmas, as everyone in the city knows, he does not leave his workshop for several days and nights in a row - after all, he makes all the gifts for his little friends with his own hands. No one dares to disturb him, since everyone knows that the watchmaker is preparing something unusual: from behind the door come the magical sounds of tiny hammers and files, you can hear tapping, ticking, indulging... But all this remains a secret until Christmas. What you are about to see is more like a fairy tale. Although how to find the line between a fairy tale and reality on Christmas night, when the ordinary seems wonderful, and the wonderful seems the most ordinary... Listen, Masha and Mitya are coming here, they live nearby. The kids are probably delivering invitations to their parents' Christmas party.

Masha and Mitya come out. The presenter leaves

Mitya: We must definitely find our godfather, Uncle Christopher. Without him, the holiday will not work. All the guys asked that he be there.

Masha: There is no one in the city government, nor in the watch factory, and the workshop is quiet. Where to look for it?

The clock strikes. The children raise their heads, and a watchmaker appears from behind the scenes (on a stepladder).

Lisa, Mitya: Uncle!

Watchmaker: Hello my dears!

Masha: And we are looking for you all over the city. Mom and Dad asked you to extend an invitation to our Christmas tree.

Mitya: We are all looking forward to seeing you. Mom is preparing a delicious pie. We will have Petya, Lisa and Katya, they also asked about you.

Watchmaker (jokes, pretends to be serious, imagines): Do you know how busy I am?

Masha, Mitya (begging): Oh please…

Watchmaker (continues): Do you know what time it is in the city? And they all must walk exactly!

Masha: Uncle Christopher! Mama really asked you to come.

Mitya: If you don't come, she'll get anxious and have a migraine. And the whole holiday will be upset.

Watchmaker (good-naturedly): Okay, okay... I was joking. I myself look forward to this holiday every year and prepare for it long ago. So tell your mom that I will definitely be there. And of course with gifts! ( Angrily.) I just need to deal with these naughty shooters! ( To the children) Have you forgotten what jam I love most?

Masha: Of course, of course, we remember - orange.

Mitya: How can you forget this!

Children: Well, we are waiting for you!

(The children run away. The watchmaker hides behind the scenes)

Scene P. The curtain opens.

Masha and Mitya's house, living room. Everything is ready for the Christmas tree.

Leading: And then evening came. Everything is ready for the holiday celebrations. Candles burn brightly in the guest room. The smell of Christmas goose in apples is already wafting from the kitchen. Another minute - and guests will begin to gather in the house. The bell in the hallway is already ringing...

Minuet of guests . Guests enter on one side, and hosts appear on the other side. They take their bows

Mother: Children, children! Take a look under our Christmas tree.

Peter: Yes, there is a big box with gifts!

Mother: Open it quickly. There is a gift for everyone.

(Children together take out a box from under the Christmas tree, open and sort out the gifts.)

Mitya: Wow! A whole regiment of soldiers! What wonderful red uniforms! Look, this hussar is waving a silver saber just like a real one!

Masha: This is a new doll! I'll call her Elsa. This will be a wonderful neighbor for my old Marie. And what a wonderful snow-white silk dress!

Peter (takes out a toy horse): What a horse! I have never seen a faster horse. I'll call it... Whirlwind! B-but, Whirlwind! ( jumps).

Lisa: And I got the clown! Look how funny he is! His name will be Bom.. Masha: let's play together.( are playing)


Mother: This is probably our dear Khristofor Afanasyevich!

Music. The Watchmaker enters with a large round box in his hands. The guests stand in a semicircle. The watchmaker hands the box to the first guest, who passes it on. The watchmaker performs a dance, takes the box from the last guest, gives the box to his mother and removes the lid. The box contains a mechanical city.

Watchmaker: I am glad that you, dear Avdotya Petrovna, are in good health on this so solemn day (on this beautiful evening). Let me present you and your children with this modest gift, this little trinket.

Peter: Wow!

Guests and children surround the watchmaker and admire the mechanical city. Guests (in a low voice)

Ah, amazing!

Ah, what delicate work!

And what an amazing taste!

Masha: How beautiful! This is a real doll town with tiny doll inhabitants! They are so elegant!

Lisa: Look at the shoes that young lady has! And the umbrella! What a cute umbrella!

Peter: And the walls with turrets! There are even iron cannons, and soldiers stand at the gates. They're probably guarding the city.

Masha: Look, there's a ball going on in the palace! What courtiers! ( turns away from the toy, goes to the middle of the stage)

Lisa: I don’t like this town at all. The dolls probably want to dance so much, but they stand there as if glued. Watchmaker: Do not worry! Nothing could be simpler. Now we will make it so that they can move.

Music. Number “Musical snuffbox” + Boys 2nd gr.

The guests clap their hands: Bravo! Amazing! Marvelous! As always, you surprised us!

Watchmaker: (Masha) Did you like it?

Masha: Yes, very much, Uncle Christopher!

Watchmaker: Shh! That's not all! My dolls themselves want to congratulate you.

Dolls (1st group students)

Mother: Christopher Afanasyevich! I personally, personally want to kiss you. It was amazing, simply amazing! I must say, you are a real magician.

All: Wizard! A real wizard!

(The watchmaker bows)

Thank you. Now I need to assemble my town.

The children disappear behind the Clockmaker's cloak; he hands the box with the town to his mother.

Mother: (Guests.) And now I invite you all to the dining room, where the samovar has been smoking for a long time. (Everyone goes.)

Mother: (to children) Oh, wait, Khristofor Afanasyevich! Masha, Mitya! You forgot, we have prepared something for our guest. ( He takes out a jar of orange jam. Masha and Mitya give jam to the watchmaker.)

Watchmaker: This is... orange jam, my favorite! I don't know how to thank you

for such attention. You pleased me! Oh, I forgot! Perhaps I have another simple little thing for you. ( takes out the nutcracker).

Children: What is this?

Watchmaker: This is a nutcracker. He will work hard for you. His job is to carefully crack hard nuts ( takes out a bag of nuts)

Children: Thank you, Uncle Christopher.

Mother: Christopher Afanasyevich, let's go quickly, otherwise we might be late for tea.

Watchmaker: Let's go, let's go.

They leave. Lisa and Mitya remain.

Mitya (takes the Nutcracker): Ugh, so ugly! The head is huge, and the mouth is up to the ears. And what short legs! Ha ha!

Masha: But he has such kind eyes! Just look - he glows with good nature.

Mitya: Come on, give it here. Now let's see what he's good for. ( Takes out a nut.) This is such a nut! Come on: one, two, three... ( Cracks a nut, the nutcracker breaks). Look, two of his teeth fell out at once. Weakling! He starts cracking nuts, but his teeth are no good. It doesn’t matter if he breaks the others too! There is no need to stand on ceremony with him, a slacker!

Masha: (picks up the Nutcracker): No no! I will not give you my dear Nutcracker. You are evil, you beat your horses, and even allow soldiers to kill each other.

Mitya: That's how it's supposed to be, you won't understand it. Well, play with your Nutcracker, please. And I will go command my new soldiers.

Masha sits on the step at the edge of the stage and bandages the Nutcracker’s jaw. Sad music.

Masha:: Don't be angry with him, Nutcracker. He didn't do it on purpose. Mitya actually has a kind and loving heart. If I get into trouble, he will go to rescue me with the entire squadron of his hussars. I will take care of you and ask Uncle Christopher to cure you - You know how well he knows how to repair toys. In the meantime, settle down on this shelf, here you will be comfortable and no one will offend you. And you, dear Elsa, will now live next door to Marie. This is my old doll. She's really no good. She has become so clumsy and is constantly limping. Just be careful not to wrinkle your beautiful dress.

Music. Masha arranges the dolls. Mom comes in.

Mother: Mashenka, you are completely playing. It was already dark outside, all the guests had long since left. Your dolls are already in bed, and Mitya continues to command his soldiers in his sleep. Let's go, I've already prepared a glass of hot milk for you. (Takes Masha away).

Masha:: Today was a wonderful evening!