Lacquer changing from one color to another. How to make a smooth color transition in polymer clay

Every woman wants her nails to look especially beautiful. To do this, you need to take care of their decoration. A manicure with a color transition looks spectacular. It is a pattern in the form of a smooth change in shades. This manicure always looks attractive.

Nail preparation

First you need to prepare your nails. After all, carelessly processed plates look untidy. The cuticle should be removed using the trimming or European method. After that, you need to give the nail a shape, as well as polish it.

For this purpose, a number of familiar accessories are used. It could be manicure set, towel and bath. When choosing a technique, use a gel or pencil.

It is necessary to stock up on a special top and fixing coating. It is preferable that the finishing agent has the effect of accelerating the drying of nail polish. Thus, the manicure is performed faster. These two money-saving products can be replaced with clear varnish.

The base is necessary to avoid absorption of the color coating by the surface of the nail. And drying is used to quickly complete the event. A color transition manicure becomes brighter if you choose a brilliant shade of the product to enhance the shine.

Color transition on nails

Can be done different ways. The sea, twilight, southern landscape look beautiful. In addition, with a gradient background of nails, it goes well with a few Attractive with a color transition. How to make unusually designed nails is described a little below.

Do not forget about the compatibility of accessories with a touch of nail polish. You can pick up a beautiful handbag, gloves. It is also a good idea to choose something from expensive jewelry. The combination of nail polish with the chosen accessory attracts attention. It can be seen that the girl pays enough attention to her appearance.

At home

To perform a gradient, it is not at all necessary to visit a beauty salon. You can master this technique to decorate nails at home. Moreover, this method of decorating nails is more than simple, it turns out the first time.

There are several options to do beautiful manicure. A smooth transition of color can be done through the usual staining. You just need to purchase 5 shades of varnish. They are often chosen in the same color scheme, although this is not required. They should be distributed with a gradual transition of color. Little fingers are covered with one varnish, ring fingers- to others, medium - to the next, and then index and large. Thus, a wonderful manicure with a color transition is obtained. Photos clearly demonstrate this.

But you should not deal with the exact embodiment of the gradient from the existing images. Such a manicure is constantly obtained in different ways. You can choose the means to create But it is worth changing only one element - and the nails look different. Therefore, when creating a manicure, you need to experiment.

Gradient Materials

First you need to choose varnishes of the required shades. You also need to take a small piece of foam rubber. Suitable sponge for application foundation. Girls also prefer powder puffs. Foam rubber for washing dishes should not be used. The pores in it are too large, so the varnish does not lay down evenly. This should be taken into account by everyone who is interested in how to make a manicure with a smooth color transition.

You also need to prepare a plastic board (you can use the lid from the food container). Lacquers of the selected shades should be applied to it in stripes, and then printed with foam rubber.

Manicure with a sponge

Then, using a piece of foam rubber, you need to transfer the pattern to the nail. Since the shade of the varnish turns out to be faded, it is recommended to apply the sponge to the surface several times. If necessary, the colored stripes on the foam must be refreshed. It turns out a neat coating with a smooth transition of color.

This sequence of actions should be repeated for each nail separately. The varnish, which, after printing, protrudes beyond the surface of the nail plate, must be removed. A cotton swab and acetone are suitable for this. To make a manicure with a color transition, some girls find it more convenient to draw a rainbow on a sponge. They don't use a plastic board to save time.

Another way

To perform the gradient, you can choose another technique. To do this, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Cover the nail with the main shade of varnish.
  2. The sponge should be torn in such a way that its edge is uneven and coarse.
  3. Paint the uneven edge of the sponge in a color that contrasts with the background.
  4. Apply varnish to the nail with a sponge. In this case, the coating on the edge of the plate should be more saturated than in its center.
  5. Gently press the sponge in the area of ​​​​the border between varnishes different shades.
  6. Apply a fixative that improves the color and speeds up the drying of the product.

decorative elements

To make a manicure with a color transition as interesting as possible, do not neglect beads, ribbons and rhinestones. With their help, you can significantly decorate your nails, give them original look. To do this, you need to visit the store of interest and find everything you need in it.

Now it is absolutely easy to purchase a number of necessary goods. The beauty industry creates a huge number of the most different means. This cosmetic preparations, tools, as well as decorating elements. They are created in such a way as to reduce the time for performing a manicure. At the same time, one must receive good result. It is especially welcome when others have thoughts that the owner of a manicure visited a decent salon to perform it.

Then it remains just to perform a manicure in the colors of interest and show imagination. Patterns made using the stamping technique look quite elegant. Beautifully looks background in the style of "gradient", which is printed in the form of patterns dark color. Therefore, it is worth learning this technique. After all, with its help, the manicure turns out to be more refined and unusual.

Application secrets

Nails should look well-groomed. And in order for a manicure with a color transition to really turn out to be neat, you need to use a number of tips:

  1. The prepared sponge is best to move from thumbs to the little fingers.
  2. After that, re-coat the sponge with varnish.
  3. Repeat the event about 10 times.
  4. Cover the nails with a fixer or clear varnish to enhance the effect.
  5. Cleanse the skin around the nails.

Thus, a beautiful manicure is obtained. Color transition at home is easy to perform. The result is a décor that is ideal for school, work, dates, theater visits and more. It is enough just to choose the right color of varnishes. It is necessary to make sure that the manicure is combined with accessories or clothing.

How to do smooth transition colors in polymer clay?

Many polymer clay crafts are made with a smooth color transition. On this page I want to show you a few examples with which you can master this technique of working with polymer plastic.

Smooth color transition using a paste machine

To work, you need two plastic contrasting colors and a pasta machine.

Step 1. Make two squares of contrasting colors, the side of each square should be equal to the width of your pasta machine roller. Fold each square diagonally and attach to each other, as shown in the photo. Or you can cut each square into two triangles and you will get two blanks for the transition of colors.

Step 2 Fold the resulting workpiece, as shown in the photo.

Step 3 Run the pasta through the pasta machine set to the thickest setting. If after the first run your color transition is not very smooth, the operation can be repeated.

Step 4 Trim off the uneven edge.

Step 5 Pass the resulting sheet through the pasta machine, on mode No. 2.

Step 6 For thinner sheets and smoother gradation, set the paste machine to #4 thickness.

Step 7 Fold the resulting sheet in half and again drive through the pasta machine on setting No. 4.

Step 8 Trim uneven edges.

Here we have a strip of polymer clay with a smooth color transition.

Smooth color transition manually

If you don’t have a pasta machine (pasta machine), don’t worry, you can make a smooth color transition in polymer clay with your own hands.

Step 1. We take two desired colors, we form triangles from them and fold them into a two-color square (it is not at all necessary to knead the plastic before this).

rice. 1

Step 2 We cut the square into thin strips (10-12 pieces are usually enough for me).

rice. 2

Step 3 We mix the colors in each strip - it turns out 10-12 pieces of a different shade, add 1 piece of "pure" color (in the example - gold and white) - a total of 12-14 balls.

rice. 3

Step 4 We stretch each ball into a long sausage. The length is important, because then it will be necessary to fold them in half several more times - the longer the initial layer, the longer it will be possible to fold it. We stack these sausages (rolled to the same length, the width is not very important) tightly to each other from more light shade to darker, in order.

rice. 4

Step 5 We roll out, leveling the resulting striped rug.

rice. 5

Step 6 Fold the rug in half - roll it out again (neatly, without air pockets).

rice. 6

Step 7 And fold and roll again. And yet - as much as you like (I usually get 5 to 10 times), or until the color transition becomes completely smooth, and the layer is short and wide - then you can twist it into a sausage if necessary.

rice. 7

rice. 8

rice. 9

* Flowers can be taken not two, but more. Then simply cut the central colors into rhombuses, and the two extreme ones into triangles, and from this all make a rectangle, which is also cut across into strips.

** You should always fold the rug lengthwise so that the colors lie on themselves (in the example, white lay on white, and gold on gold).

*** You can roll it out as evenly as possible, you can in different directions - either along or across, but so that the mat preserves as much as possible rectangular shape and, even and straight (ideally) edges.

**** If you want the color in the sausage to change not from the center to the edge, but from one end to the other, then you need to roll out the rug so that it looks like Fig. 6 or Fig. 7 (maximum long, minimum wide) - it’s more convenient roll into the desired sausage.

Another technique for smooth color transition in polymer clay

There are many different effects that can be achieved with polymer clay. One of them - smooth color transition. Can connect beautiful gradient two, three, and even more colors! This effect can be applied to different products, it all depends on your imagination. In this tutorial, I will show you how to combine three colors, as well as options for beautiful color transitions in schemes.

In my work, I use a paste machine, which greatly facilitates the process of creating a smooth transition, since it is obtained from many folding and rolling layers of polymer clay.

For work you will need:

Polymer clay different colors. Plastic comes from different manufacturers, on which its quality depends. I am currently working with Premo and Sculpey III polymer clay. I really like them. Russian plastic "Tsvetik", "Sonnet" or "Artifact" hardens quite quickly during storage. If you buy fresh, you can safely sculpt them, but you can never be sure how they were stored in the store. Plastic "Cernit" is very soft and not very sticky. It feels more like soft wax than plasticine. "Fimo" is probably the most popular. It is soft, not very sticky, it is very easy to work with it, it looks like plasticine. More information about polymer clay from different manufacturers can be found in the article "Basic methods of working with polymer clay".

Rolling pin or pasta machine. This is what large flat surfaces are rolled out with. There are many options here: all kinds of culinary rolling pins (it’s better to sand the wooden one first sandpaper), bottles, lacquer cans, handles, plumbing pipes, that is, all objects of an elongated cylindrical shape. The Pasta Machine makes working with polymer clay much easier. With it, you can roll out smooth surfaces of polymer clay, create a smooth color transition, make textured surfaces (for example, leaf prints or finished textures), and prepare polymer clay for work. The thickness of the rolled layer is independently adjustable.

Specifically in this tutorial, I use a paste machine and recommend it to create a smooth color transition. The process consists of repeatedly folding and rolling a layer of polymer clay. You can also use a rolling pin. I tried it in this technique and I got the same result. But with the use of a rolling pin, the process slows down significantly.

Step 1. A smooth color transition can consist of two, three or more colors. The process itself is the same for any number of colors. I chose three colors that I want to combine - pink, white and blue. When choosing a color, keep an eye on their combination to make the transition beautiful. I roll out the polymer clay of the chosen colors into layers of the same thickness.

Step 2 I cut out triangles from the layers and fold them in such a way that a rectangle is obtained. When composing a smooth transition from three colors, it is necessary that two triangles are rectangular, and one, central, is equilateral. We carefully connect the triangles with each other.

Don't be afraid of jagged triangles. They can also be formed with your hands, it is not necessary to cut perfectly even figures with a blade. The only thing is that the layers should preferably be of the same thickness.

Step 3 I rolled out the layer to make it more authentic.

Step 4 I fold the sheet in half. Pay attention to how I do it, and do not confuse the sides. If you fold the rectangle in the other direction, the transition will not work.

Step 5 I rolled out the folded rectangle on a pasta machine. On the first photo you can see the result. Now I fold the rectangle again in the same direction. You should always fold the rectangle in only one direction! Do not confuse!

Step 6 After I folded the rectangle, I roll it out again. The photo shows how the layers begin to shine through. Fold the rectangle again in the same direction.

Step 7 I roll again. It can be seen that the transition is not yet smooth, but quite noticeable. We put it together again.

Step 8 Again roll out and fold the rectangle. This process must be repeated as many times as necessary for a smooth color transition. With each folding, it will become more and more pronounced, more and more stripes will become. As a result, there will be so many stripes that we simply stop seeing them! This is a smooth transition.

Step 9 Can be stacked in multiple layers at once. Fold the rectangle in half, press well. Then fold it again, then roll it out on a pasta machine. Double and triple folding allows you to speed up the process. On average, I spend 5-10 minutes on such a transition.

Step 10 If the formation becomes long, i.e. wide, and it is no longer convenient to bend and roll it out, you need to fold it two or three times, and squeeze it a little with your hands. Squeeze a little towards the center, then roll out. After that, repeat, fold two or three times, squeeze a little with your hands to the center, roll out. If done carefully, the color transition will not suffer at all! A thick layer, which is obtained by double folding, will be quite convenient to compress.

One of the new fashion trends in manicure is a technique gradient manicure. This technique has gained great popularity among women.

A creative and neatly executed manicure is the perfect complement to any style of clothing. Over the past few years, manicure has become an art: fashionistas and designers come up with more and more sophisticated ways nail decorations.

Sequins, stickers, foil, rhinestones, stamping, nail piercing, three-dimensional sculptures - a variety of decorations focus on nails in female image. Nail art fans always invent new ways of coloring nails: manicure can be moon, marble, holographic, gradient.

What is a gradient manicure?

Gradient manicure became a popular trend in the spring-summer 2013 season. Summer gave way to autumn, but this exquisite manicure has not lost its relevance - bright summer tones have given way to more deep shades corresponding to the time of year.

Gradient manicure is a special technique of coating nails with varnish, which creates the effect of a smooth transition from one color to another. The gradual color change on the nails looks impressive!

Color solutions for such a manicure can be countless. The color may gradually fade or become brighter if similar tones of different saturation are used.

For a more expressive manicure, you can combine contrasting or related-contrasting colors - in order to correctly compose a harmonious combination, you need to use the color spectrum.

Gradient manicure technique

The technique of gradient coating of nails is not difficult, but it will require patience. There are several ways of coloring to achieve a smooth transition of colors.

The main tool that is used in any gradient manicure technique is a foam rubber sponge. It is best to use a dense sponge for makeup triangular shape. The smaller the pores on the sponge, the better. The sponge is used as a stamp to apply the desired pattern.

Basic application methods

  • The nail plate is covered with a colorless base varnish. Colored varnishes are applied in lines on the surface of the sponge, after which the resulting pattern is quickly printed. This technique will be discussed in detail below.
  • Varnishes of selected shades are applied not on a sponge, but on the surface of a plastic film or cover. Varnishes must be applied so that the colored spots are in contact. At the point of contact, the colors are mixed with a toothpick, then the pattern is transferred to the surface of the nail plate, which is pre-coated with a manicure base.
  • This method is quite simple and is used when creating a gradient of two shades. If a transition is made from the moon to the tip of the nail from dark to light, more dark shade.
  • If the gradient needs to be made from light at the moon to dark at the tip, the nail is covered with the lighter of the selected shades, or varnish natural shade. The second shade is then applied to the sponge and imprinted on the top. With the help of a top coat, the varnish is evenly distributed over the nail to create a smooth transition.

How to make a gradient manicure at home

First, select the shades - this process can take longer than the coloring process itself! You can choose shades of the same color and make a smooth transition, for example, from lilac to soft pink.

But the colors don't have to be the same: a blue-to-yellow or green-to-black manicure will look very bold! To create a spectacular evening gradient manicure, you can use varnishes with glitter.

You can make a color block from shades of different colors - this will look especially expressive: remember how the colors of the rainbow go from one to another. Experiment with various combinations flowers to already with turnkey solution start manicure.

When choosing the number of color stripes, consider the length of your nails. It is more convenient to work on long ones, besides, more transitions from one color to another will “fit” on them. On short ones, a blend of two shades harmoniously looks, otherwise the colors will mix too much, and the manicure will be blurry.

Useful tip: if you have white or black polishes, they can be mixed with any other polishes to get a darker or lighter shade. The color transition on the nail plate can be done both vertically and horizontally.

What you need for a gradient manicure

Necessary materials:

  • nail file, tongs, cuticle scissors
  • base for manicure
  • varnishes of selected shades
  • sponge or sponge
  • plastic film (file) or plastic cap
  • cup of water
  • correction pencil or cotton buds and nail polish remover
  • nail polish finish

Step-by-step instruction

For those who are always on the run and do not have an extra free minute, you can make a simpler manicure using the gradient technique: the effect of a smooth transition of shades of color can be obtained by painting the nails on one hand with different varnishes.

If you have a rich palette of varnishes, you can pick up five close shades of the same color. It does not matter if you do not have a lot of varnishes - use 2-3 bottles, mixing the shades together to get a smooth tone transition.

For the thumbnail, choose the darkest shade, gradually “lightening” it towards the pinky nail - or vice versa. Rinse the brush with solvent each time before applying the next shade.

With the invention of gel polish, maintaining a beautiful manicure for a long time has become easy.

Gel polish stays on nails for about three weeks, does not chip off, retains a bright saturated color.

At the same time, there are an incredible number of types of design. It is convenient to add sparkles, rhinestones to the manicure, combine different shades, make drawings and patterns.

Stretching on nails with gel polish, or in another way gradient manicure, is popular among girls.

Stretching is a gradual transition from one color to another. It is not easy to implement such a design, but if you practice and “fill” your hand, everything will definitely work out.

Masters use two ways to create a gradient manicure. Consider master class stretching gel varnishes.

  • Method 1

To work, you need a thin brush. This technique quite laborious, but the result will be neat and you won’t have to remove excess varnish from the nail rollers.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cooking nail plate for applying gel polish. To do this, we perform a manicure, remove or push back the cuticle, and also polish the nails with a buff. After that, degrease the surface.
  2. Apply thin layer primer, then base coat and dry under a UV lamp. Now the nails are ready for applying gel polishes.
  3. We apply a solid color gel polish (for example, black) on nails that will not have a design. Dry under a UV lamp.
  4. On the nails where the gradient will be made, apply camouflage on two thirds of the nail, moving from the base to the middle.
  5. We take a soft round brush and begin to stretch the camouflage to the edge of the nail. Keep the brush parallel to the nail to avoid streaks. Dry the coating under the lamp.
  6. Acting according to the same algorithm, we apply the second layer (it is not necessary to dry it).
  7. We mix the top with a gel polish of a contrasting color (in our example, it is white as a contrast to black). The consistency should be medium so that the resulting mixture is not too transparent, but also does not “streak” when applied.
  8. Apply the mixture with a clean brush on the free third of the nail. Now we stretch this layer with gentle movements in the direction from the junction of the gel polishes to the base of the nail, but not reaching it. We also hold the brush parallel to the nail.
  9. With a clean brush with an already stronger pressure, once again shade the junction of the camouflage and the mixture of gel polish and base. After that, dry the coating under the lamp.
  10. We apply the second layer already on two-thirds of the nail, stepping back a little from the base, and shade it again. To avoid streaks during shading, do not forget to remove excess gel polish from the brush. If desired, you can apply a third layer of gel polish to get the maximum density of color at the tip of the nail, and shade again.
  11. Dry the nails under the lamp and apply a top coat. We are filming sticky layer cotton pad or a lint-free cloth soaked in a special liquid.


  • Method 2

This method will be easier for beginners to master, but more consumables will be required.

Operating procedure:

  1. Prepare the nail plate, degrease the surface.
  2. Apply two colors to the palette, blend the border with a toothpick or needle to achieve a smooth transition.
  3. Dip a sponge or sponge into this mixture and apply it to the nail. You should get an imprint of the picture. Part of the varnish gets on the nail rollers, it must be removed.
  4. Dry the varnishes under the lamp.
  5. Remove the sticky layer with lint-free wipes.
  6. Apply top and dry under the lamp.

A manicure using this technique will turn out beautiful if the coating is done in one layer of medium density.

If you want to use a loose gel, it is better to use the first method. And if the gel is very thick, the coating may wrinkle during drying.

A few tricks:

  • if you chose the first method, prepare a napkin in advance to wipe the brush after each stroke so that the shades turn out clean,
  • to save time, you can try not a thin, but a fan brush,
  • for getting beautiful jacket by stretching technology, it is better to use as an additional color - clear nail polish, which will not spoil the purity of the white shade,
  • if you plan to make a gradient according to the second method, first apply a cream on the nail rollers to make it easier to remove excess varnish.


Not so long ago shiny manicure girls could afford only for some kind of celebration.

Today, you can safely use glitter in Everyday life, especially if the shades are dim.

You can take both the usual shades, and unusual colors sequin. The sequins themselves can be the most different forms, sizes and types.

In stores, it is easy to purchase both solid and diluted tones, as well as forming holographic patterns. Sequins are found crumbly, and may also be part of the varnish.

Glitter is also used to create a gradient. The manicure turns out to be festive and bright, besides, many people think that it is easier to work with sparkles.

For stretching, you need sparkles of two different colors.

Operating procedure:

  1. Prepare the nail plate, shape, dehydrate.
  2. Apply base coat and cure under lamp.
  3. Apply gel and do not dry.
  4. Prepare a tube with an obliquely cut edge. Scoop glitters of the same color into it and lightly patting with your finger, pour them on the nail to the middle.
  5. With an applicator or brush, spread them over the surface of the nail to the middle. Stretching can be done both obliquely and in a straight line.
  6. Dry under the lamp.
  7. Apply another layer of gel and repeat the procedure on the free edge of the nail, already with sparkles of a different color.
  8. Dry under the lamp.
  9. Apply top coat and dry.
  10. Remove sticky layer.

A few tricks:

  • be sure to completely dry the base coat, otherwise the surface will be uneven,
  • hands and tools during the application of sparkles must be dry,
  • the brush can first be dipped into the fixing varnish, and only then into the sparkles for further drawing,
  • Before changing the color, wipe the brush with acetone.

Experiment with gel polish stretch marks nail design and your manicure will definitely not go unnoticed by others.

  • simple gradient

The simplest gradient is the transition of colors not on one nail, but from nail to nail. That is, you can use from three to five different shades in one color scheme.

It is important that the varnishes are of the same texture and density. Masters do not recommend in one manicure to combine glossy, mother-of-pearl, matte finishes, such a combination will look ridiculous.

This rule may not apply to glossy and matte varnishes.

  • If on matte colour apply a fixer, it will become glossy, and the gloss will become matte after applying a transparent product with a velvet effect.
  • If you chose a simple gradient, distribute the varnishes by tones. Start the best with dark.
  • If there are three colors, apply the darkest on middle finger, make the index and nameless ones lighter, and the lightest varnish will “get it” thumb and little finger.

If there are five shades, start with the little finger and each next nail make it lighter than the previous one.


You need to combine two colors on one nail carefully. Can be used for party bright colors e.g. purple, orange, pink.

For business meetings and everyday wear perfect optionpastel shades: white, soft pink, ivory, beige.

The vertical gradient looks original, that is, the combination of colors along the length of the nail. In this case, it is not necessary to limit yourself to two colors, you can take three or more.

A cheerful mood will be created by a rainbow stretch. Use all the colors of the rainbow - two or three shades on each nail.

A few tricks for the gradient on short nails:

  • use a light shade at the base, and apply a dark one to the tips - so the nails will become visually longer,
  • limit yourself to two colors, because on short nail the area is small and with a larger number of shades the pattern may turn out to be blurry.

There are no restrictions on brands of gel polishes. All manufacturers offer a wide range of color scheme shades.

Ombre wall painting is very popular in modern design interiors, while the room acquires a unique character and looks quite impressive. An important factor is that painting with a transition is possible with your own hands, for this you need to follow the recommendations for performing this type of work.

Ombre on the walls means a smooth transition from one color to another, without indicating clear boundaries. In this case, transitions can be used not only on walls, but also in furniture decoration, color design curtains and other interior elements. When coloring with a transition, it is possible to visually enlarge the space, boldly combining all kinds of shades.

In order to clearly know and understand how to paint with a transition, it should be borne in mind that the application can be performed horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and painting can also be divergent or mixed type. The transitions themselves can be made both smooth and quite sharp.

Color combination

For the ombre technique, 2-3 colors or more are chosen, depending on which combination is supposed to be recreated on the wall. Regardless of which shade you choose, it is important that all subsequent ones are combined with it. If a subtle transition is made, it is better to use close shades or neutral ones. Some prefer sharp transitions of completely different and contrasting colors, which will revive and fill any interior with colors.

You can pick up several shades and paint the walls with them, for example, one plane will be blue, the other gray, etc. White is often added to the painted surface for greater expressiveness of the overall gamut.

Possible effects

Depending on the placement of dark and light areas on the surface, the following effects can be achieved:

  • Darkening the bottom and brightening the top of the wall- the ability to vertically increase the space, the ceiling seems higher, and the floor - powerful and reliable.

  • Darkening the top- visual expansion of the room. The boundaries of the walls and floor are slightly blurred, especially if the flooring is made in light colors.

  • Darkening the corners and brightening the wall in the middle- the room is noticeably rounded and visually narrowed. The interior acquires contrast and relief lines.

  • Lightening corners and areas near windows with darkening the walls in the middle- there is a visual expansion of the room, while the room becomes brighter and more positive.

  • With a diagonal or wavy transition- smoothing of straight lines and angles is observed, the room acquires more dynamics.
  • Spot with transition in different directions- can be used for repairs small area finishing, as a result, the boundaries of this zone become less noticeable.

Painting the walls with a gradient is quite complex technique implementation, so the services of professionals will be quite expensive. However, you can make an ombre with your own hands, special technique application will help you get the job done without additional help.

On the video: the original painting of the walls.

Surface preparation

Before you paint on the wall, you need to clean the surface. Old finishes should be removed using special liquids. Wallpaper can be softened with water and peeled off with a spatula. After that, it is important to remove all irregularities from the surface. For this, putties and plasters are used. Before and after puttying, a layer of primer is applied, which increases adhesion and facilitates the process of applying the paint of the selected color.

If you choose striped ombre coloring, you should first apply markings. This is done with a pencil and a long ruler. Then masking tape is glued onto the markings, which will ensure the evenness of the painting and make the transition in the desired area.

When choosing colors, it is important to consider the functional purpose of the room. For a child, it is better to choose soft and bright hues. The playroom will stand out well with the three-color painting technique. If we talk about the bedroom, calm tones are preferable, creating an atmosphere of warmth and tranquility. But for the kitchen great option will be a combination bright colors- orange, light green, pink, etc.

How to paint walls (step by step)

To date, the most popular coloring is a horizontal ombre, which allows you to achieve a unique and beautiful design premises. You can make a smooth transition from one tone to another using a regular roller or brush. However, in this case it will be necessary to polish the transition points of the shade, which takes a lot of time and effort.

A better result will be obtained if you use a spray gun. The device has the function of adjusting the intensity of the paint supply, which will create a natural, lighter tone on the desired area.

Ombre is performed in several steps:

  1. The base color paint must be diluted with a viscometer to the desired consistency. Paint is diluted in the same way. white color, the same brand.
  2. Next, you need to mix the color and white paint to make it as light as possible. desired tone. The resulting composition is poured into the spray gun, after which the entire wall area is painted. Thus, the base color was obtained.
  3. The airbrush is thoroughly washed, after which it should be filled with unclarified paint and apply the composition to lower part walls.
  4. After flushing, the device has been charged for more than light paint. Before carrying out work, it is better to choose the right tone using a regular cardboard and adjusting the paint supply or changing the distance of the sprayer relative to the wall. When painting light streak applied to a darker layer up to half its height.
  5. The last strip is applied in the same way. The paint should be slightly darker than the base shade. To smooth the boundaries, the spray nozzle must be moved away from the surface at a suitable distance.

If there is no spray gun, and only a paint roller is at hand, it does not matter! You can perform gradient staining according to the scheme below.

If the work is done with a brush, you can make a normal transition on an incompletely dried surface with a soft brush, this will achieve desired effect. If the layer has already hardened, you can use a stiff brush.

By decorating ombre walls with ordinary paint, you can adjust the height and width of the rooms, while creating the right atmosphere. Now you are not faced with the question of how to paint the walls to achieve desired result, you just have to follow a few recommendations for applying paint, because any adult can cope with the task.

Tips for creating an ombre effect on the wall (2 videos)

Coloring options (28 photos)