How to cut an accordion out of paper. Do-it-yourself paper accordion: a master class in the origami technique. A complicated way to fold an accordion

Shakiryanova Svetlana Vladimirovna

How to make out paper accordion? Paper is a special material for writing, printing and creativity. She is considered one of the favorite options for crafts with children. And this not surprising: plastic paper, accessible and secure. From it you can build anything. Will musical instruments turn out, for example harmonic? Previously, it was everyone's favorite instrument, which is undeservedly forgotten in our time.

Harmonic, done do it yourself. From a tea box, PVA glue, wallpaper. We make fur. We cut out 2 rectangles, 12 * 40 cm in size and 2 rectangles, 7 * 40 cm in size. Glue the masking tape on the wrong side.

We do the markup of the folds. Draw lines at a distance of 1.5 cm.

collect "fan". And so with all the rectangles. We make 1.5 cm incisions on the inner fold. Here's what happened. What was masking tape used for? So that the cuts do not tear further.

we turn the corners only on those rectangles that are 12 * 40 cm. Cut out rectangles of 12 * 7 cm from cardboard.

We will glue the upper part of the furs. Gently spread with glue "Moment" edge of a cardboard blank, with a side of 7 cm.

Glue. For fixing we take clothespins. All cardboard blanks are in place.

We turn over. Glue the bottom of the furs. We fix with clothespins, wait 15-20 minutes. Now glue the front.

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The harmonica is a previously beloved and completely forgotten musical instrument these days. However, while studying musical instruments with a child the other day, the harmonica aroused great interest in my son. I immediately remembered how we made and played homemade harmonicas in childhood. We immediately armed ourselves with the necessary materials and got down to business. And of course, I hasten to share our experience with you, and right now you will learn how to make an accordion out of paper.


  • Colored paper 2 sheets of different colors
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue

The materials are prepared and it's time to learn how to make an accordion out of paper. Let's start by folding a sheet of paper in half along the sheet. In this case, you need to leave an edge with a width of 2-5 ml.

Now we wrap this edge twice.

Fold the sheet in half along the sheet.

We step back from the edge and bend the sheet making the first step.

Turn over and turn the step to the side. We turn over and again turn the step to the side, etc. Leave a free edge at the end.

It is important to smooth the steps very well, this will greatly facilitate the further production of the accordion.

We unfold the accordion.

We carefully straighten it, collect the edges, as seen in the photo, and fold the accordion itself to the middle at the same time on both sides.

I present to you 3 ways to make accordion paper flowers. Due to the difference in methods, the flowers themselves are also different.

For work you will need materials:

  • colored paper;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Glue stick;
  • Scissors.
  • Circle, ruler.

How to make accordion paper flowers?

1. Method

The easiest way, which results in the simplest flower.

Cut two strips from colored paper. If you need a small flower, one strip is enough, but thinner.

Turn the strip towards you with the narrow side and fold into an accordion. Just fold a small fold forward and then back. The width of the fold can vary from 5 mm to 1 cm, depending on the size of the future flower. Although, if the flower is huge, then the folds can be very decent. Turn both bands into harmonicas.

Glue them together to make a long piece.

Wrap its ends inward and glue. Get this ring.

Press down on the edges, guiding them towards the middle.

Cut out a contrasting or matching flower circle from colored cardboard and glue it in the middle. Everything, the simplest option is ready.

2. Method

Cut out 5 identical triangles from colored paper, which will be the petals of an accordion paper flower.

Turn one triangle towards you with the wide side. And if they are the same, then any.

Fold it into a small, about 5 mm, crease.

Bend the resulting part in half, and its wide side should be inside.

Glue both sides to make a petal.

Turn all other triangles into such petals.

Glue the petals together by applying glue to the sides. It is convenient not to complete the circle at first, but to glue the sides and press so that the paper is properly fixed.

And then glue the remaining free sides, resulting in a flower.

Cut out a circle from colored cardboard and glue it in the middle of the flower, making it even more attractive.

3 way

Cut out 8-9 circles from colored paper.

Fold each circle into an accordion. As a result of this action, the circle will narrow and look like an oval petal.

Glue all the petals together to make a long paper accordion.

Wrap in a circle and glue the side free sides.

Press down on the inside and you'll have a flower. He can strive to rise again into the ringlet, it's not scary. A cardboard circle in the center will secure its position.

These are how different accordion paper flowers turned out thanks to three ways to create them.

These flowers make beautiful appliqués. They are in perfect harmony with any kind, except for maple.

Well, I made my first accordion ... I must say right away that when it came time to write this article, I found out with great annoyance that most of the photographs taken in the process were lost. Therefore, you will have to be content with only a part of them and what happened in the end ...

It took me almost 7 months to get it. Even despite the fact that I did not make the voice bars myself, but used ready-made ones. Although, a caveat is needed here: not all this time I was engaged only in this one, there were significant breaks for the repair of other instruments (on order) and if it was possible to focus only on it, then it could be done in three months.

The concept of the future accordion

I started working at the very beginning of October 2011. By that time, the concept of the future instrument had already formed quite clearly in my head: it was supposed to be an accordion of small size, three-voiced (two voices in one octave, one one octave higher) and, at the same time, almost full lame. Almost - because, in order to reduce the final size, I decided to remove the unused lowest keys of the right keyboard.

Thus, as a result, the dimensions of the accordion body around the perimeter were 270x160mm. Keys - 23 on the right, 25 on the left. Bass is four-part, more typical for cheap factory instruments. The key is F-major. Further - in order, what and how was done.


The case was made of slats purchased at a hardware store 5mm thick and 60mm wide. Material - I do not know exactly what, but I suspect that it is spruce. I selected them carefully, choosing dense, straight-grained, without knots, wood.

At the corners of the case there are metal corners made from the duralumin left grille of Belarus, the same one that was a donor when my Chaika was converted to wooden resonators a year and a half ago.

The outer ends of the walls of the case are also edged with strips of duralumin.

Both decks - left and right - are made of plywood. The right grilles are cut with a jigsaw. The drawing is simple, invented in the process.

The case was covered with mahogany stain and decided not to decorate with anything. Maybe just for now, or maybe not at all.

Fretboard and mechanics of the right keyboard

I made the fingerboard of the right keyboard from beech planks from tare boxes found on vacation in the summer in my grandfather's village, when I did not yet know that I would start such a business in the fall (there was only an idea to try to make the neck in my own way).

The neck is glued. All grooves for wooden keys are formed by gluing partitions onto the base board. This method, in my opinion, has at least two advantages over the traditional one, when the grooves are cut (or how are they made there?) in a solid bar: firstly, the wood fibers are located along the partitions, and not across, which additionally gives them strength; secondly, the hole for the axle is drilled according to the marking even before the partitions are glued, which is just convenient.


The furs are made by me from ... paper. This is probably not very good in terms of durability, but for the first experience, I think it is acceptable. Only in their manufacture I made, due to short-sightedness, a small oversight - I made only thirteen borins. And for such a small volume of the hull, it was necessary to make about seventeen of them ... Now I myself can’t answer the question “Why?” ... After all, I knew ... But, looking ahead, I’ll say that in the end the problem turned out to be not so critical. Simply, the direction of movement of the furs has to be changed a little more often.

Voice part

As for the vocal part, at first I had grandiose plans to make, at a minimum, the front bars on the right, solid, home-made, because I already had such an experience. But, later, I abandoned them, deciding that I would save my strength and time for the next time.

These planks were brass, albeit lumpy, which surprised me a lot, expecting to see traditional duralumin. At that moment, it was finally decided to put them. I was not even embarrassed by the not very high quality of their manufacture, namely, the considerable gaps between the voice and the edges of the opening. The main thing - it was brass!

The slats were cleaned of corrosion and old glue, the pledges were re-glued.

Several planks had to be rebuilt from close ones in tone, as they were not enough for the desired tonality. One broken voice re-made and riveted. The resonators on the right side are made completely from scratch with their own hands, with input chambers matched to the tone. I did them for 10 days, being on vacation (in October). Due to the small size of the case, the piccolos had to be placed standing up, each row on a separate resonator. Although, it would be nice to "put" them on the deck for a more interesting sound.

The bass resonator is made from the resonator of the aforementioned accordion by removing everything superfluous (just sawed off part of it and installed a set of bars of the desired tone). Bass-seven (without F-sharp). Bass bars (they were duralumin) were "knocked down" to reduce gaps and, as a result, improve response.

The chord resonator is also made from scratch.

About setting

It took a week to set up. But, when the accordion is played, you still have to adjust, since the interference in the "life" of some voices was very significant: the donor accordion had a strong filling, and I did not sort the strips before installing them on the resonators. As a result, in place of many combatant voices, they turned out to be greatly underestimated. In general, with a good setting, you still have to tinker. And with the bottling, it seems, I didn’t guess very well - the timbre turned out to be not the most interesting.

We listen to the sound (on the first video-comparison with the Seagull, on the second - "Old Maple", the third video - "Lady"). I will say right away that the third video (“Lady”), recorded closest to the camera, most accurately conveys the sound. And this ... It seems that during the time spent on this accordion, I, a little, forgot how to play ...:

Along with samovars and gingerbread, the Tula accordion has become a symbol of the city, known far beyond its borders. The production of this musical instrument began in Tula at the beginning of the 19th century, and already at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Tula accordion won medals and received international recognition at the International Trade Exhibition in Paris.

Now accordions and button accordions are produced at the Tula Accordion factory, which is located on the site of the former Melodiya factory in Krivoluchye.

A team of craftsmen is involved in the creation of each musical instrument, and all parts are made and assembled by hand.

The path of each accordion begins with the choice of wood from which it will actually be made. The body of the accordion is made of birch, and the resonators are made of pine. After the wood is delivered to the factory, it is dried in a special hangar, where sensors maintain a certain temperature and humidity. On average, it takes two weeks to dry a tree.

In the machine shop, dried wood is sawn and blanks are made for the body and resonators of the future folk instrument.

On a special CNC machine, details and a trademark are made for each tool.

The logo has been preserved since the existence of the Melodiya factory.

Joiners manually level the surface, smooth out irregularities and, like a designer, assemble the frame of the right and left parts of the accordion.

Thin layers of celluloid (synthetic material) are soaked in baths with a special solution, as a result it becomes soft and perfectly adheres to the wooden surface.

The glued parts of the body are sent for drying for a week.

To give the body a gloss, the upper part of the celluloid is scraped off with iron scrapers and polished on a special machine.

Then all the cases are carefully measured so that the parts fit perfectly together.

The polished cases go to the artist, who paints each instrument with screen paints.

Then the bodies, necks and basses go to the assembly and tuning shop. Here they collect the inner part of the accordion, its heart.

A special bar with “voices” is glued onto the resonators - this is the name of the valves that control the movement of air. Each "voice" has its own tone.

Masters collect electric cardboard and hermetically close the corners with a husky. This is how accordion furs are obtained.

When all parts of the instrument are assembled, the accordion goes to the tuner.

In small booths, each tuner has a special box. The master tunes each resonator by ear and cleans up each "voice". The tuners themselves call themselves doctors with a set of special tools. By the way, with the help of such a mechanism, harmonies were tuned back in the 19th century.

At the tuned instrument, the bodies and furs are “shuttered”.

Then the accordion is waiting for a test in the technical control department. The specialist checks the tool for tightness, the operation of the keyboard mechanisms and eliminates the shortcomings.

The controller checks the instrument for compliance with quality standards and writes out a harmonica document - a passport.

Then the instruments are prepared for shipment: the accordion is carefully wiped, the fastening of the straps is checked, packed in foam cradles and placed in boxes.

Together with the tool, a special case and a set of straps are sent to the box.

Now the instrument is complete!

By the way, Tula instruments are played in the Alexandrov Ensemble. Harmoniums and button accordions made in Tula are delivered to ensembles throughout Russia, as well as to Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Australia.