How to get white paint out of clothes. How and how can you quickly wash, remove facade, enamel, oil, construction, water-based fresh and dried, old paint from clothes, jeans at home? How and how to wash stained glass, watercolor paintings from clothes

A paint stain on clothes is not a sentence and not a reason to get rid of your favorite wardrobe item. Almost any type of pollution can be dealt with independently, given the type of fabric and the nature of the stain. How to remove paint stains from clothes? Let's figure it out.

Oil paint

stains from oil paint they penetrate very deeply into the structure of the tissue, and it is worth making a lot of effort to remove them. First of all, remove the top layer of paint with a knife or a stiff brush. To make it easier to remove, soften the stain with sunflower oil, grease, or petroleum jelly. At this stage, be especially careful not to get the product on a clean cloth and create a new stain. After removing the top layer, use a thinner, special stain remover or other product.

Acetone can effectively cope with oil paint or nail polish remover. Apply liquid to the stain and leave for a few minutes, then wash. Remember: acetone is quite aggressive, so using it can cause the fabric (for example, silk) to dissolve or the paint to fade. Before use, be sure to check how the material reacts to the solvent on a small inconspicuous area.

Helps remove oil paint stains petrol. Soak a clean cloth or cotton swab in the liquid and clean the place of contamination. Leave the product for a while so that the gasoline is absorbed and dissolves the paint that has eaten into the fibers. Wash the stain and wash the product completely, using powder or soapy water. A similar method can be used with turpentine or white spirit.

Often after removing the spots remain greasy traces. To remove them, iron the product with a warm iron through paper or use ammonia. Also, remember: solvents leave bad smell, which you can get rid of only with the help of several washes and long-term airing of the thing.

To make it easier to remove, soften the stain with sunflower oil, grease, or petroleum jelly.

Can be used to remove oil paint from clothes unique remedy. To prepare it, mix softened butter with washing powder in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to the dirt and rub well so that it penetrates into the fibers. Wait 5 minutes, then wash the stain. Such a tool will help you quickly, safely and effectively get rid of a fresh stain of paint.

Hair dye

Of particular difficulty is the removal of stains from hair dye. Timely detection of the stain will help to effectively cope with such contamination, so carefully inspect the clothes after the staining procedure. For starters, use hairspray to neutralize the effect. chemical substances and prevent tissue damage.

To remove stains from white material use hydrogen peroxide. Apply the product to the dirt and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse the product and wash it with powder in an automatic machine. A similar effect can be achieved using vinegar.

The stain can be removed with ready-made stain removers, which in large assortment presented in stores household chemicals. Use them according to the instructions on the package, strictly follow the dosage and take into account the nature of the contamination and the type of fabric.

Water based paint

Latex or water-based paint is actively used in modern repair work, and stains from it often appear on clothes. Alcohol will help get rid of this kind of pollution. Just wipe the stain with a cotton swab dipped in a "flammable" liquid, and remove the residue with a clean cloth.

In some cases, removing traces of water-based paint from clothes will help the usual washing with powder. Wash the product in cool water by hand, and only if there is no visible results, use hot water.

A variety of water-based emulsion is acrylic paint. To remove this kind of stain, prepare a special solution: combine a bite and ammonia (2 tbsp each) and add 1 tbsp. l. salt. Apply the resulting product to the site of contamination and leave for a while for the main components to react. Rub the stain with a brush, then rinse the product and wash it in the usual way using powder or laundry soap.

Features of removing stains from different types of fabric

Each material requires special care, including the removal of paint stains.

  • Cotton clothes. A specially prepared solution will help remove contamination from such a fabric: add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. soda and a bar of soap, grated. Place the mixture in an enamel bowl and bring to a boil, then place the item with the stain in the resulting broth for 1 minute. Repeat the procedure several times, then wash the clothes in the usual way.
  • Natural silk. To remove contamination, use laundry soap: rub it on the stain and leave for a while. Next, heat the denatured alcohol in a water bath and wipe the stain with a sponge soaked in it. Continue until the complete disappearance of the trace of paint.
  • Woolen. Rub the stain with laundry soap, then immerse the item in boiling water - repeat this several times until the paint disappears completely. Finally, wash the product in soapy water.
  • Capron or nylon. Warm alcohol will help remove the stain from such material. Put on pollution white napkin, and from the wrong side, wipe it with a sponge dipped in warm alcohol. Wash the product in salted water. Repeat if necessary.

Household stain removers and special home remedies will help get rid of traces of paint on clothes.

The world is full of colors and you can get dirty anywhere: on a walk, when dyeing your hair at home, repairing your home or office, on the playground. Even children's creativity with watercolor or gouache can ruin the look of clothes.

Is there a chance to wash things

It is easy to remove gouache-based paint from clothes - wash the thing with soapy water. But with paints on an oil or water-based basis, you will have to tinker.

There is a chance to save clothes if little time has passed since the contamination. If weeks or months have passed, then the paint has already connected with the fibers of the fabric and it is too late to correct the situation. Pay attention to the area of ​​damage, because it is easier to reduce small spots than to cope with a large amount of work. If the paint damage is old and large, it is better not to suffer and send the clothes to the trash can.

To save clothes from paint stains, remember the rules for working with solvents:

  1. Paint stains are easier to remove when fresh. Immediate action increase the chances of keeping clothes neat.
  2. Try to immediately determine the type and composition of the paint, the type of fabric, so as not to make a mistake in choosing how to remove the paint.
  3. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when working with solvents. Work in a ventilated area to avoid skin irritation and respiratory tract injury.
  4. Test the solvent on an inconspicuous area on the wrong side of the fabric before use.

Removing dried paint

You can also remove the paint if you did not immediately notice the stain. Take your time and follow the instructions:

  1. Before removing the stain from clothing, scrape off the top layer with a knife or razor. Go over with a stiff brush to remove old paint.
  2. Soften the residue with an oil solution or ointment: petroleum jelly or vegetable fat.
  3. Use solvents to remove paint from clothes at home.

The choice of thinner depends on the type of paint and type of fabric, so read the recommendations before use:

  • Mixture of oil and powder. Wash off old paint with colored clothes, a mixture of 1 tbsp will help. butter or vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. washing powder. Apply the finished gruel to the stain and wash it after a few minutes. The color will remain the same, and the untidiness will disappear.
  • Vinegar-ammonia mixture. Combine 2 tbsp. vinegar, ammonia and 1 tbsp. salt. Stir and apply with a toothbrush on the stain. Wait 10-12 minutes and wash items as usual. The mixture is easy to remove acrylic paint.
  • Solvents. Solvents - gasoline, acetone, turpentine - will cope with a dried stain. Treat with the product on the wrong side with gentle movements from the edge to the center so as not to smear the paint and prevent it from being absorbed deeper.
  • Solvent mixture. The paint will come off if you use a mixture of turpentine, gasoline and alcohol, in a ratio of 1:1:1. It is enough to moisten the paint stain and it will disappear.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove old dried hair dye. Treat the stain with the solution and soak the clothing in water with hydrogen peroxide added, then rinse out the reagent and launder as usual.
  • Glycerol. Glycerin will save colored things from hair dye. Treat the stain with soapy water, then apply glycerin to the stain with a cotton swab and leave for a few minutes, and before washing, treat with a salt solution with a drop of ammonia.

Removing fresh paint

Removing a fresh paint stain is easier than a dried one, but this will also require you to know the wisdom.

  • Hair dye can be removed from clothing by treating the stain with hairspray: it contains solvents that will get rid of contamination.
  • It is not difficult to wash off oil paint at home, the main thing is not to rub it with a solvent and do not wash it with powder. When working with such paint, treat the stain with dishwashing detergent for the first half hour, and when the stain gets wet, remove it from your clothes.
  • Gasoline will deal with a fresh stain. Such a solvent can be found in the store, it is used to refuel lighters. Moisten a cotton swab with solvent and apply to the stain.
  • Acetone will help to effectively get rid of fresh stains. The product effectively removes pigments and allows you to remove paint from clothes. Apply the solution to the stain and wait 10-12 minutes.

When using acetone, be careful:

  1. It can discolor colored fabric.
  2. Do not use acetone to remove stains on synthetics, it dissolves such fabric.

Wash water-based construction paint Any alcohol-based product will help. Treat the stain with a cotton swab alcohol solution, sprinkle with salt, leave for 10-15 minutes, wash. The dirt will come off the clothes.

Not only the composition and type of paint should determine cleaning assistants. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric so as not to spoil things.


When removing paint stains on white cotton clothes, use a mixture of gasoline and white clay, after 3-4 hours the clay will push the pigment out of the fabric and the dirt will be washed off.

Cotton fabric will become clean if it is boiled for 10 minutes in a solution of soda and crushed soap, based on 1 liter. water, 1 tsp soda and a bar of soap.


The silk will help save the alcohol. Rub the cloth with soap, and over it with a swab or sponge, apply an alcohol-based product. Rinse the fabric and it will be like new.


If you have suffered synthetic fabric, solvents will burn it. Ammonia solution and salt will help you. Treat the stain and soak in salt water.


Return wool normal view and a mixture of heated alcohol and laundry soap will help to remove the oil paint. Spread the mixture on a coat or sweater with a sponge, wipe it off and you're done.

There are many ways to stain clothes in paint. Most often, children encounter spots. Walking on playgrounds, you can stumble upon painted benches or swings. The highest chance of getting dirty with paint during repairs or painting. But do not put an end to contaminated things. In most cases, everything can be fixed, you just need to know how to wipe the paint from clothes.

Before removing paint from clothes, you need to find out its type. Further cleaning will depend on this. In addition to the dye itself, the type of fabric and the age of the stain will also affect the method.

  1. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to deal with.
  2. Before you treat the stain with your chosen product, lay a few napkins under the stain for safety.
  3. To make sure the product is safe, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.
  4. To localize dirt, rub the stain from the edges to the center.
  5. When washing, stain remover helps well, but before that, use the methods below.
  6. After finishing, rinse the item and dry it for fresh air.

We will try to clean clothes from paint:

  • stamp;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • water emulsion;
  • oil;
  • watercolor;
  • gouache;
  • tempera;
  • printer ink;
  • hair dye;

How to remove coloring compositions

To begin with, we will find out how to remove paint from clothes and what needs to be done for this. First of all, turn the item inside out and place under front side paper towel. Regarding what you can wash stains with, we use the following tools:

  1. Laundry soap. Partially forgotten legacy of the Soviet Union. For complex contamination, before using soap, apply toothpaste. Only after that they are treated with soap and cleaned with a brush.
  2. Solvent may not be used on all types of fabrics. But at the same time effective remedy to get rid of most stains. You can use refined gasoline or white spirit.
  3. The nail polish remover has enough power to get through most dyes.
  4. A solution of ammonia and gasoline will help remove paint stains at home.
  5. Vegetable oil is used to remove fresh stains, after finishing the thing is washed in order to remove the remaining oil.

There are many more means to wash off the paint from the fabric, but these are used most often.

How to remove dried paint from clothes

The most difficult thing is to wipe dried paint from clothes. Before this, it is better not to allow, but sometimes you can not see the pollution in time. In such cases, the most serious and aggressive means are used. First remove the dried paint mechanically using a non-sharp object. Be careful not to damage the fabric while doing this. Buy refined gasoline using cotton pad, treat the stain. The procedure should dissolve the main volume of the dye. In the process, replace the contaminated cotton wool with a new one. At the end, develop soda solution and scrub the surface with a sponge. To remove the residue and the smell of gasoline - wash the item.

How to remove oil paint

Removing oil paint from clothes is a tricky business. mechanical cleaning won't help here. This type of dye lends itself to solvents. You can use acetone, or a liquid for decorative varnish containing it. The method is not suitable for colored items. It is enough to treat the contaminated surface, after 10 minutes remove the residue and wash.

How else can you wash oil paint from clothes? Take refined gasoline and lightly treat the stain. There shouldn't be a lot of money. After a few minutes, rinse and send the item to the washing machine.

You can clean oil paint from clothes using turpentine. The principle of use and action is the same as with gasoline. After the end, the thing is also washed. If there are stains from the product itself, they are treated with ammonia before washing.

For delicate fabrics, it is better to use more gentle methods. Use the following recipe: melt the butter with room temperature, add the same amount of washing powder and mix until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Apply the resulting paste to the stain and gently brush with a toothbrush. After removing the main part of the paint, apply a little more mixture and leave for two hours. Now wash by hand using laundry soap and send to the washing machine.

How to get rid of water-based and acrylic paint

Often there is a need to wash acrylic or water-based paint from clothes. It is she who is used to paint benches and other items in in public places. Everyone can find it on clothes. Alcohol will help get rid of this type of paint. Stretch the cloth and rub with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Sometimes washing with a washing powder helps to wash water-based paint. In this case, first with cold, and then with hot water. Consider as much as possible allowable temperatures for your type of fabric.

There is another way to remove acrylic paint from trousers and other clothing. Use the following recipe: mix vinegar, ammonia and salt in a ratio of 2:2:1. Mix thoroughly and apply to dirt, brush off after a few minutes. The remains are washed by hand with powder or laundry soap.

Clean clothes from hair dye

Through the bad financial condition women often resort to dyeing their hair at home. Less and less people turn to hairdressers and masters. During the dyeing process, unexpected stains can occur that make you wonder how to remove hair dye from clothes. This type is particularly resistant as it must remain on the hair even when shampooed or washed. detergents. You need to act as quickly as possible. Get rid of fresh stains with ordinary varnish for hair or washing.

The most difficult thing is to remove an old stain on clothes. Try using hydrogen peroxide, but it can discolour the fabric, so it's only suitable for whites. Treat the stain and leave for half an hour. Rinse off the residue and send the item to the laundry.

Synthetics and wool are best cleaned with vinegar. If a thing contains henna, it needs special approach. You will need a solution of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and water. Mix thoroughly, treat the stain and leave for a few minutes. It remains to wipe off the remnants and wash.

How to remove ink from a printer

Having a printer at home, sooner or later there is ink pollution from it. This may be at a gas station, home repair, or the device simply did not work properly and produced too much ink on the paper. In any case, action is urgently needed. Preferably soak immediately cold water, and it is better to wash in it. Ideally, one should handwash in cold water using laundry soap. To remove old paint, treat with hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes before washing.

Removing other stains

Not infrequently there is a need to clean other types of paints. It is worth considering separately for children: gouache and watercolor. They are produced on water based, whereby, fresh spots can be washed with normal washing. Large stains may not be completely washed off, leaving their mark on the entire surface of the clothing. Such contaminants are first washed by hand under wastewater, after which they are also sent to the washing machine.

Enamel agents are susceptible to solvents. Soak a cotton pad in it, squeeze out the excess and start scrubbing the dye. As the color changes to cotton wool, replace it with a new one.

The easiest way to deal with stains on leather goods. Very fresh marks can be erased with ordinary wet wipes. More complex - vegetable oil or laundry soap. Rub the stain with the selected product, wipe dry soft cloth and remove residue with a damp, clean cloth.

Delicate fabrics require a unique approach. Heat ammonia to a temperature of 40-50 degrees, slightly moisten a cotton swab and gently wipe. Change the swab as needed and continue brushing until completely clean. At the end, pour into a bowl warm water, add enough salt to form a weak saline solution. Rinse the thing in it.

If it is difficult to determine the type of paint, use universal remedy- laundry soap. Rub the contaminated surface well and leave for 1-2 hours. Wipe with cotton and rinse.

What to do after cleaning

You have successfully removed paint from clothing. First of all, you need to dry them in the fresh air. After some products, there could be a smell that disappears after washing or during airing.

Sometimes old dye stains cannot be removed. If it still doesn't work, try taking it to the dry cleaners. If nothing works out there, the thing can no longer be saved.

When it comes to manually removing paint from clothes, the first thing to think about is the degree of skin protection. It's about about rubber gloves. Thus, you protect your hands from chemicals, and when washing - from dryness.

Before using any drug, test its effect on an invisible tissue area. If negative consequences not followed, you can continue cleaning.

Perfectly copes with this kind of stains stain remover. If pollution is an everyday thing for you, it is advisable to buy and use the product on an ongoing basis.

Standard types of pollution do not concern us much, since we always know how to deal with them. However, in unforeseen situations, when we soil things with dirt, which we have not had to deal with before, an unpleasant feeling arises, and fear for damaged clothes. Although in fact, knowing how to remove pollution, you can wash almost any clothes from it.

Today we will tell you how to remove paint from clothes, dwell on the most popular types of paint, and the main ways to remove it from things.

An intense fight ensues

Basic moments

Paint stains are rightfully considered the most difficult to remove from clothes, therefore, if similar situation, we are often horrified when we imagine how we will fight this pollution. However, knowing the basic ways to remove paint from your things, this story does not look so catastrophic.

You can stain things with paint at any time and in any place:

  • you can drip on your shirt and jeans while dyeing your hair;
  • spill the powder from the printer cartridge on yourself or smear the print on the document with your sleeve;
  • you can cover up jeans, a dress, a skirt during repairs, or being close to carrying out similar work;
  • a t-shirt or shirt can be easily smeared with coloring pigment while working with a child on a playground or;
  • paint stains may appear on the back of trousers or shorts from a wooden bench on which you sat down, not paying attention to some kind of inscription;
  • you can tidy up your jacket by opening the door of the entrance out of habit with your shoulder.

IN general situations in which you put a spot of paint on clothes, you can simulate a great many.

Of course, we will not throw away good, high-quality, and often very beloved things because of some kind of paint stain, but rather we will study the main points for removing such contaminants. By the way, these rules are not so many:

  • First of all, the speed of the reaction is important. Do not put off washing and laundering stains for later, carry out the work immediately, then you will have a better chance. It will be extremely difficult to remove an old stain of a dye that is well ingrained into the structure of the fabric, and it will be almost impossible to remove it from white clothes without damaging it.
  • If you understand paints and can determine which one ruined your clothes, then this is just wonderful. In this case, it will be easier for you to choose the optimal means for removing pollution. For example, the simplest option is gouache, watercolor paints wash in ordinary water using laundry soap or washing powder.
  • Preferably before removing stains on clothes with various chemical compositions, work with it with hard and hard objects, such as a knife or brush, to remove the main layer of paint.

Removal of the main composition of the paint

Thus, the main thing is to determine what type of paint we are facing. If there is at least a general understanding, then choose suitable remedy, to remove alkyd, oil, acrylic, water-based, watercolor paint at home is not difficult.

Removal of oil and alkyd paint

One of the most common paints for outdoor and indoor work are oil and alkyd paints. They are not very expensive, so they are often used for coloring. various items. In this case, the oil composition is created on the basis of drying oil, and the alkyd composition is based on classical solvents.

Can of oil paint

If you have oil or alkyd paint stains on the back of your trousers or jeans, the first step is to remove the bulk of the substance. You can do this with a stiff bristle brush, or reverse side knife.

Before using a solvent, it is desirable to soften the oil composition, for which it is necessary to treat the stain with fat, for example, pour sunflower oil or rub with Vaseline. After that, you can proceed to the use of solvents.

Traces of oil paint on the jacket

In principle, most solvents will cope with a stain of oil or alkyd enamel: 646, 647, white spirit, solvent, gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, acetone, but there are some nuances:

  • Classic solvents 646 and 647 perfectly wash oil, alkyd and other paints from any surface, but for some types of clothing their aggressive substances can be dangerous. 647 solvent is specifically intended for washing off car paint and nitro enamels.
  • White spirit works in a similar quality, and calmly copes with pollution at home, besides, it also does not smell so strong. Let's call it the most optimal and gentle solvent, which is very simple to use. It is enough to moisten a cloth in it and gently wipe the dirt on things.
  • The solvent was created on an oil base, it fights well with traces of enamels of all stripes on clothes, and is also able to remove drops of bituminous varnishes and epoxy.
  • It is permissible to use acetone, or nail polish removers based on it. To do this, pour a little liquid on the stain, and let it soak in for a while. It will take 5-10 minutes to soften the paint. After that, using a cotton pad, you can wipe the stain from the clothes. At the same time, acetone can not be used for all fabrics, for example, it will corrode light synthetics from acetate fibers, and burnt spots may appear on colored material, so be sure to test this solvent in an inconspicuous place. For many jeans and pants, acetone will work fine, and it will also work for white fabrics.
  • Gasoline is quite suitable, but it is advisable not to drain it from the tank of the car, but to buy a cleaner composition at the hardware store, or use gasoline for lighters. The principle of stain removal is the simplest, soak a cloth in gasoline and wipe the paint stain.
  • Kerosene and turpentine work similarly, they even cope with old spots. But after them, characteristic oil traces may appear on the surface of trousers or jeans. Grease spots can be removed by overlaying the fabric with white paper and ironing it. Remaining stains should be removed with ammonia.

You can purchase a special solvent-based compound in stores that specializes in removing paints of this kind. Just don’t rush to completely treat your item with this tool right away, because it is also very aggressive and can ruin the fabric, test it and read the instructions for use.

Imported composition for cleaning fabrics from paint

If the unpleasant smell of solvents irritates you, you can use the folk recipe and remove oil paint from your trousers, dress or pants. A very original composition is created on the basis of butter and washing powder according to the following principle:

  1. To create a cleanser, you need 1 tablespoon of butter, which will need to be mixed in a bowl with 1 tablespoon of ordinary washing powder.
  2. The resulting composition must be applied to the contamination, and try to grind thoroughly. For further penetration of the composition into the tissue, it must be left for several minutes.
  3. After some time, the thing is erased in the usual mode, and the paint spots disappear.

For home use, this method is very relevant, since it does not use aggressive chemical components that can harm things. The technique successfully works with a coloring pigment based on drying oil not only on strong fabrics of trousers, jeans, but also on other, more delicate materials.

Removing water-based paint

Water-based paints are used in home repairs, they are easy to use, and can be washed off in a liquid state with plain water. Acrylic paint can also be washed with water, but only until it dries. If these dyes have hardened, then alcohol must be used to remove them. Just stretch the stained cloth, and wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol. The paint will soften and move away from the material.

Water based paint white color

Many types of water-based paint are so safe and unpretentious that they can be removed from things in a normal wash with detergent. However, in this case, several approaches may be required. You can try hand washing in cold water. If such a wash does not help, then proceed to washing in a warmer detergent composition and in washing machine.

In any case, removing water-based paint from trousers or jeans is a breeze, even if you get dirty in acrylic. Acrylic paint will help to remove proven folk remedies: vinegar, salt and ammonia. To do this, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • We mix the ingredients in proportion: 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of ammonia.
  • We apply the mixture to the stain from the acrylic composition, and leave the chemicals to work.
  • To help the composition penetrate deep into the fabric, you can additionally grind the mixture with an old toothbrush.
  • After all procedures, the material must be rinsed under running water.

There may be slight traces of the presence of paint, which will be easy to remove with normal washing with detergent or laundry soap.

Throwing things in the laundry

By the way, watercolor paints can also be safely classified as water-based. They are easy to wash with a normal wash in soapy water.

Other paints

A fairly common problem is washing hair dye from clothes. It is especially difficult to deal with traces light composition. To have a better chance of defeating unpleasant spots, better rhinestone or wash soiled items. You can first try to wipe the stain with hairspray, which contains solvents of a similar nature.

Worst of all, if it was not possible to wash the thing right away, and the stains have already taken root on it. For white fabrics, a soak in a hydrogen peroxide solution can be used. Half an hour soaking in the composition is enough. After further washing, as usual for this item, the stains will be eliminated. Can be used for colored items vinegar solution, which also helps to eliminate stains of a different nature.

Another one common problem, it's a necessity to wash off stamp paint or powder composition from the printer, which inadvertently got on our clothes. These dyes are not the strongest, so they can be removed from clothes when washed in cold soapy water. In this case, hot water should not be used, as it will fix the stamp or printer ink on the clothes.

Washing is done with ordinary laundry soap or washing powder. Inks from the printer are usually easy to remove, but if you have difficulty, you can treat the stain with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. In this case, coloring pigments will not have a chance. High-quality rinsing will fix a positive result.

It is possible to fight paint stains, and in most cases the victory will be yours. However, it's always a good idea to test cleaners on inconspicuous areas of clothing before full use. This habit will save you from spoiling your favorite trousers, dress, skirt or jacket.

Paint marks on clothes are considered to be one of the most difficult stains, especially if it is thin. delicate fabric. If you planted such a stain, do not get upset, run to the dry cleaners or throw away your favorite thing, try removing paint from clothes with home remedies.

Stain removal rules

In order for the dye removal to be successful, and the thing not to deteriorate, you need to remember a few general rules. They are based on the experience of several generations of housewives:

  1. Paint stains on clothes are easier to remove if they are fresh.
  2. It is necessary to accurately determine the nature of the contamination. Dyes are made in different basis, therefore, the means of dissolving them are different.
  3. In order not to spoil the thing completely, test the tool you need on an inconspicuous area.
  4. Work with acetone, gasoline, solvent or turpentine is best done in a well-ventilated area, and ideally outside. If this is not possible, then open window.
  5. The stain should be cleaned with a cotton pad or a clean white cloth. These materials do not shed when in contact with solvents, so they will not stain the item again.
  6. The working surface must be covered with plastic wrap to protect the manipulation site from the action of solvents.
  7. Try to remove the stain from the wrong side of the product, after laying the other side with a thick napkin. It will absorb excess solvents or mixtures you have prepared.
  8. Remove the stain by dabbing from the edge to the center. In no case do not rub it, as this will help the paint to penetrate deeper into the fabric.

Removing paint from clothes

The easiest way to remove stains from watercolors and gouache from clothes. These are water-soluble dyes that are removed by a stream of cool water. At heavy pollution you need to apply a stain remover to the affected area, then wash the whole thing with soap or powder. It is more difficult to remove stains from hair dye, oil, acrylic, water-based and old stains.

Hair dye

Always carefully inspect clothing after each hair coloring session. If you notice a stain, immediately proceed to removal. If the paint does not contain ammonia, then the contamination will be easier to deal with. Here are a few effective ways:

  • Rub the affected area with laundry soap, wash the fabric so that the soap penetrates the fibers, then rinse with water. If the first time did not work, repeat the procedure again, but this time use hot water.
  • Spray the stain with hairspray. It contains mild solvents that will help to remove light dirt.
  • If you stain white clothes, soak them in chlorine bleach for an hour. Then wash with powder and rinse thoroughly.
  • If wool or synthetics are contaminated, this mixture will help: 0.4 liters of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of 9% vinegar and the same amount liquid soap. Apply the mixture to the fabric, hold until the paint dissolves, then rinse.
  • Mix in equal proportions hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and water. Apply the product to the stain with a cotton pad and rub it with a brush. After an hour, wash off the solution with plain water and wash.


Acrylic paints are made from polymers that are dissolved in a water base. You can clean such a stain in the following way:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of ammonia and 9% table vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 350 ml of water.
  • Pour the damaged area and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse the item under running water and wash in a washing machine with powder and conditioner.
  • If after all the manipulations there are traces of contamination, then the whole procedure is repeated from the beginning.


Removing such paint is the most difficult. Part oil dyes drying oil is included. When hardened, it turns into a three-dimensional polymer protective covering, which provides high ink resistance to abrasion. To remove oil paint stains, use one of five methods:

  • To remove fresh contamination, try Antipyatin soap: carefully remove upper part paint with a blade, rub the remaining stain with Antipyatin, leave for 20 minutes, then wash the item with warm water.
  • Alternately rubbing kerosene into the stain helps well. baking soda. Rub funds in a circular motion from the edge to the center of contamination, wash in water with laundry soap.
  • This method is good to use for cleaning raincoat fabric or jackets: rub the affected area with a cotton pad or a white cloth soaked in a solvent (White spirit, acetone, nail polish remover), wipe until the rag is no longer dirty, wash.
  • Stains on nylon and nylon can be washed with ammonia. Wipe the fabric with a cotton pad from the wrong side, then wash ordinary powder.
  • If all else fails, try mixing refined gasoline, turpentine and alcohol in equal proportions. Moisten the stain with the mixture, leave for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, scrape off the remaining paint with a knife and wash it.

water emulsion

These paints are water-based, so fresh dirt can be washed off with warm water and soap. If that doesn't help, try one of the following:

  • If you have recently gotten dirty, apply a stain remover, such as Vanish, to the soiled area, leave for half an hour, wash the item with warm water.
  • From the dried stain, remove excess paint with the blunt side of the knife, rub the remaining contamination with kerosene. Scrub the stain in a circular motion, change the rags or cotton pad as it gets dirty. When the dirt is removed, wash the damaged area with laundry soap or laundry detergent.