How to remove old paint from clothes. How to get paint out of clothes

Our world is full of colors and you can get dirty anywhere: on a walk in the park, when dyeing your hair at home, repairing your home or office, on the playground. Even children's creativity with watercolor or gouache can ruin the look of clothes.

Is there a chance to wash things?

It is easy to remove gouache-based paint from clothes - wash the item with soapy water. But with paints on an oil or water-based basis, you will have to tinker.
There is a chance to save clothes if a little time has passed since the contamination. If weeks or months have passed, then the paint, most likely, has already connected with the fibers of the fabric and it is too late to correct the situation. In addition, pay attention to the area of ​​​​damage, because it is easier to reduce small spots than to cope with a large amount of work. So, if the paint damage is old and large, it is better not to suffer and send the clothes to the trash can.

To save clothes from paint stains, remember the rules for working with solvents:

  1. Paint stains are easier to remove when fresh. Immediate action increases the chances of keeping clothes in tidy condition.
  2. Try to immediately determine the type and composition of the paint, the type of fabric, so as not to make a mistake in choosing how to remove the paint.
  3. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when working with solvents. Work in a ventilated area to avoid skin irritation and respiratory tract injury.
  4. Test the solvent on an inconspicuous area on the wrong side of the fabric before use.

Removing dried paint

You can also remove the paint if you did not immediately notice the stains. Take your time and calmly follow the instructions:

  1. Before removing the stain from clothing, scrape off the top layer with a knife or razor. Go over with a stiff brush to remove old paint.
  2. Soften the residue with an oil solution or ointment: petroleum jelly or vegetable fat.
  3. Use solvents to remove paint from clothes at home.

The choice of thinner depends on the type of paint and type of fabric, so read the recommendations before use:

  • Mixture of oil and powder. To remove old paint from colored clothes, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of butter or vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of washing powder will help. Apply the finished gruel to the stain and wash it after a few minutes. The color will remain the same, and the untidiness will disappear.
  • Vinegar-ammonia mixture. Combine 2 tablespoons of vinegar, ammonia and st. a spoonful of salt. Mix everything thoroughly and apply with a toothbrush on the stain. Wait 10-12 minutes and wash items as usual. It is easy to remove acrylic paint with this mixture.
  • Solvents. Solvents - gasoline, acetone, turpentine - will cope with a dried stain. Treat with the product on the wrong side with gentle movements from the edge to the center so as not to smear the paint and prevent it from being absorbed deeper.
  • Solvent mixture. The paint will come off if you use a mixture of turpentine, gasoline and alcohol, in a ratio of 1:1:1. It is enough to moisten the paint stain and it will disappear.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove old dried hair dye. Treat the stain with the solution and soak the clothing in water with hydrogen peroxide added, then rinse out the reagent and launder as usual.
  • Glycerol. Glycerin will save colored things from hair dye. Treat the stain with soapy water, then apply glycerin to the stain with a cotton swab and leave for a few minutes, and before washing, treat with a salt solution with a drop of ammonia.

Removing fresh paint

Removing a fresh paint stain is easier than a dried one, but this will also require you to know some wisdom.

  • Hair dye can be removed from clothing by treating the stain with hairspray: it contains solvents that will get rid of contamination.
  • It is not difficult to wash off oil paint at home, the main thing is not to rub it with a solvent and do not wash it with powder. When working with such paint, treat the stain with dishwashing detergent for the first half hour, and when the stain gets wet, remove it from clothing.
  • Gasoline will deal with a fresh stain. Such a solvent can be found in the store, it is used to refuel lighters. Moisten a cotton swab with solvent and apply to the stain.
  • Acetone will help to effectively get rid of fresh stains. The product effectively removes pigments and allows you to remove paint from clothes. Apply the solution to the stain and wait 10-12 minutes.

When using acetone, be careful:

  1. It can discolor colored fabric.
  2. Do not use acetone to remove stains on synthetics, it dissolves such fabric.

Any alcohol-containing product will help to remove water-based building paint. Treat the stain with a cotton swab with an alcohol solution, sprinkle with salt, leave for 10-15 minutes, wash. The dirt will come off the clothes.

Not only the composition and type of paint should determine cleaning assistants. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric so as not to spoil things completely.


When removing paint stains on white cotton clothes, use a mixture of gasoline and white clay, after 3-4 hours the clay will push the pigment out of the fabric and the dirt will be washed off.

Cotton fabric will become clean if it is boiled for 10 minutes in a solution of soda and crushed soap, based on 1 liter. water, 1 tsp soda and a bar of soap.


The silk will help save the alcohol. Rub the cloth with soap, and over it with a swab or sponge, apply an alcohol-based product. Rinse the fabric and it will be like new.


If your synthetic fabric is damaged, solvents will burn through it. How to remove paint in this case? Ammonia solution and salt will help you. Treat the stain and soak in salt water.


A mixture of heated alcohol and laundry soap will help restore the wool to its normal appearance and remove the oil paint. Spread the mixture on a coat or sweater with a sponge, wipe it off and you're done.


Things made of leather will be saved by vegetable, castor or olive oil. Dishwashing detergent will help remove the grease stain.


Gasoline or kerosene will help remove paint from jeans. Solvents will not damage the fabric and clean the surface from contamination. If after cleaning it remains in place, try using an oxygen-containing stain remover.

You can also remove paint stains with the help of newfangled stain removers, only with this option carefully read the instructions for using the product. Well, if they don’t cope, take your favorite thing to a dry cleaner, they will definitely cope with any misfortune.

When cleaning the paint, it is important that the stain does not spread to other areas of the fabric. To do this, you need to prepare a workplace. It will be convenient to use an ironing board. Wrap it with cellophane, and on top with a thick cloth, which you will not be sorry to throw away later. After that, lay out the clothes on the board and start cleaning. To process a trouser leg or sleeve, it is convenient to use a special narrow stand, which usually comes with an ironing board. In this case, the sleeve or trouser leg is pulled onto the stand.

How to remove paint from clothes if the stain is located on a narrow area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric? For example, this is a child's tracksuit or the bottom of the pants. Use the same precautions by covering your ironing board with a cloth. Place the piece of clothing that you want to clean with the desired area up, and put an additional piece of fabric in two layers inside the sleeve or leg.

To remove a stain from a coat, place a piece of fabric folded four times with good absorbent properties inside the sleeve or under the stained area on the shelf. This way you can avoid spreading the paint and speed up the cleaning process.

We wash off fresh "blots"

Let's start with how to get fresh paint out of clothes. This must be done as quickly as possible. Laundry soap will help remove a fresh stain from dark and colored fabrics and even from a white shirt. But from light trousers, a fresh stain can be removed with acetone: soak a cotton pad in it, gently rub the place of contamination.


Peculiarities . The easiest way to remove stains from watercolors and water-based paints, which most often have to be removed from children's clothes, is with a soapy solution. You need to prepare it from laundry soap.


  1. Moisten the stained area with the prepared soap solution (one tablespoon of soap shavings in 200 ml of moderately hot water).
  2. Scrub the fabric with the rough side of the sponge. Brush in a circle, slightly going beyond the boundaries of the stain. If this is a knitwear, try not to stretch the fabric.
  3. Apply the soapy solution to the fabric again. Leave for five to seven minutes.
  4. Then carefully work the area with a brush and rinse with clean warm water.
  5. Wash the item in the washing machine on a cycle suitable for the fabric.

How to wipe oil paint from clothes at home? And in this case, the soap solution will be effective. Just cook it in cold water. And before soap cleaning, gently use a sharp object (nail file or knife) to clean off the top layer of oil "blot". This cleaning method is suitable for removing fresh stains from cotton items.

sunflower oil

Peculiarities . Vegetable oil cleans woolen clothes, as well as products made of polyester, cashmere.


  1. Soak a cotton swab or piece of soft cloth in vegetable oil.
  2. Treat the contaminated area with light circular motions.
  3. Let the stain soak for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Then carefully remove the visible layer of paint from the surface with a clean cloth.
  5. On both sides, blot the cloth with two sheets of clean white paper to remove any remaining oil.
  6. Apply a stain remover suitable for the fabric to the area.
  7. Wait for the time specified in the instructions.
  8. Wash your wardrobe item in the washing machine. If the clothes are black, put them on an extra rinse.

Dish detergent

Peculiarities . This is a way to get paint stains out of clothes that are used while playing paintball. Fresh paint from a paintball is removed in warm water with ordinary dishwashing detergent. To fill the balls in this game, gelatin-based dyes are used. Therefore, the cleaning process is guaranteed to be effective.


  1. In a five-liter bucket, draw a little more than half of the warm water.
  2. Add 150 ml of dishwashing detergent to the water.
  3. Stir until smooth.
  4. Dip a cotton towel into the soapy water.
  5. Rub it with your hands to evenly distribute the product.
  6. Wring out the towel a little and quickly remove the paint stain from clothes previously soaked in clean warm water in a circular motion.
  7. Wash clothes in the washing machine in the appropriate mode for the fabric.

How to remove stained paint from clothes

If soap can also cope with fresh stains, then more powerful tools will help to remove old paint from clothes. Always wear protective rubber gloves.


Such a fairly resistant paint as alkyd enamel will have to be removed with white spirit. Soak a cotton swab in the solvent. Carefully work the stain, 2-3 mm beyond its edges. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the contamination is completely removed.


Stamp ink, which can be water-based, alcohol-based and oil-based, can be removed in several ways at once. Choose the appropriate one according to the type of fabric. After any cleaning method, you need to wash the wardrobe item in the washing machine in the appropriate mode.

  • ammonia plus turpentine. The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions, applied to the surface of the fabric and wiped off with a rag after two hours. The method is suitable for delicate products.
  • Denatured alcohol plus glycerin. This mixture is especially effective for removing paint stains from leather jackets. The proportion is 1:1. With the help of a soft cloth dipped in the product, the stain is carefully treated, kept for 20-30 minutes and washed off.
  • Mustard. In this simple way, you can remove the stain from the ink from the silk fabric. Mix mustard with water in such a proportion that a thick slurry is obtained. Apply it to the surface of the stain. Rinse under the tap after a day.


Facade paint leaves the most persistent stains on clothes. It is acrylic, silicate, cement, lime and siloxane. Such ingrained ink is quite difficult to remove from most fabrics. However, if you are sure that the item of clothing will "survive" digestion, you can try to remove the stains. At the very least, it will definitely work to remove the stain from acrylic paint from clothes by boiling. Similarly, stains from stained glass paint are also removed. The procedure consists of ten steps.

  1. Wash clothes in a basin in warm water using laundry soap.
  2. Fill a bucket or stainless steel pot halfway with water.
  3. Put on fire to heat up.
  4. Add a tablespoon of soda ash.
  5. Place clothes in a bucket of hot water and bring to a boil.
  6. Boil no more than two to three minutes, then change the water and repeat the procedure.
  7. The second time you do not need to add soda, only one and a half tablespoons of powder.
  8. You can additionally add one teaspoon of bleach if you need to remove dried paint from white clothes.
  9. After boiling, rinse the garment in the washing machine and then wash at 40°C.
  10. After washing, put it on the rinse cycle again.

Carry out all manipulations with rubber gloves. You can only stir clothes during the boiling process with an unpainted wooden spoon or a rolling one for dough. By boiling, stains from shedding can also be removed from clothes. Only instead of soda ash, add one tablespoon of whiteness (if it is a light fabric) or just active washing powder.

Cleaning after the holiday of colors

Another type of pollution that can occur if you attend a popular Hindu festival in early spring is Holi stains. They can be easily washed off the body with soap and water. But with clothing, things are a little different.

Holi paints are powders made from various plants that contain bright pigments mixed with corn or wheat flour. For example, red is obtained from sandalwood, bright yellow from turmeric, and deep blue from the indigo shrub.

Holi colors can be water soluble or fat soluble. The latter are more difficult to clean. Things are even worse if, in addition to bright natural colors, dirt also gets on the clothes.

The festival is always quite an active event, and given the specifics of the Holi holiday, you are guaranteed to return home with multi-colored spots on your clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to wear something simple. Perfect for outdoor activities light plain t-shirt and jeans. And for knitwear, and for denim in this case, a single way of "washing". Shake off the thing, remove the remnants of colored powders with a soft dry cloth. And then just wash the products in a washing machine with a stain remover.

If stains remain, you can try to remove them with salt. Pour hot water (5 liters) into a large container and add seven tablespoons of salt. Soak a piece of clothing in the solution and leave for an hour. Then wash in clean warm water and wash again in the washing machine.

And one more piece of advice. To remove paint from clothes, if it is stained with natural dyes, you can use ammonia. First wash the clothes, and then replace the salt procedure with soaking the fabric in warm water with ammonia. In 5 liters of water, add three teaspoons of the drug. After an hour, throw the clothes into the drum of the machine.

Many women, seeing that the fabric is stained with dye, immediately begin to panic. However, the thing does not have to be immediately sent to the garbage chute. There are many ways to clean clothes from paint - depending on the composition of the substance. You can try to remove any stain yourself if you know some of the secrets of the procedure.

How to get paint out of fabric

First of all, you need to determine the type of pollution. All dyes are conditionally divided into groups:

  • water-soluble (watercolor, water-based solutions, gouache, tempera);
  • other dyes that dissolve in different substances (oil, acrylic, latex, enamel).

Fresh watercolor stains on children's clothes can be washed off with cold water. Old traces of dyes are recommended to be pre-soaked for 15-30 minutes. Gouache contains an adhesive and oil base, so it takes longer to wash than watercolors. How to remove paint from clothes made of thick fabric? It is not difficult, and improvised means can be found in every home. For example:

  1. you can prepare a solution of oxalic acid and ammonia;
  2. no less effective is a mixture of glycerin, technical alcohol and ammonia.

Tempera in composition refers to intermediate compositions between water and oil dyes. In this regard, removal should be carried out in the same way as getting rid of fat stains. Water-based mortars can be easily removed from work pants with soapy water. How to remove paint from clothes made of delicate fabrics: it is better to use special stain removers, such as Bos or Vanish.

Acrylic or latex dyes are water-soluble, however, over time, the stain will not be able to be removed after one wash. Fresh dirt should be carefully blotted with absorbent material so that the composition is not absorbed into the fabric. How to remove acrylic paint from clothes? It is recommended to rub the old stain under running water and load the item into the machine. Wash at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Oil and enamel dyes are the most difficult stains for fabric. Before deciding how to remove paint from clothes, you need to make sure that the material does not suffer. Serious solvents can damage fabric, so test them before use. How to remove oil paint from clothes? Use solvents (eg 646 or 647). If the case is very complex and neglected, try acetone. To reduce gasoline pollution, get the compound from the hardware store, not the one that fills cars.

Several ways to wash paint off clothes:

  1. Dishwashing liquids will help you if you have just stained your clothes. The stain just needs to be rubbed with a sponge and rinsed with water.
  2. Scouring powder with butter also helps to solve problems with such stains. Mix the substances in a ratio of 1/1, rub the dirt for some time, rinse with water. After that, wash the item.
  3. Vegetable oil is suitable for cleaning things made of synthetics, cashmere or leather. It is applied to a cotton pad, the place of contamination is rubbed until the paint disappears. When the procedure is over, you will need to remove the oil stain (for this, salt is poured on it and washed).
  4. White spirit is suitable for dealing with different types of stains, but it is better to choose it for removing enamel. It is necessary to wet the swab with this substance and rub the cloth.
  5. Gasoline is used in extreme cases. They are flooded with pollution for a while. The disadvantage of this method is that traces of gasoline may remain on the fabric.

How to remove paint from clothes with solvents

If you get dirty, then do not rush to throw away clothes. Try to remove the dirt. Acetone, which is part of many solvents, does an excellent job of removing traces of dyes. To remove, you need to drop a little product on contamination, and rinse after 10 minutes. Before using this method, remember that acetone can leave marks on colored material, and silk fibers will dissolve this aggressive substance.

How to remove paint from clothes with alcohol

In the construction industry, water-based solutions or latex paint are increasingly being used. If your trousers, jacket, jeans, or scarf are stained while painting the ceiling, then try cleaning the stain with alcohol. To do this, the fabric is pulled a little, moistened with this substance, wiped with a cloth. Some housewives get rid of stains by rubbing the fabric with soap and moistening with alcohol. After 10 minutes, you need to wash everything in the traditional way. This method also helps to get rid of the stamp-type pigment.

How to remove paint from clothes with vinegar and ammonia

Acrylic or latex dyes are easy to clean with ammonia and vinegar. This method will help save new jeans from unwanted dirt:

  1. Mix ammonia and vinegar with salt (2 tablespoons each).
  2. Apply the compound to the stained area of ​​jeans.
  3. When the composition is absorbed, wipe it off with a toothbrush.

How to remove dye from thick fabrics

How to wash things if the fabric is very dense:

  1. Contamination with gouache or watercolor, even if they have had time to dry, leaves well after washing.
  2. Try removing oil dye stains with acetone. Saturate a cotton swab with the substance and wipe off the stain.
  3. Refined gasoline also removes old stains well, but it eats heavily into fabric fibers. This causes the material to lose color.

How to remove ink from lightweight fabrics

It is difficult to remove dirt from delicate fabrics. It is recommended to use dry cleaning services. Before trying folk remedies, make sure you don't ruin your thing. What can be used:

  1. A cotton swab dipped in alcohol is a good way to remove fresh and old stains from delicate fabrics. Rub the dirt from the edges to the center.
  2. Try to remove completely fresh pollution with laundry soap.
  3. Nylon or nylon can be washed with alcohol and salt. Pollution is cleaned with alcohol, then washed off with saline.

How to get hair dye out of clothes

You can solve the problem with a stain from a hair dye on clothes by ordinary washing. In addition, the styling varnish always helps out the housewives if the pollution has not had time to dry. A white shirt can be washed in a hydrogen peroxide solution. Synthetic and woolen products are effectively cleaned with an acetic acid solution. Henna is removed with a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon of water, 40 ml of alcohol).

How to remove dried paint from clothes

The most difficult thing is to remove the dye, which has had time to dry and has eaten into the fibers of the fabric. How to get rid of stains:

  1. Acrylic dyes are washed with laundry soap.
  2. Stains of gouache and watercolors go away after washing, even if they have time to dry.
  3. The dried layer of oil dye must be scraped off with a knife, then poured with vegetable oil or gasoline.

Video: how to remove paint stains from clothes

Sometimes, by an unfortunate accident, paint gets on the clothes. Do not immediately panic and worry that your favorite thing is irretrievably damaged. There are many ways to remove paint from clothes.

The main thing is to determine what type of paint got on the clothes in order to use exactly the product that can remove it, since for some types you need to use a simple powder, and for others - solvents.

How to get paint out of clothes?

  • Acrylic and enamel stains are best removed with kerosene, gasoline, mineral spirits, or petrol. Be sure to follow all safety precautions when using these products. It is impossible to carry out the processing of clothing near an open fire, to allow the product to get into the eyes. After work, the room should be well ventilated.
  • Apply the selected solvent to the paint stain and wait a while until it gets wet. Then take a clean cloth, soak again in the solvent and try to wash the traces as thoroughly as possible. To remove residual dirt on white things, use bleach, and for colored clothes, use a stain remover. After that, wash things as usual.
  • Try to wash the stain from gouache or water-based paint. Pour hot water into the basin, soak the soiled clothes and leave for 2-3 hours. If the stain does not disappear during this time, soak the item without adding powder for a day. Wash it the next day.
  • Hair dye stains can be washed from clothing immediately after contamination. Here it is very important to wash the stain with warm water as soon as possible. You can remove the remnants of the dye by washing the place with a stain with soap, and then washing the clothes in soapy water. If the garment has faded after washing, rewash it at a higher temperature while it is still wet.
  • If the paint has had time to dry, then spray it with hairspray and wash it. You can dilute the vinegar in warm water and rub it on the stain, then soak the clothes in a mixture of ammonia and water. You can also get rid of hair dye from clothes with a sponge soaked in gasoline or kerosene. After processing, the clothes must be washed.
  • If this does not help wash the paint, take regular stain remover. Pour water into a basin and dilute the amount of stain remover indicated on the bottle. Leave the clothes for several hours in the water. But do not put all the soiled things together in the water. In this case, each item must be soaked separately.

If it does not wash off, then it is better to seek help from a dry cleaner.

How to clean paint from clothes?

On hit water-based paint on clothing, do not attempt to wash it with solvents. Remove drops with paper or dry newspaper, and then rinse the stained area well with water. Water-based paint dissolves perfectly with water, so it can be quickly washed off the surface of clothing.

If it has already dried out, then it needs to be softened with water. If the area of ​​contamination is large, then put a wet rag on it for half an hour. Small stains are easy enough to wet. When the stain softens, it should be removed with a brush, an ordinary rag, or carefully removed with a spatula.

Acrylic paint stains should be removed as soon as possible. This will allow you to cope with pollution with the least loss of time and effort. Moisten the newly formed stain with soap and water and use a cloth or sponge to wipe it off the surface. When the paint begins to dry, add a small amount of vinegar or baking soda to the water.

The hardest thing to remove is a dried stain. wash away dried acrylic paint stain plain water is impossible. A special wash will help here, which you can buy at any building materials store.

Pour a small amount of the remover onto the stain and wait 4 minutes. Then wipe the stain with a sponge dipped in this solvent. After using the wash, wash the thing, as the solvent has a too pungent odor.

How do you remove oil paint stains from clothes?

To remove fresh stains from oil paint, you need to take laundry soap. But if more than 3 hours have passed, then you will need ammonia, gasoline, turpentine or acetone. In order not to spoil the thing, wipe the seam or the wrong side of the product with the chosen solvent. To do this, apply the mixture to cotton wool or a piece of white soft cloth and wipe the cloth.

If there are no side effects, remove the dust from the stain with a brush, turn the clothes inside out, put a white paper towel or cloth under the place of contamination. After that, moistening the swab in a solvent, which may consist of turpentine and kerosene or acetone and alcohol, moisten the stain, starting from its edges and reaching the middle. Leave the swab on the stain for a few minutes. To remove the paint stain completely, treat the fabric with cotton wool soaked in ammonia.

For removal of old drops paints can be used in two ways:

  1. Apply turpentine and then clean the fabric with a concentrated baking soda solution. Wash the contaminated area with water.
  2. Lubricate with a little butter or margarine, and then wipe the soiled area with gasoline, turpentine or kerosene. Then wash your clothes.
  3. For removing oil paint from white clothes make a mixture of the same parts of ammonia, chalk and turpentine. Apply the finished mixture and leave for 3 hours. Then soak the swab in gasoline, turpentine or acetone and wipe the contaminated area.

The best way to deal with paint is prevention. Therefore, wear clothes that you do not mind and will not need to be cleaned. When dyeing your hair, use protective gloves and a cape that will help protect even old things. It is also very important to remove the paint immediately after contact with clothing.

Dye is a substance that can be deeply absorbed into the fibers of clothing, making it difficult to wash off. Not only oil paint, but even gouache can significantly spoil a thing. Before you begin to eliminate the stain, you need to determine how fresh it is, the type of paint and what material the product is sewn from. You can wipe paint from clothes at home using simple improvised means.

You can get rid of dried old paint at home by following a simple instruction:

  1. Before, you need to get rid of the top layer with a razor, knife or stiff brush.
  2. Next, you need to soften the stain with ointment (Vaseline) or vegetable oil.
  3. Use solvents to remove contamination.

When choosing a cleaning method, it is necessary to take into account the type of fabric and type of paint. Therefore, before using any remedy, you need to read the recommendations:

  • Powder and oil. To remove paint from colored clothes, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of washing powder and vegetable or butter. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain, and remove after a couple of minutes. Such a tool will help to remove the stain, and the color of the product will remain the same.
  • Vinegar-ammonia mixture. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. The finished solution should be applied with a toothbrush on the stain. After 10-12 minutes, wash the item. Acrylic paint can be washed in this way.
  • Solvents. Dried dirt can be removed with acetone, gasoline and turpentine. The tool must be applied to the wrong side of the product with light movements from the edge to the center, so as not to grind the paint and prevent it from soaking deeper. You can use a mixture of solvents. It is necessary to mix gasoline, turpentine, alcohol in equal proportions and moisten the stain.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The stain must be soaked with hydrogen peroxide, left for a few minutes, and then washed in the washing machine.

Fresh spot removal

It is much easier to get rid of fresh paint than dried paint:

  • When cleaning a product from black paint, it is not necessary to wash or wash it with powder. It is enough to apply dishwashing detergent to the stain, and, as soon as it gets wet, wash it.
  • Petrol. To remove stains, soak a cotton pad in clean gasoline and blot the stain.
  • Acetone. It is necessary to drop a little substance on the stain and leave for 10 minutes. When working with acetone, it must be borne in mind that it can discolor colored fabrics, as well as dissolve synthetic fibers.

Dirt on different fabrics

When choosing methods for cleaning a product, it is necessary to take into account not only the type and composition of the paint, but also the type of fabric:

  • Cotton, knitwear. To clean cotton clothes, you need to mix white clay with pure gasoline until a slurry is formed. Apply the mixture on the product for 3 hours. This time will be enough to remove the paint pigments from the fabric. You can also clean knitwear with a solution consisting of 1 liter of water, a bar of soap and 1 tsp. soda. In this solution, the thing must be boiled for 10 minutes.
  • Silk. The stain on silk should be rubbed with soap, and alcohol should be applied over it with a cotton pad. After that, rinse the item well in clean water.
  • Synthetics. Solvents should not be used to clean such materials, as they can burn through them. It is enough to saturate the stain with ammonia a little and soak in salt water.
  • Wool. To remove oil paint from woolen items, you need to dissolve laundry soap in heated alcohol and wipe a sweater or coat with this mixture.
  • Leather. It is enough to wipe the contaminated area with olive, castor or vegetable oil.
  • Jeans. You can quickly remove a stain from your trousers with kerosene or gasoline. It is enough to soak it with these means and wash it.

How do you get hair dye out of clothes?

You can remove traces of hair dye from clothes using the following tools:

  • Laundry soap. Soap must be rubbed on the contaminated area so that the substance is well absorbed into the fibers. After that, you need to rinse the thing in cold water. If the first time it was not possible to get rid of the stain, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, only with hot water.
  • Hydrogen peroxide with vinegar. To prepare the solution, you need to mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. Using a cotton pad, rub the product into the stain and leave for an hour. After the time has passed, the item must be washed in the washing machine.
  • Kerosene or acetone. If the first two methods have not been effective, you can use aggressive means. Do not use kerosene or acetone on delicate or silk items. It is necessary to mix kerosene and acetone in equal proportions and apply the substance to the contaminated area with a cotton pad. Once the stain is completely gone, rinse the item under running water and wash with detergent. Before using this tool, you need to try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.
  • Vegetable oil. Apply this remedy on the stain and leave for a few minutes. Despite the effectiveness of this method, oil stains may remain after the oil, which will also have to be disposed of.
  • Glycerol. This tool will help to remove things from hair dye. First, apply a soapy solution to the stain, and then use a cotton pad to treat with glycerin. Leave the item for a few minutes and then wash.
  • You can use hairspray, as it contains the necessary solvents. It is enough to apply the product on the stain, wait a few minutes, and then wash it in the washing machine.

After removing paint from clothes at home, the item must be washed in warm water, rinsed and dried in the fresh air. You should not interrupt the smell of gasoline or acetone with perfumes, as there may be unpredictable consequences. When working with aggressive substances, rubber gloves must be worn so as not to harm the skin.