Liquid tar soap. Using tar soap as part of homemade face masks

In everyday life, solid tar soap is widely known. It is used for household and medicinal purposes. A more practical form of this remedy, which helps fight cosmetic defects and skin diseases, is liquid tar soap. So is it worth overpaying for a liquid remedy? Does it really have so many advantages compared to ordinary tar soap in a bar. Read on to learn more about its benefits, composition, beneficial properties and proper use.

The main component of liquid tar soap is birch tar - as a rule, it is contained in a ten percent amount. This figure may vary depending on the manufacturer. In addition to it, the composition may include vegetable oils, soluble salts, higher fatty acids, flavors, dyes, and cleaning agents. The less synthetic components are included in liquid soap, the more useful it is and the better the healing effect will be.

Liquid soap is different from solid soap. The second contains the same amount of tar, as well as sodium salts, palm oil, sodium chloride and water. Both soaps have the necessary benefits for treating skin and hair, but the liquid soap has some advantages:

  • A convenient bottle is often made with a dispenser, allowing you to accurately calculate the amount of soap and, as a result, use it sparingly.
  • Closed packaging helps to avoid the spread of unpleasant odors.
  • Liquid soap is more comfortable to use for washing your face and as a shower gel.
  • During the intimate hygiene procedure, a liquid consistency product is much more convenient and pleasant to apply. In addition, the dispenser ensures maximum hygiene during use.
  • The product lathers easily.

Beneficial features

Birch tar for the health and beauty of the body can be used in its natural form, but as part of a liquid soap it is more effective. Auxiliary components provide improved blood flow, thereby enhancing the healing properties of the substance. In order to properly use the remedy for various problems, consumers need to know what benefits tar soap brings to the body. The healing effects that birch tar has:

Liquid soap with tar has one feature - a specific smell, which may not be pleasant to everyone. However, within a few minutes after use, it disappears from the skin.

So that in the bathroom after using tar soap it does not smell unpleasant, you need to tightly close the soap with a lid (if it is without a dispenser), and also carefully wash off the remnants of the product from the sink and other surfaces.

For skin

Many people have not only cosmetic skin problems, but also serious diseases such as eczema, scabies, furunculosis and others. Tar liquid soap can become an assistant in the fight against these pathologies. What problems can regular use of the tool solve:

  • Acne. People with oily skin often experience acne. To relieve inflammation, dry the skin and stabilize the secretion of sebum, you can use liquid soap with tar. The method of application is simple: twice a day you need to wash your face with it, and then remove the remnants of the product with warm water. A noticeable result will be visible in a few weeks. After applying soap, a feeling of tightness of the epidermis may appear, but this is a normal reaction of the body. A nourishing cream rich in vitamins will help eliminate it.
  • rare acne. Tar soap can also be used pointwise: for this, a small amount of the product should be applied to a newly formed pimple. The procedure is carried out at night. In the morning, there will be a noticeable improvement: the redness will become less, the inflammation will subside significantly, and the skin in the problem area will dry out.
  • Pimples on the body. In this case, liquid soap should be used instead of shower gel during water procedures. It is advisable to do water procedures twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, so that a significant effect is noticeable after a few weeks.
  • Insect bites. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action of liquid soap, discomfort in places bitten by mosquitoes or other midges will disappear much faster. Apply tar soap pointwise - during the day or at night.
  • Psoriasis. Regular washing with tar soap of skin areas affected by psoriasis helps to remove the symptoms of the disease, such as inflammation, peeling, itching. The growth of microorganisms stops, the epidermis becomes smoother and softer. When treating a disease, doctors recommend leaving only tar soap as a hygiene product.
  • demodicosis. Tar, which is part of liquid soap, is an effective remedy against scabies mites. After application, itching disappears, the skin is updated faster.
  • sweating. The tar remedy helps to reduce sweating, normalizing the activity of the glands. To get rid of the problem, you need to regularly wash the places of its localization.
  • Fungus. To reduce the activity of harmful fungal microorganisms, you need to lather the areas of skin and nails affected by them well, put on socks and leave them overnight. For prevention, you should wash your feet with tar soap every time after visiting public places such as a bathhouse, a pool, a public shower.

For hair

To improve the condition of the hairline and scalp, liquid tar soap is often used. Washing your hair with a product can help fight dandruff, seborrhea and other problems. With seborrheic manifestations, before using tar liquid soap, you should consult a doctor, since the aggressive effect of a substance can worsen the condition of the epidermis. How to apply hair product:

  • From dandruff with oily hairline. Liquid soap is ideal for owners of oily scalp: the tool helps to normalize the sebaceous glands. How to use: Apply pre-foamed soapy mass on wet skin, hold for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly. To avoid dry hair, you need to use a nourishing or moisturizing balm for the tips.
  • To improve growth and strengthening. Tar in liquid soap can make hair follicles stronger. To do this, wash your hair once a week.

Wash off the soap from the scalp with warm, not hot water. High temperatures can dry out hair.

Application in gynecology

Some people use liquid tar soap in the prevention and control of gynecological diseases such as thrush and fungal infections. The tool helps to stop the activity of harmful microorganisms, cleanses the skin well. Those who have gynecological diseases need to wash themselves with tar soap twice a day, once a week will be enough for prevention. Also, the tool promotes accelerated skin regeneration due to cuts with a razor or during depilation.

Homemade recipes will help create effective products that improve the condition of the skin and hair. Masks, scrubs based on tar soap will help to quickly solve the existing problem. How to prepare the remedy at home:

  • Mask for hair growth with oils. Combine a little liquid soap with castor and burdock oil (20 ml each), add a glass of vodka, mix thoroughly. Apply the product to dirty hair, then wrap with polyethylene. After fifteen minutes, the strands should be washed with warm water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar.
  • Facial peeling mask with salt. Add warm water to a teaspoon of tar soap, stir until foamy. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face, sprinkle with small salt on top. Wash off with warm water after twenty minutes.
  • Henna mask to strengthen oily hair. Mix half a cup of henna with a quarter cup of very hot water. Mix thoroughly. Add a few drops of liquid tar soap. Apply the mixture to your hair, wash off after half an hour or an hour. You can repeat the mask no more than twice a month.

Harm and contraindications

Tar liquid soap is a useful product that does not harm the body. An exception is individual intolerance to the components of the product, which can cause allergic reactions, too dry skin and overdried hair - in this case, tar can cause peeling, itching, and even greater dryness. During application, avoid getting soap in the eyes - a strong burning sensation may occur. If this does happen, you should immediately rinse them with warm water.

You can buy liquid soap in the territory of a regular supermarket, in specialized cosmetic stores or in pharmacies. The cost and volume of packaging depends on the manufacturer. What funds are presented on the Russian market:

  • Soap with tar from "Neva cosmetics". The cost is 160-180 rubles. The main composition is tar, oil fractions.
  • Antibacterial tar soap from "Tana". The cost is 125-140 rubles. The active ingredients are triclosan and birch tar.
  • Liquid soap with tar from "Bio Beauty". The cost is 370 rubles. The composition, in addition to the tar component, includes active ingredients - oil fractions and essential oils.


Tar soap contains approximately 10% birch tar. Everything else is ordinary soap, brewed in an industrial or artisanal way. This is one of the oldest natural antiseptics, which is still relevant due to its natural composition and time-tested properties.

Until now, the places where you can buy tar soap are private soap factories, perfume shops and herbal shops around the world.

Interesting. “Soap has a characteristic brown color and a pronounced smell of tar. To preserve the smell, it is packed in airtight packaging. Fresh tar soap smells and acts stronger.

Types of tar soap

Cosmetic preparations of tar are available in several forms:

Beneficial features

What is tar soap for? Tar is a substance known for its healing properties. It is he who determines the beneficial properties of tar soap. The main ones are the following:

  • Antibacterial. Tar effectively destroys most pathogenic bacteria, including those from the group of staphylococci and streptococci that cause boils and other skin problems.
  • Fungicidal (antifungal). Tar soap from thrush, lichen and other types of fungi has long been used in folk medicine.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Tar is an excellent remedy for skin irritations, inflammations, has the ability to relieve swelling in extensive shallow skin lesions, and prevent the spread of irritation.
  • Drying. The use of tar soap allows you to remove excessive oiliness of hair and skin, revitalize and dry oily hair and skin.
  • Exfoliating and regenerative. Tar cleanses the outer layers of the skin and improves its recovery after burns, frostbite, weathering, mechanical damage when exposed to dust or sand. Therefore, if you are going on a long trip, it is better to buy tar soap for your first aid kit.
  • Repellent and insecticidal. Tar lice soap has been used for many centuries. This simple tool not only effectively fights insects, but also repels them with its smell.


What is tar soap used for? The range of its application is very extensive, in addition, it is great for those people who are prone to allergic reactions, since it consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Tar soap during pregnancy is a reliable remedy for skin problems or thrush, since its use has no pronounced side effects. The only problem is the smell, which pregnant women may not tolerate when intoxicated.


  1. For hair. When deciding whether to wash your hair with tar soap, be sure to consider your hair type. It is contraindicated for dry hair, or it can be used with their subsequent restoration with the help of special oil preparations and masks, infusion of chamomile. But for those who have a problem with seborrhea, it is well known whether tar soap helps with dandruff. It is important to know how to properly wash your hair with tar soap. First, it should not be done too often. Secondly, you should lather your head in such a way that the maximum amount of soap gets on the skin, and not on the hair. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, after washing, use balms and conditioners, rinse your head with a solution of citric acid. Tar soap is also used for hair loss, as it can strengthen hair follicles and increase their number. In this case, it may include preparations of bitter pepper, cloves or cinnamon, nettle infusion and burdock oil, which enhance the main effect.
  2. For face. The use of tar soap for washing allows you to clean the face code, remove acne and comedones with it, make it fresh and younger. Daily washing for 10-14 days gives a great effect. Especially if the skin is oily or combination. However, soap tightens and dries out dry skin, so you should either refuse to use it or combine it with drugs that compensate for the inconvenience. There is a recipe when softened soap is applied to a pimple and kept for 10-15 minutes. It accelerates the maturation of acne, dries them and relieves inflammation, improving the appearance of the skin.
  3. Intimate hygiene. The use of tar soap allows you to quickly get rid of thrush and prevent its reappearance. However, it is better to use special preparations for intimate hygiene based on tar, as they contain substances that prevent overdrying of the mucous membrane, which is especially important for older women. If there is no special remedy, tar soap should not be used too often, allowing the mucosa to recover.
  4. Fight against pediculosis. Ancient healers knew about whether tar soap helps with lice. This tool is one of the most effective folk ways to deal with pediculosis. In addition, its regular use can repel insects.

Soap recipe

Considering how much tar soap costs in a pharmacy (30 rubles), only those who would like to have a product with a guaranteed composition begin to manufacture it. For lovers of such experiments, there are many recipes for making tar soap at home. For example, next.

A glass of water, emollients (jojoba, olive or grape seed for dry skin and coconut for oily skin) and essential pine oils of your choice are added to 3 pieces of baby soap. Boil in a water bath until completely dissolved, mix regularly. After that, tar is added. Soap is poured into molds and allowed to thicken and cool. This process usually takes about a week.

The use of tar soap for medicinal purposes. Health benefits of tar soap.
Tar soap treats psoriasis, dandruff, demodex, lichen, and many other diseases. Soap is also used for eczema, ringworm, scabies, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, pyoderma, seborrhea, skin itching. Tar soap helps well if the patient has bedsores from a long illness - it is enough to wash them with soap several times and the bedsores will heal quickly. Soap with the addition of tar is useful for burns, or vice versa - frostbite. Tar soap is used to treat infections that have fallen into an open wound, treat cracked heels.

Use tar soap for the beauty of the skin a, it is recommended twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. With problematic skin, you can see the effect by washing with tar soap for several weeks - from 3-4 weeks. The downside is that it does dry out the skin. To soften the skin, you can wipe it with lotion or cream, lubricate it according to your skin type. The smell of soap is specific and many may not like it, but this is a matter of habit. Beauty requires some sacrifice. Someone even then likes the smell - it's natural and natural. Tar soap is suitable for any type of facial skin.
There is an opinion that tar soap should not be used for the face. In addition to tar, it also includes other components, the prolonged use of which can lead to skin irritation and other unpleasant consequences. That tar soap, like any other soap, is best used for washing hands, but not for face skin. However, there is always "pros and cons" any means. Here everyone tries and draws conclusions for himself. Personally, I have been using it for almost a month now for the face, body and even hair. I like it, and if it dries the skin, then I apply lotion or cream. Now the heat is 35-37 degrees and there is less inflammation on the body, and the hair has strengthened a little. Only the head needs to be washed with water and vinegar, otherwise it looks like a tow on the head and of course it is not as shiny as after balms, but the volume is larger. For those who have long hair, only the ends of the hair can be treated with a balm to get a healing effect on the scalp from tar soap.

How to properly wash with tar soap for problem skin, as a remedy for acne. Every morning and every evening, wash your face with tar soap with warm water, and then rinse with cold water. It turns out both a therapeutic effect and a contrast rinse. Tar soap may not cope with acne if there is a habit of constantly touching your face and squeezing acne. Under the skin we have blood vessels and when we squeeze one pimple, the skin is damaged, and the whole infection can spread throughout the face with the help of these vessels.
There is another popular way to treat acne with tar soap - apply a thick foam from tar soap on a cleansed wet face, in the form of a face mask and hold for 10-15 minutes, do 1-2 times a week. There will be a feeling that it has been pulled together and everything has been absorbed. Rinse thoroughly and apply a healing cream or tonic. Do not abuse such a remedy, in some cases it can cause peeling of the skin. For this kind of masks, VIP tar soap is the best fit. And you can use it more often without harming the skin.

For all its cheapness, tar soap is considered the least harmful to delicate skin. Intimate sphere experts note its numerous useful properties, and this cannot but rejoice women. Tar soap is used for intimate hygiene, as an effective means of protection against infections. Soap also heals the skin well from microtraumas, for example, those obtained after shaving the bikini area.

If you are not yet using tar soap, you have lost a lot! Tar soap is rightfully considered one of the most effective remedies for skin problems due to its strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and drying properties.

A simple composition makes soap harmless, and if you know how to use it correctly, the results will amaze everyone. This article is written about how to squeeze out all 100% of the possibilities from tar soap.

Useful properties of tar soap, or why it helps with acne

Tar soap has the simplest composition: 10% birch tar, the remaining 90% is a simple, very simple soap, but it is precisely because of its composition that it is practically harmless: there are no toxic effects on the body (as happens with many products), no side effects ( except for those who are allergic to compound soaps).

The two main disadvantages of tar soap are a pungent smell and skin addiction (the effect weakens over time, so you need to pause, but more on that below).

How to use tar soap as a remedy for acne, or the most accessible instructions for use in the world

There are three main ways to use tar soap: washing (for the face and with demodicosis, and some get rid of black dots), washing with body soap and spot application.

And if everything is clear and simple with washing and washing the body, then point application deserves more detailed consideration.

The point application of tar soap is justified for especially stagnant and problematic acne, boils, scars and spots, which may not go away for months or even years.

Scrape a small amount of soap, soften the soap with your fingertips and apply to a pimple or other "joy of life" for 5-10 minutes. This method of application has a much more intense effect than simple washing.

By the way, be sure to read the application article. Maybe it will suit you even better than soap!

You can use tar soap no more than one or two times a day. Because of the pungent smell, we use soap like this: in the morning immediately after waking up, so that the soap has time to disappear, and in the evening - preferably 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

Tar soap is suitable for all skin types, but in order to eliminate the risk of overdrying the skin, you still need to give some recommendations on the frequency of its use depending on the type of skin.

  • Normal skin - once a day may be enough.
  • Dry skin - wash with soap a maximum of 4 times a week so as not to overdry your face. For owners of dry skin, I do not recommend using industrial-made tar soap, but using a home-made analogue to eliminate the possibility of overdrying the skin (we will talk about this in more detail below).
  • Oily skin type - to reduce oily skin, you should wash your face 2 times a day.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't wash your face too often or your skin may start to peel. And if the soap is very dry, use a moisturizer after application.

The minimum period of application for the face is a week, and if you use tar soap to get rid of acne and blackheads on your back or all over your body, a week and a half.

After about 6-8 days, most people notice the first positive results. Tar soap is not recommended for more than 2-4 weeks.

The timing depends on the individual reaction to soap and the number of rashes on the face. After a month of using soap, you should pause for the skin to wean from it.

Mini-FAQ, or the most popular questions

Is it true that liquid tar soap works just as well for acne as solid soap?

In terms of properties and composition, liquid tar soap is no different from its solid counterpart, but it is much more convenient to use.

Liquid tar soap also works well against acne and other problems, like its lumpy "prototype", so there is absolutely no reason to worry. The main advantage of liquid soap is its practicality.

Are there any contraindications to the use of tar soap?

Due to the natural composition, tar soap has practically no side effects. But there is one but. Tar soap is contraindicated for people who are allergic to compound soaps.

Why does tar soap not help me get rid of acne?

There may be several reasons: either soap does not work for you, or you use it for too short a time, or your lifestyle blocks the healing effect. Yes, soap shows excellent results, but I did not say that it is a panacea.

And if you want to get rid of acne really forever, you can not do without adjusting your diet and lifestyle. As for the soap itself, then most likely you do not use it enough time and you should wait a bit.

What is better in the fight against acne: tar or laundry soap?

In the experience of many people, it has been verified that tar soap fights acne and rashes more effectively than laundry soap.

By the way, if you can’t stand the smell of tar soap, then you can replace it with household soap.

Where to buy and cost

The average price for lump tar soap for acne is 20-50 rubles or 10-15 hryvnias (for Ukraine). Liquid tar soap can be bought for 50-80 rubles or 25-35 hryvnias.

Tar soap can be bought at almost any hardware store, pharmacy or online pharmacy. You can also find this miracle in almost every beauty department.

In what cases is the use of home-made tar soap justified?

There is a difference between industrial tar soap and homemade soap made at home.

Due to the high pH level, industrial tar soap can dry out the skin of the face. And precisely in order to eliminate the risk of overdrying the face, it is strongly recommended that owners of dry skin type use only home-made soap.

How to cook tar soap correctly? Making homemade soap, although it takes effort and time, is very cheap in terms of money, and you will get a non-flaking, natural and effective remedy for acne. So, let's move on to the recipe.

  • To make homemade tar soap, we need to purchase birch tar and regular soap. Soap should be with no or minimal amount of fragrances and chemical additives.
  • Rub the soap on a regular grater.
  • Soap should be prepared in a water bath. To do this, take a stainless bowl (preferably a saucepan), pour water and put on fire. Place a container of soap on top of the dish.
  • Melt the soap in a water bath. When the soap melts and becomes like a thick glue, add a tablespoon and a half of water, and 2 tablespoons of birch tar. Practice has proven that these ingredients are enough for about 3 bars of soap.
  • Wait until the mixture turns into a homogeneous consistency., then stir well and remove from heat to allow the soap to cool.
  • Wait 8-10 minutes and pour into molds, and if there are no molds, any container will do, the main thing is that the soap can be conveniently stored.
  • After the soap has been poured, leave it to harden for 6-8 days. It is better to leave it in an open space due to the strong smell - a balcony is quite suitable. Just don't make your neighbors suffer. 🙂

This soap will never dry out your skin. Tar homemade soap is much softer and gentler on the skin than its industrial counterpart.

In case of oily skin, you can safely wash your face already twice a day, here tar soap will not do harm. After washing with soap, you need to rinse the foam with plain cold water.

If you have acne and acne problems, then you will notice the effect quickly - acne will disappear, small wounds will heal, and the foci of inflammation will become almost invisible. To achieve softening of the face after applying soap, professional cosmetologists recommend using nourishing or moisturizing creams.

The price of ordinary tar soap averages 20-25 rubles. A handmade product or from special types of tar can cost from 200 rubles and more.


Tar soap for acne can also be used in the fight against unruly hair, for a number of skin diseases, such as eczema, ringworm, pyoderma. The remedy copes well in cases where a person has bedsores from a long course of the disease - you just need to wash them several times, and they will heal pretty quickly.

A remedy containing tar is effective for burns or frostbite. In addition to all of the above, they can cure various infections that have fallen into an open wound or get rid of cracks in the heel.

Tar soap is great for hair care

In the composition, only a tenth part belongs to purified tar, however, the rest of the substances are also completely natural. So when using a hair care product, be calm and confident in its harmlessness. Soap will only improve their condition.

You can wash your hair with tar as much as your heart desires. But keep in mind that the soap itself should not come into direct contact with the hair. It is recommended to apply only foam, which can be obtained by whipping a bar of soap in your hands, or use a gauze bag.

It can be applied both on the skin and on the regrown ends. The foam must be rubbed into the hair roots with massaging movements, after which it should not be washed off for about ten minutes. Then you can wash it off with plain warm water.

Tar soap is also used for lice

  • First, wet your head and lather it liberally.
  • Leave the foam on for about 7 minutes.
  • After that, the head can be washed with warm tap water.
  • At the end, carefully comb your hair with a special comb with very small teeth.

To completely get rid of lice, you will need to carry out several such procedures. They can also be carried out in order to prevent this disease.