What is the safest liquid hand soap? Which soap is better and safer: liquid or solid? The best laundry soap

The classic bar of soap is made by the process of saponification (hydrolysis) of oils and fats plus an alkali (sodium hydroxide). As a result, substances are formed that wash away dirt. To make soap, a mixture of various fats (beef tallow, coconut oil, palm oil, glycerin) is usually used.

Liquid soap resembles shower gel or shampoo. Its composition includes detergents and water. There are various liquid handwashes made from mild soap (oil or fat saponification + potassium).

Soap harm

Soap may contain substances harmful to the skin, such as EDTA, dyes, preservatives, and ethoxylated surfactants. Any soap is different in composition and acidity. For example, the differences between Dove and Palmolive soaps are quite large.

Features of liquid soap and its advantages

Liquid soap is easy and simple to use. In addition, it is economical and very hygienic. Even with a small drop of liquid soap, you can get a thick lather that is easy to rinse off.

Cons of liquid soap

The main disadvantage of liquid soap is that preservatives are added to it. For people prone to allergies, it may not be suitable. In addition, products with preservatives and dyes should not be used frequently.

Liquid soap is best not to use for sensitive skin, especially for the face. As a rule, liquid soap contains surfactants, dyes, fragrances, which is harmful to the body and the environment.

Solid or liquid soap?

Which soap is better: solid or liquid? In recent decades, people have increasingly used liquid soap, which is more convenient (with a dispenser) and prettier than solid soap. If you pay attention to the cost of liquid and solid soap, then to save money it is better to choose the latter. In addition, bar soap is safer for the skin.

First, bar soap is made from sustainable raw materials and is chemically simpler. But liquid soap contains more harmful substances, as well as preservatives (its chemical composition is more complicated than that of solid soap).

Secondly, solid soap is more economical and safer for the environment and humans. Thirdly, solid soap is a concentrated power of cleansing.

solid soap

Solid soap (neutral pH) cleanses and moisturizes the skin better. Solid soap cannot be overdosed, unlike liquid soap. It does not contain preservatives, which is very important for the skin, and also does not harm the environment.

Bar soap is a more natural product than most liquid hand cleaners.

Cons of hard soap

Solid soap may contain several artificial additives (read the composition). Handmade soap usually does not contain various chemical additives (for example, EDTA).

soap pH

We know that human skin is slightly acidic (value 5.5). Hard soaps have a pH of about 9 - 11. How do I choose a soap with the ideal pH?

The fact is that the pH level of soap is measured by dissolving 10 g of soap in 100 g of water. Therefore, soap can be pH 7 or higher, but when washed, it mixes with water and its level naturally decreases (concentration). No one showers with 100 grams of water and 10 grams of soap. Of course, for washing intimate places, you should choose a more acidic soap pH ≤ 5.5, or special intimate gels. The ideal soap for washing the body in the shower should be with a pH level ≤ 7.

Washing your hands every day is a common practice in personal hygiene. Which soap to use is a matter of personal taste. But, trying to save money on a purchase, you may not always use a quality product. So what to choose: solid soap, which is often cheaper, or liquid?

In fact, for the skin there is absolutely no difference whether you use solid soap or liquid. Both may or may not be of good quality. The most important thing is composition. All soaps contain surfactants (PVA), which can adversely affect the skin. Before buying, carefully study the composition of the product.

Pay attention to organic cosmetics, which contain a lot of herbal ingredients.

They do not dry the skin, but in some cases can cause an allergic reaction.

classic bar of soap produced in the process of saponification of oils and fats plus alkali (sodium hydroxide). As a result, substances are formed that wash away dirt. For the manufacture of soap, a mixture of various fats (coconut oil, palm oil, glycerin) is usually used.

Liquid soap like shower gel or shampoo. Its composition includes detergents and water. There are various liquid handwashes made from mild soap (oil or fat saponification + potassium).

solid soap

His pros: affordable price, no smell, lathering with the necessary amount and quick flushing with water. But there is also minuses: this soap dries quickly as well as quickly becomes sour.

What's more, hard soaps leave a residue behind and dry out the skin.

Liquid soap

Convenient because of the dispenser and easy to store. In addition, because of the convenient packaging, it is more hygienic - there is no direct contact with the hands. Such soapfoams quickly and leaves no residue, smells delicious. With many advantages, there are also flaws: high, compared with bar soap, price.

Liquid soap takes longer to rinse off.

After evaluating all the pros and cons of liquid and solid soap, you can choose exactly the one that suits you. And it's even better that in everyday use you have a liquid,antibacterial and cream soap. You can use them according to your needs.

17 chose

Today's range of soaps is amazing: you can choose from classic bar soap or more modern liquid soap according to your desire. Which product do you like best and why?

Soap is one of the first hygiene products. Its history goes back about 6 thousand years. According to one version, it is believed that the first people who used the soap mixture were Gauls. They made a special ointment from the tallow and ashes of the beech tree, which they used to cleanse the body and hair. Another legend says that the Romans invented soap. The very word soap (English soap) comes from the name of Mount Sapo, where sacrifices were made to the gods. A mixture of animal fat and the ashes of the sacrificial fire was washed into the Tiber River. Women who washed clothes noticed that it became much better cleaned. Gradually, the "gift of the gods" began to be used for washing the body and hair, and not only for household purposes.

So what is soap? It is a water-soluble mixture of alkaline and fatty compounds. Such a set of ingredients is typical for bar or solid soap. "Liquid soap" uses foaming agents of a different nature, such as sodium lauryl sulfate.

In recent years, consumer interest in classic solid soap has declined markedly. Liquid soap has become more popular. Why? Consider the main pros and cons of these two options.

Classic toilet soap

Well deletes all pollution from a skin surface. However, along with them, the protective hydro-lipid layer is also washed off the skin. The skin becomes vulnerable to new bacteria and pollution.


The effect of glycerin soap is deceptive. At first glance, it does not dry the skin as much as a regular toilet, due to the presence of glycerin. Paradoxically, glycerin also dehydrates the skin, creating an impenetrable film on it.


The most hypoallergenic soap option. It contains practically no irritating ingredients - dyes, fragrances and preservatives. However, it still consists of alkali, which means that the product will dry the skin and pinch the eyes of the child.


As the name implies, this soap is designed to remove bacteria from the surface of the skin. Moreover, both "bad" and "good". Antibacterial soaps often contain triclosan, which has a strong antiseptic effect. According to some data, triclosan has a mutagenic effect, causing the mutation of microorganisms. And this means that it is better not to use such a product often.

Scrub soap

The peculiarity of this soap is that it contains a large number of abrasive particles - ground apricot kernels, sea salt, coffee, etc. It is great for exfoliating the whole body, as well as the feet. For the face, it is still better to use more gentle options. After applying a soap scrub, the skin must be moisturized to avoid overdrying.

Liquid soap

Liquid soap and shower gel are now increasingly used by people. First of all, because it is more convenient. As a rule, liquid soap is sold in a bottle with a dispenser, which means it is more hygienic. Unlike bar soap, bacteria do not accumulate on it. In addition, liquid soap and shower gel are not oily, but water-based, which allows you not to dry the skin, leaving it velvety. The water base also allows you to include plant extracts and essential oils in products of this type, which make the washing procedure more pleasant. In liquid soap, manufacturers use the chemical substance sodium lauryl sulfate, as well as its derivatives, as a soap base. This fact is not a plus, just like the fact that chemical flavors and dyes are much more common in liquid soap.

The classic bar of soap is made by the process of saponification (hydrolysis) of oils and fats plus an alkali (sodium hydroxide). As a result, substances are formed that wash away dirt. To make soap, a mixture of various fats (beef tallow, coconut oil, palm oil, glycerin) is usually used.

Liquid soap resembles shower gel or shampoo. Its composition includes detergents and water. There are various liquid handwashes made from mild soap (oil or fat saponification + potassium).

Soap harm

Soap may contain substances harmful to the skin, such as EDTA, dyes, preservatives, and ethoxylated surfactants. Any soap is different in composition and acidity. For example, the differences between Dove and Palmolive soaps are quite large.

Features of liquid soap and its advantages

Liquid soap is easy and simple to use. In addition, it is economical and very hygienic. Even with a small drop of liquid soap, you can get a thick lather that is easy to rinse off.

Cons of liquid soap

The main disadvantage of liquid soap is that preservatives are added to it. For people prone to allergies, it may not be suitable. In addition, products with preservatives and dyes should not be used frequently.

Liquid soap is best not to use for sensitive skin, especially for the face. As a rule, liquid soap contains surfactants, dyes, fragrances, which is harmful to the body and the environment.

Solid or liquid soap?

Which soap is better: solid or liquid? In recent decades, people have increasingly used liquid soap, which is more convenient (with a dispenser) and prettier than solid soap. If you pay attention to the cost of liquid and solid soap, then to save money it is better to choose the latter. In addition, bar soap is safer for the skin.

First, bar soap is made from sustainable raw materials and is chemically simpler. But liquid soap contains more harmful substances, as well as preservatives (its chemical composition is more complicated than that of solid soap).

Secondly, solid soap is more economical and safer for the environment and humans. Thirdly, solid soap is a concentrated power of cleansing.

solid soap

Solid soap (neutral pH) cleanses and moisturizes the skin better. Solid soap cannot be overdosed, unlike liquid soap. It does not contain preservatives, which is very important for the skin, and also does not harm the environment.

Bar soap is a more natural product than most liquid hand cleaners.

Cons of hard soap

Solid soap may contain several artificial additives (read the composition). Handmade soap usually does not contain various chemical additives (for example, EDTA).

soap pH

We know that human skin is slightly acidic (value 5.5). Hard soaps have a pH of about 9 - 11. How do I choose a soap with the ideal pH?

The fact is that the pH level of soap is measured by dissolving 10 g of soap in 100 g of water. Therefore, soap can be pH 7 or higher, but when washed, it mixes with water and its level naturally decreases (concentration). No one showers with 100 grams of water and 10 grams of soap. Of course, for washing intimate places, you should choose a more acidic soap pH ≤ 5.5, or special intimate gels. The ideal soap for washing the body in the shower should be with a pH level ≤ 7.

Today, worldwide demand for solid soap is falling. The process cannot be called rapid - it is a decrease in sales by 2.7% per year. But at the same time, the market is growing, just buyers are increasingly choosing soap in a bottle.

So which soap is better - liquid or solid? The assortment today in stores is huge - you can choose any product with different declared properties and smell.

Soap types

Before comparing which soap is better - liquid or solid, you should understand its classification. All such care products are divided primarily into liquid and solid.

By appointment distinguish:

  • economic - washing, only firm;
  • toilet - for body care;
  • special - medical, for example, ichthyol, or sulfur tar, or for industrial needs.

By color, ordinary soap and clarified soap are distinguished.

For consumer purposes:

  • neutral - letter H, does not contain soda products;
  • extra - letter E, not more than 0.2% soda products, high content of fatty acids (not less than 78%);
  • children's - letter D, without dyes and preservatives;
  • ordinary - letter O.

Various products with special properties are also produced:

  • glycerin;
  • tar;
  • herbal;
  • cream soap;
  • scrub soap.

An even wider range is made by hand: Castile, silk, Marseille, coffee, salt, honey, fruit, flower - the list is endless.

What is the difference between liquid and solid soap? They differ in composition. The solid product is sodium salts obtained by the action of sodium alkali on fats of vegetable and animal origin. Liquid soap is also made from fats, but they are saponified with potassium alkali. In any chemistry textbook, in the corresponding section, it is written that potassium salts have a stronger washing effect, since this substance dissociates to a greater extent due to the large radius of the potassium atom.

So the answer to the question: "Which soap is better - liquid or solid?" - seems to be understandable. But this is only at first glance. Liquid soap is made today not only on the basis of potassium salts, almost the entire range of products for sale is represented by liquids based on synthetic surfactants (surfactants). And this is a completely different product.

Liquid natural soap at the moment is an expensive product, almost always handmade, almost exclusive. A liquid surfactant product is the same shower gel, only glycerin is added to it.

From the point of view of ecology

As soon as liquid soap appeared, it was immediately declared more environmentally friendly, as it foams faster and water consumption is reduced. But after the first wave of general rejoicing passed, the experts studied the issue in more detail and came to the following conclusions:

  1. Liquid soap is used 7 times more than solid soap every time you wash your hands. And this, on a global scale, is tons of chemical raw materials and gigantic industries that have a negative impact on the environment.
  2. Package. The solid product is sealed in paper or plastic. The paper label decomposes well, the plastic one is much worse. But this is nothing compared to plastic bottles - they are larger and multi-component, which makes them more difficult to recycle. In addition, liquid soap has a higher consumption, which further exacerbates the situation.
  3. Scientists have already found that the carbon footprint of liquid soap is 25% higher than that of solid soap. So the liquid product is already harming the planet more.

So if you ask about which soap is better - liquid or solid, from the point of view of the ecological aspect, then the answer will be unequivocal: love the planet - choose solid! Or at least use a refillable dispenser.

Ease of use

Hard soap tends to soak in the soap dish, turn into "snot", and when it dries again, crack and fall apart. So liquid soap is an ode to comfort! It is comfortable, does not stain anything, and you can use it to the last drop. Whereas the lump will have to be partially thrown away, and the remnant will go to the trash can.

In addition, in public places it is definitely worth using a liquid product. And not because there will be microbes on a solid bar - scientists have already proven that this is a myth. It's just unpleasant to touch the slimy remnant.

So if you think about which soap is better - liquid or solid, then the answer is obvious. Soap mixture in a plastic bottle with a dispenser wins.


Which is better - liquid soap or solid? If you approach this issue from the point of view of family budget planning, then it is more profitable to buy solid bars. Of course, there are different price categories - both expensive bar soap for 300 rubles, and cheap large bottles with a liquid product. But if you objectively compare the same brands, varieties, types, it turns out that solid is cheaper.

Rinsing speed

Bar soap lathers in both cold and hot water, and rinses off quickly. Because of this property, it can be used under any conditions - on a hike, in the country, etc. Of course, it is inconvenient to carry a soap dish, but much more time is spent on washing off liquid soap. And in this round lump wins.

Effect on the skin

Hard soap is highly alkaline, it dries the skin of the hands and often leaves a residue. But it does not affect the deep layers of the epidermis. Liquid soap most often does not cause such problems in humans. But sometimes, with prolonged exposure to surfactant components, the skin begins to peel off. Manufacturers add various moisturizers to the composition, but they cannot always correct the situation.

This round is a tie: bar and liquid soap should be chosen according to individual feelings after use.

To summarize, we can say the following: bar soap is in many ways better or equivalent to liquid soap in almost all respects, except for ease of use. And that's why liquid soap gradually replaces solid soap.

Tar soap

Tar soap, as the name suggests, contains birch tar. This product is very useful and has the following properties:

Which tar soap is better - liquid or solid? In fact, it's practically irrelevant. Provided that the product is made on the basis of natural ingredients. That is, if the soap is solid, then it is definitely natural, you just need to make sure that it contains enough tar (from 8 to 10%). If liquid, then you need to check it for surfactant content.

There is also an opinion that liquid tar soap is not suitable for washing the face, as it does not foam well. There is also an average version on sale - thick tar soap in the form of a black sticky paste.

So if you choose between liquid or solid tar soap, then the one that is convenient to use will be better.