How to choose a means for intimate hygiene. Wet wipes - the benefits and harms Wipes for feminine intimate hygiene

Nowadays, intimate hygiene products for women have become an indispensable thing. These products mainly include pads, tampons, wet wipes, etc. At first glance, it seems that the list is small, but in fact, each of these tools has its own variety, which distinguishes one from the other. One can talk for hours about whether such funds bring harm or benefit, because there is no single thought yet. Some experts argue that such drugs are dangerous for a woman’s health and only provoke various “female” diseases, while others, on the contrary, prove that such drugs protect the female body from the negative effects of the external environment. What is the thought to follow?

So, the most common means of intimate hygiene - tampons. Thanks to them, a woman can do what she loves (swim, dance, run), lead an active life even in the most delicate period. In turn, pads are an equally common means of intimate hygiene, which is used both daily and during “critical” days. There are also wet wipes for intimate hygiene on the market. They create a feeling of freshness and comfort in any period.

In order to correctly determine what therapeutic effect such drugs have during the presence of any gynecological disease. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Tampons- These are small oblong cylinders that have a dense structure. They are made from cotton and vimcose. Before packaging, these natural materials are specially processed, bleached and pressed into their final shape and size.

They are used as follows: they are inserted into the vagina, where tampons absorb all menstrual flow. There are tampons that are equipped with a special applicator, which greatly facilitates the process of inserting and removing a tampon, and there are regular tampons without an applicator.

Tampons differ in the amount of liquid they absorb. So, there are tampons for teenagers (Lites) - they are designed for small bleeding. There are also Regular tampons - suitable for use with minor bleeding. And already Super and Super plus type tampons can be used with moderate, heavy and very heavy discharge, respectively.

In general, hygiene products like tampons were first used as early as 1550 BC. e. Women in ancient Egypt made such remedies from soft papyrus. And already modern tampons were first created in the early 30s of the last century. Such an innovation for women was created by the American doctor Earl Haas. And the name of such a first product is "Tampax", which means "tampon and packaging" in English. The century-old practice of using tampons has proven that such hygiene products are very convenient to use and safe for women's health.

But women who use tampons as a primary hygiene tool should be aware that they are at risk for toxic shock syndrome (TSS). And despite the fact that it develops very rarely, it needs to be treated for a long time and is problematic. Bacteria such as pyogenic streptococcus, staphylococcus and clostridia cause its development. They live in the body always. And the use of a tampon can affect their active reproduction and cause various problems in the body.

Also, from the frequent introduction of a tampon, especially if it is designed to absorb abundant blood secretions, microcracks can form in the vaginal mucosa. And this can lead to big health problems. Since through these cracks all bacteria and toxins can enter the bloodstream. But this also happens rarely and only under certain conditions.

Therefore, in order to avoid such problems When using tampons, certain precautions must be observed.:

  • tampons should only be used during menstruation and should never be used to absorb other vaginal discharge;
  • do not use tampons in case of any bleeding that may occur during pregnancy;
  • under no circumstances should the tampon be reused;
  • the tampon should be in the vagina no longer than 4-6 hours;
  • you need to select a tampon only according to the absorbency;
  • you can not use it if it is difficult to remove and creates a feeling of discomfort;
  • It is best to alternate tampons with pads. This will allow the mucous membrane to recover in case it is damaged by a tampon;
  • tampons should not be used during sleep, as at night the microcracks from the tampon heal and this avoids such problems in the future;
  • do not use tampons if there is inflammation of the upper or lower genital tract (endometritis, adnexitis and vulvovaginitis) or vaginal infections;
  • if after insertion into the vagina a leak is detected or discomfort is felt, then it is imperative to remove the tampon and insert a new one;
  • you can use tampons only from world brands and you should not use "health", cleansing" or "healing" tampons, which are offered by unknown manufacturers of women's intimate hygiene products.

Today, there is a lot of evidence of the benefits and harms of tampons. These studies were carried out in the most modern laboratories not only in our country, but also in Europe.

But in any case, if you use tampons correctly, then studies prove that:

  • such means of intimate hygiene for a woman as tampons will not at all affect the condition and changes in the microflora of a woman's vagina;
  • tampons do not cause cervical erosion at all and are not related to menstruation and the cycle itself;
  • not a single wellness tampon has a therapeutic effect, regardless of what substances are in its composition;
  • for girls who have not yet had sexual relations, it is best to use "mini" tampons. And be sure to first consult a gynecologist.

If you feel discomfort during the use of tampons, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.


Gaskets are called hygiene products for intimate hygiene, which are fixed on the underwear. There is a wide variety of these products on the market today:

  • daily (to absorb daily vaginal discharge);
  • hygienic (to absorb menstrual flow);
  • postpartum (capable of absorbing postpartum discharge);
  • urological (pads for absorbing urine, in case of incontinence).

The gaskets themselves differ not only in their purpose, but also in thickness, length, shape, color, and even the presence of “wings”.

Like pads, women in ancient times used wool, papyrus, pieces of cloth, deer moss, paper and other "wealth" of nature. And already the first gaskets appeared only in the 19th century. Their mass commercial production began after the First World War, as they were used as surgical dressings.

Since the First World War, the appearance of gaskets has changed a lot. Now the main focus is based on the comfort and convenience of these hygiene products for any woman. But even today, pads are not perfect and are constantly being upgraded: top layer, filler, flavors, absorbent layer.

There is still no consensus on whether the use of pads is safe for women's health. Since it was previously believed that they are the main cause of vaginal candidiasis (thrush) in a woman. Especially if they are used daily. But at the same time, there are a huge number of women who use pads daily and have never had thrush. Scientists managed to clarify this situation. It turns out that thrush can develop only in those women who have certain features of immunity and an individual reaction to the pathogen. So pads have nothing to do with it.

Wet wipes for intimate hygiene

Wet wipes are a fairly common personal hygiene product. They were invented back in the 70s of the last century. They are very convenient and replace soap and water when people are in nature or traveling. The main material used in the production of napkins is a special non-woven material, which has poor air permeability and hygroscopicity.

Wet wipes for intimate hygiene special attention is paid to impregnation. It must have a calming effect and protect against bacteria, but it must not contain alcohol. Therefore, special antiseptic agents are added to its composition, such as calendula extract and milk protein, which help protect the female body.

Many experts have shown that these wipes have no contraindications. The only thing is individual intolerance, which can occur due to various deodorizing additives. But, despite this, the benefits of intimate hygiene wipes are very large.

I have heard more than once from doctors that the gig is really useful. funds from 30-40 UAH. everything else is ordinary soap. The same Lactacid costs us 30-40 UAH ... ..

I use lactacid, I like it. Napkins are sooo rare, usually toilet paper, why the extra chemicals?

regular soap and wipes. everything is fine, tt

01/25/13 9:51 PM (reply to: Point G)

I like mousse too

01/25/13 9:34 PM (reply to: zhozya)

Agree. And it is economically consumed, and there are different options (mousse, remedy, liquid ....) I like Femina Lactacid plus more. Means)

01/25/13 9:03 PM (reply to: JFit)

01/25/13 9:03 PM (reply to: Love yourself)

I don't know, I didn't experience it myself. but a friend often suffers, tk. she has a weak immune system, and this starts thrush, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system so that any kind of kaka does not climb)

01/25/13 9:01 PM (reply to: Love yourself)

if it's gentle there, it doesn't mean it's slimy! Read anatomy

01/25/13 21:00 (answer for: *Cheshire*)

Do you know what can be done to prevent thrush? I know that many essential oils are used for this purpose.

with Lactacid you need to be more careful, because. if lactobacilli enter the environment where thrush has already begun to develop, then they stimulate its growth. so you can use it if you are sure that there is no thrush and it does not start.

1/25/13 8:48 PM (reply to: JFit)

And you, excuse me, only wash your pubis?) The area around the clitoris is mucous))))) The skin in this place is very tender))))

I also use Lactacid, and I like mousse more, and very economical! I am happy with this tool!

When using wet wipes, thoughts about the effect of this product on the body creep in, there is a desire to learn more about this product. So - wet wipes: benefits and harms.

Wet wipes appeared on the world market in the seventies, but the first batches were of very poor quality. Gradually, manufacturers improved the product, making it a universal hygiene product. In Russia, hygienic supplies began to be sold in the late nineties, but napkins have been actively used in recent years. However, there are many questions about the appropriateness of their use.

Benefits of using wet wipes

Wet impregnated wipes are a convenient hygiene product that has many advantages. They are used for rubbing hands, removing makeup, intimate hygiene. This is an indispensable thing when walking with a baby, do not worry if a restless child plays in the sand or picks up a dirty stone from the ground. With the help of napkins, the child's hands will always be clean. They are the perfect travel companion, no need to worry about not being able to wash your hands. But is there any other benefit to using wet wipes besides convenient application?

Napkins are rationally used for cosmetic purposes. Wet make-up remover wipes help women's self-care. No need to use tonic, cotton pads, lotion. At the same time, high-quality wipes contain special additives that increase skin elasticity. In addition, they are able to even out complexion. But this applies to expensive products, budget options for napkins are unlikely to give such an effect.

Wet wipes are useful for feminine hygiene. Antiseptic additives, such as calendula, are added to the impregnation of intimate hygiene wipes. In addition, some wipes contain milk protein, which increases the defenses of the female body. But you do not need to completely replace their daily shower and hygiene procedures.

Another useful fact was brought by epidemiologists from one university. They stated that regular wiping of mobile phones and keyboards with antibacterial wipes is a good prevention of certain diseases. For example, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococcus in this case recede.

Harm from using wet wipes

To answer the question about the harmful effects of wet wipes, you need to understand what they are made of. Usually it is a non-woven material impregnated with a special composition. It is because of the components of the impregnating lotion that there are concerns about the unsafe use.

The main problem with wet wipes is a possible allergic reaction. Infants are especially susceptible to allergies. It is not for nothing that many mothers consult pediatricians on the topic: “Wet wipes: benefits and harms for the child.” Children's doctors recommend choosing hygiene products for newborn babies with a hypoallergenic composition and always without alcohol. Especially pediatricians are advised to be careful with antibacterial wipes and not to use them in children's hygiene procedures. And it is best to use ordinary water for washing babies.

How can you tell if a wet wipe will harm your baby? At the first application, you should wipe a small area of ​​​​the baby's skin and wait for the reaction. In the absence of redness, wipes can be used further. When buying a wet hygiene product for a child, you need to pay attention to whether the wipes have passed clinical studies, whether there is a certification for compliance with standards. This is written on the packaging.

When choosing wipes for adults, you need to consider the components of the product. Dermatologists are sure that the high presence of chemical fragrances in the composition harms the skin. If there is a strong chemical smell, then it is better to refuse to use a wet hygiene product. There is evidence that the substance methylisothiazolinone can cause dermatitis. Sometimes it is found in the antibacterial impregnation of wet wipes. Sensitive skin can be affected by this chemical. Therefore, when buying, you need to carefully read the composition.

The same rule should be applied when using wet wipes for intimate hygiene. Gynecologists do not recommend using daily wipes with perfumes. It is best to use wet wipes without the addition of perfume preservatives.

Harm from using wet wipes can occur due to the purchase of a low-quality product. When buying a low-grade product, there is a risk of redness, irritation and rashes. It is best to buy hygiene products in pharmacies and specialized retail outlets, avoiding dubious points of sale. In addition, when buying from unscrupulous sellers, there is a chance to buy expired goods, then the napkins will simply be dry.

Thus, when choosing wet wipes for hygiene, you need to understand that they do not completely replace water procedures. Their main purpose is hygiene assistance in situations without soap and water. Following this setting, the use of wet wipes will be effective and safe.

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The "golden rule" for preventing intestinal infectious diseases is thorough hand washing with soap before meals, after using the toilet, public transport, etc. However, in a big city it is not always possible to take care of cleanliness. However, modern cosmetology has long solved this problem with the help of antibacterial agents. After wiping their hands with a damp cloth, most consider themselves completely safe. But is it?

Big city viruses
Given the modern pace of life in a big city, many are forced to have a bite to eat on the way in transport or at street catering points. It is clear that washing your hands thoroughly before dinner under such circumstances is unlikely to succeed. One can only imagine how many different harmful bacteria "settle" on the hands after a trip to the subway or trolley bus, after settlements with the seller, after shaking hands with friends. The list can be quite long. At the same time, in summer, under the influence of high temperatures, bacilli have the opportunity to multiply faster.
“In the summer, the number of intestinal infections increases for several reasons. First of all, a person drinks more water, dilutes the gastric juice, thereby weakening its protective effect. At the same time, many vegetables and fruits appear in the daily diet, which are not always washed thoroughly. This combination of factors turns into a serious threat to human health. Therefore, it is advisable for people who often use public transport and have the habit of eating on the go to have wet wipes with them. And when children travel, this should be a mandatory attribute. Wet wipes should also be companions of children at school,” says pediatrician Olga Derkach. Also, in her opinion, it is advisable to use antibacterial soap after returning home. It is such cosmetics that completely kills all pathogens of intestinal diseases and various viruses that can provoke SARS and throat diseases.

Goods face
Today, consumers around the world spend more than $10 billion annually on wet wipes. This mobile antibacterial agent first appeared on sale in the 70s of the last century. At that time it was napkins for children. The pioneers were the companies now known as Huggies and Pampers. Nowadays, the situation has changed dramatically and the number of manufacturers of wet wipes has grown a lot, because it is not so difficult to organize their production.
At first, the basis for napkins was a non-woven fabric. To the touch, such material is not very pleasant, but this disadvantage is offset by a low price. Later they began to use the material "spunlens" (from the name of the manufacturing company "Spunlance"). In addition, cosmetic wipes made from Erleite and Shalak fabrics are on the market. The materials of these manufacturers are denser and of higher quality, which justifies their high price. They are impregnated with 90% water and only 10% are antibacterial solutions or alcohol, a refreshing flavored composition, vitamins, etc. Napkins intended for children are impregnated with solutions containing a large amount of vegetable additives and soft oils. In such products, all components must be anti-allergenic, and they must not contain alcohol. Creamy components are used to remove makeup. Napkins intended for intimate hygiene are impregnated with substances without the content of aggressive components.
However, wet wipes, as such, and antibacterial ones, in particular, are not as popular among Ukrainian consumers as, say, in the United States. So, according to existing statistics, every American purchases an average of 14 packs of wet wipes during the year. In Ukraine, such statistics are not kept. True, experts say that our compatriots buy these personal hygiene products three or even four times less.

bacterial attack
“It is enough to thoroughly wipe the surface of your hands with a damp cloth and you can start eating - eat pizza with your hands and lick your fingers while not fearing for the health of your digestive system. After all, those substances that are contained in antibacterial wipes are used for disinfection in medicine and are safe for the body,” says Irina Nikitina, one of the developers of wet wipes. In addition, the effect of antibacterial agents that make up wipes has already been repeatedly tested in laboratories - they are really merciless to viruses and various bacteria.
However, as always, there is one "but". A few years ago, some American scientists from independent laboratories began to speak out against the use of antibacterial agents. Antiseptics were accused of not protecting, but, on the contrary, increasing the sensitivity of the skin to bacterial infections. True, this applies to drugs that include antibiotics. The most dangerous antiseptics are made on the basis of triclosan and benzalkonium chloride. These substances tend to accumulate in the skin. Consequently, bacteria get used to them over time and do not die after another contact with an antibacterial agent. Therefore, a person becomes vulnerable to various viruses and intestinal infections and can get such a nuisance as dermatitis.
Antibacterial agents based on alcohol and oil, on the contrary, are not absorbed into the skin, do not accumulate in it, but only have a local temporary antiseptic effect. Such napkins give a feeling of freshness, because alcohol, weathering, cools the skin. However, alcohol just as instantly disappears from the hands. Therefore, you should not count on long-term protection. In addition, alcohol dries out the skin and causes brittle nails. Gel-based wipes leave a sticky feeling. It takes a few minutes for them to start working, however, their action is much longer.
It is important to read the instructions on the packaging. If there is triclosan or benzalkonium chloride present, then you should not constantly use such wipes. Chlorhexedine is considered the best antiseptic. It is widely used in medicine. This substance even rinse the mouth. In addition, the presence of chlorhexidine indicates that there are no surfactants in the wipes, which are also very dangerous for the body.

As a result of recent studies, it turned out that the abuse of products containing antibacterial components can lead to hormonal disorders in the body. As a result, the risk of developing cancer and thyroid disorders increases.

How to choose the right wet wipes for a newborn and what characteristics you need to pay attention to when buying them.

Newborn needs special care Gettyimages/Fotobank

Wet wipes are a hygienic and household product that has firmly entered our lives relatively recently, but without which we cannot imagine traveling, personal hygiene and, of course, caring for children.
In the group of sanitary napkins, the largest segment is occupied by baby wipes. They are indispensable for walking with a child, traveling, picnics, trips to the clinic, due to the versatility of use, practicality and compact packaging. They can not only wipe the hands and mouth of the baby, but also wipe the fruit, disinfect the wound.

Napkins for newborns
A separate category of wet wipes for children are wipes that can be used from the first days of a child's life. The skin of a newborn is known to be very delicate and prone to irritation. The less artificial and chemical preparations are applied to the baby's skin, the lower the risk of allergic reactions. Therefore, wipes meet the highest requirements and have special impregnating lotions.

Impregnating lotions for baby wipes usually contain a large amount of herbal additives: wheat germ oil, jojoba oil, chamomile extract, aloe extract, string extract, etc. In addition, baby wipes should be hypoallergenic, have a pH of 5.5, and have a mild fragrance.

Remember! Wet wipes will not replace water treatments. Their use is justified in conditions when water and soap are not at hand, or when the use of water is not very convenient (when traveling, in transport, walking around the city). In these cases, wet wipes are indispensable.

Attention! If your baby was born prematurely, then at first it is better to refuse such a convenient item of care. A premature baby has very delicate skin. which is prone to infection.
Wet wipes for babies have a number of key characteristics that parents should consider when choosing this care product among the abundance of products on the shelves.

Material. Give preference to non-woven materials, they are softer, durable, have good hygroscopicity.

Density. Napkins should not tear or stretch too much.

Impregnating lotion. Must match the purpose for which you purchase wipes (for newborns, antibacterial action, etc.). Properly selected wipes will provide you with efficiency in the process of application.

Ease of use. It is very important that the wipes are easy to remove from the package, and that the package itself is not too small or bulky.

Manufacturer. Choose the products of companies specializing in the production of children's cosmetics or hygiene products for children.

Do not forget to pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions of napkins. If the storage conditions are not observed or the expiration date has expired, the composition of the impregnating lotion deteriorates and you may not get the desired result from using such wipes and harm the skin.

What do baby wet wipes do?

  • The basis of impregnating lotions of wet wipes is water. Various components are added to it, which can be conditionally divided into the following groups:
  • Components that provide a cleansing effect, antibacterial action, disinfectant action.
  • Components useful for the skin: providing moisturizing (creams, milk); skin-nourishing: various extracts, oils (eg wheat germ oil) and vitamins (eg vitamin E); soothing skin and relieving irritation (marigold extract, chamomile).
  • Perfumes. For a series of baby wipes, fragrances are always selected that have a light, non-irritating aroma. Fragrances may not be used if, for example, the lotion contains essential oils or wipes are intended for newborn skin care.

Online consultation of a pediatrician

Not so long ago, wet wipes for intimate hygiene appeared among the range of pharmacies and cosmetics stores. Alas, some unscrupulous manufacturers can sell the most ordinary napkins under the guise. And it’s good if you accidentally grab such a package from the shelf to wipe your hands in the car, but if you plan to use them for their intended purpose, they can be unpredictable.

For this reason, before buying, be sure to spend a couple of minutes studying the composition. The main difference between ordinary wet wipes and intimate wipes is the presence of alcohol. For intimate hygiene, alcohol should not be used - it is too aggressive for delicate skin. Also, real wet wipes for women will definitely contain natural extracts: aloe, chamomile, calendula and the like. Milk protein or whey is often added to intimate wipes - they have a beneficial effect on the microflora of the most delicate places in your body.

How often can you use

If intimate hygiene wipes are of high quality, they can be used several times a day. However, you should not get carried away with this either. However, too frequent use of such drugs can harm the microflora of the genital organs. Indeed, nature does not at all provide that after each trip to the toilet a woman will wipe herself with something containing cream, lotion, fragrances and antibacterial substances. Speaking of fragrances, try to get wipes that do not contain any fragrances and deodorizers - they are the most common allergic reactions. Excessive passion for this hygiene product can lead to the occurrence of thrush - you simply dry the microflora of the intimate zone and, together with harmful microorganisms, kill those that are very necessary.

Secrets of using wet wipes

Since you have decided to use wet wipes for intimate hygiene, this should be done correctly. With clean hands if possible, in a movement that is usually from the pubis to the anus. Movement in the opposite direction can contribute to the entry into the vagina of microorganisms from the rectum. You can only wipe the outer labia with napkins, avoiding the mucous membrane and the outer edge of the vagina - the microflora of these places, even from such hygiene products, will be seriously affected.

Wet wipes are essential for baby care. They can be used when visiting the clinic, on a walk, while traveling. Young mothers simply cannot do without wet wipes in the maternity hospital. To avoid undesirable consequences in the form of an allergy, it is necessary to approach the choice of napkins correctly.

All eyes on composition

There are many brands of baby wipes on the market. Some parents do not hesitate to buy the first hygiene products that come across, not realizing that they can contain a large amount of chemicals. The skin is quite thin and sensitive, so it is very important that the wet wipes do not contain alcohol. The right choice will help to avoid allergies and rashes.

If your child has very sensitive skin, you should buy wipes designed specifically for this skin type. They do not contain harmful substances such as chlorine or alcohol. Choose unscented wipes.

Pay attention to the ingredients included in the composition. If you are convinced that baby wipes are absolutely safe for your baby's skin, then you are greatly mistaken. Wipes may contain chemicals in the form of phthalates and parabens. An equally dangerous substance is cocamidopropyl betaine, which is known for its ability to cause dermatitis, skin irritation and allergies. Avoid purchasing wet wipes that contain phenoxyethanol, a preservative used in cosmetics that can irritate the eyes, lungs, and skin.

The safest ingredients in baby wipes are:
- glycerin;
- water;
- lemon oil;
- extract of pharmaceutical chamomile;
- tea tree oil;
- lavender oil;
- aloe vera extract.

Other selection criteria

Pay attention to the size and thickness of baby wipes. Cheaper options may seem like an attractive purchase to you, but be aware that they may be too small and thin. It is unlikely that you want to have dirty hands after the cleansing procedure. Yes, and you will have to use not one napkin, but at least two or three. The ideal option is dense and large napkins that will perfectly cope with the task of cleansing.

You should like the smell of wipes, because they will subtly smell the skin and even your baby's clothes.

Most often, baby wipes are sold in cellophane packages with a protective sticker or a hinged hard lid. The folding top guarantees safety of napkins in a wet look. The sticker quickly weakens, the hygiene products dry out. A good alternative would be wet wipes in a plastic container with a flip-top lid that traps moisture. In this case, a replacement unit is purchased, and the container remains. Napkins in such packaging have a large number of positive reviews from young mothers.

Tip 3: How to use wet sanitary napkins

Wet sanitary napkins - both for children and adults - can be used not only for their intended purpose. They can combine several functions and become indispensable assistants on a walk, on a journey, when putting things in order at home, and will also help preserve beauty.

On a walk

A pack of wet wipes will not only help you clean your face or hands from dirt. It can also be used to clean clothes - a damp cloth does a great job of removing fresh stains. And some pollution can be avoided if you wipe a park bench or a dusty chair in an outdoor cafe with a napkin. By the way, in an open-air cafe, it will not be superfluous to disinfect the table before eating - dust settles on them very quickly.

In addition, antibacterial wipes can be used to treat small abrasions and scratches - they will help remove dirt and disinfect the wound.

If you walk with - wet wipes can also be used to wipe your pet's paws after a walk, then much less dust will get into the house.


When traveling, your own container of disinfectant is a must, especially if you plan to eat on a plane or train. Cleaning the table and hands with an antibacterial wipe before eating is not a luxury, but a necessity. Not to mention toilet seats in public places.

If during a long trip you do not have the opportunity to take a shower, you can arrange a wet wipe with wet wipes, this will refresh, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

In places where people walk barefoot (pools, water parks, piers, public showers, and so on), wet wipes can and should be used to disinfect the skin of the feet - this reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

In addition, a pack of wet wipes can replace toilet paper, makeup remover, cleansing lotion and leather shoe polish on a trip (they do a great job of removing dirt and not damaging the skin). You can use napkins to clean up a dirty leather bag.

Baby antibacterial wipes are the best choice for such a versatile travel product - they won't irritate sensitive skin, and their cleaning properties are just as good as hand wipes.

In a cosmetic bag

Wet antibacterial wipes are good for removing cosmetics from the face, in particular, for cleaning the face of oils. They are also good in hot weather - with their help you can remove sweat and get rid of excessive shine of the skin.

If you are sunburned, you can cool a pack of tissues in the refrigerator and wipe your skin with them. This will help relieve irritation and cool the heated skin.

Cooled wet wipes in the refrigerator will also help get rid of swelling under the eyes: in the morning, put a cold washcloth over your eyes and hold this compress for a while.

Home and work

Hardware stores sell a wide range of special wet wipes for furniture, for glass, for household electrical appliances - and their cost is sometimes much higher than hygienic wet wipes. At the same time, sanitary napkins can be widely used for household purposes.

They can clean polished wooden furniture that "does not like" water, furniture with leather upholstery.

Wipes cope very well with objects “captured” by fingers - switches, telephone handsets, remote controls from equipment, computer keyboards - even old dirt comes off them literally instantly.

With wet wipes, you can easily keep plumbing clean: they easily clean the sink for washing hands, the tank or the toilet seat.

You can also use sanitary napkins to care for indoor plants, wiping their leaves from dust.

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Once upon a time, wet sanitary napkins were just an attribute of good service on airplanes and branded trains. They were intended, first of all, for comfortable cleansing of the skin of the hands in conditions of a shortage of running water. In the 21st century, wet wipes have firmly entered the everyday life of cultured people. They have a “specialization”: there are special wipes for men and women with different fragrances, for caring for small children, for removing makeup and for intimate hygiene.

Napkins for the care of the most delicate areas of the body are a relatively new trend, but it has managed to become quite fashionable. Many women believe that they allow them to lead a more intense sex life and enjoy love pleasures in an unusual setting - for example, in a car or while walking through the forest, since you can put yourself in order without any problems.

Avoiding abuse

Use wet wipes for intimate hygiene, it is convenient when traveling, staying in the country, occasional visits to public toilets. But turning them into a daily care product, as some of the fair sex is used to doing, is not necessary, and it will not benefit health either.

There is a widespread belief that after each visit to the toilet you need to take a hygienic shower, as is customary in some Eastern countries, and wet wipes become an alternative to such an event in extreme cases. But this position is often strongly rebuffed by gynecologists, who are not inclined to consider too frequent moisturizing a great boon for the intimate area and suggest using soft and dry toilet paper in traditional situations.

Composition Secrets

The structure of any sanitary napkins is represented by a special non-woven material. As a rule, its hygroscopicity and air permeability are very low. It is impregnated with an antibacterial composition that does not contain alcohol, since contact with such aggressive substances is contraindicated for delicate skin.

The role of antiseptic additives can be calendula or chamomile extract, green tea and other herbal remedies. Quite often, milk protein is present in the impregnation for “intimate” wipes. - it has a beneficial effect on the state of the female microflora.

allergic reactions

Despite the fact that all manufacturers of intimate hygiene wipes position their products as hypoallergenic, irritation and itching from their use are still quite common. In most cases, these phenomena are provoked by perfume fragrances that are part of the impregnation. Therefore, non-perfumed napkins are considered to be of the highest quality, restoring the natural smell of a clean human body - they cost an order of magnitude more expensive.

According to medical statistics, about ten percent of cases of thrush development are inextricably linked with the use of napkins. The “correct” care products are sold in pharmacies, and you should not chase after cheap copies in bright packages - restoring lost health will cost much more.

How to use intimate hygiene wipes?

You can only wipe the surface of the genital organs with sanitary napkins. Contact of the napkin with the walls of the vagina is undesirable, since the substances contained in the impregnation can harm its microflora.

Movements with a napkin must be made in the same direction in which it is customary to wash: from front to back, that is, from the pubis to the anus. Hands should be kept as clean as possible. During critical days, it is better not to resort to napkins and use a hygienic shower.

Napkins for pregnant women

Many manufacturers, along with classic intimate hygiene wipes, produce special wipes for pregnant women. Their developers proceed from the fact that during this period, women's skin becomes the most sensitive. The cleansing composition for them is selected according to the principle of maximum softness and ph-neutrality. But the “dose” of antiseptic components in it is too high, since the expectant mother needs enhanced protection against infections. Dyes and fragrances in the manufacture of sanitary napkins for pregnant women, as a rule, are not used.

Svetlana Usankova

Not so long ago, wet wipes were issued only on airplanes and trains, and they were intended for cleaning hands, and a little later, similar products began to be used for intimate hygiene, moreover, they are now even divided by gender. Although, universal wipes for intimate hygiene are in the greatest demand, which you can always buy on our website.

No need to abuse

This is true, because it is really not necessary to abuse the achievements of the modern cosmetic industry, because the appearance of such products does not at all cancel the daily hygiene procedures. But then what is their purpose? Everyone needs to buy wet intimate wipes, because they will certainly come in handy, but you need to use them occasionally, as needed. For example, when traveling, on a picnic in the forest, in the country, when visiting a public toilet, and also in some other situations when it is not possible to take a shower normally.

Composition features

For the manufacture of these products, a non-woven material with a low absorbent and breathable ability is used. In the role of impregnation, a special composition is used that does not contain alcohol and has antibacterial properties. The function of an antiseptic may well be taken over by an extract of some medicinal plant, for example, chamomile. Naturally, all products are moderately flavored, although there are products that are odorless, which definitely will not cause itching and irritation. By the way, the price of non-perfumed napkins is slightly higher than that of “fragrant” ones.

How to use?

During the “problem” period of the cycle (on critical days), it is not recommended to use such products, although if there is no other alternative, then intimate hygiene wipes may be the only way out of the situation, however, the cleanliness of hands will have to be monitored very carefully. In all cases, only the outer surface of the genital organs is wiped with a napkin, that is, the vaginal mucosa cannot be touched - its own microflora reigns there and it does not need any foreign substances contained in the impregnation. All movements with a napkin are made from the pubis to the anus - as when washing.


  1. Allows you to keep the genitals clean even when it is not possible to take a shower.
  2. The composition used for impregnation is endowed with an antibacterial effect, and the presence of certain components in it has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  3. Ease of use, which is clearly confirmed by numerous reviews.
  4. Nice texture and wide range of flavors.
  5. Deodorizing effect.

In the online store "AltaiMag" you can purchase these products at the best price, and in addition to napkins for intimate hygiene, our catalog has a unique heading of its kind - moistened toilet paper, which is also easy to use and has a number of positive characteristics.

Where to buy intimate hygiene wipes in Moscow price:

Prices for intimate hygiene wipes in Moscow range from 25 rubles. up to 64 rubles Product cards will help you choose the option that suits you, where there is a detailed description, instructions for use, certificates, photos, videos and customer reviews.

AltaiMag is the official distributor of the leading Russian manufacturers of products for beauty and health!

Rest assured, you will receive a 100% quality product in Moscow with a guarantee and delivery.

To buy intimate hygiene wipes, take just a few steps: specify the quantity of the product and click on the "Add to cart" button or call

Wipe your hands, remove make-up, wipe dirt off your shoes, freshen up on the road - wet wipes will help out in all situations. They are needed in travel and in the care of young children.

What types of wet wipes exist and how to use them correctly - we will consider in the article.

Types of wet wipes

Wet wipes can be found in stores in three types:

  • package. The bowl is flow wraps. It is a stack of napkins of 10-60 pieces, in a film package. The pack is closed with a special sticker or a plastic cap. The special composition allows you to retain moisture, and sealed stickers or lids prevent air from entering.
  • piece goods. You can find on sale piece disposable napkins. These are often offered to customers in fast food restaurants to rub their hands.
  • Plastic container. Ideal for use at home - caring for children, the sick, or traveling. Often these are large packages. Many manufacturers create original container design solutions.

At home and in public places, for convenience, you can use a special dispenser for dispensing wet wipes.

What are wet wipes made of?

Previously, napkins were made from cellulose fiber. However, they quickly dried out and broke. Over time, synthetic materials began to be used for the production of wet wipes - spunbond, spunlace and other types of non-woven fabric. Spicelace wipes contain synthetic and natural fibres. They are pleasant to the touch, better quality, but at the same time they are more expensive.

The wipes are 90% water or alcohol solution. The inscription "without alcohol" means the absence of ethyl alcohol in the composition, which dries the skin. Napkins may also include:

  • surfactants. Often included in household wipes. Remove dirt effectively.
  • glycerin and oils. Can be found in skin care wipes. Prevent the feeling of dryness.
  • fragrances. For giving napkins different aromas.

Using wet wipes

There are many types of wet wipes designed for use in different situations. They are convenient when there is no way to use water.

For hands and body

The most popular type of napkins. Helps remove impurities and refresh skin in the absence of soap and water. With the help of these wipes, you can once replace the procedure for washing hands or taking a shower during a trip.

For children and newborns

In the care of babies, wet wipes are indispensable, especially on a walk, in a clinic and other situations where it is not possible to bathe a child. With their help, you can put in order any parts of the baby's body. Many baby wipes contain caring ingredients that make the skin soft. Phyto wipes are suitable, which not only moisturize the skin, but also fight irritation, which can often occur on the baby's delicate skin.

For bedridden patients

Wet wipes can also be an aid to bedridden care when soap and water are not available. They are suitable for the care of delicate areas of the skin, as well as areas that are prone to the formation of bedsores. It is recommended to additionally use special caring foams and lotions.

For face

There are special wipes for facial care. They help remove make-up and also cleanse the skin, moisturizing and caring. They are suitable for all skin types. These wipes are recommended for rare occasions as they do not replace cleansers.

For intimate hygiene

Simply indispensable on trips and travels when it is not possible to take a shower. The choice of such napkins must be approached carefully. They should not contain ethyl alcohol, which causes dryness. It is desirable to have extracts of chamomile, aloe or whey. It is also better to choose fragrance-free sanitary napkins.

You can use intimate wipes up to several times a day, but only for a short period of time, and not on a regular basis. It is necessary to prevent contact of the napkin with mucosal areas.


Antibacterial wipes contain alcohol, sodium benzoate, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben, and other active ingredients that help fight bacteria. Unfortunately, over time, bacteria develop resistance to antiseptics. Therefore, regular use of such wipes is not recommended. In addition, the alcohol in the composition can dry the skin.

Without smell

The benefits of wet wipes without fragrances and fragrances are much higher. They are suitable for use by children and allergy sufferers. The risk of getting irritation from such wipes is much lower. In addition, for intimate hygiene, it is recommended to use odorless wipes.


They will help to temporarily replace the moisturizer. Suitable for use during the day. However, they do not completely replace the usual cosmetic cream, but only temporarily help fight dryness. They contain glycerin, hyaluronic acid, sugar and algae extracts and other ingredients that help control moisture levels.

Biodegradable wet wipes

Another handy tool is biodegradable wet wipes. Their main benefit is that they are environmentally friendly. These wipes can be a substitute for toilet paper. Unlike dry wipes and toilet paper, a wet wipe is more delicate and does not provoke the appearance of microcracks. Due to the fact that they dissolve, they can be flushed down the toilet.

Can wet wipes be used everyday?

Of course, wet wipes are sometimes indispensable. They are not only convenient to take with you, but also quick to use. There is no need to go to the sink - just wipe the skin and throw away the used product. However, doctors do not recommend replacing washing with wet wipes on a regular basis. Firstly, water and soap will remove any contamination much more thoroughly than a napkin. Secondly, alcohols, surfactants and other substances in the composition can cause dryness. Only use wipes when soap and water are not available.

Harm from using wet wipes

However, in addition to ease of use, wet wipes also have their disadvantages:

  • ethyl alcohol in wipes can cause dryness and tightness of the skin.
  • a large number of flavors, fragrances and other substances can cause irritation, an allergic reaction, especially on children's skin.
  • The inscription "antibacterial" does not guarantee 100% disposal of all germs.
  • The synthetic fibers of most types of wipes do not decompose, which is detrimental to the environment. In addition, people often throw wipes down the drain, and this causes blockages.

Remember that wet wipes are convenient in some situations, but they are not a complete replacement for regular hygiene procedures.