Cotton pad made of paper. Crafts from cotton pads: easy ways for children's hands. Volume application "Winter's Tale"

Cotton pads

Cotton pads are extremely easy to use. They can be applied in the blink of an eye lotion or wash off cosmetics. Saving us from bacteria and pollution, cotton pads make our lives more comfortable. Everything that is done with cotton wool can be done with a cotton pad, only the disk is much more convenient. It doesn't matter what you're doing: removing makeup or getting rid of old nail polish. Vata has no chance to win this fight! Cotton pads are an excellent material for creativity: they can be used as a whole or divided into parts, cut out any blanks from them and painted in any colors.

New Year

They say under New Year,
What you don't want
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!

In anticipation of the holiday - the fuss and pleasant chores of making gifts and greeting cards, inventing and sewing costumes for the carnival, decorating the interior and the New Year's table, creating new Christmas decorations ...

WITH New Year , Friends! May all your wishes come true!

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

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Cotton pads not only perfectly perform cosmetic and hygienic functions, but are also actively used by hand-made masters and teachers to create crafts. Moreover, depending on the imagination and experience, the work may have a different design and complexity.

Do-it-yourself cotton pad crafts are a simple and fun way to keep kids entertained or an adult distracted. A feature of such an occupation can be considered the almost absent need for other blanks.

Features of crafts from cotton pads

As you can see from the photo of crafts from cotton pads available on the network, the subject matter of creativity can be varied. The material is so versatile that, with due imagination, it can turn into anything.

All products can be classified by type:

  • applications;
  • bulk compositions.

Children's crafts from cotton pads, as a rule, belong to the first type. It is easier for a child to work with the application.

In addition to the availability of cotton pads as the main material for creativity, this type of craft is easy to organize.

To get started, it is enough to have all the components at hand, a clean table and good lighting. The list of components will include:

  • a pack of cotton pads;
  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • cotton swabs (for some models).

It remains to come up with a motive or find a master class for making the desired product. If we are talking about a volumetric composition with complex elements, patience will also be required. For a beginner, it's best to start small.

Cotton pad applications

The easiest way, on your own or with a child, is to make winter crafts from cotton pads. To work, it is enough to have glue and a base in the form of blue cardboard on hand.

The further sequence of actions is based on the scope of fantasy:

  • by gluing two rows of discs overlapping each other along the bottom edge of the sheet, snow is created;
  • two or three disks in a vertical line - a snowman (it remains to stick or add a carrot, buttons and a bucket);
  • halves of discs glued to cardboard in pairs (at an angle) in a vertical line - a Christmas tree in the snow;
  • half of the disk in the upper corner of the sheet is a crescent;
  • one whole disk with two halves glued above it, connected at an angle, form a rounded house, you need to glue or draw a window and a pipe on it.

New Year's crafts from cotton pads are created in a similar way. The attributes of the holiday are added: the Christmas tree is decorated with paints, gifts are pasted, fireworks are drawn.

At the same time, the use of cotton pads in the application is not limited to winter motives. Flowers are created from this material (one disk in yellow paint is the middle, the rest are petals), birds (two disks obliquely - the head and body, half of the disk on the body is the wing), angels (the whole disk is a halo with a head drawn at the bottom, a disk wrapped in a cone - a little body in a cassock, two halves of the disk along the edges - wings).

Volumetric compositions from cotton pads

Due to the softness and flexibility of the material, the creation of three-dimensional compositions is limited only by the amount of material and the author's idea. The most common voluminous crafts are flower baskets.

Any object of the appropriate shape (mug, flower pot, etc.) is used as a basket. It must be filled or covered with dense material (cardboard, plastic).

The further manufacturing algorithm looks like:

  • a whole cotton pad is twisted into a tube;
  • the resulting element is fixed with glue or threads at one of the ends;
  • the lower part of the tube is wrapped in a second disk, which is similarly fixed;
  • the following discs are superimposed in the same way, overlapping each other.

Finished roses are fixed with glue or thread on an impromptu basket. If desired, the discs can be pre-painted.

Flower crafts made from cotton pads and cotton buds are popular. The finished product looks elegant, although it takes a little time and effort. To create it, you must first paint one end of the sticks yellow - this will be the pistil of the flower. Then, with the help of glue, a disk is fixed on a stick.

You need to glue it at an angle, wrapping the sides so that you get an inverted cone. A green oblong leaf cut out of paper can be glued to the lower end of the stick. Repeat the procedure several times and the bouquet of callas is ready.

Photo of crafts from cotton pads

There are often unusual uses for perfectly ordinary things. And I invite you to take a fresh look at the objects around you. To do this, just watch the children, they definitely use everything that surrounds them in their own way.

And, if you are lucky and you have become a mom or dad, then believe me, the simplest household items can take a child longer than purchased toys. Today I will offer you and the kids to make crafts from cotton pads. This material can be used for one-year-old babies and for schoolchildren. Only the level of complexity of creative work will differ.

To make the work brighter and more colorful, we will also take paints, scissors and glue. If you have some decorative buttons, sequins or beads somewhere at hand, then feel free to take them into circulation.

I divided all the ideas according to the seasons, so we will consider spring and winter options for creativity.

For kids, the simplest tasks are selected. Most often we make the sun, flowers or animals. I picked up a few ideas where you can diversify crafts with cotton swabs.

My child and I fix all products with PVA glue. It is considered the most harmless and is also used in kindergarten nursery groups.

Let's start with such a positive sun! The idea is interesting because it can be held by the tube. It's so interesting to run around and show something unusual to grandma and grandpa.

With my daughter, we made a magic wand, which turned out to be very similar to this sun.

Now consider daisies. First, we glue cotton pads on the base, which the baby paints yellow. At this time, we cut off the tips and sticks.

For this craft, you need the help of an adult, because the children still cannot lay out the elements very evenly along the line.

A similar option, but the middle is glued on top of cotton swabs.

Cute butterfly that can be painted in different colors with watercolors.

Next up is a cute little sheep. See how aesthetically pleasing it looks.

First, cut out the base for the body and head from paper. See that the larger piece is oblong, while the smaller one is slightly elongated, pear-shaped.

An adult cuts off the tips of the sticks. Take the cheapest product. He, as a rule, the manufacturer spares the material and the sticks will be cut off easily.

We glue the ears and bangs on the PVA glue.

We draw eyes and a nose.

And laying row after row we glue a fur coat. It is difficult for a child to do this on his own, but very interesting. Therefore, be there and tell me where to glue the next part.

The baby and I laid out the tips in turn, so I was able to keep the rows even.

Fix the clothespins on the reverse side. They can be not only wooden, but also colored plastic.

Now the options are easier. For example, make pendants "Day and Night". This idea was used by a familiar young mother when she sewed a mobile for her son.

Original plasticine craft with soft cotton clouds. At the same time, learn the sequence of colors.

To be honest, for a long time my daughter did not submit to the ability to roll a "sausage" from plasticine. But still, by the last seventh color, we mastered this matter.

Watch your baby to see if he can easily control his hands or if he needs more time to develop fine motor skills.

Very beautiful and simple lamb. The ear is made of felt, but self-adhesive paper can be used.

Tadam! And now the most favorite application in our family is ice cream. I bought such snowflakes in a textile store for the last New Year, but they came in handy here too. Only our craft has not been preserved, so I bring a very similar one.

You can lay out the balls in different ways. This is what this ice cream has won us over. Every time a new piece.

All kids love kitties. These cute creatures are simply made from 3 cotton pads. To save money, I divide each of them into two halves.

Also, the kids will appreciate this chamomile. The eyes and mouth can simply be drawn with a felt-tip pen.

Even three-year-olds can glue the caterpillar without the participation of their mother.

It is better to offer such a bear to a child from 4 years old. Because very small details are used, which are glued on top of the main ones and create volume.

Oh, a house of colored paper and soft snow.

Another version of the caterpillar, painted in different colors.

these lambs look like characters from the cartoon "Smeshariki", they are all round and with legs))). Roll the horns out of paper or plasticine.

Funny cockerel will appeal to lovers of bright colors. To facilitate the task, invite the child to first paint the discs in the desired colors, dry them. And only after that start creating.

This is a fox that ate a bun. By the way, it can also be added to this craft and you get a plot from a fairy tale.

ladybugs are one of the first insects we introduce our children to. They are completely harmless and mysterious. And after all, it is so interesting for everyone to find out how many years old each bug turned out to be (at the same time, we will repeat the count to ten with mom).

Penguins are loved in our country. Because these birds move funny. Encourage your child to learn scissors by cutting the discs in half. And then assemble this craft together.

Nif-Nif is missing here, but it can be easily added. I also propose to complicate the application and roll grass from plasticine.

By the age of three, it is time to introduce the child to the outside world. We started this by studying birds. After all, it is easy to show the difference between a bullfinch and a titmouse. To consolidate understanding, make such a winter bird.

This idea is difficult, but with the help of adults it is quite feasible. The difficulty lies in giving the cotton pad the shape of the paws and head. Therefore, be patient and prepare these details in advance. And the plot itself is very similar to a fairy tale about the smart white bear cub Umka.

Here are the options for preschoolers I picked up. There are very simple options here, but there are more difficult ones. This is important because with more complex crafts, the child develops faster.

Spring flowers for March 8 with a description

Necessarily present in the kindergarten and school programs. And at the very last moment they are done in the family circle at 12 o'clock at night. We know we did!

Therefore, I will offer you a way out for such cases - to roll flowers from cotton pads. The material is affordable, it is in every home and it is quite simple to create a composition from it. However, it will look richer than the same, but made of paper.

Also, these flowers can be created as. After all, it is customary to give bouquets. So give your child the opportunity to express themselves.

We will begin our work with the creation of such roses.

They can be used for . Using this technique, both buds and open flowers are easily obtained.

We will need:

  • PVA glue
  • cotton pads
  • Paints

We take a disk, apply glue along the edge. We turn the circle in half - the second side should stick. Now we grease this part on both sides.

And we begin to roll the workpiece into a roll. We've got the middle.

Now let's start making petals. We also grease one edge and glue the disk in half. Lubricate both sides and the end with glue. And put it in the middle.

The main thing is to glue the edges well and remove all the villi with your fingers.

We repeat the process of creating petals on 5 more discs.

And if you bend the workpiece not in half, but in 1/4 part, you get a bud.

Now see how these blanks can be assembled into a composition.

This is such a soft postcard.

And here is the topiary with floral decoration.

Now let's move on to creating the chamomile.

We will need:

  • colored paper
  • Glue stick
  • cotton pads
  • One cocktail tube

We make blanks:

  1. Cut out a circle from a green sheet with a diameter of 8 cm.
  2. A strip with dimensions of 20 * 6 cm and a leaf of arbitrary shape.
  3. From the yellow disk we cut out a round piece with a diameter of 4 cm.
  4. free-form leaflet

Take a straw and a green rectangle. Which we will wind on a stick. To keep the paper, we coat the edges with glue.

Now we put the straw from one end and wrap the paper around it.

We cut the finished stem from one edge by 1 cm. We need 4 such cuts.

And we bend them.

We take a large round green blank. We make a cut to the middle, in which we cut a hole. We will insert our wand into it.

Grease one edge with glue and glue the other side on it. It turns out a cup.

Push the stem into the middle of the cup. And smearing pre-made cuts, glue them to the circle. Here is the base for chamomile and you're done.

Now we stick cotton pads on it. Attention: we need to overlap this to fit 4 petals.

We glue the yellow base on them. And it remains only to fix the leaf.

I also found another option for creating petals. We make the stem and cup according to the same principle. But we wrap the disks in a different way.

We coat two edges with PVA glue and bend inward.

Get it like this.

We wrap the rest of the petals and collect the flower. And it turns out like this!

You can make several daisies and make a bouquet out of them.

The idea with the middle of the plastic cap.

An option for the smallest, when cuts act as petals. We glue the middle with plasticine.

The most spring flower is the snowdrop. It may be different.

Another version of the bouquet.

Beautiful petals are obtained from embossed cotton pads. Like this narcissist, for example.

May sunny flowers - dandelions. They are made very quickly, but they look like real ones.

To give realism, glue not the whole disk, but one side with cotton wool outward.

And here they are in yellow.

Another similar composition with paper leaves.

This photo clearly shows that the disks are separated. On a tall flower, the stem even shines through. It seems that the head is very airy and weightless.

I also liked the home decor composition in this video.

The flowers are also soft and not quite familiar. I think you will also like this idea.

Original ideas on a winter theme (for the New Year)

We talked about the spring theme, let's get down to the winter one. Of course, here we do everything related to the snow and the new year. The first idea that comes to mind is to depict snowmen, because our consumables are already round!

And you can give the disks different sizes and you get such a cutie.

Option with a funny whisk.

Another unusually made Christmas tree. See how original it looks.

Pay attention to how much neater quality stitched discs look. No extra fluff anywhere.

And here is the whole composition!

Also an idea with cotton wool. Legs can be replaced with thread pom-poms. Get a craft made in different techniques.

Now let's find out how you can make Santa Claus.

Another application with plasticine and felt snowflakes.

Funny pendants from which you can make a garland. We created such a frost on the last holiday and put it under the Christmas tree.

This one is really unique and funny! Acts as a Christmas toy.

Let's move on to the trees.

As a decoration, take beads or plasticine balls.

The toys themselves can also be made of cotton.

Or like that.

A winter bird always accompanies a blizzard and a snowstorm. Therefore, without a bullfinch, the winter theme will not be complete.

Trees in fur coats and snow caps on the roofs of houses.

Children create whole panoramas.

There are a lot of ideas for creativity, I think that you just won’t get off with one pack of cotton pads))

We make chickens in a kindergarten for children 5-6 years old

For some reason, chickens are associated with me. Usually for this holiday we prepare these yellow-winged ones. But, of course, you can not tie this type of craft to any holiday, but just spend time with the kids for a useful activity.

It's easier not to think of it. Suitable for the little ones too.

Have you seen what the bows are made of? Yes, you are right - from pasta! We use everything we have at hand!

Disposable tableware is fine too.

How do you like these circles? Bright, sunny and easy to carry out.

I think it's still a duckling, because chicks don't swim. But it fits perfectly with our theme.

From plasticine, make the missing parts and feed your chick with millet or grains.

For the stand use skewers for skewers. With such figures it is interesting to play puppet theater.

Any of these crafts can become congratulatory if you fold the base in half and write wishes inside.

How to make crafts from cotton pads by February 23

February is also a winter month, but I highlighted this topic separately to show how you can congratulate our men on this. In fact, there are not so many ideas. But with a certain amount of imagination, they can be thought out.

If your dad is not related to the army, then do a similar option with a panda.

And, for servicemen, a postcard with a tank and cotton clouds is suitable.

If you have ideas on this topic, then send.

Original ideas for creativity with elementary school children (8.9 years old)

Students can do more complex crafts. And it doesn't have to be. Today I will offer you to make angels in five minutes. They can become an independent decoration for Christmas or a Christmas tree. But also become a talisman for or name day.

You will need:

  • cotton pads
  • Threads
  • Paints
  • Toothpick

We take a cotton pad and open it.

Inside we put cotton wool, a bead or another disk to get a three-dimensional head.

We fix the thread. The edges can be embossed.

Straighten the wings.

Now we are preparing the skirt. We wrap the edges inward and fix them with glue.

Insert a toothpick into the middle.

Now glue the skirt to the center of the wings with the head.

It remains only to decorate the angel with paints or sequins.

It is better to buy better quality disks for crafts, there are even ones with a stitched edge. So they do not fall apart when creative. And they will not spoil the appearance of the application with sloppy muffins.

A very interesting stork on a leg of fluffy wire. It was necessary to come up with such a cutie!

Or such a simple lamb. Minimum material - maximum taste.

A white and fluffy hare will also appeal to many.

And here is a whole composition with swans. Look, they are very similar to the real ones.

In this picture, kittens are basking in the sun.

You can make a lion.

Or a rooster. But I don't want it to be unpainted.

And here is the hedgehog. From the halves of a cotton pad, you can make mushrooms and lay them on needles.

Also killer whales and fish can be adjusted to the round shape of the material.

Do-it-yourself volumetric callas

I was also captivated by the idea of ​​snow-white callas. These flowers have one large white petal and a yellow pistil. And we have all the necessary materials to repeat such an unpretentious form.

We will need:

  • PVA glue
  • cotton pads
  • Cotton buds
  • yellow gouache
  • Cocktail tubes

First of all, we paint the tips of the sticks in yellow gouache and dry. Then we take one thing and wrap the disk around it. We fix the edges well with PVA.

Insert the other end into the tube. It remains only to glue the petals and decorate all the sloppy joints.

In the same technique, you can make gift baskets.

Or compositions on paper lace napkins.

And here the callas are painted with gouache. The bouquet looks very bright.

My dear, there are a lot of ideas. I gladly made this collection, because I know. Someone will definitely need it.

Winter is a fabulous time. Frost draws icy stained-glass windows on the windows, and a blizzard sweeps all the surrounding streets, dressing the trees in snow down jackets and covering the houses with fluffy white hats. Also, winter gives all people two great holidays - New Year and Christmas. Preparations begin a week before the celebration.

In the markets and supermarkets, you can find the most diverse decor: bright light bulbs, tinsel, glass balls and stars. Winter motifs are very welcome in jewelry: products are sprinkled with glass snow or painted with snow patterns.

The winter garland made of cotton wool has become widespread. Such decor is available for sale in New Year's shops and stores, but it will be much more pleasant to do it yourself. In addition, the actual cost of a hand-made garland will be several times lower than that of a factory one.

Before you make a New Year's garland, you need to measure the part of the room in which it will hang. This will help determine the length of the main thread.

For a window garland, it is calculated as follows:

window width + 10 cm on each side = thread length required.

The length of the side threads is determined based on the height of the window and wall. At the same time, an additional 4-5 cm must be left from one edge (for fastening).

The second stage of preparation is the choice of raw materials and tools.

To carry out the work, the master will need the following materials:

  • a large amount of cotton;
  • dense thick thread (garland base);
  • a skein of thin white threads (attached to the base);
  • a needle with an appropriate eye size;
  • sharp scissors;
  • PVA glue.

Please note: if desired, the threads can be replaced with a thin transparent fishing line.

Idea number 1: classic snow garland "blizzard"

The easiest option to implement. The creation of this garland does not require special physical or material costs.

A garland "blizzard" from cotton wool is created according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cut the threads to the appropriate measurements.
  2. Attach side threads with knots to the main thread. To give the garland a more interesting look, alternate long lengths with short ones. 10-30 cm difference is acceptable.
  3. Tear off small pieces from the total mass of cotton wool. It is not necessary to make them the same. The contrast of sizes will give the composition naturalness and make it more picturesque.
  4. Roll the torn pieces into medium-density balls.
  5. String snowballs on strings. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a needle: this way the lumps will retain their shape.
  6. Fix the cotton snow on the threads with glue (2-3 drops at the joints).

Please note: Please do not usecottondisks during the formation of snowballs. Discs keep their shape worse and do not provide uniform density to the balls.

Idea #2: Snow Clouds

A snow garland made of cotton wool is not complete without soft clouds, which can be made in two ways:

Flat blanks in the form of clouds are cut out of thick cardboard of light shades. Then they must be pasted over with balls rolled from cotton wool or chopped cotton pads. The clouds will turn out soft and “shaggy”.

Clouds formed from cotton balls must be covered with starch paste. It will give rigidity to the shape and make the details of the garland invulnerable to pollution.

How to make a garland from these clouds? Follow instructions:

  1. String products on threads (from 4 to 8 pieces must be attached around the perimeter of one cloud).
  2. The segments emerging from the cloud from below must be fixed with glue.
  3. Next, you need to place snow balls on the threads. Alternate them with large glass beads or beads to make the composition more expressive.
  4. Optionally, you can glue a few more threads with beads into the cloud or rain from foil.
  5. Hang the clouds on the main thread and place them in the room.

Fluffy snow clouds will decorate your home for the New Year. This composition looks great in the children's room.

Idea #3: Crystalline Snowflakes

Masters create more complex variations from cotton wool with their own hands:

  1. First you need to make a standard base of threads for the garland.
  2. Then roll up cotton balls.
  3. To diversify the look of the garland, you need to cut curly snowflakes from cotton pads. Another option is to cut them out of cardboard and glue them with a thin layer of cotton wool.
  4. String cotton balls and snowflakes on the workpiece.
  5. Attach to the thread with glue.

Each craftswoman adds decor at will. Figures of snowflakes are pasted over with beads or glass beads. Glitter glue is often used. If this is not at hand, use the following recipe:

  1. Finely cut the foil/shiny film.
  2. Cover a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product with PVA glue and sprinkle with the resulting sparkles.

Please note: cosmetics stores sell glitter powders for manicure. They are very similar to natural snow and are great for work, replacing the foil.

Snowflakes covered with such a shiny glaze will effectively complement the New Year's garland of cotton wool.

To make the craft fit better into the surroundings of Christmas, complement it with sparkling angels and stars. They, like snowflakes, are cut out of cardboard and covered with a fluffy layer of cotton wool.

Idea number 5: Christmas tree sprinkled with snow

Snow garland is hung not only on the window. This product is also suitable for decorating a Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree garland made of cotton wool is created according to the following algorithm:

The thread is cut so long that it can be freely wrapped around the Christmas tree.

A variety of objects are strung on this blank:

  • ordinary cotton balls;
  • patterned snowflakes;
  • figures cut out of cotton pads;
  • voluminous cotton hearts / stars.

All of them are fixed with glue.

The space between the decor is occupied by light ribbons, beads and glass beads (optional).

This snow plume will successfully replace the standard rain and give the New Year tree a natural look.


A handmade garland is one of the best themed decorations for the New Year.

Common creativity brings together, so connect your loved ones to the creation of a festive garland. The master classes presented in the article will be within the power of even the smallest family members.

Cotton garlands were made 100 years ago, when there were no other materials at hand. But such crafts are still relevant.

The New Year is coming. Try to create a fabulous atmosphere in your home. In this article, we will look at how to make crafts from cotton pads for the New Year with our own hands.

Christmas wreath made of cotton pads

You will need: cotton pads, a foam ring, pins or needles, satin ribbon, beads, sequins, tinsel ...
Master Class

Fold in half again.
Insert the needle into the corner.

Attach the discs to the Styrofoam ring.
Place discs close together.
Attach the satin ribbon with a loop to the top of the ring.
Decorate a wreath of cotton pads to your taste.
Christmas wreath of cotton pads is ready!

Christmas tree made of cotton pads

You will need: cotton pads, cardboard, scissors, stapler, pins or needles, glue, asterisk decoration elements, beads, sequins, tinsel ...
Master Class
Make a cardboard cone.
Take a cotton pad and fold it in half.

Fold in half again and secure the corner with a stapler.
Repeat this process for all disks.
Attach the discs to the cone with pins.

Start the fastening process from the bottom in a circle, then rise to the top in solid circles. Disks should be fastened tightly to each other.
Decorate the tree to your liking.
Christmas tree made of cotton pads is ready! I recommend watching the video tutorial!

Cotton pad angel

You will need: cotton pads, stapler, scissors, satin ribbon or thread, decoration elements.
Master Class
Take a cotton pad and bend it in half.
Cut off the corner in a semicircle - you get the head of an angel.
Expand the same disk and cut out the middle in such a way that you get wings.

Take a new cotton pad and form the body of an angel.
Attach the head and wings to the body with a stapler.
Attach the ribbon, forming a loop for further hanging.
Decorate to your liking.
Cotton pad angel is ready! I recommend watching the video tutorial!

Santa Claus from cotton pads

You will need: cotton pads, plastic spoon, glue, red yarn, buttons for eyes, ribbon or thread for hanging, red felt-tip pen, scissors.
Master Class
Take a cotton pad.

Bend its side to the center.
Make cuts along the edge of the circle.

Draw a smile with a marker.
Take a plastic spoon.

Apply glue to the spoon, leaving its tip without glue.

Wrap the yarn tightly.

Apply glue on both sides to the tip of the spoon and glue the face of Santa Claus to the convex part.

Glue a clean cotton pad to the concave part of the spoon.

Cut out a circle from a cotton pad and glue it to the tip of the spoon handle. Cut out a circle from a cotton pad, color it with a felt-tip pen and glue it as a nose.

Glue buttons for eyes.
Attach a ribbon or thread, forming a loop for further hanging.
Santa Claus from cotton pads is ready!

Flowers from cotton pads

You will need: 9 cotton pads for one flower, stapler, satin ribbon for hanging, decoration elements.
Master Class
Form 7 petals from disks as shown in the picture.

Attach a hanging ribbon to one of the petals.
Secure the petals between the two discs with a stapler.

Decorate to your liking.
Make the right amount of flowers and decorate the Christmas tree with them.
Flowers from cotton pads are ready!

Garland of cotton pads

You will need: cotton pads, thick white thread, needle, simple pencil.
Master Class
Take the thread.

Insert the needle and tie a knot at the end.
Mark the location of the discs with a pencil.
String the discs with a regular basting stitch.

Decorate windows, walls or hang from the ceiling with a garland.
A garland of cotton pads is ready!

Christmas balls from cotton pads

You will need: 15 cotton pads for one ball, white thread with a needle, stapler, satin ribbon for hanging.
Master Class
Take a cotton pad and fold it in half.

Fold in half again and secure with a stapler.
Repeat this process for all disks.

String the disks on the thread through the ends.
Form a circle.

Tighten then secure the thread.
Attach ribbon for further hanging.

Make the required number of balls.
Christmas balls from cotton pads are ready!

Cotton pad snowman

You will need: cotton pads, scissors, cardboard, ice cream stick, glue, eye buttons, colored paper, plasticine, scarf rope.
Master Class
Take 3 cotton pads and make two of them smaller.
Cut out circles from cardboard to fit the discs.
Glue them together.
Glue the circles to the popsicle sticks.
Turn the stick over and glue 3 discs of the desired size.
Blind small balls of plasticine and attach as buttons.
Glue the eyes on the snowman.
Cut out a nose in the form of a carrot and a headdress from colored paper.
Glue the details to the snowman.
Tie a string as a scarf.
Snowman from cotton pads is ready!
To create a fabulous, unique and inimitable atmosphere, you need to make it with your own hands. Choose the most original crafts and start creating. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!