How to get revenge on an ex. How to take revenge on an ex-man: the most sophisticated ways

Revenge is not the most correct step in the life of any girl, because often such an act becomes not at all better than that betrayal that the guy made. However, we are well aware that one cannot escape the essence of a person, and sometimes he is capable of revenge because of broken heart or outright deceit.

Revenge on your ex-boyfriend is not always as easy as it might seem at first glance, because this requires, firstly, a good imagination, and secondly, a sufficient amount of courage. Some universal ways there is no revenge, since all the guys perceive this or that attempt to take revenge on a girl quite differently.

Attention! Be careful in your actions, do not go beyond the law. Therefore, damage to property, threats, physical violence and similar acts should be immediately excluded from your thoughts if you do not want to turn out to be a criminal.

How to get revenge on an ex boyfriend?
Create your blog on the Internet and write your story about betrayal and lies in it, mentioning all his known data (last name, first name, where he lived, where he studied, etc.). Today, the Internet is developing fast enough, so everyone has access to it. And sooner or later, but information about him will surface, but he will not be able to do anything about it.

How to get revenge on a guy who used you?
It's simple - use him exactly as he used you. To do this, speak your most beautiful girlfriend so that she pulled a lot of money, information from him and generally made him behave as stupidly as possible. For example, let a dummy girl ask you to take her to the most expensive clubs and restaurants in the city, let her buy expensive gifts, etc. However, the girl must remain touchy! After a certain period of time (when you got everything you wanted), open “all the cards” in front of him and look at the reaction, let him feel for himself how it is to be a toy in the wrong hands.

How to get revenge on a guy for cheating?
The most successful revenge, according to the authors of the site, will be to demonstrate all those virtues that he will never be able to master now. To do this, you need to adjust your chance meeting(for example, at a holiday that you will attend together). For this, you need to find yourself handsome man so that he possesses not only beauty, but also quite strong physique. Further, your actions will be as follows: You come to the holiday, in an expensive car of your new boyfriend, in the most beautiful outfit and walk arm in arm with a muscular handsome man. Naturally, all this must be done in front of the traitor. The latter is naturally tormented by wild jealousy, which will bring similar pain that you experienced.

How to take revenge on a guy for an insult?
If you have not broken up with a guy, but hold a grudge against him for something, try to organize interesting revenge for him. Let him, as usual, come home, however, he will find you not alone, but with your lover in bed (in fact, there will be no one there, and the lover’s body can be folded out of pillows or toys) To do this, as soon as the guy starts to open the door start moaning loudly in the bedroom. Naturally, he will quickly burst into the room and see you naked and jumping on top of a man (choose a position so that neither the face nor the body is visible, but everything is clear). He will have such a strong shock, and even after he realizes that this is a prank, he is unlikely to quickly move away from what he saw.

In this way, you can thoroughly teach the man who offended you.

How to get revenge on a guy for betrayal?
Here you need to make the guy feel exactly the same betrayed, let him know that you had a lot of guys during your relationship, and the attitude towards them was much warmer than towards him. Come up with evidence and let someone else provide it.

How to get revenge on a guy for lying?
Wedge - knock out with a wedge! Therefore, just deceive him in the same way. Go to a club, and say that you went to a friend, etc. Cheat about dates, dates, and your locations. Let him feel how it is possible to have a relationship with a person whom you cannot trust and who constantly deceives you.

Be happy. It is very important. Of course, it's completely normal to be depressed for the first few days or weeks after a breakup. It would be strange if you didn't get hurt. But the time will come put all worries out of your head and create an inner feeling of happiness, even if you are not completely healed from a breakup in emotionally. Who knows? Perhaps there is a possibility that the pursuit of happiness will eventually make you happy.

  • Remind yourself of the things that make life worth living. Your family, friends, your own health are all things that we tend to take for granted when we plunge into a relationship. Remind yourself of everything you have, and happiness will come by itself.
  • Pamper yourself. Treat yourself to cheer up - great idea. If you feel extravagant, buy a new coat or pair of shoes. If you want to pamper yourself familiar things, spend the day at the spa with your friends, eat something sweet or go to the movies.
  • Remove all memories of your relationship from your life. You don't have to throw away all the photos with your ex or burn them. Love letters. Hide them away in a safe place and forget about it. This will help you forget your ex-boyfriend.
  • Be polite. If you run into an ex-boyfriend on the street, just walk up to him and talk to him. This will show him that you are an adult enough and do not accumulate resentment in yourself. You need to show your ex that your relationship is over. Guys have a hard time coming to terms with the idea that they broke up with them. This suggests that the relationship was not cloudless from the start.

    • What Not to Do: to spread rumors about your relationship and breakup. Don't give in to mood swings and discouragement. You don't want what's yours ex-boyfriend thought you were sad because of him. Talk about everyday things. Act confident and smile.
    • What can be done: Act friendly, but avoid flirting and seduction. No need to laugh too much at his jokes. Say that everything is fine with you, but things are up to your neck, or something like that. Be brief.
    • Keep your goal in mind: You can't be hostile if your ex glad that you are out of his life. Stay friendly, but keep your distance. If possible, move the conversation to your new life- a life in which you are fine without him.
  • Start chatting with other guys. Just being with them is enough. friendly relations to annoy your ex. Do not try to start a new relationship until you are done with the old ones. It won't be fair to your new buddy if you use him. This will most likely lead to the fact that your boyfriend will simply lose interest in you and become jealous. Thus, you show him that he has no chance. Try the following to get your ex's attention:

    • Make friends with his buddies. Chances are you've met a lot of his friends during your relationship, so try to start a conversation with them. There is no doubt that they will go to your ex and tell you that you got close to them. Your friend will most likely become furious and jealous of you.
    • Start a conversation with a guy who is older, richer, and has more muscle than your ex. Guys feel insecure when it comes to certain things: age (makes them feel inexperienced), wealth (feels like they can't provide), and physical strength(do not feel like men). Your ex will compare himself to the guy you got close to. If he thinks that this guy is better than him, after a while he will again try to attract attention to himself.
    • If your boyfriend thought we are talking about male competition, go back to the guy your ex wants to compete with. Your former admirer will immediately feel insecure, because he let you go to a person in whom he himself is not sure. Jealousy and awareness of competition with other males will again embrace your former admirer.
  • Concentrate on self-development. Maybe you had bad habits that annoyed your boyfriend. For example, you are used to the mess or biting your nails. Consider breaking these habits and improving. If your ex-boyfriend sees that you have stopped doing what annoyed him all this time, he will understand that you are making great progress, but without him.

    • When you have more free time, learn something about the world around you. If possible, travel. Your ex will go crazy with jealousy if you start dating a foreigner. Get to know the world, its inhabitants and origins. At heart, all guys want to date a girl who is both interesting and interested in learning new things. Read news, learn customs and traditions different countries. Don't brag about your knowledge - let it show up gradually.
    • Do a challenging act. Finally run those five kilometers that you always wanted to overcome. Try to fulfill your dream and get into the Guinness Book of Records. Push the boundaries of knowledge and at the same time learn something about yourself. Your boyfriend will see that you are improving and will want to do something to get you back.
  • Try to look good and be in a great mood. If your ex liked your way of dressing, try to wear his favorite things if you have a feeling that you will meet him. If you are unhappy with your figure, try to get back in shape. Do simple and neat hairstyles at the same time, wear nice clothes. When he sees you, he will ask himself why the hell did he leave you!

    • Try to look attractive all the time. You never know when you will stumble upon it, for example, in a store or in a movie theater. The more elegant your style, the better you will feel.
    • Talk to your stylist about making new hairstyle. Maybe you should wear a bob. Even if the hairstyle has not changed so much, she will tell your boyfriend that you are a completely different person without him, and now, after the breakup, you feel better than before.
    • Go on a diet (if you think it's necessary). You need to understand if you need a diet. If you're not sure what to drop a couple extra pounds no need for a diet. But if you're on a diet and already fit into a dress that's three sizes too small, it will make a huge impression on your ex.
  • Use the Internet. If you are on Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter, use these services to upload your photos after breaking up with your boyfriend. Social media can be used to chat with your new friends, even if you're just texting. Don't unfriend your boyfriend, but also consider unfriending him or unfollowing comments. Your thoughts should not be occupied by what your ex is doing at the moment.

    • Refresh your Facebook page. Have a friend help you create a stunning profile photo. Change some data to show your new attitude towards certain things. The attention you get from your friends when you refresh the page will make your ex jealous.
    • You can't be an "open book". Add some mystery with your statuses and comments. Do not express your thoughts directly and directly. Instead of saying "Just back from the beach with friends!" write something like "Copacabana in the background, next stop Havana!"
    • Do not write about your relationship in the status. Ignore your ex as much as possible. You want him to believe that you are having a great time without him. Thus, his image will gradually fade in your memory.
  • If your ex sent you a text, don't reply to it for a few days. If he texts again or tries to get through, he is again looming on the horizon to get your attention. Therefore, make sure that control is in your hands, and not in the hands of your ex, and ignore the message you receive for a couple of days.

    • If you do this, you are saying, "I'm having a better time when you're not around." These couple of days your ex will think and worry: maybe he did something wrong or said something wrong. When you reply, write something like this: "Sorry, I didn't see your message. Hello!" It would make him feel better because he was so afraid of looking like an idiot.
    • Try not to let your ex notice that you have read a message from him. Facebook now has a feature that lets you see if you've read a message or forwarded it to someone else. It's weird that you checked the message right away and then told him you saw it three days later, even though he knows you read the message.

  • Revenge on an ex is, in a way, part of folklore: everyone knows that it's bad, everyone knows that it's Christian and human to forgive and let go, but no one sincerely does this. And all because we are people, and that is why it is difficult for us to forgive.

    For revenge, the former are always pretty original ways. Which? Today we will talk about the most creative of them.

    1. Arrange a property sale

    Americans have this cool tradition like Yard Sale. It consists in the fact that the American family places advertisements for the sale of unnecessary things everywhere. Things that are no longer needed by their owners are pulled out into the street and laid out on makeshift trays, where they are sold for a pretty penny.

    When an American woman found out that her husband, instead of going on a business trip, was going to “visit” his mistress for a couple of days, she posted the following announcement on Facebook and local forums: “My husband went to this bitch for the weekend. I'm running a sale on his stuff. Come who wants. But there will be no clothes: I burned them. But you have a chance to get discs and a brand new Xbox. Locals, they say, attended the sale with pleasure. What to do, people love the circus! Although there are benefits: furniture, personal items, fishing rods, books - all this went to people for a penny.

    2. eBay wife

    Paul Osborne once read a correspondence between his wife and a man. They discussed sexual life Paul and his wife in not the most pleasant colors. Who will like it? Our hero decided to take revenge so take revenge. Paul posted an ad for the sale of his wife on an online auction, which was accompanied by a photo. The description said the item was (quote): “a lying, liar, depraved whore.” There is another version: "deceitful, false, depraved slag." Strange nonsense, calling your wife slag. Paul included in the description the phone number of his wife and the guy she slept with. In any case, within a few days the price of Paul's wife soared to half a million pounds. That's what male friendship means, bro! For Paul, the situation ended not only in divorce. His wife went to court, and the guy is said to have been banned from visiting British sites.

    3. Car for 75 cents

    This story is actually a bit sad. An ordinary British radio DJ named Tim Shaw once conducted an interview with famous model. The talkative Tim was so babbling that he declared that he would readily leave his wife and two children for Jody. Everyone laughed and forgot. But when Tim arrived home, he did not find his Lotus Esprit worth 38 thousand evergreens in the garage, which, by the way, the missus called another terrible sports car. Shaw's wife sold his car online for 75 cents. The guy's wife did not like that he was ready to commit adultery with the model. Not only did Shaw have to publicly apologize to his wife, but the car was returned to him only for money - some $ 7,500. Sad situation bro.

    4. Shit show

    An ordinary drama on a farm somewhere in America. A farmer husband discovers that his wife, who happens to be also a farmer, has signed up on a farm dating site and is chatting with farmers of the opposite sex. And bro decide to take revenge in a farmer's way. The dude loaded a truck full of horse shit and dumped it into his wife's open-top car. For it’s not good to flirt when it’s time to weed cabbage. Damn, this is just disgusting!

    5. Glue and penis

    Another not the most pleasant story. A no-bro named Davis Donessa (something female name!) woke up with the firm conviction to sleep with at least a few women. That's just the trouble: our hero was married at that time. Davis signed up on a dating site, where he quickly found several women to hook up with. But Davis's wife was not so simple. She either contacted these girls, or they were her friends. In any case, the wife prepared Donessa terrible revenge. When the guy arrived at the motel to meet one of these girls, all five were waiting for him. At first it all started innocently, Davis was tied to the bed, blindfolded, to prepare for light vanilla BDSM "Fifty Shades of Grey"-style. But then six angry women entered the room and beat Davis and glued his penis to his stomach with strong superglue. For nefig.

    Davis had to turn to the hospital for help, because he could not separate the penis, glued almost with wood glue, on his own. By the way, the ladies for kidnapping, assault and beating received a term.


    Husbands, like our whole life, can be future, present and past. Future husbands are a prospect, available ones are stability, and past ones are a passed stage with a storm of emotions and memories.

    Although people have reached the heights of evolution, we still more often solve ordinary worldly problems at the level of emotions and natural instincts. That is why in the minds of many women who have survived a divorce, the thought creeps in how to take revenge on their ex-husband. In films, everything is done beautifully and impeccably, as a result, the offender is punished, the woman comes out the winner and there is nothing to complain about. But, this is only in films, unfortunately, life presents everything in other colors. Pretty craving for revenge normal phenomenon, simply, someone can leave everything at the level of desire and fantasy, and someone is ready to act, moreover, immediately and thoughtlessly. Especially such a desire increases with an increase in accumulated resentment in cases where it already seems there is nothing more to lose. There are several old and proven options for how you can take revenge on your ex-husband. But do not forget, revenge is also necessary creativity, only then it will be individual and unique, which means it will give you maximum pleasure, and do not forget to comply with the law. Well, let's start to misbehave, shall we? The first thought is practical. The first thing that comes to mind in women with the phrase “revenge on the former” is an encroachment on the most precious thing. Of course, it is a car, a job or a computer.

    Let's start in the first - this is a car. Turning a car into a pile of scrap metal with a bat is not necessary, although the process itself will give you a lot of pleasure and will allow you to throw out all the accumulated negative energy. You can just slightly correct the color, or arrange a feeder for hungry birds on the hood. In which case, everything can be attributed to hooligans, or a caring neighbor grandmother. So revenge is done and there is no great damage. The second point with which you can take revenge on your ex-husband is his work. If you have access to his work e-mail, and at least one compromising photo, share this funny memory with his colleagues, believe me, everyone will appreciate this gesture. You can also just send him a conciliatory postcard, with a kind cute virus, even if not malicious. In any case, the workflow will be disrupted. The third item on the list of favorite things is a computer. Usually men spend most of their free time behind him. The previously mentioned virus can also help here, or simply delete his favorite game in parting, in which he almost reached the final level with such difficulty. The ex-husband is unlikely to like such a surprise.

    The second thought is creative. Why don't we encroach on another shrine of men - their wardrobe. It's not true that men give their appearance less attention than women, it's another matter how they do it and whether they admit it. During the time spent together, you, of course, contributed to filling your husband's wardrobe with new things. Now is the time to take them out. Simple damage to this kind of property is banal and not interesting, show your imagination and creativity. Surely he will be very surprised to find a new pillow on his sofa or to see a bright rug in the toilet. And imagine his surprise if all these items were made from a designer shirt, a favorite jacket and a new tie? And you tried your best.

    Thought three - provocative. To accomplish this insidious plan, credit must be given to the invention of mobile communications. Post a profile of your once beloved husband on a dating site with a tempting offer that will be addressed not only to women. Or auction off his property on sites with ads for the sale of things. Of course, the prices will be very attractive. Oh, by the way, don't forget to include all possible phone numbers, including mobile, home, and work. Your ex-husband will be incredibly pleased with such plentiful attention. Some women decide to write the whole truth in LiveJournal, supplement it with photographs and put it up for public trial. This is of course also an option, but this case you will have to describe your behavior, and as you know, both are to blame for quarrels. So it's better not to expose yourself.

    Thought four, insidious. Many have read the story of one lovely lady who, moving out of her house after a divorce, decided to arrange for herself festive dinner. And having eaten plenty of shrimp, she generously stuffed their remains into a tubular cornice. Having removed the traces of the crime, she immediately moved out. But after a while, she successfully bought her house back, and for a fairly low price. The reason for this was horrible smell, which appeared in the house, as the husband thought, from nowhere. That is why he and his new wife decided to leave. And since the house is a stinker, no one wants to buy, I had to sell it to the only one who wanted it, at the price that she set herself. The funny thing about this story is that soon ex-wife stood on the threshold of her house, and watched how the workers carried new house husband is still the same old cornice. So, ladies, this is food for thought. Fifth thought, tested. Inflicting material damage on a man is certainly good revenge, but it can rather be compared with a petty dirty trick.

    If you really want to take revenge on your ex-husband, hurt his pride. All men are sure that after their departure, you simply must first for a long time kill yourself, cry and beg to return, and then become disillusioned with life and, under the motto “don’t get it to anyone,” go to the nun. He will be extremely surprised to see you completely happy, cheerful and not thinking about him. If in addition you have a new boyfriend, the effect will exceed all your expectations. First, it will help you realize that you have your whole life ahead of you and that you are still as attractive as ever. Secondly, this order of things will make your ex-husband think about the correctness of his act and evaluate whom he lost.

    And finally, a few more options, how to get revenge.

    While he sleeps, and you collect things with tears, smear his eyebrows with hair removal cream or write “womanizer” with green paint on his forehead.

    We will cut curly holes in his favorite jacket or cut off and take with us all the buttons from shirts and jackets.

    A kilo of sugar in a gas tank or a potato in exhaust pipe- Also an option. Warning: the injection engine after sugar cannot be repaired.

    Slightly “tweak” the system unit with a hammer.

    Before leaving, do not forget to cut his plastic cards with pruners.

    While he's not at home, let's change the lock and leave with our heads held high.

    Erase all numbers from notebook cell phone.

    Let's break his fishing rods, cut out his waders with “hearts”.

    Let's bend the muzzle of his favorite gun and hang it on the wall with a note "Farewell to arms".

    And how would he like a dump of all the products found in the refrigerator, thoroughly mixed in a bowl, with a note “Dinner for the week”?

    Throwing things from the balcony is an old thing, but effective.

    We will launch spiders and cockroaches into the apartment (sold in pet stores).

    Let's leave sarcastic notes in various unexpected places. So that he didn’t find it right away, but found it gradually, went berserk and searched - where are the rest?

    Farewell song on the radio dedicated to his friend.

    Of course, these are options! Some are not so bad!

    But I think life itself will put everything in its place, and there is no need to interfere with it. It would be nice to just step aside, muster up the courage and move on. Against all odds. And also - to share responsibility for what happened.

    At the Nemesis Greek goddess retribution, there were older sisters - Erinyes, demons of revenge. Their appearance was far from glamorous: terrible crazy old women, with cosmos in which poisonous snakes swarm. One of them, by the way, was called Megara.

    By definition, we will not be a nemesis. So is it worth it to be shrews?

    When a beloved man suddenly reports that he is bored with your relationship, he has a new lover, or he just wants to put an end to your romance with him, how do you feel? It is certainly difficult to describe in words this emotional cocktail, one of the main notes in which is the desire to avenge one's outrageous feelings. And it’s worth saying that the idea of ​​​​revenge is not so bad: finding and implementing a way to punish the offender will surely distract you from sad thoughts and save you from depression, and your ex will fully experience the power of your anger. So, let's see how to take revenge on the former so that he learns his lesson perfectly and understands that you should never offend a woman in love.

    How beautiful to take revenge on a guy

    Method one: hurt male pride. You need to continue to live as if no tragedy has happened in your life. Moreover, the happier and more charming you look, the more internal suffering you will deliver to your ex. Even if he had new love, even if he himself decided to break off relations - in any case, he would be pleased to see you in tears and despondency. So don’t give him such pleasure: sign up for dancing or a sports club, take up your favorite hobby, go shopping with your friends - in a word, live full life. And now let the wounded male pride make him think about the correctness of his decision to part.

    Method two: make jealous. We all know that men are terrible owners. And if the woman abandoned by them does not arouse interest in anyone else and yearns for loneliness, they quickly forget about their former lover. But as soon as they see a woman, blooming and happy, arm in arm with a new gentleman, they are ready to give up everything, just to return her to their zone of influence again. And now you too will have a chance to say: “Sorry dear, but I don’t need you anymore!”

    Method three: tarnish his reputation. Here you can use different methods, but one of the most effective is an allegedly casual acquaintance with his new passion. By inviting her to a cafe for a cup of coffee, you can lay out in a friendly way all the unpleasant facts of the biography of your ex. And the more colorful your description is, the more likely it is that the traitor's new relationship will not turn out quite the way he would like.

    You can spoil the mood of your ex in another no less provocative way. Some women who think about how to get back at an ex come to mind charming idea: expose him in such a way that he would be ashamed in front of others. To realize this plan, you can use the services of advertising agencies and hang out a poster with a photo of a traitor and some kind of provocative inscription that would characterize a man not from the best side at the busiest intersection.

    Method four: Don't give him a moment's rest. Sites with free ads can be great helpers in this matter. You can place on them a dozen ads for the sale of furniture, apartments, cars and other property at the best prices, and publish all known telephone numbers as contact information former lover. He will certainly be “pleasantly” surprised by the flurry of calls from potential buyers.