Wish good night to your friend. Beautiful tender congratulations to a girlfriend Beautiful compliments to a girlfriend

Kinley Macgregor

tender friend

He had heard this epitaph so many times already that he had lost count.

Cursing his lips in mockery, Draven agreed.

“Born from hell and suckled by the nipples of a demon. I don't claim anything else.

After all, it's about his reputation. And in this land of chaos, Draven was undoubtedly the first of the first.

Two bodyguards stood as still as statues on either side of the throne on which the king sat. Heinrich, dressed in crimson robes, with a crown on his head sparkling in the light of torches, looked from one of his nobles to another. He didn't look very pleased. Draven had royal blood in his veins, and enough had been shed to secure the crown for Henry, but he understood that there was a limit to royal patience, and now this patience was being tested too much.

Hugh took an imprudent step towards Henry's throne:

“I wish, Your Majesty, that he would leave my lands alone. He no doubt has plenty of his own, so let him leave Warwick alone.

Heinrich Plantagenet is not the type of person to approach so carelessly. This man made himself with his determination and desperate courage. This man has a lot in common with Draven, and even better, this man owes something to Draven.

Heinrich's face flushed with rage.

Hugh hastily stepped back and stared at the cobbled floor.

Heinrich looked at Draven and sighed.

“We don’t understand how this strife started. You, Draven, say he attacked you, and you, Hugh, say he attacked you. And neither of you will admit that it was he who provoked what happened. This is too similar to the behavior of two ill-bred children fighting over a toy and blaming each other. Especially from you, Draven, we have a right to expect more dignified behavior.

Draven made a great effort of will not to show the indignation that gripped him. For more than half of his life he faithfully served Henry. But at the same time he was no one's pawn or jester and did not answer to anyone but himself. Heinrich had long understood this, and it was precisely this that made Draven a valuable ally to him. Their fellowship is forged in battle and blood.

Draven looked Heinrich straight in the eye as an equal.

“You know well, my lord, that I will not retreat or bow before this man who attacks my peasants and raids my fields. If Hugh wants war, I swear to God I'm the right person to go to war with him.

Heinrich raised his eyes to the sky, as if mentally calling on the saints to help him:

“We are tired of our lords fighting each other. We understand that the years of Stephen's reign were years of turmoil, but those times have passed. This country is now ruled by me, Heinrich, and there will be peace in my country. – King looked directly at Draven: – Do you understand?

- Yes, sir.

Heinrich then turned his gaze to Hugh, who continued to stare at the floor beneath his feet.

Yes, I understand, Your Majesty. The king's stern face softened a little.

- That is great. But since we understand that two mice left in a field cannot be trusted while a cat wanders somewhere else, we must seal this contract with stronger bonds.

Draven was seized by a sickening sensation of fear. He knew Henry well enough, and therefore he understood that the king's plans would not please him, Draven.

Heinrich continued:

“Since neither of you is willing to admit that you attacked first, we will resort to the wisdom of Solomon. If you both happen to have something that the other dreams of, then it may be that you think carefully before committing further hostile actions.

Heinrich stroked his reddish beard.

“You have a daughter, don't you, Hugh?

“Yes, Your Majesty, I have three other daughters alive.

Heinrich nodded, then looked at Draven, who met his gaze with defiant directness.

"What do you say, Draven?"

“I have a slacker brother, and for years I have wanted to be rid of him.

Draven's brother, who was standing ten paces behind him, muttered something indignantly, but wisely fell silent, as he was in front of his king.

Heinrich was silent, considering what he had said. His face showed confusion.

“Tell us, Simon,” he turned to Draven’s younger brother, “what is the most precious thing in the world for your brother?”

Draven turned slightly and noticed that Simon was confused by the king's attention.

“In truth, your majesty, he values ​​only his honor,” Simon said, bowing his head in a polite bow to the king.

“That’s right,” Heinrich said thoughtfully. “We know the limits to which he can go so as not to sacrifice his honor. Very good. We demand that Draven swear on his honor that he will not harass Hugh and raid, and Hugh must give him one of his daughters as a pledge of his good behavior.

- What?! Hugh roared so loudly that Draven was afraid that the beams would fall on them. - Are you serious?

Heinrich fixed an angry glance on Hugh.

Sir, you are forgetting. You enter into an argument with your king, and this is a dangerous path.

Hugh's face turned redder than the crimson surcoat Draven wore over his armor.

“Your Majesty, I beg you, do not ask me for this. My daughters are gentle creatures, not accustomed to male society. The eldest is to be married soon, and her sister is a nun. She took her hair in the monastery of St. Anne. Surely you cannot demand that they break their vows, that they be taken hostage on uncertain terms?

“You sounded like you were talking about three daughters?”

An expression of indescribable horror appeared on Hugh's long, wrinkled face.

“Sir, Emily is the sweetest of all my daughters. She trembles at the slightest fright. An hour in the company of Ravenswood and she would die of fright. I beg you, please don't demand it.

Heinrich narrowed his eyes and barked menacingly:

Lady in his house! At the thought of this, Draven felt his lips curl involuntarily. He was tempted to tell Henry to leave this venture, but one look at the king was enough to eventually remain silent and not dispute his command.

And then the most incredible thing happened. Hugh knelt before the throne and rested his forehead on the stone floor. His yellow-white surcoat spread around him like a puddle.

“Please, Your Majesty,” Hugh said pleadingly, “you cannot take my daughter from me with nothing more than an oath of Ravenswood. I beg you. Emily... she's my whole life. Take my lands, but please leave me a daughter.

For a moment, Draven even felt sorry for this man, but he remembered the village, which was set on fire in the dead of night. He remembered the women raped and mercilessly killed in their beds. In retaliation for this, he would have surrounded Hugh's castle and torn it to pieces, but the king was indebted to Hugh's father, and, being the champion of the king, Draven was obliged not to harm Hugh, unless the king's decree.

The friendliest words giving pleasant compliments to a friend

Thanks for adding holidays.ru to:

You are able to be there when you need it most and not interfere when I am happy. You are the perfect friend!

You are not just a friend, you are like a sister to me, who is close to my soul mate!

The world would simply change for the better if there were at least 50% of girls like you in it!

* * *

Your ability to smile at failure is sincerely respected.

Your companion is the wind of change, and your sister is beauty!

You are perfect in all your centimeters!

You just have a gift to look so that all men lose their minds!

You can disarm with your smile and kill with one look.

You have no excuses to meet. You are always ready to prove your friendship.

You are unique! You know how to enjoy a little, but you bring it in huge quantities!

You look like you're back from vacation!

Girlfriend, I'm proud of you! You are my fire!

How cool are you! Now all the envious people will definitely start unsubscribing from you)

Besides me, only you are allowed to be so beautiful!

Girlfriend, you make this world much more beautiful and pleasant!

You are my lawyer, vest, comrade-in-arms, like-minded and beautiful competitor.

Love you friend! With you, you can go to reconnaissance and go out into the world.

Without you, I definitely would not have raked my problems during the hours of bad weather and went crazy in happy moments! I share my weekdays and holidays with you with joy!

You radiate pheromones and femininity!

My friend, you are adorable! With you warmer in the cold and more fun in sadness.

I look at you and understand that here she is - the ideal future wife of the president!

My baby, for me you are the ideal of a woman, to which many are very far away or not at all real.

Beautiful compliments to a friend

You're never afraid of being eaten by your eyes because you're made of gold!

Your character is worth more than a three-carat diamond, which is why your girlfriends are the richest women on earth.

Your strength is in external fragility... But the soul is the most fragile thing in you...

It's good that I met you and now I have someone to learn to smile at the world every day!

You're so cool that you can't pick up compliments. Everyone sounds cheap when applied to you!

compliments for best friend

You are just a stunning cocktail of wisdom, sophistication and outward beauty!

A sip of your love will intoxicate any man and knock you down faster than a bottle of strong whiskey.

You are an independent person, but at heart you are a naive girl dreaming of a prince. You are not worth it - only kings should be at your feet!

* * *

You have such a feminine fragrance that you can create a particularly sexy perfume, taking it as a basis.

Even angels can envy your kindness and patience!

You mean so much to me
My girlfriend is dear.
I hasten to congratulate you.
With all my heart I wish you:
Live in the world for many years
Not knowing grief and bad weather.
To always be lucky in everything,
And there was a lot of happiness in life.
March 8 on Women's Day,
I want to say without a doubt
Friends are more valuable than you
Accept these congratulations!

Dear friend!
Congratulations on March 8!
Bloom and grow like a rose
Not like this mimosa!
Be happy, friend!
Here's a mug for you!
Drink some tea with fun
Yes, read my congratulations!
I wish you health, I wish you love
And so that your wishes come true!

We've known each other for a long time
You are like a sister to me
You give joy to anyone
So much laughter and kindness!
Congratulations on March 8,
Let our friendship grow stronger.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Be like you are now!

Let desires sail
Straighten out instantly
And green eyes
Happy smiling!
Have fun on this day
Dear friend!
Lilacs will bloom soon
And the blizzard will disappear!
May hope be for you
Best of all gifts
Will shine like the dawn
On the Day of March 8!

With you, faithful friend,
Ready to go through everything.
We are not afraid of rain or blizzard -
We see no obstacles on the way!
And on Women's Day to you, beauty,
I wish with all my heart
So that the gait was easy,
And so that great success comes!

Happy March 8th,
Dear friend,
The sun is shining in the sky
And the blizzard does not howl!
Let the eyes of a girlfriend
Gently smile
May dreams of happiness
Wake up from spring!
May love be great
Warms the heart
Poem to a girlfriend
Helps in life!

Sometimes it's hard in life
Sometimes happiness overflows.
Only, my faithful friend,
Never cry, don't be sad.
Congratulations on your spring day
Happy International Women's Day.
Believe that we will change our destiny
Everything is within the power of the two of us.
Smile dear friend
Have fun, meet your spring.
A blizzard will congratulate you on the holiday,
March will bring novelty to life.

My dear friend,
March 8 has arrived!
I hasten to congratulate you on this
And wish you a cool rear
Strong male shoulder
Unforgettable meetings
So that the soul was light
Love burned for a long time candles!

On the spring women's holiday,
Accept, friend, congratulations,
Complements to you a sea of ​​​​different,
And a great mood
I wish you happiness and good luck
Health and love beautiful in addition,
Let everything be fine at work,
I wish you a smooth road in your personal life.

Happy March 8, friend, congratulations,
I wish the cherished dream come true.
Joy to you, warmth and inspiration,
Happiness, and many vivid impressions.
Always be desired and loved
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
Beautiful love, let it inspire you
Success knows no bounds.

Congratulations to your best friend on March 8

Dear friend, happy March 8, I am glad to congratulate you,
Let life be a joy for you
I wish all your dreams come true
And the set goal will certainly be achieved.
I wish you love, light, real,
Simple, human happiness,
In all success and luck,
And always in a great mood.

Happy March 8, accept congratulations,
Live in happiness and health for many years,
I wish you joy, patience and kindness,
So that fate is always favorable.
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart,
May all dreams come true
Be beautiful, sweet, kind always,
Reliable friends surround you.

Smile eight times today
Pull up eight times today.
Turn your face to the sun
Let a ray of happiness into the window.
Let love fly with him
And you, my friend, will enrich you very surely.
On the day of March 8, I send you congratulations,
And for the happiness of a woman I will bless you.

I wish you, friend
On this day, only happiness and kindness.
Happy spring day, I congratulate you
Be so beautiful you always!
You know how to be simple and close,
You know how to be wise
Stay clean in the dirt
You know how to live, love and wait.
I want to be friends with you forever
I trust you with everything.
You are so directly cordial
That with you it is always easy for everyone.

Girlfriend, happy March 8!
Let gifts fall at your feet
Let the men waste money
And compliments are given all in a row!
I'll tell you one thing, friend
Being a woman is really cool!
Look at yourself, my friend
After all, you really are very good!
Well, who can compare with a classy gait,
Posture and when you are meek,
You will subdue any man
Oh, how all the same, a woman is smart!
I wish you to live easy and cool,
Let every minute be joyful!

I want to congratulate my friend today
She is a phenomenon among women.
I have not met others in our region,
Please accept my congratulations!
You can decorate with your fellowship
Rainy and gray weekday day.
And if it's a holiday, then just keep it!
Everyone will be happy with you.

Girlfriend by the Eighth of March
I will say more kind words!
Let dreams come true
And love reigns in life!
Mind, beauty and charm
Honored bear success!
You will hear confessions on a holiday,
Because you are the most wonderful of all!
So be lucky, be happy
Cheerful, young, mischievous!
Always kind and beautiful
My girlfriend is golden!

The snow hasn't gone yet
Our day has come - March 8!
Each Yaga was transformed,
In the heat of spring excitement.
But you, girlfriend, are an exception -
Beauty in summer and winter!
There is no escape for men now
We go hunting with you!

Girlfriend, on the eighth of March,
I wish you happiness!
Enthusiasm, joy, passion!
Love, laugh and bloom!
Let there be an easy road
In your lucky fate!
And a lot of positive, a lot,
Always had with you!

Today is Women's Day my friend
So congratulations!
Always be nice and happy
And never be discouraged!
I wish you more health
Hope, faith and love!
And to raise glasses with wine
Today we could!

Congratulations to a friend on March 8

Dear friend, kind, faithful,
On March 8, I hasten to wish you
To make your cherished dream come true,
I will ask the angels about it.
So that the husband loves to the pain in his heart,
I dedicated poems to you, gave you flowers,
So that happiness is near, here, behind the door,
And no obstacles on the way.

You are a woman - a fairy tale, you are a fairy tale - spring!
Today, my friend, we are all not up to sleep.
That March is a rascal, a cheerful rebel -
The eighth number showed the calendar.
And I congratulate you on this day!
Come on, girlfriend, let's party with you.
After all, the eighth of March! .. Sweets, flowers,
Girlfriend, dear, be happy.

On the eighth of March, I tell you, my girlfriend
I want to wish big and pure love!
To live happily, without tears in the pillow!
And don't you dare forget me!
We have gone through many trials with you.
You have always been faithful and devoted.
I wish you a lot of good wishes
Sweets, cake, well, she brought a martini.

My beloved and dear friend,
Today is the day of spring for us!
We congratulate each other with you
I want to tell you now
May this gentle day of spring
Gives many flowers
Congratulate the people of the whole country,
After all, you deserve the best words

I wish you more meetings
Happy, best,
So that you can save
Your life from the unlucky.
So that spring knocks on the house,
And love shone in the eyes
So, girlfriend, you me
Never forgot!

Hand in hand with you
I've been going for a year, my friend.
We don't need to look for words
To understand each other.
So let your dreams come true
On a beautiful day, the eighth of March
Goodness, health, beauty
And life with a spark of excitement!

The most tender and beautiful
On the Day of the 8th of March,
I wish to be loved
Happiness and excitement
I wish you success
money and career
Let your friends envy
Cavaliers crave!

Spring Festival, Women's Day
Coming up to us! I want to wish,
To never be sad in vain,
In life, worries and sorrows do not know!
Listen my dear friend
Your heart is like birdsong!
On the eighth of March, I congratulate you!
The woman is the queen of queens!

Suddenly I'm wrong, correct me -
Even if my heart is heavy:
Come on, will you congratulate me?
After all, I congratulate you;
But even if I'm wrong
Persevering in your diligence,
I smile at you heartily
My girlfriend! Happy Women's Day!

My dear best friend
Let the pain, blizzard and blizzard subside in the heart,
Let everything be smooth and decent in business,
May you live just fine!
Be always beautiful, bright, stylish, cool,
So that you catch compliments often!
May fortune give good gifts
And fate spoils on the day of March 8!

Happy spring day, dear friend.
Happy March 8, Happy Love Day.
Let the cuckoo fill with happiness
And let your eyes laugh.
You love, friend, be loved,
There is no love more beautiful on earth.
Be beautiful and unique
Rejoice in the mysterious moon.
Let the stars shine for you
And streams murmur to you in spring.
Let the snowflakes melt with a smile
Gives its rays of the sun.

I have a beautiful girlfriend
Angelic character, soul,
I trust her with all my secrets
I wish you happiness and love.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
Let all diseases bypass
I really enjoy being friends with you.

I wish my dear friend happiness
Love, health and life without bad weather,
Let everything come true in full
May the ground always be firm under your feet.
Let the sun shine brighter
May your eyes always smile
May the world around you be kinder
After all, your birthday is your holiday.

I wish you on your birthday
A sea of ​​joy, love, kindness,
Bloom, get drunk with happiness,
Like a glass of tart wine!
Girlfriend, even in any weather,
Spring blooms in your soul
So that
And let the men laugh about it,
Don't mind their gossip
With you, we will meet more than one dawn,
When we suddenly feel like talking!

I wish you much happiness
Defeat misfortune.
Live for many years, like in a fairy tale,
In full health and kindness!

We know each other
Many winters and many years.
You are always my friend
Cheer up and give advice.
Even if we are far away
You are always with me in my heart.
I remember your birthday
I am without a notebook.
And you again today
I'm in a hurry to congratulate.
Be lucky, be healthy
Let sadness leave your heart!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a girlfriend

Happy birthday my friend,
My dear you are.
Very warm congratulations
And I kiss you!
I wish you happiness
Cool life and love,
To glow with joy
Your smart eyes!
To be so beautiful
Many, many more years.
To shine without fading
Our friendship is a bright light!

You are so beautiful today
And a smile on your face.
Happy birthday, congratulations
I want to wish you:
Lots of joy and laughter
Wallet full of money
A sea of ​​plans and successes,
To always move forward.
And, of course, health
And also great love.
So that in your soul is beautiful
Scarlet roses bloomed.

Happy birthday my friend!
I really care about you.
In life, like a ray of light,
Guiding star.
I wish you happiness -
In life, in personal, yes in everything.
Bad weather will bypass you
Let the house be filled with laughter.
And you - success
So that you are always lucky in everything.
In a boat full of luck
With the flow so that it carries.
And so that in 90 years,
Calling you to say:
"So, my friend,
Went to retire for a walk?

I am on this beautiful and joyful day
I wish you great happiness.
May good luck always be with you
So that the eyes shine brightly with joy.
Be the best, beloved, hope and wait -
Hope will fulfill your desires.
Let love cover with a flower scarf,
Postpone worries for later.
May victory be on your side.
I wish you career and glory
Smiles, gifts, flowers, mood.
Girlfriend, I love you! And happy birthday!

Health, happiness, warmth,
Flowers, gentle smiles,
Relatives and friends of kindness,
Sunny days, hello,
Turn dreams into reality
Love, in matters of luck
And in the race of life to be the first
Wish! Happy birthday!

Let sadness go out of life
Veil of rainy everyday life
And warms the way with happiness,
Blooming spring in my heart!
Let the family please with warmth,
Welcomes success in business
And never stops
Children's laughter in a cozy house!
I wish you many happy years
Without evil, sadness and resentment,
Let for your spiritual light,
The Lord will reward you well!
Flowers, gifts, warmth,
So that lilacs bloom in the soul,
Love, health, kindness
I wish you a wonderful day!

The kindest, the brightest,
Very beautiful, with a magical heart,
With a ton of patience and inspiration
I want to congratulate you without delay.

Let all sad thoughts go away
May your happiness be endless
Let only excitement be joyful.
Faith, Hope, Love! Happy birthday!

I wish you good luck, success, health,
Let life surround you only with love,
Problems and troubles will disappear forever,
And you always be cheerful and carefree.
I wish you love, may you be lucky in life,
Know that happiness and joy are waiting for you everywhere!

I wish you joyful discoveries
And bright, sunny events,
To make your dreams come true
Every day starts with a smile

To be the favorite of fortune
To the soul of a beautiful string
They played the melody of love
And they promised sweetness in life.

I wish, my friend, that you, like a bird,
Always continued to strive for heights.
And so that, like a cat, it was graceful,
To only be serious at work.

Always to be on the wave of positive,
Rich, successful and very beautiful!
Led to love you on a bright path,
Which trouble and anxiety do not go,

Good luck to decorate your house with laughter,
Everything you ever dreamed of came true
So that you only listen to words of admiration ...
I wish you on your birthday!

Gentle congratulations to a girlfriend happy birthday

There were many different situations
And we helped each other.
And today I want to confess -
Best friend is you!
I wish you a lot of happiness
Ocean of love, forest luck,
To take away all misfortunes
Those blue skies!

Our friendship is the strongest
After all, it has been proven over the years.
I wish you one
Solid soil is always underfoot!

My dear friend,
Life is hard sometimes
So know that I will support you -
Your best friend in the world!

Let everything be different today
May good luck accompany you everywhere.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
Don't be sad, friend, you're here in vain.
It will be everything that you only dreamed of,
Everything is like in a book I once read.
Happy birthday my friend
And let everything work out for you.

On my birthday I wish you happiness:
Don't put off your life!
Wear your best dress
And let's go hang out together!
All compliments will be for you
And men will fall at their feet!
We will remember all these moments -
After all, we live today and here!
I wish you have fun
And from life only buzz to receive.
Let all the best suddenly happen:
Everything you can wish for!

The days of silence have gone
Clear light among them
So that you don't get bored
Get a verse as a gift.
Best day best friend
Nothing can replace me
To save everyone from boredom,
I want to love you.
birthday free,
A holiday just for you
I want now not modestly,
Kiss in front of everyone loving.

My faithful friend
My close friend!
Bored, perhaps?
Haven't seen you for a long time!
The winter storm will pass
And we will be together again!
Goodnight honey
And sweet, sweet dreams!

Good night dear friend
I wish you pleasant dreams.
We've known each other for so long
But we had few fights.

Good night, let me dream
You are your prince, if you want.
And let it come true
The hero from your dream.

Sleep my friend
Close your eyes
May you see a friend in a dream
Prince just for you.
This night will be calm
And the nightmares will go away.
May that prince love you
Will definitely be here!

Sleep my girlfriend
Gently I whisper in my ear.
The night is coming towards you
It makes you sleep.

You lie down and fall asleep
Sleep sweetly my friend
Gently, I will say in your ear.

We, dear friend,
Like sisters... Even closer.
Lie down, sleep, my dear,
Night descends over the roof.

How tired are you today!
How many cases, worrying worries!
You see - a dream wanders around the house.
Sleep, my friend, if you can.

Your lot is not easy
But you are strong ... Even very much!
A dream is like a subtle sigh of a guitar...
Sleep. Sleep. Good night!

Good night dear friend.
I am very glad that we found each other.
It's more fun to live in this world
Having, like you, many friends.

I want to tell you before going to bed
How important it is to sleep in bed at night.
Drop everything, go to bed quickly
And you will be more cheerful in the morning.

Sleep well, my friend, don't be angry.
And don't worry about fate
Believe me, everything will hurt.
And in the morning, wake up happy!

Let tomorrow be a new day
And let there be no laziness.
And all the problems - well, they are in the stump!
Throw them away, my friend, into the shadows.

The night has come, but don't be sad
Better yet, let go of the day.
He will come to you tomorrow new,
Beautiful, kind, very cool!

Sleep sweetly my friend
You can see a friend in a dream.
He probably wants to show
It may be your destiny!

Girlfriend, you already go to sleep,
And you will fall asleep soundly in your bed.
Let this moment be only sweet
All dreams will come true in the morning in order.
I wish you and sweet dreams, happy ones,
The dreams will be good, I promise you.

My sweet girlfriend
I'll whisper in your ear.
Sleep tight dear.
You are the only one for me.
May you dream of princes
Fierce Argentines.
Everyone will love you
And drink cocktails with you.
Don't forget about me
Invite you for a holiday.

Sleep. Sweet dreams to you, my friend
Everything, everything will change, believe me.
I'm near, we pass the blizzard,
Let's open the door to the world of summer again.

There are sorrows in life
But the day of the flowering of new forces,
Tomorrow will come with awakening
And the light will be nice to you again.

Luck will enter your destiny
In fate, in love, in business, in money
And life satisfaction
It will come, in all its features!

Again there will be everything that the heart asks for,
Pleasant thoughts should be -
And outside the window will be autumn
Like the end of spring!