We will be glad to see you also at. Wedding invitation texts

Dear _____!

We have the honor to invite you to the ceremonial registration of our family union which will take place _____ year at _____ hours at _____.

WITH sincere respect _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to share our joy! _____ of the year will take place one of the most important events in our life! We will be happy to see you among the guests at the official registration at _____ o'clock and at the banquet at _____ o'clock at _____.

Please confirm your desire to attend our celebration by phone or in person no later than _____.

With gratitude and respect _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Our dear _____!

We want to invite you to our family's birthday! On this day we are going to say “Yes” to each other, surrounded by our closest and dearest people.

We decided to unite our hearts and destinies in _____ year, at _____ hours, at _____.

We will be very glad to see you at our first family holiday!

Fate has given us a wonderful gift, and we will arrange a real celebration for this occasion!

Our wedding will take place _____ year at _____ hours at _____.

You can come to the registry office or join us at the banquet at _____ o'clock, at _____.

We will be grateful for your attention and support on such an important day for us!

Sincerely yours _____ (names of the bride and groom)

“True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.” These are the words of La Rochefoucauld.

We are very lucky, our love is real and we want to tell the whole world about it!

We will take an oath of allegiance to each other _____ year at _____ hours at _____.

And we will certainly celebrate this significant event in the cafe _____ at _____ o'clock.

We invite you to join our celebration of two loving hearts!

Expensive _____!

_____ (date of) There will be a special event in our lives - our wedding day. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - our wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____.

We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ o'clock.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the marriage ceremony and the celebration dedicated to this holiday.

Marriage registration will take place at the Wedding Palace at the address: _____.

Official part will take place at _____ hours _____ minutes in _____ at the address: _____.

We will be glad to have you at our wedding!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

_____ (date of) There will be a special event in our lives _____ our wedding day. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - our wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____. We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ o'clock _____ minutes.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____ and _____.

Your most sincere words and bring your greatest wishes in your soul, and gifts - in this envelope.

We look forward to seeing you at _____ at _____ o'clock.

AND _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Is our wedding celebration will take place _____ at _____ o'clock in the registry office at _____. After this, we are waiting for our dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our lives - our First family celebration, where we will connect our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you would witness this event and share with us the exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!

The solemn registration ceremony of our union will take place at _____, at _____ o'clock on the last Friday of _____ (month) of this year.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____.

The wedding ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____ at _____ o'clock.

We are waiting for you for the festive banquet at _____ restaurant at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to celebrate with us the significant day of our wedding _____ at _____ o'clock at the address _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)


We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place _____ year at _____ o'clock in the _____ restaurant.

See you! _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We are pleased to announce that the wedding ceremony of two loving hearts will take place _____! We invite you to share this exciting event at the Wedding Palace at _____ o'clock.

A banquet on the occasion of the celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be glad to share with you the joy of this unforgettable day and invite you to a celebration arranged for you in our honor!

Meeting time: _____ hours, _____ of the year. Meeting point: _____.

(names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you _____ at _____ o’clock to the marriage registration and the celebration dedicated to this event. Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The wedding celebration will take place at ______ o'clock at the restaurant _____ at _____. We will be happy to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to a celebration dedicated to our marriage, which will take place _____ year at _____ hours _____ minutes at _____ at the address: _____.

We will be glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the celebration dedicated to our wedding, which will take place _____ year in _____ at the address: _____, beginning in _____.

We will be glad to share this happy day with you!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our entire lives.

We want to unite our destinies and our hearts _____, and we would be very pleased if you would witness this event and share our joy with us.

The celebration will take place at: _____at _____h _____min. by the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place _____ at _____ o'clock, at _____.

See you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We look forward to your congratulations and wishes at our wedding. The banquet will take place _____ at _____h _____min at the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

P.S. Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (date of)

It may pass like an ordinary day and you will not remember anything special, but it may become one of the most have a nice day not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday- our WEDDING!

The registration ceremony will take place at _____ (time) at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The celebration dedicated to this event will take place at the _____ restaurant at _____. Please confirm your presence in advance.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____!

We invite you to a celebration that unites two hearts - our wedding. We really want you to share the joy of this day with us.

The registration ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____, in _____. The ceremonial banquet will take place in _____, in _____.

We are waiting for you, sincerely yours _____ (names of the bride and groom) .

Expensive _____!

_____ (date of) forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place in the Central Registry Office in _____, at _____.

After this, all the guests will go to the party, which will take place in _____.

Stock up good mood And comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

Waiting for you _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be very glad if you will be with us and share our happiness!

We want to seal our union in _____ at _____ o'clock at the address _____.

We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us. The day of our happy beginning family life!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our entire lives. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on October 23, 2014, and we would be very pleased if you shared our joy with us.

The celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____ o'clock.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to celebrate our wedding _____ at _____ o'clock at _____.

We will be very glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____ and _____!

We are waiting for you _____ year at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We look forward to your congratulations and wishes at our wedding. The banquet will take place _____ at _____ hours at _____.

Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Your presence at our wedding celebration will be a wonderful gift for us on this significant day! We will be very glad to see you _____ year at _____ o'clock in the _____ restaurant.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear, beloved and most dear to us _____.

Due to the current circumstances, namely: the inability to look at the empty 14th page of our passports anymore and constantly answer the questions: “Well, when is it???”, we still decided to perform the wedding ceremony.

In this connection, we will be glad to see you at our wedding _____ year at _____ o'clock at _____.

We will be very glad to see you! ____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We invite you to become a guest of our exciting, but at the same time happy event.

At _____ o'clock at _____, our wedding ceremony will take place.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

There are happy and joyful moments in our lives that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to discover with us new page books of our life.

Our wedding celebration will take place _____. at _____ h. at the registry office at _____. After this, we are waiting for our dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)


"Hello Tatiana!

I am sending you our speech modules for audit. Please help me correct them. Our baker salespeople work behind the counter. They finish baking the products (bread, loaves, buns, etc.) and sell them in our branded departments, which are located in chain stores.

Sincerely, Inna Fedyaeva,

training manager, Siberian Chemical Combine, Novosibirsk.”


"Today we have big choice hot delicious bread. Which one do you prefer?

“This bread was baked literally an hour ago. Try it! Very tasty!"

“Today there is a new product on sale. The twist appeared with us not so long ago, but our Customers loved it"

“We have new baked goods: delicious envelopes with lingonberries. Want to try?"

“I can offer you...” “We have...”

“I can offer you a choice...”

Depends on a situation:

If the buyer is considering a specific product.

Name the product: “This is Pyrenean bread - fragrant, Rye bread with a crispy crust and tender crumb"

Describe the product technology, name the product: “This bread, prepared using Italian technology, is Ciabatta!”

Pay attention to the details of the product in question: “This bread has a porous, delicate crumb made from premium flour”

“We have buns with different fillings for your baby”


Successful solutions:

  • The proposed speech modules are structured correctly from the point of view of establishing contact with the buyer. In addition, they successfully “catch” with their emotionality, warmth, and sincerity. But it is precisely these—one might say, human qualities—that in our country are traditionally attributed to bread. In this regard, the phrases “hot delicious bread”, “new pastries”, “bread baked an hour ago”, “fragrant rye bread with a crispy crust” do not leave anyone indifferent in the literal sense of the word.
  • Many phrases that sellers use contain a call to action, “Try it!”, which actually encourages them to make a purchase. It is important that this word is pronounced after a strong emotional characteristic of the product. It’s great if the emotional coloring of the words is also conveyed by intonation. This creates an atmosphere of hospitality, comfort and warmth.
  • It is valuable that sellers pay attention to new products, to the features of the product, and are ready to approach the client individually, for example, choosing a delicious bun or cupcake for a child.
  • It is important that one phrase manages to “awaken” sensations. You read - and you feel the taste and smell of bread, it seems that it is lying right in front of you - “Try it!”
  • Besides emotional side, the speech modules under consideration have another significant advantage: they are short. Each phrase takes no more than 1 - 1.5 lines. This means that the buyer will not get tired of listening to long descriptions and will quickly move on to making a choice, and new employee will quickly learn them and will easily supplement them with his own developments.
  • It is important to pay attention to the nuances. For example, exclude the word “but”, which introduces the meaning of opposition, but the seller has no such goal. On the contrary, let’s soften the phrase a little: “There’s a new product on sale today. The twist appeared with us not so long ago, but (and immediately) fell in love with our customers,” we will get an even more profitable option both in meaning and in sound: “Today there is a new product on sale. The twist appeared with us recently and is already loved by our customers.”.
  • We included the remaining proposals and comments directly into the proposed text, because Inna sent many examples both in table format and in text form. We have indicated our recommendations in italics and blue:

Interaction stage


Your actions and words


To set up a contact.

Establish eye contact with the buyer, greet the Client kindly and with a smile.

“Good morning/afternoon/evening”; "Hello!"

Offer a new product if it is in stock. Offer hot baked goods if they are already ready.


Identify needs.

"What do you want?"; " What can I offer you?"; “Have you made your choice?”; “What would you like to please yourself with?”; “What would you like to try?”

“What do you want to please yourself with today?” (phrase suitable for regular customers)

Help in choosing

The buyer cannot make a choice

Provide quality service to the Buyer according to his needs, in accordance with the corporate standard

“Do you need help with your choice?”

If the answer is yes: "What would you like? Bread or something for tea?”, “What kind of bread do you prefer?”, “I can offer you hot bread, loaves or pastries made from puff pastry and yeast dough.” Depending on the buyer’s choice, we offer products: starting with new products, the most popular products, and ending with the rest.

If the answer is negative: the client makes a choice, asks, clarifies, the seller answers the questions.

It is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of product composition and assortment.

For regular customers you can use the following phrases: “Have you tried it yet...? Highly recommend"(can be used at the pre-sale stage, clause 2.2.).

Stop: “bread”. On the one hand, this affectionate name product, it shows the careful and even caring attitude of the seller himself towards bread. On the other hand, the word does not produce much pleasant impression because of its diminutive form. It, of course, does not scare off the buyer, but it stands out against the background of other well-built modules and seems like an inappropriate vernacular. Applications may be considered of this word and focus on the effect it has on the client, based on the sellers' practices.

The buyer made the choice himself or with your help upsells

Offer an additional product.

“Do you want me to warm it up?” (if there is a microwave and the product has already cooled down). Offer additional products: for tea, for breakfast, for a child at school, as a dessert, a hearty afternoon snack, etc.

“I suggest you try a pocket with lingonberries”, “Please (pamper) yourself, take it for a test ...”, “Let me advise you ...”, “I recommend trying ..., very tasty!” “Have you tried it yet...? Highly recommend!".


Complete contact with the Buyer on a positive wave.

« Bon appetit(required) "Come to us!"; “You are always welcome!”; “We will be glad to see you again” (“We will be glad to see you again”); "Waiting for you!"; “Come, you are always welcome!”

Work dialogue.

Option 1. The buyer has doubts.

Etc.: Hello!

P.: Hello, I need a Gourmet baguette.

Etc.: Gourmet baguette? You know it's over. I can offer you a Valois bun.

It is recommended to replace the combination “can + verb” with verbs in the imperative mood containing a call to action. For example, “I can offer you a Valois bun” - on “I suggest you”, “try”, “choose”, “treat yourself”. “But there are fresh Valois rolls.” You tried?"

P.: Aren't they burnt? (with doubt.)

Etc.: Burnt? What do you have in mind?

It’s great that instead of arguing with the client, as is often the case, the seller seeks to clarify his doubts with the help of clarifying questions.

P.: You see, I once took them and they turned out to be burnt inside.

Etc.: Oh, here it is... You thought the bun was burnt... right?

P.: Exactly.

Etc.: You see, due to the content of a large percentage rye flour and the malt taste of the bun is very specific. This is exactly what you felt, you just assessed it a little differently. If you take a small piece of a bun, chew it thoroughly, then just this aftertaste will appear. All that remains is to understand whether you like this taste or not. Do you agree with me?

Given the situation when, in fact, the client makes a claim on the quality of the product, you should be especially attentive to every word said at this stage. The words “it seemed to you” make it clear that we do not accept the claim and do not agree with the client. Chances are he will continue to argue. You can say: "Understood. You were confused by the taste of the bun, right?”, “I’m sorry that you got this impression”, “I agree with you, because of the high percentage of rye flour and malt, the taste of the bun is very specific.”

Yes, these buns have an unusual (unusual) taste. This is due to the high percentage of rye flour and malt. This is exactly the taste you felt, but you assessed it a little differently. If you take a small piece of a bun, chew it thoroughly, then the taste of rye flour and malt will just appear. Do you like this taste or should we choose something else?

P.: I think, yes.

Etc.: Grab a few buns and decide. (Take a few buns and decide how much you like them.)

Let's choose the right ones. Do you want less or more?

P.: 300 gr. is quite enough for me, but don’t offer me vanilla, I already bought it, and I didn’t like the smell of burnt oil.

Etc.: I'm sorry, what? (it is recommended to replace “What, excuse me”? with “I understood you correctly”?) Did the cupcake smell like burnt butter?

P.: Yes, yes it was just terrible. We didn’t even try - we threw it away.

Etc.: Yes, I understand, unpleasant situation, and you wouldn’t want to make a mistake again

But (And yet) you know, yesterday I bought a tea cupcake from this particular batch, which is now on sale. Wonderful cupcake! The only aroma of vanilla and apples is felt. Take one and you can really pamper yourself with exquisite taste!

It’s better to remove the phrase “You wouldn’t want to make a mistake again,” because... the client, most likely, even after the seller’s explanations, will believe that this is not his mistake, but an issue with the quality of the product, i.e. manufacturer's responsibility. It is better not to focus the client’s attention on the negative.

Yes, I understand, an unpleasant situation. However, yesterday I bought a cupcake from this particular batch, which is now on sale. Wonderful cupcake! The only aroma of vanilla and apples is felt. Take one and you can really pamper yourself with exquisite taste!

If the customer didn’t like the taste: why do we convince him to buy the same product again and again?

P.: Well, okay, we’ve convinced you, if you’ve already tried it yourself, then let’s do it.

Ex: Bon appetit! We are waiting for you again!

Newsletter wedding invitations- this is where any wedding begins. After all, it is with the help of this simple document that you notify guests about the upcoming joyful event. It is advisable to start sending out invitations 2-3 weeks before the expected celebration so that people can plan their time. This is a way to prevent a person from forgetting about a future event - after all, even if you call all your friends and acquaintances, no one will give you a guarantee that someone will not confuse the date or simply forget about this day.

Wedding invitations can look different, it is important to choose matching accessories in the same color and style with the upcoming celebration. ( Original invitations for a wedding you can order from professional designers from the section of our Catalog) Even if you order the text of the wedding invitation in advance from a printing house, it is considered good form to enter the names of the guests with my own hand. The text in the invitation can be both formal and humorous, the invitation must contain specific information about the time and place of the event wedding ceremony registration, wedding, banquet. It is advisable for non-resident guests to describe in detail how it is more convenient to get to the venue of the official part.

We offer you several templates wedding invitation text, and you can choose for yourself which one best suits the theme and style of the celebration.

1. The text of the wedding invitation in verse

We ask you to arrive promptly

On the occasion of our wedding.

On this important day for us

We will be happy to see you.

We have now decided forever

Connect your paths

And we are waiting for you on this wonderful evening,

To share our happiness.

2. We decided to get married,

A magnificent holiday is ahead,

Let's have fun together

The heart burns with joy.

Come to our wedding

And take your family

We are happy to welcome guests

And we accompany them to the table!

3. Gangster style wedding invitation

Dear Don and Donna (last name)

We are pleased to inform you that (on such and such a date, at such and such a time) the ceremonial unification of the two most powerful clans of mafiosi (surnames) will take place.

We are waiting for you for the holiday, which will take place (date, month, year, time) in a cafe (restaurant, house) at ________.

The ability to shoot, bluff and dance is welcome.

Signatures of the bride and groom

4. Our dear __________!

We invite you to a celebration that unites two hearts - our wedding. We really want you to share the joy of this day with us.

The registration ceremony will take place at the local registry office at _______, in _____. The ceremonial banquet will be held at ______________, at ________.

We are waiting for you, sincerely yours (names of the bride and groom).

5. Text of the invitation to the “sea” wedding

Dear _____________!

We hasten to inform you that tired of long wanderings, our ship of love brought us to the shore, and we strive to land on an amazing island called “Family” in search of treasures - endless happiness.

We invite you to join this exciting voyage and thank you in advance for your support and participation on this important day for us. The launch of the ship "Family" will take place (date, time, place). The departure is scheduled from the bay of (name and address of the restaurant) at (such and such time).

We invite you to a friendly feast in honor of this event.

Sincerely, your sailors (name of the bride and groom)

6. Funny invitation text with humor

Expensive _______________!

Forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in ________, at _______.

After this, all guests will go to the party, which will take place (date, date, name of the restaurant, its address).

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

We are waiting for you (signatures of the bride and groom).

7. Text of a wedding invitation for friends (with humor)

Our beloved _________!

If you want to see your friend (name) in a white dress, and your friend (name of the groom) in classic suit, which means you definitely need to free up the day (date).

A painting ceremony will take place at the registry office at ____________.

After this, we are waiting for everyone at a cheerful banquet, which will take place at ____ o’clock, in the restaurant (cafe and its name), at ____________.

Your (names of the bride and groom)

8. Original wedding invitation text. "Medieval invitation."

It is designed in the form of a scroll; you can attach a rose to it or decorate it with knightly symbols.

Virtuous sir and lady _______!

We hasten to inform you of good news. The Union of Children will be consecrated in two glorious and noble families. It will take place in the ancient castle in the afternoon, the fifteenth day of cold January this year (change the date at your discretion).

The noble knight (name) and the young lady of his heart (name) are waiting for you at the evening feast and knightly tournament, which will take place at (name of the restaurant and its address). Give this event your attention; let the pass for guests be a white or red rose.

With gratitude, (names of newlyweds)

9. Solemn text of the wedding invitation

Dear __________!

There are happy and joyful moments in our lives that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to open with us a new page in the book of our lives.

Our wedding celebration will take place (date, time) at the registry office at __________. After this, we are waiting for our dear guests at the restaurant __________ at _________.

Sincerely yours, (names and signatures of the newlyweds)

10. Wedding invitation text for witnesses

Our beloved ____________!

Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to our couple. That is why on the happiest day of our lives we really want you to be with us!

We are pleased to invite you to be witnesses at our wedding. Solemn registration will be held at the central office of the registry office (date, time) at ___________. The wedding will take place in _______ church in ____.

A festive banquet will be held at the restaurant _____________, at ____ in the evening. We are looking forward to seeing you.

With love (names of the bride and groom).

Wedding invitations
We send it to all our friends,
To all my friends and acquaintances
To everyone who is faithful, devoted to us!
We will be very glad to see
In that Holy holiday you
And so we present
Invitations from us!
Of course you don't forget
Read us congratulations
To have a lot of children
Two twins and a son!

Great friends and great friends
We invite you to our wedding!
We are waiting for the most cheerful guests in the world
And we promise a big holiday!

Storms won't interfere
Create a family paradise.
We are waiting for you at the wedding,
Look, don't forget.
After all, we need
Family and friends.
See how it's created
The strongest family!

Ah, dear friends,
I'm getting married!
It's been a day since I
I walk around happy.
I admire the veil, the dress,
I indulge in dreams.
I revel in happiness -
I'm not afraid to admit it!
Let there be happiness in the house
And happiness on earth.
And you wish me
Love for a hundred years!

Having decided once and forever
Connect your paths
We invite you to an evening
To share our joy,
Say parting words,
Exclaim “Bitter!” (and more than once!).
We will be infinitely happy
See you at our wedding!

We decided to unite our destiny forever,
And we hastened to invite you as guests of honor!
This means that you must come to the wedding:
Congratulate us on the beginning of our journey together!
And so that you don’t forget about the celebration sometimes,
We inform you of its address, date and hour!

Newlyweds bond their hearts
And they want to see
May you not be gloomy at all
In such beautiful days.
Let this invitation reach
To our most beloved guests,
Doubts go away sooner
And life will definitely become fuller.

Our dear Uncle Vanya!
Once you play the button accordion,
Then quickly take it -
Come to our wedding!

Expensive _____________!
We will be happy to see you
At the long-awaited celebration,
The exact day and hour has been set
Connections in fate.
We are waiting for witnesses of the union,
May our bonds be stronger.
At __.00 “__”_________,
By the address______________
Write us your congratulations
And come right on time!

The wedding is waiting for its guests,
Come visit us soon!
We won't let you get bored
We will celebrate the holiday.
Just read the verse
To congratulate the young.
We look forward to seeing everyone
We are at our celebration!

Your life path
The two of us start.
For the wedding of relatives
And we invite friends.
We ask you very much
Come visit us
Celebrate together
The beginning of the way.
The two of us decided forever
Connect your destiny.
And we cordially invite you,
To share our joy!

We are celebrating the wedding
Eh, let's go for a walk today
But we ourselves are not interested -
And neither drinks nor eats,
You, friends, come to us,
Somewhere around ______hours,
And where to? Now we will answer -
__________We will meet you
Treats and champagne,
We're throwing a party
And let's celebrate it like this -
Will never be forgotten!

The moment will finally come
For which we are calling you.
There will be guests and birthday cake,
We look forward to seeing all our friends!

____ (names of guests) our dears!
Let us invite you now,
At such a pleasant time for us.
To connect two destinies and hearts,
Let's go down the aisle as soon as possible.
____ (date) We invite you,
We rather turn the dream into reality.
You must come to us at (any time),
Try, of course, not to forget.
You will share the joy with us,
Come to _____ (venue) as soon as possible!
And the main event is this
Everything is warmed up by the rays of the sun.
And you read our invitation,
Get ready for the wedding as soon as possible.

Wedding rings
Generally ready.
Have fun, citizens
And we don't frown.
This is an invitation
We send together.
We are all friends for the wedding
We invite you to visit!

We come out with this proposal:
We invite you to the holiday -
Come let's celebrate together
Our wedding happy hour!
Be invited guests
Prepare a toast for the “young ones”.
Don't forget to take a gift -
From the heart, even if it’s inexpensive and simple!
We decided seriously together
Two hearts complete the relationship
And we call you to celebrate
Weddings are a glorious celebration!
We will have a big holiday,
We invite the bride and groom:
Come! Here are the day and hour:
And you already know the place.

Expensive __________!

Save this a tender postcard in memory of this important event for us, and we will keep your nice words and wishes in our heart.

We are waiting for you __________ years in the restaurant "__________" in __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Expensive __________!

We invite you to holiday celebration, dedicated to our wedding, which will take place on __________ in __________ in the restaurant “__________” at __________.

Expensive __________!

We believe and hope that this day will be nice start long and happy life. And we cannot imagine this holiday without you, people close and dear to us. Share our joy with us, give your support and good wishes at the beginning of our great journey together, and we will gladly give you a piece of our happiness.

We are waiting for you __________ years in __________ in the cafe "__________" at the address: __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Dear __________!

We are pleased to inform you that __________ will take place solemn holiday dedicated to our marriage. We sincerely wish and ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us.

The wedding will take place in __________ at the address: __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Dear and beloved mom and dad!

This magical day is already very close, this unique and unforgettable holiday… Holiday True Love- Our wedding!

The path to our family’s birthday was easy and joyful, and this is thanks to you. You have taught us a lot, and we will try to always remember that there is nothing more important than Love, Understanding and Respect for Each Other!

You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you this day would not have happened!

We thank you and know that you will be with us for __________ years.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Life is a lot of stories... But everyone has their own...

Expensive __________!

We invite you __________ in __________ to open with us new chapter our story at the celebration of our marriage. Ceremony exit registration will take place at the restaurant “__________”.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Expensive __________!

The celebration will take place in __________ in the cafe “__________” at the address: __________.

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Expensive __________!

Our whole life is a journey full of exciting adventures!

“Adventure” - this word itself promises something tempting and incredible! We invite you to experience with us one of the most grandiose adventures of our lives - a wedding!

We are waiting for you __________ with your luggage good mood, imagination, adventurism and goodwill in __________ in the cafe “__________”!

__________ (names of the newlyweds)

Don’t waste your time - Come to our wedding,
There is no one happier than us, We will be glad to see you.

The two of us are beginning our journey in life.
We invite family and friends to the wedding.
We kindly ask you to come and visit us,
Celebrate together The beginning of the journey.

Together we decided to unite our destiny forever.
And we cordially invite you to share our joy.

Dear ______________. We, ________ and _________,

We want to inform you about our plans to enter into a life together.

We are grateful to the Lord for bringing us to each other and giving us confidence in His Will. Realizing that if the Lord does not build the house, those who build it labor in vain, we devote ourselves completely to the Lord, desiring that together we become more useful vessels in His hands than we were alone. By the will of God, we plan to get married on __ _____ 200_ in the church _______. We ask you to pray for us.

Dear ________________!

We are pleased to inform you that a gala celebration dedicated to our marriage will take place on __ _____. We sincerely wish and ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us.

The wedding will take place at: ______________.