Affectionate names for a beloved guy. Affectionate nicknames

How can a girl call a loved one very affectionately and unusually so that he likes it?

  1. Pupsyushonok.
  2. Dandelion.
  3. Baby elephant.
  4. Naughty.
  5. Lapusechka.
  6. Peanut.
  7. Puzatik.
  8. Cup.
  9. Smile.
  10. Bagel.
  11. Donkey.
  12. Bunny.
  13. Bubble.
  14. Iris.
  15. Baby.
  16. Little bear.
  17. Belchonochek.
  18. Sharik - Smesharik.
  19. Brownie.
  20. Glutton.
  21. Toon.
  22. Dragon.
  23. Fawn.
  24. Diamond.
  25. Brilliant.
  26. Kitty.
  27. Hood.
  28. Parachute.
  29. Fluffy.
  30. Donut.
  31. Flower.
  32. Lapulka.
  33. Lover.
  34. Dolphin.
  35. Lover.
  36. Key.

Beautiful words for a loved one, affectionate:

  1. Ideal.
  2. Best.
  3. Darling.
  4. Courageous.
  5. The only one.
  6. Unforgettable.
  7. Mysterious.
  8. Cute.
  9. Unusual.
  10. Wonderful.
  11. Unusual.
  12. Wise.
  13. Understanding.
  14. Strong.
  15. My good.
  16. Caring.
  17. Sincere.
  18. Soulful.
  19. Sexy.
  20. Real.
  21. shining.
  22. Desired.
  23. Fabulous.
  24. Long-awaited.
  25. Talented.
  26. Hot.
  27. Chocolate.
  28. Fairy.
  29. Honey.
  30. Elegant.
  31. Imposing.

Those affectionate words and pleasant phrases that rhyme with the name of a loved one will be well received.

Name words:

  • Andrey:
  1. Andryushka is a darling.
  2. Andrey is the love of my dreams.
  3. Andryushka is my dear pig.
  • Konstantin:
  1. Constantine is a vitamin.
  2. Kostik - ponytail.
  3. Konstantin is my magic serpentine.
  • Sergey:
  1. Sergey is the light of my eyes.
  2. Seryozhka is a handsome man from the cover.
  3. Sergey - you are not nicer, kinder.
  • Alexander:
  1. Sasha is a kisser.
  2. Sanyok is a moth.
  3. Sasha is a bastard.
  4. Sasha is a cute Cheburashka.
  5. Sanyok is a light.
  6. Sasha is a beautiful face.
  • Maksim:
  1. Indispensable.
  2. Required.
  3. We really hurt.
  • Matvey:
  1. The meaning of my life.
  2. There are no relatives in your life.
  3. Come back soon.

men adore

  • They are called by name. Try to use the name as often as possible and in different ways. Speak the name softly, affectionately and quietly.
  • They receive various compliments.

Favorite compliments of men:

You are so smart!

No one will ever be able to compare with you!

I have never met such amazing people as you.

You are in bed - fire !!!

You can drive me crazy...

How smart and perceptive you are!

Your body will not leave anyone indifferent!

You…. Magic….

I didn't expect you to be so brave!

You have so many talents that I didn't know about....

You are even better than I thought.

You are an amazing person.

You have excellent abilities.

You, my dear, have excellent taste!

I can safely compare you to a raging volcano!

You are just a dream man!

I would really like to be like you….

A woman knows how to express herself not only in prose, but also in poetry. Rhymed affectionate words are an amazing surprise for every romantic and loving man!

Beloved writes confessions and beautiful words dedicated to her boyfriend or man in completely unexpected places.

Where can I write affectionate words to my beloved:

In his diary. Do not rush to write any words there and leave any traces if you notice that this diary is a very expensive thing.

On your body. In the form of a tattoo, for example .... True, it is not yet known how he will react to such a “feat”. It is necessary to find out from him how he relates, in general, to tattoos.

On his desktop. The desktop is the table where his working (business) papers and documents lie. If you immediately remembered the desktop, which adorns, so to speak, the other side of the monitor .... Dare to write something affectionate and there!

On the ceiling or on the floor. Original! No one has thought of such an “option” yet! You will be the first...

On lighters. Collect all of his lighters (if he smokes or "dabbles") and write confessions and nice words on them.

On the mirror. Remember where the mirrors are in your apartment. Take something that will be easy to wash later, and write a few words (affectionate) on each mirror.

On paper. And don't worry, it's banal! Hide this banality with antibanal words!

On the remote. Why not? An excellent decoration for an object that is so often in the hands of your loved one and which, for this reason, becomes your "enemy".

On the bench. It is not necessary to write something on all the benches in the city! Enough of the one that is bored at the entrance.

On the refrigerator door. He will definitely notice this inscription! We advise you to take a felt-tip pen or a brighter pencil so that this inscription remains in his memory forever.

On the touchpad of his laptop. Get ready for his displeasure! It will be a pity for him to remove what you write there, but he will have to.

On your (his) underwear. Or on the dishes from which he constantly (most often) eats. By the way, they can help you. There are such services, organizations, online stores that put neat inscriptions on things. They will "write" what you say!

How can you write affectionate words and confessions:




Beautiful rods.



Pieces of broken glass.


Many men are very happy when their beloved calls him this way:

What to do if there is absolutely no imagination?

Affectionate words can be taken from famous songs and poems. It will be great if the lyrics of the songs are unknown or completely forgotten. Here the meaning itself and its transmission through the beauty of phrases are important.

When is the best time to say sweet words to your loved one? Better every day. If you, of course, see that his mood is conducive to this.

Where is the best place to say kind words to the one you love?

Everywhere! The place does not matter if there is one hundred percent meaning in affectionate words and there is no untruth.

Tell him affectionately about Love. -

Don't miss your Love...!

"Call me your girl." Contrary to popular belief, not only girls like to receive affectionate words in their address. Guys even react more strongly to affection and attention: it’s not for nothing that they say that men are just like children. How to affectionately call a guy and what words can you use? The answer is in this article.

How to affectionately call a guy? To begin with, you need to choose the right moment when the young man is not busy, and so that both of you are in an intimate, relaxed atmosphere. Source: Flickr (Blanca_Lilia)

Why is it important to call your loved ones affectionately?

Not only women love with their ears. Guys also dream of hearing how beautiful and loved they are, only because of their male severity they do not show it. We are used to seeing them as tactful and straightforward, strict and impregnable, but in fact they need affection no less than women, but, on the contrary, even more. Most men are subtle and vulnerable creatures who simply need affection and love from their beloved woman. In addition, any person, regardless of what gender he is, will be very pleased to hear kind, affectionate words - his wings immediately grow, self-esteem rises. A person who is loved feels happy and satisfied. That is why you need to say affectionate words to the guy.

How can you affectionately call a guy

There are many options for how to affectionately call a loved one: from nouns to adjectives. The most important thing is that these words come from the heart, and when you say them, you put all the warmth and love in relation to your man into them. Words spoken without feelings, insincere, cannot be perceived adequately: a person immediately begins to think that this is all a performance, a game and a lie. Be sincere when sending affectionate words to your loved one, and his reciprocal feelings will not keep you waiting.

How to affectionately call a guy? To begin with, you need to choose the right moment when the young man is not busy, and so that both of you are in an intimate, relaxed atmosphere. Let's say you come home from work. Lie down on a sofa or bed. Turn off all household appliances: TVs, laptops, radios - nothing should interfere or distract. There must be absolute silence in the house. At this time, in an affectionate, languid voice, begin to whisper affectionate words in the ear of your beloved. Say them with a smile and warmth coming from the heart:

  • "I love you so much".
  • “You are my dearest, most beloved.”
  • "You are the light of my life and its meaning."
  • "I found everything I was looking for in you."
  • "You are the most beautiful man in the world."
  • "You are the strongest and most reliable."
  • "You are the most kind and polite."
  • "I am very happy with you".
  • “You are very cheerful and funny, especially when you shave.”
  • "You are very talented, a master of your craft."
  • "You are gallant and courteous."
  • "You are the smartest man in the world."
  • “You are caring, sensitive and attentive, for which I love you even more.”

When thinking about how you can call a guy, it is worth remembering that it is better to pronounce affectionate words, “lisping” with your boyfriend only in a homely, intimate setting. Source: Flickr (Derek_L)

How can you affectionately call a guy? At the same time, try to accompany the words with gentle kisses and light strokes on the back and shoulders. The effect will be unambiguous: from such words your man will immediately melt.

You can call a guy nouns with diminutive suffixes:

  • bunny or hare;
  • cat, kitten;
  • bear cub;
  • fox cub;
  • Sun;
  • sweeties;
  • hippo;
  • fish;
  • honey;
  • charm;
  • tiger cub;
  • cupcake;
  • masik;
  • babies;
  • fluffy;
  • teletubby;
  • daddy;
  • lion cub;
  • hedgehog.

But with all these names, you should be extremely careful. The fact is that not all men like to be called that. It's one thing when you call a guy "dear" or "beloved", and another - "Teletubbie" or "Smurf". Try to find out first if he likes such nicknames or risk pronouncing this word once. If the reaction is disappointing, then from now on you can only use affectionate adjectives - all men love them.

In addition, men really like it when they are affectionately called by name, adding the same diminutive suffixes to their name: Nikitka, Vovochka, Andryusha, Seryozhik, Yaroslavchik and others.

When thinking about how you can call a guy, it is worth remembering that it is better to pronounce affectionate words, “lisping” with your boyfriend only in a homely, intimate setting. Doing this at a party or any place where there are a lot of people is at least indecent. Even the guy himself is unlikely to appreciate this and, perhaps, even pull you up. Call your boyfriend affectionately, show him your love, sincerity and warmth, but only when you are alone.

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In any pair, cute nicknames are formed. How to affectionately call your beloved boyfriend so that he likes it? It depends on how old your man is, what kind of character he is and where you use this nickname. In our article, we have collected the most common male nicknames. In addition, you will learn how men like to be called and what nicknames should never be used.

The chosen one with a good sense of humor and a light disposition will accept both the standard "hare" and the extraordinary "crocodile". Do not limit yourself to almost anything:

  • Orange (for redheads!)
  • eggplant
  • Bon Bon
  • Barmaley
  • Bogatyr
  • Vitaminchik
  • wolf cub
  • magic
  • darling
  • big guy
  • Cowboy
  • thorn
  • Curly
  • Lyubimka
  • pet
  • bear cub
  • Romantic
  • Sweet
  • Treasure
  • sexbomb
  • good girl

Feel free to use derivatives of names, but watch your partner's reaction.

Such men are rare! Don't take advantage of his kindness.

Is your chosen one a classic man? He will definitely not approve of your "Lapul" and other too sugary names. Try to use small affectionate abbreviations for the name. For example, Vovochka, Pashenka.

If the soul still asks for some kind of nickname, take the standard "native" and remake it into "darling". This is the maximum that he will allow you. Here are more options:

  • Angel
  • Apollo
  • Atlant
  • Dear
  • Dear
  • Native
  • Rodimenko
  • Genius
  • Hercules
  • Hercules
  • Hero

Is your lover of strict rules and generally extremely serious? If a man turns up his nose from melodramas and comedies, and prefers fishing to restaurants, or just a very serious person, you should not annoy him with an affectionate, but overly sweet treatment. After all, the goal is to please both.

But he may like nicknames with positive energy:

  • The best
  • My happiness
  • My joy
  • My winner (configures for success!)
  • Golden (attracts money)
  • The only one
  • My heart

Don't misrepresent his name. He won't appreciate it.

Suitable for all men without exception:

  • Full name (for example, Vladimir)
  • Short name without sushu suffixes (for example, Volodya, Volodya; antiexample, Volodyusechka)
  • Dear, beloved, dear.

How not to call a man you like

NEVER use the following nicknames:

  1. An affectionate name should not offend or belittle the partner. If a young man is embarrassed by his fullness or short stature, you should not call him "Hippo" and "Baby" or, conversely, "Slender" and "Giant". Even if the partner outwardly does not mind, deep down it can offend and demotivate him. Not to mention Loshariks and Klopiks. Forget about "Guys", "Men" and "Baldies".
  2. Should not contain a negative message. Words have their own energy and associations. "Bunny" can run away to the left, "Baby" - lose self-confidence, "Devil" - betray.
  3. Don't use nicknames from his childhood. Let them remain the prerogative of bosom friends.
  4. Don't paraphrase his last name. The surname is the pride of a man, it denotes his family, and he will pass it on by inheritance. You shouldn't joke about her.

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In what situations it is impossible to call a loved one an affectionate nickname:

  1. In public places. Calling him "Masik" or exotic "Cactus" in the line for bread is not appropriate. A similar rule applies when shouting on the street and in a restaurant in front of a waiter. Use the short name without the sushu suffixes or the "always do" list from our article. Exception: alone in a taxi with a driver.
  2. With his friends. Not a single merry fellow will find it funny if, with a childhood friend, he is called “Pusik”. Use the list from the previous paragraph.
  3. With his or your parents. Maybe your mother will be touched when she hears “Kitty” or “Hare” in relation to your chosen one, but his dad will not appreciate it. He raised a son, a man with a capital letter. It is most appropriate to call a loved one by a short name.
  4. With mutual friends / with your friends. It is better to limit yourself to the “always possible” set, but if the beloved does not mind, and the rest of the company also (!) Call each other, as well as in private. The only taboo: the very words from which your nicknames are derived must be appropriate for pronunciation in public.

Affectionate nicknames are best used when you are alone. Let it become your intimate secret for two. So it will be comfortable for your loved one and those around you.

If you want to always be the only one for him, . It will freshen up your relationship.

Do you want to diversify relationships and add color to family life? in a new article on our website.

Do you want to please all the guys without exception? To do this, you need to know and consistently develop all the qualities that they value most.

In this article, we have brought together. They will help keep feelings for many years.

In order for a man to feel alone, one affectionate name is not enough. Needed from time to time. All the secrets of the right compliment in our article.

Look for a nickname for your loved one in your heart, and then it will bring only joy. And if you have it with great imagination - re-read our article!

Any relationship requires a lot of work. This is especially true for a newly created couple, which is still looking for its common ground, in some way inferior or not to its partner. A very important point in any relationship is how people call each other. And for many inexperienced girls, the question may arise: how can you affectionately call your boyfriend so that he likes it.


The most common version of affectionate words is the names of animals. Many are indignant: well, it’s like a zoo, there are cats, bunnies, bears and penguins. Despite all the outrage, these are the most common and pleasant words to hear, so this is a great option for how you can affectionately call your boyfriend.

Very often the word "sun" is used as a gentle nickname. Why not, it means that this person simply illuminates the life of his partner. You can also say to your beloved: you are my planet, my cosmos or my universe. The guy will be very pleased to hear that.

When choosing a phrase, how you can affectionately call your boyfriend, you should not bypass the nicknames - syusyuki. So, many people like it when they are called babies, paws, pupusiks or manyusiks. If you want to call your boyfriend so much, you need to think about whether he will like such a nickname, because if the guy is short, he may have certain complexes: the word “Manyusik” can simply offend him.


When choosing how you can affectionately call your boyfriend, you should pay attention to his person and look for some features there. So, the nickname Handsome, Hercules, Sexy Boy, etc. can be an excellent way out of the situation. A word that will only emphasize the feature that distinguishes it.

Pleasant words

In case of choosing one, a list of such words is a great helper. So, you can pick up just nice words and translate them into a person. For example, many guys will like the following appeals: my dear, my boy, my happiness, my treasure. Suitable and such a warm, reliable, necessary.

Something of my own

It often happens that a couple picks up non-standard affectionate nicknames for each other, sometimes calling their soul mate simply with fictitious or combined words.


You can especially not bother and call the guy a diminutive on his behalf. Not so few in the world of Sashun, Dimchikov and Olezhek.

You can also connect humor and call the guy a funny nickname. However, it is worth making sure that it will not offend a person. So, you can call your beloved a little one, a teletubby, a salad, etc.

You can also try to call your boyfriend the way he calls his soul mate. So, if a guy says “beloved”, you can answer “beloved”, if “pussy” - “kitten”, etc. There is nothing to worry about, because a real couple always mirrors each other's words and actions.

You can choose any nickname for your boyfriend and call him in different ways affectionately. Just don’t think too much about what affectionate words to say to a guy, everything should come from the heart, phrases should be sincere and desirable. Only then will there be harmony in the pair, and it will not be strained, but natural.

Most couples give each other affectionate nicknames after the first date, which brings a special charm to their relationship. But how can you name your loved one so as not to hurt his proud ego? We invite you to find out how other couples do it and share their unique experiences.

So: as a guy, you can affectionately call the list.

How to affectionately name a guy list

Sometimes girls and guys give each other nicknames that match their appearance, behavior or other parameters. This can be not only banal: hare, kitty or the sun, but also options such as, for example, a bear. Let's look at the options in more detail.

How can you call your boyfriend unusually

Affectionately respectful ones have already gone: my soul, my angel, etc. Today, if a couple strives for tenderness and affection, then they give each other more modern nicknames, for example, a treasure, an asterisk, etc. However, it is worth considering the moment itself, for example, after a successful night or if it makes sense to cheer up a partner, you can not only affectionately name the guy, but also affectionately address his faithful friend (member): a steadfast soldier, a faithful friend, a pacifier, etc. .

How to affectionately call a guy you like

Emotions are no less important (it must be said with a feeling of love and, possibly, admiration) when a girl / woman decides to call her beloved man / guy a new name. It will be associated with you and your attitude. This means that they must be pronounced in the appropriate form: with a smile, gentle touches, etc.

It is also important to note the reaction of the man to the “new name”, which the second half decided to call his beloved man / boyfriend. If a man aggressively accepted your impulse, perhaps this is an occasion to come up with something that will please him too. Of course, you can't do without women's tricks. Every girl knows how to present information correctly. If not, then you need to look for other word forms.

How funny to name a guy so that he likes it

If a girl does not want to use the well-worn options that can be called her beloved boyfriend: beloved, only, dear, etc., she should think about funny variations with which you can not only affectionately call a guy, but also bring some mischief into the relationship. Often they arise by themselves, i.e. at the association level. If a guy with his behavior resembles Winnie the Pooh or KAA from a famous cartoon, maybe you shouldn’t come up with anything more cool?

How to affectionately call a man - list

It is not always possible to independently decide on the choice of affectionate epithets that you can call your loved one, so we offer several ready-made variations on the theme.

How to originally affectionately call a beloved man

For those who ask how to name their beloved man, if the proposed independent solutions do not have the right to life, and the banal “cat” is not applicable, we suggest using the tried and tested options to name your lover beautifully and interestingly:

Teddy bear;
diamond (another version of jewelry);
fixie, etc.

Do not forget that in some cases you need to back up your nickname with arguments, for example, a cartoon can be said that it reminds you of a cute cartoon character, and a diamond can be told that it is like a jewel, etc. In this interpretation, your chosen one will appreciate the exclusivity of the approach.

How to affectionately call a loved one at the beginning of a relationship

It is especially important and at the same time difficult to affectionately name a man at the very beginning of a relationship, or rather, correctly determine the appropriate option. It can be a diminutive or affectionate version of the name, for example, Misha can become a bear or a bear cub in an instant, Igor - Garik, Sasha - Alex, Dima will become Dimius, etc.

You can come up with various variations: in Spanish, in English, in Tatar, possibly with the use of adjectives, etc. Vasya - Basilisk, Andrei - Andreus, Maxim - Maximus. The red-haired guy can be affectionately nicknamed the red-haired sun, he will certainly be pleased to hear it. Tall - big Bob, jealous - jealous, etc. You can start with such a simple and unusual appeal through the form of SMS or at bedtime and see how pleasant your innovation will be to him. Try, experiment and be happy!