Scenarios of the solemn part, live my village. Like a grumpy old woman. Dawn breaks a little, and she is on her feet

It has become a good tradition to celebrate Village Day every year. This holiday takes place in different time in different villages. In our farm, it coincides with the end of field work, with Agriculture and processing industry. I think that my scenario will help organize such a holiday for those who are not indifferent to their village, to their small homeland.

The script of the holiday "Village Day"

Good afternoon, dear farmers!
Hello, dear guests of the village!
We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday "Village Day"
And at this hour - in Indian animation
And the eyes radiate a kind light.
Village celebrates its birthday
Many joyful and good years to him!
As any birthday is always noticed by the guests, ours is no exception.
We are glad to see familiar and dear faces in the hall. May this holiday bring you joy, smiles, good mood! And we give you our songs!

Allow festive evening open with the song "Indychanskie girls"

There are places in vast Russia,
What you won’t find on large maps.
In a special way, the sky there seems to be blue,
There is a special smell of cherries.
This is the place where you were born
Often referred to as a province.
Only the edge is not more beautiful -
He will always be the only one for us!

The song “My Motherland” sounds, author Georgy Sviridov, performs the ensemble
I love you at any time of the year
My native homely farm.
And on a warm day, in any bad weather
With you, my heart is always light.
A familiar birch nods to me,
And I answered her "Hello!" I say
How good it is for me, how simple in Russian
Live in my bright, gentle land.

And I want to believe that our farm was born under a lucky constellation that protects us for many years. And each star in this constellation is each of us, the inhabitants of the farm! Today we will name these stars after you!
And we rightfully dedicate the first star to the head of our settlement Miroshnikov V.I.
Vladimir Ivanovich, you have the floor!

The song "The edge of the mountain ash", translated by N. Kadysheva. Performed by the ensemble.
Yes, there are different bosses,
But let's be honest:
Without them, all work would sour
And would have stood up in a stupor instantly.
She won't get better
Without their business spirit.
And if the authorities try -
That will triple your profits!

We name the star "Glory to the grain growers" in honor of the workers of arable land and fields. We congratulate and invite to the stage the most important star in this beautiful constellation - Semisinova A.A.

Dear bakers!
You can handle all the secrets of the craft,
You serve your land honestly -
Keepers of the Russian village,
you our congratulations and songs.

Dance "Kalinka"

The old legend says,
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him for the rest of his life.
This year - in our friendly family - replenishment! A wonderful baby was born, which means that our constellation lit up New sprocket: and her name is Krivonosov Kirill Igorevich

We invite parents of a newborn with a baby to this stage.

Dear baby!
Let your star shine
At least - up to a hundred years,
May happiness surround your house,
May there always be joy in him!

Song "I love him too" Words and music by Irina Dubtsova.

October 2 was World Day of Older Persons. Our my sincere congratulations to all our fellow villagers, who already have rich life experience, have gone through many life trials. For long years to you, our dear and respected senior comrades. May the sky above you be peaceful, and health remain strong. Special words and heartfelt congratulations we address to Bondareva Tatyana Vasilievna, as an example of longevity.
The floor for congratulations is given to Ovsyannikov M.P.

Happy holiday and accept as a gift
Song "Curtains" from the movie "Matchmakers", author Maksimov Mikhail
Most recently, the whole country celebrated professional holiday education workers. As long as there is a school in the countryside, it means that the village will live! Despite the fact that our school is small, people who have become professionals in education, medicine, science, valiantly serve in the Russian army, work in ministries and departments have come out of its walls.
There is only one school in the village
Like the moon in the night.
School is a golden ray
School is our home.
School is a star
To shine on us always.

Today, we light the star "Learning is Light" in honor of the teaching staff of the Kuibyshev basic comprehensive school
Dear colleagues! Without your love, filled with radiant light, without your faith in your work, the school would not have risen so high in its achievements. It is you who ignite the spark of knowledge in our children with the fire of your soul, teach patience, kindness, and curiosity.
For diligent service
Before, now, again and again
Honor and respect to you
Gratitude and love!

For you musical gift!
Song "City big lights”, words by I. Sekachev, music by D. Koldun. Performed by Kalanchin D.
Since ancient times, as legends say, -
Love was sacred
But the more sacred millions of times,
Kohl managed to save her family!
Of all human relationships, the family is the oldest and greatest. Loyalty, love, the upbringing of children are the strongest laws of all human good!

Round dance with scarves.
The song "What a lady is missing", author Katerina Galitsyna - performed by Semisinova A.
Family life is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance. On this day, I would like to congratulate couples who have been walking hand in hand for many years, in sorrow and joy, in sickness and health.
We sincerely congratulate the silver anniversaries. It’s time to call our current autumn not golden, but silver, because 4 couples This autumn we celebrated this glorious anniversary. We wholeheartedly congratulate and invite to the stage:
A married couple - Vladimir Ivanovich Miroshnikov and Margarita Vasilievna, who married on August 26, 1989,
Chernukhin Alexander Sergeevich and Lyubov Vasilievna, who married on September 2, 1989,
On September 18, 1989, the Kalyuzhny family of Nikolai Vasilyevich and Anna Nikolaevna was born,
And the wedding season of 1989 was completed by the Bondarevs Sergey Mikhailovich and Svetlana Vasilievna, who were shouted BITTERLY on September 30th.
We invite you to the stage...

We wish you happiness and health!
We wish you vivacity and strength!
So that every day ordinary life
It only brought you joy.
We name the Devotion star in your honor, silver anniversaries, and give you a song!

Song " Silver weddings”, music by Pavel Aedonitsky, lyrics by Ekaterina Sheveleva
Dance "Modern Rhythms"

This year, our fellow villagers formed new families. Miroshnikova Tanya changed her surname to Gladush, Tsvirkunova Lisa became Rubleva.
Today legal marriage combined Babichev Vladimir and his chosen one Yulia.
Breaking the petals of daisies,
When happiness so wanted at least a sip,
The girl was waiting to say
"Loves!" her last petal...

And wandering through the deserted streets,
Fascinatingly looking at the moon,
The guy thought with the bitterness of wormwood,
If he says no, I'll go crazy...
Only the cunning stars blinked,
The universe told them a secret:
Loves! Loves! Loves! - they knew.
Yes! Yes! Yes! is the only answer.

And today, dear ones, all desires
Your ardent quivering hearts
Shone instantly with a diamond face
Wedding gold rings.
So kiss under the sun of happiness!
Even if sadness rains
I want you to kiss too!
Kiss in the morning, at night, in the afternoon...

We sincerely wish you all
So that your share is enviable,
So that there are no problems and hardships in life,
May your eyes always laugh
May you always be above you, not a day or a year
These angels are light curly.

The song "I met a rose" is a Russian folk song.
I looked into open door
There, a candle burned softly,
The icon hung over her -
The prayer was silent.

Mother bent over the candle,
There was concern in his eyes,
And lips are tired of whispering
Asking forgiveness from God.

For the son to return home,
And the bullets didn't hit him.
So that the days of the coming spring
Warmed my heart and soul.

Mothers! Your feat is rarely appreciated by awards! But you deserve the highest honors! You are fulfilling your duty to the Motherland by seeing off your sons to the army.
We proudly pronounce the names of the guys who serve today in the ranks Russian Army. This:
Pokhozhaev Viktor Eduardovich
Litvinov Maxim Yurievich
Today we thank the parents of our defenders "for the excellent education of their sons."
And we dedicate the star "Valor" to soldiers and their mothers.
Thank you guys for being you
What is the main thing in the life of a soldier's honor
For the fact that you protect the world and sleep
For the ancient cathedrals crimson ringing!
Thank you guys for the joy of children,
We wish to have only reliable friends
We sincerely love and wait for you home
Defender of the Fatherland - a warrior, a hero!

Song "Ships" Music by Dmitry Koldun. The author of the words - I. Sekacheva performs Radchenkov A.
For health in our big family» Elena Vladimirovna Bondareva and Tatyana Grigorievna Mukha are vigilantly watching, who are trying their best to ensure that the citizens of our settlement undergo medical examinations on time, receive vaccinations, and rush to help in Hard time. In your honor, dear doctors, who have recently celebrated their professional holiday, we light the star "Health"
You are like a fairy - modest and airy.
You bring peace and love to the world
And you will not remain indifferent
Relieve anxiety and pain quickly.

In your gentle, caring hands
Everyone is on the mend faster.
There is less pain and grief.
They don't call you a nurse for nothing!

The song "My Beloved" by A. Semin-Osipova, from the movie "While the village is sleeping"
Letter to daughter...
Something very tired, the pressure is jumping,
And it started to rain outside.
Soon the doctor will come, maybe he will prescribe drops,
Well, in general, everything is fine ...

How are you now, daughter?
You rarely write to me
Apparently you don't have time...
The rain has gone more.
Drumming on the roof.
Forgive me, if anything, I love ...

Do not scold for calls and ridiculous letters,
There is simply no one else to write to.
I myself understand, it happens - it makes no sense
But I miss you again...

Rain is forecast...
There's nothing you can do, autumn ...
As always, you will not go anywhere ....
If anything, I'm sorry, I missed you very much ...
All in time, daughter, you will understand ....

In any weather, people with heavy bags over their shoulders are in a hurry to hand over such letters and the most different ones to us. They will deliver newspapers on time, they will gladly hand out pensions to those who earned them for long life, and for some reason they always try to leave as soon as possible .... probably because in many yards they are eagerly awaited. Dear post office workers! Please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes for good weather. Pleasant letters and telegrams that bring joy to your customers. Happiness to you, health, you are welcome guests in every home.
Congratulations today from the bottom of our hearts
All of you, our dear postmen.
You get money for your work
We wish you millions!
Let the blizzard crack with frost
Let the thunder rumble outside the window with rain -
But the postman hurries to the house with news,
Rejoice with good news.
Let them hang orders on your chest,
All of you will be marked with the highest test!
Thank you post country
Your work deserves special praise!

Dance "Flashmob"

The level of well-being of our people can be judged by how large the assortment of goods on the shelves of our stores is. And he's huge! And this is the greatest merit of those behind the counter. And people working for us are not indifferent, attentive, loving their work. They will offer goods, and listen to wishes, and fulfill orders, and bring beauty near retail outlets!
Dear girls!
You fully deserve the words of sincere gratitude for your hard work. For working with people is the most responsible and difficult. And I know firsthand how your legs are buzzing by the end of the working day.
Happy holiday. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes for good earnings, fewer audits, understanding commissions, health to you and family well-being!

Trade and sell -
Not an easy task
May in all your affairs
You will be lucky!
May health be with you
For another two hundred years
So that with your loved ones always
Lived together!

For profit to go on the network,
Happiness above the roof
And our heartfelt greetings
you now hear!

Friends! There are a huge number of holidays in our life, and not one of them can do without cultural workers.

Odes and sonnets are not written about you,
And do not compose songs in your honor.
Maybe the poets didn't hear
That there is a cultural worker in the world.
Artists do not get up on cotours,
To celebrate great things
humble worker of culture,
An important worker of the village.
However, not for the line in the verse,
Not for gratitude from the "face".
They just know exactly what the answer is
For human souls and hearts.
We dedicate the star "Inspiration" to the workers of the cultural center
and all participants in amateur performances.

The song "Telling, do not tell", authors A. Borovyh, A. Kostyuk
In the land where the nightingales, without stopping,
Bring out their trills under the moon
Boils from bird cherry in spring
Indychiy is my native farm.
In a quiet corner of my neighborhood
come true cherished dreams.
After the white poplar blizzard
Your favorite flowers will bloom.
Round dance of birches at the edge,
Lush pine trees in slender rows.
I will ask, as in childhood, the cuckoo:
"Don't cuckoo, cuckoo, I'm in trouble."
Such a majestic river
Its waves are blue.
The aroma of honey is braided
Meadow grasses in lace.
The echoes of centuries are deaf and strange,
I peer into the river expanse:
Belyans are floating along the river again,
And the choir of old songs is heard.
And I don't need a more beautiful fate,
I saw distant lands.
You are my hope and joy
My little homeland.
Dear friends! See what bright constellations shine over our beloved village, illuminating the starry path of the creation of our beloved hinterland.
Every year our farm becomes more beautiful and cozier. The streets are full of flowers, the windows of well-groomed houses smile at passers-by. To sum up the results of the competition for the best farmstead, the floor is given to Miroshnikov V.I.

The “Improvement” star is lit in honor of the family farmstead of the Radchenkovs Ivan Ivanovich and Tamara Ivanovna.
From a pure heart with an open soul
Today we wish you a great life
So that there is health, and happiness, and joy!
So that the years fly by and are not a burden!
Song "And in the village ...", Ukrainian folk song

In the steppe, covered with mortal dust,
A man sat and cried
And the creator of the universe walked by
Stopping, he said:
I am a friend of the downtrodden and the poor,
I save all the poor
I know many sacred words
I am your God - I can do anything
Your sad sight makes me sad
What misfortune are you in?
And the man said:
I am Russian!
And God wept with him.

YES! We are Russians. We are villagers. And it's not simple fate. We have a special status, we have a responsible mission on earth - to feed people, to love the earth ....
Good, wonderful people
He lives here in his small homeland.
No, God did not offend us by fate,
for everything that is and will be, answering.
Holy attraction of the earth
We feel it with every cell of our heart.

Who else knows how to work
Like a Russian rural man?
Someone will say: up to a seventh sweat.
Or rather, the whole earthly age.
Who else knows how to live like this
Community, big family?
I don't need to explain:
Our man is rural and simple.

Song "To the edge of the meadow", folk song

Joy today employees of the KFOR, participants in amateur performances, students of the Kuibyshev school shared with you.

Bow to you, kind ones, bright people- workers!
Peace and happiness on earth!

The script of the festive concert for the Day of the village

Actors and performers: Akulina, Matryona, buffoon Foma, buffoon Yerema.
Equipment and facilities: projector, screen. Scenery. Props. Attributes: A chest with the inscription "", "precious stones", gifts.

Event progress.
The curtain is closed, on the screen without sound there is a screensaver from the cartoon “Mountain of Gems. Voronezh.
GZK: We live in Russia. The coat of arms of Russia is golden, a double-headed eagle, mighty and proud. George the Victorious is on his chest, he pierces an evil dragon with a silver spear. The flag of Russia is tricolor white, blue and red. The capital of our Motherland, Moscow, is an ancient and always modern city. Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is so big that when children go to school on one side of it, they are already going to bed on the other. There are more than a thousand cities in Russia. On the Central Russian upland stands the ancient city of Voronezh, famous for its songs. Surprisingly, just here, far from the sea, Peter began to build the Russian navy. In these places, Count Orlov bred the famous breed of swift-footed Oryol trotters. And the Voronezh land is the most fertile, wonderful wheat grows here, delicious and fragrant bread is baked from it. And stands on this land, on the banks of the Khoper, the village of Makashevka surrounded by forests. And, of course, people live in it, each of which is like gem gem.
The curtain opens, the volunteers take the screen away

1. vocal ensemble"" - Russian folk song "Mother Russia"
a decorated chest with the inscription "" stands on the stage, a Russian lyrical folk melody sounds, Akulina and Matryona appear on the stage

Akulina: Hello precious villagers.

Matryona: Hello dear guests.

Akulina: We live in Makashevka, and today our village celebrates its birthday.

Matryona: Dear guests came to congratulate us today. The word for congratulations is given to:
(guest performance)
Akulina: Please come up to the leader's stage

Matryona: Our village is like a wonderful casket.

Akulina: And every inhabitant is like a precious gem.

W learns a lyrical Russian folk melody. Akulina and Matryona open the chest - a perky Russian folk melody sounds. The buffoons Foma and Yerema jump out of the chest and dance in front of the chest.

Yerema: Listen, Thomas!

Thomas: What, Yerema?

Yerema: It's boring, something is locked up!

Thomas: Should we go to the holiday?

Together: Fu-you well-you, fu-you well-you, should we go to the holiday!

Akulina: Hey you, two from the casket are identical from the face

Matryona: What did you save in the casket, what did you save for us?

Thomas: People live in that chest, they are called makashans.

Yerema: And there are more than a thousand of them in the casket, you will not find such daredevils.

Thomas: And today we are for you.

Yerema: We will present them at the same time.

Akulina: Let's start the show.

Matryona: We will sing a song for everyone.

Vocal Ensemble ""

Thomas: We……… guys, we will not disappear anywhere.

Yerema: We can go to Anapa and take the first places.

Akulina:...... everything is not a mistake, even in studies, even in work.

Matryona: We can also sing, dance, we will come in handy everywhere.

Thomas: On the ……. resorts people go all in a crowd.

Yerema: Balashov, Moscow and Murmansk, right at least a sanatorium system.

Akulina: And we grow strawberries, there is a school and a kindergarten.

Matryona: Yes, in such a good village to live, of course, everyone is happy.

Yerema: Listen, Thomas!

Thomas: What, Yerema?

Yerema: Get the first stone and introduce it to the people!

Foma takes out a "gemstone" from the chest.

Thomas: The first stone is excellent, the most - the most precious, is called a diamond.

Yerema: He is an honorary citizen with us!

Akulina: The right to name, the name of the honorary citizen …….., is granted to the head of ………territorial department

Fanfares are sounded, a commemorative letter and a gift are handed over to an honorary resident of the village.

2. Vocal ensemble "" - Russian folk song "Not white dawn"

Yerema: Listen, Thomas!

Thomas: What, Yerema?

Yerema: Not a village, but just a treasure and the houses are all like toys along the roadside.

Foma takes out a "gemstone" from the chest.

Thomas: Well, the emerald stone will be the best among the best. Well, whose estate is better?

Yerema: Here is the owner, right there.

Akulina: We invite the owner of the best estate to the stage ……..

Fanfare sounds, the nominee is awarded a commemorative diploma and a gift.

3. Vocal ensemble "" - "Stoves-shops"

Thomas: For a whole year they played weddings and got married all in a row

Yerema: And the hearts of the newlyweds are burning like rubies

Akulina: Come out, young people stand together in a row.

Matryona: We ask you to come up to the stage of the newlyweds.

4. Vocal ensemble "" - Ukrainian folk song "Ivanko"

Yerema: Listen, Thomas!

Thomas: Why Yerema?

Yerema: Addition in the chest. There are so many pearls. Will not fit in the hand.

Akulina: And pearls are our newborns. Within a year they appeared.

Matryona: We ask you to rise to the stage of happy parents.

Fanfares sound, names are listed, gifts are presented

5. Kindergarten group "" - "Happy birthday"

Thomas: Here is amber, well, how it shines, it burns with hot gold!

Yerema: After all, love does not fade, even though whiskey and silver.

Akulina: This year in …… the golden wedding is celebrated (…) we ask this wonderful couple to come up on stage.

Fanfare sounds, presenting a gift

6. Kindergarten group "" - "Golden Wedding"

Thomas: Fulfillment of desires this stone promises everyone.

Yerema: The stone of the wise, hardworking, and is called malachite.

Akulina: In Rus', malachite was considered a symbol of the fulfillment of desires and material well-being.

Matryona: And it's good that in our wonderful village there are people who help make life better, brighter, more interesting.
Fanfares sound, names are listed, presentationgifts

7. Vocal ensemble "" - Russian folk song "From under the dawn dawn"

Yerema: Listen, Thomas!

Thomas: What, Yerema?

Yerema: It's good to celebrate!

Thomas: We will whole year work hard to celebrate more!

Akulina: Our casket is excellently rich, who only is not in it.

Matryona: We, with such a population, will never disappear.

Yerema: Listen, Thomas!

Thomas: What, Yerema?

Yerema: We need to wish people happiness, joy, success.

Thomas: Live together and not get sick.

Akulina: Time flew by quickly, we need to part.

Matryona: We bow down to you for your support and attention.

A lyrical Russian folk melody sounds, buffoons climb into the casket, Akulina and Matryona close the casket, the curtain closes.

Compiled by: Gerts O.V., cultural organizer of Makashevsky SDC

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Scenario for the 150th anniversary of our village.

"With love for people and the earth."

Vedas: The village is like a village.

And people, like people around.

On a holiday comes, and everything changes suddenly

On the faces of smiles, and glow

happy eyes,

And hundreds of colorful balls fly into the sky.

The native village where we live

Here is our heart, our father's house.

The stars will go out, the dawn will come,

There is no more beautiful place in the world

We are the glory of our native village

And we honor

We work, we learn, we love

And we live together.

A holiday will come,

And we'll all gather here again

To say together:

“Happy birthday, my dear Memo!”

Ved.1 .Good afternoon, dear fellow villagers and visiting guests, invited guests, but welcome!

Ved.2. We are celebrating Village Day today and we heartily congratulate everyone who lives in it.

Ved.1 .And we glorify people according to their merits, to whom the village, their home, family is in fact the most important of all!

Ved.2. Let songs and jokes live with us, our birthdays, our fathers and grandfathers, our children and grandchildren, and therefore the birthdays of our village, where we were born, where we live, where we live and work.

Ved.1 .Our small Motherland is alive, which means that we are with it ....

Ved.2. May there be peace, harmony and happiness. Long live our Memo, long live our residents and guests.

Ved.1. And how glad we are to the guests! Well, what a holiday without them. We transfer the right to introduce our guests to the head of the administration of the Alekseevsky rural settlement

(congratulations from guests)


Vedas 1 Pamyatka village... You won't see it on the world map, but it means so much to us. We live here, work, celebrate weddings, hold our first-born in our arms, then we lead them by the hand to school, and then grandchildren, great-grandchildren. That is life.

Vedas 2 Years, centuries pass, and we are making the history of our small Motherland. And how nice that the history of our village, its formation, development, its main wealth - people, are reflected in our holiday.

Against the background of music:

Vedas 1 Where a person was born - there he fit.

This is how our people interpret it.

Where you grew up, studied and worked,

Where was, and will continue the race.

Where the sun shines brighter and brighter

Where is the gentlest and warmest rain in the world -

All this is called our Memo,

The one you can't live without.

Vedas 2 Today's holiday is also significant because our village has not just a birthday, but a round date - 150 years.

Short story villages.

The territory of our village is located in the western part of the Saratov region, 15 km from the Khoper River. The terrain is the result of the Ice Age. The glacier, moving through Finland and Lake Ladoga, left behind huge masses of rocks. After its melting, these rocks remained in place, forming characteristic boulders and blocks. This river is tens of thousands of years old. During this period, the river changed its course 4-5 times, even changing the direction of the flow. In the 19th century Khoper was famous for its "red fish" - sturgeon, sterlet. This is one of the picturesque places of the Khoper region.

In the distant past, the territory of the Saratov region, including the territory of our village, was repeatedly flooded by the sea. Evidence of this are maluska, shells, which are found during excavation. From the Mesazoic era, we have interlayers of sand, clay, white chalk, sandstones.
IN last period Cenozoic era, the western part of the region, including the territory of our village, was subjected to glaciation. It was probably then that the mammoths died, the bones of which were repeatedly found in the vicinity of our area.

In the 70-80s of the 20th century, in the vicinity of the neighboring village of Shepelevka, Bronze Age tools (stone hammers) stakes were found, which are now stored in the local history museum of the Turkovsky district.

On the banks of the Khopra there are cities: Uryupinsk (Uryupino), Povorino, Novokhopyorsk, Balashov, Arkadak, Turki. Our village is located 15 km from the Turks. Turki is an old village. The first mention of it dates back to 1723. First there was the village of Rysya, after the construction of the Church of the Blessed Mother of God, it became known as Bogorodsky. This name existed for about a hundred years (from 1770 to 1870). In 1862, in the 38th volume of the “list of settlements”, the name Turki is already found. Turks are the mirror of all historical events that took place throughout Rus'. Our ancestors were a semi-nomadic people and were called BURTAS, they recognized the power of the Khazar kings. Roamed on horseback.
Saratov province has always been known as a steppe.
Since 1681, estates and estates have been complaining from the "Wild Fields" to the boyars and serving people for their service. The lands were distributed, sometimes the endless steppes were settled independently, which led to disagreements in the future. Major Stepan Bogdanov settled first, and then other landowners Skripitsyn, Durakov, Prince Engalychev - 18th century - began to settle. In the 19th century, in 1861, there were more than 100 small estate nobles here: Chenykaevs, Lachinovs, Dragomilovs, Apushkins, Kozhevnikovs and others. Land was not enough. But somehow, through the Balashovsky court, the lands were divided.

This date is the first mention of our settlement as the estate of the nobleman Kozhevnikov.

There are 10 steam roller mills and 4 oil mills in the area gravitating towards the Turki station. Of these, the largest belong to a trading house with sons (at the station itself), a countess, in the Mikhailovka-Baranovskaya estate.

Before the revolution, our native Pamyatka was the farmstead of the landowner Kozhevnikov, who lived in Moscow for most of the year and came here very rarely. Managed the affairs of the manager, who lived directly in the 2-storey wooden house of Kozhevnikov, in the room allotted for him.

In addition to this house, there were also 5-6 residential buildings for the main workers, several livestock buildings.

The landowner's estate consisted of 1,000 acres of land, one hundred heads of cattle, the same number of pigs and sheep, several dozen horses, and several ponds with fish. The estate was mainly staffed by single seasonal workers and several permanent families. Permanent workers were paid 5-7 rubles per month for a 12-14 hour working day. But the seasonal ones received 3-4 rubles, women received 7 kopecks per day, and children 3-4 kopecks per day.

The year 1917 has come. The Great October Socialist Revolution took place in Russia, power passed into the hands of the workers and peasants. According to the watchmen of our village, the manager loaded all the most valuable things onto the droshky and drove off in an unknown direction. The farm in subsequent years became a branch of the Balashovsky sugar beet trust.

In 1922, the economy takes a grain direction.

And in 1927-30, the Memo became the 3rd department of the Smychka state farm. At that time, the populated village "Vyunkovka" joins the Memo - this is a small village located on the territory of the "Grove" and "Grachatnik", where gardens still remain. The very name "Vnkovka" comes from the phrase "unkovka". Unkovsky is the surname of the landowner who owned those lands. On the territory of this settlement lived families from Shepelevka, who once settled on free lands. These were the Moiseevs, the Vyazovskys, the Averyanovs, the Zverkovs, and the Roschins. Many workers came to the state farm from neighboring villages: Shepelevka (Turkovsky district) and Pamyatka (Arkadaksky district). The village began to unravel.

In the 30th year, a party cell of 5 people was organized. One of them was (father of Fiklyunina Galina Vasilievna.

In 1931, the Komsomol organization was organized. A club, a medical center, a 4-year-old Primary School.

It had its own printing house, published its own newspaper, post office in Kozhevnikov's house, its own bakery, snack bar, club, dance floor.

In 1932, Pamyatka was separated from the Smychka farm and an independent pig-breeding state farm Pamyatka was formed. Advanced youth were sent to work in animal husbandry (and some other girls who worked all their lives on the farm.) The village continues to get upset. In 1938, a nursery and a mechanical workshop were opened. Lots of young people and kids! But……!

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The pamyattsy made their invaluable contribution to the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. What a pity that it was possible to restore the lists of the dead and participants in the Second World War, only guarding from words and according to meager documents. You all know this name list.

Many are not with us today.
So it was henceforth. And so it will be.
Only memory would not fade away -
Incorruptibility is a high sign.
Defenders - do not cross out,
Let us honor those whose path has been traversed!

But life went on. A garden was planted in 1944. Alleys of birches, chestnuts, and currants were laid out along the perimeter of the garden. Lilac, bird cherry blossomed, benches stood. The garden was fenced and guarded.

The school began to occupy the entire barrack after all the tenants were settled.

And finally, in 1945, the long-awaited victory came! And no matter how terrible this page of our history was, time turned it over.

Life began to improve. The men are returning from the front. In 1951, the elementary school was transformed into a seven-year school. In 1953, six Finnish houses were built (now along Central Street, the house of the Aratovs, Dmitrievs, the former office of the Bespalovs, A.S. Shcherbinin, on the site of the house of Fomenko E. and the Yakunins).

For some time, the Pamyatka was also part of the Turkovsky district.

From 1954 to 1964, they were allocated to the Balashov region, the Iskra s / s (former Shanghai) was enlarged and the Memo became the 2nd branch of the Iskra s / s.

In 1957, a hospital hospital was opened in the village (the building behind the Kozhevnikov house), later it was a kindergarten and a first-aid post. There was also a maternity ward. In 1960, a large construction begins. There is already a good builder. A team of builders from Ukraine arrives. Brigadier, Kovalchuk C. . C one single-family house is being built for Zhivov and his family (now O.A.) and 10 houses with two apartments. Now along Mirny Lane and Shkolnaya Street. At that time, the director -. On his initiative, an eight-year school and a canteen were built.

The memo in Spark plays a big role. The department accounts for 4335 hectares of land. Of the 3155 ha of arable land, 900 ha is occupied by corn for silage. The rest of the area is sown: barley, rye, millet, wheat. Vegetables were grown: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage. Root crops are sown for livestock feed. There is a feed shop. A profitable article is an orchard, which gives a tangible income. At the end of 1960 at the department:

3159 heads of pigs, 987 heads of cattle, including 326 dairy herds.

The club was built in 1961. Private houses are being built. The village is electrified and equipped with radio. The material well-being of the workers is growing. For personal use, residents have 3 Moskvich cars, several dozen motorcycles, and televisions. In the status of the second branch of the state farm Iskra - Pamyatka lives until the end of the 80s.

The 90s are coming dashing. Everything is falling apart. In 1992, the state farm was declared bankrupt and reorganized into the Nadezhda partnership. The workers did not receive wages for several years. But this economy did not save. In 1994, the farm was divided into separate allotments. The Reminder is allocated in the Reminder LLP. At that time, the chief agronomist V.P. Teryoshin became the head of the partnership.

The second farm on the territory of the Pamyatka organizes, at that time, the party organizer of the farm. Now he is in charge of the business. These two farms are developing in parallel. Tereshin V.P. builds two brick houses for tractor drivers Lazutkina. S. i. A year later, a house is being built for. The farm starts building houses for i.

In 1997, thanks to Tereshin V.P., the village was completely gasified from the Turkovskaya gas pipeline. The building of the kindergarten, which by that time was no longer functioning, was occupied by the accounting department of V.P. Teryoshin, and the library and first-aid post were transferred to the club building. In 2003, during the harvest, the Governor of the region Ayatskov visited the Pamyatka. According to the results of this year, the peasant farm of Tereshina V.P. received the highest yield in the region.

V.P. was awarded the title of "The Best Entrepreneur of the Region" and was awarded a UAZ car. Life changed every day. BUT…

History of the next round

Perestroika is going on all over the country

And the villages survived as best they could

Not everyone had the strength to fight steadfastly

And how the villages fell in battle

It seemed impossible to survive

Chumak kept repeating "Everything in life is possible"

The people were silent and patiently waiting,

What will be the end of the story?

And at this time in Rus'

If you don't believe me, ask people.

Fields overgrown, not sown, not stinged

Farms have grown in all directions

Pity lurked in the soul of the people

“What about us, where are we all going?”

At that time a man appeared

From ours, from the people

But the truth is that grandfather was from a wealthy family.

He started with a tractor driver, then studied a lot

And it seemed to everyone that he was in the favorites of God.

House, wife, two boys

Live and live, calmly like everyone else

But that's bad luck - there is no peace,

Who cares about mother earth?

And the heart of our village stirred

The people believed and followed him

Who knows how it would have happened

Kohl did not send the Lord each other to them?

Not for nothing they say: Good man And the Lord needs him

And it's impossible to turn the tide of life back

Perhaps on Earth he was condemned by someone

May grace be shed to him in that world!

You are left alone with a huge burden of pain

Why is she to you, you could not understand

How difficult are all the trials of the female share

But the will to live, the death of her husband could not take away.

Live and hello woman and mother

Give good to everyone around you

The face of people brightens, like people at the temple

On loving woman looking.

Let them not enter the house of sickness

And guests and friends go in a crowd

It's better to have a drink with friends

How to quietly dissatisfy yourself!

Let joy settle in the house

Trouble will not find a way

There will be no reason for you to be angry

And the apple orchard blooms in the soul

And autumn fruits will ripen,

Seeds fall to the ground

And sprouts will sprout, turn green,

The earth will raise other names! ()

The floor is given to the head of the KFH

Sayapina farm is also developing. Build fur. yard, livestock premises, dining room, bathhouse, digging a pond, planting a garden. The main workers are purchased cars. Then the economy is reorganized and becomes the leader. The farm is small. In total - 800 hectares. But they breed cattle, sheep, rent a pond, and are engaged in beekeeping.

The word IP g KFH is provided

2009, 2010 were very difficult years. It was abnormally hot. Nearly everything in the fields burned down. But still the memo survived.

For you it sounds: "" performed


Music sounds.

Ved1 Without yesterday, there will be no day, there will be tomorrow. And the future is our children.

This year, our Memo was replenished with small residents. And we are very happy to invite you to the stage: Vladimir Andreevich Shishkanov, of course, with his parents so far.

Vladimir - this name speaks for itself. Owning the world. Very inquisitive people with this name are often leaders. Perhaps the future minister of agriculture or the president.

(Presenting gifts)

We wish the baby and his parents - health, kindness and happiness.

Let the kids bathe in sunlight

And watch the stars twinkle in the distance.

Children are always the same in the world

A joyful world is needed by the children of the earth.

Little citizens let joyful laughter

May it be a life anthem for all.

The song sounds:

NOMINATION The oldest people Reminders:

(Presenting gifts)

NOMINATION large families:

There are women in our village whom we must all bow to.

These are women who have 5 or more children.




4. Mikhaleva V.P.


6. Ponomarev V.



And I want to invite another woman. This woman gave birth to 6 children, six handsome heroes. Everyone grew up and stayed to work and live in Pamyatka.

In our village there is a woman - a mother

I can't call her old

Dawn breaks a little, and she is on her feet

Only the first rooster crowed in the yards

"Where are you so early" - I'll ask her

"I'm in a hurry to visit the guys before work"

Guys someone under sixty

And the grandchildren in their houses have been making noise for a long time

She will stay with her son for a while

And with a quiet step will go from the yard

She will meet another on the way

I saw my son, why should I go.

She should also visit Volodya and Vaska

Although she can no longer find traces of them

And again a tear ran from my eyes

And again a thunderstorm rumbles on my heart

So with every trip to your children

Pieces of life she distributes to them! ()

Many thanks to you and a deep bow from your children and all the villagers.



Music sounds.

Ved.1 Beautiful wedding - any,

She is the total

have a bite

Who carried through his life

And treat dear guests,

That they came to our holiday.

(The girl carries the loaf)

Great love.

Silver, gold,

Name any wedding

The splendor of the ceremony

Lovers' hearts beauty

For the eyes, for all one consolation,

For fellow countrymen - holy purity.

This year's golden anniversary life together noted

Roschin Anatoly and Alexandra

We invite you to the stage.

Vedas 1 Hello dove with dove!

Vedas 2 King with queen!

Vedas 1 Bride and groom!

Ved2 We have been waiting for you for a long time. finally waited.

(a loaf is taken out on a towel)

Vedas 1 Fragrant bread

Vedas 2 We approach you, hands with a tray

Heart with submission, tongue with sentence

We ask for mercy - we offer gifts.

Accept for little - honor for good.

(presentation of gifts)


Vedas 1 And now we invite silver anniversaries.

and Pavel Alexandrovich.

Sage From the council of the Sages, I was instructed to ask you a few questions at the silver frontier of your joint path, for only having received the correct answers, I have the right to let you go further along the road of joint life.

Are you ready for the test?

Sage and so, the first question (to the wife)

Does the word "LOVE" come up every time he gives you a paycheck?


Sage Question to my husband.

Does the heart still stop when the wife puts rich borscht on the table?


Sage Question for the wife.

What feeling do you get when you hear your husband's steps on the freshly washed floor?


Sage Question to my husband.

How does it feel when your spouse breaks your favorite cup?


Sage Question to everyone. What is the result of 25 years of marriage?


Sage You have passed the test and are declared a silver couple. (PRESENT)


Vedas 1 Creating a family is the beginning of a good union of two loving hearts.

This year is celebrated in our village and the youngest print wedding. This is family:

Alexander and NATALIA Ryzhov.

We invite you to the stage.

Ved.1 Dear newlyweds! Take a look at this beautiful Russian shawl.

We wish you that your life is as beautiful, warm and bright as he is. But there are knots on the scarf.

However, everything in life is not always sweet and smooth. There will be such knots on the way - obstacles and you will have to overcome them together.

I suggest you find out right now. What tasks, and in what sequence, will you solve in the near future. And for this you need to choose which knot you will untie in the first place.

The song "Knots" sounds

PACIFIER You found a blank

The task is now known to you

You are an addition to the family.

KEY Key in this knot

You have to decide urgently

What to open with this key-

Car, cottage, or house?

COIN Here is the age-old problem:

How to feed a family?

Earn a lot of money

To live and not grieve?

Need for family guys

Earn money!

BUTTON Well, the button is a new one,

What family and home need

Furniture, equipment, renovation

Buy for your home

To be nice and cozy

And lived comfortably in it.

VED 1 The knots you untied

Hassle-free and effortless

We wish that together

You have always made up your mind.

We wish the young people peace and harmony

And then you are not afraid of various obstacles











Let it NEVER go out

Happy life ZORKA,



(Waltz plays) All the newlyweds dance the waltz.


Vedas 1 You can't get away from anniversaries in life

They will overtake everyone like birds

But the main thing is to carry through the years

The warmth of the soul, a particle of warmth.

Everyone, of course, guessed that it would be about anniversaries. This year, many residents of our village have celebrated or will celebrate anniversaries, and on the birthday of the village we honor our dear birthday people. We invite to the stage those who have celebrated their

85th anniversary:

80th anniversary -

75th anniversary celebrated-

70th anniversary celebrated:

65 years old:

60th anniversary celebrated by:

55 years:


Vedas 1 And to all that has been said, I would like to add

Let him come to your house

Happiness pure light

May it always be there

Joy peace and advice.

SEMI-CENTURY Anniversary was celebrated by:

Sinitsyn A. A., Sirotin V. N.

VED 1 We are glad to congratulate you on your anniversary1

May happiness and good luck be your reward.

We wish you success, we wish you attention,

We wish that all desires come true.

We also want to wish the smallest thing,

So that a salary is given per day for a lemon

And that you own two garages

One with "Mercedes" the other with "ZHIGULI"

May your refrigerator always be full

May you find everything you need easily

Caviar, servelat, mayonnaise and sausages,

Wine, baked ham, sweets TOFFEE

We want health to always increase,

It didn't sting anywhere, it didn't bite anywhere,

Beloved people let them guard

And your whims always fulfill

VED 1 I would also like to wish today

So that everyone sings with joy on this holiday

Joke, dance. raise your glass.

Drink the anniversary glass to the bottom.

Vedas 2 A musical gift sounds for you


Vedas 1 Life gives each of us a priceless gift - youth.

This is the time when aspirations are high, dreams seem accessible, forces are endless, and joys and sorrows are immeasurable.

Vedas 2 A time of beauty, health and a thirst for knowledge, choosing a path, finding friendship and love.

Ved.1 I want to remind you that the youth of the spirit is eternal, and eternity is youth!


Come out youth

- Being young is stylish!

- It's fashionable!

- To be young means to dare, it means to burn, to succeed, to achieve.

But do not sigh, do not mope, do not be bored. Do not delve into past days and sins.

To be young means to burn. So - go ahead. No hesitation, no doubt. To fly high - above the thought. To see the whole world in illumination.

- After all, we are young - this whole life is a delight.

The joy of discoveries, events, aspirations,

Proud flame bright bonfire.

Ringing laughter, love, obsessions.

Being young means believing in good

Believe that everything that was dreamed of will come true.

VED 1 And we wish you - to be lucky

So that everything works out for you and comes true!

Every resident: adults, youth, children try to contribute to the development and prosperity of our village.

Vedas.2 With love!

Vedas 1 And we praised you, friends ......

Vedas. 2 With love!

Ved.1 For what you do everything ....

Vedas.2 With love!

Ved.1 And henceforth you always live ....

Vedas.2 With love!

Vedas. 1 Let there be peace and harmony in families ...

Vedas. 2 With love!

Vedas. 1 And if all our hearts are filled…..

Vedas. 2 Love!

Vedas.1 We will always be happy ....

Vedas. 2 With love!

Ved.1 and 2 Happy holiday, dear friends!

And I would like to finish the solemn part of our holiday with congratulations from our village - the hero of the occasion.

Unsightly village

Like a grumpy old lady

All in potholes, as in wrinkles

She crouched between the fields.

And today as a girl

She had to dress up

Birthday girl today

Three times she's 50

And they live in our village

People are all kinder and more beautiful

Naughty, hardworking

In a word, real!

I praise you people

Revive the rural family

Prosper Mother Russia

To bless the people!

script Day of the Village (the basis for work) The script of the holiday of the village "" Ved. 1: Hello, dear villagers ________________! Vedas. 2: Good afternoon, dear guests! Vedas. 1: And may it be truly kind to everyone who came here today. Let anxiety and sadness leave you, and your eyes will light up with fun, and the smile does not leave your face. Today we all have an unforgettable solemn day - the holiday of the village, the holiday of our dear, sweet corner. Vedas. 1: And according to merit, we glorify those people to whom the village, their home, family is most important. Vedas. 2: May songs and smiles live in us, the birthdays of our parents, children and grandchildren, and this means the days of our village, where we were born, where we live and work. Vedas. 1: Our little Motherland lives, and we live with it. Vedas. 2: May we have peace and happiness! Let our village live! Vedas. 1: At our holiday there are: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬-________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ved. 1: The word for the speech is provided by ________________________________________________________________________ Ved. 1: Thank you, dear __________________________________________ Ved. 2: My village is called outback, Warmly and affectionately called For silence, for a dove, For undemanding comfort. For the open sky, For the weighty weight of words, For the fact that dawns smell of bread, For the revelation of nightingales. My village is my foundation, It is not for nothing that it is called the backwoods - The people know how warm word Tell him with all your heart. Vedas. 1: The land on which you were born and live is the land of our ancestors, your land and your heirs. Every path here is familiar from childhood. There is nothing more honorable than to work on this earth, give it all your love, believe in it and grow with it. Vedas. 2: As you know, congratulations, awards and good wishes. And now I invite to the stage the chairman of the Village Council _________________________________________________________ Ved. 1: Thank you for your words, dear ______________________________ Ved. 2: Dear friends, you all know your native village well, you were born here, grew up here, your happy childhood passed here. Home village! Many joyful events in life are connected with it. Here, every path is dear, every bench, every tree is familiar ... Vedas. 1: Wide, spacious, modern village ________________ today. She is beautiful at any time of the year. Its streets, houses are beautiful, especially the people living in it. And let's imagine what it was like before us, how our grandfathers, great-grandfathers lived on this earth, what they fought for, what they dreamed about. Vedas. 2: (HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE: pre-war, military, post-war years, present time) Ved. 1: Years pass, more than one post-war generation has grown up. The wounds of veterans have healed, but the wounds of our hearts and our memory still hurt. We, the living, are always in eternal unrequited debt. Vedas. 2: (HONORING WWII VETERANS LIVING IN THE VILLAGE) Ved. 1: How many wonderful people there are. Here, on our side. Masters of various professions. You are known in the village. These people are familiar to everyone - Teachers and postmen, Doctors and salesmen Brigadiers, agronomists, Field farmers, livestock breeders, These people are familiar to us, We are familiar with their deeds! Here they are, the heroes of the day! Vedas. 2: In our country, any work is honorable if you give it all your heart, put all your strength into work. Today we certainly have teachers. Their work unites people of different professions, since at the origins of the formation of each person is his first teacher, native school. Your knowledge, creativity, open a window to the world for students, inspire confidence in the future, help them find their own Right way in life. Vedas. 1: Years will pass, centuries of threads Will drown in the blue abyss of stars But the warm word "Teacher" Always moves to tears Always makes you remember something Native, close to you ... In the twentieth century, or in the two hundredth - The teacher is eternal on earth! Vedas. 2: Our village has the most beautiful houses, the greenest forests, the most wide brim and, of course, the most beautiful, smart, talented children study at our school. All of them achieved high results in studies, sports, social work thanks to authoritative and wise teachers. We ask the best teacher and secondary school students to rise to the stage ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ved. 1: The land on which we were born and live is the land of our ancestors, our land and our heirs. There is nothing more honorable than to work on this earth, give it your love, believe in it and grow with it. Know no fatigue good hands our livestock breeders. And let it not be easy, let tired hands, their eyes are filled with kindness. We welcome the best livestock breeders to our holiday ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2: Today in our hall there are people, without whom not a single settlement can do. These are our respected medical workers. In any weather, at any time of the day, they rush to our aid. This is ... _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ved. 1: folk wisdom says: “If you want to live in a place for one year, sow millet; if you choose a place for yourself for decades, plant a tree; if you want to settle forever, raise a child.” And today at our holiday there is the smallest resident of our village __________________________________________________________________ Ved. 2: Dear parents! On behalf of all the villagers, we sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your daughter (son). We wish you good health, good friendly family. Having a child is a great happiness for every family. But at the same time, it is a lot of work to educate and responsibility for how he grows up. It depends on you how he will go through his life. I want to believe that this path will be bright! Vedas. 1: And we would like to wish our little countrywoman (countryman) to live more years, what does our long-liver of the village _______________________________________________________________, who turned ____ years old this year! (presentation of a memorable gift) Ved. 2: -Early, only the radiant sun splashes, Morning is met by all the children of the Fatherland. - Hello! the flowers whisper at dawn. Great life for little kids! Their mothers love them, their fathers love them, the Motherland generously pigeons the children. You will not find the Motherland more beautifully in the world. The little children of the Vedas live nicely. 1: It’s also nice for our little fellow villagers in the kindergarten “__________________”. Every morning, the little villagers rush to their warm, cozy corner, which has become their second home while their parents are at work. And parents are calm for their children: here they will be met by friendly, kind, affectionate teachers and nannies. Works here Friendly team, which is headed by __________________________________________________________________ Ved. 2: Kindergarten for a small child, these are the first steps in his independent life where there are no parents, grandparents nearby. And on how they meet him on the first day, his adaptation in the team depends. And for many years now, with kindness in their eyes, educators _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ meet children every morning. Thank you very much for your hard work, for your kindness and affection. Vedas. 1: There is a bright shelter on earth, Love and fidelity live there. Everything that sometimes Only dreams of us, Forever sheltered there. That is the heart of a mother! Vedas. 2: At the celebration we have a mother-heroine __________________________________________________________________. (STORY ABOUT THE MOTHER-HEROINE) Ved. 1: Dear friends! It is very nice to see how people decorate our village with their work, and every year it gets prettier. And we know that every family, every owner strives to have order and comfort in the house, to keep the yard and near the house clean, to plant flowers and trees. Vedas. 2: And today at the celebration we want to name the house whose courtyard decorated the street _________________. This is the yard __________________________________________________________________, it was determined by the commission of the Village Council as the best. How much effort and patience do you need to make everything that decorates your yard. Thank you very much for your work, for your imagination and love for your native corner. Vedas. 1: Motherland - my holiday and peace She alone will believe and help. As a child, I want to press my cheek against her. There is no other happiness and there cannot be. Vedas. 2: My native land is my dignity, My whole life, no less and no more. She is always in me, and I will go into her Someday, I would like, later than the Vedas. 1: The land of my fathers, the land of my native people. My love, care and reward. Probably, there are more beautiful and warmer lands, Probably, there are, but I don’t need others. Vedas. 2: Peace, goodness, prosperity, happiness in your homes, dear villagers __________________________. I sincerely want to wish that the relationship between your houses was only good-neighborly, that all misunderstandings were resolved only peacefully, that every morning was good, the day was good, the evening was beautiful, and the night was calm! We hope that the holiday of the village will become a good tradition and that every year we will gather together. Vedas. 1: See you soon!

Scenario of the Day of the Village - 2013 "We have fun"

Solemn fanfare sounds.
The leader takes the stage.

Hello native village!
There is no more beautiful and dearer in the world,
Than our beloved green, flowering, beautiful

Bulatovskoe rural settlement!

Hello! Hello!

This means - health, good to you!

It means - we are glad to see you now.

And we are rightfully proud of your attention,

And admire the light of smiles and eyes!

We are starting our holiday concert, dedicated to the day village!

    We sit well (Girlfriends and Red Rowan)

Everyone knows the streets today
From end to end
Why are they so anxious now
The inhabitants have good hearts.

Every resident, look around and look around,
How our village flourished in its no longer young years!
Our village is celebrating the birth,
She is worthy of admiration.
We speak without further ado:
"Happy birthday, native village!"

The birthday of the village is the birthday of all the people who lived and live in it! Dear fellow villagers! Congratulations on the Village Day!

    Artem Mollaev

We are glad that our village has so many friends, and they all came to us and are ready to give a piece of their soul.

What happiness!

We say to everyone: hello!

Welcome to our native corner

Where the furious surf hits the river bank,

Where the sky is insanely blue.

We begin our congratulations. Our first guests from ... (name of the city.) I am pleased to invite you to the stage ... (full name, position.)

Thank you for your kind wishes!

So that this holiday leaves a mark in the soul,

Please accept this festive greeting from us.

    Dance with a shawl and a saber (Larisa Shamatonova)

Leading. And we continue to accept holiday greetings from our esteemed guests! And I would like to invite you to our stage with pleasure (full name, position)

    Chastushki (Nastya Leshkovtseva and Dasha Chekalova)

Leading. The baton of holiday greetings and wishes moves on. And I am pleased to invite you to the stage (full name, position)

(guest performance)

Leading. Green-dressed gardens and boulevards

And the beauty of summer flowers...

I admire your beauty, old friend,

My dear village...

Let the bright sun shine on the way!

Dear village, we will affectionately say:

"Live dear, bloom and grow!".

Sophia Novenkova gives you a musical gift - meet!

    Forever (Sofya Novenkova)

There are in our native spaces

Little corner.

There is no sweeter and more beautiful on earth,

Here is our native threshold!

Here the sun is brighter and warmer,

Here the sky is blue

People are kinder and kinder

And greener grass!

This is what our wonderful village looks like today! All this is the merit of people, people different ages, different professions, different hobbies that make our village beautiful. For the contribution to the renewal and prosperity of our native village, today we express our gratitude to all these people. And to sum up the results of the competition for the improvement of our village, I invite the head of the administration of the Bulatovsky rural settlement Rusova Lyubov Nikolaevna to the stage.

(Speech and awarding of the Head of Administration)

Leading. For all the residents who are not indifferent to the beauty of their native village, once again a storm of applause and, of course, a song as a gift!

    Love me like this (Lyubov Rusova)

Leading. It is probably very pleasant for all of us that the competition has already become a good tradition, which once again emphasizes not only the beauty of our village, but also the aesthetic taste of our dear fellow villagers. This, of course, is a competition for the most original bouquet“I see a wonderful freedom ...”, the winners of which we will now award.

(Award for the contest "I see a wonderful freedom")

Leading. How beautiful is our life sometimes it happens,

How much light, happiness and kindness.

How many joyful minutes will know

A man who saw no evil in her!

If we are faithful to hope,

If we forget about the bad -

So, we will live peacefully as before,

So everyone will be happy!

For everyone who took part in this competition, our musical gift.

    Horse (Village boys)

Leading. Everyone, probably, has his own city, his own village, his own corner. And for someone it is more beautiful and better than ours. But our village belongs to us, and we are part of it, and for us it is the most beautiful, the most dear.
After all, our village is all of us - the people who live here or just those who love it and come here to visit.

Thank you, Dear friends and guests that love our village as much as we do!

And once again, Happy Holidays! Happy birthday dear village!

    Modern dance (dance group "New Generation")

Leading. The Bulatov side is generous with talents. And we are convinced of this again and again. And with pleasure we will sum up the results of the contest "Our hands are not for boredom"

(Awarding the winners of the competition)

For our talented countrymen, the next musical gift.

    And he is nobody's (Red Rowan)

Let's go back to where childhood was left
The road home has already appeared ...
All the same faces in the native land,
And happy there children's laughter under the window.

The future of our village is, of course, our children! And they also participated in the drawing competition "Flowering Country". And like every competition, there are winners here too.

(Awarding children for the drawing competition)

Nastya Leshkovtseva sings for the winners. Meet!

    Grapes (Nastya Leshkovtseva)

Congratulations, congratulations!
Holiday is good!
Let the hostess bring tea
Large handmade cake.
Our guests, without a doubt,
Looking forward to a joyful day;
I hope treats
Enough here for me.

Our dear Bulatov women have golden hands. And we were convinced of this at the exhibition - competition - "Hostess". And the winners of this competition are………

For you - incomparable ladies, our next musical gift!

    And summer is the color of the sky (Mikhail Zapryagaev)

May this holiday bring you joy, laughter, smiles, good mood! And we give you our songs!

    Orange dreams (Irina Novenkova)

    Artem Mollaev

The song is an irreplaceable friend!

With a song in life more fun.

With her, care is not a concern.

How much generous power in it!

Work argues with the song

Rest brighter and brighter ...

And when the girls sing

The nightingale is silent.

Victoria Lebedeva sings for you!

    No (Victoria Lebedeva)

We need to celebrate this day

All together: with a song and together.

And we are lucky today

The whole village has gathered today!

Let the village walk that day

Let have fun, rest!

    I'll call you a cloud (Anatoly Demidov)

    Letter to beloved (Girlfriends)

Oh and you are a Russian song

Oh and a miracle - good

Let's sing this song

The whole soul will open!

    Road (Village Boys)

I love you at any time of the year

My native Russian village.

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you, my heart is always light.

A familiar birch nods to me,

And I answered her "Hello!" I say

How good it is for me, how simple in Russian

Live in my bright, gentle land.

And on this day - in the village revival

And the eyes radiate a kind light.

Village celebrates its birthday

Many joyful and good years to him!

    You have to believe in love (Lyubov Rusova)

    Fresh wind (Artem Mollaev and Mikhail Zapryagaev)

    Dance (Larisa Shamatonova)

Let the years run by

Bypassing all the bad weather,

We wish you with all our heart

Love, health, happiness!

And a love song performed by Sofia Novenkova and Mikhail Zapryagaev.

    Song about love (Sofya Novenkova and Mikhail Zapryagaev)

Well, what. Our concert ends, but the celebration continues! I would like to wish you health, good luck, and excellent mood! Happy birthday, native village!

    Birthday (Girlfriends and Red Rowan)