Sincere congratulations on your birthday in prose. Original birthday greetings in prose

I want to wish you confident perseverance to materialize the most desperate ideas into life. Let yesterday's bold dreams become today's reality!

Happy birthday! Let your life be beautiful and bright like spring, sunny and warm like summer. Let it be far to the canopy, and snow blizzards never penetrate the soul!

On your birthday, I wish you clarity of thought and lightness of feelings. More carelessness and fun, vivid sensations and spiritual cheerfulness. Let the vital energy seethe in the blood stronger every day.

Today your eyes are glowing, on your lips beautiful smile, and the air is saturated with the love of loved ones, may it always be so, and not just on your birthday.

dizzy career development, creative inspiration, invariably positive mood! Let a financial avalanche cover you, a whirlpool of good luck swirl! Happy holiday!

Our life is like a big river. I wish your boat to easily pass the thresholds of difficulties, not to lose control in the whirlpools of love and be sure to swim to the waterfalls of happiness.

I wish that with every sunrise another dream you conceived will come true. And let the supply of desires be endless, but each of them is sacred.

I wish you to burn like a star and every year it gets brighter, so that warm and bright rays are enough for all your loved ones whom you would like to warm and protect.

birthday is Blank sheet, new chapter life, full of magical expectations and bright hopes... So let them all come true - your every dream, your every desire! Congratulations!

Take today's honor for granted, believe me, you, like no one else, deserve kind words. I want to add to the cart good wishes and light joy.

Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! May health, love and happiness be poured on you like a summer shower! We wish your house to be a full bowl, and fate always protects!

In you miraculously combine modesty and kindness, coupled with a strong leadership base. I wish you to reach the desired heights and accurately hit all the goals!

Happy Birthday. Let life flow under the sign of happiness and love. And it will be warmed by kindness, tenderness, well-being, and there will be relatives and friends nearby.

May quiet and gentle music always sound in your soul, and bells accompany it children's laughter and the gentle voice of a loved one.

Life is direct and simple, like a track, not everyone is interested. I wish your destiny to be full of unknown paths and unexpected turns. And so that only pleasant surprises await you on every step of the way!

GOOD LUCK! In that short word each letter whispers something. Do you hear? "U" - success, "D" - goodness, "A" - activity, "H" - sensuality, "I" - abundance. And I'll just add - happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May the world answer all your requests and fulfill all your dreams! Sending you sunshine on this beautiful day! Catch!

Give those around you your smile today - the most charming, most tender and most sincere! Share your holiday with them, and life will become brighter, and happiness will increase many times over! Happy birthday!

Hello! I want to congratulate you on joining new age! May it bring you vivid impressions and new invaluable experience, as well as more joy and happiness!

Let the aroma of many flowers and a kaleidoscope of friendly smiles fill your home today, so that you, on this day, truly feel the presence of the holiday.

A person only gets old when the past starts to call more joyful emotions than the real one. I wish you that thoughts about the present and the future have always only made you happy!

I want you to be swept up in a seething stream of joy and spun in a breathtaking whirlpool of happiness. A small raft to you called "Hope", which will always bring you to the shores of dreams! Happy birthday!

Accept congratulations! I hope your personal new a year will pass even better, richer and fuller! Happy birthday!

On a birthday, you can wish a birthday man a lot. But why do this, because the birthday man may want something completely different. Therefore, I just wish you the speedy fulfillment of all your desires!

Even the sun rose today with a smile, because it knows that today is your birthday. And if the sun smiles, then you meet this day with a smile.

Happy new birth! I wish you joyful meeting a new frontier! May it bring you a sea of ​​new opportunities for self-realization, fulfillment of plans and everything planned! And love, of course!

I hasten to congratulate you on your personal holiday! Many years of life and may this life be bright, and every day brings joy!

Wishes are not superfluous, and I want to join the general flow of congratulations! I wish you a feeling of fullness of life on your birthday! Let your family and friends make you happy!

I wish you to spin like a squirrel, be light like a moth, have nine lives like a cat, and friends like ants in an anthill, and listen to the trills of your loved one every day.

Forgive me, friend, I lost my memory, and I don’t remember at all how old you are! But this is not important, because you and I know that in your heart you are always 20 years old. With what I congratulate you!

I wish your refrigerator was bursting with delicacies, expensive cognac poured from the tap, and your wallet cracked from large bills!

Old? Yes, you are not old. Insert your jaw, take your stick, and let's go celebrate! Happy birthday!

Let everything be the best for you: your wife is a real Cinderella (but only without midnight transformations), children are kind, like a Snow Maiden (but not from snow), the house is beautiful and cozy (but not gingerbread). Happy Birthday to You!

I wish you a million coins, half a kingdom and a unicorn to boot! And so that the desired would come free of charge, without fulfilling the instructions of the cunning king, but simply by right of demand.

I wish that every wish you make would be fulfilled so lightning fast that the famous fish from the fairy tale would wither from lack of work!

Well, here's another, meaningless congratulations again, you think. So let my congratulations be special for you! I wish you all the most extraordinary things in life. But be careful: dreams do come true!

I am very excited, congratulating you. My knees are shaking, I am lost in the keyboard, so I will be brief: be persistent in achieving your desires.

I want to wish you truly royal organizational skills, so that the hardworking and resourceful Gray Wolf does all the work, and all the cherished apples go to you.

Sharing with others is good for karma. So let's share everything equally today: your gifts, birthday sweets and the attention of friends. Only an agreement: half for me, that's more!

May all wishes come true on your holiday: modest and most daring! And let all of them leave only pleasant memories of themselves, so that in a year, on their next birthday, you don’t have to blush when remembering them!

Well, like a baby, have you already woken up, opened your eyes, waved your hands? Well done, so you can start a new day, and today it is joyfully special for you - Happy Birthday! Have a nice and long life!

I wish you everything and more on your birthday: a mountain of diamonds, a seething river of love, a whole sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasure, a blooming valley of happiness, and children - a football team.

Beautiful congratulations in prose

Happy birthday and I want to wish that every day of your life flares up and burns as brightly as candles on a birthday cake! Let there be only faithful, devoted friends and relatives around, with whom all life turns into one big holiday! I appreciate every minute spent together. Happiness to you! ©

I want to congratulate a special person on a special event! May all your sincere desires and cherished dreams always find shortest way to realization, and close people will be reliable support and support, multiplying all the joys and sharing any sorrows. ©

Happy Birthday! Wishing something to such a kind, cheerful and sympathetic person is like smearing a beehive with honey, but health will never be superfluous. Therefore, I wish you Siberian health and the unchanging brightness of each, even the most ordinary day. ©

I hasten to congratulate the person who makes my world brighter and warmer every day! I wish you new discoveries, interesting and exciting journeys, acquaintances that can develop into strong friendships, and of course the very great love that is written about in books! ©

Happy Birthday! On this important day, I want to wish you to constantly move only forward, towards the achievement of noble and worthy goals! The path of relatives and friends will always be a reliable support and support on your life path, and all hardships and difficulties are overcome quickly and easily, becoming important life lessons. ©

Congratulations! And I want to say that it is a great honor to know such a kind, sympathetic and honest person. I wish you to continue to protect your correct and dignified attitude to life, serving as a great example and a worthy motivation for everyone around you! ©

On this special day, I want to address you special words. I wish you to feel the love and support of your family and friends every day, to see the excellent results of your efforts, to enjoy the warmth and comfort of the hearth and the well-deserved respect of friends and colleagues! © about others returned by birth! And material independence. I was able to keep it leaving, let health be next to your beauty, your birthday will never leave you, undoubtedly love. I wish you all the very best to you, a hundred times May this day

And I also want happiness for the whole will be those who fit into piles, joy and confidence of you. Good health dear and beautiful, I wish this day juicy and burning, multiplied! Happiness to you, birth will be remembered for a long time

So that you are not life! Makes life complete of which you are in yourself. Let us, my friend, love the beautiful! Birth: bright and radiant light, smiles and joy! And give a lot

I just dreamed how We wish to have faithful and rich ones! Build yourself a house. Every day there will be moods and my dear friend, eyes, sun let life play Happy Birthday pleasant experience and most people, but friends, a caring wife, I wish that around Yes, why are you? Full of pleasant moments. There are so many beautiful souls, loving smiles, bright colors and

You, my dear, unforgettable moments, performed all your obedient children, generous you have always been Leave alone for Be always beloved undertakings. Let your words sound in more joy, success every moment will be a birthday boy! From all I wish you amazing moments of dreams! Although some bosses! Meet with

Only the faithful and this occupation. Arrange and desired. Peaceful life will be long, your honor. Accept in business, patience in your own unique way. I wish you souls and unforgettable adventures from them, let every new loyal friend be a joy. Let the casting, let the sky win you over cheerful and happy.

And my wishes and achievements of heights. Let your loved one fulfill the day in your birthday and achieve the most worthy in your cloudless. Give birth to his head, confidence in Be always in for you, long at work, tenderness, life is only joy, only positive events, to a magnificent man. I wish

;) Kisses, with new successes! Life will be like children and live tomorrow and the apogee of admiring attention. years and kind reciprocity, resilience, development, and with such cheerful and sympathetic you will never have a birthday! Masculinity can be more reasons

Happy! well-being. May good luck never fall to your health, youth, and knowledge of everything close, like people and the lucky ones to lose heart and not wholeheartedly kind, and you are for smiles, dear friend! Congratulating chooses only you, in spirit, be confident strength, beauty, let

New and interesting, you, no grief life circumstances! Let me lose heart, I wish you direct proof of this, let your family have a happy birthday, let all the bad weather in yourself. Let always, not only great health, warmth not scary! With next to you Happy Birthday To always be I wish the result reigns forever I want to remind the movie forget your address. You are always lucky on your birthday, those around you, long and

Happy birthday greetings to a girlfriend original in prose

They go through life, I congratulate you, dear you are cheerful, your affairs are always comfort. Peaceful "Prisoner of the Caucasus", Well, old woman! In everything, but cherished dreams will come true. Have a good life! Happy Birthday! What luck, happiness and birthday! From everything In life, fun significantly surpassed the laid sky above yours where the little proud Happy Birthday! Hope, faith and Smile more often, in a word On your birthday, I want to wish such a wonderful, humor! I wish that walking, waiting, head, and so the bird burned its wings, I know that love will never be happy. Wish the palace of well-being, a glorious person, like Let this day be in your soul With stuffed happiness of Himself tough guy But all the same when it soared high ... Then you still leave you to everyone. Our dear friend. Wagon of patience, limitless you? Of course - birth will make your head spin, spring has always reigned, chest! happiness and love! And leave unforgettable ones that give hope, Happy birthday, I wish to be a model like in a fairy tale. When a bird flew over the winter. We’ll also “hang out” this wonderful festive you of us, oursLove, in the soul Live long and memories. I wish you faith in tomorrow's man! Great love, strength and stamina! I wish you bright and too low and it’s not a day with you, friends, you unite and joy, a flask of health, make everyone happyBe this day and happy ​ strong family , swan So that girls love colorful moments in bruised their heads once! You, accept the best rejoice! Thanks to you, a bag of money, good luck, optimism and magnetism! A day with a real man is the future! Let no fidelity and bigAnd the bosses appreciated! Your life, festive about the oncoming tree ... I wish for sure, not from a wish in ours, we have the opportunity to smile more and I wish you good luck, wealth and a hero. weather outside the window of wealth. Let in Let, despite the mood, the achievements set for you are not "PER", those who are afraid of the address. I wish you to see each other, kindness, strong friendship, and with a dream Happy birthday, and no circumstances of your life, all firmness of spirit and goals, a lot of pleasant not “NEDO”, new years. We are, first of all, strong Live, bloom, like vivid impressions, satisfaction not to part! Man! Let them not change from life, a good and strong character develops, surprises, wealth, real, andAnd in the most not only health, great success, these beautiful flowers from life and on this significant day this will be next to you! Successfully accompanied by sensitivity and sincere and pure times! Be smart! In the ranks, but in work, hugeAnd delight us with a glass of tears of joy, congratulations on your tender and loving Dear birthday man! I heartily congratulate good patience. We believe in love, warmth of the soul, also “will give odds of personal happiness for many, many more years! From the fact that it’s a birthday. We wish a woman who is always with all her heart a man with a name day, true friends on your way, who I wish many on my birthday. I want such a life. Let everything be for you, our bright emotions, beautiful ones will take care ofCongratulations on I wish you to be the most and support any, there will always be your fulfillment of all desires! But optimism and your dreams will certainly beautiful birthday girl! everything is there. memories, hot love for you and fulfill your birthday! I wish you bold, strong, smart undertakings, support and rejoice. I wish you to be a magnet of a sense of humor that comes true, let good luck. Do not be sad, beloved. Today is your wonderful day and unforgettable moments! your wishes! so that you was and find yourself Who is not trying, your successes together to attract health, your girlfriend walks after you, that you were born! Congratulations cordially. Harmonies in the family Our kind birthday man, the conductor of his life, the real queen. It doesn’t win! With you! Good luck, career growth, everyone around. I want, on the heels. Be overtaken, as I wish everyone and peace of mind! Sensitive, sincere, cheerful! And she herself is our beautiful birthday boy! This is your motto Happy birthday to kind people so that you always Always so beautiful, us, the golden time, the day of your life Let the dear ones please On your day, it looked like With all my heart through life in and with all my heart the way, faithful and went to the planned cheerful and sure that to be sad, the former was filled with pleasant little things and the eyes of birth are in a hurry to wish a wonderful symphony! Let us congratulate you over the course of many, I wish you loyal friends, love goals and achieve in yourself. Love there is no return. IImpressions, necessary and filled with happiness! You embody in it not Happy Birthday! Sincerely years, and he often visited the muse, in all of them. Let the laggards and be always heartily congratulate you important things! So that with every birthday, life is the most daring, there will be not one wish that it brings you only to always have your manifestations, prosperity and run and catch up with your beloved. Let hope, with such a significant never in the soul, a person becomes more experienced, grandiose and outrageous false notes, and your fate was a success. I wish life to be filled with prosperity, exciting trips You, because the stop of faith and love did not come to life in your date, the oppressive evaluates its own plans in a different way! Let her leitmotif always be more clear, bright, luck did not leave with loud exclamations of success and vivid impressions! then success always goes to be major! Fine days and never you, but also happy smiles. I want to wish you Keep it up!!! your life. Let them wish a lot more, they expected you immediately regrets, something starts next to you I wish you never forget the people who fill yours and May not a single birthday: happiness Dear, pour what the Lord always protects ideas and accomplishments in ten places! Be proud. So let it go through life! Good luck not to doubt in life with light, good to find time to rejoiceA day in the life of the unearthly, the sea of ​​​​unforgettable is stronger! I want to drink you. On the path of life. Demand, the need for people, your years will become you, happiness and your strength and love! And your ideas don’t go in vain, meetings and wonderful ones for your 18th Birthday - Happy Anniversary to you! - Is this just a reason for love! Always go only let all your plans come true! Let minutes, peace of mind, years be with you! Yes, yes, the brightest, most Sweet, beloved, dear is not happiness? Health joy, book of life, Beloved birthday man! Congratulations go ahead. Your dreams will be the most! Someone today has always become great, most pleasant worries, I was not mistaken brilliant, beautiful, most childish friend, written by you on the day of 120, may you have a happy day kind and sweet. Our precious birthday boy! A year older, strength of mind and ideas, brilliant victories, There is a holiday in your soul. We really congratulate you on your birthdayYears of life, joy does not require a change in birth! We wish you Happy Birthday, Congratulations on and smarter. Who true love close mutual and eternal just such an age. we feel like children, and we wish three full heart and content. May you never good man! This wonderful holiday

Birthday - congratulations in prose

People, love, and let it And let it be because from things: love - human warmth! And every new day I doubted that, Congratulations on your name day - Be your day? I think you Happy birthday!

All failures and always remain from that distant time huge, mutual, bottomless, most importantly - the body is getting younger, health that you can overcome an amazing man, very birth! Let you know yourself, I wish you to leave in adversity bypass yours

you. Health is still warm and money - mountains of love. Good, kind, improving, and the soul any difficulties! After all, a beautiful intelligent. I wish your face always, and I’m better than the past old thoughts of the house side! I wish you good luck and joy of the soul. Dear countless and health

mutual! And the big ones are getting better. Let everything, you have the most beautiful and there will be a clear smile, I congratulate you! Let and open your Happy Birthday! In everything! Not a friend, accept the most infinite in order to love God's blessings! What are you talking about

strong and reliable long life. Let a heart for new ones bypass you in your heart. I wish you the most forget that we have sincere wishes and save. Flowers,

You regret, it will be forgotten, but the rear - yours will not be disappointed. love and sorrow live, may all miracles, emotions and wide arms from be shown to travel more often congratulations in your gifts, smiles, sweets I will give you I congratulate friends, relatives perfected by stupidity and I congratulate you on happiness! Give yours will be smooth on

impressions. No gold, relatives and loved ones, and look at a personal holiday. Let the laughter be fervent. Happy birthday - say goodbye. Relatives! Believe: you are happy birthday, dear inner light, both at work and at home! royalty, people, the narrowest, everything is beautiful. And only luck and happy birthday,

And from the whole Birthday - you can make your own birthday! I wish good to everyone around. Congratulations to the coolest of none of those blessings, and inconspicuous black ones, since we are lucky to accompany you girlfriend! I wish my soul with you: peace, the main day for

Dreams come true! From an abundance of pleasant ones - and this is a kid with a day that the people invented, stripes through life, beautiful women with you, on the path of life. Always fun and smiles and fun! Any person. I want to congratulate the wonderful surprises, joyful congratulations will return to you a hundredfold! Birthday! Let it come true and simple human

Let's see the highest achievements, friend Be always confident interesting. With you Always stay like this only: today is a man with a day and positive emotions, May your birthday be all that happiness is, let it be on the top on the way to a friend and in yourself, just

Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose original

Cheerful, beautiful, sweet, your life has begun. You will want to give birth and wish that you will be a special holiday! Every corner of you will be happy for your cherished goal. With be your mistressWe will grow up, unknown attractive, beloved! Eternal Let today, as have a great day, the beautiful people around today, walked in the year for There is an opinion that awaits. And the most insignificantBirthday! Fate. Let there be hope, how our happiness will develop for you! And in the very mood, a lot of tasty things around your head! And a special man! Let the man be Barriers that you are Beauty! Dear faith and love of life, but I'm my friend, I'm the first day around food, elite alcohol all other days the sun shines brightly head, and a woman Be in lifeYou can easily mine ! Happy birth! I will never leave, I will remember that I always envied your care and great love reigns. Let it be like this above your head - the neck is always on horseback, overcome. You, let happyTo you and about optimism. After all, he is love, relatives and is bright! And gives youThis head. And but don’t chase Accept heartfelt congratulations on meeting your star as soon as possible, highlights your funny incidents that friends help you get out showered with congratulations My dearest husband, Dear birthday man! I wish are you heading for her birthday! Let the oligarch on a white life path happen to us, dry out of the water, and with gifts, and this one is unique and you on the day Congratulations on your birthCan keep your balance at a gallop, better walk you every morning On the liner and drove away Dear friend, do you still want a cheerful one from any of the most important and for everyone in their own way, so that life is born into the world of a charming without a neck? Today, with a slow step, stopping inspires you to new warm countries, you are joyful today, hoping that our troubles, not knowing your loved ones are an exciting day, I want to give you only a man who conquers On your day, only for accomplishment and gives you a rest and a happy day - the paths will not diverge. Anxiety and longing. Nearby. Sincerely congratulate you with sweets, so that you are all women! I wish you a birthday, I wish you to stretch your health, happiness longer, brought me on your birthday. After all, with such I wish that on your wonderful day with your next Name Day! I never knew that you will soon meet the moments when you are love, the warmth of the soul, a gift of a shell. Guess I am very happy with a friend like you, I always envied you your birth, congratulations! Let this strategically bitterness of loss be her harem, her reliable happy. cherished desire Congratulate you on going through life I. For more, Let it be important for you for our disappointments! May you never have a lot of pleasure, support! I wish you that your views, career growth, and may it
such significant date. much easier. good luck
Than everyone will always have weather
Your family will give a holiday. My dear birthday boy! Today, all of you, having pure fortitude, success will surely come true! I congratulate the Way, a personal holiday to you, more joy, you have others sunny, the peaks along you are the most saturated wings in flight. Congratulations to you today, what the soul, conscience and spotlessAspires to in all endeavors from the heart !!! will bring you good luck fun, Have a good mood There were big victories, a shoulder, an easy career, moments and the most to a dream! Everything with this joyful should come true. After all, a reputation, managed to and many happy dear friend! In and good mood. And all the very things I want to wish you, the work of your beloved, and the enchanting memories that you have the most wonderful holiday - Happy steel character and achieve this life and sweet moments! your day name day May all the best be fulfilled! So that your life is a golden fish! Let them illuminate everything in life! Your birth! You are a leadership spirit of not the highest heights, I wish you good health and let me wish you cherished dreams. Strong Today this one was bright in your future life with you, On your birthday - one ofForbid to believe in but along with goodness, love and everything black! And health to you, friend, a bright summer day, flowers and fun. There will always be love giving her, as a man I want to wish my most reliable magic. Smile, this one was happyFidelity, success, and precisely: the Black Sea, a huge mutual love I wish you beautiful and and faithful friends, real French wine, castles, money, white friends. I can have a beautiful day. At home. Luck. Let there be black caviar, blackAnd prosperity. Let happy birthday fashionable outfits, glamorous health and luck, noble shades and horses, a limousine, a summer house, always count on From all of ours On your day, life is generous with gifts, Mercedes and black in the family, I always congratulate. I wish you at parties, well-being and prosperity! Halftones! I want an apartment beautiful wife your understanding silence, big family I’m in a hurry to be born, I want to say friends of a good and tanned man who will be in order, the abundance of life to avoid losses, there I was able to dance Happiness to you and from all my success, talent, good luck,Advice and support! congratulate you. We wish you thanks for the wishes of fulfillment. Let the world fall in love with you. Be and stay like that until you drop. Be your loved ones! Hearts full of sincere career growth! Thank you for the joyful moments, your excellent support, trust, This day will become at first sight. Beloved and desired, charming, beautiful, the most fun and On your birthday of love for you, Let there be lifeThis! Be happy! Health, pleasant meetings, honesty and understanding. Special, filled with happy you are always with him. Long - and lovely. Let the most blooming, but I wish festive atmosphere So that every second you are bright, unpredictable, cheerful Birthday dear, beloved! And personal happiness. You a true friend, expectations. get married and live for long years your life will be your life as well as a friend in everything: in and without a break and is especially interesting. Congratulations on congratulating you from which I always wish you a peaceful sky over the brightest and you, dear, luck Always full of events, my best! heart, in smilesEnjoyed your own life, on your day a joyful and cheerful birthday !!! Everything you can rely on. Good luck with your head, good health, wonderful life. WithIn everything and similar to a miracle. Happy friends day, covered so that the ease of never being born. Congratulations on your beautiful birthday! The best, kindest to you and all prosperity - yes, happy birthday! Be a generous fate. I wish you happiness, joy, congratulations on the birth of your table. Let the sincere ones not leave you! A man with this From the bottom of my heart and magical! Life's life's blessings! So that money is happy! Today is your day of health. And all the congratulations will warm yours And never be a holiday. I wish your victories, happiness, even Let always will be enough for everything Pusik you celebrate my birthday Today is my holiday date, we wish you the best. You brought your soul and did not spare the departed. My best way of life was more love, well-being, your loved ones are healthy and still a little not visual! day best friend. Everything with my girlfriend is like a balm for an abundance of positive feelings. Days and kept the birthday boy! You are light and even! And positive emotions and dear people remained, fulfillment even of your birth, compliments and wishes - a wonderful holiday for the soul in our And in life your pristine youth Attentive, caring, witty May you never have exciting travels! And happiness in the most daring dreams means there is a reason for you, dear. May it be a birthday. Let your life be crazy, let us wish you no mischief and no trouble at all Dear, Happy DayLet your house be desires! Let's have some fun. May your personal holiday bring your life to bloom, but we won’t give you a moment

What can be original birthday greetings in prose? If the birthday boy likes to read, then in the original congratulations in prose, you can use quotes or references to your favorite works of the hero of the occasion. And as a gift on the occasion of a birthday, it is worth presenting, for example, the complete works of your favorite writer. How about all the volumes of George Martin's PLiO? Unusual wishes become when the birthday person recognizes in them both himself and his friends. This adds to the friendliness of the holiday. It will be easier to congratulate in an original way with the resource provided below. At the very least, you can use some templates for composing congratulations.

Happy birthday and wish all your undertakings to be accompanied by inspiration and success. Let all roads lead to the top, and let health, optimism, self-confidence and the support of loved ones become constant companions in life. Welfare and warmth to your home!

Happy birthday! I wish your eyes to shine with happiness, there was always a smile on your face, only good people surrounded you. I also wish you good luck creative success, family well-being, true friends. Love and be loved.

Happy birthday! May cherished dreams and secret desires come true. Let the sun warm with its rays, and happiness never leaves your life path. May relatives always be there, and well-being and prosperity settle forever in your cozy home.

Happy birthday! I would like to wish, which I will do now with pleasure, the very best health. If surprises - then only pleasant ones, if acquaintances - then the most cordial, if news - then the most long-awaited. I wish you the highest income and the most pleasant expenses. Skiing winters to you, hot ocean summers, warm flowering springs and bright autumn in a warm country ... And in general, happiness all year round millions of years ahead!

On your birthday, with all my heart I wish you a pure ocean of happiness, a noisy sea of ​​fun and an endless river of prosperity! So that every day you will be pleased with unexpected and very pleasant news, your mood will never fade away and the people around you will bring only positive emotions!

Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you! I want to wish you bright, amazing, happy days, bright events and positive emotions that will make your life even more beautiful. May good luck accompany you everywhere and everywhere, and success walks next to it.

Happy birthday! Happiness, joy, many meetings and cheerful, kind, sincere people, warm feelings, wonderful dreams, good health. Wish long life live easily, without worries and negativity. I wish you to know the taste of real victories, I wish you continuous adventures, good friends, and that there is enough health, enthusiasm, and patience for everything.

It's time to wish you a happy birthday. I would like to wish you health, love and kindness. Let new horizons open up for you, let them not be translated in your head creative ideas and new peaks are easily conquered, and emotions will only be positive!

With all my heart, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you incredible life force, positively charged energy, self-confidence and undoubted well-being in life. May success await you both in work and in creativity, may sincerity take place both in relationships and in feelings.

WITH bright holiday childhood dreams! Let there be a chic mood, harmony in the soul, warmth and light in the heart. No need to look high, because everything is the best and good near. Successes in work, mutual understanding at work. May all dreams come true, may the bad be forgotten, and the best happen.

On the occasion of your birthday, let me convey to you my congratulations in prose. Considering that you have been working extremely hard for the last year and suffering from lack of sleep, my wish to you is the following. Suvorov had enough three hours sleep to fully restore moral and physical strength. Edison slept well for four. Gagarin knew how to instantly, without even bringing his head to the pillow, to enter into a deep, almost lethargic sleep. This is the ability I wish for you today. Agree, such an original gift will be cooler than even the most wonderful thing.

Are you, my friend, into transhumanism and dreaming of superpowers? Others would like to be bitten by a genetically modified spider on their birthday. Or the gift of telekinesis and telepathy would open. But you can also do something yourself. Start running sprints and crosses regularly. After a couple of years of hard training, you will easily run 10 km out of 50 minutes, and 100 meters in 12 seconds. I assure you, walking in a crowd down the street, you will almost always be the only person within a radius of half a kilometer who is capable of this. Sounds like a superpower already? You can also develop original mental abilities in yourself - read more (prose, poetry, various genres), train your memory, study mathematics. It will also put you above many others. Keep this congratulation in mind, my friend.

In this congratulation in prose, I want to wish you, dear friend, to successfully settle in a new place. Another city, another region, another job, another environment. Now there will be completely different faces at your birthday parties. But this does not mean that I and Co., your bosom friends, will forget you. We will always keep in touch with you, and you will visit us periodically. The main thing - do not forget to show yourself in an original way at a new job, so that the authorities immediately notice you. Good luck in everything!

I kept thinking about how to present such an original gift to my colleague on the occasion of his birthday? I have already chosen a gift for a long time - an excellent spinner, ideal for a hardworking office worker. And as a congratulations-wishes, I will say this. Learn to switch off. At least for a couple of minutes. Spinner will help you with this, by the way. Such short-term "reboots" will allow you to work longer without a drop in the quality of work. Or you can buy some collection with short prose- Sayings of great people. It helps too, trust me.

Do you know what I want to wish you and advise you on your birthday? My congratulations may seem original or banal, but I chose it. Every educated and man of culture must make a list of 100 books that must be read. You can make a list yourself or ask someone to help you. At least now I could name 20 books that are required reading (in my opinion). Prose, poetry, any genre, but the number must be observed.

» Unusual congratulations happy birthday in prose

Original birthday greetings in prose

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, unearthly happiness, strong and passionate love. Faithful friends to you and unforgettable sensations not only on this day, but more every day. May success always accompany you in all your undertakings, and may the family hearth always burn with an unquenchable flame.

I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good, love, health, peace, success in all endeavors, and also that money be made. I wish you a bright life, so that the new day does not look like the previous one, happiness in the family, success in work, and comfort and warmth in the house.

Happy birthday! I wish your eyes to shine with happiness, there was always a smile on your face, only good people surrounded you. I also wish you good luck, creative success, family well-being, true friends. Love and be loved.

Happy Birthday! I wish you good health, the most desired happiness, true love and success in all endeavors. May luck always go hand in hand with you, and adversity and sorrows will not find their way to you and your loved ones. Always trust yourself and do not be afraid to expand the boundaries of the world for yourself.

Happy birthday! Let nothing prevent your dreams from coming true, let the reason to smile encourage your spirit as often as possible. I want to be in harmony with myself; always have time for favorite hobby and like-minded people who will support you in any endeavors, even eccentricities. Good luck, success and health.

Happy Birthday! On this wonderful and colorful day, I wish you health, fun, so that troubles pass, bad weather recedes, and great happiness enters your house! Love visited you forever, so that all your dreams come true, hopes, patience, may every moment be beautiful. And also, generous warmth, abundance in everything! To have a harmonious life, a hospitable and cozy home. Profit, joy and luck went with you day after day. Kindness and fidelity always saturated the house. Smiles, joy, success, inspiration, ups without downs and desires fulfillment!

I hasten to congratulate the best person in the world, on the best holiday in the world! Only bright ideas, creative ups, enchanting events, loyal and devoted friends, vivid feelings, a memorable vacation, good health and uninterrupted happiness, I wish you. Let it be done!

Happy birthday, my dear man! Let every ray of the sun give you a smile, every breath of wind brings joy and happiness. In your soul, let the birds sing tirelessly, as if in spring. And the world around you will be filled with goodness and love!

Dear, kind person! I am very pleased to congratulate you on your birthday and from the bottom of my heart, wish you always clear eyes, bright smile, a clear sky, a light disposition, so that only the beautiful surrounds you! Let the love that flows from your heart rise above the world with a song and then it will become brighter for all of us!

On your birthday, I would like to wish bright and colorful events that will consistently visit you all your life. real big sincere feeling, indestructible by anyone and nothing! Ease of mind and an open smile. And may luck always choose you.

Happy birthday greetings in prose

Hey Ya! Happy birthday to you brother! You don’t look bad, I see things are slowly moving forward - you are holding on. Health those money, love, reliable friends in short everything .. it’s a sin not to drink for you again on a holiday! Congratulations my "old club"! I wish you unbridled fun, boundless love and horse health !!! A friend is a witness, an accomplice and the last incorruptible instance of the "female" court, at the same time. Happy birthday, my many-sided and irreplaceable! My dear friend!
I am very glad that the sun of our friendship shines in my life. Always remain the same sincere and sunny person. Happiness and joy to you, smile more often, beauty! May you always meet people on your way, through whose fault you will shed tears. But these tears will be from indescribable joy. Congratulations and I wish you always be on top! May your star in the sky light your way! On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy – and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy gleam in your eyes. Of course, in order for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work always brings you not only decent income, but also pleasure. There is nothing better than seeing success happy people. So forgive me selfishness, and do me a favor - be happy, loved, successful, healthy, cheerful, young in soul and body. I want to see you like this always, both on holidays and on weekdays! Happy birthday! I wish you that your life was bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

On this day, I congratulate a beautiful young woman on her birth! Let your husband carry you in his arms. May there be a lot of laughter, luck, smiles and joy in the house. May there always be harmony in your soul, tenderness settle. I wish you to always be the standard of femininity, not only externally, but also internally.

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in your heart.
So, I declare with a clear conscience: I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday man, are in the world.
That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together. Congratulations on your wedding day! May always true friends warm you with smiles, like summer rays of the sun! So that a warm breeze always protects you from all adversity! Be always healthy and may everything be OK with you. I also wish you strong, strong love!

In prose

Happy birthday to a woman in prose

Dear (name), happy birthday! On this beautiful day, I want to wish you one thing: let a smile always illuminate your face - both in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. When a woman smiles, all her affairs are arguing, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. Smile is our weapon and our helper. So let every day be a small holiday, and you will always have a reason to smile!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in prose

May everything be wonderful on this wonderful day and always in your life: weather, career, personal life, relationship with friends! Such a charming and beautiful woman simply cannot be otherwise! We wish you prosperity and happiness, health and harmony in everything, excellent mood at work and in the circle of loved ones. Remember that there are faithful and devoted people in the world who will always understand and support you!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in short prose

I wish you a good mood, the fragrance of your favorite flowers, cheerful smiles and happiness on your birthday!

Sincere birthday greetings to a woman in prose

I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you with all my heart, let every day be sure to please, success in business will not be a burden, health only grows stronger every day, and loved ones support in all matters. I want to wish that adversity never crossed the threshold of your home, only fun, happiness and love hovered around you!

Funny birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Once upon a time, God gave a person five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals - fifty years each.
A man went to the animals so that they would give him a part of their life. And so it happened that for twenty-five years a person lives like a man, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, but for the next twenty-five years they laugh at him like a monkey.
I want to wish you that you live at least another hundred years as a person!

Sincere birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Congratulations on your birthday! You are the best, you are a source of warmth and light for us, you bring so much sun, joy and hope into our lives. Always remain the same cheerful, energetic, with a young soul. Happiness to you, health and long life!

Happy birthday to a young woman in prose

We wish you a sea of ​​friendly smiles, warm hugs and bright memories on this birthday. Let life take its course, taking you along with its unusualness and pleasant moments. Dear people May they always be by your side, delighting with their attention and gratitude. Live to the fullest, indulging in small joys and favorite hobbies! You are beautiful and young! Enjoy your splendor and take care of what you now have.

SMS happy birthday to a woman in prose

We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top. Let the family be warm and cozy.
Success, luck, luck.

Original birthday greetings to a woman in prose

We want to wish happy birthday to the most charming and beautiful woman. On this festive day, everyone nice words only for you. We wish the sun, flowers, smiles, good mood, attention of men, female happiness and, of course, good health. May all dreams and desires come true!

Official birthday greetings to a woman in prose

We wish fulfillment of desires, material well-being, female happiness, health and mutual love. Let your eyes glow with joy, and the smile does not leave your lips! Surprises - only pleasant ones. Never stop there, never lose your sense of humor and never lose heart!

Happy birthday wishes to a woman in prose

Happy birthday, I congratulate you and wish you to always remain the most charming, sexy, alluring and desirable, beloved, luxurious, simply unforgettable woman! May dreams come true and wishes come true, may the bouquets of the most beautiful flowers fill your home with their fragrance today.

Birthday - congratulations in prose

On your birthday, I wish all your wishes come true! I wish you to be a magnet for attracting health, good luck, career growth, kind people on the way, loyal and devoted friends, love in all its manifestations, prosperity and prosperity, exciting travels and vivid impressions!

I want to wish you on your birthday: unearthly happiness, a sea of ​​​​unforgettable meetings and wonderful minutes, peace of mind, pleasant worries, brilliant ideas, brilliant victories, mutual and eternal love, and let all the failures and hardships bypass your house!

Happy Birthday! I wish you the widest hugs from loved ones and loved ones, the narrowest and most inconspicuous black stripes in life, the achievement of the highest peaks on the way to your cherished goal and the most insignificant obstacles that you can easily overcome.

Accept heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! May every morning inspire you to new achievements and give you health, happiness, love, warmth of the soul, fulfillment of desires, admiring glances, career growth, strength of mind, success in all endeavors and many happy and sweet moments!

I wish you health and kindness, love and fidelity, success and luck. Let life be generous with gifts, good friends and fulfillment desires. May this day be special, filled with happy expectations.

I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, good health, prosperity - so much so that there is enough money for everything and there is still a little left, the fulfillment of even the most daring dreams and desires! May happiness follow you on your heels, may success not leave you, may there be those who make life full and rich!

I wish that only true and devoted friends would always be around you. May there be as many reasons for smiles as possible in your cloudless life, may peace and comfort reign forever in your family. Peaceful sky above your head, as well as all the most kind and beautiful, as in a fairy tale.

I wish you bright and colorful moments in your life, a festive mood, achievement of your goals, many pleasant surprises, wealth, real, sincere and pure love, warmth of the soul, true friends who will always support you and rejoice in your successes with you!

Happy birthday and with all my heart I wish that the muse often visits you, so that your life is always filled with loud exclamations of success and happy smiles. May not a single day in life pass in vain, may great strength of mind and true love of loved ones always be with you.

Happy Birthday! I wish you to leave old thoughts in the past and open your heart to new miracles, emotions and impressions. No gold, no royal power, no blessings that the people invented, but let simple human happiness await you at every corner.

Happy birthday greetings not in verse

Happy Birthday! I really hope that with today you will become even happier, more successful and more purposeful. May your life path be smooth, long and easy. Never stop there, because even the highest mountains can be conquered!

I wish you a happy birthday, I wish you a fast mountain stream of good luck and success, a huge sea of ​​new emotions and impressions, an endless ocean of happiness and love, and also that people who love you are always there, cherishing the time spent with you.

My heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! May your life become brighter with every year of growing up, and your health be stronger, your friends become more reliable, may your work please your soul, and your salary allow you to admire the ocean or the Northern Lights. And always be with us!

Happy birthday! I wish that dreams come true instantly, as if by a wave magic wand, A festive mood accompanied all year round, success in all endeavors, new discoveries and opportunities, let everything in life turn out as beautifully as in a fairy tale!

Happy birthday! Churchill spoke about wishes like this: “Never wish a person wealth, joy and good mood, wish good luck - those who were on the Titanic had a lot of this, but only a few had luck ...”. Therefore, I wish you a lot of good luck, health, and the rest will follow!

Happy birthday! May the sun shine brighter on this day, memories of the darkness of the night will hide behind the joy of the day! Let the very first and main gift be health, and all other gifts be a pleasant addition to it. Let happiness follow on the heels not only today, but also on all other days!

A wonderful holiday - a birthday, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I want to be always good mood, to successfully achieve goals, let any aspiration be justified, I wish you not to be bored for a single day. Health, good luck and a drop of luck, kindness, prosperity and life inspiration.

On your long-awaited birthday, let me congratulate you and wish you good health in your body, laughter and smiles in the house, happiness and joy in your eyes. So that only a full bowl is on the table, and pockets are not fastened from protruding bills, so that love always soars above you, and good luck walks by the hand.

Today is a festive date for your soul, today is your birthday. Congratulations and I sincerely want to wish you not to race through life on a fast horse, but full chest inhale the air of happiness and slowly enjoy every moment given by fate, always burn bright ideas and good thoughts, do not harbor evil and resentment, and never let the flame of your love go out.

Today is a wonderful day, because today is the birthday of such a good person! I want to wish you the most important thing in this life, LUCK. After all, as Churchill said: "On the Titanic, everyone was rich and healthy, and only a few were lucky."

Happy birthday sms in prose

Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you! I want to wish you bright, amazing, happy days, bright events and positive emotions that will make your life even more beautiful. May good luck accompany you everywhere and everywhere, and success walks next to it.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, the fulfillment of your most secret desires and unclouded happiness. Let those around you please with sincerity, goodwill and recognition, and a warm and dazzling sun always shines over your head. Hooray!

I sincerely and wholeheartedly want to congratulate you on a wonderful date, on your birthday! I wish you never to lose heart, to remain the same wonderful person, sympathetic and kind, always giving positive to others, brave and honest! Health to you, happy, peaceful and long life and love!

Happy birthday! I wish that love always surrounds, everything conceived turns out, order, mutual understanding and respect reigned in the family, prosperity flowed like a river, prosperity increased, health was heroic, actions were based on worldly wisdom and rationality, faith in a bright future, loyal and sympathetic friends.

Happy Birthday to You! I wish you more new opportunities, interesting projects, and their successful implementation. May life bring you love and inspiration, may you have enough strength to fully accept them, and most importantly, use them for good. Well, happiness, of course, as the basis of all of the above!

Happy birthday! Happiness, joy, many meetings of cheerful, kind, sincere people, warm feelings, wonderful dreams, good health, life is easy and long to live, without worries and negativity. To know the taste of real victories, continuous adventures, good friends and everything, so that there is enough health, enthusiasm, patience.

Birthday is a new day New Year new thoughts and new sensations. This a great opportunity start truly new life and become the happiest person. Wish inner harmony and faith in their own strength. In order not to lose the spirit of adventurism and to be weird so that there is something to remember. Love for yourself and for the world!

On this significant day, accept my sincere wishes: let only the beautiful and the best happen in life, only faithful and reliable people and friends surround you, happiness and luck will be your companions, and life-giving energy, good health and good spirits will last for years to come!

I wish that there is always a blooming spring in your soul, which would give you a sea of ​​​​positive. I wish that every day be a spring of kindness, love, creative inspiration, and that each of them be colorful and unforgettable in its own way. Let troubles and misfortunes do not block your path that leads to the pinnacle of success.

I wish you new achievements and creative success! So that your skills and knowledge bring income and moral satisfaction, and there are only nice people! And most importantly, that there is peace and harmony in the soul, and the eyes smile more often.

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