Abstract of the lesson in “Bright Easter. The best decor ideas for Easter or decorate the house for Easter! Easter home decoration lesson

The purpose of the lesson: expand students' knowledge about the origins of the rites and traditions of the Easter folk holiday and teach how to transfer a picture to a convex surface.

Equipment: A set of postcards of Easter eggs, sketches of painting Easter eggs, painting elements, an exhibition of Easter eggs made by high school students.

Materials: gouache, brushes, varnish, egg blank.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson. Topic conversation.

You all know that ... on April, all of Russia and Orthodoxy in the world will celebrate the biggest Orthodox holiday - Easter.

What do you know about Easter?

Why is it called Bright Day?

What holiday is it, Christian or pagan?

What other Christian holidays do you know?

Easter or a bright day, like the whole subsequent week, is one of the oldest holidays, the origins of which are lost in pagan times. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the March full moon following the spring equinox.

For the farmer, this was the greatest holiday of the coming of the sun, the awakening of nature, when they began to “click spring”.

Easter never happened without swings. Swings for children were arranged in almost every courtyard, and poles were dug in in advance on the main square, ropes were hung, boards were attached - public swings and carousels were erected.

People believed: the more and higher you swing on a holiday, the happier and more successful the year will be, the better the harvest will be.

The famous Russian round dances began as early as Easter. Walking in a circle resembled the movement of the sun and was supposed to help the rapid awakening and flowering of nature.

At Easter, a special ceremonial food is prepared. What do you think this food is? (Answers of children).

It includes Easter from cottage cheese, Easter cakes and colored eggs.

The main symbol of the holiday is a painted egg. Each housewife seeks to boil more eggs and be sure to color them. Why? (Answers of children).

Easter cake, Easter and eggs should be ready by Saturday, when all this will be carried to the church to be blessed.

Yes ... a lot of trouble before Easter. But one of the most joyful things is to paint and paint eggs.

The egg turned out to be amazing even because it has the ability to preserve and recreate life, which means that it testifies to the infinity of life. Before sowing, boiled eggs were placed in the seeds, fried eggs were eaten under the first blossoming birch trees, eggs were given to relatives and friends as a sign of location and friendship, eggs were broken at weddings, etc.

Do you know what symbol the egg carries?

The egg is a universal symbol, it appears in the mythologies of all peoples. The universe, the creator god, the hero, or even the human race arose from it. From the upper and lower half of the egg emerged the sky and the earth or the sun. Christianity included this universal symbol in its symbolism.

The egg has become not only a symbol of the creation of the world, but, above all, its re-creation in Christ. As a symbol of the resurrection of Christ, the egg depicts a coffin that contains the germ of the future life.

Why are eggs most often dyed red? (Children answer)

Red is the color of shed blood, but at the same time the color of joy on the occasion that “Christ is risen”.

Usually Easter eggs were dyed red, and they were called “crayons”. And in Belarus and Western Ukraine, ornamentally decorated “pisanki” were widespread, the patterns of which, according to the popular interpretation, represented the scourging of Christ.

Easter eggs were carved from wood, made from porcelain, glass, stone and precious metals. The pinnacle of these artistic searches was Faberge's Easter eggs.

“... Every year during Passion Week, the collection of the royal family was replenished with a new egg. Most Faberge Easter eggs contained a surprise. For example, in 1900 an egg dedicated to the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was made. Inside it is placed a folding model of the Siberian imperial train made of gold and platinum and a small key that sets the mechanism in motion. The train consists of a locomotive with diamond headlights and five wagons with rock crystal windows. On the cars there are tiny signs with the inscriptions “for ladies”, “for smokers”, “for non-smokers”. The class of the carriage and the number of seats are also indicated.”

In total, the company produced 56 eggs. And only 10 of them are in Russia in the exposition of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin.

The art of painting Easter eggs was on the brink of collapse after 70 years of struggle against religions, but now it is being revived not only by the masters of the Moscow Patriarchate, but also by young artists.

3. Practical work.

Today in the lesson we will try to learn the wonderful skill of painting eggs. And here are some little tricks that will help you turn simple eggshells into wonderful crafts.

1. The artist (master) does not immediately create his work: he thinks over the idea, and then creates the image.

2. The egg is fragile, small, voluminous - therefore, it must be held very carefully in your hands and rotated during operation in order to see from all sides.

3. When the paint has dried in the drawing made at one end of the egg, you can turn it over with this end down and start painting further.

4. When painting the middle part of the egg, it is convenient to hold it in your hand, taking both ends with your fingers.

5. When making Easter eggs, come up with your own patterns. The more imagination you show, the more elegant and interesting your work will turn out.

Get to work! Try to do the painting carefully, slowly.

After the Easter eggs are ready, they can be covered with a transparent varnish on top.

4. Bottom line. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of painted Easter eggs is organized.

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Lesson on the Basics of Orthodox Culture

Lesson topic: Easter.
The purpose of the lesson: to form an understanding of what Easter is;

to develop interest in the traditions and customs of celebrating Easter;

cultivate respect for Russian culture.
Lesson objectives: to acquaint students with the history of the celebration of the Bright Sunday of Christ; to acquaint with Easter traditions, customs, games.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.
Hello. Today we will talk about the Orthodox holiday. And what should you tell me about after listening to a poem by A. Pleshcheev:
How the sun shines brightly
As the sky is deep bright,
How fun and loud
The bells are ringing.
Silently in God's temples
Sing "Christ is Risen!"
And the sounds of a wondrous song
They reach heaven.
So, what is this Orthodox holiday? That's right, it's Easter.

II. Preparing for a new topic.

What do you know about Easter?

III. Working on a new theme.

  1. What is Easter.
You said everything correctly. The life of Christ did not end with His death. After the crucifixion, Christ returned to life - resurrected.

The word "Passover" is Hebrew and translated from the Hebrew language means "transition", "deliverance". Easter is associated with the events of the Resurrection of Christ.

This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the king of days.
The Son of God came into this world to save people. He preached Love and the Kingdom of Heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Do you remember the Christmas story? Many rejoiced at the appearance of Christ. But there were those who did not believe in his holiness. They tried to stop Jesus from talking about God's Kingdom. Among the leaders of that time there were many who hated Christ and desired to get rid of Him. Judas, one of the disciples of the Lord, decided to hand over Christ to these evil people. He approached his Master and kissed Him. It was a sign. Jesus was immediately taken into custody. And Judas received 30 silver coins for this. Thus, he sold his Master.

Jesus was interrogated before the Sanhedrin - the highest Jewish court. The elders and judges looked for evidence to convict Jesus. They bullied him, but he endured.

In the end, He was sentenced to death. It was a terrible event. Jesus was crucified on the cross on Mount Golgotha. When he died, the earth trembled, the rocks began to disintegrate. It happened on Friday. Now we call this day Good Friday. On this sad day, you need to pray.

When Saturday passed, at night, on the third day after his suffering, the Lord Jesus Christ came to life, rose from the dead. On Sunday morning, women came with incense to anoint the body of the Savior. But instead of Him they saw an Angel. He announced the Resurrection of the Lord: “Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for the crucified Jesus. But one should not look for the Living among the dead. He is risen as He promised you. Go and tell the disciples of Jesus that He has risen from the dead and is waiting for them.”

Joy swept over the people. Since then we have been celebrating Easter - the holiday of the Resurrection. The Lord conquered death and showed that for those who believe in Him and live according to His commandments, there is neither death nor hell.
2. What precedes the holiday.

What happens before Easter?

Seven weeks before the holiday, Orthodox Christians enter the time of Great Lent. What is a post?

Lent is a special time in the life of believers. Fasting means a change in lifestyle. A person at this time tries to pray more, go to the temple more often, refrain from certain types of food and entertainment.

A week before the holiday, believers remember the events of the last days of Christ's life. His death and resurrection. This week is called Holy Week. This is a time of special strict fasting, prayers and visiting temples. Holy Week (week) continues until Holy Saturday. On Great Saturday, parishioners go to church for the service and lighting of Easter cakes, Easter cakes and eggs. People go to the temple to celebrate the Greatest holiday - the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
3. Great Easter Service

Great Easter service begins on the night from Saturday to Sunday .

It sounds like a hymn to the Bright holiday. The words “Christ is Risen!” are repeated many times. - "Truly Risen!" The procession is taking place around the church.

The procession, performed on Easter night, is the procession of the church towards the resurrected Savior. Believers go into the night as myrrh-bearing women, who were the first to know about the Resurrection of Christ.

Easter is a family holiday. On this day, the whole family gathered at a large festive table. Prayers sound, candles are lit. Orthodox Christians break the fast.
4. Preparation for the holiday and the celebration of Easter.

Preparing for Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. From Maundy Thursday, a favorite action begins - coloring and painting eggs. A lot of meaning is invested in simple patterns. Wavy lines are sea-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made krashenki and pysanky were piled on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday. Juicy greenery and bright colors of Easter eggs created a festive mood.

And when mom bakes Easter cakes, the whole house is filled with the sweet aroma of vanilla, raisins - a real holiday!

In beautiful baskets, various dishes are brought to the church - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, pysanky and krashenka. Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a chorister and a priest blesses the people.

Returning home, people break their fast.

Who knows what it means to break the fast? (children's answers)

To break the fast - to eat fast food, Easter cakes consecrated in temples, Easter, eggs.

After a long strict fast, the Easter table had no prohibitions. As a rule, on this day they did not visit guests, but preferred to be in the family circle.

The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The host approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is Risen!”, and then kisses everyone. The answer should be like this: “Truly He is risen!” The consecrated egg is cut into as many pieces as there are people present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the lordship of this day. Easter breakfast must start with Easter cake. Even the crumbs of this bread that fell on the floor should never be thrown away.

The week following Easter is called Bright. This week, bells are rung, solemn worship services are held with hymns, they visit each other, and, to a greater extent, do charity work.

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And greener nearby forest...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

(A. Maykov)
5. Symbols of Easter.

Easter has its own symbols: Easter cake, Easter, egg .

Kulich is a “festive” kind of bread that is baked on special occasions.

It is baked in memory of the fact that Jesus Christ, coming to the disciples after the Resurrection, Himself ate food with them, the apostles did not sit down at the middle place at the table during the meal, leaving a piece of bread in front of him, they believed that the Lord himself was invisibly present among them .

Easter - symbolizes the Old Testament Paschal lamb on the festive table.

The egg is a symbol of life, its rebirth. Just as new life arises from an egg, so the world was reborn through the Resurrection of Christ.

Every year on the eve of Easter, on the stone slab of the Holy Sepulcher, the Holy Fire ignites, symbolizing the Light of God. Pilgrims then deliver particles of this fire in special lamps to different countries and cities. .

Easter candles are a symbol of divine light shining in the world.

Easter bouquets are a symbol of the all-conquering life on Earth.

Who knows why Easter eggs are most often dyed red?

Red is the color of the blood shed on Golgotha, but at the same time the color of joy, and it was not chosen by chance. According to ancient tradition, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene went with the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ to Rome to the emperor Tiberius. She presented him with an egg and exclaimed: “Christ is risen!” To which Tiberius replied: "A man cannot be resurrected, just as this white egg cannot become red." And then the egg turned red! .. The emperor had no choice but to answer: "Truly Risen." So the Lord, through a miracle, enlightened the unbelieving emperor.

At Easter, eggs are dyed in different colors and given with the words "Christ is Risen!"

In response, you should say “Truly Risen!” - and kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for your neighbor. Believers exchange Easter eggs. This action is called christening. There is nothing similar in other countries.

6. Children's games.

Favorite games are games with Easter eggs: rolling eggs, beating eggs, spinning the egg, in which hand and others. Swinging was an integral part of the festive fun.

On Easter, everyone is allowed to ring the bells. Now arrange Easter festivals of bell ringing.

Children and youth led round dances, sang holiday songs, arranged cheerful festivities.

Currently, almost all children take part in their families in preparation for the holiday. They help to bake Easter cakes, knead Easter, paint eggs, draw Easter greeting cards.
IV. Creative work of students.
And now we will try to color Easter eggs.

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of student work is organized.

V. Summing up the lesson.
- What did you learn in the lesson?

What was new for you?

What questions were answered?

What new words and terms did you learn? - What remains unclear to you?

Gamrekelidze Angela Leontievna MBOU Secondary School No. 6 Krasnodar Territory, Tuapse, teacher of Music and Orkse.

module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture".

Lesson topic: Orthodox calendar. Easter.

The purpose of the lesson :- to form an understanding of what Easter is.

Develop an interest in the traditions and customs of celebrating Easter

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards Russian culture.

Lesson objectives : - to introduce students to the history of the celebration of the Bright Sunday of Christ

To acquaint with Easter traditions, customs, games.

Lesson type : combined

Equipment : computer, projector, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

  1. Organizing time.

Hello. Today we will talk about the Orthodox holiday. What should you tell me about.

Hearts free from passions...

So miraculous effect

Holy words on people!..

Christ is risen!..

Oh sacred moment!

O miracle, above all miracles,

What were in the universe! ..

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

So, who will answer the question "What is this holiday called?"

(children's answers)

That's right, it's Easter.(slide 2)

2. Preparation for a new topic.

What do you know about Easter? (possible answers of children)

3. Work on a new theme.

You said everything correctly. The life of Christ did not end with His death. After the crucifixion, Christ returned to life - resurrected.

The word "Passover" is Hebrew. Passover is an ancient holiday dedicated to the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. In the Christian church, the word "Easter" received a special meaning and began to mean "transition from death to life." Easter is associated with the events of the Resurrection of Christ. On the third day after the burial of Christ, early Sunday morning, Mary, Salome, Mary Magdalene and John the disciple of Christ went to the tomb to bring incense intended for the body of Jesus. Approaching, they saw that the large stone blocking the entrance to the tomb had been rolled away, the tomb was empty, and an angel was sitting on the stone. The women were very scared. The angel said: “Do not be afraid, I know what you are looking for: Jesus crucified. He is not here. He is risen, as he said. With fear and joy, the women hastened to announce to everyone about what they saw.

In Rus', Easter has been celebrated since the 10th century.(slide 3)

What do the words - resurrection, Easter, Jesus mean? (possible answers of children)

Sunday is the day of the renewal of life;

Easter - "transition", "deliverance", "liberation";

Jesus - "God saves", "Savior"

And they began to celebrate Easter after the establishment of the first Ecumenical Council in 325. On this day, they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who by his death atoned for people's sins and, having risen, delivered people from the power of death.

Easter is celebrated in the spring. The date changes every year. It is determined by the order of natural phenomena: the full moon and the spring equinox. As a rule, this is the first Sunday after the first spring full moon.(slide 4)

What happens before Easter? (possible answers of children)

Seven weeks before the holiday, Orthodox Christians enter the time of Great Lent.

What is a post? (children's answers)

(slide 5)

Lent is a special time in the life of believers. Fasting means a change in lifestyle. A person at this time tries to pray more, go to the temple more often, refrain from certain types of food and entertainment.

A week before the holiday, believers remember the events of the last days of Christ's life. His death and resurrection. This week is called Holy Week. This is a time of special strict fasting, prayers and visiting temples. Holy Week (week) continues until Holy Saturday. On Great Saturday, parishioners go to church for the service and lighting of Easter cakes, Easter cakes and eggs. People go to the temple to celebrate the Greatest holiday - the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

Great Easter service begins on the night from Saturday to Sunday.(slide 6)

It sounds like a hymn to the Bright holiday. The words “Christ is Risen!” are repeated many times. - "Truly Risen!" The procession is taking place around the church.(slide 7)

The procession on Easter night is the procession of the church to meet the resurrected Savior. Believers go into the night as myrrh-bearing women, who were the first to know about the Resurrection of Christ.

Easter is a family holiday. On this day, the whole family gathered at a large festive table. Prayers sound, candles are lit. Orthodox Christians break the fast.

Who knows what it means to break the fast? (possible answers of children)(slide 8)

Break the fast - eat fast food, Easter cakes consecrated in temples, Easter, eggs(slide 9)

After a long strict fast, the Easter table had no prohibitions. As a rule, on this day they did not visit guests, but preferred to be in the family circle.

But the week following Easter is called Bright. This week, bells are rung, solemn worship services are held with hymns, they visit each other, and, to a greater extent, do charity work.

Easter has its own symbols: Easter cake, Easter, egg.

Kulich is a “festive” type of bread that is baked on special occasions.

It is baked in memory of the fact that Jesus Christ, coming to the disciples after the Resurrection, Himself ate food with them, the apostles did not sit down at the middle place at the table during the meal, leaving a piece of bread in front of him, they believed that the Lord himself was invisibly present among them .

(slide 10)

Easter - symbolizes the Old Testament Paschal lamb on the festive table.(slide 11)

The egg is a symbol of life, its rebirth.Just as new life arises from an egg, so the world was reborn through the Resurrection of Christ.(slide 12)

Every year on the eve of Easter, on the stone slab of the Holy Sepulcher, the Holy Fire ignites, symbolizing the Light of God. Pilgrims then deliver particles of this fire in special lamps to different countries and cities.. (slide 13)

Foreign countries have their own symbols of the Easter celebration .

The Easter Bunny is a symbol of fertility and prosperity.(slide 14)

Lamb - symbolizes the Lamb of God, that is, Christ, they decorate the festive table.(slide 15)

Easter candles are a symbol of divine light shining in the world.(slide 16)

Easter bouquets are a symbol of the all-conquering life on Earth.(Slide 17)

Guess the riddle: Red rides - a miracle notifies the whole world.

That's right, an Easter egg.(slide 18)

Who knows why Easter eggs are most often dyed red? (possible answers of children)

Red is the color of the blood shed on Golgotha, but at the same time the color of joy, and it was not chosen by chance. According to ancient tradition, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene went with the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ to Rome to the emperor Tiberius. She presented him with an egg and exclaimed: “Christ is risen!” To which Tiberius replied: "A man cannot be resurrected, just as this white egg cannot become red." And then the egg turned red! .. The emperor had no choice but to answer: "Truly Risen." So the Lord, through a miracle, enlightened the unbelieving emperor.

(slide 19)

At Easter, eggs are dyed in different colors and given with the words "Christ is Risen!"

In response, you should say “Truly Risen!” - and kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for your neighbor. Believers exchange Easter eggs. This action is called christening. There is nothing similar in other countries.

Since ancient times, 2 types of Easter eggs have come to us. These are Easter eggs and Easter eggs.

"Krashenki" are eggs that were dyed using natural dyes (onion peel, birch, oak, nettle, spruce cones)(slide 20)

"Pysanki" - eggs that were dyed with any dyes, with the removal of symbolic signs, patterns, ornaments.(slide 21)

Throughout the Easter week, believers are in triumph and joy, go to visit, and also help the sick, the weak and the destitute.

(slide 22)

Favorite games are games with Easter eggs: rolling eggs, beating eggs, spinning the egg and others)(slide 23)

There were other fun - outdoor games (relay race with an egg). Swinging was an integral part of the festive fun.(slide 24)

On Easter, everyone is allowed to ring the bells. Now arrange Easter festivals of bell ringing.(slide 25)

Children and youth led round dances, sang holiday songs, arranged cheerful festivities.

(slide 26)

Currently, almost all children take part in their families in preparation for the holiday. They help to bake Easter cakes, knead Easter, paint eggs, draw Easter greeting cards.

(slide 27-28)

The people composed proverbs and sayings about Easter.

4. Creative work of students.

So let's try to paint Easter eggs with you.

(handout for self-study)(slide 29)

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of student work is organized.

Spring has come - it's time for miracles

The spring murmurs - Christ is Risen!(slide 30)

There is no lighter in the world

Indeed, Christ is Risen.

5. Summing up the lesson.

What did you learn in the lesson?

What was new for you?

What questions were answered?

What new words and terms did you learn? (fasting, breaking the fast, christening)

What remains unclear to you?

6. Homework.

Make and decorate a holiday Easter card at home.

Orthodox educational courses on the subject "Fundamentals of Orthodox culture".


Topic: Lesson summary on the topic “EasterChrist's - triumphfromcelebrations".


Listener gr. Volkova Antonina Alexandrovna

technology teacher

MOU OOSH s. Krasnaya Zorka MO "Baryshsky district"

Ulyanovsk region

The work is approved for protection


Summary of the lesson on the topic "Easter of Christ - a triumph of celebrations."

Completed by: Volkova Antonina Aleksandrovna

technology teacher

MOU OOSH s. Krasnaya Zorka Municipality "Baryshsky District" of the Ulyanovsk Region

Lesson topic: EasterChrist's - triumphfromcelebrations.

Target: to form a steady interest in the traditions of celebrating the Bright Holiday of Easter - introducing children to the origins of Russian culture, fostering love for the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, rituals.



To form your own holistic view of the world, a sense of pride for the Motherland and the Russian people,

Develop empathy for the feelings of others

To teach to give a moral and ethical assessment of personal actions and the actions of other people


Learn to listen to the interlocutor and recognize a different point of view

Learn to search and process information


To form children's ideas about the history of the celebration of the Bright Sunday of Christ, about Easter traditions, customs, games.

The ability to recognize the value of the human person.

preliminaryPreparationTolesson: they learn poems, prepare messages about fasting, prepare Easter eggs with their parents, work in groups to prepare Easter games (learn on the Internet, from grandmothers and great-grandmothers), find proverbs and sayings about Easter on the Internet and books.

Equipmentlesson: multimedia projector, computer, presentation, fragments of a bell ringing recording, a recording of the Easter hymn, the phonogram "Our Easter", boiled egg blanks, paints, pencils, equipment for Easter games.


    Organizational moment with setting the goal of the lesson.

    Main part.

History of the Great Feast of Easter. Customs and traditions associated with this holiday.

    Checking homework.

    Practical work.

    Consolidation of new knowledge and ways of action.



Easter! In golden pipes

Angels trumpet from heaven

Be happy all people

Rejoice! Christ is risen!

To the tune of Easter prayers

And to the sound of bells

Spring is flying to us from far away,

From the midday regions.

Easter has come

Joy embraced:

beloved Jesus,

Resurrected, resurrected!

I congratulate you,

Miracle of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining from heaven!

The dark forest has turned green

Christ is truly risen!

  1. OrganizationalmomentWithstaginggoalslesson.

Teacher: Hello guys!

Very soon, Christians will celebrate one of the greatest holidays. Listen to church hymns and think about the name of the holiday?

(Sounds like ecclesiastical chant Troparion Saint Easter)

(children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, Easter!

Who knows what Easter is?

(children's answers)

Teacher: The topic of our lesson EasterChrist's - triumphfromcelebrations.


StoryoccurrenceGreatholidayEaster. customsAndtraditionsrelatedWiththisholiday.

The great feast of Easter is celebrated every year by millions of people around the world. Everyone goes to visit each other, and exchange bright and beautiful eggs, delicious Easter cakes, treat everyone with traditional Easter dishes.
Guys, soon we will celebrate the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Easter is considered the main Christian holiday, the reason for which was the saving suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Guys, do you know what the word "Easter" means?

The word "Passover" originates from the name of the Old Testament holiday of Passover, which, in turn, was named so from the Hebrew word "passover" ("passes by") - in remembrance of the ancient event of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and from Egyptian slavery, when the Angel who struck the Egyptian firstborn, at the sight of the blood of the Passover Lamb on the doors of Jewish dwellings, passed by.

In the Christian Church, the name "Easter" received a special meaning and began to denote the passage from death to life, from earth to heaven.

The feast of Easter was established in the Apostolic Church and was solemnly celebrated already in those days.

The ancient Church called Easter two weeks: preceding the day of the Resurrection of Christ and following it. Special names were used to designate one and the other part of the holiday.

The first week was called - Easter of the Cross, or Easter of Suffering.

The second week is the Easter of the Resurrection.

After the Council of Nicaea (325), these names fell into disuse and new names were introduced - Passion and Bright weeks, and the day of the Resurrection itself was called Easter.

The holiday is based on the greatest event for all mankind - the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross. The cross is a sign of God's love for people, so Christians wear a pectoral cross on their chest.

On the third day after his death, Jesus Christ was resurrected. “After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and another Mary came to see the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the Angel of the Lord, who came down from heaven, came, rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb and sat on it ... The angel, turning his speech to the women, said: do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus crucified ; He is not here; He is risen, as he said. Go, see the place where the Lord lay." The women, seeing the empty linen, moved back and met Jesus, but did not recognize Him, for they took Him for a gardener. On the morning of the bright Sunday, Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden of Joseph and for forty days appeared to his disciples and talked with them about the Kingdom of God. The story of Christ does not end with His execution. After all, he told Pontius Pilate that he had the power to take His life. Therefore, the Gospel says that after the crucifixion, Christ returned to life - resurrected.

The word Sunday, familiar to you, is connected precisely with Jesus Christ.

Sunday is not only a day of the week, but also a day of renewal of life. And this happens in the spring.

The angel of the Lord commanded to tell all the disciples about this. The disciples of Christ became apostles.

Following Easter is Fomin's week, starting on Sunday - Krasnaya Gorka. Throughout the week, the church remembers Thomas - the apostle who did not believe that the Savior was resurrected. Christ, according to the plot of the Gospel, appeared before him in order to prove that the miracle really happened. It is from here that the well-known expression “non-believing Thomas” came from. Many believers believe that Thomas cannot be reproached for unbelief. He just wanted to meet Jesus.

On Tuesday of this week, Radonitsa falls - the commemoration of the dead.

On the bright feast of Pascha, the Church calls on believers to “purify their senses and see Christ shining with the impregnable light of the Resurrection, and, singing the song of victory, hear clearly from Him: “Rejoice!”

On Easter, a particularly plentiful and varied meal is expected. In the home of every believing Christian, on the festive Easter table, there are traditional dishes that carry a deep symbolic content.

(slides 14 and 15)

Traditionally, after the end of the service, believers break their fast (i.e. stop fasting) with a piece of Easter cake, colored eggs and Easter (usually prepared from cottage cheese).

With the beginning of the first week of fasting, caring housewives begin to accumulate onion feathers, which, better than any imported powder, colors the egg in the most correct thick red-brown color. Easter egg coloring is a real art. Miniaturists are able to depict temples and monasteries, fantastic bouquets, heavenly bodies, seas, forests, steppes and mountains, saints and angels on a convex surface. Only all this painting is the influence of the West, and a real Easter egg is always painted with an onion feather!

The custom of exchanging colored eggs has firmly entered the life of the Church, and appeared in the 1st century from the birth of Christ. The symbolic meaning of the egg as the beginning of a new life.

Easter cake in its form resembles artos - bread, which is consecrated at the Easter service and distributed to believers on Saturday of Bright Week.

Properly cooked Russian Easter cake does not get stale for weeks; it is fragrant, beautiful, heavy and can stand without spoiling all forty days of Easter.

cottage cheese Easter is a symbol of Easter fun, the sweetness of heavenly life, blessed Eternity, which is not an endless belt lasting in a senseless repetition of the same thing, but, according to the prophecy of the Apocalypse, "a new heaven and a new earth." And the "hill", the form in which Easter fits, is a symbol of Heavenly Zion, the unshakable foundation of New Jerusalem - a city in which there is no temple, but "The Lord God Almighty Himself is his temple and the Lamb"

Folk customs and signs for Easter

The people believed that on Easter night you can see your dead relatives. To do this, after the procession, hide in the temple with a passionate candle so that no one notices. It was forbidden to talk with the dead; there is a cemetery for this.

On Easter morning, the housewives watched the cattle. Which one lies quietly - the one to the yard, and if the animal tosses and turns - it has no place in the household. In the morning, the peasant women "shugal" the chickens from the perch so that they would not be lazy, but would get up early and lay more eggs.

There is a belief about the "playing" sun on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Since ancient times, many people went to "guard the sun." From different elevations (hills, bell towers), those who wished to watch the sunrise. Through a piece of smoked glass, it seemed that the sun was “dancing”.

Girls in the Easter week washed themselves with water from a red egg to be ruddy, stood on an ax to become strong. So that the hands do not sweat, on the days of Holy Pascha they did not take salt in their hands.

There are a number of other Easter signs:

If you bruise your elbow during Easter week, dear remembered;

If a fly fell into the soup - wait for a date;

If the lips itch - do not miss the kiss;

If your eyebrows begin to itch, you will see your loved one.

There was also a belief that with the help of an Easter egg, the souls of the dead could receive relief in the next world. To do this, you just need to go to the cemetery, christenate with the dead three times, then break the egg, crumble it and feed it to the “free” bird, which, in gratitude for this, will remember the dead and ask God for them.

The peasants also believed that the egg also helps in extinguishing fires: if a righteous person takes such an egg and runs around a burning building three times with the words “Christ is Risen”, the fire will immediately subside, and then stop by itself. But if the egg fell into the hands of a person of a dubious lifestyle, then the fire will not stop. Then only one remedy remains: throw the egg in a direction opposite to the direction of the wind and free from buildings. It was believed that then the wind would subside, change direction, and the strength of the fire would weaken.

But most of all, the Easter egg helps in agricultural work: it is only necessary to bury it in grain during the Easter prayer service, and then go out with the same egg and grain for sowing, and a wonderful harvest is guaranteed.

In the folk calendar for Easter, the upcoming weather was determined: if on Easter the sky is clear and the sun is playing - to a good harvest and a red summer; if the rain is good rye...

All faces shine with joy

Hearts free from passions...

So miraculous effect

Holy words on people!..

Christ is risen!..

Oh sacred moment!

O miracle, above all miracles,

What were in the universe! ..

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!


For many centuries in Rus' they played various favorite Easter games. You were given the task (in groups) to tell about one of the games. Let's listen and see what games each group has prepared for us.

(listen to students' performances) -Let's play these games.

Currently, almost all children take part in their families in preparation for the holiday. How do you help?

(listen to student stories)

The people composed proverbs and sayings about Easter. You should have found it on the Internet. Explain each proverb.

Spring holiday associated with faith in the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrated in the spring.

The day of the celebration of Easter was established by the First Ecumenical Council in 325. Usually the celebration of Orthodox Easter falls on the period from April 4 to May 8 according to the new style.

4. PracticalJob.

- The symbol of Easter is a painted egg. You were given the task to bring a boiled egg, pencils, paints. Now we will paint Easter eggs, and each of you will be able to give them for Easter to the closest and beloved person.

(The soundtrack “Our Easter” sounds, children paint eggs).

Making an Easter basket.

5. AnchoringnewknowledgeAndwaysaction

Our lesson is coming to an end, in which we learned a lot and talked about the celebration of Easter in Russia. Each of you can read additional literature on this topic, but now I ask you to answer questions and complete assignments.

How do you understand why Jesus Christ is revered as the Savior?

How do Christians connect their fate with the resurrection of Christ?

How do Christians greet each other on Easter?

What is a Christian fast?

How does the main "Easter hymn" sound?

I would like to remind everyone that with the end of the Easter week, references to Easter appear throughout the year. Every Sunday is a small Easter. This means that we must remember and constantly show love, mercy and compassion to people. Live honestly, do good to everyone. And may your soul be bright in the warm rays of the love of Jesus Christ, in order to feel a living and cordial connection with him.

6. Homemadeexercise

Make and decorate a holiday Easter card at home

The lesson is held within the framework of the “Culture at home” section, the topic “Rites and holidays. Traditions and Existence”, 3-4 topic lesson. Lesson scheduling is linked to the calendar of church holidays, held during Holy Week.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • To form knowledge about the history of the emergence, rituals and existence of the Easter holiday.
  • Develop a creative attitude to everyday work
  • To form a tolerant attitude towards religion, the ability to receive joy from joint work


  • Learn the history of the holiday, its meaning in Christianity.
  • Learn some rituals related to the holiday
  • Make some traditional table decorations for the holiday
  • Get to know the games and activities specific to Holy and Easter weeks
  • Develop a positive attitude to the aesthetics of everyday life, fine motor skills of fingers, oral coherent speech

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector”, presentation “Easter” (The presentation can be borrowed from the author) boiled eggs or cardboard dummies of eggs, brushes of different thicknesses, gouache, patches, braid, needles, threads, scissors, twigs. The lesson uses a presentation created in MS Power Paint, based on the attached graphics (Figures 1 - 23).

During the classes

  1. Organizational part

Hello! You have probably already heard about the name of this week. No? And it's called Passionate. After it comes a big holiday, which is celebrated by Christians for 7 whole days. What holiday is this? (Easter)

  1. Knowledge update

The chime of bells sounds, on the screen there are images of churches.

(Figures 1-4).

Everywhere the bell is ringing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already humming from heaven...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Girls, what do you know about this holiday? Try to answer the questions.

  1. What does the Easter holiday mean?
  • the onset of spring;
  • the resurrection of Jesus Christ;
  • entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem.
  1. What day of the week is Easter celebrated?
  • Thursday;
  • Saturday;
  • Sunday.
  1. What are the main dishes of the festive table?
  • eggs, Easter cakes, fish;
  • eggs, Easter, Easter cakes;
  • easter, chicken, kulich
  1. What closed the entrance to the cave where the Savior was buried?
  • canvas;
  • stone;
  • branches.
  1. What was the first Easter egg?
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green.

The teacher comments on the answers, draws attention to their ambiguity.

  1. New knowledge (conversation)

Well done girls, you know so much about this holiday. Where did this holiday come from?

Historical outline(you can entrust the story to the student)

The Christian holiday of Easter has a long and complex history. Early Christian communities adopted Passover as it was celebrated by the ancient Jews. The Hebrew holiday originated about 3500 years ago. It was a spring pastoral festival. Jewish pastoralists held a ritual feast in the spring, during which they slaughtered lambs and smeared their tents and cattle pens with their blood. During this period, there was no fixed date for the holiday.

Having moved from the Arabian desert to Palestine, the Jewish tribes began to engage in agriculture and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Holidays have also changed. The Easter holiday lost its former significance and merged with the spring agricultural holiday, in which bread took center stage. This is how it was perceived by the early Christian communities in the 1st-2nd centuries. Since the holiday was associated with the atoning death of Christ, it was a holiday of sorrow and suffering. Therefore, it is no accident that he was preceded by a long post.

Pagan beliefs and holidays left a big imprint on the Christian holiday of Easter. The cult of vegetable gods, gardening and horticulture was taught to celebrate rebirth. Among the pagans, eggs painted in bright colors served as a symbol of flowering, and the golden egg personified the Sun, an inexhaustible source of heat, light, and therefore life.

Christians initially celebrated both Easters - the Easter of suffering and the Easter of the resurrection. In the future, these holidays became a multi-day single holiday.

Continuation of the conversation

As you can see, the Easter holiday is older than Christianity, but Christians have chosen it as the main holiday of their beliefs. How did it happen?

Jesus Christ was born in the State of Israel over 2,000 years ago. Until the age of 33, he grew up as an ordinary Jewish boy, a young man, became a carpenter, helped his father. But at the age of 33, he met John the Baptist, who is otherwise called the Baptist. Legends that God will send a mission to earth have been passed on to each other for a long time, but it was in Jesus that John the Baptist recognized the son of God. He baptized Jesus with the water of the Jordan River. But Jesus did not believe him, and neither did the people watching them.

One day Jesus Christ was walking around the outskirts of the city, he was enlightened.

(music plays)

Light poured from heaven, divine music sounded, angels descended before Christ. They told him that he was actually born not from an earthly person, but the son of God, and it was he who would have to take on all the sins of people and redeem them with his sufferings.

(Figure 5)

From that day on, Jesus began to preach. He told people to love all people, both friends and enemies. If peace and love reign in the world, believers will ascend to heaven and return to Paradise, from which they were once expelled. Many people wanted to live in such a world, they also began to preach and called themselves disciples of Christ. There were more and more students and the authorities did not like it. Among the disciples of Christ, they found an envious person named Judas, who betrayed him, betraying him to the guards. The local priests, the Pharisees, offered Christ a choice: life in exchange for his beliefs. But Christ could not refuse the truth that so many people believed. He preferred death. Holy Week provides an opportunity to remember the events that preceded the death of Christ. On Tuesday Jesus was betrayed, until Friday he was beaten and tortured, and finally on Friday Jesus was put to death. He was crucified on a cross, which is the main symbol of Christianity. Death on the cross was long and painful.

(Figure 6)

After the death of Christ, one of his followers asked for his body for a decent burial. The authorities allowed Jesus to be taken down from the cross and placed in a cave. But so that his body would not be stolen, the entrance to the cave was blocked with a stone. They feared: what if his friends steal the body and declare him resurrected.

For two days Christ lay in the tomb,
And the world seemed to be waiting for something,
All nature seemed mysterious.
The whole air seemed to vibrate.
And the silence that was everywhere
Seemed so unnatural.
People were waiting for something and were afraid,
Although peace reigned everywhere
People quieted down, something did not give
Forget what happened in those days.
There was fear of the one who was crucified,
Even the dead were afraid of him.
They saw miracles, signs.
that the Nazarene did.
And it made them doubt
What if He really was the Son of God!
There is a guard at His grave,
Under the seal of the Caesar seal entrance.
But even this is all powerless
To hold the One who carries life in Himself.
After all, the One whose name is Beginningless,
There can be no end.
Therefore, the coffin and the guard are powerless,
When the Lord performs miracles!
The tomb shone at dawn,
And the music of heaven sounded,
And the earth shook, and in this light
The Lord is risen!
The sky rejoices! Flowing, pouring sounds!
The face of the risen Christ shines!
He stretches out his hands to the world,
Blessing friend and foe!
That wonderful day of Christ's Sunday
Passed a long time ago. But in a series of centuries
He brings precious salvation
And eternal forgiveness of sins.
And to everyone in whom there is aspiration
To love and peace, to truth and goodness,
The Savior also gives Sunday
He numbered them in His kingdom.
Go, resurrected ones, today
Go tell the whole earth
How Jesus rose from the dead
How people are resurrected in Christ!
A. Welk

(Figure 7)

The resurrection of Christ proved to people that he spoke the truth in his sermons. All his disciples and all his friends spread this message throughout the lands. Many of them suffered just like their teacher. Since then, the Renaissance holiday has become the most joyful holiday among believers.

But how did the tradition of painting eggs for this holiday come about?

The legend of the first red egg

The valley melted in the dawn haze,
Above the clouds was a golden Cross.
Mary Magdalene came to the king,
The message came: “Jesus Christ is risen!”
- No, woman, I will not believe you!
Fantasy and fiction have a measure, -
The thought revived the imperious face.
- How can I not believe that a white egg,
You have given me as a gift,
Suddenly turns red
It will flare up like a fire!
The king fell silent, but with these words
The light spilled over their heads,
Breathing slowed down and slowed down
There seemed to be music somewhere.
Warm rays touched the eggs,
It lit up in the rays, fluttered
And, like the Blood of Christ, it became scarlet!

  1. Practical work.

Today we will learn how to make some decorations for the festive table. Earlier, in cooking classes, we boiled hard-boiled eggs, baked a biscuit. You searched in the recipe books for Lenten dishes and dishes for the Easter table.

On the festive table, there must be Easter cake, curd Easter and colored eggs. The table is traditionally decorated, covered with the best tablecloth, elegantly served.

Today I asked you to bring boiled eggs, scraps of fabric, beads, a twig. What can be done from all this? We will make some decorations for the Easter table.

Easter is preceded by Palm Sunday. Some of you have already gone to the tundra for willows and put them in the water. Unfortunately, we live in the Far North, and it takes a very long time to wait for flowering branches. Therefore, we will begin decorating our table with the manufacture of a flowering twig.

To do this, we need a thin white or pink fabric, it is better if it is chiffon or nylon. In addition, you need a needle, thread, scissors, beads, beads or beautiful buttons. For the base, take a dry twig. Review the instruction card.

Get Started (10 min)

( Figure 8)

Since ancient times, eggs have been dyed red in various ways. In Rus', it was a decoction of onion peel, birch buds, wrapped in faded shreds. But the most interesting occupation was the production of Easter eggs.

(Figure 9-10)

There are different ways to paint eggs, we will do it with simple gouache.

In Rus', certain symbols were applied to Easter eggs, some of which you are already familiar with from previous lessons.

(Figure 11)

You can also use Nenets patterns, which also carry the symbols of the northern peoples.

(Figure 12)

See how your peers painted eggs

(Picture 13, 14)

Before you paint the eggs, look at how to correctly arrange the colors and symbols on the egg. These are old rules. You can follow the instruction card, but you can draw whatever you want on the egg. Do not forget that the egg is a symbol of life and spring, you can wish your loved one whatever you want.

(Figure 15)

Get Started (10 minutes)

While our eggs are drying, we will make an egg bag. In such bags, eggs can be given on a holiday, or you can decorate a willow twig with them, such a bag on the festive table will also not be superfluous. Consider these bags.

(Picture 16, 17)

As you can see, bags can be made in different ways: crochet (you are familiar with this technology), weave a mesh of beads (many of you know this needlework), today we will make a bag of knitted fabric and decorate it with beads and artificial flowers. Review the instruction card.

(Figure 18)

You learned how to make fabric flowers in the first practical work. You can use the acquired skills to decorate the bag. It all depends on your imagination. Get to work (15 minutes).

We have learned how to make decorations for the home table. But in the royal family of the Romanovs there was such a tradition: for every Easter, the jewelry house of Carl Faberge gave the royal family a precious Easter egg.

  1. Children's message prepared after school hours.

The story about the eggs of the company Carl Faberge

(Figure 19)

Eggs are called depending on the method of coloring: painted - “pysanky”, dyed - “krashenka”. Their difference is that boiled eggs were used for krashenka, which were then eaten, and raw eggs for pysanky.

In addition to Easter eggs and Easter eggs, there are others - golden ones, in the literal sense of the word. Such eggs were made for the Easter holiday for the imperial family.

In 1895, by order of Emperor Alexander III, the craftsmen of the jewelry firm Carl Faberge made a golden Easter egg “of white enamel in a crown with rubies, diamonds and roses”. Since then, the Easter imperial order has become traditional, and the owner of the company received the honorary title of the Supplier of the Highest Court, and five years later - the Appraiser of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty. Every year on Holy Week, the collection of the royal family was replenished with a new egg, and after the death of Emperor Alexander III, the firm's craftsmen began to make two Easter gifts annually - for the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and for the wife of Nicholas II Alexandra Feodorovna.

Most Faberge Easter eggs contained a surprise. For example, in an egg made in 1891 of dark green heliotrope and decorated with gold curls and diamonds, a model of the cruiser “Memory of Azov” is hidden on a greenish aquamarine plate.

(Figure 20)

And in 1900, an egg dedicated to the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was made. Inside it is a folding model of the Siberian imperial train made of gold and platinum and a small key that sets the mechanism in motion. The train consists of a locomotive with diamond headlights and five wagons with rock crystal windows. On the cars there are tiny signs with the inscriptions “For ladies”, “For smokers”, “For non-smokers”. The class of the carriage and the number of seats are also indicated.

Made in 1902, the Clover egg was intended for Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Its surprise has not survived to this day, but it is known that inside there was a golden quatrefoil with diamonds. The belief says that the one who finds such a four-leaf clover finds happiness.

(Figure 21)

In April 1906, Carl Faberge submitted a bill for the Moscow Kremlin egg for payment. The invoice contains a description of this Easter gift: “The Moscow Kremlin of multi-colored gold and enamel with a white egg depicting the Assumption Cathedral, with music, on a white onyx pedestal.”

(Figure 22)

It is believed that a total of 56 Easter eggs were created by Faberge for the imperial family. Unfortunately, most of them disappeared without a trace during the turbulent years of the revolution and the Civil War. Most likely, they found "shelter" in foreign private collections. And those eggs that our story was about can be seen in the exposition of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. There are only ten of them and each is unique.

As you can see, the main thing in the Easter holiday is not the amount of money spent on it, but the goodness and joy that Jesus Christ brought into this world.

  1. Rites and games

Rites in Rus'(student story)

Like centuries ago, in our time, Christians give each other colored eggs, saying: "Christ is risen! - Truly risen!" The consecrated egg at the Easter table is eaten first, when, having come from matins, they sit down to eat. But the role of the egg does not end there. They give eggs to relatives, neighbors who come to congratulate, take them with them when they go to visit, distribute them to the poor, leave them in the church.

For example, according to European traditions, a prolific hare reigns at the Easter meal, personifying the ever-reviving life. A favorite Easter pastime for Russians is egg rolling. It begins on the first day of Easter, in the afternoon, and often continues throughout the Easter week.

Magical properties are attributed to the consecrated egg. It was believed that it could put out a fire if it was thrown into the fire, which is why such eggs were even kept behind the icon in case of a fire (and before throwing it into the fire, they ran around the house with it three times). In the Yaroslavl region, with an Easter egg, they were looking for a cow or sheep that was missing or lost in the forest. With an Easter sacred egg, they stroked the cattle along the ridge so that it would not get sick and its coat would be smooth; did this before the first pasture of cattle to pasture.

Miraculous power is also attributed to the shell of a consecrated egg. They were collected, mixed with "Thursday" salt and put together with grain for sowing. By the way, "Thursday" salt, which was prepared on the same day when eggs were dyed, that is, on "clean" Thursday, was used for salting dishes that were being prepared for Easter.

The first day of Easter was usually spent at home, with family. From the second day (Easter was also celebrated during the week), festivities began. They usually took place outdoors. Here they danced round dances, arranged dances, and showed their prowess.

And, of course, the youth played games during the Easter week. Russian people knew a great many games. Now we will get acquainted with some games of the Easter week.

(Games are provided. Games can be played by the children themselves or by the teacher)

Shoot down the prize

Leading: I invite everyone. Now you will take turns rolling the eggs around the skating rink. And I have prizes and a small condition: whoever knocks down the prize with an egg will take it.

A wooden or cardboard skating rink is installed, prizes are placed around it on a flat place (floor or table). Everyone who wants to participate takes turns approaching the skating rink and rolling eggs, while taking the prizes knocked down by eggs.

Leading: You can also roll krashenki down the hill. Whose egg rolls further, he is the winner - he takes the rest of the eggs.

Who will win?

Leading: And now let the competitors sit opposite each other and roll krashenki.

Krashenki will collide: whose egg is broken, he gives it to his opponent. (Guys compete.)

spinning top

Leading: I suggest playing a very simple but interesting game called Spinning Top. I invite two people.

(The guys spin eggs on the table. The game is played in pairs, the winners go to the quarterfinals. Then the semifinals and finals are held.)

Find an egg

Easter gifts were also traditional. In some areas it was customary to hide gifts in the garden, and the children themselves found these gifts. We also prepared Easter gifts for you in memory of our holiday.

(The guys are looking for pre-hidden eggs with surprises - glued envelopes in the shape of eggs, in which there are small prizes - recipes for Easter dishes.)

  1. Completion of the lesson

This joyful holiday will come on Sunday. I wish you to celebrate it at home with your family in kindness and love for each other.

Write down your homework

(Figure 23)

  • Do some Easter egg painting sketches.
  • Decorate a shelf or table at home with traditional Easter table decorations

Today is the best holiday in the world
And the brightest day of the year.
There is joy in everyone's heart today
Entirely dedicated to Christ.
Today songs and fun are everywhere,
The whole world sings in different languages
About the celebration of Christ's Sunday
And give honor and glory to God!
Christ is risen! - floats above the ground
A multi-voiced echo to heaven.
And the greeting sounds holy
One answer: (all together) truly risen!
A. Velk

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Photos from the lessons. (Figure 24-27)


  1. Gospel for children.- M., "Blagovest", 2003
  2. Magazines "We read, study, play" - M., "Vlada - press"
  3. Site www.kreml.ru