New Year's holiday script for kids material (younger group) on the topic. "Christmas tree fun" Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children of senior preschool age Scenario for the new year children's tree

Holiday in Nu style
Casino program

Scenario Tree

for the younger group

Children under the song "Sled" music. Filippenko enter the hall in pairs.

Santa Claus meets them in the hall.

D.M.Hello my dear,

Both small and big

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, joy

Look: the tree is amazing!

And everything around is so beautiful!

Children and Santa Claus are looking at the Christmas tree. Santa Claus says that it's time to light the fires on the Christmas tree, but there is no Snow Maiden. We must call her. Everyone goes to the house of the Snow Maiden, examine it. Santa Claus touches the icicle with a stick - it rings (unnoticed by the children, the Snow Maiden hits the metallophone). He continues to touch one icicle, then another with a stick, runs the stick over all the icicles. Finally, Santa Claus and the children call the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden comes out. Everyone greets, examines her outfit, goes to the Christmas tree and lights the lights. The game “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!” is played several times.

D.M. At such a beautiful Christmas tree you want to dance.

Performing "New Year's round dance" (music by Filippenko).

Santa Claus praises them, asks how they still know how to dance.

A pair dance is held under the "Polka»

D.M. You dance well, but can you solve riddles?


Sleeps in a den for the winter.

Guess answer

Who is this? (bear)

On the branch - not a bird,

And the beast is small

The coat is warm, like a heating pad.

Who is this? (squirrel)

fluff ball,

long ear,

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Come on, guess

Who is this? (bunny)

cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

Who is this? (fox)

D.M. The cubs hid behind the Christmas trees! Isn't there a big, real bear?

Children and teacher. No! Big and real sleeps in winter. We know. We even sing a song.

D.M. Sing please!

Everyone sings the song "Snow, snow»

The cubs run out and, at the request of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, dance.

"Dance of the cubs" music. L. Schwartz

D.M. The bears were found, they danced merrily. Now I will turn away, and you and the Snow Maiden hide someone.

Santa Claus turns away, and the Snow Maiden consults with the children. They hide bunnies behind a big Christmas tree. Everyone calls Santa Claus: "It's time, look, Santa Claus»

D.M.(turning around) So ... I'll see who hid ... Bears - here they are! Foxes are here! Squirrel - here it is! Christmas tree girls are here! And there are no rabbits. (Looking for small Christmas trees). No bunnies! Dear guests, maybe the hares hid with you? No? I know, I know, the hares also want to be sung a song and played merrily.

The song "Merry Musician" is performed.

Children sing and pretend to play musical instruments, and rabbits run out and dance. At the end of the third verse they run away again.

D.M. The hares danced well, but I saw where they ran away.

The rabbits come out. The game of hide and seek continues.

Now the chanterelles are hiding (two or three girls). And again D.M. finds them behind small Christmas trees.

D.M.You are cunning foxes,

You are a master dancer,

Cheer us up soon

Dance more cheerfully.

Performed "Polka"

The game of hide and seek continues. Santa Claus is looking for Christmas trees (two or three girls stand holding hands)

D.M. These trees are not ordinary

These are living trees!

These are girl friends

Three funny talkers.

Dressed up and standing

And play. They want to dance.

There will be music -

This is where they start dancing.

Performed "Gallop" (music.Kabalevsky)

D.M. now offers to admire the Christmas tree

D.M. Many, many years in a row

The Christmas tree pleases the children.

Your moms, your dads, grandparents

They also led a round dance

Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve

Singing a song about a Christmas tree

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Let's sing it together!

Everyone sings the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

D.M. And now it's time

Let's play, kids.

Snowball game

D.M. And where is the Snow Maiden? (Jingle bells are heard outside the door) I know, this is the Snow Maiden with gifts. I'll go help her!

He comes to the door, helps to carry the sled and distributes gifts to the children. She says that the Snow Maiden has prepared a treat for the children in the group. Everyone leaves.

The hall is festively decorated, there is a Christmas tree in the center, a house in the corner. The music is playing and the host is in.


Hello kids! Schoolchildren and kids
Sanechki and Katechki, Kolenki, Natasha!
All of you, without exception, are invited to the fun.
Interesting games await you on the Christmas tree,
Wonderful fun, various surprises,
Prizes and gifts in bright packages.
And to everyone's surprise -
Merry Christmas show!

In the meantime, dear girls and boys, I invite you to join hands and stand in a large circle.

A melody sounds, the leader sings.
Become children, become in a circle, become in a circle, become in a circle!
You are my friend and I am your friend, we will sing a song.
We will start a round dance, round dance, round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together on this wonderful day.
Our tree is green, green, green, and smart,
And slender, in festive toys.
We will dance, and we will sing, and we will sing, and we will sing.
Let's have a nice holiday, fun and friendly.

Children dance around the Christmas tree, then the Snow Maiden enters the hall and sings her song.

Snow Maiden (sings):

Summer has gone far away
Autumn flew by...
When it's warm, it's not easy for me
But in winter it's a different matter.

I went to the Snow Queen
I lived there both in summer and in spring.
The warmth of the soul and her kindness found
And now I'm going home.
What a wonderful winter day
Pak mirrors, ice floes sparkle!
Although the lilac does not bloom in the gardens,
Beautiful white snowflakes.

It's good when the snow sparkles
He lies with a white blanket.
Time passes like a dream
And life is moving faster.


Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:

Oh, how you scared me! Hello children, hello girls and boys, what are you doing here?

Leader and Children:

And we go to Santa Claus and want to invite him to a children's party. Do you know if he is at home?

Snow Maiden:

No kids, I don't know. All summer and autumn I visited my aunt, the Snow Queen, and only now I am going home to my Grandfather Frost.


Snow Maiden, can we be with you?

Snow Maiden:

Of course, children!


Well then let's go!
Cheerful music sounds, children with the Snow Maiden walk around the hall, approach the house of Santa Claus, knock.

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, are you home? (No one responds.) In my opinion, grandfather is not at home, he probably went for a walk in the forest. Let's go into the house and wait for him there.
The Snow Maiden with the children enter the house, there is a mess.

Snow Maiden:

Oh what a mess! Poor Santa Claus, no one cared about him all this time. Guys, do you feel sorry for him?


Snow Maiden:

Then let's please Santa Claus and put things in order here. Do you agree?


Snow Maiden:

Well done! Girls, come to me. (The girls approach.) Have you ever washed your laundry?


Snow Maiden:

Did you wash the dishes?


Snow Maiden:

Amazing! We will do so. I invite girls to the table. Two will wash the dishes, you will wipe with a towel, and the rest will stand in a row, pass plates to each other and put the dishes on the shelf. Girls, do you agree?


Snow Maiden:

I invite the rest of the girls to wash the clothes of Santa Claus: two will wash, and three will hang on a rope. Here are your clothespins.


Snow Maiden, why are the boys standing? I think there are jobs for them too.

Snow Maiden:

Certainly! Guys, take apart brooms, brooms, buckets and rags. You will sweep the floor and dust.


So kids, are you ready?



Then get to work!
It sounds like a fun tune. The Snow Maiden sings a song.

Snow Maiden (sings):

We are ready to clean up the house all day.
We are never too lazy to clean up.
We all took up this matter now,
And the work is arguing with us.

Just don't worry
Just don't interrupt!
And Santa Claus will be very happy
That he met nice guys.
Cleanliness is the key to health, everyone knows.
It will be fun to sparkle everything in all its glory!
We will sweep the floor, wash the dishes,
We'll pick up the house without any problems.

The kids have finished cleaning.

Snow Maiden (after cleaning):

What good fellows you are, brought a dazzling order. Thank you for what a wonderful surprise you have prepared for Santa Claus! Now let's dance around the Christmas tree.
Children are dancing. Disturbing music sounds. A witch walks around the hall and sings.

Witch (singing):

Yes, I am a witch, I cannot live a day without intrigues!
My mirror will tell you who is prettier than me.
The music continues to sound, the witch speaks, looking into the mirror.


Come on, mirror, tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world
And blush, and whiter?


You are beautiful, no doubt!
But the Snow Maiden is nicer
And blush, and whiter.


What are you talking about, you vile mirror! What else is the Snow Maiden? Besides me, there is no one more beautiful in this world. Really, kids?



Shut up! Now you will see how I will deal with your Snow Maiden. (Sings.)
The Snow Maiden interferes with me - apparently, to my misfortune!
But she doesn't know yet that I'll find a way for her!
The witch knocks on the door of the hut, the Snow Maiden comes out.


Hello girl! I'm so tired and hungry... Could you give me a piece of bread and a glass of water?

Snow Maiden:

Of course, grandma.
The Snow Maiden brings out a glass of water and bread.


Thank you, sweet girl! Let me feed you too. Taste my poured apple. The Snow Maiden holds out her hand.


Children, ask the Snow Maiden not to take an apple! The children scream, but the Snow Maiden does not listen to them, takes an apple, bites off and falls.


Well, Snow Maiden, you fell into a deep sleep, and no one can wake you up. Now I'm the prettiest, haha. (The witch leaves, singing her song.)
I killed the Snow Maiden and calmly leave.
There is not enough strength to wake up any baby.
Your children's holiday will not take place! I did everything out of spite!
You don't sing, you don't have fun. Well, I've been lucky. Haha!
Yes, I am a witch and I cannot live a day without intrigues! La la la la la la!


What a misfortune! What are we going to do guys? We cannot leave the Snow Maiden in trouble. Until Grandfather Frost returns, we must immediately go to Doctor Aibolit and ask him for help. Will you come with me?



Do you know where Aibolit is now?


In Africa!


That's right, in Africa, and it's so far away, the path will not be easy. We have many obstacles to overcome. Are you afraid of difficulties?



Well, then go ahead!
Music sounds. Children run up to the stove, Emelya sits on it with his wife, Princess Marfusha, and suffer from idleness.

Emelya and Marfusha (sing a song):

It's good for us to sit on the stove together!
We eat sweets, sing songs.
Now we don't have to work at all:
The pike will do everything - clearly according to the mind.


My dear Emelya! We are together
We've been thumping here for a whole week.
Chupa Chups and Snickers, Mars and Milky Way
Borscht and bread will be replaced - sweets are tastier.


Dear Marfusha, still know that
You eat sweets, but do not forget:
You won't go far on these Mars -
You won't live forever without borscht and bread!


Emelya, I really wanted something borscht. Ask your pike for borscht, meatballs, dumplings, dumplings and fresh delicious bread.


At the command of the pike, in my opinion, appear before my Marfusha a large pot of borscht, 120 cutlets, 500 dumplings and a huge loaf of hot bread!
Marfusha opens her mouth, stretches out her arms and waits, but nothing falls. Marfusha is crying.


Ah-ah-ah ... I'm hungry!


What's happened? Pike refuses to follow my orders.


Take me, Emelya, home to the tsar-father, I'm hungry!


My Marfusha is dying of hunger, the pike has turned away from me, and I have not a penny in my pocket! We are gone! Ah, what a disaster! Woe-bitter!


Do not worry, Emelya! We will help your grief. You sit on the stove and do not know that she is your nurse and drinker. You can bake bread on this wonderful oven. And bread is the head of everything. There will be bread - there will be food.


Wow, how did I not think of that! Marfusha, get off the oven and knead the dough for bread.


Here's another, not a royal business, knead the dough.


Well, look, Marfusha, only then don’t ask for food. Children, will you help me bake bread?



Then so. You boys are now running at my command to get firewood - they are stacked under the tree. And you girls will knead the dough. Do you agree?



Then get to work!
Music sounds, the boys carry firewood, the girls knead the dough.


Well, guys, the stove is heating, the dough is ready, it remains to plant it on a shovel in the oven. Does anybody want? Then grab the shovel handle. Got it?



Repeat after me the words:
To bake delicious bread
We'll put him in the oven.
Children repeat the words, a solemn melody sounds.


And now, children, to make delicious bread, let's stand around the oven, join hands and dance a fun dance.
Music is playing, children are dancing.


How delicious it smells like bread! Emelya, get the bread, I'm hungry!


Children, help me get the bread out of the oven.
Birds cannot live without bread,
People cannot live without bread!

Bread, bread, grandfather to the whole world.
Children take out bread to the music. Marfusha runs up, takes the bread.


My bread, my!


Look, what a quick one, don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf! And it is better to treat the kids, and then taste it yourself.


Okay, Emelya, I agree, especially since the bread is actually good. (Marfusha distributes a piece of bread to the children and sings a song.)
It turned out great bread.
You baked it yourself.
Bread is given to us for happiness -
There is nothing more valuable!


And now, children, tell me: where are you going?


We, Emelya, are going to Africa for Dr. Aibolit.


What, someone got sick?


Snow Maiden!


So what are you worth? You need to hurry, there is very little left before the New Year.


So guys, let's run.


Let's run!


Then go ahead, with music! (Music sounds, children run.) How hot it has become! In my opinion, we are in the sunny East.
An oriental melody sounds, a voice is heard.

Help! Help!


Guys, someone is asking us for help!


I don't see anyone, just a talking jug! Let's get closer to him.


I am a good wizard - Genie. I know where you are going. For 300 years I have been sitting in this jar. If you release me from the jar, I will help you quickly get to Africa.


And how can we do it?


Each of you must rub the jug three times, and I will be free.


Guys, quickly get up one after another, approach the jug one at a time and rub it.
Music sounds, the children rub the jug, the melody turns into an oriental one, smoke comes out of the jug, then the head of the genie appears and he comes out of the jug.


O great offspring! May your days be long, may all your dreams come true.
The genie sings a song, and the girls come out of the jar one by one, dancing.

Genie (singing):

I lived for 300 years in a jug,
Century, I thought, will not be seen!
But you saved me.
From now on, I will help you all!
Now I can fulfill every desire today,
I will keep my promises and help you in any way I can.
Ah, thank you folks! I am very grateful!
I am your slave now, from now on I will fulfill everything!
O beautiful children, you have freed me from the jar and I will help you. Repeat the words after me, perform all the movements, and you will immediately find yourself in Africa: Chilio, Arazba, Chilio, Barajba, Chalo, Chalo, Mady, Hipi Hop!
Children are spinning, a magical melody sounds, turning into an African one, you can hear the singing of birds, the cries of animals. Eclipse. Change of scenery.


Well, what did I tell you, here we are in Africa.


Yes, but where is Dr. Aibolit?


And here he is! He sits under a tree.
A spotlight illuminates the stage. Everyone sees a tree, animals and Dr. Aibolit.


And the fox cub and the she-wolf came to him for treatment,
Hippos, crocodiles, rhinos and gorillas.
The good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal everyone!
Aibolit heals animals and sings a song.

Aibolit (sings):

I love animals and insects
I am a kind Doctor Aibolit!
I'm always terribly upset
If something hurts!
I will help anyone, everyone,
Who will tell me just once,
That someone has a ponytail with a paw
Or a stomach ache.


What a happy occasion! What a happy occasion!
That Dr. Aibolit came to Africa to visit us.
We know everything and believe that the doors are open to us,
That the doctor will heal us with love, heal us.


Oh, I'm tired, kids, it's time to rest.
For ten days and nights I did not eat or sleep,
For ten days and nights in a row I treated these unfortunate animals.


Guys! Aibolit is very tired and hungry, let's feed him. You see, there are two palm trees in front of you, bananas grow on them, and in order to quickly collect them and feed Aibolit, we will split up: the girls will collect from one palm tree, and the boys from the other. (Children line up.)
Well, are you ready?



Then - forward, to the palm trees!
A melody sounds, children pick bananas.


Thank you kids, you are great! Now tell me what brought you to me, who is ill, who is ill. (Children tell.) Ai-ai-ai! What a nuisance. We must help the Snow Maiden, let's hurry! My friends, go ahead!
Music sounds, children run. A whistle is heard, pirates appear, they sing and dance.

Pirates (singing):

And we are all sea robbers, scary pirates, watch out!
One bang bang and you're dead! On the barrel of a wallet, well, or life.
We take away chests and goods, we rob ships, And everyone has known our frigate under the black flag for a long time,
And no one is happy to meet us here.

We'll make noise for everyone!
Black and white vests
We will never be let down by anything.
We are all evil and terrible,
We are reckless people
We have big things ahead of us.
Pirates surround Aibolit and tie him up.


What are you doing? Why did you grab me?

Master Pirate:

Don't drift, doctor, everything will be okay!


What do you need?

Master Pirate:

We are seriously ill, you must cure us and immediately.


From what?

Chief Pirate (looks around):

From... from... from cowardice! We are so scary in appearance, but we ourselves are afraid of everything! Doctor, give us the courage to take a sip. (Sings.)
I ask life: why do you hit me so hard?
I want a drop of courage, from fear I scream in my sleep!
I want to be myself, but again the abyss before me
And defeat is a lesson...
You give me the courage to sip, just one, one sip,
One sip I ask not for the future! Just one, one sip!
Oh, give me a sip of courage!
Doctor, we've found a treasure, but it's deep in a cave. We can't take him away because we're afraid.


Dear cowardly pirates, there is no cure for fear, but we will help you. My friends are with me, they are very brave, and they will go to the cave for the treasure without fear. Unless, of course, you let us go. Really guys?



Pirates, lead us to the cave!
The pirates lead the children to the cave.


Children, stand one by one. (Children become.) You see, at the end of the cave there is a chest, there are treasures in it. Your task is to run to the chest, take one thing and bring it to the pirates. It's clear?



Then go ahead - treasures are waiting for you!
A melody sounds, children carry treasures.

Master Pirate:

Wow! What good fellows you are! And you weren't scared?


Master Pirate:

Not a little?


Master Pirate:

Well, you give! I have never met such brave children. It is not a pity to do a good deed. I'm on fire to help you kids. I have a frigate. Having crossed the ocean, you will shorten the path to your home. Come on, fellow pirates, bring a pirate frigate here.
Pirates drive the frigate, a cheerful melody sounds, pirates sing, ride children on the frigate.

Pirates (singing):

We will help you in this difficult hour,
We will cross the ocean.
We will take you all to the shore -
After all, everyone has their own home.

Come on, brave ones, let's go for a ride!
Our frigate set sail from the pier.
And we won't be afraid of anything
And everyone will be happy to swim with us.
The wind of wanderings blows us in the sail,
The splashes of the sea hit the sides.
And joy shines in the eyes of the children,
And all around us is beauty.

It's good for us to sail on the waves of the sea,
No worries or hassles.
Let the wind of good luck accompany us
And we are always lucky in everything.


Master Pirate:

So we swam across the ocean. A little more and you'll be home. How we would like to go with you! But you probably won't take us, we're cowardly pirates.


No, you are wrong, you are the bravest and kindest pirates. Only people like you would dare to help cross this great ocean. You are healthy and we will take you with us. Really guys?



And now, friends, let's hurry to the Snow Maiden. (Music sounds, the children run up to the house of Santa Claus. A sad melody sounds.) Guys, where is the Snow Maiden? (Children show. Aibolit approaches the Snow Maiden.) So, let's listen to the heart of the Snow Maiden beat ... Let's put a thermometer ...
Yes, guys, medicine is powerless here. I can not help you.


We are gone, the children's party will not take place.


Stop! I seem to know what to do. If the Snow Maiden is kissed by a person with a good heart, she will immediately wake up.


Guys, which of you has a kind heart beating in your chest?


I have! I have!


Kids, it's great that you all have good hearts, but we'll pick one and make it this way. I will read a rhyme, and on whom it ends, he will kiss the Snow Maiden. So I start:
Sat on the golden porch
King, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor. Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Not detaining kind and honest people.
(Pointing to one of the children.) The counting rhyme is over for you, you will kiss the Snow Maiden, and she will wake up.
The child kisses the Snow Maiden, magic music sounds, the Snow Maiden wakes up.

Snow Maiden:

Ah, how long I slept! Guys, are you still here, but there is no Santa Claus?


Snow Maiden:

We must call him, there is very little left before the New Year.


Children, let's call Santa Claus. One two Three...


Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!
Solemn music sounds. Santa Claus is coming.

Father Frost:

Hello children! (sings)
At the edge of the forest is my hut.
I live in it very friendly with my granddaughter.
What is the name of that granddaughter? Tell me quickly!
Guess the girl's name now
What lives there in the forest,
With grandpa?
So fragile, with a slender figure... Well, of course, this is...


Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden (sings):

We have come to visit
For a holiday at this hour.
Let me Happy New Year
Friends, congratulate you
And wish you success
In all good deeds
More songs, laughter,
Smiles on the lips.
Come on, let's turn around together
I hope we all get along.
May you be happy and joyful!
Come on, Christmas tree, light up with a festive light.
The lights are on on the tree.

Father Frost:

How beautiful, elegant Christmas tree,
How many balls, bumps on it,
How tempting the needles smell
In the multi-colored radiance of lights!

Snow Maiden:

Today, on this winter and clear day,
It is impossible to sit still.
And about our beautiful Christmas tree
It makes me want to sing songs.

(The songs “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and “Little Christmas tree” sound. Children dance around the Christmas tree.)

Flock, snowflakes, to the festive waltz.
I'm looking forward to seeing you, dear.

(Music sounds. The Snow Maiden sings and dances with snowflakes.)

All the snowflakes come out in a circle,
In a sparkling big round dance.
Give the joy of life to the guys,
May the New Year bring them happiness!
Dance the waltz, snowflakes,
Spin around more fun!
Fly like fluff
Faster and faster.
Let them circle with you
Happy days
Let the children all make friends
Let the lights shine.
Let the girls be beautiful
All boys will be good
Let your voice be cheerful and sonorous
Spreads in snow beauty.

Santa Claus, are you probably cold? I invite you all to a fun dance. Cheerful melodies sound, children dance.

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm tired, kids, It's time to rest! Come on, little friend, tell me a rhyme. (Children recite poems.)
Thank you guys, you made me happy. Now let's dance. (Children lead a round dance with Santa Claus. Dear guys, we really liked you, it was very fun and interesting with you (sings).

Our holiday is over
Let's go back to the forest.
What wonderful guys
We met here!
We hope that the meeting
You liked it too
And very reluctant to go home.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

Let everything be done in the New Year,
Let everyone always hope for happiness.
Let the children always laugh joyfully -
There will be peace on earth, there will be holidays.

Music sounds

Snow Maiden:

Now let's all get up
In a long line - and forward!
Let the characters of fairy tales lead you
And let no one fall behind.
Today everyone has sewn a good suit.
Look, guests, at the children,
Clap their hands together.
Good and happy days to all of you!


The ball is over, we will all go through here in costumes.
We will carry this New Year's holiday in our hearts.
May the New Year be happier and kinder,
Will please both adults and children!
Let the lights burn, our songs ring,
Let the faces of the guys shine! Participants of the theatrical performance say goodbye to the guys.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

We want to wish you goodbye to all good health.
Goodbye! Goodbye! We'll be back in a year!

I. Zinina. "Scenarios of holidays in kindergarten and at home"

Guests arrive, undress. The host meets them. He says that he sent invitations to the holiday to Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and her friends forest animals. Leads to the door to the hall, where there is a decorated Christmas tree. To gather the children around her, to attract their attention, the presenter held a music box with a New Year's landscape in her hands, but it could be any other New Year's toy.

HOST: Look through the crack in the door -
(children look through the door crack)
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
And toys hang on it -
From pedestal to crown.
(E. Ilyina)

The attention of the children is directed to the leader.

LEADING: The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year at the gate
The tree is waiting for the kids.
(Y. Akim)

The host opens the door, the children are invited into the hall. Music sounds. Children enter the hall to the music and approach the Christmas tree.

LEADING: Hello, dear Christmas tree,
You are visiting us again
The lights are shining again
On your dense branches.
Our tree is big
Our tree is high.
(encourages children to raise their hands and show how big the Christmas tree is)
Above dad, above mom -
Reaches the ceiling.
How shiny her dress is
How the lanterns burn
Our Christmas tree
Congratulations to all the guys.
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
For the tree to want
Come visit us again!
How shiny her toys are!
Here's an icicle of ice
Here is a hare, a pussycat, a bear
And, of course, an owl!
(the presenter demonstrates all the toys on the Christmas tree)
And at the very top
Bright blue top!
Let's look at the toys, who else do you see here?

Children name toys. The presenter looks at the Christmas tree with the children, tells what toys are on it, what a beautiful Christmas tree.

The children looked at Christmas decorations with interest, it seems to me that this was facilitated by the fact that at first we examined the Christmas tree through a crack, which added interest.

HOST: Oh, guys, look, some kind of letter is hanging on the Christmas tree. I wonder who it's from?
(takes an envelope from the Christmas tree, opens the letter, reads)
"Look under the tree
Find the bell there
Don't twist, don't twist
And gently shake it.
The bell will sing.
And invite guests!
I'm loading gifts!
I will be soon! Father Frost".
Where is the magic bell?
(children help find him)

It seems to me that the children did not understand what the bell needed to find from the letter, but the parents came to the rescue, and when everyone began to ask the children to find the bell, they looked for it with pleasure. The letter from Santa Claus (it was a postcard in an envelope) was viewed with interest by the children, because His mother also looked at him with interest.

HOST: Well, guys, to make it more fun, let's invite guests to our place?

The children answer in the affirmative. The leader rings the bell. The Snow Maiden enters the hall, approaches the Christmas tree.

We made up the Snow Maiden on the advice of Anna Rudova, it’s very cool, to this we added artificial snow powder with glitter on her face and hair, just sprinkled it, from this there was a feeling that the Snow Maiden had just come to us from the frost from the forest.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello guys! You recognized me? I'm a snow maiden!
I came to you from a winter fairy tale.
I'm all snow, silver.
My friends are a blizzard and a blizzard
I love everyone, good to everyone!

LEADING: Hello, dear Snow Maiden, welcome to our New Year's holiday!

SNOW MAIDEN: Cute little animals are with me,
My happy family
We received an invitation
And glad to be with you, friends!
Guess, guys, who came with me to the Christmas tree?
Here is a prickly bang,
(half the head of a hedgehog appears from behind the screen)
Himself thorny, but not pine.
It can curl up into a ball.
Of course, this…

CHILDREN: Hedgehog!

A Hedgehog appears from behind a screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Hello.

SNOW MAIDEN: Whose fluffy red tail? Who came to visit you?
(a fox tail appears from behind a screen)
Which of the animals
Tail fluffy and long?


Fox appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Hello.
A squeak is heard from behind the screen: “Pee-pee-pee.”

SNOW MAIDEN: Wee-wee-wee, - she said,
She immediately ran into a hole.
What is this baby?
This is a small…


Mouse appears from behind the screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Hello.

SNOW MAIDEN: Long ears stick out,
(ears appear)
Paws white tremble.
(paws appear)
Who is this? Guess!
This is our coward...


A hare appears from behind a screen. He holds an invitation in his paws. Hello.
All the little animals simultaneously appear from behind the screen and bow.

In children, the appearance of animals from behind the screen caused a cheerful revival. The riddles were guessed by the children themselves, because. the riddle was not only pronounced, but also demonstrated a part of the doll; here we once again took the advice of Anna Rudova and pronounce the text loudly, clearly and slowly.

HOST: Hello! What good fellows that came to us. And even my invitations were captured!

SNOW MAIDEN (solemnly): Look, invites
Christmas tree us.
under the green branches
We will circle now.

Disturbing music sounds, the Crow quickly appears from behind the screen.

CROW: What is this rambling?
Well, now I'll ask you!
I cancel the fun
I'm kicking everyone out of here!
Don't wait for Santa Claus
He will not come to you today ...
And gifts, of course
Nobody will bring you!
I will not let you celebrate the holiday, I will drive everyone away !!!

The crow begins to run and peck at the little animals, trying to take away and tear up the invitations. The animals run away.

LEADING: Crow, except for small forest animals, no one here is afraid of you, and we will drive you away now. Children, let's say to the Crow: "Go away!", let's drive her away!

The children and the presenter wave a pen and say, whoever can, the words “go away”, “shoo”.

The reaction of the children to the appearance of the Crow was lively, they actively began to say something, to argue in their own language. At the request, they began to wave at the Crow, the adults were very funny.

LEADING: You do not offend children!
Do not scare! Don't threaten!
And for these sorrows
Better ask for forgiveness!

The crow starts to cry.

LEADING: Why are you crying, Crow? You yourself are to blame, why did you offend the little animals, drove them away, did you want to spoil the holiday for us?

CROW (plaintively): Soon the New Year will come,
No one will buy me a Christmas tree!
And on New Year's Eve
Nobody will call me.
I want to frolic
Have fun with you!

LEADING: If you, Crow, next time want to have fun with us, and you will be offended that you were not invited to the holiday, don’t swear, don’t fight, don’t offend anyone, but just come and politely ask the guys: “Guys, can i come to your party? I really want to have fun with you!” And the guys will definitely accept you. And today they would have accepted if you hadn’t behaved like that. Really guys? (waves his hand reproachfully) Don't cry, crow, it's better to ask the guys and the animals for forgiveness, and the guys will invite you to the holiday.

CROW: Really?

HOST: Of course!

CROW: Excuse me!
Can I stay with you
Have fun and laugh?

LEADING: Forgive the crow?


HOST: How can we have fun? What to do now, children? After all, Bunny, Mouse, Chanterelle and Hedgehog got scared and ran away! How can I get them back now?

SNOW MAIDEN: I know that the Snowman could find them in the winter forest. Now, if you made a Snowman, then I could revive him.

HOST: Of course, we will make a Snowman. Guys, here is the Snowman in the picture.

Children look at a picture of a snowman. It is suggested that children, together with their parents, stick three circles on whatman paper: large, medium and small. First, it is proposed to find the largest circle, then the middle one, then the small one. Next, the children show where to stick the bucket, carrot nose, eyes, mouth, buttons. When the Snowman is done once again consider it as a whole.

When they made the Snowman, at the request to find the right size of the circle (snowball), the children brought it with interest, but when they pasted it on whatman paper, the interest diminished and the mothers pasted it, but the children were nearby, everything was very direct.

SNOW MAIDEN: That's what a beautiful snowman we got! The nose is a carrot, the eyes are coals, just a miracle!
Grandpa gave me a magic handkerchief
And this is what he told me in secret:
“Snow Maiden, granddaughter, wave your handkerchief
And whatever you want, you revive it!

The Snow Maiden waves her handkerchief, the drawing paper attached to the board turns 180 degrees, and a snowman appears in front of the guys (a boy dressed as a snowman).

The appearance of the snowman was a real surprise for the children, a very good moment, be sure to use it. At first, the children looked at him, their mouths gaping in surprise, and then they came up and hugged him.

LEADER: Oh! Who is this and where did you come from?
We have a real snowman!

SNOWMAN (looking around the Christmas tree): Oh, brothers, what a big whisk!

LEADING: Yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree!

I'm a snowman guys
Get used to the snow, to the cold!
You blinded me deftly
Instead of a nose - a carrot,
And on the head a bucket,
It's not perforated!
I'm not a simple snowman
And cheerful, mischievous!

SNOW MAIDEN: We called you for help!
We need to find the animals
And bring to the tree!
The guys had a holiday here,
Someone was not happy about it.
(Crow covers itself with wings)
You see, the Christmas tree was extinguished
And drove all the guests away
Get on the road soon
Find all friends
And don't hesitate to come back
To our Christmas tree soon!

SNOWMAN: I will be glad to help you, children, but who should I look for?

HOST: The invitations have their photos.

LEADING (bewildered): They are only torn,
The halves shattered
How can I get pictures back?

SNOW MAIDEN: Children, children, help and collect pictures!

Halves of pictures are laid out on the table (in the pictures there is an image of a fox, a bunny, a mouse, a hedgehog), the second halves of the Snow Maiden are holding a fan in her hands, the children choose the halves and combine them with those that lie on the table. There are pictures of animals on the table. The snowman looks at them.

SNOWMAN: Everything is clear. I hasten to search.
But where to start?
We'll track them down.
Where are the tracks? (thoughtfully) Probably there!
Come on, kids, help
Find the first trail for me.

It is necessary to collect puzzles - traces of animals.

They collected the halves of the pictures well and with interest, I think many children at this age like to collect light puzzles.

LEADING: Well, guys, together, boldly
Let's get down to business!
Here is such a trace for a hare, such for a mouse, such for a chanterelle.

Children and mothers in the place where the snowman indicated are looking for traces (traces are pasted on the floor, children find, show the snowman).

Only one girl, Masha, looked at the tracks with special interest, the rest were just interested in walking along them hand in hand with her mother. The children really liked the obstacle course, according to the scenario, we had to go through it once, but everyone wanted to do two more extra laps. After that we moved into the forest (another room), changed the situation.

SNOWMAN: Now let's follow the trail
In the thick snowy forest
Along the wide road
Through the snowy fields
Over the snowdrifts, over the mountains...

Children with their mothers follow the Snowman into another room, slightly decorated to look like a snowy forest. There is a log in their way, the children step over it. They go further, along the way there is a hill, roll down, then the tracks supposedly lead under the Christmas tree (they crawl under the chair) and go out to the house. The house is made of a cardboard box with a large enough window, a light is on in the window, a Bunny, Chanterelle, Hedgehog, Mouse are sitting at the table. The lighting in the room is subdued. The Snow Maiden picks up a crow.

SNOWMAN: We came to the winter forest
Friendly crowd.
Hello donkeys,
Hello, forest stump!
What's the house on the track?
He is unfamiliar to me.
Well, now I'm in the window
I'll take a look with one eye.

The snowman looks out the window, calls the children to look too.
Sad little animals are sitting in the house and are talking (in very sad voices).

BUNNY: And the children have a New Year.
There will be dancing, a round dance ...

FOX: Maybe there on New Year's Eve
Masha will sing a song.
Vasilisa will lead
All in a wonderful round dance ...

MOUSE: How I would like Savva
Play spins together
And fluffy snowflakes
Collect together in a paw ...

Hedgehog: Suddenly Mark will tell a poem,
That would be good.
Good to play with kids
Lead a round dance, dance ...

SNOWMAN: This house is interesting,
This house is not simple.
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear?
(rings the bell)

MOUSE (addressing Chanterelle): Do you hear? They call us again!
I'll run to meet the guests!
Who's there?

SNOWMAN: Who will I be? Snowman!
I'm not small and I'm not big!
We are with the guys behind you,
You ran away in vain
We invite you to the holiday
We can't do without you!

CROW (comes closer, guilty): Excuse me!
I ask you not to be angry
Let's have more fun!

FOX, MOUSE, BUNNY, Hedgehog (in chorus): We forgive you, Crow. Hooray! Hooray! We're going to the party!

LEADING: Get into the sleigh, the kids will take you.

Our children from the forest house were simply delighted, they had so many different emotions! Everyone crowded around the windows and looked, it was fortunate that there were two windows, since everyone wanted to look into them. The animals behind the screen said a poem about each of the children, but I can’t say how much the children heard and understood what they were saying, it seems to me that they were simply captured by the action itself (by the way, the animals in the house ended up while the children were passing the obstacle course) .

Hedgehog: The sleigh is rushing, rushing fast
Through meadows and forests,
Sweeping sparkling snow,
We are going to visit friends!

The animals are handed out to the children, and they put them in a sled. A snowman or children (according to the situation) take the sled by the rope and take it to the Christmas tree.

Sledges are a hotel theme, everyone planted and transplanted animal dolls with enthusiasm, then they were taken with even greater enthusiasm, the adults were touched.

The Snow Maiden meets the children at the Christmas tree.

SNOW MAIDEN: Come, guests, into the house,
We have been waiting for you for a long time!
We are now in a spacious hall,
I've been waiting for you.
So let's have some fun
Spinning around the Christmas tree!
Let's start the holiday together
New Year's Eve this day!

HOST: Happy New Year
Both big ones and kids.
Good luck to everyone, we wish you well
And frosty clear days!
Let it sound today in the hall
Your cheerful, sonorous laugh.
Happy New Year
With new happiness
Everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

SNOW MAIDEN: It's time to celebrate the New Year,
Light the Christmas tree in the hall!
Our Christmas tree is standing
The lights don't burn.
Clap, clap, say:
"Our Christmas tree, burn!"

Children clap, the tree lights up.

LEADING: Hello, holiday tree!
Hello, hello New Year!
Near the Christmas tree today
Let's lead a round dance!

Children and adults lead a round dance.

We were all surprised at how much the children liked to walk in a round dance. We converged, diverged, walked in a circle, and so we sang the whole song to the end.

SNOWMAN: Now I understand everything in the world.
How do children celebrate the New Year?
They are under the tree on New Year's Eve
A merry round dance!

SNOW MAIDEN: And now it's time
Let's play, kids!
There are not enough games in the world
Do you want to play, kids?


SNOW MAIDEN: Have you seen how snowflakes are spinning on the street? They spin around and sing a song.
We are white snowflakes
Paths and paths
We'll screw everything up.
Let's circle over the garden
On a cold winter day.
And we'll lie down quietly
With people like us.
Here we are now spinning like snowflakes!

Children with their mothers dance to dance music, and the Snow Maiden shows movements: snowflakes are spinning in the air (arms to the sides), snowflakes fall to the ground (children sit down).

Not everyone was spinning, someone just walked around waving their arms, but I think they liked it. Moreover, then the mothers picked up everyone and circled, of course, the children rejoiced and laughed.

MOUSE: Wee-wee-wee! Snow Maiden, and I have a dream to collect a whole bag of snowflakes!

BUNNY: And I dream that I have a ball with a whole bag of icicles! (dreamy) They look like carrots!

SNOW MAIDEN: Now the guys and I will fulfill your dream, here are snowflakes and icicles. Guys, let's put a snowflake in a bag for a mouse, and icicles in a bag for a bunny!

MOUSE and BUNNY (in chorus): Thank you!

The game of snowflakes and icicles was played with interest, the children understood the task, their mothers suggested something, they enthusiastically carried snowflakes and icicles into the boxes.

FOX: And I want to play hide and seek with the guys, I will catch them, and they will run away from me and hide behind their mothers.
I'm Chanterelle, red tail,
I'll get closer to the Christmas tree!
Don't be afraid of me, kids
I'm so kind today
I won't touch any of you
Come to have fun!

The girls played this game with great pleasure, and one of them was in the arms of their mother, they hid together, she had a lot of fun.

SNOWMAN: I know the game of snowballs, do you want me to teach? Here are white snowballs, throw them into the bucket!

The children were delighted, especially the boys. Then the children scattered snowballs around the hall and collected them, everyone was interested.

Hedgehog: Our Christmas tree is so elegant,
Lots of fun all around
So come on guys
We will sing about the Christmas tree!

Adults sing a song where kids only need to repeat the word “yes”.
Beads glitter on the tree,
Flappers and a star.
We love our Christmas tree
Yes Yes Yes!

Snow Maiden in a white coat
Always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes Yes Yes!

And Santa Claus is cheerful,
gray beard,
Brings us presents
Yes Yes Yes!

(N. Naydenova)
Here is a song that we didn’t sing very well, but her mothers sang it well, and the children listened. I don't think it should be included in the script.

BUNNY: We love to jump in the forest to our song, let's jump!
The bunnies went out for a walk
Stretch your paws.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Stretch your paws.
Oh-oh-oh, how cold
You can freeze your nose!
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
You can freeze your nose!
(rubbing noses for himself and his partner)
Sad bunnies are sitting -
Bunny ears are cold.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Bunny ears are cold.
(rubbing ears alternately)
Bunnies began to dance
Warm up your paws
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Dancing near the Christmas tree!

We had fun music, and a little older children jumped on their own, and the younger ones (those who can’t jump) were held by the hands. The children liked it very much, and even those who were held tried to jump at the end. According to the text, the children only managed to rub their nose, and they did it with pleasure.

BUNNY: They danced very cheerfully
And not at all tired!
I thank you guys
Thank you all!

SNOW MAIDEN: Everyone knows, on New Year's Eve
Each of us is waiting for a gift!
Here we are Santa Claus
He brought them in a big basket!

The Snow Maiden takes out a basket of vegetables from under the Christmas tree and asks the children to distribute gifts to the animals, each of the children gives a vegetable. The basket contains a carrot, a fish, a bag of grains, mushrooms, berries.

Despite the fact that the matinee had already lasted a long time, everyone completed the task with interest. Of course, the adults organized the children.

Then the Snow Maiden takes out a box with toys for children. Distributes gifts.

SNOW MAIDEN: I congratulate you, children,
I wish you happiness, joy
So that you grow and get smarter
They had fun, they sang songs,
May your laughter always ring!
Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

LEADING: It's a pity, friends, we must say goodbye,
It's time for everyone to go home.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, a song, a round dance!
With new toys
With beads, crackers!
We congratulate all guests
We wish all children
Bright life for a hundred years
And a hundred pounds of health!

The performance is over, everyone goes to drink tea. For children, one of the mothers baked cookies, and for adults, another mother baked a cake.

This post was posted on Sunday, December 2nd, 2012 at 04:43 PM in the , . You can receive messages by subscribing to the feed. You can

New Year's script for preschoolers

This New Year's script can be used to home New Year's Eve, and can be used as a script for kindergarten.

In the Russian noble tradition of New Year and Christmas holidays, there were children's Christmas trees. To do this, several families with children came together. The second half of the day stood out for the children's Christmas tree, but not too late.

The types and forms of the New Year's holiday for children can be different: games, dramatization of fairy tales, puppet theater. In the script for the children's Christmas tree, you need to use the material learned with the kids in kindergarten or children's creative groups, circles or at home with their grandmother. We offer you a script for a children's New Year's play.

Before the arrival of Santa Claus, you can arrange the next New Year's game for children 3 - 5 years old.

Leading. Children, remember what was said and complete it. “Santa Claus is going on his way to our holiday. He puts a doll, a car in his red bag. The next player in a circle or clockwise must repeat what has already been said, adding the following item: “Santa Claus is going on his way to our holiday. He puts a doll, a car and a designer in his red bag. The game continues until the row of gifts becomes so long that it can no longer be played.

For children, this can be 10-15 items. The winner is the player who last called the longest of all the chain. He is awarded a prize for attentiveness and good memory. If adults participate with the children, it is good if they play along with their little rivals, and all the kids will receive a gift.

Leading. Let's play. In this game, you need to memorize the text first:

He's coming, he's coming, Santa Claus is coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

Brings us gifts.

Remember? Now replace words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the words "we", "us". Instead of these words, show everything to yourself. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus" point to the door. Replace the word “goes” with walking on the spot, the word “know” - touch your forehead with your index finger, the word “gifts” - a gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for the word "carries."

The kids will love the quick quiz, which they have to answer "True" or "False".


Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He comes at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

He wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?

He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?

It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?

The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right?

There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of chips, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the questions are answered

Do you all know about Santa Claus,

And that means it's time

All the kids are waiting for.

Let's call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus, appearing, greets everyone, but notices "disorder".

Father Frost.

What is this? What a mess!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames,

You use the words:

"Surprise us with beauty,

Elka, turn on the lights!

Santa Claus "lights the Christmas tree" and children's fun begins. Children are very fond of mass, general dances. You can invite children and adults to the music to repeat the movements, all the while accelerating the pace:

Everyone clapped their hands

Friendly, more fun.

Legs, legs pounded

Louder and faster.

Beaten on the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise

Higher, higher, higher!

twirled, twirled

And they stopped!

Father Frost. Guys, do you want to become puppet theater actors? You will get the roles if you solve the riddles.

1. She is more cunning than all animals,

Red coat on her

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

Is this beast of the forest? - (Fox).

The child who first guessed the riddle and said the answer receives a Fox doll (glove) or a Fox toy.

2. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw.

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This animal is forest. - (Bear).

3. Forests conceal many troubles,

Wolf, bear and fox.

There the animal lives in anxiety,

Takes away from misfortune

Come on, quickly guess

What is the name of the animal? - (Bunny).

4. In winter, during the hours of fun, I hang on a bright spruce. I shoot like a gun. My name is? (Clapperboard).

After all the roles are distributed, let the kids become participants in a small performance. Everyone, to the best of their ability, performs their roles in accordance with the plot. The plot may be simple.

Once upon a time there lived a cracker. She was evil, wicked, she fought with a hare, fell on the head of the Fox, substituted the “leg” for the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling with displeasure. But one day the Bear called the Hare, the Fox and they decided to teach a lesson to the cracker. They surrounded her, pulled their paws towards her, and Flapper pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, the Fox and the Bunny began to have fun and dance!

Outdoor games are also appropriate in the program of the children's holiday.

Games for children on New Year's holiday

Who is the smartest?

Arrange the figurines on the floor. Everyone walks in a circle to the music behind the leader and by the whistle or how the music has stopped should grab the figure. Anyone who doesn't get it is out of the game. The number of figures is reduced by one each time.

funny monkeys


We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

We puff out cheeks

Jumping on toes

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Let's put a finger to the temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

Tail on top.

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

How do I say the number 3, -

All freeze with grimaces.

Players repeat everything after the Leader.


You can arrange an impromptu children's concert. To do this, Santa Claus distributes tasks to children with the help of a “snowball” - made of cotton wool, or white fabric, inside which sweet prizes can also be hidden. “Kom” is passed from child to child and Santa Claus says:

Snowball we all roll,

We all count to five

One two three four five,

As a reward, each child receives a gift from Santa Claus. The holiday ends with a round dance around the Christmas tree.

25.12.2019 | We looked at the script 48 Human

Snow Maiden: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Waiting for me? (answer) Has the holiday started yet? (answer) Do you recognize me? (answer) Great and I recognized you. Has Santa Claus arrived yet? (answer) It can be seen that he got lost somewhere, he fell behind the Snow Maiden! ...

Scenario New Year's party for young children

25.12.2019 | We looked at the script 77 Human

Looks around.
Oh ... and where is Santa Claus? Something that takes too long… Come on, shall we call him?

Three times they shout loudly: Santa Claus!
Santa Claus appears
Santa Claus: I hear, I hear what you are calling ...
Hello adults and children!
There are so many of you! ...

The script for congratulating Santa Claus at home in verse

25.12.2019 | We looked at the script 38 Human

Santa Claus: (addresses the child and his parents, grandparents, when they are there).

Hello girls and boys!
Put aside cartoons and books.
Answer me the question, who came to you?

Answer: Santa Claus!

Father Frost: ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario of the New Year's party with the participation of Gvidon, Sultan, and other fairy-tale characters

02.12.2019 | We looked at the script 371 Human

... (At first greedy and stupid. Brazenly examines and feels Santa Claus)
"Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Did you bring me gifts?
The swan told me here -
You give to anyone...
Did you bring me or not…?”

(digging in the bag)
"Well, ...

An interesting and theatrical scenario of the New Year's party with the participation of Baba Yaga and other fairy-tale characters

24.11.2019 | We looked at the script 1045 Human

Santa Claus: Give it back! This is a very necessary magic item!
Baba Yaga: I won't give it back, I won't give it back!
Snow Maiden: Let's change? What do you like?
Little Baba Yaga: I love it when people make riddles!
Now for the mind charging
I will tell you riddles
You can't...

Scenario for children's New Year

21.11.2018 | We looked at the script 2765 Human

A simple New Year's scenario for children

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Kind fairy

Hello girls and boys!
And so are their parents! Granny and grandpa and your grandparents!
We welcome everyone here - at the New Year's show!
I am going to the forest, ...

Scenario of an interesting New Year's fairy tale for children

21.11.2018 | We looked at the script 1786 Human

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for family viewing "Incredible adventures in the city of the emerald dream"
The age of children is 6-10 years.


ELLIE - a modern, brightly dressed girl (girl), for example, in the style of "College"
TOTOSHKA - dog, friend ...

The scenario of the New Year's performance for children of the Yolochka elementary school

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 1390 Human

two buffoons,
real tree,
fake Christmas tree,
three hares,
snowballs, snowflakes,
grandfather Egor,
Father Frost.

Buffoons run out to the music.

First buffoon:
We are no longer crumbs -
Jokers and buffoons.
We have fun honest ...

Scenario New Year's greetings to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 1482 human

Hello adults, hello boy! I'm a good winter fairy! My name is Winter Fairy! And what is your name?
- Vania!
- Vanya, do you know what holiday is coming soon?
- New Year!
- And who comes to the children in the New Year, you know?
- Father Frost!
- Do you want him to...

Scenario New Year's party for the preparatory group of the kindergarten

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 5409 Human

The winter fairy tale is full of miracles.
Adventures await you, a mysterious forest,
River - frozen banks,
Baba Yaga - bone leg ...
It seems if you touch the trees
Wizards will all respond immediately ...
What will happen to us - no one ...