Cool phrases to please a guy. How to present yourself to please a guy: from choosing clothes to behavior

Of course, sympathy can arise out of thin air, but this is more the exception than the rule. Often, at first we are interested in someone, and we try our best to make this interest mutual. Today asked the question "How to behave in order to please a guy?" and will reveal all the cards to you.


Do not confuse with the caller. No need to go out of your way, wear a mini skirt, crop top, stockings and high heels. You can dress spectacularly without the style of Vivien Ward, and there is no need for war paint.

A guy who does not yet know you as a person should be amazed by your beauty, sense of style and moderation.

You should look neat, feminine and romantic. You should also take into account the specifics of the date and dress appropriately. If you are planning a walk in the park, dress comfortably but stylishly. If the date takes place in a cafe or cinema, you can dress up. Many guys don't like thick plaster on a woman's face, so don't go overboard with war paint. will be in place.


You should not build yourself a girl that you are not, trying to please. The pretense of behavior will still be revealed and the guy is unlikely to like it. Also, you don’t need to be too intrusive, otherwise there can be no talk of any respect on his part. Demonstrating your pride and superiority is also not worth it. You must be an interesting conversationalist and make it clear that you are not so simple and your attention will have to be earned.

During communication, avoid rudeness and do not agree to all offers: the girl should be mysterious and a little bit inaccessible.

Ask about his interests: what kind of music he listens to, films he watches, the team is sick, what he does in his free time, about his favorite books and writers. Try to have your own opinion on every occasion, but do not impose it. Be sure to smile while talking. A beautiful and sincere smile can work wonders, the “muzzle of a brick” has not yet been able to win anyone. Remember to joke around and avoid dirty jokes - guys love funny girls.


It so happened that we can not please everyone. And if you like a guy who does not pay attention to you, do not despair and do not let go. Everything can be fixed, but it will be difficult. The first thing to do is collect information about him. What he is fond of, his hobby, whom he communicates with, where he likes to go, what kind of music to listen to, books to read, etc. These questions can be found out from his friends or through.

Visit places where there is a high probability of meeting the object of your sigh. Make it look like a chance meeting. Do not forget to chat during such a meeting. If the guy goes to any courses, you can enroll in the same group. Having noticed a kindred spirit in you, he will strive for communication, and there it is not far from close communication.

Be a bright girl that guys can pay attention to. Take care of your appearance because an attractive girl is always in the spotlight. Do not forget to be active and, if necessary, hint to the object of your adoration that you are not against a relationship with him. You should not forget about a good mood either, especially if the guy you like is not far away.

It is known that the Forbidden fruit is sweet, here and casually say in his presence that you never fall in love. This will be a kind of challenge for him, and he will try to overcome your principles. Just be prepared for questions and discussions, you must argue your words.

Maybe you like a guy who doesn't even know you exist. This situation needs to be corrected urgently. Try to make sure that he sees you and remembers you. To do this, you can somehow just say hello to him, smile and go on about your business. You can also try to speak first, however, many girls are embarrassed to show. In this case, it is worth remembering that without active actions on your part, you may not meet at all.

Nobody canceled the competition either. In the presence of the guy you like socialize with other members of the opposite sex and watch his reaction. The spirit of rivalry in men is present from birth, so you can evoke the right emotions with this trick. And be patient - a guy is unlikely to like it in 1 day, especially if he did not pay attention to you before. Here you need a competent installation and the ability not to stop halfway.


Once you've completed your attention and liking mission, pay attention to the guy's behavior. If he liked you, he will be given the following signs:

  1. Appearing next to him the guy will change his facial expression, will change the way he speaks and start to stutter. It will also begin to smile stupidly and blush, especially if you meet eyes.
  2. The guy will look furtively at the girl he likes, even during a fascinating conversation with other people. When you meet eyes, he will try to take him away immediately, and then again will look at you.
  3. Your facial features and appearance will be carefully considered, he will study every detail and trifle. The guy will not be distracted by a person passing by, and if someone asks him something, he will quickly return his attention to you.
  4. He will also strive to communicate with you, will try to find out about your hobbies, goals, tastes and dreams. During communication, the guy will try to get closer to you, try to touch, and his body will be completely turned towards you. Crossed legs are also a good sign, but crossed arms indicate a reluctance to communicate.
  5. Hints can also follow - sometimes in the form of a joke, sometimes frankly vulgar. Giving them out the guy will watch your reaction. You can continue this game by joking back or also jokingly repel him.
  6. If you, he will come to the rescue even if you do not forgive and always ask how he can help you. Asking to wash the dishes and vacuum the apartment is not worth it. But something on the little things, you can, especially if you are not able to do it yourself.

We love those who don't love us. This is exactly what happens to many girls. Therefore, the thesis of how a guy will like it if he likes another is very relevant today. In this situation, it all depends on how attached he is to another girl, and what you are ready to do for him. With due desire, you will definitely achieve its location. You just need to be patient and determined.

How to please a guy if there is another in his heart?

To do this, you will need to follow a few simple but effective principles:

  1. natural behavior. Be moderately sociable and simple girl;
  2. Beauty. Watch yourself. Look beautiful every day;
  3. Mysteriousness. Don't be too open. Let no one know you completely;
  4. Don't get depressed. Smile and be positive. Everyone loves them;
  5. Learn to listen. Be a good conversationalist. Any guy will appreciate this;
  6. Show figure. Emphasize the chest, waist, legs. Don't hide yourself.

You must form the image of a simple but inaccessible girl. Forget about baggy clothes, lack of makeup, whims, isolation, and so on. Then they will start paying attention to you.

Don't overplay. Do not be defiant, pretentious or overly sexy. Otherwise, you will be treated like a stupid prostitute. Here everything should be in moderation.

How to communicate with a guy who likes another girl?

When you make an irresistible image, you need to go on the offensive. If you have communicated with him before, then such communication should be continued in a new way. Start to be interested in his affairs, help him in something. You can casually flirt with him and invite him on a date.

If you don't know him, be sure to check him out. This can be done via the Internet under any pretext. Don't push with the relationship and don't be available. Show sympathy and nothing more. Let him not know until the end of your intentions.

Ask about the girl he likes. Point out her flaws. But frankly, you shouldn't scold her. Otherwise, he will understand everything and nothing will come of you.

Find out what kind of girls he likes by communicating and adjust a little to him. Let him understand that you are his ideal. The main thing is not to be too easy. Otherwise, you can get into the friend zone.

Let's get closer to him.

People are brought together by common hobbies. You should understand what he does and be able to talk about his hobby. You can also forgive help on his part. For example, if he is a programmer, then ask him to fix the computer.

Do not talk to him about frankly feminine and boring topics for guys. He must understand that you are not like everyone else. Praise him, but not too much, so that it does not look like impudent flattery. Then it will definitely melt.

But do not attract his attention with sexual availability. In this case, he will run away, having received his own. This is a common mistake many girls make.

You can also ask him to teach you something or explain something (for example, about studying). This will allow you to see each other more often, remaining alone. This puts you in the perfect situation to hint at a relationship.

But don't get bored. Temporarily disappear somewhere, motivating it with the fact that you have important things to do. This will add a bit of mystery to you. He will start thinking about you: first out of curiosity, and then out of love.

Is it worth fighting?

In a situation where a guy just likes another, but he has nothing to do with her, you have high chances. Trying to forget her, he is very likely to go over to you.

But if they are in a relationship or married to a rival, then you will have a difficult time. First, you are a homemaker here. And the truth is definitely not on your side. And secondly, not everyone can leave their beloved because of another girl. This is only possible if their relationship cracked long before you.

Remember that sometimes it is impossible for a guy to like if he likes another. Don't focus on one person. Try to look towards other guys. Perhaps your love is walking somewhere nearby, and you are dreaming of the wrong person at all.

Many girls are interested in the question: "How to please a guy?" and I am no exception. Let's try to figure this out together. After consulting with friends, and drawing conclusions from my experience, I propose.

How to please a guy: 10 ways

1.Spectacular appearance (do not confuse with the caller). Try to look at yourself from the outside. Each of us is beautiful and attractive in our own way. Just some, to please the guy, wear a miniskirt, a neckline to the waist and do makeup in the style of a Papuan war paint. There are, of course, brave boys who like it, but most prefer natural beauty.

Even if you wear makeup, make-up should be almost invisible. If you do not know how to do it, then read my post " ” (everything is written there in detail).

2. Naturalness of behavior. Don't try to force yourself on the boy you want to please. It also looks ugly from the side of the girl and many boys do not like it. Yes, and the attitude towards you will be appropriate.

Trying to impose yourself on a guy, don’t even think about respecting yourself on his part. Remember: guys are hunters by nature, it's in their blood. Therefore, they must "conquer their booty" (that is, you )

3. Common interests . Ask what kind of music he listens to, what he does, what films he watches, etc. If you have a common interest (and it will definitely be found ), try to have your own opinion on this matter. This will bring you closer and you will become interesting for him, and this is a huge + :).

Believe me, if he is interested in you, then he will definitely be interested in you. It means you made an impression on him.

5. Be yourself. You should not praise yourself: how smart, beautiful, etc. you are. Believe me, if you tell the truth, then the impression will remain with him much better than you would have lied to him. Be sincere - do not portray what does not exist. After all, you want to like him, not the image you invented.

6. smile. A naturally beautiful smile can work wonders. Try it and you will surely succeed. After all, you also do not like a gloomy and gloomy guy?

7. Be different . Guys get tired of the monotony. You can play a little: today you are romantic, tomorrow you are active, the day after tomorrow you are dreamy, etc. Just do not pretend (see paragraph 5). Just periodically emphasize individual traits of your character.

8. develop. You should be able to surprise him (of course, pleasantly), keep up the conversation, tell something interesting. Therefore, read books, newspapers, magazines, interesting articles on the Internet.

9. Listen carefully . Guys love to be listened to (and we girls love it no less :)). Let him say whatever he wants to say. So you will become even better in his eyes and learn a lot about him.

10. praise him. We all love ourselves (only each to a different degree). Tell him more often how handsome, smart, caring, funny, etc. he is. After all, he really is! That's why you like him (For more information on how to compliment a guy, read my article " «).

Here are the ways that a guy will like it, I singled out. What are you trying to do to please a guy? Share in the comments your method of how to please a boy.

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Joseph Fanelli

Psychotherapist, teacher specializing in sexuality and relationships.

1. Speak without speaking

Even before you strike up a conversation with a guy, your body will tell him a lot. And the first thing he will notice is how physically attractive you are.

It's not just about beauty. If you are fit and well built, then you are able to give birth to healthy offspring.

Another important aspect is whether you show interest. Of course, you don’t need to hang yourself around your neck, but it’s very desirable to subtly hint that a man has a chance.

This can be shown using two tricks. First, blink more often, because we naturally begin to do this when we are excited. Secondly, lean a little towards the interlocutor: this is also a non-verbal signal of interest.

We like people with whom we have a lot in common. Therefore, your task is to find common ground with the guy you like. For example, you can agree on a love of music or, if there are few common interests, try to get into what he likes.

At the beginning of dating, the easiest way to show similarity is to use the chameleon effect.

Try to take the same posture as a man, imitate his movements and gestures, use the words and phrases that he includes in his speech.

Being an exact and synchronous copy is not worth it: it's too obvious. Try to anticipate the movements of the interlocutor or, in general, repeat them after a few seconds.

3. Stay visible

The more we see a person, the more we like him. This is confirmed by science. In one study Proximity and Peership: Bases of Balance in Interpersonal Attraction residents of a student dormitory were asked to rate their attitude towards their neighbors. It turned out that boys and girls liked those who lived nearby more: in neighboring rooms or on the nearest floors.

In everyday life, this means that if you and the guy attend the same place (university, courses, gym), then you are more likely to like him.

6. Make him a fan of hugs

When hugging, the body releases oxytocin, which enhances the feeling of closeness. So hug the guy you are interested in at a meeting and parting, during joyful moments and just like that.

7. Find what makes you happy

In the end, it all comes down to the fact that interesting people are interesting to be together. So do not waste time to lure someone into your networks, but look for. Happiness and passion are attractive in themselves. Become the one who radiates them.

In a relationship, a woman should take the passive side. No action is required from a woman, only reciprocity is enough from her. But it's all very easy when the man himself drew attention to you and takes the first steps himself.

At the same time, a woman often likes a man whom she does not know at all. In this case, it is necessary to take the steps yourself, but so that the man does not even guess who first planned the acquaintance.

How to please a man at first sight

To please a man at first sight is not a talent, but a certain behavior that requires skills, knowledge and naturalness. To please a man without uttering a word is the most competent solution to such a delicate issue.

You must look beautiful. A delightful image is the easiest way to draw attention to yourself. In women, men are attracted by sophistication, lightness, restraint and style. Moreover, style is understood not only as harmonious clothes, but also as characteristic features: light make-up that emphasizes your facial features, mannerisms, looks, and movements. Men are interested in those women who are able to bewitch and arouse deep interest.

Create a suitable image in advance, and then the man himself will pay attention to you. Then it's all about doing the right thing after the first impression.

How to meet a man you like

A man should be the first to get acquainted - this is a stereotype that for many broke down in the last century, along with the beginning of a wave of feminism. Of course, the situation when a man comes up and gets to know you is the best. You don't have to take steps on your own, just reciprocate and not look like you were just waiting for him to talk to you.

If you want to get to know a man, you can choose any way to do this: be at a party next to him, accidentally involve him in a general conversation, write a message on a social network. A man will not consider this an obsession if you maintain an appearance of restraint in all your actions.

If you are near a man, it is best to start a conversation with a direct look at him and simple phrases. Next, follow the reaction of the man: if he likes you, he will definitely support the conversation. There are modest men who are really lost in such a situation, but even by his looks and movements you can understand whether he is located in relation to you or not. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Always leave yourself a chance to say goodbye to a man as easily as you spoke to him.

How to behave to please a man

Men will like the natural behavior and lightness of the girl. Do not be afraid to show your artistic abilities, but in moderation.

Carry on a conversation with a man as with an old acquaintance, do not be afraid to ask leading questions to a man. They like it when they are interested, when they want to know about them.

All male nature is built on the desire for power and influence. Submit to the man. This can be done even in dialogue: develop those topics that the man touches. If he changes topics, then do not be afraid to act the same, to play along with the man, so to speak, while not deviating from your usual phrases.

Psychologists advise first to establish visual contact with a man. If a man is already looking at you, then look him straight in the eyes, but literally for a split second. After some time, you can repeat this technique and add a slight smile. Men are very perceptive, and such gestures will show him your interest.

How to impress a man on a first date

If a man asked you out on a date, it means that he is already interested in you. Therefore, do not worry and be nervous. Be his friend and girlfriend at the same time. Do not be afraid to joke, express your emotions and speak out about the topics covered. After all, on a date, a man wants to know you, hear you, understand you a little more. If you go on a date looking beautiful and irresistible, but there is nothing to talk about with you, you will arouse vague feelings in yourself: a man may think that you are only interested in your beauty.

Avoid criticizing things around you. You can express your views, but do not show dissatisfaction with the chosen restaurant, service or contingent. On a first date, it doesn't matter as long as you don't underline your displeasure.

What to talk about with the man you like

You can discuss many neutral topics with the man you like, but at the same time you will recognize each other. Trivial questions should be avoided. You don't even have to ask anything to have a conversation. It is enough to select interesting topics, and the man himself will tell you everything.

Observe the golden mean between "talk" and "listen". If a man asked you about your life, work, activities, do not hesitate to tell him, but only the most interesting. Do not list the names of your colleagues, it is better to remember one, but a funny story. At the same time, you should not laugh after your own jokes, especially since you still don’t know a man’s sense of humor so well.

SMS to the man you like

You should not write SMS to the man you like immediately after the first date. It is best to wait until the man calls you himself. If you are sure of his sympathy, but did not receive a call, you can write an SMS, but one that does not oblige the man to respond and, moreover, to meet. If a man reacted to a message that did not require an answer (without an explicit question), it means that he is really interested in continuing the conversation.

How to dress to please a man

In fact, men have different tastes, but everyone likes restraint and elegance. Men are attracted, of course, to dresses, skirts, blouses with cutouts, tight-fitting clothes that emphasize your silhouette.

Make-up should be (and it must be!) Light, not flashy. Be sure to blend foundation, shadows, powder well. Men are very repelled by untidiness, and even more so on the face: there should not be lumps of mascara in the corners of the eyes, and foundation should not be visible on the nasolabial folds.

If you wear jewelry, then it must be of high quality. Otherwise, it is better to completely abandon jewelry.

Manicure should also be chip-free, hands should be moisturized, perfume should not be intrusive.

Make sure that all buttons that need to be buttoned are buttoned. If you are wearing jeans or a low-waisted skirt, then you should always be sure that underwear is not visible on the lower back.

Hair must be clean and well-styled, and all gadgets and accessories must be free of scratches and cracks.

If you do not know the tastes of men, then it is better to avoid bright accents in clothes or leave only 1-2 bright details of your image. For example, instead of a green skirt, it is better to wear a gray or black one, but add an interesting bracelet or belt.

You should be comfortable in the clothes you choose. Feminine jumpsuits made of light fabrics, pencil skirts in combination with blouses or shirts always look very beautiful.

Elegance requires the absence of multiple prints. If you put on a checkered shirt, then the rest of the wardrobe should be basic monochrome colors. A plaid shirt, for example, does not go well with a colored scarf or fishnet tights.

In pursuit of femininity and elegance, beware of vulgarity. On first dates, it is better not to wear patterned tights, turtlenecks with cutouts, short dresses. If a man is interested in a long-term and serious relationship, he will not approve of your behavior.

What gift will a man like

It is important to choose according to the circumstances. If you are not close enough yet, then you should not give a man gifts with a clear hint of a relationship: shirts, underwear, household items. At the same time, you can choose a men's accessory as a gift. For example, business card holder, purse, tie clip, car paraphernalia.

It is important that the item is of high quality, but not expensive. Expensive gifts are generally considered bad manners.

If you know the tastes of a man well, then a book or a collector's edition will be a great gift. You can also choose a quality notebook. A successful man must be able to plan his time, so a notebook is a necessary thing.

If you want to give a man invitations to some interesting event, then you need to assess the situation. The fact is that invitations are always given in duplicate, since a man must go to the event with someone. But a man should not feel your obsessive behavior. Perhaps the man did not plan to attend an event with you at this stage of the relationship, so it is best to give invitations with a closer relationship with a man.

Phrases for a man to like him

Men like to feel their importance, but at the same time, many of them are quite insightful. So don't flatter the man.

In order for him to like your words, they must first of all be sincere.

For example, you can say that the sweater in which he came to the meeting suits the man. You didn't tell the man that he was handsome, but you emphasized that he looked good.

It is best to notice the details, but not to make direct compliments. A man will not only enjoy your words, but also notice your insight.

You can also use phrases in a conversation that emphasize your positive emotions next to this person. “I feel good with you” are simple and sincere words that will please a man. After all, he understands that your sense of harmony depends on his presence.

Feel free to tell the man how you feel, but don't use big words. “I like the way you care” - with these words you not only convey to the man his importance, but also emphasize your own. After all, you notice his signs of attention in relation to yourself, and the man will know about it.

How to please a man - the main female trick

Women's tricks are the main tool of girls to conquer a man.

Women's tricks include smell, charm, naturalness, look, mind, voice, clothing and femininity.

Work on yourself, on each of the listed points, emphasize your best sides and correct your shortcomings.

How to please a man video

The video below shows the behavior of women that men like. The views of men on the opposite sex and their tastes are described.