Smile Riddle. Extra-curricular activity for children of primary school age “A gloomy day is brighter from a smile. Riddle about flowers

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Target: to reveal to students the idea of ​​​​what a smile is, what are its secrets (the meaning of a smile for a person).


  • To develop the communication skills of schoolchildren, the ability to communicate in pairs, in a team.
  • To educate moral values, respect for children to each other.
  • To teach children the rules of dialogue, the ability to speak briefly, listen to the opinions of others, and prove their point of view.

Hello dear guys! My name is Koksharova Elena Sergeevna, I am a primary school teacher at school number 3. Today we will hold an unusual event “The strongest is the one who smiles” . I have the sun in my hands.

– What is the Sun? (This is a star.)

– Everyone can become a “star”. What does it mean to be a star? (Become famous, achieve some results, do something good, study well.)

- Raise your hand, who wants to become a "star"?

– Today we will talk about how and with what help to achieve success in life, learn how to influence people, as well as improve your mood and make new friends.

Smile riddle.

But first, listen to the riddle:

Joy has a friend in the form of a semicircle.
She lives on her face.
It will suddenly go somewhere
then suddenly return.
Sadness-longing is afraid of her!
What is this? (Smile.)

- What is a smile? (Children's answers.)

Work with Ozhegov's dictionary. (Give out a dictionary in advance.)

Here is the dictionary definition:

A smile is a facial expression of the face, lips, eyes, which shows a disposition to laughter, expressing greetings, pleasure or mockery. (Universal sign.)

A smile is a language that shows our emotions and desires without words.
A smile is a remedy for many diseases and a reliable way to solve many problems.
A smile is an opportunity to prolong life, as one sincere smile prolongs life by 15 minutes. Here, count!
Smiling is the first positive emotion with which a baby is able to show his joy.
A smile is a happiness that money cannot buy, and which you can give to everyone without exception, whenever you want and where you want.

world day smiles- international unofficial holiday smiles. The holiday is celebrated every year on the first Friday of October - this year on October 4 on Teacher's Day.

What can be a smile? (Kind, cheerful, charming, radiant, open, mocking, evil.) All smiles can be divided into 2 groups.

– Conclusion: we found out that a smile can tell about a person’s thoughts and feelings, a person’s attitude towards others. A smile can warm, cheer up or, on the contrary, offend.

Every person wants to live happily ever after. You agree with me?

- And for this, a person needs strong ... health. Try to say what health depends on? (Children call.)

- Right. The components of health are: cleanliness, adherence to the regimen, hardening, giving up bad habits, movement, proper nutrition, clothing for the weather. But mood also affects health.

- So that you always have a good mood, take with you ... what? smile.

Exercise "Smile training".

Now let's learn to smile.

- Take a mirror, sit comfortably, pull your chin, hold your head high. Fill your lungs with air and smile as you exhale. Well done! Let's do it again!

- Now look at each other, smile, say a few nice words.

What did you feel when you smiled at someone else?

- And what did you feel when they smiled at you?

- You were undoubtedly pleased, because a smile is an antidote for all diseases, invented by nature!

You admit - a smile is happiness,
For anyone - just a treasure.
In grief, joy, bad weather
Everyone is happy to see her.
If there is no wealth, gold
You shouldn't be discouraged
Life with a rich smile
Feel free to decorate!

Get up quickly, smile
Pull up higher, pull up.
Come on, straighten your shoulders
Raise, lower
Turned left, turned right
They touched their hands with their knees.
Sit down, get up, sit down, get up
And they ran on the spot.

So what are the secrets of a smile, let's try to unravel them.

(Fill in the table on the board “SECRETS OF SMILE”.)

What is its significance in human life? (Children's statements.)

  1. Smiling can improve your mood and the mood of those around you. When a person smiles, special substances enter the blood - hormones that are responsible for a good mood.
  2. People are getting more beautiful.
  3. Increase your immunity - the body is more relaxed when you smile.
  4. A sign of happiness and prosperity.
  5. Career growth.
  6. Helps to make friends.
  7. It is said that 5 minutes of laughter prolongs a person's life by 1 year. And negative emotions (resentment, anger, discontent).

Let me give you one piece of advice:


Give smiles to your loved ones.

Scene "Three girlfriends".

(Three girls come out, roles are distributed between them.)

- Once upon a time there were three girlfriends - Crybaby, Angry and Rezvushka. One day, while walking, they got caught in the rain. And that's what happened ... Show how different girlfriends behave.

- Who do you like? Why?

- Who didn't like it? Why?

– What would you advise them? (smile more and don't lose heart)

Which girl has more friends?

- What kind of person is easier and more pleasant to communicate with?


At the beginning of the lesson, the guys raised their hands that they wanted to become a “star”. What a secret we revealed today to become her! Continue my sentence... - To succeed in life, learn how to influence people, improve your mood and make new friends, you need to... - Smile more often, be a friendly, cheerful and sympathetic person.

What could be more important than a smile?
After all, we are all deep down
Forgive people for their mistakes
When there is no lie in a smile.
A smile is very versatile
She is a healer, friend, executioner...
Countries conquer with a smile
And she is interrupted by crying.

A smile can be ugly
Insidious, daring, strong-willed,
Thoughtful, sad, stellar…
Any smile can be.

With a smile you can kneel
Place a formidable fighter
And she can, unfortunately,
Break loving hearts.

With a smile we give paradise, bliss,
We comfort children with a smile.
A smile brings perfection
And there is no stronger weapon in the world.

Only sculptors, painters, poets,
Dictating forms of beauty
Realize that from a smile in this world
Flowers bloom in winter!

Creative work. Guys, now let's sincerely smile at each other. From this day on, we are friends and as a token of our friendship, let's make a “Hand of Friendship”. If you suddenly feel lonely, look at this picture and see that you are not alone and you have friends.

Exercise. You each have patterns of suns on your desk. But we still have them faceless. The task is to cut out the sun, sign your name, draw his face and smile, if the lesson went well for you, then a cheerful smile, if you were not happy with something, then a sad one. And then we will hang all your suns on the hand of friendship. Remember safety precautions when working with scissors. And to make your work more fun, I have prepared for you the film “There are different smiles”. It turns out that not only people, but also animals can smile. You can sing along!

Thanks everyone for the lesson! It was a pleasure to work with you!

The best way to teach children is through play. So the child will perceive new knowledge with pleasure, and he will not have to make efforts to memorize. And in order to develop logic in children, they need to make riddles. Sometimes parents find it difficult to come up with a suitable tricky question for a child. In this article, we will give some popular riddles about mom with answers.

Riddle about natural conditions

I'm not afraid of thunderstorms,

If next to me...

This riddle about mother with the answer is quite symbolic. It is from such quatrains that you need to teach the child to be able to select an answer. Even a child of 3-4 years old can come up with a rhyme, and moreover, as obvious as a mother. With the help of riddles of this type, you can develop in a child not only logic, but also rhythm, as well as instill a love of poetry. After all, if your child manages to come up with a rhyme on his own, then he will fall in love with poetry in the future and he will not have problems when memorizing works.

Riddle about tickets

New program in the circus

And buy tickets for us ...

This riddle about mother with the answer denoting the closest person is more relevant today than ever. After all, for many children, the mother is a sorceress. She can buy everything she needs: clothes, snacks or toys. The child does not yet know how money is earned. But he already understands that mom is always ready to spend them on entertainment, and not for herself. Therefore, even the smallest child can finish the above poem.

Mystery about love

Reading books in the evening

Everyone always understands

Even if I'm stubborn

I know that he loves me...

This riddle with an answer about mom is liked by both adults and children. Here the woman appears in the eyes of the child as some kind of mythical creature. She knows how to read, and she understands her child from a glance. With such a person, jokes are dangerous. Of course, any daughter can continue the poem with the word "mother". But it is worthwhile to understand that this riddle is not for small children, but for girls of 5-6 years old. It is at this age that the child will be able not only to continue the poem, but also to fully understand its meaning.

Riddle about flowers

We go with dad for flowers,

We give them to our beloved ...

This riddle about a mother for children with an answer is usually given to boys. After all, it is they who give women beautiful bouquets for their birthday, March 8 and other holidays. With the help of such riddles, you can not only train your son’s sense of rhythm and develop logic, but also root in his mind the idea that mom, and all women, are pleased when they are given flowers.

help riddle

Will please the naughty stake in the pit,

Will call for help...

This riddle well describes the actions of not only small children, but also adults. Moreover, this quatrain can be considered an allegory. After all, on the path of life a person meets more than one hole, and when he finds himself in it, it somehow involuntarily turns out that he is calling for his mother. Moreover, sometimes people are so unaware that they pronounce this word even when it is quite obvious that the dearest person will not hear it at all. It is likely that an instinct is triggered, according to which, in all difficult situations, any person goes to consult with his mother.

Riddle about cooking

We will bake the cake ourselves

And write on it...

This is a funny story about mom. The child will not have to think for a long time over the answer. The word "mom" is quite obvious, and fits well. Why is the riddle funny? Yes, because any mother knows what a young cook can cook, and sometimes it’s even difficult for a woman to imagine a cake that a four-year-old son or daughter will bake for her. But with the help of such riddles, a sense of tact develops, and the child understands that cooking for mom is good and right. Therefore, it is necessary to learn such rhymes for prevention, so that in the future children will become good helpers.

The smile riddle

If we see her

On my mother's face

So we know that she

In a glorious mood.

This is a rather difficult riddle about mom. The child will have to think about the answer, because it is not as obvious as in other options. The word "smile" fits the meaning, but does not rhyme with the last phrase. Periodically, you need to change the form of riddles so that the child understands that sometimes you need to look not for a rhyme, but for the answer that is encrypted in the question. Such riddles help develop attentiveness and the ability of children to listen to their interlocutor. This ability will definitely come in handy for the child in the future, and he will thank you more than once for developing this wonderful skill.

Riddle about the house

Who is the smartest in the world

Everyone is more active and kinder.

With her wings on her back

And we are always waiting for home?

This riddle is about mothers and grandmothers. Children will have to think about the answer. After all, here you can name any close person. Even the personality of the pope can serve as an answer. Therefore, such a riddle can become a kind of test for a child, whom in the family he loves the most. But do not scold your child if he did not choose you. You just need to take note of this and try to fix the situation.

Riddle about the holiday

DIY gift

For the holidays we will...

It is impossible to give an ambiguous answer to this riddle. Only one word will fit here, and it is, of course, mother. After all, to whom the child most often makes crafts? Naturally, both grandmothers and aunts get some of the children's creativity, but the bulk of postcards, toys and all sorts of other knick-knacks are kept in mom's closet. Often, such crafts are not thrown away at all, but are carefully preserved for demonstration to grandchildren.

By the way, the riddle has a small catch. After all, it contains the idea that for the holidays you always need to give gifts. And with the help of such quatrains, it will be easy for a child to remember it.

Elena Polyakova
Extracurricular activity for children of primary school age "A gloomy day is brighter from a smile"

State government institution

social services of the Krasnodar Territory "Krasnodar social and rehabilitation center for


Lesson on the topic:

"From smiles gloomy day brighter»

Krasnodar city


the formation of universal human values ​​in children through kindness, smiles and laughter.


educational: to cultivate goodwill, the ability to give warmth and kindness.

educational: to teach the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary.

developing: to form and consolidate friendly relations in the children's team, respect for each other.

Equipment and material: presentation "From smiles gloomy day brighter» , means (DVD player, discs with songs and cartoons, smiles, cut out of cardboard, poems, riddles, tongue twisters.

Course progress.

Introductory part.


Hello guys! Our current lesson dedicated to smile and laughter.

Hurry up, welcome guests.

Drop all your worries at the entrance!

Let happy faces flash everywhere

Let everyone have fun today.

Come in, hurry up

Our lovely friends!

Relax, have fun

You can't get bored here.

Forgive all mistakes today

But not absence smiles.

face without smiles are wrong!

Long live laughter and smile!

And now guys, attention, we will pass each other smile!

1. Game "Pass smile» .

(To the music, at the choice of the teacher, children, smiling, alternately turn to the neighbor on the right, and, clapping their hands on the neighbor's palms, as if convey smile.)

Main part.


Someone is in a bad mood today, someone got up on the wrong foot. But still, let's try to leave all the bad things at the door.

2. Comic riddles.

I will guess a riddle, and you will give the answer to each other.

Joy has a friend

in the form of a semicircle

On the face she lives:

It will suddenly go somewhere

It will suddenly return.

Sadness-longing is afraid of her. (Smile)

Now guess the funny riddles with a trick!

We remember easily:

First letter number... (Not O, but A.)

round head,

Same shape letter... (Not A, but O.)

The bunny went out for a walk

The paws of the hare are exactly ... (Not five, but four.)

Look at the bird

The bird's legs are straight ... (Not three, but two.)

Let's pick flowers in an armful

And now we will weave. (Not a hat, but a wreath.)

Hockey players heard crying

The goalkeeper missed them ... (Not a ball, but a puck.)

Both capricious and stubborn

Doesn't want to go to kindergarten (Not mother, but daughter.)

Doll dresses, panties

Always love to sew (Not boys, but girls.)

3. A poem about friendship and smile.

Thin threads circled the earth,

Threads of parallels and green rivers,

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand

Everyone needs to believe in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a look,

Even the snow melts from a good joke.

It's so wonderful to be with you

Be kind and cheerful gloomy man.

One must wish good to each other, one must be able to give warmth, speak affectionate words, then all troubles will recede, it will become easier on the heart, all problems will become small.

4. Game "Repeat".

(Children repeat what the teacher said; at first slowly, then faster and faster.)

He joked, joked, and joked.

To joke, to make people laugh.

Jokes go in fur coats.

Crested laughers laughed with laughter.

The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come.

They joked, played and warmed us

The smiles and the sparkle in your eyes.

Remember this funny laughter day,

And we won't forget about you!

5. A poem about smile

1) When we smile we are less likely to make mistakes

And more often we are rewarded with gifts of fate.

2) Smile is free, simple and understandable

Funny and understandable, accessible to everyone.

3) Enjoy life! Laugh with happiness!

Don't hide your smile in spite of all misfortunes!

4) Let's just smile like that,

smiles give to random people.

What would not be for a penny, and not for a quarter,

And just like that we will smile!

6. Quest "Land without smiles» .


Guys, tell me what the Earth will turn into without smiles? (answers children)

The sun would disappear

Everyone would be bored

Nothing I would like to do

There would be no mood

Probably everyone would study badly

I would get sick often.

Final part.


Guys, tell me why a person needs smile? (Students express their opinion about the meaning smiles in life about the need for a friendly attitude of people towards each other).

From smiles gloomy day brighter

Let's smile at each other more

- smile helps to overcome difficulties

- smile improves mood

- smile doesn't hurt anyone

- smile more often: it's good for health

Start your a day with a smile

7. Elections of the most benevolent and smiling pupil. He is rewarded with a Kinder surprise.

8. Watching the cartoon "Little Raccoon".