Wishes for a good day to your beloved man in your own words. Wishing a good day to a beloved man

A stormy whirlpool of affairs, unnecessary worries simply overwhelms and absorbs. And the blue sky is not visible, and the birds are not heard that they sing. And moves away ... Stop! Rewind the film! We forget about the most important thing - about the people who are close to us, about relatives, about the man who is dear to us.

Why don't you remind your loved one, just like that, without any reason, that you love him, appreciate and cherish him? One of the options is to write wishes for your loved one. Have a good day Yes, do it so that he remembers for a long time!

Without leaving home

You can start at home! What, for example, can you come up with wishes for your loved one? Write with lipstick on the glass of the mirror in the bathroom: "Good morning", "Have a nice day" or a banal but pleasant "I love you".

If you don’t want to later remove indelible traces of lipstick from the mirror, attach sticky notes with similar text to the refrigerator. Or do something more original: on the lid of the pan, under which the ready-to-eat eggs rest, stick a note: "I am an egg, eat me! This is the key to a good day!".

After spending 10-15 minutes on an idea, you will earn a man's devotion for life!
Can also be placed on front door a note containing warm wishes to your beloved (“Good luck!”, For the whole day!”), etc. Believe me, your man’s mood will immediately improve, and he will go to work in the most excellent mood. attracts like.

Phone help!

If in the morning you run too far or your brains have not yet “turned on” to compose treatises for husbands, do not despair! Do you still have time great way send warm wishes have a good day beloved - SMS-ka! You can just write pleasantries, or even better - compose a verse! But! Keep it short and concise! Don't be boring!

So, examples:

  • May this day be the same bright smile, how about you!
  • May you succeed today! Have a good day!
  • Have a nice day, honey! May it be as bright today as your smile!
  • Let only pleasant bright people surround you today!
  • Let all the goals set for today be easily achievable! Lucky day! smack! Your Badger.

And some poems:

May this bright day smile upon you.
Do not sour in vain, and everything will work out!
Have a nice day!

The sun came out from behind the clouds
A beam of light appeared.
For you it shines bright
Have a beautiful day for you!

Clouds outside the window today
And a wonderful opportunity arose
Wish you success
More laughter in the darkness!
Have a good day!

What if there's a surprise?

Don't know what else to come up with wishes for your loved one have a good day? You can make sure that your man receives a letter delivered by a courier. Of course, handwritten. What to write about? Yes about anything! How much you love him, how you wait, you can’t wait for a meeting, etc. You can hint that some kind of surprise awaits him at home. Or send 2 tickets to the match of his favorite football team with the phrase: “Darling, it seems you have a good day today!;)”

You can do so. Come up with a little quest. Prepare in advance and discreetly place the notes in the pockets of a working suit, your missus' briefcase, etc.

Then send an SMS message: “There is one piece of paper waiting for you in the left side pocket.”

And on a piece of paper found in his left pocket, he will read:

"You're beautiful, no doubt!
Look at your tablet!"

When opening the tablet, your man will see a splash screen on the desktop. For example, your photo, where you are holding an A4 sheet, on which capital letters written:

"Under lock, in a portfolio fairy tale,
More clues are waiting for you."

In the briefcase, in a pocket with a lock, there is a candy with a note attached to it:

"Here's a candy from me,
Have a nice day!"


And the last, but very important, advice: do not overdo it. Do not bombard your man with letters and messages every day. Just as you should not cook his favorite fried potatoes every day. It will get boring, sooner or later. But sometimes it’s worth presenting beautiful wishes for a good day to your loved one.

Have a nice day to you and your men!

Wishes for a good day to a loved one speak of the care shown by the other half. All life is made up of little things: we say "thank you" when we are grateful; say “please” in response to gratitude. “Good day” we wish your loved one to cheer him up and make the day a little better.

In verse

  • Darling, I wish you a good day!
  • Accept you mischievous greetings from me!
  • May your day pass with inspiration
  • With optimism and mood!
  • All your deeds for you to do
  • In everything so that you are skillful!
  • I kiss you, I hug you tenderly,
  • I wish you to be cheerful and serene!
  • My dear man!
  • Have a wonderful day!
  • To the sky above you
  • It has always been clear!
  • To laugh and joke
  • You all day, my dear,
  • And so that your coffee is strong,
  • Invigorated and had a tart taste!
  • Let the wind bring greetings to you from me,
  • I wish you, dear, have a good day!
  • So that all your affairs turn out,
  • And wishes with dreams to come true today.
  • Let a little coffee, the pressure rises,
  • The sun is shining over your head.
  • At work, so that everything was fine too,
  • And so that your heart does not feel sad at all.
  • My dear and dear, my good,
  • May your day be clear and beautiful!
  • So that you strive for good and did good,
  • And so that you are on a note of optimism today.
  • I wish you a cheerful, bright mood,
  • It is expensive to meet a friend, old, friendly.
  • Good meetings and love, I wish you all day
  • I love you very much, I hug you with my soul!
  • For you my dear
  • Poems have been written
  • To a new day for you
  • Wishes were made!
  • Light and All the best to you,
  • And a great day
  • Great joy to you
  • The sky is clear to you!
  • Tasty coffee for you
  • And great energy
  • To not be sad you,
  • Created with heart!
  • My lovely and beloved!
  • Have a wonderful day!
  • Have a beautiful day
  • Let there be a lot of interesting things!
  • Learned a lot of new things
  • A lot to do
  • Not tired so that the soul
  • No heart, no body!
  • And so that your brains
  • Don't get tired either!
  • Let this day be
  • Clear and nice!

In prose

I wish you a good day my love! And this means that all your dreams will come true, plans are being realized. I wish you to be strong and healthy, positive and energetic, so that you can always achieve what you have planned. And may your life path be successful, creative and constructive today! Good luck to you, my dear, luck and success everywhere and in everything, as well as peace and harmony with yourself!

My good, my beloved man! May it be sunny in your life too! I wish you a good day - good mood, good health, good wages, good trips, good impressions and warm meetings with good people! Let a smile adorn your courageous face, because it really suits you! Inspiration to you and a creative mood in all your affairs, and may your plans come true!

You are the closest and dearest person to me. I love you and want to wish you good day! Let fate spoil you today pleasant surprises let the sun pamper you with its rays and warm you from the cold. And let my love and the love of your relatives and friends warm you. More joy to you, and let it not overshadow your face sadness! Remember that a frank smile always colors a person! Smile at people!

Very important. Fortunately, this tradition is becoming more and more popular in our society every year. In the West, this is generally considered the rule good manners, and there everyone - colleagues and family members - before starting work or study, wish each other lucky day. Let's see why we need to do this and what effect these simple words have on our lives.

Wishes who, when and to whom speaks

You can wish a good day to your parents, children, neighbors, colleagues, loved ones, sisters and brothers. It does not matter to whom the wish is addressed - the main thing is how it is pronounced. Sincerity plays a big role here. It's no secret that very often we throw phrases automatically, without even thinking about their meaning. Therefore, wishes for a good day should sound sincere, and then they will bring real benefits to people.

They say wishes, as a rule, in the morning. And you can talk in person or over the phone. By the way, many people do this when there was no opportunity to do this in the morning. Enough to dial a number dear person and wish him a good day.

How to wish a good working day

You can wish a good day in the broad sense of this concept, but you can also in the narrow one. For example, when they wish you a good school or work day. The wish for a good working day can be heard more often. Colleagues, spouses, friends say this to each other. Also, very often we are encouraged by the hosts of various morning shows, whose words we hear from TV screens or from radios.

Psychologists have proven that positive and kind words spoken to a person in the morning can "program" him (in good sense of this word) for a really successful and easy day. How does it work? Hearing Nice words, a person is charged with optimism and in this state conducts all his affairs. And when a person is in such a mood, he does not think about the bad, he is confident in his abilities, and he will definitely succeed. That's why it's so important to tell your loved ones parting words before a hard day at work. After all, these phrases are an expression of care and love.

How to wish a man a good day

A wish for a good day to a man can be said by his lover, wife, colleague, or friends and like-minded people. It doesn't matter who, the main thing is how it should be done. In principle, there should not be any differences between the wishes of a man and a woman, because they are addressed primarily to a person, and not to a representative of one sex or another. In addition, everyone wants to have a good day - both men and girls.

However, if the wish comes from a beloved woman, then it should contain more emotions, feelings and sincerity. For example, before work, you can say to a man: "Have a nice day, darling! May all your affairs end in success today! May you be lucky today everywhere and in everything! I love you." Like these ones simple sentences can significantly raise in the morning even the most Bad mood men.

Good day wishes for a girl

Her lover can wish a girl a good day. Perhaps she is studying or already working, then she needs the support of a loved one. After all, it is much easier to plunge into the ocean of everyday worries and worries, if before that you were cheered up and given a feeling of care and love.

What words can you convey to a girl a wish for a good day? If a lover says this, then it may sound like this: “Beloved, have a good day! May it pass easily, and all your planned affairs end successfully and successfully! My love will help you with this! I look forward to seeing you again ... " This is how you can express your love, and care, and the desire to protect and protect a loved one from all the hardships of the world.

How to wish a good day to colleagues

Wish your colleagues have a good day- means to show your level of culture and civilization. It always captivates and leaves no one indifferent. The tradition of saying such words has already developed in many teams, where before the start of the working day they can be said by the director or boss to his subordinates and colleagues.

Employees can say the same thing to each other, raising the level of working capacity in this way, which will definitely affect labor productivity. In addition, if new employee wishes everyone else a great working day, then he will definitely arouse the disposition of the team.

This is what seemingly simple and insignificant words mean. They are able to inspire a person, set him up for success and optimism, so let's wish all of our significant people have a nice day before work or study.

beautiful wishes good day and good mood close person from people who are equally close to him, are able to give him a lot positive emotions and unforgettable impressions for the whole coming day. The main thing here is to choose the right words and be sincere in your emotions. And if you have to implement the second point yourself, then we are ready to help you with the first.

We have done everything possible to ensure that every person who has landed on our site has the opportunity to choose the ideal wishes for a good day in their own words. To do this, we have published a huge collection, among which there is sure to be something that is best. way fit For specific person and specific situation.

Everything here is absolutely free, simple and accessible. Take any words you like right now, and give your loved ones joy and pleasure.

Start your day with a smile and everything around you will change! Neighbors will smile back, passers-by will think that you have a holiday - and they will also give a smile, friends will rejoice with you in a good mood! Give smiles to others and your day will be kind and full of happy minutes!

Congratulations on mobile

The sun, waking up, gently looks into your window. Wake up too, my love. Today is such a beautiful morning that you should definitely say hello to him and give him your wonderful smile. May the morning certainly be a wonderful start to a good and successful day. May all your dreams come true, may good news will please you. May hope be with you throughout the day. May my love always protect you, my beloved. All the best to you, luck and inspiration in everything.

My love, I'm looking forward to seeing you! I wish you all the best for the day! You are the main thing in my life! My favorite hero!

Let the great weather, the smiles of friends, the approval of the authorities, good news, nice compliments exciting moments, interesting events, the expectation of a miracle will fill your day and will certainly please you, giving you an excellent and playful mood!

I wish you, let this day begin with a warm morning sun, invigorating aromatic coffee, ringing bird singing, a gentle favorite melody and your happy sincere smile. And let these pleasant moments, emotions and feelings last all day.

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

My sweetest and most beloved girl in the world, I wish you a wonderful morning and good health. Let the sun give you the warmth of its rays, and let the earth give you a gentle sunrise. I give you the most tender kiss, may it make your whole day successful. I wish you good news today, may your dreams come true. Good morning to you, my joy, and have a nice day. Good meetings to you and new achievements. Let my love be a talisman for you for the whole day.

May this day bring good luck, as well as happiness and warmth, I love you and wish you magical luck today!

Start your day with a gentle smile that will return with joy, with affectionate word because it will come back to you successful business, reward with pleasant communication, give a great mood. May this day be kind, cheerful and successful in an endless series of your happy days.

Wake up, my love, the morning has fully come into its own. Your strong coffee is waiting for you in the kitchen, so that you would rather cheer up, my sun, and pour in during the new day. Good morning to you, my dear. May this morning be the happiest and most successful. May all your desires coincide with the possibilities, may everything be fine with you today. Good mood to you, luck and all the best. Let good angel will always be with you next to you, and protects from everything bad.

How beautiful is the world in which there is you, my most beloved person in the world. You are my soulmate, you are just my ideal. I love it so much when you smile when you are in a great mood. May this morning give you confidence. May the sun give you a ray of warmth and happiness, may your dream come true today. May the morning be really good, may it give a good start to the coming day. Cloudless happiness to you, peace and success. May the Lord protect you, my dear.

If the morning is good, cheerful, then the day was a success. I sincerely wish you a good morning. May today's sunny morning bring you the most long-awaited gift of fate. May your dream come true, I wish you good luck for the whole day. Excerpts to you, confidence and cheerful mood. May happiness follow you like a shadow, may your friends support you in everything. Smile more, don't lose your sense of humor. Let the bird of happiness fly to you and give you good luck. May my love keep you.

Such a beautiful morning sunrise today. The beginning of the day promises to be successful. I wish you, my love, good morning. Let the morning be the happiest, let it be a great start to the day. I so want your dream to come true today, so that everything works out for you in the best possible way. May hope, faith, and my love accompany you throughout the day. May luck smile on you. Let good mood does not leave you, let your self-confidence help you in the implementation of your plans.

I love being the first to wake you up and wish you good morning. After all, how you start the day is how you spend it. May good morning be the most beautiful, may good mood accompanies you throughout the day, let my Sweet kiss will invigorate you. I wish you all the best, may your good mood and your sense of humor make even the gloomiest, rainy morning warm and beautiful. Be always in great shape and give good to people. I love you my only one.

How glad I am that I have you, my good and most beloved person in the world. I want to live only with you all my life, to share all the joys and sorrows in half. Today I call you to wish you good morning. Let it be the most successful for you, let it give you the key to good luck, because you need it so much today. Let a beautiful morning be the beginning of a good day. Good mood to you, health, good weather, and all the best. May the good angel always protect you.

Good morning, my beloved, the only one and the most best person on the ground. Let this fresh dawn give you a great mood. May today be your best day. I wish you that all your wishes come true, that all your plans turn into reality. May this morning be the happiest, may the weather suit your mood. May my love be a talisman for you throughout the day. Joy to you, my dear, prosperity and all the best.

The sun shines brightly and smiles at you, my beloved - it's time to wake up. I know that you like to sleep long, but today is such a beautiful morning that it is a sin to lie in bed for a long time. May this morning certainly give you joy, may it be a good ticket to a wonderful day. May this morning give you a huge charge of vivacity for the whole day. May all your wishes come true, may all your plans become a reality. Good luck and all the best, my love. Good mood and prosperity to you.

Nature has no bad weather. This morning is an example of this. Let it rain a little, but it does not interfere with seeing beautiful birth day. WITH Good morning my favorite person on earth. Good and happiest morning. Let the morning give you a good mood, let it be the start for a successful day. I wish your dream come true today, so that everything works out for you highest level. Good luck, success and luck today, I wish you with all my heart, my only one.

First Sun Ray I looked into your window, it's time to get up, my beloved. May this morning bring you much joy and good mood. Let it be good start day. I wish you, my dear, great luck, luck and success. May your dream come true, may everything turn out great for you. I so want to see you happy, and let this morning give you the keys to this wonderful feeling. Let today be the most pleasant moment.

Honey, wake up soon, I want to show you the birth of a new day. It's such a miracle. I wish you well and beautiful morning. Let the singing of birds be a gift for you to a good mood. May the sun give you a ray of happiness and make you the most successful and lucky person. And I'll wake you up with mine gentle kiss and wish you good morning. May all your wishes come true. May this morning be the most beautiful and kindest. I love you and wish you only good luck.

My one and only, I wish you good morning. May this morning give you new idea. Let the bird of happiness fly after you. Let the morning invite you to a beautiful day. I wish you a good mood for the whole day, may all your dreams come true. May everything work out great for you. May this morning bring you joy, faith and hope. I wish you all the very best. Let everything go like clockwork for you today. Good luck and success to you in everything, my love.

The sonorous singing of birds woke up the sun, and it gave us all a wonderful morning. Meet, beloved, morning with a cheerful laugh and kind word on the lips. And it really doesn't matter what the weather is like. After all, morning is the birth of a new day, which means the birth new hope. Good morning to you, my dear. Let it be really kind for you, let it give you a great mood, let it give you a huge boost of vivacity. Happiness to you, dear, luck, prosperity and good luck in all your endeavors.

Beautiful morning in sunshine when all nature wakes up from a night's sleep. And you wake up, my love, it's time to get up. May the morning give you great hope, may it be the beginning have a wonderful day. I wish you good morning, and I hope that it will be the happiest, the luckiest. May all your dreams come true, may luck always accompany you. May the morning give you cheerfulness and self-confidence. I love you my dear and wish you all the best.

My beloved, tender and sweetest person on the whole planet, I wish you good morning. Let it be the happiest, the luckiest, and just the most, the most. May this morning give you a wonderful mood, may it be a continuation of a good day. May all your plans turn into reality, may all problems be solved easily and simply. May fate be kind to you. I wish you good morning and all the best. I love you.

How good it is to wake up next to your loved one, look into his kind and kind eyes, and wish good morning. May this morning bring you, my dear, a lot of joy and good mood. After all, they say how you start the day is how you spend it. And therefore, I wish you happy morning and good health. May all your dreams come true, may the weather be beautiful. Let hot coffee invigorate you and give you strength for the whole day. May everything be fine with you today, my dear.

Every new morning Blank sheet paper. Everything is in your hands - do whatever you want on it. Let today's creativity be the most successful and perfect. I wish you, dear, good morning and good health. Let it wonderful morning will be a wonderful continuation of the day, let everything work out for you once or twice. Let luck and happiness not pass by, and all sorrows will be dispelled in the morning mist. Smile at the morning and it will give you a beautiful day. God bless you in everything, my love.

It's good that I have you - my beloved and only person. You are the best in all the land. I so want to always be with you side by side, cuddle up to your strong shoulder. May your wishes always come true, especially on this sunny morning. May it be the most successful for you, may all your plans become a reality. Good luck, dear, and good mood for the whole day. Be always happy, cheerful and lucky. May the Lord protect you from everything bad.

The sun's rays barely touched the ground, and the morning had already woken up. So I will touch you with a gentle kiss to wake you up, my most beloved person on the whole planet. I wish you good morning, and I want, and I want this morning to be the most successful. May today's weather cheer you up, May everything work out for you as best as possible. Let the morning be the beginning of a beautiful day. Good luck and a lot of joy, self-confidence and good mood. May the good angel always keep you.

This morning is the kindest and most beautiful. The cheerful chirping of birds pleases all nature. It's time to wake up, my love, and greet the morning with your radiant smile. Good morning my favorite person. I so want this morning to bring only a good mood, may all your wishes come true. I wish you great success always and in everything. Be happy, may hope never leave you. Let my love be the most strong amulet for you.

Good morning my dearest and main man on the ground. May this morning bring you a wonderful mood. May all your plans come true. I wish you success in all your plans. Let weekdays be like holidays. Let only good news please you. I wish you endurance, patience and great strength will, be always self-confident, may you be lucky in everything and always, and especially this morning. Let it be a good start to the day. Good luck, my dear, in everything.

My most tender, most a kind person on the ground. You are like a light in a window to me. I feel confident and reliable next to you, and I want to always be next to you. So, today, waking up before you, I just admire my handsome prince. With my gentle kiss, I wish you good morning. Wake up my only one, it's time to get up. May this morning bring you good luck, may it be the kindest and happiest. May everything work out for you. May your dreams come true.

Today is such a beautiful sunny morning, it's time to wake up, my love. I know that you are my sleepyhead, But it's just a sin to sleep on such a wonderful morning. I wish you good morning and have a good day. Let nothing overshadow you, let all sorrows disappear without a trace. May only a good mood accompany you throughout the day, may you be lucky today. Let it gentle morning will give you hope and confidence for the whole day. Good luck, my dear, in everything and all the best.

The sun's rays gently greet the earth. All nature, having removed the dark veil of the night, wakes up with joy. It's time for you, my beloved kitten, to wake up. Even though you are a sleepyhead, it's time to get up. Smile good morning, and it will give you an extraordinary charge for the whole day, give you a good mood and hope. Good morning to you, my only and good health. May this morning be the luckiest and most joyful, may it be a great start for a successful day.

What a wonderful morning today. Everything is flooded sunlight and warmth. Birds sing all around, and it smells of such freshness, such an aroma of flowering that the heart is filled with joy and happiness. Wake up soon, my beloved, and admire the charm of a beautiful morning. May this bright start to the day bring you good luck and good mood, may all your dreams and plans come true. Let the morning give you a huge supply of energy, which is enough for the whole day. Good morning you, my beloved, and good health.