Wishes of a successful, good, good day in verse - a good day - wishes in verse - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations. Poems of a good day, good day, good day - good day - wishes in verse - congratulations - wishes in

picture air kiss

As often happens, the first thing you think about after waking up is to get back to bed as soon as possible and cover yourself with a blanket. Are you starting to feel like Groundhog Day will never end? To hell with all the pessimism and whining! We only live once! Take matters into your own hands and set the tone for the rest of the day early in the morning. Change starts small. Good mood is the key to future victories and success.

good afternoon and good mood pictures

good day good mood pictures

good morning funny pictures

Morning is not good? Let's dispel this myth! The very installation and motivation - decide a lot. Opening your eyes, do not rush to yell at the alarm clock. Let yourself relax in bed. Think about what the coming day has in store for you.

funny good morning pictures with captions

Set yourself up that you are not waiting for an hour traffic jam, tedious work and an embittered boss, but unexpected meetings on the way to the office, beautiful weather and interesting pastime. Is it raining outside? Isn't this a reason to get a trendy umbrella or put on new ankle boots? The sun is baking - where are my stylish sunglasses?!

good afternoon beautiful pictures

When you arrive at your workplace, take a moment to indulge in some delicious coffee and look at the uplifting images below. A funny picture will give you a good and cheerful morning. Have a nice day! Take a look at cool pictures with a share of optimism, irony and sarcasm.

good morning pictures funny friends

Pictures of a good day and good mood

good day pictures

On your day off, you can really relax. Sleep, take a shower, cook a delicious breakfast. In the hustle and bustle of pressing issues that have accumulated over the week, set aside time to maintain a fighting spirit. Scroll through the pictures with the wishes of a good day and make sure that there is never too much good mood.

happy day mood pictures

Do you recognize yourself, colleagues and loved ones in them? Have your friends also experienced similar incidents? The next selection reminded you of the absurdities that are present in the life of each of us? That's right, that's the way it is. All these images are designed to show and prove that the black stripe is only a temporary phenomenon, and around us there is a great variety of useful, pleasant, joyful and life-affirming things.

Let him cover his head
A lot of positive.
And pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck pursues
In the morning,
Good mood,
Will never leave.

I have a magic pencil in my hands,
His stylus is made of positive,
I will decorate your mood with them
In seven colors insanely bright and beautiful:

Red - will be very juicy and strawberry,
And orange, like the sun's eye, brilliant,
Yellow - gentle, like the moon, so that in personal life
Day and night the lights shone with sweet happiness,

The field of joy will spread the color green,
Blue and blue - oceans of passion,
Purple will show how in love
The look of dreams spews your fountains.

Up to heaven you swing on a rainbow,
Tickled clouds to curls,
And fooling around, as in childishness, laugh!
And let smiles bloom around!

I want no illusions
That everything will work itself out.
Let it be ol inclusive in life,
But get it all!

And this day is no exception.
Let him ask with a bang,
Brings lots of adventure
Love, smiles and kindness!

Let the mood be great
After all, this day will only bring joy!
Let luck accompany you
And let your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with good
With a smile, only bright colors,
My love, sun and warmth,
And bright, good miracles!

To make everything, everything work out
Don't put your hands down!
Whatever happens in life
Greet everyone with a smile!

For nature, as you know,
Any climate is a blessing!
And it's time for you, honestly,
Take the best from life!

Do not be sad, do not frown,
Let May rage in your soul!
Wake up and have fun
Raise your mood!

Let your mood be
Good, cheerful. And always
Let it not depend on the weather
Even in the sun, even in the cold.

Let people give you happiness
Smiles, joy, warmth,
They will decorate your life
Bring goodness and beauty.

And with irritation, negativity
Let no one meet.
I wish you all the best
And the mood is one hundred percent.

Dispel your doubts
Faith will give the green light -
Well guess what, luck
greeted with a hello...

It's temporary and soon
Everything will change, believe me!
Dawns of happiness will shine,
Luck will open the door.

Smile, widen your shoulders,
Harder step, go ahead -
Looking forward to seeing you with success
And the cycle of miracles!

wishes for the day
The path will suit you:
Immeasurable happiness,
Have a nice rest
Faith only in the best
And the path is not boring!

Forget about all the worries
And shake without delay
Smile! Everything will be cool!
You just need to believe in a miracle!

And then in response to you
The world will give light of happiness,
And luck without the hassle
Will remove the barriers!

And let all the changes
improve mood,
So that the sparkle in the eyes plays
And there was a fuse!

With all your heart, smile with all your heart,
Let the positive cover you with your head!
Life is so beautiful and wonderful, you must admit,
Let every moment be filled with kindness!

I wish you to shine instead of the sun,
Give rays to all those who are close to you!
Do not try to be sad or discouraged,
Fill the world with your positive charge!

Beautiful wish for good morning and good day

Sun, I wish you a good and wonderful mood, excellent health and incredible optimism of the soul. May the smile never disappear from your face, may your heart beat in time with fun and joy, may your every day be successful and happy.

I wish that the day blossomed with a morning smile and became a source of good mood, and the mood was light, clean and bright, like a multi-colored butterfly! And may such a wonderful state of mind forever become your happy calling card!


My dear, I wish you a great day! Let everything work out, energy and strength are added. Be full of enthusiasm, creative ideas that are right for implementation.

Look around: the world is so beautiful, and therefore you certainly have thousands of reasons to enjoy life! Let your mood soar to the skies, and your smile shines brighter than the sun. Today everything will be exactly as you wish, nothing can prevent you from turning your plans into reality. Just be yourself and everything will work out!

Have a nice day, have a great week! Working days so as not to get bored! So that life invigorates and gives wonderful moments!

I want to wish my beloved man a good mood! Let everything around you please and bring pleasure! Enjoy every moment, smile and absorb a lot of positive impressions! I love you, appreciate, adore and cherish!


My beloved person, I wish you a good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunny bunnies will lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

Turn on the vital energy receiver soon, turn the antenna towards joy and catch the channel of good mood! Let the cheerful melody of happiness not subside until the evening. Make this music louder so that everyone around you is on the same wave of drive and positive!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you the most wonderful and beautiful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate the soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your hearts in love.

I wish you a great mood, let it sparkle with all the facets of feelings and all the colors of the rainbow, where red is your fiery love, orange is joy, yellow is solar energy, green is your bright hopes and plans, blue is purity and reciprocity of feelings, blue is inexhaustible optimism, and purple - inner harmony and peace of mind.

My dear and beloved person, my happiness and my reward, I want to wish you a bright and successful day, good mood, interesting surprises and more joy. May this day be fruitful for you and bring a lot of positive emotions.

My joy, I hasten to wish you a good mood soon. Remember, you can do anything, you are a man of incredible strength and charisma, big dreams and good luck. And may a wonderful mood be added to all your aspirations, hopes, desires and deeds, which will invigorate and inspire you. Kiss.

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily lifts me up in the morning, because I look forward to every new day to spend it with you. Have a good day, my beloved man.


Good morning! Let this wonderful day be bright and rich, because luck will accompany you everywhere and in everything!

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will work out perfectly. I wish that today your dream becomes more real, a few steps closer. Let the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, work will bring joy. I love you and I'm always with you in my thoughts!

I sincerely wish you a pleasant, successful and good day. May it be fruitful and rich. Let it be possible to realize all plans and desires. May this day bring only joy, good luck and good emotions.

My love, I hasten to wish you a good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, fun day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in your own words

Good morning! I wish you a cheerful sunny bunny to jump across the expanses of happiness, love and success from morning to evening.

Have a good day! I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted to, and two days ago, and three ... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your hands. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

My ray of sunshine, my love, I wish you cheerfulness of soul and body, brave strength, great aspirations and an incredibly wonderful mood. I wish you a busy day, bright emotions, great success and a high optimistic wave.

It's time to get up, drink a mug of strong coffee and take on new things. I think that your mood is already fighting and provocative today. Be at your best today, prove yourself, show your strengths.

Good day to you, good news and joyful events. May fate amuse and pamper you on this day, and on all others, be generous with pleasant gifts and unexpected sweet surprises. Let problems be easily solved, things will be successful, the soul smiles, and the heart tirelessly rejoices in life.

My dear person, I wish you a wonderful mood and a feeling of incredible happiness, good spirits and optimism of the soul, incredible inspiration and amazing ideas, great thoughts and fun ideas.

Let the sun today please and inspire you with incredible radiance, the clear air intoxicates and invigorates at the same time, everything turns out to be especially great, and the mood becomes more and more wonderful, providing a smile - beautiful and sincere on your face!

My sun, I want to wish you a good, no - excellent mood, and let it be accompanied by excellent health, incredible inspiration, pleasant surprise, confident zeal for victory and success.

I wish you today, my angel, to finally open your wings folded behind your back and fly out into the sky. Feel again how the wind envelops your face, and the cities under you turn into toys.

Beloved, I wish you a good mood, excellent health, rainbow emotions and a wonderful feeling of boundless happiness! May everything be filled with amazing sensations and great events today! Love you!

Beautiful wishes for a good mood on Viber, WhatsApp, VK or OK

Morning, afternoon, evening and night. Yesterday, today, tomorrow and always love you! Have a good day!

I wish you a bright and sunny day, in which the sun shines with happiness, and the clouds are filled with fluffy tenderness!

I wish today to become just a drop in the sea of ​​unbridled fun and the brightest positive emotions, the shores of which are sweet bliss.

Let the morning awakening be filled with rainbow happiness and sparks of tenderness!

Good morning, set yourself up for positive. Today is your day!

Good morning world! Bright victories, brilliant successes, great happiness!

Let this morning smile at you
The best wishes come true.
Let the mood be wonderful
And every moment of yours is bright and interesting!

I wish you a wonderful mood
Morning filled, interesting,
So that the hopes desired come true,
And the plans certainly came true!

Good morning I wish you!
And generally have a nice day.
Quickly open your eyes
I hug and kiss you.

How I want to be there right now
To wish good morning
To touch you with a gentle look
And timidly kiss on the cheek.

Postcard to cheer up a girl

All pornography from your computer will be seized

Setting for a good day

Have a nice day!
May my wishes inspire you!
For exploits and experiments,
For positive and funny moments.

So that today is a good day
And not dull, sad, gloomy.
I wish you always!
Happy and bright day!

I wish you a beautiful day
May luck trample on you
Do not saw you, so that the authorities,
And you would lose count of money!

Good, bright day!
I want you from me!
To bring him pleasure
Not sadness, regret.

So that everything is 100%
Beautiful, sincere moments.
More good impressions.
No hassles or regrets.

Let the day go well in the morning
Victory will be only yours!
In love, business and entertainment,
Live your day with pleasure!

I wish you a happy, good day,
Kissing hard on the cheek loving!
I'm with you in my heart, I'll always be there
And then everything will work out for you!

To make the day pleasant
Kind, bright, successful.
All the bad times
They were just plain.

Good luck today, I wish you a lot
And let the day go as you dream!
I wish you luck in everything
And let any trouble be nothing!

Let all things work out today
And let the sun shine on you today.
Let all the old losses be found,
And may order reign on your planet.

Don't have to stress too much
Solving all problems and tasks,
Let in the difficult rhythm of the day, as if in a dance,
You, smiling, are spinning with luck!

Have a nice day!
So that everything works out for you today!
May this day be wonderful
Beautiful, sunny and clear.

Man without a smile
This is a kitchen without tiles
This is a sea without a seagull
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
This is a tail without a cat!
Smile always
And a good day!

Our life runs without stopping.
We live, then falling down, then taking off.
A new day has come, and what will it be like?
Health, perhaps, and luck will arrive?

Let everything turn out as it was intended,
And let life care for you, and love you!
Good luck to you and me!
I wish you a good, good day!

I want to be cheerful, bold,
May you be lucky today!

good day sms

Have a good day! Have a good day!
Today I'm texting you!
Do not be discouraged and sad
Smile and just live!

So that the day is full of impressions
Or maybe even adventure.
You decide for yourself,
Have a nice day baby!

I wish you more beautiful moments
Best friends and compliments,
Happy, successful let it be a day
And every minute you have more fun!

Have a nice day!
Let it not be a burden to relatives,
Colleagues look with respect,
Let the boss give you a raise
Will add a salary, loving,
And send you on vacation!

Voice wishes for birthday

Putin congratulates on his birthday and gives Lada Kalina and YotaFon

You are not just a woman, not just a woman! You are a goddess!

Oh God, what a man! Live beautifully!

The sun shines brightly on everyone
amazing shine,
sms for happiness
Your phone flies

Let the day be the best
Laughter and joy will bring
Drive away both sadness and clouds,
Giving the soul a flight! ©

May this day be happy
Give peace, love, warmth,
And let Fortune not get tired
Do it again so that you are lucky

And everything turned out great
In any case, success would be expected,
And happiness was revealed as a rose,
The one that is freshest and brightest of all! ©

May this day bring good luck
And also happiness and warmth,
I love you, which means
You are amazingly lucky!

Let everything be fine at work,
Let the authorities not forget to praise you!
Roads without traffic jams, excellent news,
And as always, victories on the personal front!
Have a good day!

Life gives so many wonderful moments
To be appreciated!
May the day be sunny, clear,
And you will be loved more!

I wish you impressions
Events and news!
Delights and sensations
And only good passions!

I wish you a good day
I miss, love and hug.
So that your day goes perfectly
Be neat and decent.

So that everything works out today
Good luck, friendship is not lost,
So that everything conceived comes true,
And all the bad things were gone.

Have a nice day
And remember me
And miss me a little
On this beautiful day.

I wish you a good day
And also see me soon!

greeting card

I wish you a good day!
Today you will succeed!
And what have you been thinking for a long time
Everything will be done easily.

After all, everything that you comprehended in life,
Mind, perseverance you have achieved.
So that all desires and hopes
Came true quickly, as before.

And the sky turned pink
The city awakens from sleep.
I'm for you this frosty morning
I wish you have a good day!

I wish you positive
Meetings, communication, creativity,
In general, you understand me -
Have a wonderful day!

Good day wishes in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

I want to spend the day smiling! After all, you are so charming and sweet, the birds begin to sing, seeing how you smile at them, flowers bloom in response to you, and I just love you and adore your smile! I ask you very much - always smile!
Have a nice day, love!

May this day fill your life with joy, your eyes with light, your soul with happiness. Realize on this day that life is beautiful.

In the morning the sun woke up
Sweet-sweet stretched
Smiled again
Out to walk in the sky!
Have a good day!
Good smiles!
Kiss you!

Let the day be successful!
Joyful, good
Let no drops on others
It will be different!

Let it be warm
From your smiles
Let there be no problems in it
Incidents, mistakes!

To be filled with money
All your pockets
To come true, come true
All dreams and plans!

Let this day give
Communication for the soul!
May you have excellent
There will be a mood!

I wish you a good day
May you be lucky today
And only become happy
Turn in your life.

Let the planned plans
They will become a reality without problems.
I wish you to joke boldly,
Smile for everyone!

Let the day go well in the morning
Victory will be only yours!
In love, business and entertainment,
Live your day with pleasure!

Have a great day and a great week!
Working days, so as not to get bored!
So that the morning invigorates with a wide smile
And gave you a sense of peace!

And the day lasted long and extremely well,
And everything worked out for you, for sure!
Glowing, with happiness we wish to bloom,
And have a good day!

Good morning, have a nice day
I wish, I just want for you!
More smiles, less sadness
To keep smart thoughts in my head.

And rejoiced in every moment of spring,
So that all dreams come true.
Good morning I wish you
To pass the day, as in the best dream.

Have a good day
Light and warm
Clear, nice...
Well, just good.

Sadness to not be
gloomy mood,
I send gentle hugs,
Affectionately amorous.

And good luck
Let it accompany everything
Bad luck is harmful
Let it be absent altogether.

May this day be beautiful
And all dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere
And the flowers are smiling.

Let the sun shine today
Warm and clear for you
Everything in the world succeeds
The mood will be great.

You'll see, it's a good day
It will, I know for sure
After all, love is in your hands
I send for happiness.

Good morning. Have a good day.
Catch a positive charge from me.
Let everything work out, everything works out
Luck may come easily into your hands.

Do not try to be sad, smile wider,
After all, there is so much beauty in the world.
I love you very much, dear sun,
And I look forward to meeting you.

Wishes for a good day and good mood

We wish you luck in life
And the sun shone in spite of all the clouds,
So that trouble never enters the house,
May luck always be your companion!

May today bring good luck
Fill your life with positivity!
May all your tasks be fulfilled
Easy and simple, but not in combat!

I wish you new achievements
Which will be remembered forever!
May your day be full of adventures
And you are the brightest person in it!

May today be a wonderful day
Let what you wished come true:
Happiness will come closer
You will become a leader, or you will break into the final.

Let hopes all come true suddenly
Let the mood get the highest score
Let today move smoothly into tomorrow
Let the day be bright, like a carnival!

Have a good day! Have a good day!
Today I'm texting you!
Do not be discouraged and sad
Smile and just live!

So that the day is full of impressions
Or maybe even adventure.
You decide for yourself,
Have a nice day baby!

I wanted to wish
The mood of the living
Do not mope and do not be bored
Happiness and all.

Be always positive.
Remember I love you.
Smile beautifully.
Have a wonderful day!

The day happens for everyone:
For larks and owls
For those who don't sleep at all
Ile sleeps without seeing dreams.

The day has come for you.
Hello, I'm sending you.
Good luck today
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Have a nice day!
So that everything works out for you today!
May this day be wonderful
Beautiful, sunny and clear.

You be cheerful, vigorous, courageous,
And to work all skillful.
Do not fulfill no one's whims,
And expect pleasant surprises.

good day to you
I sincerely wish
So as not to get tired of things

And let it soar in the air
reigns on your path
Only luck.

I wish you only luck
Laughter, miracle mood,
Creativity and fun
From the smiles of the necklace.

Let everything come true, come true
Happiness will light up your day
Let the viscosity of boredom pass
Let the blizzards make noise!

I wish you a happy, good day,
Kissing hard on the cheek loving!
I'm with you in my heart, I'll always be there
And then everything will work out for you!

To make the day pleasant
Kind, bright, successful.
All the bad times
They were just plain.

Good day wishes and good mood

Today let dreams come true
There will be no sadness and unnecessary fuss,
So that from the beginning of the day to its end
The smile never left his face.

Let there be only wonderful moments
Compliments are non-stop
And every new turn in life
It will certainly lead to good luck.

Have a nice day,
Smiles, kindness and luck.
Let this day give you
Good luck, love and inspiration.

Have a nice day and bright moments
Today I wish you
Just don't get mad, just believe
People like you don't exist.

Believe in my sincerity and kindness,
And in the most tender feelings
Have a nice day, good luck in business,
And never be sad!

I wish you a great day
I know you are the best.
And don't be sad, remember me
And success awaits you!

I wish you a great day
You only ask - smile.
All the best is ahead of you
And enjoy this day!

I wish you a good day
Let everything be just okay
I take a step to a meeting
I wish you good luck.

Traffic lights are green
Today is always for you.
With love I wish, my angel,
Good luck, good day.

So that troubles do not get
I wish life in joy
So that there is no sadness
No heart left.

Let the morning be gentle
Exciting and passionate
And the day is always successful
Happy and wonderful.

Good luck every day we wish you
Let the events of every day delight you,
We wish you the support of your loved ones,
So that every moment of life is not in vain!

To make your eyes glow with happiness
So that kind words sound in your address,
May tomorrow be better than yesterday
May the morning be good, and cozy evenings!

Have a nice day, dear man,
May luck be with you today
May all your plans, hopes, dreams,
Fulfilled today. Be happy you!

With love, let my greetings fly to you,
And the sunbeam will give its light,
Warmth, inspiration will fill your day,
Will drive away fatigue, problems and laziness.

I wish you, like a bird, flutter,
Hope, believe, love and dream
With a beautiful smile, strive forward,
May great happiness await you.

Luck be with you today
And every moment will be joyful!
Remember, only you control fate,
But still, always hope for a miracle!

Today all dreams will come true
Believe in yourself, because I believe in yours!
The world is full of smiles, love, kindness,
Just open your doors for him!

May this day, like a miracle,
Brings joy again and again.
And let them meet you everywhere
Success, happiness and love.

Happy new day! Catch it flow
And rush, grab your rewards
Bright positive mood
Let it splash, washing away all obstacles,

Joy splashes around innumerable,
And, shalya, luck is crazy,
People of the same breed "muck rare"
Bypass the long road

And friends run to you, timeless
In funny emoticons having a pass,
To help unburden
All problems, sending them urgently... on vacation.

Every hour... Oh no, every second
From love, let the soul tremble,
To look even into a dirty puddle,
See only how the sun shines brightly!

Wishing you a good day and good mood

I want a new day to bring
You, dear, pleasure,
More happiness, bright dreams,
In matters of enthusiasm and luck,

Success, tenderness, warmth,
A string of bright moments,
So that you, my love, can
Towards the joy of opening!

Have a nice day, my dear!
May the clear sun warm you
Energy beats like a pure spring,
Let problems be resolved in an instant.

The authorities will praise, give a ruble,
And the house will always be a full bowl,
A friend will never betray you
Be happy, honey, right now!

I send you my warmest kiss
Let him touch the cheek gently and gently,
And in return, give me all your love,
Let it spread in my heart serenely,

I could tell you a lot
About the fact that you became my best part,
In the meantime, let me wish, dear,
May this day blossom with luck and happiness!

Let luck be with you
Walks strictly on the heels!
Don't sit still, don't stand
Go ahead with your dreams!

Illuminate your loved ones with a smile,
Raise your neighbor's mood
Give joy to colleagues
Love the whole world, without exception!

I wish your day
Was full of happiness and fun
Without sadness, all kinds of worries,
So that life gives pleasure!

May the day be crystal clear
Like dew on grass in the morning.
Let it be bright, radiant,
Native ... beloved, for you.

Let luck pursue everywhere
Happiness and peace follow him.
May all your decisions be true
My beloved, my dear.

Have a good day! Stepping on your heels
May Happiness always follow you
Adversity will disappear, unable to withstand the fight
With your Fortune, with a happy fate.

Let my kisses and greetings
Add spice and sharpness,
Let this day, seemingly unremarkable,
You will remember more than once with a smile!

Let the day be good
Good luck find you!
May all people be kind
With whom this day will bring!

Let the smile be radiant
Shines brighter than the sun today!
You accept the world gratefully
And all good things will come back to you!

I wish you a bright mood
Just charge everyone in the area!
Let both goals and aspirations
There will be no interference!

May the day be cheerful, clear,
May he fulfill your wishes for you.
Let the mood be wonderful
My dear, tender ... my beloved.

May all your wonderful ideas
Success, smiles, joy will bring.
Let there be new ideas
Let warm home, affectionate comfort.

Let the shades of happiness, inspiration
Color every minute for you.
And the notes of sonorous, magical fun
You are accompanied everywhere, my dear.

Hot coffee, tart chocolate,
And outside the window the usual rumble in the morning.
Let's leave the garden of dreams
After all, it's time for you to step into a new day.

May he bring you good luck
Things are solved, there is no place for sadness!
And the vanity of the daily cycle,
Let sadness disperse and give light!

I want the new day to give with interest
You good luck, affection, beauty,
He warmed me with his wonderful warmth,
Fulfilled a hidden dream

So that pleasure sparkles in the eyes again
And happiness spilled over the edges
Let the moments be filled with tenderness
Be joyful, my love!

Have a great day and good news
Pleasant smiles from good friends,
I wish you now with warmth
And may all good be with you.

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose can surprise a person, amaze him and charge him with a good mood for the whole day.

Therefore, it makes sense to bring such wishes if you want to please someone. Believe me, there are no wishes that would be unpleasant. Attention always flatters us, and if we see that someone sincerely wishes us a good day.

We are on our website website collected the best beautiful wishes for a good day in prose, so that you can please your acquaintances, friends and relatives in the morning.

The most beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily lifts me up in the morning, because I look forward to every new day to spend it with you. Have a good day, my beloved man.

A wonderful day, just like you. Thoughts of you fill me with unearthly joy. I send you an air kiss and wish you a successful, interesting and colorful day.

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions into your life that will amuse your soul for a long time after that. Let the day start cheerfully, in the company of nice people, and with a wonderful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a boost of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled with pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

Let the day start with a smile, throw all unnecessary problems, worries out of your head, and just enjoy this wonderful day, let only wonderful people surround you today and the world gives you a charge of vivacity for the whole day. May your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All the work goes like clockwork, and the day will go just fine. Have a nice day and good mood.

Best wishes for a good day in prose

My love, I hasten to wish you a good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, fun day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

My beloved person, I wish you a good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunny bunnies will lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

I want to wish you a good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and happy day. May you manage to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

So this wonderful night ended, and a new interesting and promising day has come. I want him to bring something special and beautiful into your life. To understand how beautiful our life really is. Just look into the sky and see how the clouds are floating, how the birds are singing and how the sun is shining and it will feel so good in your soul! So let every new day bring you happiness and joy. Have a good day.

I wish that you have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you a wonderful day, my joy, kind and sunny, interesting and successful, may it give you a joyful mood and positive, surprise you with pleasant surprises and unforgettable surprises, may this day embody your ideas and find time for friendly conversations and for our meeting with you .

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will work out perfectly. I wish that today your dream becomes more real, a few steps closer. Let the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, work will bring joy. I love you and I'm always with you in my thoughts!

Have a good day! I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted to, and two days ago, and three ... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your hands. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

I wish you the very best morning and a clear day, despite the unpredictability of the weather outside! Let your eyes shine with joy, and a positive mood rolls with its bright waves. May everything be fine and wonderful today!

Sun, open your eyes. The night is gone, giving way to a new day. May it be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile so that it illuminates your path and saves you from difficulties. May your day be filled with bright emotions and joy. If you suddenly become sad, then remember that I am always there, thinking about you, and I will always come to the rescue. I believe this day is special and will give a lot of happy moments.

Read at your leisure.