Congratulations on your vacation. Congratulations on the first working day after the holidays. Funny and warm wishes for colleagues

It's hard for you today
First day to work
After your vacation, you left.
And you're a little lazy...

But favorite work
It will quickly lead to feelings.
Let the mood worker soon
It will come to you on this day!

Here the parties are over
Sound sleep and silence
You get up early
It's time to get to work!

Congratulations, weekdays again
Hold on to the chair
WITH new force before noon
Work hard!

Congratulations on your return to activity, with the end of your vacation. I wish you new strength and fresh ideas to start the work process, I wish not to lose my dexterity and self-confidence, I wish to go to work as if on a holiday, and go home with inner warmth and a sense of happiness.

Coming out of vacation
We congratulate you
The team solemnly
Joyfully meets.

The work has accumulated
no end
You are in it, like in the sea,
Dive with your head.

sunburned hands,
New hairstyle!
Congratulations to all of you
With the exit from vacation.

Don't be sad and don't be sad
The days have gone by.
Get to work
Clear the rubble.

At work, life flies
And in hot works
You will not notice how again
Vacation fades.

Is it a holiday or not
I don't even know,
But after leaving
I congratulate you
We missed you without you
And now we are happy
So boldly this day
We refer to the holidays.
We wish to work
Dip with your head
So that luck from vacation
Came after you.

We congratulate you on your return from vacation,
We sincerely wish to plunge gently into everyday life,
So that there was no stress, and work began,
Well, we will surround you with sincere care!

Will dream of a warm beach with golden sand,
And cocktails and cognac on a hot southern night,
Imperceptibly let it pass somewhere half a year,
And go on vacation again very urgently!

Here you are again at work -
All in business and all in care.
With the release of you, colleague,
With a new creative run!

"How did you rest?" - want to ask.
"And what's it like at work today?"
It's so hard to get out of vacation.
And dive into new worries.

I wish you time and strength
Get used to your workdays again,
So that every day passes like a holiday,
And it was even more beautiful and wonderful!

It was so nice to rest
You don't have to get up in the morning
Make vacation plans
Now it's nice to remember.

But the hour has struck, it's time to work,
Even though it's hard to get to work,
And there are worries
And again on vacation you want something.

But don't be sad and don't be sad
Enjoy the memory
Feel free to work
And do not lose optimism.

Vacation flew by
white-winged gull,
Charged you
Cheerfulness and strength.

On workdays
Dive with your head
fresh ideas
Move boldly.

Gender shoulder any
Let there be tasks
For you from vacation
Luck follows.

positivity generously
You share with your friends
The whole team is happy
That you are with us again.

Let the first day of work
You vividly represent
What do you want from work?
What do you expect.

And let the dreams come true
Let everything go the way
The peaks are subdued.
Happy first day of work!

Congratulations on your first day of work
I wish you attention, blessings and happiness,
Let work give prosperity, success,
Let joy and light come with work.

Life will be famous for prosperity,
I wish you only bright, successful cases,
Wonderful colleagues, kind to you,
Cheerful and clear working days.

Congratulations on your first day of work. I wish you to feel at ease, I wish you to immediately enter the rut of successful business, I wish that everything will certainly work out for you, I wish you to show your best qualities And strengths. May the day be successful, may its result be excellent work and a complete sense of satisfaction of your soul.

Happy first day of work
I congratulate you
He will become for you
Let it be unforgettable.

First day of work
Like a first date
Like the first try
And the first confession.

Let this day open
Doors for good luck
To be easily resolved
Work tasks.

I wish your
Career takeoff has begun
And the first day of work
Remained in memory.

Don't be sad and don't worry
Forget all your worries
Important date today -
First day of your job
We wish you happiness
Do not be afraid of business and difficulties,
Everything will go well, trust us
Don't worry about anything!

Happy first day of your work
Accept congratulations,
new page in life
Open this date.

Let everything you want succeed
Let the salary please
Let experience not teach painfully,
The will will break a hundred barriers.

First day of work today
Accept congratulations,
Doors to new spaces
Open quickly.

Let work be a joy
Let it bring success
Respect in the team
Promotion without interference.

Let the salary be only pleasant
Fills your pocket
Let work bring
Impressive hurricane.

Let work always give pleasure,
So that every moment brings you joy!
I wish you success in everything, inspiration,
And a sea of ​​patience, effort and strength,
As well as a decent, stable salary,
So that the boss praises merit all the time,
So that, starting from today's date,
A ray of luck shone on you in life!

You won't forget this day
It is very important for you
First day of work
Everyone remembers very clearly
There are worries and doubts
Throw them away very soon
The team will love you
And things will go uphill
We wish you well
You work responsibly
reputation and experience
Earn fast!

Today we want to congratulate
Happy first day to you,
You don't need to worry
We will find words of support:

Work will go like clockwork
You will have time and understand
Everything will be fine and cool
Success, you will gain recognition!

The first time you walk boldly
You are at work today.
Congratulations on this date
Let dreams come true.

Let takeoff await you in your career,
May you be lucky in everything
Let the salary not upset
Just go the right way.

Oh it's cherished word- vacation. For a person who is tired of everyday workloads, it causes awe. With his head held high, the employee leaves the hateful office and heads to warmer climes. But everything has its end, which means that there comes a time when you have to return to labor activity. To help a colleague cope with the first working day after a vacation, the team often speaks personally or gives a postcard with pleasant, encouraging wishes. In this article, you can find the right words.

For boss

"For some time, the life of our team has changed: everyone was not working so actively, day after day was gray and dull. This is due to the absence of a wise leader who always knows where to direct the energy of his subordinates. Now you are with us again! We hope that the forces accumulated during the rest, they will be partially transferred to the team, and it will work even more productively.Forward, with new ideas for better results!

Our team is a family, and you are its head. Like all children, we should not be left unattended for long periods of time. The team is glad that now we will work in full force. When a leader is inspired to new achievements, then subordinates adopt this feeling. Together with you we will achieve our goals!

The boss's vacation evokes different emotions. Joy from the opportunity to relax a little, envy (exceptionally white) from the emotions experienced by another person, longing for the one who from the first minutes sets the tone for the entire working day. But the leader is sure to return, which means that the atmosphere in the team comes full circle. We hope that during the rest you replenished your strength and patience in order to return to duty again! Please accept my congratulations on the first working day after the holidays!

Colleagues of the weaker sex

"A woman is always beautiful, but to adorn herself the world- not an easy task. It requires a lot of forces that need to be replenished. Then you left us, which made the whole team very upset. Now we're together again, huh light tan and a sea of ​​photographs will remain the envy of all colleagues for a long time to come. Let the memories of a wonderful vacation brighten up sometimes difficult working days!

Our postcard on the first working day after vacation is a way to show how much we missed your company. The male half of the team, with expectation and bated breath, counted the days when they would see one of the most beautiful members of the team again, and the female half, in turn, suffered from a lack of information. We all breathed a sigh of relief, because now the employees are in place and working life will be the same. May joyful memories not be overshadowed, and the smile does not leave your face! next vacation not far away!".

For male colleagues

"Rest... How tiring it must be to be torn from day to day between going to the beach and a serene sleep in a hotel room. But now you do not have to experience these torments, and a loyal team and a sensitive boss will make sure that work does not cease to bring pleasure, and the vacation seemed just a waste of time! This is all, of course, an irony! We are sure that a change of scenery and a break from the bustle of the city did you good. We are very glad that you returned to our ranks again!

Keep our congratulations on the first working day after the holidays! We know that you are a very energetic and active person, and therefore a long absence of work is a burden for you. But the team suffered no less! We have lost the soul of the company and are very glad that you have started working again!".

funny congratulations

"To brighten up the first working day after the holidays, cool congratulations from your favorite team - what you need! Now your life has meaning again, we have appeared (which, in principle, is the same thing). We wish you to steadfastly meet Monday morning, cope with work and replenish the collection of magnets on the refrigerator!

It took us a long time to get used to your absence. Even the guard noticed that someone had not greeted him for two weeks. We are happy to congratulate you on your first working day after your vacation and wish you new achievements, high wages, delicious coffee and only pleasant troubles!

Getting started is not always easy. To please a colleague, congratulate him on the first working day after the vacation. The support and love of the team will brighten up the difficult ones and allow you to tune in to the right wave.

Let the new work begin
Your confident start to success.
And you're good at everything,
Always strive only upwards!

To have colleagues without rot,
The wise chief did not spare praise.
To appreciate your talents
Just making you stand out from everyone!

* * *

On new job you won't be bored.
The chance to break out into people is not given to many.
I want a big and stable salary
And don't stress too hard!

You have a new front
For productive work.
With the perspective of the horizon
Opens spacious!

Make bold moves
Up the career ladder.
You can do everything and you can
Save face and nerves!

Congratulations on your new job

Accept congratulations
With your new job!
You changed the place of work,
I approached him willingly.

Let the fuse not disappear
For development and growth.
To quickly become
Be in demand!

With a new job!
Let there be hunting
Rush to service
Early, if needed.

* * *

In a new place, let from now on

Success with money will move to you

And a career will be built

For everyone around an example.

I want to be always in the ranks,

Change your life for the better!

Accept my congratulations

With the work of your change!

Helps to deal with problems.

congratulations on new job cool

In a new working format
You will try yourself.
Let the authorities always praise
And rewards you

Prospects are rising
And no one will sit
And colleagues please
Praise sincerely, in the face!

Don't push yourself too hard
Passionate about new work.
It is harmful even for a horse to bend its back ...
Let there be horseshoes of gold!

* * *

Did you manage to change jobs?

And now all in worries.

Let them lead upstairs?

Where babosy and success!

In the new place, let from now on

How blacks work hard others,

And you develop career growth

And get success and demand!

Experience, confidence,

Eat well, sleep tight!

Congratulations on your new job

I wish you a new job
Start a steady climb.
Let someone trail behind
And you strive forward in everything!

Congratulations on your new job in your own words

I wish you to make progress in your new job and achieve high results of work and salary and bonus indicators!

Congratulations on the start of a new job

At a new workplace
Be twice as successful.
Do not plow like a slave in the field,
Relax on the weekend.

Develop the potential
The chance for this has come!
Let the start be bright
No rubbing and no fuss!

Congratulations on a new job to a woman

I wish in a new team
Be a respected colleague.
To appreciate your word
And success quickly multiplied.

To get paid regularly
There would be enough money for everything.
You were the most popular
Among your fellow girls!

Congratulations on your new work in prose

With a new job and prospects! Let them stimulate and encourage you to make progress. High salary and great colleagues!

I wish you to get many new impressions and privileges with your new job. Let them appreciate you and celebrate your diligence not only in words, but also materially.

* * *

Congratulations on your new job! Let it bring you pleasure, income and prospects! Responsive colleagues and productive working days!

I wish you to get maximum profit, minimum problems and great horizons for further career development in your new job!

Congratulations on your new job

With the transition to a new place,
With a change in the working days of workers!
Let it be interesting to you
And not just, but - very much!

For a new job
You left, dear.
Let worries come
But still, congratulations!

Now the salary will
To buy dresses.
Only good people
Let them surround!