What should a girl do at 9 months. With new forces - to new discoveries. Oatmeal with milk and peach

your child

Nutrition and baby care

Sleep and safety

Educational games

Learning the names of body parts

Game 1. "Who is in the mirror?"

Self-awareness is a long process, but it is at 9 months that the baby begins to guess that the girl or boy in the mirror is his reflection. Games with a mirror allow you not only to get an idea of ​​your appearance, but also to learn the names of parts of the face and body.

You will need

Mirror big size(hanging in the bathroom or in the hallway), new hat, hairband or colorful paper hat that is easy to put on and take off.

Game plan

1. Take the child in your arms and stand with him in front of a mirror or sit on a chair with the baby on his knees. Position yourself so that you can see not only the reflection of the child, but also your own. 2. Put on a hat that he has never seen before and let him admire himself in the mirror. 3. Ask the baby to show where the hat is, where is his head, where are the eyes, eyebrows, nose, etc. 4. Put the hat on yourself and ask the baby to show where you have different parts of the face. Pay attention to the child that everything that he shows is visible in the mirror! 5. Repeat the same with the hat and hairband.

Note to parents

1. Pay attention to what the child likes to put on his head the most, and in the future play with this item. 2. Try not to mislead the child with phrases like: “Wave your hand to the girl / boy!”. On the contrary, repeat to the baby more often that it is he who is reflected in the mirror! The game was prepared by Maria Baulina - neuropsychologist, candidate psychological sciences, a specialist in child neuropsychology and the problems of the development of the psychological functions of the child.

Development: watching the baby

The kid now knows a lot and is ready to explore vigorously from morning to evening the world. Nine-month-old boys weigh 8.0-9.9 kg with a height of 69.7-74.2 cm, the corresponding figures for girls are 7.3-9.4 kg and 67.7-72.6 cm*.

Most children of this age actively crawl, leaning on their hands and knees. There are babies who move using the “fifth point”: pushing off with one leg, they seem to bounce on the pope in the right direction. Some children move from place to place on all fours, but with straightened knees. The child controls his body more and more confidently and already knows how to change his position during movement.

A nine-month-old baby successfully learns to express his emotions and desires through facial expressions and meaningful gestures. He may, for example, wave goodbye or ask for pens, as well as demonstrate his displeasure at the proposed food or toy. The memory of the child becomes more long-term. Now he can repeat the actions that he saw a week ago: for example, try on a hat in front of the mirror in the same way that his mother did last Friday.

Children not only remember and distinguish objects, but also learn their purpose. The baby will not study the cup, as before, carefully feeling it and tasting it. He will immediately try to bring it to his mouth to drink.

The child comes up with various games to make sure that the objects are “permanent”: for example, he puts a toy in a bucket and immediately knocks it over to see the toy again and make sure that it is not lost. In this way, the baby realizes that objects do not disappear when they are not visible.

Watching the development different children, some general patterns can be distinguished: first the baby will get up - and only then will he go; first learn to “rake” objects with his hand - and then grab them using a large and forefinger and transfer from one hand to the other. However, in which area the child will develop faster depends on his individual characteristics and abilities. Some children train their legs hard to get up as soon as possible, others are focused on the handles - they always want to take, turn and feel something. Attentive parents will almost always be able to determine what the baby will start doing earlier: walking, talking, or confidently manipulating objects.

*Based on data provided by experts World Organization(WHO) based on the results of the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS).

It included children who were cared for in accordance with WHO health guidelines, such as breastfeeding and the mother not smoking. To date, the results of the MGRS are recognized world standards against which the development of children can and should be compared, regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding, and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Behavior: understand the baby

Children continue to study the reactions of adults to their actions. If the baby threw a spoon on the floor, he does not at all seek to be naughty: he wants to know what mother's action will follow. In this way, the child accumulates information about causal relationships. Most likely, the child will throw the spoon on the floor more than once to check whether the mother's reaction remains the same.

The baby has favorite toys. Take seriously a child's affection for a teddy bear: an attempt to temporarily separate the baby from your pet by sending the toy to the laundry can cause a real tantrum. To avoid such a situation, get a "double", which at least for a while can replace your favorite bear.

The kid understands many words and begins to correlate the sound of the word with its meaning. Your baby will confidently look from one parent to another, “answering” the questions: “Where is your mother?” or "Where's daddy?". Mom's request: "Give me a cup, please!" - will be gladly done, especially if at this moment the child is looking at the cup, and the mother is holding out open hand where to put it. If everything turned out right for the crumbs, he will be happy to participate in this “game” again and again.

At nine months, babies are willing to play back and forth games. The baby can spend a lot of time trying to take off dad's glasses, wait until dad puts them back on his nose, and tries to take them off again. One of the options for such a game is “talking on the phone”: a child and mother pass one “phone” to each other and take turns saying something into it.

For nine month old baby the whole world is one big interesting game where you have to explore and try everything. Any thing can become a participant in fun fun - from old glove to the pan, which the child learned to pull out of the closet on his own. Be sure to praise the child for his achievements, imagination and ingenuity.


Into the daily diet nine month old baby should be included following products: 400-500 g of breast milk (or adapted milk formula if breastfeeding is not possible), 170-200 g of vegetables, 170-200 g of cereal, 60-80 g of fruit, 60-70 g of juice, 60-70 g of meat, 40 g of dairy products.

The baby already has a fairly varied menu, but do not forget the basic rules for introducing complementary foods: you can add new foods only when the baby is healthy; cannot be entered new food or supplement one week before and after vaccinations; you can not enter several products at the same time; You need to start complementary foods with a new product with small portions, increasing them gradually.

For now, it's best for babies to puree their food, but small soft pieces of fruit in breakfast cereal will help the baby learn to chew food. The chewing process is important for proper development speech.

Pay close attention to your child's reaction to complementary foods and remember that perfect food For baby still remains mother's milk.

Many children at this age try to eat on their own. Support the baby: give him the opportunity to manage food himself - first with your hands, and then with a spoon. Plant next to the baby Teddy bear and pretend to feed the toy. The child will definitely want to feed his friend with you and will try to repeat your actions as accurately as possible.


WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Breast-feeding is in the best possible way providing ideal nutrition for healthy growth and development of children infancy; it is also integral part reproductive process with important implications for maternal health.

Baby care

Your child has turned into a little fidget who categorically does not like any business that distracts him from active exploration of the world around him. Changing a diaper, washing, changing and even feeding are now very difficult task.

To begin with, the baby needs to be “caught” and kept in one place. Turn it into fun game. In a “terrible” voice, say: “Now I will catch you!” - and, grabbing the crawling child by the legs, joyfully exclaim: “Gotcha!”. Soon, the baby, satisfied and tired of the game, will calm down, and the mother will be able to slowly do all the necessary things.

To interest the child, give him the opportunity to "independently" make necessary procedures. Show him how to use soft sponge for washing and a fluffy towel for wiping, teach the baby to put on socks and hold a spoon in his hands. Praise the baby for diligence, even if the bath is delayed, and the kitchen will have to carry out an unplanned cleaning.

Education and communication: we are engaged with the baby

At this age, the child not only reacts to intonation, but also understands many words and phrases. Children love to "talk" with adults. Always respond to attempts to "talk" to you so that the baby better masters the rules of dialogue. Read picture books with your baby and imitate the sounds associated with the depicted animals or objects. Place the child on your lap so that he has the opportunity not only to carefully examine each drawing, but also to watch his mother's expression on her face and touch her lips with her fingers when she reads.

Develop logical thinking baby with the help of the game of "shifters". Place the toys in front of the child, turning them upside down. See if the child corrects Not correct position things, or leave the bear on its head and the cup upside down.

Assemble a “touch” kit: put in a box pieces of fabrics that feel different to the touch, a dishwashing sponge, a piece of linoleum, a wooden cube, etc. The kid will take these items out of the box with interest and put them back, learning to distinguish between materials “by touch”.

Pulling items out of a drawer or box is one of your baby's favorite activities. Make it harder for him to put three different items that your child uses every day into a box, then ask him to give you one of the items, such as a spoon or a ball. Be sure to praise the child if he correctly fulfilled your request.

The pyramid also remains one of the favorite toys of the baby. It is still too early for a baby to “correctly” collect it, but the process of stringing rings on a rod is extremely exciting for him. You can complicate the game and shake the pyramid when the child tries to put on the next ring.

Toys with buttons, as well as toys for sorting and building, help develop fine motor skills and attention of the baby. Use them to explain to your baby the concepts of shape, size and color.

Use a ball or toys on wheels to help your baby crawl and move around. When playing with a baby, it is better to use a soft ball that is easy to grab and feel. You can play the ball not only together, but also with the whole family: roll it to each other, toss it, accompanying each action with a counting rhyme or calling the game participants by name.


At this age, children spend a lot of energy on active games and the study of new objects and phenomena. For harmonious development and proper rest they need at least 15 hours of sleep*.

Even the most independent babies still need the gentle hugs of mom and dad to feel safe and fall asleep sooner. Try to slowly spin with the baby in your arms to a quiet, calm melody before putting him to bed. This will help the baby relax.

Many nine-month-olds have a favorite item that they refuse to go to sleep without. It can be a plush toy, a blanket or dad's flannel shirt - the main thing is that the item is soft, has its usual smell, and that you can sleep in an embrace with it. The baby begins to become attached to the "cuddle" at the age of six months. With this special toy or thing, the baby is associated with feelings of comfort and security. Parents will have to make sure that nothing happens to the “hug”: otherwise the child’s mood and sleep will be spoiled for several days. Try to prepare a second identical or very similar replacement item in advance to help your baby cope with a possible loss.


(*) The above norms are averages, the duration and time of sleep depends on the temperament of the baby. The main criterion of "norm" always remains good health baby, smiles and cheerfulness. If you still have any doubts, consult your pediatrician.


With the growth of children's activity, parents have to think about additional measures security.

Look at your house through the eyes of a child: it may seem to you that a toaster or an electric kettle is standing high, and the baby will not be able to reach them, but he can easily pull the wire and knock over a heavy object.

"No!" and "No!" - words that a nine-month-old baby understands well, but does not pay much attention to them. However, they can and should be used if the child reaches for an outlet or electrical appliances. Say a firm "No!", block access to a dangerous object and switch the baby's attention to another activity. Give your child a safe opportunity to satisfy their curiosity: leave the bottom drawers of the cabinets open and leave things that will not harm him. Over time, the child will understand that some objects and actions are prohibited, and will learn to distinguish dangerous objects.

Do not leave your child unattended in a chair or child seat if they are not equipped with seat belts or are not stable enough.

Eat funny aphorism: "In people, mothers carry a child not for 9 months, but for 18: the first half of the term - in themselves, the second - on themselves." Of course, babies remain "tame" and more for a long time, but this playful aphorism contains a share of truth. It is by 9 months that many kids master the skill of crawling and hone it with pleasure, going on an independent journey around the house in search of new experiences.

The diet is also expanding significantly: the crumbs menu after the introduction of fish includes almost everything healthy foods from an adult table. What other achievements pleases a child at a “respectable” 9-month-old age?

Physical development

During the 9th month, children on average become heavier by 500 g and grow by 2 cm. As a result, the weight is 7.5-10.5 kg, and the height is 67-76 cm. Teeth by nine months are usually 4 - 2 upper and lower incisor, however, their smaller number does not mean developmental delay.

A day, 9-month-old kids sleep about 15 hours: 10-11 at night and 2 times for 2-2.5 hours during the day. At night, they wake up less and less, night feedings may go away. How more active baby spends the day and calmer evening, topics . In the evening, bathe your child daily - not only for hygiene, but also to relieve daytime stress. Pillow up to a year is not needed.

At the 9th month, the babies begin to crawl - first on the bellies, then on all fours, quickly mastering active crawling in different directions. little fidget does not like to be distracted from active knowledge of the world, so sometimes you have to literally catch him in order to feed him, change his diaper or put him on a walk.

Nine-month-old babies usually already know how to sit up on their own from a prone position. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor - a slight delay can be both a variant of the norm and a manifestation of neurological disorders.

At this age, the little ones already climb onto pillows and elevations, often kneel and stand on their legs, holding on to a support, stand and even try to jump, grabbing the bars of the crib. Toddlers are getting ready to master the skill of walking - they can already stand with support by one hand, step over with their legs while holding under their arms, and walk with a side step along the support. If your baby has not yet learned these movements - do not be upset and do not push him: the child will get up and go when he matures both physically and psychologically.

Children master the pinched grip of small objects with their index and thumbs, find and serve toys or other objects known to them, take out and shift things between boxes and boxes, begin to repeat the movements they saw: clap their hands, wave their hands goodbye.

The crumbs become very active and mobile, so one of the main tasks of parents is to secure the home and provide the crumbs with the opportunity and space for movement: remove small and sharp objects from reach, close the wires and put plugs on the sockets, lower the bottom of the bed. Don't leave one in highchair, especially without seat belts - a nimble baby can loosen the “throne” and fall out.

household skills

Toddler by 9 months masters many self-service skills. The kid knows how to drink from a cup when his mother holds it, he stretches out his hands for a mug, holds it with both hands from the sides or from below, brings it to his mouth and tries to drink. By this time, the child confidently holds a dryer or a piece of bread, sucks and gnaws it.

Stimulate your baby’s desire for independence: teach him to take off his socks and a hat, help you when dressing, pointing a leg into a shoe or a pen into a sleeve while feeding, let him wield a second spoon, while bathing, show how to use a soft washcloth and let him “wash” himself . Be sure to praise your child's efforts and achievements.

Psycho-emotional development

At 9 months, the child begins to be actively interested in other people, their activities and emotions, trying to imitate the actions of other children or adults. The kid highlights his favorite activities, rejoices in his successful actions, shows emotions and feelings with facial expressions and sounds: pleasure, interest, resentment, reacts differently to affectionate or strict speech addressed to him - smiles or frowns.

The need for communication in children is very different: some like walking in crowded places, others are worried even in a company of 4-5 people. Many babies at this age have a pronounced fear of strangers: they cry, turn away and reach for their mother, feeling confident only near her.

The baby does not just aimlessly shift objects, but plays with them and always tries on the tooth. Take care of safety: toys should be large, without sharp edges and strong odors, have a certificate of quality.

The child recognizes himself in the mirror, shows individual parts of the body, plays hide and seek. He gets a favorite toy or blanket, which become mascots - with them the baby feels comfortable and safe, not wanting to part even for the time of washing. In the future, this thing will make it easier to "move" to a large bed, taking on the child's attachment and relieving him of fears.

Cognitive and speech development

At 9 months, a child begins to perform objective actions with toys, imitating adults: he takes or gives, knocks, waves, puts in a box and takes it out, tries to remove the lids. The kid can take a toy in each hand and perform simultaneous actions with them. Favorite games are hide and seek and throwing toys on the floor. At this age, the child can already show familiar parts of the body, including in the picture; act with objects according to their functions - pushes the ball, pulls the spoon to the mouth.

Useful exercises and games at 9 months:

  • extracting sounds from rattles, pipes, tweeters, maracas, musical toys with buttons;
  • classes with cubes, pyramids and sorters - toys with slots;
  • entertainment with objects that can be set in motion: start with a key, push in front of you, pull the rope;
  • sorting and pouring pebbles, beans, buttons;
  • salt dough molding;
  • drawing with finger paints;
  • "reading" books with bright large pictures and thick cardboard pages.

All these activities are favorable for the development fine motor skills and development of the child's speech.

By nine months, babies respond to their name, point and serve an object by name, understand commonly heard everyday words and the purpose of familiar objects. Children laugh out loud, babble, express emotions with their voice, willingly repeat sounds, syllables, and even individual simple words- “on”, “give”, “ma-ma-ma”, “ba-ba-ba”, “yes-yes-yes”, imitate the sounds of animals and vehicles.


The ideal food for a baby at 9 months is milk or adapted mixture, but the volume and variety of complementary foods is increasing more and more. Feeding - 4-5 times a day. There are obvious preferences in food.

Fish is included in the diet. Give it 1-2 times a week and use low-fat species: pollock, hake, cod, carp, pike perch. Due to the high likelihood of allergies, introduce fish dishes very carefully: in small doses and a gradual increase in volume in the absence of negative reactions.

Children are active, there is a need for chewing, which is also important for the timely development of speech. Offer your baby pieces of apples, carrots, dryers that you can take with your hands. Replace part of the puree with food, just a mashed fork - start with very small portions, increase the pieces as you get used to it.

Feed the baby in a highchair from a spoon, offer to drink from a cup - this will help you wean more easily from bottles or breasts.

The main achievements of the child by nine months:

  1. Crawl.
  2. "Tweezer" two-finger grip.
  3. imitative movements.
  4. Conscious throwing of objects.
  5. Emotional inclusion in communication, repetition of syllables and simple words.
  6. Search for items by name.
  7. Fulfillment of simple requests of adults.

Nutrition features: inclusion of fish in complementary foods, the transition from mashed potatoes to food with small pieces, getting used to drinking from a cup and the beginning of learning to eat independently with a spoon.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months? To see an objective picture of the "achievements" of the baby at this age, it is necessary to conduct observations at three important conditions: healthy baby, tuned in to communication, a calm mother and a prosperous atmosphere in the house.

At the Institute for Social Pediatrics in Munich in 1997, the Munich Functional Developmental Diagnostics (MFDD) was developed, which describes motor skills, the formation of general movements and reactions, the perception of relationships, the development and understanding of speech, social adaptation in children of the first, second and third year life. To date, the MFDR is considered the most objective assessment psychomotor development children under 3 years old. It is actively used by doctors, psychologists and parents. If some skills are not observed at 9 months, do not sound the alarm. After all, the book provides averaged figures. Important to consider individual characteristics development. And if the baby was born small or premature, it develops in a different way.

Baby activities at 9 months

What motor skills of a child at 9 months are fixed? What new movements does the baby master at this age?

All movements of the baby become more precise and dexterous. He already knows how to drink from a cup, he takes a piece of biscuit and puts it in his mouth, tries to dress, however, in a very unusual way.

The second half of life is a traumatic period. At 9 months, the young "Sherlock Holmes" is able to find many new and interesting things in the house. When the child begins to crawl and moves to the floor, it is necessary to scan the space and create safe conditions: remove sharp, heavy objects, cosmetics, household chemicals, medicines. Close cabinets with valuable contents on hooks and be sure to put plugs on sockets. Also, do not leave documents and important papers in sight of the crumbs.

Communication and perception of the world

What does a 9 month old baby do when he sees native person? He happily responds. Of course, at this age there is no longer a “complex of revival” that could be observed in the first months of life. Now the baby's first reaction is a smile and an animated babble.

  • How communication takes place. At 9 months, as before, people are distinguished into “us” and “them”. Strangers cause fear in babies, sometimes fear, crying. Such a reaction suggests that the child is already in such early age personal boundaries and a sense of personal security are formed. During this period of development, mother's emotions and their manifestation are very important. At 9 months, the baby can protest, be indignant, offended. But he also willingly fulfills requests, for example, gives the item that mom asks for. He responds to "no", praise and encouragement. At this age, communication takes place in game form. Children love to play hide and seek, listen to lullabies, children's songs, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes.
  • Copying and imitation. Adults may notice how the baby tries to copy and repeat all the movements that it sees. You can conduct such an experiment. Take a toy and deliberately throw it on the floor. The baby will take the same toy, deliberately open its fingers and drop it. The child can repeat this action repeatedly. Also, the baby actively learns gestures and facial expressions. He can already spread his arms, wave “bye”, nod and turn his head, point a finger at an object, take offense and purse his lip.
  • auditory and visual responses. At this age, the baby's hearing has improved so much that he begins to hear very quiet sounds. The most curious sound is rustling. Baby can long time tear paper and rustle it. At 9 months, the baby is able to distinguish all the colors of the spectrum, he has a well-developed spatial perception of objects, near and far vision.
  • Comprehension of cause-and-effect relationships and understanding of the tasks set. You can do this exercise. Put a small empty box in front of the child and show him (say) that there is nothing in the box. Then throw a small object there (for example, a bright cube) and show the box so that the baby sees the object in it. The kid puts his hand into the box and takes out an object. Also at this age, he already distinguishes between what is inside and what is outside.

Speech development

At 9 months, babies can pronounce most of the sounds of their native language. Vowels: "a", "o", "y", "s", "i", "e". Consonants: "b / p", "v / f", "m / n", "g / x / k", "d / t", "s / s", "y", "r" (laryngeal) . It is interesting that children of any nationality first master the labial, then the front-lingual consonants. What speech skills are developed and consolidated at this age?

  • Passive lexicon the baby is enriched every day.
  • The child already knows many new words and understands their meaning.
  • If you ask him where mom, dad (brother, sister, close person, pet), he will accurately indicate.
  • Responds to his own name.
  • Pronounces closed, open, double, single syllables, as well as their various combinations.
  • Where babble used to be meaningless, now syllables take on meaning.

The baby's babble becomes melodic (modulated babbling). This means that the baby skillfully copies the intonations of his native speech, which he hears from adults, puts stress in syllables, pronounces them with different strengths, and pauses.

What can a 9 month old baby do? It turns out that a baby of this age performs many actions independently: sits down, crawls, tries to get up with support, takes small items with the tips of his fingers, skillfully tears paper, meaningfully pronounces individual syllables, knows his name, the names of loved ones, the names of body parts and understands the meaning of many words.


A nine-month-old baby is already actively and independently moving around the room, communicating with adults and even expressing his attitude to what is happening. The body of the crumbs is preparing for the first steps. At this age, the muscles of the hips and shoulders are strengthened, coordination develops. Babies no longer sleep or lie in their cribs most of the time, as they used to. In this article, we will find out what a child should be able to do at 9 months.

Physiological development, weight and height

As we have already said, the child's muscles, muscles and ligaments are strengthened, the vestibular apparatus, coordination and the ability to navigate in space develop. Among other things, the baby is improving auditory perception. Now he can compare the sounds he hears with knowledge. The baby actively shows emotions, including joy, grief, sadness, resentment, anger, and so on.

In many children, the second incisors begin to erupt, first from above and then below. But do not worry if they have not yet appeared, as the teeth can only begin to grow by the age of one. At the same time, the jaw develops, and the child gradually learns to chew.

During the ninth month, the baby's body weight increases by about 0.5 kg, and height - by one and a half centimeters. In this case, you can replace the decrease in the rate of weight gain, as the baby moves more actively. On average, the growth of a baby is 70-72 centimeters. In this case, the child should weigh approximately 8-9 kg.

What can a child at 9 months

The development of a child at 9 months is different in that he understands most of the phrases addressed to him, he can perform easy actions and requests. The kid looks for and finds hidden objects, points to named things, and so on.

The child understands and fulfills the requests “take”, “give”. He recognizes and responds to familiar sounds or melodies, loves to dance, and may dance or nod to the beat of the music.

Children at this age confidently crawl on all fours, can easily stand on their feet without support, and with the help of support they can stand on their own, even try to take their first steps and step over their legs.

The kid sits down from a prone position and lie down from a sitting position, get off the sofa, armchair or bed and climb back. He can get up and walk inside the crib or playpen, holding on to the sides. And fidgets even try to squat.

Feelings and emotions develop. The kid gets upset when he can’t do something on his own. He understands praise and prohibitions, gets angry and reacts to the words “no” and “no”. The baby actively babbles, says simple syllables and short words while children's speech is emotionally colored.

Well developed motor skills. The baby can take and hold things in both hands, grab objects with pinches with two or three fingers. He already knows how to hold a spoon with one hand, and a mug with two, he tries to drink from a cup on his own. He is able to open and close the cabinet doors, push and pull the drawer in the table.

Children at this age play with toys for their intended purpose. They roll cars, build a pyramid, throw a ball and so on. The kid can play on his own without adults and take himself for twenty minutes. Keep in mind that someone develops faster, someone's abilities and skills appear later. Each child is characterized by individual development.

But every nine-month-old baby must be able to sit and balance in sitting position, roll over and crawl in different sides On knees. He must repeat the syllables after the adult and try to drink from the children's mug. If the baby does not know how to do this, does not show any emotions, you should contact a specialist.

Games, activities and exercises

A nine-month-old baby should be allowed to develop independence. Give the baby a spoon or mug, let him choose the toy he wants to play with. Let him try to take off his clothes, wash himself. Give your baby a place to crawl. At the same time, keep the premises clean and safe.

  • For the development of children's motor skills, use beans or peas, small pebbles, buttons. Pour items into a container or onto a tray, let the baby touch them. It is very useful to pour such products with a spoon or scoop, as well as pour water from a glass into a glass;
  • For sculpting, use salty dough or plasticine. One piece is enough. Blind a ball or sausage. You can also start using Finger paint. Here, too, one jar is enough. During play, do not give more than two or three toys or objects for creativity and development at a time. Otherwise, the child will not be able to concentrate;
  • Play patty, roll a ball, do obstacle crawls, hide toys and ask to be found. By the way, you can turn the objects over and wait until the baby understands what is wrong here;
  • Call the baby by name, and do not use pronouns, as they are not clear to the baby. Do not say “you”, “he” or “I”, but say “Tanya (child’s name), bring a cube”, “Mom is preparing to eat”, “Dad came home from work”, “Tanya will go for a walk with her grandmother” and so on ;
  • Take time to read daily. Look at the pictures, read short stories, stories and fairy tales;
  • Talk to your baby constantly, sing songs and learn nursery rhymes. Respond to the baby's babbling and keep up the conversation, use simple words and expressions, speak clearly and clearly, not quickly.

At psychological development emotional and physical contact with parents is extremely important. Talk affectionately with your baby, kiss and hug, praise and devote enough time. Carry your baby in your arms even if he is already crawling or trying to walk. It renders positive influence on the baby.

Children grow more calm and self-confident, emotionally and mentally stable. They are less shy and less capricious, they get used to a new environment more easily and find friends, they are easier to endure separation from their mother and stress.

For physical development perform massage and squats, light exercises. Practice walking with support, unbend and bend the legs, arms, toes of the baby. Each exercise is performed no longer than 15 minutes, otherwise the baby will lose interest.

Not only the emotions of a 9-month-old baby are brighter and richer every day. The most important thing is to move vertical position. The first attempts to take independent steps cause a desire to push, help to orient, it is quite understandable. But still, before independent walking with legs, he will still have to wait a month or two, moving by crawling. A surprised and joyful baby constantly surprises adults. He cries and laughs, expresses anger, disgust or inquisitive curiosity. Then he carefully watches you, repeats your actions, tries to get objects, mind you - already with both hands. That requires going for a walk or to another room. He has a well-developed memory - he remembers where you store toys, necessary things.

He climbs to his knees and reaches for the medallion hanging around his neck, finding a hidden cell phone in his jacket pocket. And if he doesn't like it. As you wipe his nose, he will be displeased with capriciousness, turn away, angrily push your hands away. The baby's examination area is expanding, it includes a yard, a park where you walk, a playground. If you choose the “wrong” direction from his point of view, be prepared for protest, discontent. The kid can take off an uncomfortable headdress, and you will never persuade him to put it back on. Feeling objects, the baby puts his fingers into the hole, tries on the “tooth”. And he already has enough teeth to bite, gnaw, chew.

Child development at 9 months (what should be able to)

And the kid can:
- babble for a long time and "sing serenades";
- to the question where? show the nose, mouth, mother's and their body parts, toys and their parts;
- stick fingers into all holes;
- tear paper, napkins, knead clay or plasticine;
- turn the pages of the book;
- sit, stand, take steps with support, crawl well, get up;
- squat, holding on to a support or mother's hands.

A smart kid constantly repeats syllables after you, pronounces vowels and consonants, tying them to favorite objects and parents.

Baby care at 9 months

Care procedures remain the same, but emotionally they are completely different. The child knows perfectly well how bathing, washing, washing is carried out and is included in these processes with pleasure. He sits on the potty, and if he succeeds, he rejoices in the approval of adults. It imitates the movements of adults. For example, he wipes his nose, rubs with a washcloth. Habitual water procedures can be diversified by dousing with a strong stream of water, at a distance of 25-30 cm. Then the child should be rubbed with a towel.

This great way hardening so that the baby hurts less colds. Continue to massage and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. little man already fully understands requests to lie on his tummy, roll over on his back, sit down. Involving in all games and manipulations with the child, try to let the baby act independently, let him take the initiative. Help him if he can't do it, but don't take action for him, empathize with him, express positive emotions.

Baby food at 9 months

The diet of a 9-month-old baby resembles that of an adult, although many are still breastfed. From this age, fish is added to meat, eggs, fruit and vegetable dishes and cereals. Make sure that there are no allergic reactions, add new types of food in a week. The baby's lunch already consists of three courses: meat, vegetables, fruit puree. Sometimes he may suddenly refuse all food, and demand milk or breasts.

Sitting at the table, he can diligently scoop food from a plate with a spoon, and although most of the food will scatter around, it is better to let the baby learn on his own. To develop chewing skills, give him chopped, but not pureed food - for example, soup, porridge, boiled or stewed vegetables, bananas and others. soft fruits, tomato, cookie or muffin. Instead of feeding breast milk you can give mugs - tumblers with liquid porridge - semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.

The daily routine of a child at 9 months

During this period of time, the child has five feedings a day with an interval of 4-4.5 hours, sleep twice a day, about 2-2. 5 o'clock. Night sleep The baby spends 10-11 hours almost without waking up. Hardly nine month old baby he will sleep by the clock during the day, although, falling asleep, he perfectly manages to relax and gain strength and energy. Moveable children can upgrade to disposable daytime sleep At the same time, he goes to bed earlier at night and gets up a little later. The duration of feeding also changes - more time is needed for feeding, more can be walked on the street and get acquainted with social life. The time and duration of bathing also depends on the well-being of the baby. Spend it in a playful way - rain while washing, the sea with boats and so on.

Activities with a 9 month old baby

The baby's fingers have grown stronger to such an extent that it is easy to tear the paper. This occupation gives him genuine pleasure. Crushing and tearing old newspapers or magazines, he must understand that this is not the way to do with books. Explain this to him in a categorical tone, give books in a cardboard version so that it is deposited in the mind of the child - in no case should you tear many necessary things. Books made of thick paper or cardboard are also needed so that when turning over, the little prospector does not accidentally tear the sheets.
After all, his fingers are not so obedient.

You can develop motor skills simple actions- sorting through nuts, pebbles, beans, gradually moving to smaller items. Make sure they don't go into your mouth. At 9 months, it is quite possible to teach the baby to take off and put on clothes on his own. Of course, it will be easiest for him to learn how to pull off his hat or panties, but he may well reach out his hand to you to put it in your sleeve, squeeze it into a fist or raise your leg. In the bathroom, teach him to wash his face and wash his hands.

Praise him for being clean, but not for washing his hands - so that the baby does not form an addiction to excessive praise. Do "washing" procedures with him so that he learns everything from your example. From 9 months you can do modeling, appliqué, drawing with crayons or felt-tip pens. Give your baby a clay or dough cake and sculpt different figures with him. Let him pick out beans or pasta, nuts from the soft mass. Collect scattered matches or toothpicks with him, collect small items in a basket. This is great for finger development.

Games and toys for children at 9 months

A child at 9 months is not yet so independent, but is already much different from a 6-7 month old. He enjoys playing with soft toys, dolls, lights or moving toys, musical instruments. Rubber and inflatable balls, toy hammers, pyramids with rings, constructors, tweeters, tumblers, a bell are suitable. Walking dolls in colorful bright clothes, talking, clockwork animals. Pyramids and constructors should be clear and simple, prepared according to safety rules - rings should be with wide holes and, most importantly, should not contain pins, sharp ends and corners. Try to equip play corners in each room - in the child's bedroom, in the kitchen, in the yard (if the house is private).

An interesting game - inverted toys. Lay the dolls and animals upside down in front of the baby, and with him turn them over to the correct position. In front of the mirror, let the baby put on and take off his hat - he will like to watch his reflection. Show him a doll in the mirror or plush toy, compare the image with the original. Children, getting acquainted with objects, like to consider big pictures. Can do homemade book- cut out images of animals, phone, dishes, and so on. Do not forget about exercise- develop coordination by rocking the child, rock him up and down, play with a beach ball and tug of war.

Medical supervision at 9 months

At nine months, a visit to the doctor is needed only to assess the psychomotor development of the baby. It is optional, but desirable. The pediatrician will evaluate motor skills - how he walks, crawls, fingertips, holds objects. In addition to mandatory inspections, Special attention is given to the identification of possible anemia. A blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin is carried out only with the consent of the mother. If any problems are identified, a consultation with a doctor is prescribed - a neurologist, orthopedist, surgeon, urologist.

First haircut

The existing tradition of cutting a baby a year old is often violated. Indeed, children's hair grows in different ways. Many believe that the first haircut should be bald, but experts say that the opinion may be wrong - the quantity and quality of hair is determined genetically. Hair growth is affected hair follicles, and they are so delicate that a bald haircut can even hurt. Just trim the regrown hair - in the process of self-regulation, the hairs will gradually be replaced by others.


It is much more difficult to cope with a mobile inquisitive child, but believe me - this is much better. Than an inactive sluggish child. The courage and resourcefulness of a mobile baby, his curiosity testifies to active development. Dress him in loose clothing that does not restrict his movements, take care of interesting games and toys - spread them all over the room, and let him strive to get them, crawl through, pull himself up to them and crawl - in general, he successfully masters the space. Praise his ability to get things done.

The word "no"

Kids can’t yet take this word quite seriously, so you should audit the apartment, and not only those places that are dangerous for the baby now, but provide for the future - as soon as he starts walking, it will be much more difficult to control him. Lockers, drawers, wires, food, dishes - everything must be carefully organized so that the baby does not harm his health. Try to divert his attention with permitted toys, make him warehouses of toys in accessible places, constantly enclose yourself with something new - curlers, keys, video cassettes, dried fruits. In places where the baby should not go, let your “no” be adamant.