Teddy bear for your girlfriend. Beautiful pictures "Good morning, my love!". Big collection. The most beautiful pictures "Good morning, my love"

Childhood, an unforgettable time, happiness, fun games with friends, love, parental care, and of course teddy bears loved by all children. After all, a teddy bear given for a birthday is more valuable for a little birthday than a book or wardrobe items, often this is the most long-awaited gift. becomes a true friend for the child, sharing with him all the happiness and hardships, which is why your baby will be kind to him and, most likely, will not want to go to bed without his pet.

Times change, children grow up, but for young fashionistas and coquettes, this gift often remains the most desirable. Ask a girl what she would like as a gift from her beloved, she will surely say that the best gift would be something romantic, and something that will remind of her beloved, please the eye for a long time, something like a big teddy bear. He is so soft and big, so eager to hug him, white with a red ribbon or brown with a funny bow around his neck and a kind smile, big or very big, there are countless sizes and colors. Your gift will inevitably be associated with you and give warm memories. It will become the main pride of its owner and an excellent piece of furniture.

More recently, many men ran to the shops in search of the very bear that will cause delight and a grateful smile of their girlfriend. Nowadays, everything is greatly simplified by online stores, where you can choose any Bear you like without leaving your home.
A big bear is the best gift for all occasions, whether it is the birth of a child, the birthday of a person who is dear to you, or a wedding of friends, because it is much more preferable to give a cash gift that will be originally presented with a teddy bear than to give money in an envelope.

Choosing a gift is a complicated matter, you need to know all the preferences, hobbies, and even knowing all this, there is no 100% certainty that your gift will be liked, and you can only hear a polite “thank you”, and your gift can easily end up on the shelf of unnecessary trinkets. Elements of the wardrobe may not be in time or not suitable in color, the taste, as you know, is very different for men and women, and even such a seemingly win-win option as gold jewelry may not be liked, but meanwhile it costs a lot. A big teddy bear will be accepted with great enthusiasm, because a teddy bear is always a good gift, even if it is not the first or second, it can always become the most beloved, and differ from the previous ones in color and size.

Give teddy bears to your loved ones on special dates and holidays and without them, when you want to make it nice. It's so great, years later, to collect your collection of teddy bears donated by a loved one, and warmly recall the joyful moments of the past years.
A large teddy bear, presented with love, will cause great delight, both in a child and in the fairer sex. Indeed, in every woman, there lives that little girl for whom such a cute gift is the best declaration of love, sympathy and tender feelings. Drowning in the arms of a teddy bear, it is so easy to forget all the sorrows and feel comfortable and calm, like in childhood. No wonder a girl hugging a big teddy bear looks feminine. How fragile the female figure looks next to a big, so cute, clumsy, soft bear.

Every woman wants to feel like a little girl at least sometimes, and such a gift as a big teddy bear will touch anyone to the core.

Probably the most correct motto in choosing a gift for a girl, girl, woman would be the motto: "Every girl - a big teddy bear!"

If you are puzzling over what present to give to your girlfriend, wife or just a friend, then a teddy bear is exactly the gift that will not go unnoticed. Everyone knows the weakness of the female half for soft toys, but most of all, girls are not indifferent to plush giants. A big teddy bear will be an unforgettable gift and a bright surprise, as well as a direct proof of your attention to your beloved.

You no longer have to worry about what to give for such holidays as March 8, birthday, or Valentine's Day. Every girl dreams of receiving such a teddy bear as a gift and snuggling her cheek against it. Being soft and velvety, like a magnet, he attracts anyone who touches his delicate fur coat. In addition, the teddy bear www.bigmishka.com the teddy bear can also act as a conciliator if you want to make amends or just make peace.

If you want to surprise your loved one, pack a soft bear in a large box and order a courier delivery to her home, you can also put balloons inside that will fly out when you open the box. A two-meter bear is best suited for this role, no one will definitely forget such congratulations, but smaller representatives guarantee no less joy.

Remember that in most cases the bear comes into contact with exposed skin, so the use of hard synthetics in their tailoring is unacceptable. When choosing a bear, it is better to put it on your cheek and check if it causes tingling. Such toys should have a soft and velvety surface.

It is necessary to buy cubs only in trusted stores, and not in the market, since there you can buy a low-quality fake that will spread in a month. Some artisanal toys are made from low-quality synthetics, which provokes the appearance of an allergic rash. If you value the health of your loved one, do not be tempted by cheap fakes of dubious production. The company must have certificates confirming the quality of the products offered.

A person who values ​​his time will not waste it on going to retail outlets, but simply buy the item he likes in the online store, and after work he will pick up the goods from the supplier or order delivery to work or home. Also, this method is more suitable for those who are busy organizing a romantic dinner at home and cannot escape in search of a gift.

Girls love, then the guy shows attention. Wishing, or writing “good morning, darling” are great ways to make a girl feel wanted and needed. But your words must be backed up with deeds. Therefore, we have created a selection of the most beautiful pictures "good morning, darling!", in which there will be enough pictures for a whole month. But we hope that sometimes you will say these words out loud when you wake up together.

How to download pictures

  • Click on the image to open it in full size;
  • right-click on the picture (or hold it with your finger if you are on the Internet from a mobile device);
  • in the window that appears, click "Save as ...". Or "Copy image URL".

The most beautiful pictures "Good morning, my love"

The lion is the king of beasts, but even he has his own queen.

Thoughts of coffee with sweets can easily lift their lover out of bed. And if you also visualize these thoughts by sending her a picture with her favorite treats, then good morning is guaranteed.

Good morning, dear heart! Silhouette of a couple on the background of the horizon.

Coffee good morning for your beloved

Hearts in dew and the inscription "Good morning, my love"!

Pale pink roses in a cup are backed by a wish of good luck and a thousand kisses. Can any girl resist this?

The cat lady will appreciate the wish with good morning, on which there is a cat. Unless their animal wakes them up before you do.

Picture "Good morning, dear" with an intricate cupcake and coffee. The dishes are made in the form of hearts, and there are enough other "heart" details.

Teddy bears - a girl and a boy, sit and fight for the hands. The boy is holding a pillow in the shape of a heart. Very cute picture.

Pictures with the inscription "good morning" beloved with breakfast in bed

Like it or not, girls need food even more than teddy bears. Therefore, breakfast in bed is also a great idea to arrange a good morning for your beloved.

Breakfast in bed for two of salad, soft cheese, fruit and orange juice. Good morning and have a great day is attached.

Breakfast in bed with heart-shaped scrambled eggs and cinnamon coffee. Of course, cinnamon is poured in the shape of a heart. We have a romantic selection of pictures :)

Appetizing breakfast in bed with scrambled eggs, greens, beans, tomatoes and slices of bread in the shape of a heart. If your loved one is waiting for such a breakfast, she will probably wake up very quickly :)

Minimalistic picture, nothing more. When your loved one is pissed off by any extra detail in the morning, send her this picture.

A small breakfast in bed - literally a few cookies and a small cup of coffee. If your girlfriend looks like the girl in the picture, feel free to send it. Otherwise, there may be questions :)

A complete breakfast for your loved one. But what is there for your beloved - you can feed a division of soldiers depicted in the picture. Surely you will find a subtle, ironic use for this picture;)

Poetry attached to a little breakfast in bed.

Coffee with a heart and the inscription "Good morning, my love." A selection of pictures

The symbol of the morning for many girls is coffee. The symbol of love is the heart. In the pictures below, these two symbols have been combined, a good morning wish for your beloved has been added to them so that you can use them for their intended purpose.

Agree, everyone likes gifts. Especially sudden and pleasant. A teddy bear given to a girl can be a sign of sincere romantic feelings. However, to make the right impression, you should not buy the first toy that comes across.

Beloved girl

Most women are characterized by tenderness, sensitivity and natural fragility. Each of them needs a big and strong protector who will protect from all troubles.

A teddy bear presented by a beloved man means readiness to become a reliable support and protection. will always remind the girl of you.

In addition, large bears can decorate the ladies' room, occupying a separate chair or part of the sofa.

Even if you know each other recently and do not know the preferences of your girlfriend, a teddy bear as a gift will not be a mistake. This charming toy is enthusiastically perceived by many young ladies.

If you do not know what is better to give flowers or a bear, choose a plush present. Unlike short-lived flowers that will wither in one to two weeks, it will remind you of you for years. In your absence, the teddy bear will be able to give the girl warmth and comfort. A romantic postcard will help to complement your surprise. Here are some good options:

The size of the bear can be:

  • small - up to 100 cm;
  • medium - 100-180 cm;
  • large - from 180 cm.

The choice depends on the complexion of your lady. A fragile and short young lady can be presented with an average teddy bear no higher than 160 cm.

If you buy a huge toy (about 180 cm), you need to make sure that there is a place for it. Otherwise, such a wonderful present can create additional trouble for your girlfriend. If the place allows, then the effect of such a gift will be stunning.

Just imagine how many emotions your soul mate will experience, having received a bear almost in full size.

Another criterion that influences the choice is the reason for the award. If there is no holiday and you just want to suddenly surprise your loved one or buy a medium or small teddy bear.

If there is a bigger reason - birthday, New Year, etc., you can buy a big toy. Having picked up congratulations for a gift, you will pleasantly surprise your soulmate.


A soft teddy bear can also be a good present for a mother.

In this case, you need a more practical, rather than romantic option. For example, a white bear, although it looks impressive, can easily get dirty. Therefore, a brown or gray toy is more suitable.

Think about which one will fit better in .

To kid

When choosing gifts for girls, there is a temptation to buy a big teddy bear. However, it is likely to be too big for the baby.

Therefore, it is better to choose a teddy bear with which it will be convenient for the girl to play. He can be a speaker, singing a cheerful song or telling rhymes.

When it comes to giving a gift to a child, the quality should be more important than the value of the gift. That is why before buying a plush toy, you should check the quality certificate and visually inspect the product.

Poor quality will give off a pungent chemical odor that may be harmful to the baby. The same goes for low grade dyes. It is enough to run your hand over the toy and make sure that there are no traces of paint left on the palm.

As for the appearance, it should soothe and amuse, but not scare the child. First, color matters. Too bright, acidic shade can "cut" the eyes.

Therefore, warm tones are preferred - caramel, beige, etc. Secondly, the toy bear should not be too heavy. Otherwise, the girl will not be able to pick it up and such a “friend” will quickly bore her.

When the question "What to buy as a gift?" no longer causes panic attacks, the most correct solution remains, it is also the simplest. A teddy bear for your girlfriend is an option for all time. Young ladies appreciate constancy and care, attention and respect. To feel the love of their boyfriend, they need a symbol, whether it's a funny teddy bear, a rare mineral in an exquisite setting, or a secret word...

Teddy bear with the inscription "I love you"

To please your soulmate, you need to give her something aesthetic and functional. Girls surround themselves with beautiful things in order to become prettier in their presence. Why getting a bear with the words "I love you" will solve relationship problems?

Firstly, this toy is large and inspires confidence. Teddy can be left alone with the young lady, and her attention will be riveted exclusively to him. Of course, only in the absence of a young man. Secondly, a bear is also a bear, although not ferocious and not able to break a couple of dozen trees in a grove in order to get to the coveted beehive with wild honey. Thirdly, in every serious adult lives a baby. This little girl so wants to return to her childhood and play plenty of innocent games with beautiful fabric pets.

What does it mean to buy a bear? For a girl, this is an occasion to smile at such a sweet gesture in her direction. For her beloved boyfriend - a way to melt a girl's heart, which seems to have almost melted, but sometimes pricks with tiny pieces of ice. For the online store "Your Print" is a help to all lovers: you give an offer - you get a demand!