DIY crafts from gloves and mittens. Toy Master class Sewing Doggy made of gloves Waste material. And here is the sequence of what can be made from old gloves

Surely in every house there is a box or drawer for old, no longer needed things. With a little fantasy, you can make a toy out of them. For example, sew a funny craft, a small octopus from a glove with your own hands.

For work you will need:

- Glove;
- Cotton wool or synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
- A pair of buttons for the eyes;
- Threads;
- Needle;
- Scissors;
- Stick or pencil.

First, stuff the glove with cotton wool or padding polyester with a stick. Try to push the cotton all the way to the tip of your finger, otherwise your glove octopus will end up ill-fitting. Also try to distribute the stuffing evenly to avoid lumps and no voids.

Here we have such a fun toy!

A toy sewn by mom's hands will surely please your baby. Do not forget to only sew on buttons more firmly if your child is of kindergarten age. And for very young children, it is better to embroider eyes with colored threads.

1 review

We continue the section "Needlework" and the subsection "" article " What to do with old gloves"- which sometimes accumulate an unusually large amount, but it is a pity to throw it away. After all, they are so good, they have served faithfully for more than one winter ...

What to do with old gloves, therefore, is a relevant question. So let's get started. Once upon a time there were gloves, knitted, gray with stripes. They lived for a long time, and for more than a year they were bored in a box with nothing to do. And they had a girlfriend - a pink glove. Her sister got lost on a walk and since then the glove has been left without work.

And then Inspiration came and the old gloves got a new life - they turned into toy bunnies!

And here is the sequence of what can be done from old gloves:

The first step of converting old gloves. We dissect the gloves as in the photo - already at this stage you can see how two bunnies are obtained from one glove, and paws to them from the other.

Step two, creating an image. Here is our "sketch" of the future bunny.

Third step, stitching and stuffing. We sew up the sides, and make the "stuffing". You can fill the bunnies with padding polyester, you can use dry fragrant herbs, and I made my own internals from finely chopped shreds left over from past needlework.

Step four, the personification of the old gloves. The nose and eyes can be made from beads or buttons, in my hares they are simply embroidered with ordinary threads. On a pink bunny, an embroidered flower is a native decoration of a glove.

Step 5. Nuances of transformation. If the bottom is sewn up above the cuff and the bunny's butt is given volume, then it will sit. If the cuff is tucked up, then the bunny will be standing - then the bottom must be carefully hemmed with a round patchwork or twisted from the remnants of a dense roller and simply tucked in.

Handmade toys have a special warmth. And homemade toys made from gloves, socks or other household items give them a second life, and for a child it looks like a real miracle when one thing turns into another!

Despite the variety of companies producing children's products, the doll industry has recently become noticeably impoverished - for some reason, toys are the same in all stores. Also, their quality leaves much to be desired.

Here thoughts involuntarily appear that the best toy for a child will be the one that you yourself make for him from improvised materials. For example, old gloves.

Do-it-yourself glove toys are a completely new type of needlework that stands along with crafts made from socks, nylon tights and other things. Their beauty lies in the fact that now the old favorite little thing does not need to be thrown away - something useful can be made from it for you and the child.

To make, for example, a funny little hare from a glove, you will need the following materials:

  1. A pair of bright children's gloves;
  2. Threads;
  3. Filler;
  4. Convenient needle;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Doll eyes and other toy decoration items.

For the product, it is better to choose fluffy gloves made of mohair or other fleecy material. Then the toy is soft, and uneven seams will be hidden by the pile.

  • Place the gloves in front of you with your fingers down, little fingers facing out.
  • Cut out the middle and ring fingers on both gloves, along with a piece of the surrounding fabric in the form of a protruding wedge - you will not need these parts.
  • Cut the remaining parts of the glove in half so that you have one piece with the thumb, forefinger and part of the fabric up to the wrist, and the other with the little finger and part of the fabric up to the wrist.
  • Cut off the excess fabric and sew the bases of the little fingers together - this is the head with the ears.
  • Now sew together the details with the thumb and forefinger - these are the parts of the body of the hare with the neck, arms and legs.
  • Stuff the body tightly with filler, also stuff the ears and sew the parts together.

Now your hare is ready! Add doll eyes or button eyes to it, decorate the ears or neck with an elegant ribbon bow, attach antennae from wire - let your imagination run wild to make your glove toy better than any store-bought toy!

Using a creative approach to the above method, gloves can be used to make not only a hare, but also other funny animals.


Since mittens are most often made in gray or striped, it's a shame not to use them to make a toy cat! To do this, cut off the middle finger and little finger of the glove at the base. The hole from the middle finger is sewn up, and the finger itself must be sewn to the place of the little finger.

Now, at the place of attachment of the tail on the back of the cat, you need to make a vertical incision, and sew the little finger there.

The torso of the future cat is tightly stuffed with filler and tightly pulled together around the neck.

The head of the cat needs to be filled only to the middle, after which the sleeve of the glove is sewn up from the edges - this is how the ears are formed.

The finished Murzik can also be decorated with buttons, beads and ribbons.


To make a fox, you need to choose a bright glove - red or orange. In extreme cases, yellow and red are suitable. The body is made according to the principle of a cat.

The cuff of the glove is cut off for the head. The upper part is sewn on the principle of a cat. After that, the head is stuffed to half, and the remaining hole is gathered on a thread to make a sharp nose. The head is attached to the body.

The red glove toy is ready! By the way, these toys can also be used for home puppet theater.


An octopus from a glove is even easier to create than other toys! It is enough to fill it with filler, sew up the sleeve and decorate with button eyes. An ugly sewn place can be disguised with a homemade wig, hat or hairpin - the toy will turn out to be flirty with such decoration. Or, another option for making an octopus from gloves - see the video:


According to child psychologists, kids playing with bright soft toys perfectly develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations and imagination of a small child. It is known that many children from 1 to 3 years old, with whom parents often played various finger role-playing games using knitted or sewn soft toys, began to speak and read earlier than their peers.

Such educational games simulate interesting situations in which toy characters of scenes find themselves and make the baby fantasize. Be sure to communicate with the child during the game, imitate communication on behalf of the toy participants in the scenes, try to change intonation, speak in different voices, give each character a character.

It is not necessary to buy all these characters in the toy store. If you know how to knit, you can knit soft toys with your own hands using a hook or knitting needles. If you don't know how to knit, don't worry! You can make wonderful toys out of old socks or sew them out of used gloves. It is enough to be able to use a needle and thread to sew the details of the product and sew up the holes through which the glove or sock is stuffed with padding polyester (synthetic winterizer).

In this material, we will tell you how to easily and quickly make an original soft toy out of any unnecessary glove. If your child is already 5-6 years old, be sure to involve him in creative work - the baby will help you stuff the glove with filler.

So, having thoroughly rummaged through the linen closet, we find old knitted or sewn gloves. They will serve us as a shell for the future teddy bear. You can sew individual parts from cut gloves in different ways. The photo shows different options for joining parts of a soft toy with a needle and thread:

What tools and materials do we need to work:

2 soft gloves

holofiber as a filler,

decorative elements for decoration and detailing - ribbons, lace,

threads to match the gloves and multi-colored to decorate the muzzle of the bear,


wire and beads (or pebbles).

Stages of work:

we cut the gloves so that the arms and legs of the teddy bear are obtained from the index and thumb, from the little fingers - the upper region of the head and ears. The rest of the head, neck and body of the soft toy will be made from the middle part of the glove;

Sewing cut gloves to form the body so that the pattern is aligned. We make the head and ears of the toy by sewing the little fingers of the glove;

We evenly stuff the shell with holofiber, add beads (you can use a kinder surprise in the shell, then you get a rattle. We install a wire in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws so that the bear can change postures and position of the limbs;

We sew the parts together and lightly tighten the thread along the neckline;

It remains to draw a muzzle. Sew on the hairs (you can fluff the brown yarn). We make a collar from lace, sew on a ribbon. Embroider eyes, mouth. Sew all the details for decoration very tightly if the toy is intended for a small child!


With the help of this master class, you will learn how to properly cut out the details, stuff with padding polyester and sew individual parts of the glove to form a one-piece soft toy for a child:


This master class will help even a beginner needlewoman to sew an original toy with her own hands. Everything is very simple - cut off the thumb, middle and ring fingers from the glove, and then stuff the future toy with filler and sew everything according to the instructions that you will find at the link:


If you have a couple of unnecessary gloves lying around, then you can make two wonderful squirrels out of them with your own hands. This video master class describes in detail how to make markings for cutting on gloves, how to turn inside out, how to sew individual cut parts and fill the workpiece with padding polyester. At the end, we decorate soft toys with homemade decorations.

Recently, they have become quite fashionable. And all why? They can be sewn very quickly and easily, and besides, it does not require special skills in sewing, except for the most basic ones. No less interesting is the sewing of toys from gloves and mittens. They are also very easy to make, but the toys are obtained in a slightly different way. So, let's figure out how to make a toy out of a glove.

How to sew a toy from a glove?

In this master class, we will look at how to sew funny monsters from gloves. They are very easy to sew and a lot of fun to play with. To begin with, before proceeding with the description of the sewing process, let's look at what materials we need for this business.

  • gloves;
  • batting;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle and thread;
  • buttons or buttons for the eyes, and felt to create the monster's mouth.

Having decided on the materials, we proceed directly to the process of creating our charming monsters from gloves.

Step 1: Turn the glove inside out. Hide her thumb inside the glove. Sew the opening of the glove inward, leaving only a small hole in order to stuff the toy glove with batting afterwards. It is convenient to perform this action with a sewing machine, but you can also sew a hole by hand if you do not like machines. Then turn the glove right side out.

Step 2: Turn the cuff inside out. Stuff the glove with batting, making sure all four fingers are well padded. Then sew up the small hole through which you stuffed the glove. And the most interesting thing remains - creating a face for a monster. Cut out the facial features for the monster from felt - mouth and eyes. But keep in mind that buttons can also be used as eyes for the monster, which look very good on his face. After finishing work on the physiognomy of the monster, it will already be possible to give it to the child for active and fun use.

DIY glove toys are a very fun and interesting activity for the whole family, because everyone can participate in the process of creating, and then in the process of playing with these funny creatures.