When and where to start the first complementary foods, how to introduce new products correctly: basics, tips and rules. How to properly introduce complementary foods for a baby

The introduction of complementary foods - important period the first year of a child's life. But you shouldn't rush into it. There are indicators of the baby's readiness for the introduction of new food. Danger early complementary foods, the timing of the introduction of new food and nutritional recommendations - we are studying!

The beginning of complementary foods for a child: important indicators

An important indicator for starting the introduction of complementary foods is the readiness of the baby. This is not only the achievement of a certain age, but also the presence of certain physiological indicators:

  • baby's weight: by the time the first complementary foods are introduced, it should be at least 2 times more than birth weight (see weight and height standards);
  • ability to sit independently;
  • lack of a pushing reflex of the tongue: the baby does not push the offered spoonful of food out of the mouth;
  • feeling of hunger: the baby does not have enough milk or an artificial mixture;
  • Showed interest in adult food (stretches, wants to try the food that parents eat).

An important fact for the timing of the introduction of the first complementary foods is the type of feeding: breastfeeding or artificial. The recommended periods are different: when breastfeeding, pediatricians are not recommended to rush with complementary foods and not introduce new food before 6 months - until this age, the baby is enough mother's milk.

For artificers, earlier complementary foods are possible.

The "golden rule" in the case of the introduction of the first complementary foods: it is better to be a little late than to hurry.

From what month to start feeding a child

The time when, symbolizes that the baby has already grown up and is ready to get acquainted with "adult" food. But when do you start doing it?

It is no coincidence that young mothers actively ask the question: “From what month should we start feeding a child?”. After all, if you start it ahead of time, the child will not only not eat the food offered, but may also refuse it later.

located on the chest and artificial feeding, is different. "Grudnichkov" pediatricians recommend introducing new foods from the age of six months. Those who eat mixtures a little earlier - from five months. The difference is explained by the fact that the digestive system of babies who eat adapted milk formulas will more easily “accept” the new food.

Why is early feeding dangerous?

  • Disruption of the digestive system. Children's body physiologically unprepared to digest new food. If you introduce the first complementary foods at 3-4 months, it threatens with frequent colic, abdominal pain, vomiting and stool disorder. Main danger- a complete disruption of the digestive system, requiring serious medical treatment.
  • For the weak immune system and immature digestive enzymes, new foods can be a dangerous source of allergies. In the future, this can lead to frequent infectious and chronic diseases.
  • burden on the liver, kidneys and intestinal system. Food offered to the child ahead of time(when it does not have a mechanism for chewing and swallowing) can provoke diseases of the digestive organs. In addition, the baby may choke.
  • Decreased lactation. Early first complementary foods reduce lactation due to reduced breastfeeding.
The appearance of at least one indicated signs can cause a child to reject food, leading to malnutrition in general and a lack of interest in food.

What foods to start feeding a baby with

The baby's first complementary foods should include foods that will not cause an allergic reaction and are easily digested. Most often, young mothers who are faced with a choice - with which foods to start complementary foods for a child, prefer zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower.

The decision is explained by the fact that the structure of these vegetables is unusually delicate. And, therefore, the texture of the cooked puree will be light. And this is very important - after all, the children's stomach, which previously "saw" only milk or an adapted milk formula, should not actively work to digest a new product.

The choice of zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower as foods for the first feeding is also explained by hypoallergenicity: soft and green vegetables, as a rule, do not cause rashes on baby skin.

Baby's first feeding

Basic rules for the first complementary foods:

  • start with liquid and semi-liquid foods (juices, purees);
  • start with one-component dishes, gradually adding a low-allergenic product;
  • introduce the child to new foods gradually, introducing them once a week New Product in the diet, observing the reaction of the body. Start with half a teaspoon (5-10 grams), gradually increasing the rate to 80-100 g.
Breastfeeding does not stop with the first feeding. A growing body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates - nutritional value milk is not able to provide it in the right amount. The purpose of complementary foods is to supplement breast milk or formula.

Complementary foods during breastfeeding differ in the timing of the introduction of new foods:

How to prepare baby food for the first time

Many young mothers, whose children have already grown up to the age when it is time to introduce the first complementary foods, are faced with a choice: cook it yourself or give preference to vegetable purees from numerous brands that produce baby food.

The first feeding of a child is a very responsible matter, due to tender age crumbs. So if you decide to make your own puree, be sure to high quality vegetables. Be sure to check them for nitrate content.

How to prepare the first complementary foods for a child: so that vegetables do not lose their vitamin value, steam them. This way you save all the "usefulness". Then, using a blender, bring the vegetables to a puree state. The texture should be soft, without a single lump. Remember that the child will swallow puree - I would not want the baby to accidentally choke.

  • It is better to start complementary foods with low-allergenic vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli.
  • You can add a few drops to vegetable puree. vegetable oil or crushed yolk.
  • Starting from 6 months and later, one milk feeding is replaced with complementary foods in the form of vegetable puree (150-200 g).
  • The first porridge for feeding should be rice, buckwheat or corn, cooked on your own (the cereal is first ground in a blender) or purchased.
  • From 7 months and later, one breastfeeding is replaced by porridge (150 gr)
  • Meat is a source of protein, iron and vitamins. You can start with turkey, rabbit and veal (if you are not allergic to cow protein). Up to a year, you should not offer meat broths, it is better to chop the meat (1-3 teaspoons) and add it to vegetable soup or mashed potatoes.
  • Fish is a rich source of amino acids, but also in some cases an allergen. You should start with white fish (cod, hake).
With the appearance of the first teeth, the child can be offered finely chopped fruits and vegetables or with the help of a feeding strainer. Instead of meat, include meatballs and meatballs in the first feeding diet, and vegetable puree replace with soups with finely chopped vegetables.

How and when to start complementary foods? These questions concern all mothers. Often we want to quickly feed the baby with something delicious. Take your time! Take advantage of the moment when you do not need to cook, wipe, sterilize anything ... and let's talk about where and when to start complementary foods - the transition to other foods, and how to do it correctly and without unpleasant consequences for a baby?

When to start complementary foods

According to the standards of the World Health Organization, complementary foods for a breastfed child should be started no earlier than 6 months. By the way, he claims the same thing. In the first half of the year, mother's breast milk completely satisfies all the needs of the crumbs. After all, only by six months the enzymatic systems mature and the baby himself begins to demand food from his mother's plate. Think about why this is happening. Why does not a single mammal in nature feed a child anything until he himself asks for food from his mother? In nature, everything is wisely arranged. When the baby is ready for complementary foods - digesting new food - he gives you a signal. And so, what are the signs that the baby is ready for the introduction of complementary foods:

  • Your baby turned ;
  • He shows interest in adult food, demanding food from mom's plate and trying to put it in her mouth on her own;
  • The child sits independently;
  • There is an extinction of the expulsion reflex;
  • Can turn his head, turn away from the spoon, if the proposed product is not liked;
  • The baby doubled the weight after birth (if the baby was born prematurely, the figure should be higher);
  • The child can increase the frequency of breastfeeding, literally hanging on the mother;
  • Before the introduction of complementary foods, the baby was not vaccinated, he was not sick.

If you are convinced that it is time for the baby to introduce complementary foods, let's decide on the way to introduce new food.

To date, there are two schemes for the introduction of complementary foods - pedagogical complementary foods and the traditional scheme (gradual introduction of products in a certain sequence).

Pedagogical scheme for the introduction of complementary foods to a child

Pedagogical scheme for the introduction of complementary foods to a child implies the introduction of complementary foods to the baby in microdoses (a dose that fits between a large and index finger mother) from mother's plate. Those. mother offers the baby what she eats herself and the child gradually gets used to the food that is consumed in the family. The purpose of such a feeding scheme is not to feed, but to introduce new foods. The main food remains, with which the child satisfies his nutritional needs and drinks the requested food particles from his mother. If the baby liked a particular product, the volume is brought to 3 teaspoons. It is very important that with such a scheme, the baby learns to eat on his own, does not experience pressure from the mother, does not need to grind food, gradually forms his gastronomic addictions, and after a year begins to eat adult food with pleasure.

The traditional scheme for introducing complementary foods to a child

The traditional scheme for introducing complementary foods to a child implies the introduction of products in a certain sequence. Most women tend to this scheme. If you are a supporter of the traditional scheme, I recommend combining it with pedagogical complementary foods in order to develop a child's food interest.

Where to start feeding

Many mothers (as well as pediatricians, by the way) are captivated by old recommendations on where to start complementary foods - you need to start complementary foods with juices. To date, the opinions of leading experts on the introduction of complementary foods are the opposite - you need to be very careful with juices and try not to introduce them into the child's diet until he starts eating adult food in sufficient volumes, including meat, cereals, fish, etc. (in this case, the juice is a stimulant for the enzymatic activity of the baby).

What are the disadvantages of early introduction of juice:

  • Juices are an allergenic product. In the light of increasing allergic reactions this must be taken into account;
  • Juices are a heavy product and are poorly digested. It irritates the immature gastrointestinal tract of the child. Even for adults, it is recommended to dilute the juice in a ratio of 1: 1, and if a person is observed, completely eliminate the likelihood of problems with the pancreas and kidneys from the diet;
  • The sugar content in the juice - such a small child does not need it at all;
  • Juice gives a strong load on the digestive tract, resulting in through certain period the child has consequences - gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases.

Breast milk contains everything essential vitamins for a child. If speak about iron deficiency anemia(which is most often the reason for the introduction of juices) - the bioavailability of iron in mother's milk is very high (50-75% compared with the mixture, where it reaches only 20%).

So what is the best way to start feeding- best with vegetables. If the child is not gaining weight well, you can make a retreat and start with cereals. What exactly to choose?

Vegetables: I don't recommend starting complementary foods with fruits. They themselves have a sweetish aftertaste and already form a child's addiction to sweets. Vegetables are much more suitable for introducing a new product. The first vegetables in the diet are zucchini, cauliflower, carrots. Later, potatoes are introduced (at first, try to soak for about an hour in water). If the child has loose stools, it is better to introduce zucchini later. We start the introduction of complementary foods with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume (2.4 and so on). It is not necessary to bring the volume to a certain amount. This is the mistake of many mothers, which leads to overfeeding the child and the subsequent refusal to eat. As soon as the child has turned away from the spoon, remove the food and offer the breast. Complementary foods are best given in the morning and always offered to drink milk.

At first, monocomponent purees will be in the baby's diet. Once a week, you can add a new product to the puree. There is no need to salt the cooked dish. It is advisable to keep a food diary and write down what and when you entered, how much the child was given, what was the reaction. If the baby reacted with a rash, liquid stool or constipation - exclude the product from the diet for at least a month. But remember that the stool can change, most often there are small pieces of food eaten, this is normal.

I advise moms. Before you buy a jar of baby food - look at the expiration date. I was always embarrassed that mashed potatoes that do not contain preservatives and other additives can be stored for 2 years. IN Lately I observe that canned food often gives an allergic reaction.
If you buy vegetables yourself - be careful in choosing. Vegetables receiving enhanced feeding most often look very beautiful, glossy. Give preference to vegetables "from the grandmother's garden." You can also stock up for the winter. Perfectly preserved in the freezer - varieties of cabbage, sweet peppers, from berries - raspberries, cherries, currants. Potatoes and carrots are perfectly preserved in the winter on the balcony. Experiment!

It is best to use a steamer for cooking vegetables. Vegetables cook quickly and vitamins are stored in greater quantities. Give your child a freshly prepared meal.
Blending is best done with a hand blender. Closer to the year (10-11 months), start mashing the puree with a fork so that the child learns to chew on his own.

A month after the introduction of vegetables, you can please your baby. Rice, corn or buckwheat porridge is best for the first course. For a breastfed baby, dairy-free porridge is more suitable. If you buy cereals that do not require cooking, make sure they do not contain gluten. Do not introduce gluten-containing cereals (wheat, oatmeal, multi-grain) into the baby's diet before 8-9 months. The principle of feeding porridge is the same - start with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume.

You can also cook porridge yourself. For this, the cereal is washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder.
Observe the interval between the introduction of subsequent complementary foods - at least 1 month. After porridge, you can start introducing fruits (not brightly colored at the beginning), biscuits (not rich for children), meat (it is better to start with turkey, then introduce veal, chicken, beef, it is better to refrain from pork) fish (sea), etc. respecting the time interval.

It is advisable to flavor complementary foods with oil (not from the first days of the introduction of complementary foods!) - preferably creamy (porridge) and olive (vegetables). Olive oil is best for the first feeding. Start injecting it with 2 drops. If the baby has constipation - you can add olive oil both in vegetables and in porridge (observing the volume so as not to achieve the opposite effect). On average, 1 teaspoon of olive oil is added to the dish.

A 1-year-old child usually eats: meat and vegetable purees, cereals, cookies, vegetable soups (meat broth is not recommended for babies!), fruits, cottage cheese - all this is often in small quantities. Not all of the listed foods must be included in the diet. Consider the individual needs of the baby. To interest little man- pay tribute to the design of the cooked dish.
When introducing complementary foods, focus on vegetables and fruits of the seasonal period. Do not introduce exotic fruits into the baby's diet, be careful when choosing fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese - introduced after 9 months). Not worth it one year old baby cook pancakes or pancakes with sour cream!

The best thing to do is to make your own. To do this, take 1 liter of boiled milk and add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, leave in a warm place to sour. Then bring to a boil over low heat (do not boil!) And the curd is ready. Now you can add fruits to it and offer your baby to evaluate new taste qualities. If the fontanel is overgrown early in a child, do not rush to introduce cottage cheese.

Often mothers ask the question - is it necessary to give the child a drink with the start of the introduction of complementary foods? To date, there are no such recommendations that oblige the baby to give a certain amount of fluid. Most often, breastfed babies under the age of one are not interested in any other fluid than mother's milk. And that's okay. You can offer the baby tea, compote, if he wants it. If he refuses, don't insist. On average, children consume 400-500 ml of breast milk per day.

How much food does the child eat?

Do not be upset if the baby ate only 50-80 grams of complementary foods, with the prescribed 150-180 (indicated on the package). Breastfed babies prefer to eat in small portions, but more often. In addition, a big plus is obvious - the child learns to control the feeling of satiety and does not overeat. Over time, start offering the baby a spoon - let him try to eat himself. Do not scold the child if he reached into the plate with his hands - this milestone its development, which allows you to determine the consistency of the dish through your fingers.

Whenever and why you decide to start introducing complementary foods, be sure to follow the rule of gradualness, do not force-feed the child, do not completely replace breastfeeding, take into account his addictions and be smart!

Lure- this is the beginning of the introduction of new types of products to replenish energy costs baby.

Based on data from WHO studies, general rules complementary foods:

  • the first product in the baby's menu is introduced between 4 and 6 months: at six months for natural scientists, at 4 - 4.5 months for babies on mixtures;
  • great attention is paid to readiness for a new kind of food;
  • complementary foods for months provides for the introduction various kinds food: cereals, vegetables, meat, dairy products;
  • food should be in a mashed form (mashed potatoes). If you have teeth, you can try lump food;
  • Breastfeeding is the key to health and should be continued until the age of two.

Pediatrician, doctor of the highest category Yakov Yakovlev believes: “The number 6 should be treated well. This wonderful age for adult food.

With the introduction of complementary foods after the optimal period, the child will begin to lose weight, lack micronutrients. IN worst case threatens to lag behind in development.

At early introduction new foods increase the risk of developing allergies due to the unavailability of digestive enzymes.

Complementary feeding rules

  • you need to give new food from 5 grams, increasing portions in 2 weeks to 150 grams;
  • the child must be healthy;
  • the first feeding is undesirable in summer period of the year;
  • another product should be introduced only after adaptation to the previous one, approximately every 2 to 3 weeks;
  • food should be freshly cooked, warm.
  • you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. If diarrhea occurs, it is better to remove the product from the menu for a while and try again after a week.

Complementary foods at 6 months

The baby's first dish is vegetable. With a lack of weight - porridge. We start with hypoallergenic broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower.

Broccoli is not the most pleasant taste, so save it for last.

You can buy vegetable purees in jars or cook them yourself. When preparing mashed potatoes, you should take a vegetable, wash, peel. Steam cooking is best. Then place the finished vegetable in a blender. Grind until puree.

The most delicious purees are from Gerber, but in terms of price they are much more expensive than Grandma's Basket.

Do not add spices, salt, sugar until two years old.

For 2 weeks, the child should get used to zucchini. Keep track of the status skin and a chair.

Cauliflower will be the next step in expanding the diet, but subject to the absence of rashes and other elements on the baby's skin.

It should be given before breastfeeding, at 12 noon.

You can offer 5 - 6 times one dish. If the baby has not eaten the entire portion offered to him, perhaps he is just full. breast milk.

One of the last in vegetable complementary foods- pumpkin and carrots. They are allergenic, be careful.

Potatoes are the latest of all vegetables to be introduced to the child's menu. A very allergenic product, for the assimilation of which an already mature enzymatic function of the intestine is needed.

Important information for those parents who are interested,.

Complementary foods at 7 months

Next in line are fruits and cereals. Starting with green apple and pears. Then offer prunes, apricots, peaches or plums. Of course, in summer time Much more fruit selection.

We introduce fruits, like vegetables, starting with a teaspoon, from one fruit, after a month we switch to another.

Porridge is our breadwinner

The introduction of complementary foods at 7 months should begin with dairy-free cereals. Up to 12 months there is no need for cow and goat milk, as advised by grandmothers. These dairy products increase the acidity of the stomach, can provoke the development of gastritis or ulcers.

You can add breast milk or formula to the porridge.

Start with gluten-free cereals - corn, buckwheat or rice. For children under one year old, gluten is quite difficult to digest.

Do not be afraid to buy baby cereals in stores. They are already crushed and ready for use, only diluted with water. No additives are needed. Nestle produces a range of very tasty cereals at affordable prices.

Porridges are given for breakfast, it is possible together with fruits. Same amount as with vegetables. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of butter to the porridge.

8 months - meat time

By this time, the baby already has a full breakfast. Now let's create a menu for lunch. The first meat dishes are rabbit and turkey, as they are hypoallergenic. We start with 5 grams of canned meat puree, both separately and mixed with vegetables. Meat dish you can cook it yourself in the form of minced meat.

After the turkey and rabbit, beef, chicken, and veal are given. It is better to refuse pork before 2 years.

Do not add vegetable oil to canned meat puree. But if you cooked it yourself, then you should add ½ teaspoon of vegetable oil to vegetables or mashed meat.

The yolk is a storehouse of vitamins

We give the yolk 2 times a week, starting with ¼ part. Add to dishes or dilute with milk. Usually given in the morning. Then by the year we increase to half.

Table of introduction of complementary foods for breakfast and lunch while breastfeeding

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
vegetable puree- - 5-100 grams - -
fruit puree- - - 5-100 grams -
Fruit juice- - - 40-50 ml -
porridge- - - 5-100 grams -
meat- - - - 5-100 grams
yolk- - - - ½-1/4

Don't forget to breastfeed.

Complementary feeding table for artificial feeding

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
vegetable puree5-100 grams
fruit puree 5-100 grams
Fruit juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 grams
meat 5-100 grams
yolk ½-1/4

It's time for cottage cheese and kefir

Ukrainian doctor Komarovsky O.E. advises starting complementary foods with kefir, as it is similar to mother's milk. But WHO recommends otherwise. It is better to buy kefir for children, from Nasha Masha or Frutonyanya. Kefir should be unsweetened and without dyes.

We also start according to the "golden rule" - with a teaspoon. We give kefir for dinner at 20.00. We also choose cottage cheese for children: “Agusha”, “Tyoma”. We start cottage cheese with a teaspoon and bring it up to 50 grams by 1 year. We give in the evening for dinner with cottage cheese.

10 months - lump food

The child can be given cookies, drying, as the baby already has required amount teeth. Give fruits in pieces, peeled.

A child with food should always be supervised!

Fruit juices are best made by yourself. Store-bought ones contain a lot of acids and sugar.

At 10 months, give fish dishes 2 times a week. Start with low-fat varieties - hake, cod, perch.

What can not be given before 1 year?

  • semolina should not be given often, as it interferes with the absorption of iron and can provoke the development of anemia;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • goat, cow's milk;
  • tropical fruits, citrus.

General table for the introduction of complementary foods for children

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months
vegetable puree 5-100 gr.
Fruit. Puree 5-50 gr.
Fruit. Juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 gr.
meat 5-100 gr.
yolk ½-1/4
fish 5-100 gr.
cottage cheese 5-50 gr.
Kefir 5-100 gr.

Meals in "banks"

Products are prepared only from environmentally friendly, carefully grown fruits and vegetables. This type of food has a guaranteed composition. Lots of checks going on. It is impossible to find poor quality baby food on the shelves.

There are no preservatives in this diet. Why are they kept for so long? Vacuum packaging and aseptic storage conditions do not allow the product to deteriorate.

You can start complementary foods with industrial products. Then, when the child gets used to it, cook it yourself. Be sure to check the expiration dates.

Complementary foods for children with atypical reactions

It is very difficult to feed a child if he has manifestations of allergies. The following rules must be observed:

  • do not add sugar to ready meals, especially juices;
  • start complementary foods only with “clean” skin;
  • keep monocomponent. Don't mix multiple vegetables or fruits. So it will be easier to identify what the allergy is, if it appears;
  • sweet fruit juices, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, leave in the end, by 10-11 months;
  • egg, fish is better to enter from 12 months;
  • the baby gets used to each new dish for at least 7 days;
  • if a rash appears, the new product is canceled;
  • if you are allergic to cow's milk, allergic reactions to beef are also likely.

Up to a year, the health of the baby is laid. correct balanced diet will help avoid many problems in the future. New food products Your kids will love it if they are made with love. Each baby is individual, and only a mother can understand when new period feeding.

When a child reaches the age of 6 months, his need for proteins, vitamins and minerals increases significantly. Formerly doctors It was recommended to introduce complementary foods from 4 months. But it doesn't make much sense. If there are no problems with growth, development and health, then it is better to start feeding at 6 months. If the baby is thin, poor appetite, low hemoglobin, then it is better to start complementary foods early, at 5 months.

In general, it is believed that complementary foods begin to be introduced when the baby's first tooth grows. After all, the first tooth is a signal from the body that it is ready to take food other than milk. But sometimes teeth begin to cut even at nine months, then, of course, you don’t have to wait.

How to act?

Any new food is included in the diet gradually and with caution. It is best to start introducing complementary foods at the 2nd morning feeding. Offer your child 1-2 scoops of the new product. After that, it is better to supplement the usual food - breast milk or formula. If the baby refused, do not despair - you can try again in a few days.

After that, it is necessary to monitor the reaction to complementary foods - the appearance of a rash, changes in stool. If everything is in order, the next day the dose is increased by 2 times and so on, exponentially, up to 150-200 grams. If something is wrong, the experiments are temporarily stopped.

Thus, it takes, on average, 7 - 10 days for one feeding to be completely replaced by complementary foods.

Where to start feeding?

There are no clear guidelines for this. Someone starts complementary foods with vegetable purees, and someone with juice. Many pediatricians recommend starting with vegetable purees, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals. But, on the other hand, the structure of the new food is too different from milk, which may be unusual for a child.

If parents decide to start with vegetables, then at first it is better to give white or green vegetables - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower. Later - pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. Vegetables must be boiled and wiped, but you can buy ready-made mashed potatoes in jars. In banks, it is even preferable, because there it is guaranteed quality products, ideally homogenized, without fiber fibers, to which children are often allergic.

If the child is thin, then you can start with cereals. It is best to use rice, buckwheat and corn as the first cereals. Then enter oatmeal. You can cook yourself, but it is better to buy ready-made children's ones. First you need to give dairy-free cereals, and closer to the year you can cook with milk. Porridge is better to replace the very last feeding, before a night's sleep. Then a satiated child will sleep better and longer.


Some start with fermented milk products - optimally kefir from children's dairy cuisine. Babies perceive this complementary food well, since there is no fundamental difference in composition in comparison with milk. Besides dairy products contain beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

So, at 8 months, the child eats 4-5 times a day, of which 2 feedings are completely replaced by kefir, vegetable puree and porridge. At the age of nine months, 3 feedings are completely replaced with complementary foods. Cottage cheese is added (up to a year you can give no more than 50 grams per day) and fruits. From fruits, it is better to give those that grow in the same lane where the child was born. So, for example, you should not give a baby from Moscow kiwi and bananas as the first fruits, optimally - green apples, pears, berries.

At ten months, vegetable soups can be introduced. It is better to cook soup first on water, and then on meat broth (ideally - chicken). If there are no problems, mashed meat is added directly to the soup, after a couple of days, again directly to the soup, a hard boiled yolk chicken egg- at the beginning 1/5 part, then more. In any case, before the age of one year, more than half of the yolk should not be given.

Meat products are daily present in the diet from ten to eleven months. It is best to introduce rabbit meat first (it is low allergenic). Then - lamb, chicken, pork, beef. It is better not to give fish until a year old - this is a very allergenic product. Meat can also be wiped, or steamed meatballs can be made so that the child learns to eat in pieces.

Closer to the year, you can give juices, and milk-cereal cereals with fruits, and just a piece of a peeled apple or a cracker - suck, scratch your gums, play. Juices do not replace the main meal, they are given in addition, after being fed by breast or milk formula.

It is desirable that from the year the child's menu is quite diverse. If the mother has a desire and milk, it is advisable to feed the child with milk for up to a year - one and a half at least once a day. High-quality milk mixtures can be given up to 1.5 and up to 2 years - 1 time per day.

At night, it is advisable to give kefir, or breast milk, or an adapted milk formula.

If the baby does not eat

If a child, for some reason, does not want to eat complementary foods, do not insist. If his height and mental development correspond to age norms, analyzes are in order, then the delay in the timing of the introduction of complementary foods is not so important.

An approximate menu for a one-year-old child looks like this:

8 ocloc'k

  • Porridge - 200 gr.
  • Fruit puree - 30 gr.
  • Juice - 50 ml.

12 hours

  • Vegetable soup with croutons - 40 gr.
  • Vegetable puree - 150 gr.
  • Steam cutlet - 60 gr.
  • Juice - 30 ml.

16 hours

  • Cottage cheese - 50 gr.
  • Fruits - 50 gr.
  • Kefir or milk - 200 ml.

20 hours

  • Vegetable puree or porridge - 100g.
  • Fruits - 50 gr.
  • Juice - 50 gr.

The excitement of the first months of a child's life, characteristic of all young parents, subsided. Mom decided on the necessary for breastfeeding diet or picked up suitable for the baby mixture. But the baby is growing and even supporters of a long breastfeeding by the age of six months, the child thinks about complementary foods. Parents of artificers begin to worry about this issue much earlier, since even the most ideal mixture is not able to fully satisfy the needs of infants in vitamins and minerals. The first feeding of a baby causes a lot of questions and doubts among inexperienced parents. Grandmothers, acquaintances, mothers with experience and pediatricians often advise different things, and the well-being of the baby depends on when and how correctly complementary foods are introduced.

When can complementary foods be introduced

Soviet pediatricians adhered to strict rules feeding babies, so the opinion of our grandmothers, who know exactly what months complementary foods are introduced, is often based on the same universal recommendations for all. Modern doctors believe that the readiness of the baby to assimilate adult food is formed individually, so it is necessary to start introducing complementary foods, focusing on the signs of the baby’s readiness for this process.
Factors that indicate that the baby is ready for the introduction of complementary foods are:

  1. Doubled weight
  2. The ability of the baby to hold the object in the fist and pull it into the mouth
  3. Ability to sit and reach for a spoon while leaning forward, or lean back (turn head away) to reject offered food
  4. Interest in the food your parents eat
  5. The ability of the baby to drink water from a spoon without pushing the spoon out of the mouth and without spilling water on the chin

You need to start introducing complementary foods only when the baby can no longer get enough breast milk (the mother gives both breasts in one feeding, but the baby clearly wants more). For an artificial animal, an indicator of the need to introduce complementary foods is the need to eat more than a liter of the mixture per day.
Since the stomach of an infant up to 6 months is not able to normally digest any food other than mother's milk, world organization health care recommends starting the introduction of "adult" food into the diet of the baby after six months, if the baby is breastfed. And on the recommendation of a pediatrician after 4 months, if the child is fed a mixture.
Many advise introducing complementary foods after the appearance of the first tooth, focusing on the fact that, on average, teeth erupt at the age of 5-6 months. But there are babies in whom the first teeth appear by 11 months. By this time, these children are eating vegetable and fruit purees, grated soups and even crackers. Other babies have teeth as early as 4 months. Therefore, the appearance of the first tooth cannot serve as a signal that it is time to start giving the baby complementary foods.
In order not to harm the baby, the introduction of complementary foods requires compliance with certain rules.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

Even if you are tired of breastfeeding, and the child is actively pulling his hands to adult food, do not rush to give the baby the dish that he reaches for. The basic rule is to start introducing new food gradually, with half a teaspoon.

Keep in mind - the baby can push the food back with his tongue, as children are very conservative and wary of food of an unfamiliar texture and taste.

After the child has tried a new food, he should be supplemented with breast milk or formula, and then carefully observe the baby's reaction to complementary foods. Attention should be paid to:

  1. Chair. Increased flatulence, constipation or intestinal upset signal that it is too early to give the dish that you offered the child. Changes in the color of stools should not be scared
  2. Skin condition. Any rash is a contraindication to administering this product at this time
  3. Sleep and behavior

If during the day you did not notice any changes, the dose of the new product can be gradually increased slightly (up to a teaspoon), and then in two weeks, bring the amount of this product to age norm. The maximum amount per feeding is from 180 to 200 gr.

To introduce complementary foods correctly, it is also necessary:

  1. Give new food only absolutely healthy child(since the baby is weakened after vaccination, it is not recommended to introduce complementary foods during this period)
  2. Do not insist if the baby refuses food, but try to offer him this dish the next day. A new product is offered about 10 - 15 times - it is during this period that new taste sensations develop
  3. Introduce only one new product, and proceed to the next only when the first complementary foods have already become habitual for the baby (that is, the introduction of products should be phased). The interval between the introduction of new foods into the diet is on average from 10 days to 2 weeks.
  4. It is better to introduce the baby to a new product during the first feeding - this way you can control the child’s reaction to food, and if the baby has colic, help him in daytime easier for you
  5. Give the crumbs dishes that are homogeneous in consistency and initially as close as possible in density to milk or a mixture. It is necessary to switch to thick food gradually, as the baby must get used to swallowing it, and then learn how to chew. By 10 months you can offer meals with small pieces of food
  6. Give food only freshly prepared and warm. Jars with ready-made puree need to warm up. At first, you will have to eat up the puree yourself, since the shelf life of an open jar is limited.
  7. For complementary foods, it is important to use only low-allergenic foods that grow in the area where you live. For children of those regions where oranges and bananas grow, these products are quite acceptable in the form of mashed potatoes and juices, and for children of those countries where bananas are exotic fruits, it is better to start complementary foods with an apple
  8. You need to give complementary foods only from a spoon, even if you offer the baby juice

Entering complementary foods needs individual approach even when a certain scheme for the introduction of new products is observed, since for the same products different children there is an individual response.

look short video about the first feeding of the baby, but do not forget to read the article to the end, because we have a lot interesting information for you.

What foods, at what age and in what order should be introduced into the diet of the baby

If thirty years ago there was a single rigid scheme for the introduction of complementary foods, then the opinions of modern experts on how to properly introduce complementary foods and what product to start with differ.
The introduction of complementary foods can be started according to the traditional scheme, or you can use the pedagogical methodology.
The traditional scheme proposes to introduce new products in certain order and in certain deadlines, however, the order of introduction into the diet of the baby certain products different recommended.
The introduction of complementary foods according to the pedagogical scheme requires much more time, but the pedagogical scheme involves complete absence violence against the will of the baby - the child is offered small (pinch) doses of foods that the parents are currently eating. Thus, the child gets acquainted with new tastes and chooses suitable ones for himself. The amount of the product you like is gradually brought to 3 teaspoons, but the baby is still saturated with mother's milk or formula, so the mother must eat right.
Usually, mothers prefer to introduce complementary foods according to the traditional scheme, but initially they are often not sure that they have chosen the correct sequence of foods for complementary foods.
Previously, children's doctors recommended starting complementary foods with juices (carrot in the first place), and at the age of 4-5 months, the crumbs were offered baked apple puree.
Modern pediatricians do not advise starting complementary foods with juices. For babies who are gaining weight well, a one-component vegetable puree is offered. As a first food, you can use mashed zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. In some babies, zucchini provokes colic, so when poor tolerance This product is better for babies to give cauliflower.
Starting complementary foods with sweet foods such as fruit puree and juices, you run the risk of a child categorically refusing to eat vegetable purees, which will seem less tasty to him.
The table below clearly shows which foods are allergenic and which are not. We advise you to familiarize yourself with it and take into account its data in order to reduce the risk of allergic reactions in infants during the introduction of the first complementary foods.