Experience in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children “The beautiful awakens the good. The beautiful awakens the good

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school No. 2 with in-depth study of individual subjects " Education Centre» Neftegorsk city municipal district Neftegorsky, Samara region -

structural unit implementing programs

preschool education - kindergarten "Solnyshko"


446600, Samara Region, Neftegorsk, st. Sports, 19.

« The beautiful awakens the good"

Meaning and tasks aesthetic education preschoolers.

Musical director

s\p-d/s "Solnyshko" Neftegorsk

Senina Tatyana Petrovna

Aesthetic education is carried out by introducing children to the aesthetics of everyday life, to the beautiful in nature, social phenomena, and the means of art. Teaching a child to feel and understand the beauty of life is a big and difficult task that requires long work. Harmonious combination color spots, art objects, decoration of groups, music hall - all this has great strength impact, perceived by sight, touch, is reflected in the memory, consciousness of the baby. Of course, it is not enough to surround children beautiful things, we must teach them to see beauty, to cherish it, to appreciate it. After all, beauty is perceived especially brightly and deeply in childhood and, imprinted in feelings and thoughts, sweeps through a person’s entire life. From the first years of life, a child unconsciously reaches for everything bright and attractive, enjoys shiny toys, colorful flowers and objects. All this causes him a feeling of pleasure, interest. The word "beautiful" enters the life of children early. Whether he hears a song, a fairy tale, whether he looks at pictures, and at the same time with reality, art becomes a source of his joyful experiences. Many of its types are available to children: literature, music, painting, sculpture, theater, cinema. Each type of art reflects life in its own way and has its own special influence on the mind and feelings of the child.

The perception of sounds, colors, lines becomes aesthetic only when it is emotionally colored, when it is inextricably linked with feelings, experiences. When a child manifests selfless joy, bright emotional excitement. Therefore, aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing the child's personality.

A wholeew this process is the development of the child's ability to see the beauty of the world, art.

In the implementation of artistic and aesthetic education, the following tasks:

WITHsystematically develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings and ideas of children, their artistic and creative abilities.

Form the basis of aesthetic taste.

The teacher should lead the child from the perception of beauty, emotional response on it to understanding, the formation of aesthetic ideas, judgments, assessments. This is painstaking work that requires the teacher to be able to systematically, unobtrusively permeate the child's life with beauty, to ennoble his environment in every possible way.

works of art are a rich source of joy, aesthetic pleasure, spiritual enrichment, as well as one of the means of aesthetic education. From the first years of life, children are accompanied by oral folk art, children's literature. Fairy tales occupy a special place in their lives. A.S. Pushkin gave them a high rating: “What a charm these fairy tales are ... each of them is a poem.” And we must try to create a fairy tale for children!

But not everything can be expressed in words. There are such shades of feelings that can be most deeply and fully expressed in music. P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote: “Where words are powerless, a more eloquent language, music, is fully armed.” Music sharpens emotional responsiveness. The child needs it. “Childhood is just as impossible without music as it is impossible without a game, without a fairy tale,” V.A. Sukhomlinsky was convinced of this. The child also needs visual arts. It gives them rich visual images.

Getting to know fairy tales, works by A.S. Pushkin, S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, K.I. Chukovsky, listening to the works of P.I. All this gives them real pleasure, is remembered and forms the basis of artistic taste. Aesthetic taste is a broad concept; it includes not only understanding, enjoying deep beautiful works of art, but also understanding the beauty of nature, work, life, clothing. And, of course, the general style of interior design in kindergarten. In particular, decoration of the music hall for holidays and entertainment.

As "the theater begins with a hanger", so the holiday begins with a music hall. Depending on the theme of the classes or upcoming events, the atmosphere changes depending on the time of year, which gives children a sense of communication with something unusual and amazing. Holidays and holiday decoration make a strong impression on preschoolers, remain in their memory for a long time and serve as an important tool aesthetic education. Periodically changing expositions are an inexhaustible source of children's interest. “Oh, how beautiful!” the children exclaim with delight, entering the music hall.

Having worked in a kindergarten for many years, I often faced such a problem: how to decorate a music hall? And most importantly, what? First, you need a lot of paper, gouache, paints, brushes. But what is drawn is not stored for a long time: it burns out, breaks. Secondly, you need someone to draw well! To decorate the hall for the holiday, sometimes it took two weeks, or even more. But one day, having acquired a few pieces of fabric different colors, and, timidly applying them in decoration, there was some kind of breakthrough! It turned out beautiful and original! With the help of fabric, a multi-colored palette was created, the fabric was some kind of addition or the main bright spot in any design. It was also used in voluminous decoration, for example, by sheathing large balls. We got some wonderful snowmen! The fabric also came in handy in applications: bullfinches, penguins, hedgehogs, etc. And for several years now, together with an instructor in physical education Saltaeva Tatyana Grigorievna, we decorate the music hall with the help of fabric. In the magazine "Music Director" No. 8 of 2007 in the heading "Interior and costumes" we shared our experience. The article "Rainbow made of fabric" was printed. I also called my presentation, where I collected great material on the design of the music hall for the holidays, leisure. Of course, this work is also painstaking, requiring a lot of work, passion, and imagination. But it gives pleasure not only to us, teachers, but also to parents and children. In addition to the central wall, we decorate in music hall and exhibitions of children's works, exhibitions joint work with parents. Children, together with their mothers and fathers, sculpt, draw, embroider, burn wood, weave with beads, etc. All these crafts find a worthy place at exhibitions. Children and parents show sprouts of creativity, they embody their ideas in artistic activity, thereby contributing to the implementation of the tasks of aesthetic education.

“The beautiful awakens the good,” said the great composer D. Kabalevsky. And we try to introduce the child to this amazing and beautiful world arts (music, poetry, artistic creativity), teach to understand this world and enjoy it. We try to teach the child to distinguish between good and evil in human relations, to realize the connection of art with the outside world. Thus, we create an “island” of goodness and light, fill the lives of children, parents and teachers with joy, beauty, grace, kindness!

Let not every child become a musician or artist, but every child can and should be nurtured with love and interest in art, develop aesthetic taste, ear for music, elementary drawing skills, lay the foundations on which a person’s spiritual wealth will be formed in the future.

express lesson

My soul, I remember, since childhood, was looking for the miraculous.

Lesson Objectives: Summarize and systematize material on plastic arts; control the level of knowledge of students on the topics of the MHC subject. To develop the ability of students to analyze and compare works of various types of art. Awaken creative interest in the culture of their people, the peoples of the world. To have a beneficial effect on the development of the worldview of students. To cultivate a culture of speech, communication; interest in performing arts; communication skills.
Lesson equipment: 1) Musical series: "Song about a fairy tale", lyrics by Y. Entin, music by Vl. Shainsky. 2) Visual range: reproductions of art and folk art; book exhibition.

In our lessons on world art culture, according to the program, we get acquainted with various types of art.
In the world of art - complex and diverse, bewitching - we enter with you gradually and together we comprehend all the secrets of its magic.
Each lesson on world artistic culture was a "discovery" for us in the World of Beauty, and the topic of today's lesson is "The beautiful awakens the good." How do you understand this expression?
(This is true, because real art is designed to conquer, surprise, make us morally purer, spiritually richer, kinder, happier...)
Every a kind person, in my opinion, a little can be a magician! And what is this magic, what do you guys think?
(Probably in the fact that next to such people it’s easy for us, simply, each of us from communicating with them makes our soul warmer, happier ...)
I want us to live today's lesson with such good feelings. Let's try to be good wizards! We are able to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.
Today we have an express lesson. You will take exams in various types arts: painting, graphics, sculpture and arts and crafts. Final lesson: generalization and consolidation of knowledge on plastic arts.
Journey through the country of Arts will take place among the teams in a clockwise direction. Your consultants, ninth-graders, my last year's excellent students are sitting at the tables. In front of them are travel itineraries. The consultants will record the scores for passing the exams by each student and the sum of the scores of the entire team. If a team member does not know the answer to a question, the team captain is responsible.

Role play during the lesson

Teacher : But excuse me, where is the captain of your team Volodya Kostylkov? He is not here? But where is he? (I look out the door. He runs along the corridor).

The door swings open with a bang and Volka runs out of breath.

Volka: I! Sorry for being late!
Teacher: What can you do about it, come on! And what is it in your hands?
Volka: Treasure! Treasure with old things.
Teacher : Come on, come on! Put your vessel on the table, it will just be a decoration. So let's start the exams.
Volka: He gets up and blows into the vase. A cloud of smoke rises. (Music sounds, but at the same moment Hottabych enters the class).
Hottabych: Apchi! Apchi! Greetings about you, beautiful boy!
Volka: Who are you?
Hottabych: Know, O most blessed of the blessed, that I am none other than the mighty and glorified in all four countries of the world genie Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab, i.e. Hottabych. I would be incredibly happy to know your name oh most beautiful boy!
Volka : My name is Volka.
Hottabych: And what is your father's name?
Volka: His name is Alexei.
Hottabych: So know, the most excellent of the youths, the star of my heart, Volka ibn Alyosha, I will do everything that you order me, for you saved me from imprisonment. Oh, how long I have been in it! What are you doing here?
Volka: I pass exams in world art culture.
Hottabych: By art? Know, O most amazing of the amazing, that you are incredibly lucky, I am so rich in knowledge on this subject! I love your school so much, may its foundation and roof be blessed! I will invisibly prompt you with answers to all questions, and you will become famous among the students of the school and among the students of all nearby schools.
Volka: Oh no no! Most noble Hottabych, we can do it ourselves, I'm not alone, we are a whole team, and together we are strong, we will overcome everything. And you are tired of sitting in a vessel for a long time, sit down, rest, listen to us, please.

(Music sounds. The journey begins. While the music is playing, students take exams in various arts. Next comes the scoring. Consultants leave to vote).

Hottabych: While the points are being calculated, I also want to ask you a few questions. First task. Write my full name. Second task. Guess the genres in art.

(Consultants summarize the results of the exams and analyze the answers).

Hottabych : Well done! The most amazing of the amazing, my children. How can I celebrate your great knowledge of art? Oh yes! Invented! I'll turn you all into goldfish! No? Then I'll give each of you a beard! Not that again? Invented! I'd rather give you medals from the wizard genie. (Gives medals).

Hottabych answers a call on his cell phone. He is invited to school library comprehend modern knowledge of the MHC, politely says goodbye to everyone and leaves. The teacher turns to the book exhibition: L.I. Lagin's work of art "Old Man Hottabych". The teacher gives homework:
1) Look in the book how the name of the genie, the old man Hottabych, is spelled correctly, pay attention to the ending of the book, how many years did the wizard live in the world? 2) What new arts did you encounter today?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education

"May Day Children's Art School"

Pervomaisky district Tambov region

Lecture-conversation on the topic:

"The beautiful awakens the good"

Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification category

Tishchenko G.Yu.

r.p. May Day, 2016

"Excellent in content.

Identical with good"

N. Chernyshevsky

Art is a part of a person's spiritual culture, and not just a possible or even desirable, but an obligatory part.

In the educational power of art, in its ability to have a beneficial effect on a person, on his spiritual world The best progressive writers, musicians, artists have always believed to evoke a good feeling in him. And not only them. The greatest scientists, philosophers, and scientists, and prominent public and political figures looked at art in exactly the same way, in the same way they understood its humanistic orientation - in a word, all those who truly thought about the fate of mankind.

People rarely, and perhaps never in their lives without art in general. The question is what part of art a person includes in his life, and what part he refuses, what place does the part of art he has taken occupy in his spiritual world. Often this question about attitudes towards art takes the form of a dispute "about light and serious art."

If the whole meaning of art, all its purpose was reduced only to thoughtless entertainment, it would not be worth it that such titans as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Beethoven, Leo Tolstoy devote their whole lives to it, and those who walked and today walk along their ways.

Fortunately, this is not the case. There is an "entertaining" art, the meaning of life and the purpose of which really is to entertain a person, to decorate his rest. But the highest purpose of any great, true art is not limited to this, it is much wider. It consists in enriching the spiritual world of a person, making him better, smarter, stronger. And, of course, any art, regardless of its genre and character, affects a person, his spiritual world, his nature, and not just his aesthetic taste. And precisely because light music is widespread in everyday life, and we must not forget that it must be good quality.

As a rule, people who love and understand serious art are also able to appreciate the charm of light, entertaining art, and they unmistakably feel the difference between good and bad entertaining art.

“Human science”, “the science of the human soul” is often called art. And this is very true. There are no such subjects and no such textbooks that could fulfill the special educational role that art can fulfill.

“The beautiful in its content is identical with the good” - these words of Chernyshevsky could become for us the motto of the aesthetic education of children, youth, youth.

The educational role of art manifests itself long before school, and we are so used to it that we even stop noticing it. But love for the Motherland, for one's people, such moral categories as heroism and cowardice, nobility and hatred of evil, arise in the minds of very young children under the influence of the first fairy tales or songs they heard, the first drawings they saw, that is, precisely under the influence of art. . And it is hard to deny that the first meetings with love and friendship, with great joys and great sorrows, occur in a person most often first on the pages of books, on a movie screen, in a song and on a theater stage, and then in life. And how a girl or a young man will deal with these feelings, having met them in reality, to a large extent depends on what they have had time to read by that time, what they have heard enough in music, what they have seen enough in theater and cinema.

We calm ourselves with a shaky and not at all solid thought: “Just think, I watched a bad movie! All this will be forgotten!” Yes, it is possible that it will be forgotten! But the trace in the soul remains for life. For a person with good taste, with life experience, a bad film, a meaningless book, a vulgar song are safe, because he himself knows how to distinguish good from bad, meaningful from meaningless, noble from vulgar. But after all, children and adolescents still have neither life experience nor a developed aesthetic taste. They tend to imitate their favorite heroes of books, films, songs. Who should we blame first of all: girls and boys or ourselves, parents and educators, who failed to bring up their children and pupils?!

There is in the world the song of Solveig, transparent as morning, the wisdom of Bach, the sad charm of Blok's "The Stranger" and the drama of Beethoven - the very beauty of life, without which a person cannot breathe.

Future! How much we read and hear about him! What will it be like? Some are trying to determine its contours, relying on the objective laws of the development of the economy, science and technology. Others paint this future, giving themselves up to the free flight of their creative imagination. Still others simply dream about him and see him in their dreams the way they want to see him.

But it is, this is the future, next to us, around us. Look at our children, our teenagers, our youth - this is our future! How we educate them, how they grow up - this will be our future. It is in our hands. And in the name of this future, we must, first of all, activate everything that helps to form the spiritual world of the younger generation. Art plays a big and special role in this. Art teaches us to be attentive to each other, awakens in us good, kind, noble feelings. And agree that good feelings are needed in life for both a builder and a driver - in a word, any person, regardless of what profession he has chosen for himself.

The musical education of children is the basis of the musical culture of the people, and major shortcomings in this matter inevitably have a direct impact on the most important aspects of musical culture as a whole. Low level choral education of children entails the decline of the entire choral culture in the country. Choral singing a cappella, which is the main indicator of the level of choral culture, is becoming a rare phenomenon in both children's and adult choirs.

The weak coverage of children with general musical education extremely narrows the possibilities of identifying gifted children at the age (7-9 years) when such children should begin in-depth music lessons.

Disadvantages of staging musical work with children lead to a weak replenishment of the ranks of true music lovers, to the spread of bad musical tastes.

In a certain sense, children can be likened to travelers going on a long journey. And what path can be more serious and more difficult than the path of life for which our children are preparing? And on this journey, they need to take with them a solid baggage - a baggage of knowledge, skills, tastes and views. Aesthetic culture is an important part of this spiritual baggage, without which a person cannot fully live his life.

It is necessary to raise the aesthetic level of our entire life: to make our cities and villages, parks and gardens beautiful; we strive for development good taste and grace in the furnishing of apartments, in clothes and shoes, I want the "laws of beauty" to form the basis of people's activities. Increasingly, such concepts as good and beautiful, smart and beautiful are intertwined. And the results of good, smart work also cause aesthetic admiration.

Teaching art to children is very difficult. Not all the guys who came to school with the aim of getting a general musical education in it withstand strict professional requirements that are presented to them. Some do not have enough abilities for this, others do not have the time, and others just have the desire. Some are difficult, others are boring. And boredom is the enemy of all living things; in art, boredom is tantamount to killing it.

Setting the hand is a boring business, and there is no need to build any illusions on this score. And the initial exercises are boring. Both scales and arpeggios are boring. Boring until that turning point, when the student crosses the line beyond which the work itself, the exercise itself begins to bring joy and satisfaction. But for most children, this happy day does not come immediately.

In any subject of a general education school, children, overcoming difficulties, know that this school is obligatory for them. And the fact that music lessons are not at all necessary for them is something they also understand very well. And to overcome difficulties in the matter, which are optional, is already more difficult for them.

The influence of art on morality is irreplaceable. It affects children long before they enter school. The very first encounter with art sets the most important moral and ethical problems, teach them to understand what is good and evil, love for friends and hatred for enemies, what is nobility, and what is meanness. Art and literature continue to play a great role in moral education throughout a person's life. And in this role, art cannot be replaced by any school scientific subject, not a single textbook.

The connection between aesthetic education and moral education has been noticed since very distant times, and it is this connection that has always been emphasized by philosophers, teachers, educators, and educators who have always stood at the forefront. “...Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, it is obvious that it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people, ”Aristotle argued in his time in the 4th century BC. e. And in 1914, the world-famous neuropathologist, psychologist, a deep connoisseur of the human soul, academician V.M. Bekhterev wrote "On the Importance of Music in the Aesthetic Education of a Child from the First Days of His Life". He was convinced that from the detailed development of the question of musical education from early childhood largely depends on the aesthetic, and consequently, moral education human personality.

Often from parents and even from teachers-educators you can hear such words: “Well, why does he waste time writing poetry - he doesn’t have a poetic gift! Why does he draw - all the same, an artist will not work out of him! And why is he trying to compose music – after all, this is not music, but some kind of nonsense turns out!...” What a delusion and how untrue all this is. In a child, it is imperative to support any of his striving for creativity, no matter how naive and imperfect the results of these strivings may be. Just do not try to laugh at these manifestations of children's creativity. He may not become an artist, or a musician, or a poet, but perhaps he will become an excellent doctor, mathematician, teacher. And then, in the most beneficial way, his children's creative hobbies, a good trace of which will remain his creative imagination, his desire to create something new, his own, the best, moving forward the cause to which he decided to devote his life.

Used Books:

    Articles, reports, speeches on the problems of aesthetic education D.Kabalevsky. from 1957 to 1971.


Competitive and entertaining game:

"Let's get a little naughty."

· Instrumental music is played.


Our school opened its doors
Come in, we are happy students!
Golden autumn meets you again
And opens the way to knowledge for you.
Study hello! School hello!
Let's go for knowledge on a hike!
It is a holiday today, school holiday
We welcome the school year!
- The bell will ring soon
Call us to class!
Knowledge is needed everywhere
On land, in space and on water.
Folk wisdom for hundreds of years,
It says: “Learning is light!”
And you came to school not to rest -
Write, read, comprehend science!
May the school be with you for all the years -
A country of daring, joy, labor!
We ask all students today -
At school, be the host, not the guest.
There are many schools in the city, and this one is
For you as an undiscovered planet,
Which you will have to open -
Love, cherish, keep longer!
- The bell rings like a trill of a lark -
It opens the door to the world of Knowledge for all of you!
Knowledge Day is a holiday of books,
Flowers, friends, smiles, light!
Learn approximately, student, -
This is the main thing today!

- Dear Guys! You have become ninth graders, which means that for some of you this is the last school year. So let's have a little fun with you! Our game will consist of 9 contests.

The children are divided into teams. Come up with team names, choose captains .

· Design: the inscription: September 1, children's faces, a lawn, and on it "elephants" who will travel around the "Land of Knowledge" in the 9th grade.

1 contest "Questions - jokes".

· Each team gives answers to joke questions. Whose team is the first to answer and correctly, that point.

1. Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Better with a spoon).
2. What belongs to you, and more often it is used by others? (Name).
3. When soup is boiled, what is thrown into the pot first? (Sight).
4. What does the hippo have and is absent from other animals? (Little hippo).
5. The electric train went from north to south, the wind blew from south to north; which way did the smoke from the train go? (There can be no smoke near an electric train).
6. What is completely full of holes, but holds water? (Sponge).
7. Who has 2 arms, 2 wings, 2 tails, 3 heads, 6 legs? (Rider holding a chicken).
8. How to throw an object in a straight line so that it returns to the same point on its own? (Need to throw up).
9. How to jump off a 10-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).
10. What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6).
11. In which country is bullying not "banned"? (In Australia, since "hooligans" are birds.)
12. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).
13. Can I light a match underwater? (You can, if the water is in a glass).
14. How can a thrown egg fly 3 meters and not break? (You need to throw it 4 meters, and then it will fly 3 meters whole).
15. How to sit in a galosh? (You need to take the form of boots).
16. Why do redheads walk in Paris? (On the ground).
17. Whoever does not have it - he does not want to have it, whoever has it - cannot give it away? (Lysina).
18. How can you read the word "mystery"? (Only from left to right).
19. It is cold at the beginning and at the end, but warm in the middle. What is this? (Calendar year).
20. Which city is baked from dough? (Kalach).
21. What is the most terrible river? (Tiger).
22. He rides on someone else's back, but carries a load on his own. What is this? (Saddle).
23. What should the referee check when he enters the field to play a match? (Whistle).
24. Why did the boy make a hole in his umbrella? (To better see when the rain stops).
25. When do people have as many eyes as how many days have passed in a year? (January 2).
26. What bird does not lay eggs, but hatch from them? (Rooster).
27. How many peas can go into a glass? (None - peas do not go).
28. What is the most short month? (May).
29. What bird is the name of the dance? (Tap dance).
30. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

The teacher summarizes the results of the first competition.

2 competition "Draw a proverb."

One person from each team.

Condition: you need to draw a proverb (by lot), and the team name this proverb.

1. Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf.

2. One head is good, but two is better.

3. If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.

· Results of the competition.

3 competition "Pantomime".

· One person from the team takes part.

Condition: it is necessary to depict the hidden proverb so that the whole team can guess it.

1. Without difficulty, you can’t catch a fish from a pond.

2. Measure seven times - cut once.

· Results of the competition.

4 competition "Straw".

Captains Competition. You need to prepare 6 glasses and tubes for a cocktail (3 pcs.)

The task of the players is to pour water (or juice) from one glass to another using a straw. The one who manages to do it faster wins.

5th contest "Sweet tooth - lamb".

· For this contest you will need sucking sweets - caramel.

· Volunteers from each team are selected.

Condition: they take turns taking candy and put it in their mouths (you can’t swallow!) And say: “sweet tooth - lamb”. Whoever manages to put more sweets in his mouth and at the same time more or less legibly say these words, he will win.

· The teacher announces the results of the competition.

6 competition "Prize - surprise".

· The teacher shows the book in which the bookmark is placed and names the total number of pages in the book. He invites the playing teams to guess the page on which the bookmark is laid. The one who guesses correctly gets this book and brings a point to his team.

· Results of the competition. Total score.

7 competition "Forty seconds".

· 2 people from each team take part.

Task: in 40 seconds, complete all the tasks that are written on their piece of paper. You just need to remember that there are only 40 seconds left!

Here is what is written on the participants' sheets:

1. Sit down 2 times.
2. Jump up on your left foot 5 times.
3. Raise your arms up 2 times.
4. Read all the tasks carefully.
5. Shout your name out loud.
6. Meow loudly twice.
7. Kiss any two people.
8. Turn around yourself three times.
9. Laugh at yourself.
10. Shake hands with three friends.
11. Jump up on the right leg 5 times.
12. After you have read all the tasks, complete only 13 and 14.
13. Squat down.
14. Put the piece of paper in front of you.

After the task is completed by all participants, the teacher says:

Teacher. If you carefully read and completed task number 4,

you only have to complete #13 and #14.

· The teacher summarizes the results of the competition.

8 competition "True balls".

For this entertainment you need Balloons(15 pieces) and two sets of cards, one with questions, the other with answers. Answer cards are in balloons. Question cards are shuffled. The teacher starts first. Ask a question to any student. The student needs to burst the balloon and find out the answer. The game continues in a chain (boys ask girls questions and vice versa).

· The trick of this game is that any question fits any answer. There are no winners and losers here.

Questions for cards.

1. Are you a well-mannered and patient person?
2. Are you capable of noble deeds?
3. Do you criticize your teachers?
4. Do you get tired from schoolwork?
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
6. Do you want to go abroad?
7. Do you like spending money on trifles?
8. Do you like to play the fool?
9. Do you like delicious food?

10. Are you obnoxious to others?
11. Do you fight with your friends?
12. Do you step on people's feet?
13. Do you dream of having a car?
14. Are you afraid of dangerous adventures?
15. When do you have to smile?

Answers for cards.

1. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
2. You should not ask such questions, knowing my character.
3. I have nothing to answer you.
4. And under torture I won't tell.
5. This topic is unpleasant for me.
6. This is my secret, I don't want others to know about it.
7. Once a week I allow myself this pleasure.
8. Only when I'm in a bad mood.
9. Of course, otherwise I would be bored with life.
10. Not without it.
11. Only in thoughts.
12. This has never been and never will be.
13. This is the most great pleasure for me.
14. It happened somehow.
15. Only awake.

9 contest

Teacher. Before you, dear ninth graders, start your 9th grade marathon run, here are a few tips.

1. “Get knowledge on your own. It is dishonorable to use the results of a comrade's labor."

Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

2. "Speak thoughtfully rather than quickly."

Thomas More

3. "You can't be a real mathematician without being a bit of a poet."

K. Weerstrass.

4. "People stop thinking when they stop reading."

5. "A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings."

6. "Who does not want to learn will never become a real person."

Jose Julian.

7. "Education has bitter roots, but sweet fruits."


8. “Success is 10% luck and 90% sweat.”

9. “There are no victories without defeats.”

Ancient Chinese wisdom.

No matter what difficulties you encounter along the way,

I wish you not to be afraid of them.

To overcome all these difficulties would be able to

And without loss they could reach the cherished goal!

I wish you: "No fluff, no feather!"

The teacher gives the children boxes with bells (bells for last call), congratulatory baby books, elephant pictures (can be used as a bookmark).

· Darling

· Educated

· Unique

· The only one

· Irresistible

· Charming

· Envelope of answers, opinions, wishes… (its contents can be used at the “last call” holiday). The whole class answers the questions that are written on the "palms".

Questions: 1. With what mood did you go to school today?

2. What do you expect from the coming school year?

3. What do you like about our school?

4. What is your most memorable day of summer?

5. What do you remember about your first day at school?

6. I wish (something) for myself, class, friends, teachers.