Is it possible to sunbathe in the solarium. Can I take a shower after visiting the solarium? Requirements for a professional solarium

It seems that nothing paints a woman so much as skin covered with an even golden tan. To find it, it is not necessary to go to warmer climes, it is much easier to go to a solarium. However, doctors warn about the dangers of solarium, the list of contraindications for these procedures is almost longer than the indications. So is it worth exposing the body to an artificial sun? Experts say it's worth it if you know how to stop in time.

Tan and the canons of aesthetics

The fashion for tanning was preceded by millennia human history when only relevant White skin. IN Ancient Greece the Athenians covered their faces with highly toxic lead white, in medieval Europe matte skin distinguished an aristocrat from a commoner. However, nothing lasts forever - at the end of the 19th century, the situation changes. Doctors start prescribing sunbathing and sea bathing against anemia and rickets. And in the 60s of the last century, tanning turns into a real cult - young people striving to be at the peak of fashion rush to the beach, while trying to be as naked as possible.

And although massive skin burns as a result of intense solar radiation could have alerted doctors, this did not happen. It's propagated everywhere healthy tan", and colorful posters contrast brown burly men with pale faces.

Time passed, and when the youth of the 60s finally matured, doctors were worried that among these people the incidence of melanoma and other malignant neoplasms skin was significantly higher than previous generation. In addition, areas exposed to intense sun exposure made the skin appear significantly older than areas normally protected from the sun. It became clear that premature aging skin is closely associated with immoderate solar radiation. Therefore, it was called photoaging.

Doctors make recommendations on how to sunbathe properly: do not use the sun when it is high in the sky; limit the time spent on the beach, do not forget about sunscreen, in a word, enjoy a traditional seaside vacation in accordance with all the rules, which means that without the risk of becoming good example harmful effects UV radiation to the skin. As a result, it becomes fashionable golden hue skin, and a tan "to blackness" becomes a sign of a lack of taste and even vulgarity.

To the beach or to the solarium?

Each of the ways to get a tan has its own characteristics. When we sunbathe on the coast of the sea or river, the skin is exposed to the moisture it needs due to the moisture that is in the air. In addition, we breathe fresh air while receiving a positive emotional charge. Solarium doesn't have that. However, visiting the solarium also has a number of advantages. Such procedures are indispensable for those who do not have time to spend hours on the beach - a 20-minute stay under ultraviolet lamps provides the same effect as about 3 hours under the sun. In the solarium, the client receives scientifically based doses of UV rays, the ratio of which can be adjusted by controlling the intensity of tanning.

Who is shown a solarium

Ever since the German scientist Federick Wolf created the first source of ultraviolet radiation for the treatment of diseases in 1975 respiratory tract, indications for the use of "artificial sun" have expanded significantly and include about forty different ailments, including acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, etc. Phototherapy is used to treat special form depression, affecting mainly women in their 30s, who have increased appetite and sleepiness. Scientists explain this effect by a decrease in the secretion of melatonin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which, when excessively contained in the body, causes melancholy.

In winter time artificial sun used to increase the body's defenses and combat colds; in spring - to prepare the skin for the active sun. Several sessions in the solarium are especially recommended before a trip to the sea.

Solarium contraindications

With all the undoubted advantages, tanning in a solarium has serious contraindications, including diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and work disturbances. thyroid gland, mastopathy, as well as exacerbations of many chronic diseases.

Doctors do not advise gynecological patients to sunbathe in a solarium (ultraviolet light can enhance inflammatory processes); those who have many moles on their bodies, age spots or freckles. To avoid the appearance of age spots, do not sunbathe in a solarium and during pregnancy.

Going to the solarium, remember what medicines you are in Lately accepted. There are medications that cause hypersensitivity to sunlight, which leads to skin irritation. These drugs include: antibiotics (tetracycline and its derivatives); antidepressants; low glucose antidiabetic drugs; antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs; antipsoriatic drugs; diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs; female sex hormones, including birth control pills; vasodilators; tranquilizers. You should not combine some perfumes with tanning in a solarium (it provokes a solar allergy). In particular, the following are dangerous for the skin: antibacterial substances that are part of deodorants, soaps and cosmetics; fragrances and essential oils perfumery; coloring substances that are part of cosmetics (shadows, lipstick, blush); acne remedies.

You should not use some before visiting the solarium. food products, including celery, carrots, parsnips, cilantro, parsley, fennel, dill, mustard, figs.

While in the solarium, you need to protect your eyes. Ultraviolet radiation the lamp is so strong that it breaks through ordinary glass glasses and damage the retina. Glasses with a special coating will help protect your eyes. These should be in every salon.

Choosing a solarium: which one is better?

If careful attitude to the skin is not something secondary for you, you should give preference to first-class beauty salons. They usually use the most modern types solariums, providing an effective and at the same time gentle tan. Here they will select the optimal tanning program and special cosmetical tools for a solarium, allowing to reduce time of sunbathing and to provide proper skin care. The client can be offered a vertical or horizontal solarium model. Vertical solariums usually have more power and shorter duration of the procedure than horizontal ones. Therefore, they are better suited to naturally swarthy people. Suitable for whites"slow" tan - 10-15 minutes at minimum power no more than once a week. A separate face tanning lamp is desirable for everyone, as the skin on the face tans in a completely different way than on the body.

Unfortunately, low prices in beauty salons are often explained by the use of cheap models of solariums that are not equipped with a built-in fan; the use of lamps whose service life has long expired and other unpleasant reasons. As a result, tanning in such a solarium will do much more harm than good.

In ancient times dark skin distinguished people of low material wealth. Its dark shade was acquired in the fields, plantations. Young ladies of noble birth always remained pale and deliberately avoided the sun. But times are changing rapidly, and customs and tastes are changing with them...

Today, the golden-bronze color of the skin indicates a high well-being, which makes it possible, regardless of the time of year, to relax in warm countries and, of course, visit a solarium.

Of course, the solarium is available to everyone. But the debate on the issue of fake tan does not stop: is it harmful or beneficial? If useful, then If harmful, then with what? In addition, doctors began to sound the alarm about possible consequences tan.

How to choose a solarium

fake tan- a fairly popular service provided by almost all beauty salons. Therefore, along with the question of how to sunbathe in a solarium, an equally important question arises - how to choose the right solarium?

The very first thing you should pay attention to is the condition of the lamps. It is often visible even to the naked eye. If outwardly the lamps are in order, it is worth taking a look at the technical data sheet. Lamps must be changed immediately after the developed standard specified in the data sheet. Remember, your safety depends on it.

The next factor that should not be overlooked is the serviceability of the equipment. The timer should function perfectly, the device should be easy to open from the inside.

An important element is the protective kit. It may be included in the price of services or sold separately. In any case, goggles are a must.

Modern solariums are vertical (less common), horizontal and seated. It is difficult to determine which one is better. The choice depends solely on personal preference and the characteristics of the body. However, there are some differences between them.

Horizontal solarium

Such solariums are considered classics. However, they have two significant drawbacks. As a rule, in horizontal solariums, tanning is uneven. The places of contact of the body with the covering of the bed sometimes remain light. The second disadvantage is the isolation of space, which for some people is a rather difficult test.

The benefits include the possibility of complete relaxation during the procedure. At the same time, the risk of burning is minimal, because low-power lamps are used for horizontal solariums.

Vertical solarium

The vertical solarium has become very popular. How to sunbathe in it? Yes in any comfortable posture you can even dance. The tan lays down evenly, without any flaws. These models are usually equipped additional features, allowing you to sunbathe with maximum comfort - stereo systems, comfortable handrails, cooling systems. Vertical solariums use powerful lamps, so tanning time is clearly limited. It is worth noting the hygiene of this type, since contact with the skin is completely excluded.

The disadvantage of such models is the likelihood of burns. But subject to all safety rules, this is completely excluded.

Seated solarium

This is the least common type. It's meant for tanning. separate parts body. For example, face, décolleté, hands. Such a solarium allows you to get an image tan in the shortest possible time.

The lamps in sitting solariums are very powerful, so frequent sessions are contraindicated. Otherwise, the skin will age prematurely.

Solarium benefits

Often there are conflicting opinions about whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium. It is possible and necessary. Some people do not even suspect that a solarium is not only an opportunity to get quality tan but also a huge source of health. It becomes especially relevant for residents of cold countries. After all, for them it is an opportunity to make up for the lack of necessary sunlight. It should be noted that, no matter how useful the solarium is, contraindications to visiting it (they are described below) should be taken into account.

The main positive effects of visiting the solarium:

  • stimulation of the body's production of vitamin D, which affects the usefulness of the absorption of phosphorus and calcium;
  • improvement of all metabolic processes, circulation and endocrine activity;
  • increased immunity, which means helping the body in the fight against colds;
  • beneficial effect on skin diseases(psoriasis, acne, eczema);
  • stimulation of the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system(ischemia, vegetovascular dystonia, hypotension);
  • increasing the body's ability to fight diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, bronchitis);
  • warming up the musculoskeletal system;
  • excellent preparation of the skin for the summer activity of the sun.


Even if you are in excellent health, be sure to consult your doctor before visiting a solarium. Contraindications apply not only to diseases. Taking certain medications (contraceptives, antibiotics, antidepressants) cannot be combined with artificial tanning. It is not recommended to combine a visit to the solarium with others. cosmetic procedures- peeling, facial cleansing, epilation.

As for diseases, the solarium is contraindicated in hypertension, gynecological diseases, mastopathy, diabetes. Thyroid disorders should also keep you from visiting a tanning bed.

Skin types

When choosing a salon, pay attention to the professionalism of specialists. Masters correctly calculate the time, select necessary scheme tanning according to your skin type. Professionals will tell you how much you can sunbathe in a solarium in order to get a quality tan without harming the body.

Brunettes with dark skin perfectly perceive the procedure from 10 minutes to half an hour. Brown-haired women, slightly swarthy, should stop for a tan for 8-20 minutes. Fair-haired girls with fair skin can stay in the solarium for 5-15 minutes. And blondes with tender pink skin It's best to skip the session altogether. Their skin is absolutely defenseless before such a procedure.

Rules for tanning in a solarium

To benefit from a visit to a solarium, and not harm, be sure to consult with your doctor about how to sunbathe in a solarium properly. If there are moles on the body, all doctors do not recommend basking in the sun. At the same time, a visit to the solarium is quite acceptable. Moles for the duration of the procedure are simply covered with special stickers.

You should not use sunscreens, as they are absolutely not suitable for the procedure. There are specially designed tanning products to protect the skin from drying out. Use them.

Big temptation - get even tan excluding white stripes on the body. However, doctors do not recommend doing this. No need to expose the chest to such stress.

To exclude the possible occurrence of allergies, thoroughly wash off makeup from your face. Do not use perfume or toilet water. When showering, use only moisturizers.

Don't neglect eye protection. Be sure to purchase special glasses. Closed eyes will not protect the retina from burns. This can only be done by glasses intended for a solarium. If you wear lenses, it is recommended to remove them.

Artificial tan has a very bad effect on the structure of the hair, making it dry and brittle. Therefore, be sure to cover your head, carefully hiding all your curls.

How long to sunbathe in the solarium

Most often, a professional who conducts a session helps to decide how much to sunbathe in a solarium. There are many factors that affect the duration of the procedure. That is why each client is individually selected, both the duration and the pattern of tanning. Even if the need for an urgent tan forced you to go to the solarium, do not decide for yourself how many minutes to tan. The advice of an excellent specialist will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Most often, the course consists of 10 sessions and lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. To maintain a tan, it is recommended to repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

Be sure to give your skin a chance to rest. The optimal number of courses per year is two.

Information for beginners

If you came to the solarium for the first time, be sure to familiarize yourself with the operation of the device. Ask a specialist how to use the control panel correctly, so that if necessary, you can immediately call a specialist for help.

Do not try to greatly reduce the time between sessions. You won't be able to tan quickly in this way. It should be borne in mind that a tan appears within 8 hours. With each subsequent procedure, this time decreases, and the stability of tanning increases significantly.

After the session, skin tension may be felt, sometimes accompanied by slight redness. This is a normal process, indicating that the body has received the maximum allowable dose ultraviolet. In the case of such manifestations, the next session should be shortened somewhat.

Instead of a conclusion

Sunlight enriches people life energy. The tanning process significantly strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of active substances, and increases the protective function of the skin. And in general, tanned body- it's really very beautiful! Modern technologies allow you to acquire a beautiful golden hue and improve health even without a trip to the south. All this perfectly replaces the solarium. The main thing is not to forget the recommendations on how to properly sunbathe in a solarium, so that the procedure gives pleasure and gives good mood. And, of course, it has been beneficial.

Cosmetologists say that taking a tan is useful, it helps to cope with acne. Tanning also helps to cure psoriasis and eczema, it is necessary in the treatment of a number of other diseases. Externally proper tan looks very beautiful and fashionable in comparison with untanned skin.
The undoubted advantage of tanning is ultraviolet rays, which in turn contribute to the production of useful and very important vitamin D, and the much-needed joy hormone called serotin. But tanning in a solarium is completely safe only for absolutely healthy people and subject to all established rules for tanning in a solarium.

Is solarium harmful?

If you are a lover of a beautiful tan and regularly visit a solarium in order to give your skin beautiful tan, the thought has clearly already occurred to you that a solarium, according to many opinions, is considered harmful, is it so? There is also an opinion that a solarium, on the contrary, is useful, because a moderate tan is even useful for the skin. To determine whether a solarium is harmful or useful, you should find out the opinion of experts. And only then draw your own conclusions.

Who is harmful to go to the solarium?

Before deciding to go to the solarium, it would be better to visit a doctor, because there are a number of diseases that are contraindications. So you should not go to the solarium in case of exacerbation, any existing diseases, taking certain medications are also a contraindication to taking a tan.

The harm of a solarium for women

If you begin to abuse visiting solariums, then this tan can very easily turn into harm. Probably everyone knows that the abuse of ultraviolet rays leads to rapid aging skin, after which the skin becomes dry and thinner, and this leads to an increase in the possibility of getting skin cancer. Also, do not forget about sunburn. Therefore, striving to get beautiful bronze tan, do not forget that there are very a fine line between benefit and harm.

To protect yourself from the harmful effects of tanning in a solarium, it is imperative to use special protective equipment, which will help protect the skin, because they reflect dangerous rays.

Can pregnant women sunbathe in a solarium?

Many pregnant women are wondering if they can visit the solarium? Here the answer is non-variable. Pregnant women should not go to the solarium, because the solarium turns into a serious test that is completely unnecessary. Also, do not forget that the body changes hormonal background, and as a result you can get the occurrence dark spots, and there is a possibility of tumors.
During lactation, you can also not go to the solarium.
During menstruation, it is also better to refuse to visit the solarium. Since overheating of the body can lead to bleeding.

Solarium contraindications:

  1. If you spent laser resurfacing, then during this six months you are forbidden to visit the solarium;
  2. After chemical peeling, ultraviolet rays are also contraindicated for one month;
  3. At the end of the epilation, the rays in the solarium cause discomfort, since the skin is devoid of a protective layer, there is a risk of burns;
  4. Remember, a solarium is a load on your body, and if it is weakened, you should not give it this additional load.

Why is solarium harmful?

People on the body who have a large number of moles can visit the solarium, but it is recommended to limit the time of tanning. If there are large moles on the body, then it would be better to seal them with a patch. Don't neglect sunscreen which will help avoid unpleasant situations with skin. It is known that when moles are exposed to ultraviolet rays, they can develop into malignant tumors. If you are the owner a large number moles or large moles, in warm time year, they must be closely monitored. If they begin to change their shape or increase, as well as bleed or become inflamed, be sure to consult a specialist.
People who have moles or freckles, or who have bright skin It is not advisable to visit solariums. Rather, you will achieve that the skin will only turn red and burn. It is better to give preference to self-tanning, in order to get a bronze skin color, it will be much safer.

Allergy to solarium

There are situations when the skin is vulnerable to sunburn, and rashes and redness may occur on it. An allergy that occurs after sunburn is a signal that the internal organs are not working properly.
In order to get rid of the allergies that have arisen, it is necessary to stop visiting the solarium. You can also use special ointments.

Chloasma - spots after visiting the solarium

Many women find dark pigmentation on their skin after visiting a tan. Spotted sunburn is associated with hormonal failure. If you put your favorite perfume on your skin before visiting the solarium, it can also cause stains. To prevent this from happening, first read the instructions for visiting the solarium. Well, if pigmentation still appears on your skin, you can try to get rid of it with a special whitening cream, or use folk remedies. In the event that pigmentation does not go away, but rather intensifies, be sure to consult a specialist.

Solarium allows you to get a beautiful tan at any time of the year without leaving your city. But among us there are many who cannot sunbathe in the solarium.

Solarium damage for special skin

Visiting a solarium is contraindicated for people with a fair skin type. Light-skinned people can easily get burns from ultraviolet radiation. And this not only looks ugly, but also increases in the future. For the same reason, those who have freckles and many moles on their body (especially large ones) should not sunbathe in a solarium.

A high risk of getting burned in a solarium also appears after a peeling or epilation procedure, as well as after undergoing a rejuvenation procedure.

A contraindication to visiting a solarium is the presence in a person various problems with skin. If you have age spots on your skin, vitiligo, or you suffer from chronic dermatitis, then give up artificial tanning. Fake tan can exacerbate these skin problems.

Diseases in which solarium is harmful

One of the serious contraindications to the solarium is a predisposition to cancer. If someone in your family had oncology, then consult a dermatologist if you can visit a solarium without harm to health.
It is undesirable to use the services of a solarium for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The list of diseases in which the solarium is harmful to health include:

The harm of the solarium lies in the fact that it is an additional burden on the immune system. Therefore, you should not go sunbathing in the salon if you have a cold or some kind of infectious disease.

Ultraviolet rays change the properties of some drugs. If you are taking antibiotics, antidepressants or tranquilizers, then the solarium is contraindicated for you.

The harm of a solarium for women

The chocolate tone of the skin that appears after visiting the solarium helps a woman feel beautiful and sexy. But ignorance of the measure causes premature aging of the skin, contributes to the appearance of age spots and worsens the condition of the hair. This is the harm of a solarium for women.

It is important to remember that women should not sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy and lactation.

To be sure that you visit the solarium without harm to health, consult with your doctor before visiting the salon. But even if you have no contraindications to a solarium, carefully observe to minimize unpleasant consequences.

In order to get a beautiful bronze skin tone, it is not necessary to carry out for a long time under the oppressive rays of the sun. It is enough to visit a few sessions in the solarium at any time of the year. However this procedure raises many questions, which we will try to answer in this article.

Are there any differences between natural tanning and tanning in a solarium?

You can immediately answer, then the difference between natural tan and tanning in a solarium is practically non-existent. The process of skin pigmentation occurs in the same way in both cases. The only difference is that tanning in a solarium eliminates exposure to the most dangerous rays for the skin - UV-C, and in the case of tanning on the beach, these harmful rays fall on the skin.

According to the recommendations of experts, the total number of procedures should not exceed 50-60 per year. It is best to sunbathe in courses of 8-10 sessions with an interval between sessions of 24-48 hours. Between courses there should be a break of at least one month. The recommended interval between the first and second sessions is 48 hours. Do not sunbathe more than once a day.

How long should a session be?

The duration of a session in a solarium depends on the type of skin. As you know, there is a conditional division of the skin into four types. Depending on the type and selected safe time tan:

  • The first type - the skin is very light, with many freckles, while the hair color is blond or light red. Such skin in the sun quickly turns red and burns. People with the first type of skin should not sunbathe at all, but if you really want to, you should not sunbathe for more than 10 minutes 1-2 times a week. The first session should be 2-3 minutes long;
  • The second type - the skin is light, there are some freckles, while the person has bright eyes and Brown hair. This type of skin lends itself to tanning, but is prone to burning. With the second type of skin, you can sunbathe for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a week. The duration of the first session is 3-5 minutes;
  • The third type - the skin is quite light, the eyes are light or brown, the hair is light brown or chestnut. Owners of such skin rarely burn. Therefore, they can visit the solarium 2-3 times a week, while the duration of the session can be 20 minutes. Usually a seductive bronze shade appears after 5 sessions;
  • The fourth type is dark skin, Brown eyes And dark hair. With this type of skin, several sessions in the solarium for 20 minutes are enough.

What cosmetics are used for tanning in a solarium?

As you know, the main disadvantage of tanning is dryness and flaking of the skin. Therefore, it will be appropriate to use a moisturizing lotion, spray or cream. Experts note that it is not advisable to use sunscreen cosmetics for tanning in a solarium, since the lamps do not produce harmful radiation. In addition, the application sunscreens Significantly reduces the rate at which a bronzed skin tone is obtained.

Recommended to purchase special cream for facial skin for tanning in a solarium. The skin on the face is more sensitive, and although many salons use special lamps for the face, it is still better to use additional protection for it.

Who should not visit the solarium?

For some diseases and conditions, it is not recommended to sunbathe in a solarium. Contraindications include:

  • Any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic;
  • Bronchial asthma with severe attacks;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Tumors of benign and malignant nature;
  • Severe form of tuberculosis;
  • Some diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Hereditary predisposition to melanoma;
  • Reception hormonal drugs, including contraceptives;
  • A large number of moles on the body.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the period of pregnancy in women. During the bearing of the baby in the body, the level of the hormone increases, which activates the process of pigmentation. Therefore, the skin of a pregnant woman reacts faster to a tan. In addition, visit the solarium, however, as well as sunbathing in natural conditions, expectant mother possible only after the permission of the doctor. There are many contraindications for tanning during pregnancy.

Is it necessary to wash off decorative cosmetics before a tanning session in a solarium?

It is recommended not only to completely remove decorative cosmetics but also wash off the perfume. All cosmetic products actively react to ultraviolet light. Moreover, you need to wash off the cosmetics three hours before the session. What is forbidden to do before sunbathing is to take a shower with soap. Soap destroys the natural protective film of the skin and makes the skin vulnerable to UV rays, which can lead to burning.

What are the differences between sunbathing in horizontal and vertical solariums?

IN horizontal solarium need to use additional funds protection for eyes, hair and nipples. Staying in this type of cabin is contraindicated for people suffering from claustrophobia, as you have to be in too tight a space.

When ignited in vertical solarium you need to remember to raise your hands up from time to time so that the tan is uniform. 5 out of 5 (1 vote)