What hairstyle suits me: modern options for any type of face

Girls will suit almost any a haircut. Just pay attention to the fact that if the ears are protruding, it is still better to cover them with hair. If the nose is long, bangs to the eyebrows will hide this piquant feature. And remember, youth is a time of experimentation. Try different hairstyles, change, make curls. Everything is possible for you now, look for yourself and your new look.

When choosing a hairstyle, women of average, in addition to external parameters (height, weight, etc.), should also take into account social factors, or rather, the place of work. If the profession or office rules require a dress code, then long ones in this case will be inappropriate. It is better to collect them in a beautiful hairstyle or make a haircut that does not require styling and is suitable for wearing at work. Remember that your appearance is the key to the door of career growth, and the more presentable, confident and reliable you look, the sooner this door will open.

As a rule, ladies of retirement age try to cut their hair short. Allegedly do not suit older women. This is wrong. If thick and well-groomed, they will decorate any. Moreover, now there is a huge amount of sparing ones that will help hide gray hair. Feel free to choose medium length hairstyles - bob, bob, cascading a haircut- and you will see yourself in the mirror, but 20 years younger.

In order to understand you more, you need to take into account a huge number of parameters. These are weight and height, age, facial structure, shape of the auricles and hair density, social status. It’s quite difficult to cope with this on your own, so when choosing a haircut, it’s better to listen to the opinion of a competent stylist. He has seen many different

A haircut is one of the most important components of a female image, and the choice of hairstyle must be approached very responsibly, because a lot depends on the right haircut. A hairstyle can hide imperfections, or vice versa, emphasize them, so choose your hairstyle very responsibly. If you are still wondering: “Which hairstyle suits me?”, Our article will give you the answer to this serious question, in addition, here you will find a lot of other useful and interesting information on this topic.

Determine the type of face

You need to choose a hairstyle based on your type of face, but before that you need to find out what shape of face you have, it's very simple to do. To do this, you will need a mirror and a felt-tip pen.

  • First, the hair must be removed from the face, it is best to collect them in a bun at the back of the head.
  • You need to perform actions in a brightly lit room, no extra shadows should fall on your face.
  • Now a very crucial moment: take a felt-tip pen and trace your face on the mirror. Start from the chin, moving up, the actions must be performed very carefully.
  • Now take a close look at the resulting image, what geometric shape it most closely resembles, this is the shape of your face.

Oval face type

This form is considered the most ideal, girls with this face shape can carry out any experiments with their hair and try on any length. Both a shortened bob and long curls will suit you. Try the asymmetrical haircut, which is very popular today. If you are a brave girl, you can make yourself a haircut “like a boy”, paradoxically, girls with such a hairstyle look very feminine, and owners of an oval face shape can afford it.

round face type

The main task of the hairstyle for owners of a round shape is to visually “stretch” the silhouette of the face. Haircuts just below the chin are perfect for you, but at the same time they should be lush. If your hair is not naturally voluminous, you can comb it at the roots, or treat it with a corrugated iron. With this face shape, a bang is allowed only if it is on its side, but in no case is it straight. Avoid also straight parting, small curls and large waves.

Rectangular face type

Hair with this face shape should not be too long and straight, just avoid too “licked” hairstyles and parting. Also, with this type of face, you do not need to cut off a straight and thick bang. For owners of this face shape, the most ideal length will be shoulder length, or a little shorter. You will need to hide the too “heavy” jaw characteristic of this type of face, but it should not be strands sticking out in different directions, it should be neat styling.

Square face type

The square shape, in principle, looks very nice, the main thing is to remove the angularity a little. For girls with this face shape, hairstyles with curly curls are perfect, for this form it is better not to choose too short haircuts, it can be a bob, but below the chin, straight thick bangs, straight parting and too open face are also undesirable.

Triangular face type

This form is characterized by a wide forehead and a very narrow chin, so the main task of the hairstyle is to create harmony, an oblique torn bang will cope with this task, it will hide a wide forehead and the shape will be close to ideal. You can also add harmony to the volume at the back of the head, you can comb the hair at the back of the head. For this form, both straight and side parting is acceptable.

  • If you have a very long neck, long hair will suit you, if vice versa, short hair, you better choose short haircuts that will completely open your neck.
  • If you have protruding ears, they need to be masked with a hairstyle, a bob or curls will do just fine with this task, but high hairstyles, tight tails, and so on are contraindicated for you.
  • If you are very tall, lush and voluminous hairstyles are perfect for you, especially if they are done on medium length hair.
  • If you don't know what style you want to do, refer to fashion trends, for example, asymmetric haircuts, or hairstyles in a "sloppy" style are very popular today. For everyday hairstyles, you can make a ponytail with protruding strands and “cockerels”.
  • For girls with very tall stature, it is better not to do short haircuts, so you will appear even taller, but short women can pay attention to such styling, especially if the shape of the face allows.
  • For girls with a full figure, it is better not to choose too voluminous and lush hairstyles, so you will visually give yourself even more centimeters.
  • Girls of short stature need to create additional volume at the crown, it will look especially advantageous on short hair.

The question of how to find out which haircut suits me excites the minds of thousands, if not millions of women. Especially if you are not a fan of experiments, for a long time you have preferred the same haircut. And then another morning comes, you stand at the mirror with unstyled hair and think which haircut will suit your face. And it seems that you can’t do without the help of a professional, but this is a fundamentally wrong position.

How to choose the right haircut?

Any specialist will tell you that the choice of the right hairstyle is based on the shape of the face and the structure of the hair. These two components are the basis of a competent hairstyle. If you are not determined with the shape and structure, then the perfect haircut is not foreseen in the near future. Usually girls are aware of their type on an intuitive level, but how do I know which haircut is right for me? It's simple, first we define the shape of the face.

What are the forms?

It is not enough to determine a typical classification, it is important to figure out how to determine your face shape with absolute accuracy. It is customary for experts to divide the following forms:

  • Round - the width of the face is approximately equal to the length.
  • Oval - the face narrows towards the bottom, the cheekbones protrude. considered the ideal form.
  • Square - the forehead, cheekbones and chin are the same in size.
  • The shape of the heart - the cheekbones and forehead are wide, the chin is narrow and elongated.
  • Rhombus - cheekbones protruding against the background of the forehead, a narrow chin.
  • Elongated shape - the forehead, chin and cheekbones are the same in length.

Someone will be able to determine the shape of their face immediately if it is, for example, pronounced round. And someone will have to work hard and resort to the help of the test.

Shape Test

To definitely determine the shape of your face and not make a mistake with a haircut, you should pass a small but effective test, consisting of four stages.

  • Step #1 - Stand in front of a mirror, comb your hair back and tie it up so it's out of the way.
  • Step number 2 - prepare a long ruler in advance, and in its absence, an A4 sheet, as well as a pen. The task of the second stage is to measure the length of the face from the roots of the hair on the forehead to the tip of the chin.
  • Step number 3 - now you need to use your mathematical abilities and divide the resulting length by three. This result has a symbolic designation as “result A”.
  • Step number 4 - next you need to measure the gap from the bridge of the nose to the end of the chin and mark it as "result B".

This is where our measurements end, we can begin to announce the results and answer the question of how to find out which haircut suits me:

  • if the length of A is greater than the length of B, then the shape of your face is elongated or square;
  • if the length A is less than the length B - round or diamond-shaped;
  • if the length of A is equal to the length of B - oval or heart-shaped.

Based on the results of the test, you can easily determine your face shape. Based on this, you can choose the perfect hairstyle, because an unsuccessful haircut can ruin even the most beautiful facial features.

Haircuts for a round face

The problem with chubby girls is that even the thinnest faces can look plump due to such a circular shape. Women who are overweight are even less fortunate. Therefore, the task of a haircut is to visually reduce the volume and lengthen it in all possible and impossible ways. It's time to answer the question of how to find out which haircut suits me with a square face shape. The following hairstyles are strictly prohibited for girls with a round face shape:

  • Forget about perms, because of the small curls your face will visually become even larger.
  • For the same reason, you will have to abandon excessively lush hairstyles.
  • Never comb your hair back, the face will become even more round.
  • You should beware of short haircuts, but if you really want to, you should definitely discuss the choice with a specialist or use an application that will help you find out from the photo which haircut is suitable.
  • Caution should be taken with high hairstyles for those ladies who, in addition to a round face shape, have a long neck. The hairstyle will visually lengthen not only the shape of the face, but also the neck, which will seem indistinct.

We figured out the limitations, now let's move on to what will definitely fit a round face:

  • Multi-layered, multi-layered and once again multi-layered! Such haircuts, in which each layer has a different length, are ideal for chubby ladies.
  • Large curls will look great.
  • Do not forget about long haircuts, where the hair falls below the chin.
  • If you really want something shorter, pay attention to the bob haircut.
  • As for the hairstyle - sleekness is useless here, but the creative mess is just that.

Choose based on personal preferences and advice from really good experts.

Haircuts for an oval face

Any hairdresser will tell you that this face shape is considered ideal. This is because almost any hairstyle suits the owners of this form. But still, you will have to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • For thin hair - medium length haircut.
  • For thick and thick hair - a long haircut.
  • And do not forget about the bangs, the owners of an oval face will suit any. When choosing, start from facial features.

If you are a happy owner of an oval shape, then there should be no problems with the choice. Based on taste preferences, and the question of how to find out which haircut suits me will not be relevant.

Haircuts for a square face

This shape is considered very difficult, as the wrong haircut will make your face too masculine, athletic or full. A good haircut with styling will help to correct the shape.

You need to pay attention to the following options:

  • multi-layer milled oblique bangs;
  • asymmetric haircuts with side parting;
  • large waves and a haircut below the shoulders;
  • ladder and graduation - an ideal option to smooth out rough facial features;
  • a high hairstyle will visually stretch the face.

Forget about the following hairstyles:

  • short haircuts are taboo, they will only emphasize the "squareness" of the face;
  • lush hairstyles will make the face even wider;
  • straight hair, even bangs and parting - a nightmare for owners of a square face.

If you really want a short hairstyle, an option with an elongated oblique bangs is possible.

Haircuts for a heart shape

This shape cannot be called ideal, but its advantage is that it can be easily corrected through the right haircut. What haircut suits a heart-shaped face?

  • A torn bang will bring the heart-shaped shape closer to the ideal oval, which will open the central part of the forehead.
  • Short haircuts and too long hair are a moot point, shoulder-length haircuts would be ideal.
  • You should also be careful with curls, smooth and straight hair is the best option.

To choose the best hairstyle as accurately as possible, use the advice of specialists. How do I know which men's haircut is right for me? You should also pay attention to the shape of the face and the rules listed above.

Selection (selection) of a suitable hairstyle is a responsible matter. Here you need to approach this with all seriousness - take into account many factors, at least a little understanding of the trends in fashionable haircuts and hairstyles, have the desire to finally change yourself and your image. But if everyone were so confident and understood all the intricacies of hairdressing, then the need for specialists would disappear and the fashionable world of hairstyles would become very scarce.

But how then to be?! What hairstyle suits me? How to make the right choice?! How to find the option that will hide the flaws of the face, and add attractiveness, and add confidence?!

Of course, one of the options is to go to a hair stylist (by the way, one of the best) and he, based on several factors, will select the desired hairstyle option for you and immediately bring it to life. But this path is not suitable for everyone, and you will have to look for a way to solve this problem yourself. So how can this be decided by a person who does not have special education and experience in this matter.

There are several ways to select the desired (correct hairstyle):

  • using programs and services
  • by face type
  • depending on the structure and thickness of the hair
  • depending on the physique, height, facial features

So, how to choose a hairstyle in more detail.

With programs and services

Without a doubt, finding a hairstyle or haircut that would be perfect for you is a very important task. But not everyone will decide to experiment with their hair, because instead of transformation, you can get a very deplorable result and then fix it for months, or even years. To prevent such an outcome, various programs and online services for the selection of hairstyles, accessories and makeup were invented and developed. Usually you only need to upload your photo and you can start to change your image to your heart's content.

There are two on our website with instructions on how to use them.

No fears and doubts - easy selection of a haircut or styling. Such services are just a godsend for both women and men.

With face type detection

How to choose a hairstyle according to the type of face? First you need to determine your face shape, and choose a hairstyle for it. It’s easy to determine: take a mirror and a felt-tip pen. Look in the mirror and use a felt-tip pen to trace the outline of your face. Compare your outline with the picture and description below.

Oval face type

Considered universal. Almost everything suits him and it has no restrictions, if only the oval is of an ideal shape, but there are also some errors (narrow forehead or large facial features), then they will have to be corrected.

The shape resembles an inverted egg - it narrows a little towards the bottom and lengthens a little. Facial features are average, neither large nor small.

round face type

This type is similar to the oval shape, but the face is wider in width and shorter in height. The chin and cheekbones are not large and do not stand out. Everything is quite streamlined, rounded and there are no corners.

Square face type

The square-shaped face is somewhat similar to the round type, but more angular. The ratio of width and height is almost the same (1:1). The forehead is low, the cheekbones are more visible and wide, the chin is large.

Rectangular face type

Large face shape - the forehead is high, and the chin is wide. It is also quite stretched out. The width of the forehead, cheekbones and chin is almost equal - this makes the face look quite massive and angular.

Triangular (diamond-shaped) face type

These two types of face are similar in having a narrow chin and widening in the cheekbones, while the triangle has a wide forehead, while the rhombus has a narrow forehead. The cheekbones are usually quite large and prominent.

The diamond-shaped type of face is quite rare, as well as another type - it is pear-shaped (narrow forehead, massive chin, large cheekbones).

Hairstyle data for different face types we put together in a table:

Oval Circle Square Directly-
Length any short,
for curly
hair - below
average average,
(up to shoulders)
It is forbidden
all if
just no
thick and
parting and
haircuts before
cheekbones or
smooth and
strands and
short and
smooth and
strands and
take away
shoulder length
short and
hair and
with taken-
oval well
square or bob,
better with
bangs, and with
round -
volume per
combed hair
back (but
for thin
no strands
curls, curls,
add. volume
square with
strands with
at the ends
and hairstyles
Bang any, but
can and
without bangs
nah, a lot
level, oblique
bangs very
lush and
eyebrows, straight
straight and
oblique and
bob, bob,
All in all
curls and
bob, cascade,
square, waves,
cascade and
curls and

How to choose a hairstyle if you have (a more detailed description):

Color, hair structure, growth and other parameters are also important. For example, dark colors narrow the face, while light colors, on the contrary, expand. Thick hair suits a lot of styling, but thin hair will have to be content with mostly voluminous hairstyles.

A large number of tips, recommendations, various rules, as well as programs and services for the selection of hairstyles will help you in solving such an urgent issue as the competent choice of your ideal hairstyle. Difficulties should not arise. So don't be afraid to change! Try it and good luck!

A stylish image of a man who takes care of himself is unthinkable without a good haircut and hairstyle. Going to the hairdresser, any good stylist can easily advise which haircut suits you best. He does this based on experience, based on the shape of the face and the structure of your hair. But what if there is no way to pay for a stylist, and being an experiment in the hands of a hairdresser is too risky?

Today we will look at classic hairstyles for men, and also learn how to choose a haircut for the shape of the face and hair structure.

Few people do hair like what we see in magazines or fashion show photos. A group of professionals worked on the model, who for 1-2 hours did everything with their hair that they could think of. In my opinion, a haircut and hairstyle for a man should be suitable for work, walking or dating 24 hours and 7 days a week. The hairstyle should be simple, and take 2-3 minutes in the morning, and not 30-40, like girls. I think you will agree with me.

The topic is very broad. There are entire magazines, communities and websites devoted to only one topic - haircuts and hairstyles. There is no need for us to go into details and publish "50 new hairstyles for spring-summer 2015" each. Therefore, I will try to briefly and easily highlight the main thing.

How to choose a haircut according to the shape of the face

The first thing to do is to decide on your face shape. Go to the mirror, remove your hair if you have bangs, and determine the shape. The main forms of a man's face: round, oval, square, heart-shaped, triangular or diamond-shaped. Next, we will analyze each face shape separately.

Oval face shape

An oval face shape is considered ideal. For this type of face, short classic haircuts are suitable: short on the sides and a little longer on top, or simply pulled back hair on one side. The trick is to pull your hair back and not over your forehead to avoid the roundness of your face. Creating angles and volume at the crown can sharpen the face a bit. I would even add that the male bun looks great with an oval face. Also with long hair, at least in theory.

For an oval face type, haircuts such as:

  • With bangs combed back if the hair is long. Haircut "Canadian".
  • Haircuts with bangs.
  • Haircuts "Boxing" or "Half-boxing".

Round face shape

With a round face shape, you have to create the illusion of height and angles. Hair should be short on the sides and longer on top to indicate height and length. Messy hairstyle on top is your choice.

Always create asymmetry to create a more angular face shape. Men with round faces can wear their hair long, but they will have to wear it to one side and trimmed in levels. You should get a contrast with the roundness of the face. Avoid short haircuts and bangs as they lead to more rounding of the face.

For a round face type, haircuts such as:

  • Anderkat (undercut), she is "British".
  • Haircut "Canadian".
  • Haircut Quiff (quiff) - a kind of mohawk.

Square face shape

You are lucky if you have a square face shape. You can experiment with any hairstyle, whether with more classic styles (check Hollywood actor Cary Grant's side-swept hairstyle) or vice versa with long hair. Bangs and short hair on the sides on a square face look great and are a feature of high fashion.

For a square face type, haircuts such as:

  • Classic, from the fashion of the 50s-60s.
  • A slick back hairstyle perfect for all occasions (both office and party).
  • Messy, tousled hairstyle (great for curly hair).
  • Short haircut, aka "Hedgehog".

Triangular face shape

A triangular face shape looks better with a haircut that is shorter on the side, more voluminous at the crown. For example, pay attention to the hairstyle of actor Jude Law. Short haircuts look better with triangular face shapes. Bangs will look great, hair pulled to the side too. Also, short hair on the sides may be acceptable for this face shape.

For a triangular face type, haircuts such as:

  • Anderkat (undercut), she is "British".
  • Quiff haircut (quiff).

Heart-shaped face

A heart-shaped face is very similar to a triangular one. The only difference is the sharpness of the chin and the width of the cheekbones.

As a rule, all hairstyles with long hair are suitable for this face shape; Short hairstyles should emphasize the width of the forehead.

For a heart-shaped face, haircuts such as:

  • With bangs combed back. Haircut "Canadian".
  • Haircuts with bangs and combed on the right or left side.
  • Anderkat (undercut), she is "British".

Figuring out the shape of your face may not be enough in finding the right haircut. It is necessary to make an adjustment to the structure of the hair.

What is the structure of your hair

Wavy hair looks good with most haircuts because of the volume and movement. And if you want to wear it long, it will probably look amazing, although I personally am not a fan of long hair on men. But, to each his own.

Straight hair, if oily, then they can hang with “icicles”. To avoid this, don't slick them back, unless of course you've been styling them for hours and tamed them to lie perfectly. Use plenty of conditioner to make it softer and easier to style.

Thin straight hair looks best in a simple short classic haircut. Your choice is "British" or "Hedgehog".

Curly hair will look great as a more chaotic version of the Undercut (“British”) haircut or as a haircut with long hair. Add just a little tousled accent. Pay attention to Adrian Grenier, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp; What haircuts do they do? See Justin Timberlake or James Franco for classic options.

Use it to provide hold, shine to your hair and of course protection from harmful environmental influences.

Nuances when choosing a men's haircut

For those who are losing hair or have bald patches, it is recommended to let the hair grow out at the top and arrange it in a messy way. This will create the illusion of more hair. For example, Jude Law has bald patches, but this does not prevent him from looking stylish.

The more adventurous could just go and get a Jason Statham haircut and it would look cool. Haircut "Boxing" or even "Hedgehog" - as a last resort.

Another option is to bring a photo of the look you would like to imitate and show it to your hairdresser/stylist. He may not recreate the image exactly as in the photo, but he will remember and adapt it to your face shape and hair structure.


Thanks to a brilliant and well-chosen haircut, you will cause gazes and smiles from the opposite sex. The power of a good haircut gives a man style and incredible confidence. She makes a man out of a boy. Even with mediocre clothes, but with a good haircut, you will be received much better.

However, wear what you personally like. Don't accept rules if they seem absurd to you. Individuality and a coherent style, this is something that even the best hair stylist cannot help with. In extreme cases, the hair will grow back in a very short period of time. Haircut and hairstyle is just a fun fashion and image game.

Men's haircuts and hairstyles - photo

Male haircuts. How to talk to a hairdresser correctly - video