Hybrid laser hair removal DIOLAZE XL. Hybrid fractional laser - the future of laser resurfacing

For many years, cosmetologists offering rejuvenation procedures have had a choice: to use an ablative or non-ablative laser for this. Ablative fractional rejuvenation is a procedure that gives noticeable results due to the removal of tissues that have changed with age, but involves a difficult period of patient rehabilitation. As an alternative, non-ablative fractional rejuvenation was used, which does not require long-term rehabilitation, but does not always meet the high expectations of the patient and the doctor.

The situation changed in 2014, when Sciton introduced Halo™, a hybrid fractional laser, which allows you to simultaneously treat the skin with non-ablative (1470nm) and ablative (2940nm) wavelengths. Halo™ delivers impressive results with ablative treatments, with a shorter and easier recovery time (similar to non-ablative treatments).


The Halo™ treatment speaks for itself, says Chris W. Robb, MD, co-founder of the Skin & Allergy Center in Tennessee, USA.

As the most respected physician in the field of aesthetic dermatology in the United States, Dr. Robb was actively involved in the creation and release of the Halo laser. His clinic has become a national training center for Halo laser therapy and a place where patients from all over the country come to receive the procedure.

Combination of Halo™ and Broad Band Light™

Dr. Robb utilizes Halo Laser Comprehensive Therapy and Broad Band Light (BBL)™ technology for maximum results. Dr Robb says:

“These procedures are aimed at achieving various goals. The combination of BBL and Halo technologies reduces the time of exfoliation of coagulated pigment and leads to the appearance of a unique "Halo effect" - a change in the texture and light-reflecting properties of the skin (Fig. 1). For patients with even skin tone without signs of dyschromia, BBL helps maintain a healthy complexion. The combined use of the Halo laser and BBL technology allows you to get maximum results from two treatment protocols at once with a minimum downtime.”

Rice. 1. Shooting in ultraviolet light to detect pigment

1470 275/2940 20um, 30% Melasma/Photodamage Improvement. Results Before and after Sciton Halo + BBL. Photos provided by Dr. Rebecca Gelber, MD Tahoe Medical Spa Regenerative Center (USA).

BBL™ is one of the many modules offered by Sciton on the JOULE platform. It is indicated for use to solve a wide range of problems: the elimination of unwanted vascular formations and malformations, the treatment of rosacea, rosacea, acne and post-acne, the alignment of skin texture and color, the fight against its atony and a decrease in turgor, the elimination of unwanted hair. The use of BBL technology as a monofactor provides an instant, pronounced result.

Easy to use and fast payback technology BBL is the most complete and feature rich broadband lighting system in its class. The large spot size (15x4 mm), built-in controlled cooling system, two flash lamps and a high pulse frequency allow treatment to be carried out quickly and efficiently.

"The Forever Young BBL™ treatment protocol, which contains clinical features that support rejuvenation and the ability to reverse skin damage, has given me a compelling tool that no other company has been able to provide."

Chris W. Robb

When asked why he chose Sciton's BBL™ over other manufacturers' products, Dr. Robb replies that the decision was quite simple:

“I reviewed the Stanford Study 1 and the results left no doubt. The Forever Young BBL™ treatment protocol, which eliminates the signs of photodamage, visibly changes the micro-texture and smoothes wrinkles, reduces the appearance of pores.

Chris W. Robb

It also states that BBL broadband light treatments can alter the expression of genes associated with skin aging. Skin exposure helps alter gene expression in aging skin (Table 1), making it similar in key parameters to the expression of young skin. The study confirms the hypothesis that with the help of BBL technology it is possible to influence the regulators of the rate of human skin aging to obtain not only a visible change in the surface of the skin, but also functional rather than cosmetic changes, ensuring the preservation and increase in tissue resource, having an oncoprotective effect.

Tab. 1.

Changes in the expression of genes associated with aging after skin treatment with BBL technology.

In addition, this study has identified the molecular changes triggered by Forever Young BBL light therapy used to address acne, freckles, moles, pigmentation disorders, and vascular lesions. Forever Young BBL light therapy treatments are in demand among patients who strive to look younger and fresher for years to come.

Benefits of working with Sciton

Dr. med. Antonio Campo, founder of the Campo-Optimage clinic in Barcelona, ​​also appreciated the benefits of working with Sciton. As an experienced customer and BBL aficionado, he has recently started using BBL in combination with the Halo laser in his clinic. (Fig. 2, 3).

Dr. Campo is convinced that BBL achieves an extremely high patient satisfaction rate (over 95%) in eliminating pigmentation, facial redness and improving skin tone. The additional application of the Halo laser gives a noticeable improvement in skin texture, tightens pores and improves the color and appearance of the skin of the face as a whole.

“All this at minimal cost and with almost no recovery period and complications. The results are impressive already after the first procedure.”

Antonio Campo

Patient S., view before BBL + Halo procedure.

Patient S., view 2 weeks after the procedure.

BBL procedure parameters: 515 nm filter, 13 J/cm2, 13 ms, 22°C cooling.
Halo treatment parameters: 1470 nm 325 μm, 15%; 2940 nm, 20 μm ablation, 15%.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Chris W. Robb

Patient A., view before the BBL + Halo procedure.

Patient A., view 2 weeks after the procedure.

BBL procedure parameters: filter 560 nm, 12 J/cm2; filter 515 nm, 10 J/cm2, 15 µs.
Halo treatment parameters: 1470 nm 325 μm, 10%; 2940 nm, 20 μm ablation, 10%.
Photo courtesy of Aesthetic Care

“Halo is the world's first and only hybrid laser. It uses the synergy of two types of laser, two wavelengths for simultaneous ablative and non-ablative effects on the skin. This technology combines the benefits of these interventions to obtain excellent results with minimal downtime. With the help of coagulation, a doctor can treat epidermal and dermal elastosis, various pigmentary disorders, improve skin texture, reduce pore size, while simultaneously removing the stratum corneum (or epidermis) by ablation, improve skin microrelief and light reflection, and speed up the recovery period.

Halo features an integrated cooling system for patient comfort, a dynamic temperature optimization system that continuously measures skin temperature and automatically changes energy density and pulse width, and an optical navigation system that ensures treatment uniformity.

Patients want to get rid of unwanted pigmentation, post-acne scars, wrinkles, give the skin freshness and radiance. Recovery can take 2-3 days, and if the patient wishes, rehabilitation can be reduced to zero.

BBL is the Forever Young BBL High Intensity Broadband Light System for Vascular Removal, Benign Pigmentation, Acne Treatment and Skin Rejuvenation.

The Sciton BBL system emits specific wavelengths in the visible and infrared spectrum. This is a powerful light of a certain wavelength and a certain color. Depending on the problem, the doctor chooses the right wavelength to selectively affect certain targets without damaging neighboring healthy skin cells. Thus, dilated vessels, age spots, acne bacteria, etc. are removed and healthy cells are not affected. A powerful flash of light of a given wavelength is absorbed by a pathological formation (pigment, blood vessels) and is transformed into heat, which leads to the destruction of the pathological focus.

The procedure is comfortable for the patient and does not require anesthesia.

BBL Forever Young rejuvenates the skin at the gene level, making skin cells functionally similar to young cells.

Zozirova Madina Borisovna

Sciton is the only company to offer gene-based skin rejuvenation with Broad Band Light technology and Halo hybrid laser treatment. Practitioners around the world are achieving amazing results with the Halo laser and BBL technology available on the JOULE platform, the highest quality and most advanced platform on the market. By purchasing a system, the clinic is investing in the future of its business. JOULE allows you to connect up to 13 modules to one system. The system not only allows you to develop your clinical practice by expanding the range of procedures, but also develops with you.

On September 18 this year, Intel, together with the University of California, Santa Barbara, demonstrated the world's first electrically pumped hybrid silicon laser, which combines the ability to emit and propagate light through a silicon waveguide, and also takes advantage of the low cost of silicon production. . The creation of a hybrid silicon laser is another step towards obtaining silicon chips containing dozens and even hundreds of cheap lasers, which will form the basis of computer electronics in the future.

History of silicon photonics

Silicon photonics is one of the main directions in the research work of Intel Corporation. The next breakthrough of the company in this area was the creation of the world's first electrically pumped hybrid silicon laser.

Now, in fact, the way has been opened for the creation of optical amplifiers, lasers, and light wavelength converters using the well-established technology for the production of silicon microcircuits. Gradually, the "siliconization" of photonics is becoming a reality and in the future will make it possible to create low-cost high-performance optical circuits that allow data exchange both inside and outside the PC.

Optical communication systems have certain advantages over traditional cable systems, chief among which is their enormous bandwidth. For example, optical fibers used today in communication systems can simultaneously transmit up to 128 different data streams. The theoretical limit for data transmission over fiber is estimated at 100 trillion bits per second. In order to present this huge figure, let's make a simple comparison: such a bandwidth is quite enough to ensure the transmission of telephone conversations simultaneously to all the inhabitants of the planet. Therefore, it is quite understandable that optical communication systems attract the close attention of all research laboratories.

To transmit information using light radiation, it is necessary to have several mandatory components: radiation sources (lasers), light wave modulators, through which information is embedded in the light wave, detectors and optical fiber for data transmission.

With the help of several lasers emitting waves of different wavelengths and modulators, it is possible to transmit many data streams simultaneously via a single optical fiber. On the receiving side, for information processing, an optical demultiplexer is used, which separates carriers with different wavelengths from the incoming signal, and optical detectors, which allow converting optical signals into electrical ones. The block diagram of the optical communication system is shown in fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Structural diagram of an optical communication system

Research in the field of optical communication systems and optical circuits began back in the 1970s - then optical circuits were presented as some kind of optical processor or super-optical chip, in which a transmitting device, a modulator, an amplifier, a detector, and all the necessary electronic Components. However, the practical implementation of this idea was hampered by the fact that the components of optical circuits were made from different materials, so it was impossible to integrate all the necessary components into a single platform (chip) based on silicon. Despite the triumph of silicon in the field of electronics, its use in optics seemed highly doubtful.

The study of the possibility of using silicon for optical circuits has been going on for many years - since the second half of the 1980s. However, little progress has been made during this time. Compared with other materials, attempts to use silicon to build optical circuits did not bring the expected results.

The fact is that due to the structural features of the band gap of the crystal lattice of silicon, the recombination of charges in it leads mainly to heat release, and not to the emission of photons, which does not allow it to be used to create semiconductor lasers that are sources of coherent radiation. At the same time, in semiconductors such as gallium arsenide or indium phosphide, the recombination energy is released mainly in the form of infrared photons; therefore, these materials can serve as photon sources and be used to create lasers.

Another reason preventing the use of silicon as a material for creating optical circuits is that silicon does not have a linear electro-optical Pockels effect, on the basis of which traditional fast optical modulators are built. The Pockels effect consists in changing the refractive index of light in a crystal under the influence of an applied electric field. It is due to this effect that light can be modulated, since a change in the refractive index of a substance in a corresponding way leads to a change in the phase of the transmitted radiation.

The Pockels effect manifests itself only in piezoelectrics and, due to its low inertia, theoretically allows light modulation up to a frequency of 10 THz. In addition, due to the linear relationship between the refractive index and the electric field strength, the non-linear distortion when the light is modulated is relatively small.

Other optical modulators are based on such effects as electro-absorption or electro-refraction of light under the influence of an applied electric field, however, these effects are also weakly expressed in silicon.

The modulation of light in silicon can be obtained on the basis of the thermal effect. That is, when the silicon temperature changes, its refractive index and light absorption coefficient change. Nevertheless, due to the presence of hysteresis, such modulators are rather inert and do not allow obtaining a modulation rate higher than a few kilohertz.

Another method of radiation modulation based on silicon modulators is based on the effect of light absorption on free carriers (holes or electrons). This modulation method also does not allow obtaining high speeds, since it is associated with the physical movement of charges inside the silicon modulator, which in itself is an inert process. At the same time, it should be noted that silicon modulators based on the described effect can theoretically maintain a modulation rate up to 1 GHz, but in practice, modulators with a rate of up to 20 MHz have so far been implemented.

Despite all the difficulties of using silicon as a material for optical circuits, significant advances have been made in this direction recently. As it turned out, the doping of silicon with erbium (Er) changes the structure of the band gap in such a way that the charge recombination is accompanied by the emission of photons, that is, it becomes possible to use silicon to obtain semiconductor lasers. The first commercial doped silicon laser was developed by ST Micro-electronics. The use of tunable semiconductor lasers, demonstrated by Intel back in 2002, is also promising. Such lasers use a Fabry-Perot interferometer as a resonator and emit at several frequencies (multimode). To isolate monochromatic radiation, special external filters based on diffraction gratings (dispersive filters) are used - fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Tunable lasers with filters
based on dispersion gratings

The resulting laser system with an external dispersive resonator makes it possible to tune the radiation wavelength. Traditionally, to obtain the required wavelength, the filters are finely tuned relative to the resonator.

Intel has been able to create a tunable laser that has no moving parts at all. It consists of an inexpensive multimode laser with a grating embedded inside a waveguide. By changing the grating temperature, it is possible to tune to a certain wavelength, that is, to switch between individual laser modes.

Silicon Optical Modulators

In February 2004, Intel made another breakthrough in silicon photonics by demonstrating the world's first silicon optical phase modulator at 1 GHz.

This modulator is based on the effect of light scattering on free charge carriers and in its structure resembles in many ways a CMOS transistor based on SOI (silicon on insulator) technology. The structure of the optical phase modulator is shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Structural diagram of an optical silicon phase modulator

On a substrate of crystalline silicon with a layer of insulator (silicon dioxide) there is a layer of crystalline silicon n-type. This is followed by a layer of silicon dioxide, in the center of which is a layer of polycrystalline silicon p-type, which performs the function of a waveguide. This layer is separated from the crystalline silicon n-type the thinnest layer of insulator (gate dielectric), the thickness of which is only 120 angstroms. In order to minimize light scattering due to metal contact, the metal contacts are separated from the silicon oxide layer by a thin layer of polycrystalline silicon on both sides of the waveguide.

When a positive voltage is applied to the gate electrode, a charge is induced on both sides of the gate dielectric, and on the waveguide side (polycrystalline silicon p-type) these are holes, and from the side of silicon n-type - free electrons.

In the presence of free charges in silicon, the refractive index of silicon changes. A change in the refractive index causes, in turn, a phase shift of the transmitted light wave.

The modulator considered above makes it possible to produce phase modulation of the reference signal. In order to turn phase modulation into amplitude modulation (a signal modulated in phase is difficult to detect in the absence of a reference signal), the optical modulator additionally uses a Mach-Zender interferometer (MZI), which has two arms, each of which integrates a phase optical modulator (Fig. . 4).

Rice. 4. Block diagram of the optical modulator

The use of phase optical modulators in both arms of the interferometer makes it possible to ensure the equality of the optical lengths of the arms of the interferometers.

The reference light wave propagating along the optical fiber is divided by a Y-splitter into two coherent waves, each of which propagates along one of the arms of the interferometer. If both waves are in phase at the junction point of the interferometer arms, then as a result of the addition of these waves, the same wave will be obtained (losses in this case are neglected) as before the interferometer (constructive interference). If the waves are added in antiphase (destructive interference), then the resulting signal will have zero amplitude.

This approach makes it possible to carry out amplitude modulation of the carrier signal - by applying voltage to one of the phase modulators, the phase of the wave in one of the arms of the interferometer is changed to n or do not change at all, thus providing a condition for destructive or constructive interference. Thus, applying a voltage to the phase modulator with a frequency f, it is possible to carry out amplitude modulation of the signal with the same frequency f.

As already noted, Intel's silicon optical modulator, demonstrated in February 2004, was capable of modulating radiation at a speed of 1 GHz. Subsequently, in April 2005, Intel demonstrated a modulator operating at a frequency of 10 GHz.

Raman continuous silicon laser

In February 2005, Intel announced another technological breakthrough - the creation of a continuous-wave silicon laser based on the Raman effect.

The Raman effect has been used for quite a long time and is widely used to create light amplifiers and lasers based on optical fibers.

The principle of operation of such devices is as follows. Laser radiation (pump radiation) with a wavelength is injected into an optical fiber (Fig. 5). In an optical fiber, photons are absorbed by atoms of the crystal lattice, which, as a result, begin to "swing" (vibrational phonons are formed), and, in addition, photons with lower energy are formed. That is, the absorption of each photon with a wavelength l=1.55mm leads to the formation of a phonon and a photon with a wavelength l=1.63mm.

Rice. 5. The principle of operation of a light amplifier due to the Raman effect

Now imagine that there is also modulated radiation that is coupled into the same fiber as the pump radiation and results in stimulated emission of photons. As a result, the pump radiation in such a fiber is gradually converted into signal, modulated, amplified radiation, that is, the effect of optical amplification is achieved (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Using the Raman effect to enhance
modulated radiation in optical fiber

The problem, however, is that such a conversion of the pump beam into signal radiation and, accordingly, amplification of the signal radiation requires that both the signal radiation and the pump radiation travel along the fiber for several kilometers. Of course, amplification schemes based on multi-kilometer optical fiber cannot be called simple and cheap, as a result of which their application is significantly limited.

Unlike glass, which forms the basis of an optical fiber, the Raman effect in silicon is 10 thousand times stronger, and to achieve the same result as in an optical fiber, it is enough that the pump radiation and signal radiation propagate together only a few centimeters . Thus, the use of the Raman effect in silicon makes it possible to create miniature and cheap light amplifiers or optical lasers.

The process of creating a silicon optical amplifier, or Raman laser, begins with the creation of an optical silicon waveguide. This technological process is no different from the process of creating traditional CMOS chips using silicon substrates, which, of course, is a huge advantage, since it significantly reduces the cost of the manufacturing process itself.

The radiation fed into such a silicon waveguide travels only a few centimeters, after which (due to the Raman effect) it is completely converted into signal radiation with a longer wavelength.

In the course of the experiments, it turned out that it is advisable to increase the pump radiation power only up to a certain limit, since a further increase in power does not lead to an increase in the signal radiation, but, on the contrary, to its weakening. The reason for this effect is the so-called two-photon absorption, the meaning of which is as follows. Silicon is an optically transparent substance for infrared radiation, since the energy of infrared photons is less than the band gap of silicon and it is not enough to transfer silicon atoms to an excited state with the release of an electron. However, if the density of photons is high, then a situation may arise when two photons simultaneously collide with a silicon atom. In this case, their total energy is sufficient to transfer the atom with the release of an electron, that is, the atom goes into an excited state with the simultaneous absorption of two photons. This process is called two-photon absorption.

Free electrons produced as a result of two-photon absorption, in turn, absorb both pump and signal radiation, which leads to a strong weakening of the optical amplification effect. Accordingly, the higher the pump radiation power, the stronger the effect of two-photon absorption and absorption of radiation on free electrons. The negative consequence of two-photon absorption of light for a long time prevented the creation of a continuous-wave silicon laser.

In a silicon laser created in the Intel laboratory, for the first time, it was possible to avoid the effect of two-photon absorption of radiation, more precisely, not the phenomenon of two-photon absorption itself, but its negative consequences - the absorption of radiation on the resulting free electrons. The silicon laser is a so-called PIN structure (P-type - Intrinsic - N-type) (Fig. 7). In such a structure, a silicon waveguide is embedded inside a semiconductor structure with a P- and N-region. Such a structure is similar to a planar transistor circuit with a drain and source, and a silicon waveguide is integrated instead of a gate. The silicon waveguide itself is formed as a region of silicon rectangular in cross section (refractive index 3.6) surrounded by a silicon oxide shell (refractive index 1.5). Due to this difference in the refractive indices of crystalline silicon and silicon oxide, it is possible to form an optical waveguide and avoid radiation losses due to transverse propagation.

Rice. 7. PIN structure of a continuous-wave silicon laser

Using such a wave structure and a pump laser with a power of fractions of a watt, it is possible to create radiation in the waveguide with a density of about 25 MW/cm 2, which is even higher than the radiation density that can be obtained using high-power semiconductor lasers. Raman amplification at such a radiation density is not too high (on the order of several decibels per centimeter), but this density is quite sufficient for the implementation of a laser.

In order to eliminate the negative effect of absorption of radiation on free electrons formed in the waveguide as a result of two-photon absorption, a silicon waveguide is placed between two gates. If a potential difference is created between these gates, then under the influence of an electric field, free electrons and holes will be “pulled out” from the silicon waveguide, thereby eliminating the negative consequences of two-photon absorption.

In order to form a laser based on this PIN structure, it is necessary to add two mirrors to the ends of the waveguide, one of which must be semitransparent (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Scheme of a continuous silicon laser

Hybrid silicon laser

A continuous-wave silicon laser based on the Raman effect basically assumes the presence of an external source of radiation, which is used as pump radiation. In this sense, this laser does not solve one of the main problems of silicon photonics - the ability to integrate all structural blocks (radiation sources, filters, modulators, demodulators, waveguides, etc.) into a single silicon chip.

Moreover, the use of external sources of optical radiation (located outside the chip or even on its surface) requires a very high accuracy of laser alignment relative to the silicon waveguide, since a misalignment of several microns can lead to the failure of the entire device (Fig. 9). The requirement of precise adjustment does not allow bringing this class of devices to the mass market and makes them rather expensive. Therefore, the alignment of a silicon laser with respect to a silicon waveguide is one of the most important problems in silicon photonics.

Rice. 9. When using external lasers, precision laser alignment is required
and waveguide

This problem can be solved if the laser and the waveguide are created in the same crystal within the same technological process. That is why the creation of a hybrid silicon laser can be considered as bringing silicon photonics to a new level.

The principle of operation of such a hybrid laser is quite simple and is based on the emitting properties of indium phosphide (InP) and the ability of silicon to conduct light.

The structure of the hybrid laser is shown in fig. 10. Indium phosphide, which acts as the active substance of a semiconductor laser, is located directly above the silicon waveguide and is separated from it by the thinnest layer of dielectric (its thickness is only 25 atomic layers) - silicon oxide, which is "transparent" for the generated radiation. When a voltage is applied between the electrodes, a flow of electrons occurs in the direction from the negative electrodes to the positive. As a result, an electric current passes through the crystal structure of indium phosphide. When an electric current passes through indium phosphide, as a result of the process of recombination of holes and electrons, photons arise, that is, radiation. This radiation directly enters the silicon waveguide.

Rice. 10. Structure of a hybrid silicon laser

The described structure of the silicon laser does not require additional adjustment of the laser relative to the silicon waveguide, since their mutual arrangement relative to each other is implemented and controlled directly during the formation of the monolithic structure of the hybrid laser.

The production process of such a hybrid laser is divided into several main stages. Initially, in a “sandwich” consisting of a layer of silicon, an insulator layer (silicon oxide) and another layer of silicon, a waveguide structure is formed by etching (Fig. 11), and this technological stage of production does not differ from those processes that are used during production microchips.

Rice. 11. Formation of a waveguide structure in silicon

Next, on the surface of the waveguide, it is necessary to form a crystal structure of indium phosphide. Instead of using the technologically complex process of growing an indium phosphide crystal structure on an already formed waveguide structure, an indium phosphide substrate along with a semiconductor layer n-type is formed separately, which is much simpler and cheaper. The challenge is to connect the indium phosphide to the waveguide structure.

To do this, both the structure of silicon waveguides and the indium phosphide substrate are subjected to the oxidation process in a low-temperature oxygen plasma. As a result of this oxidation, an oxide film with a thickness of only 25 atomic layers is formed on the surface of both materials (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Indium phosphide substrate
with formed oxide layer

When two materials are heated and pressed against each other, the oxide layer acts as a transparent glue, ensuring their fusion into a single crystal (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. "Gluing" the structure of silicon waveguides
with indium phosphide support

It is precisely because the silicon laser of the described design consists of two materials glued together that it is called a hybrid laser. After the bonding process, the excess indium phosphide is removed by etching and metal contacts are formed.

The technological process for the production of hybrid silicon lasers makes it possible to place dozens and even hundreds of lasers on a single chip (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Scheme of a chip containing four
hybrid silicon laser

The first chip, demonstrated by Intel together with the University of California, contained seven hybrid silicon lasers (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Radiation of seven hybrid silicon lasers,
made on a single chip

These hybrid lasers operate at a wavelength of 1577 nm at a threshold current of 65 mA with output power up to 1.8 mW.

Currently, the hybrid silicon laser is operable at temperatures below 40 °C, but in the future it is planned to increase the operating temperature to 70 °C, and reduce the threshold current to 20 mA.

The Future of Silicon Photonics

The creation of a hybrid silicon laser could have far-reaching implications for silicon photonics and serve as a starting point for the era of high-performance computing.

In the near future, dozens of silicon lasers, modulators, and a multiplexer will be integrated into the chip, which will make it possible to create optical communication channels with a terabit bandwidth (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Chip of the optical communication channel,
containing dozens of silicon lasers,
filters, modulators and multiplexer

“Thanks to this development, we will be able to create low-cost optical data buses with terabit bandwidth for the computers of the future. By doing so, we can bring a new era of high-performance computing closer,” said Mario Paniccia, Director of the Photonics Technology Lab at Intel Corporation. “Despite the fact that commercial use of this technology is still very far away, we are confident that dozens and even hundreds of hybrid silicon lasers, as well as other components based on silicon photonics, can be placed on a single silicon chip.”

Without any pathos, every specialist working in the field of laser aesthetic medicine will tell you that Sciton is a Rolls-Royce in the world of lasers. The amazing results of these procedures have recently made a splash in America and Europe. Today, this procedure is also available in Moscow.

Sciton Russia has exclusively supplied Sciton's HALO hybrid module to Telo's Beauty Clinic.
Sergio Blumenblat, a specialist from the company, came to train doctors.

Upon delivery of any of the Sciton lasers, a detailed briefing is provided and the main capabilities of the laser are shown. Doctors are given the opportunity to try all options for parameters under the guidance of a specialist from America.

Setup and installation of equipment takes place within a few hours. After that, instruction and training of doctors begins.

The capabilities of the laser are first tested on apples, the result is impressive!

Selecting options for the patient

And here she is, the main character, the first woman in Russia who underwent the HALO hybrid fractional laser rejuvenation procedure.
1. Photo before the procedure

2. Photo immediately after the procedure.
Here it is necessary to make a reservation - the procedure is as gentle and comfortable as possible. But Russian women are inexorable towards themselves, they are ready to make sacrifices, and our heroine asked for herself to maximize the exposure mode, using the most aggressive parameters in order to get a quick result.
Sergio quickly stopped this, saying that patients do not dictate to doctors on what parameters the procedures are performed.

3. Photo two hours after the procedure. No puffiness, no redness, no special traces of exposure.

4. Result in a week. There is no oily sheen, it shines, the pores are clearly narrowed, the skin has become lighter and more uniform. If you do a couple more procedures, the result will be like after a full-fledged ablative resurfacing, with the only difference being that there is no need for a two-week rehabilitation.

Training of physicians at Telo’s Beauty Clinic on Sciton’s hybrid HALO module was successful. We believe that the high qualification and experience of specialists, combined with really high-quality equipment, obvious results of improved skin quality after the procedure, and a short rehabilitation period, will make the procedure one of the most popular in the modern cosmetology market.

In addition to the famous Sciton lasers, Saiton Russia offers a full range of support: service, training and high-quality consulting in the field of promotion, Internet marketing, advertising materials for its partners. We are ready to provide you with support at the highest level, we value your time and are always open to new proposals.

Hybrid Fractional Laser is a new generation of fractional lasers. We bring to your attention a study of two famous American doctors - Jason Posner(Jason Pozner), MD, FACS and Chris W. ROBBA(Chris W. Robb), MD, PhD, which describes in detail the technology and mechanism of action of the hybrid fractional laser, as well as comparing the new technology with existing resurfacing methods.


CO2 lasers began to be used for skin resurfacing in the mid-1990s and in a short period of time changed the worldview in aesthetic medicine.

The first lasers operated in constant beam mode, had limited control over the resurfacing process, did not provide the most impressive results compared to modern skin resurfacing lasers, and also had a large number of side effects.

After continuous CO2 lasers, pulsed CO2 and erbium Er:YAG lasers came equipped with scanners, which offered a higher level of control and gave better results with a significant reduction in recovery time and side effects.

Further development of laser technologies in the direction of reducing the rehabilitation period and the number of side effects has led to the emergence of fractional laser technologies. Ablative fractional lasers (Fig. 1) remove small columns of epidermal and dermal tissue, which are then restored with new cells. Non-ablative fractional lasers (Fig. 2) create microscopic zones of thermal tissue damage, which are then remodeled, but during the procedure there is no tissue removal, as with the action of an ablative laser. The main advantage of fractional non-ablative lasers was the reduction of the rehabilitation period to a minimum, and the main disadvantage is the need for more procedures to achieve the desired result compared to ablative lasers.

In the last decade, patients have been offered both options for fractional rejuvenation. The patient could choose between ablative fractional resurfacing (several treatments with a long downtime) or non-ablative fractional resurfacing (more treatments but short downtime). However, technological progress does not stand still and new developments allow achieving better results with a minimum rehabilitation period and a small number of procedures. One such development is the Hybrid Fractional Laser (HaloTM), which combines the best features of ablative and non-ablative fractional lasers. The patient can now experience results comparable to those of ablative procedures and with the recovery time of non-ablative lasers.


Each patient is individual, starting from skin type and ending with lifestyle, as well as the expected recovery period. Hybrid fractional lasers offer customizable treatment options for maximum results with a short downtime. They produce ablation followed by coagulation of the microscopic thermal zone (MTZ) (Fig. 3).

The Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser System uses two wavelengths:

2940 nm - provides clean ablation from 0 to 100 microns deep into the epidermis;

1470 nm - conducts coagulation from 100 to 700 microns deep into the epidermis and dermis.

This gives Halo an unprecedented ability to target the epidermis and dermis separately at the same point. This independent bidirectional action provides some very interesting effects. The fractional method, whether ablative or non-ablative, allows the epidermis to regenerate faster because the dermis remains intact and basal keratinocytes can migrate more quickly along the fractional tubules. When the ablation depth is less than 100 microns, the epidermis regenerates within 24 hours. The removed areas of the epidermis regenerate quickly, while the coagulated dermis regenerates more slowly, within seven days.


Adding adjustable depth ablation technology to a non-ablative procedure produces different effects that will differ depending on the depth of treatment:

The use of a shallow ablation depth (up to 20 microns) leads to a rapid cleaning of the thermal zone from microscopic remnants of necrotic cells;

Deeper ablation (up to 100 microns) allows for a synergistic healing response. Clinically, the results of the ablation procedure are achieved with a rehabilitation period comparable to non-ablative procedures (Fig. 4).

During a non-ablative procedure, microscopic thermal zones (MTZ) are heated to a certain temperature, causing epidermal necrosis and dermal collagen denaturation. In the first 24 hours, the basal cell layer regenerates along microscopic thermal zones under the necrotic epidermis and then proliferates upward, displacing the necrotic cells. These necrotic tissues become small "bags of debris" that are trapped under the stratum corneum and take 2-7 days for the skin to remove.

If we supplement the non-ablative treatment with ablation at a depth of 20 microns followed by coagulation, this allows necrotic cells to clear the tubules faster. Thus, by removing the stratum corneum, we create ideal conditions for removing necrotic cells on the day of their formation, which accelerates healing by 1-2 days.

Tissues after ablation give a more powerful repair response compared to coagulated tissues. This response can be enhanced by increasing the level of ablation. For example, increasing the ablation level to 100 microns removes a certain amount of tissue that would otherwise remain at the surface of the skin, so their removal reduces the formation of necrotic cells and limits side effects. In addition, an enhanced repair response in ablated tissues will provide a synergistic effect in combination with tissue coagulation by activating the transcription factor Activator Protein 1 (AP-1), leading to an increase in Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMPs) activity, which triggers dermal remodeling. The combination of the inflammatory response of ablative treatment with collagen denaturation leads to more pronounced results observed with hybrid fractional laser treatment.


In addition to the combination of non-ablative and ablative technologies, the hybrid fractional laser uses several other innovations that improve ease of use and safety, among them:

. adjustable depth of impact;

. dynamic temperature optimization;

. intelligent energy dosing system.

Hybrid fractional lasers (Fig. 5) allow you to vary the settings. Those with no experience with ablative lasers, or those who prefer simpler laser techniques, can turn off the ablation mode entirely. Both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths can be used in a single laser pass with many different settings for treatment depth and coverage (Fig. 6).

Adjustable exposure depth

The adjustable depth at 1470 nm is ideal for non-ablative fractional rejuvenation as the coagulation depth can be adjusted from 100 microns (epidermis thickness) to 700 microns (dermis thickness). Most of the photodamage occurs in the superficial dermis, at a depth of 200 to 400 microns, therefore, with an exposure depth of 300 to 400 microns at a wavelength of 1470 nm, the best results are achieved.

Previous wavelengths (eg 1550 nm) also provide good results, but they penetrate too deeply, causing additional pain and discomfort. With the advent of lasers in the range of 1927 nm, the procedure became more comfortable, but they were limited in penetration depth to 100 microns, which turned out to be insufficient to achieve pronounced results in the dermis. Thus, the wavelength of 1470 nm fits optimally between these two wavelengths, allowing for more comfortable and efficient procedures.

Dynamic temperature optimization

DTO (Dynamic Temperature Optimization) technology provides customizable parameters that are uniform from start to finish (Fig. 7). With non-ablative fractional rejuvenation, the temperature of the skin rises in direct proportion to the increase in the depth of exposure. At the same time, most non-ablative lasers cannot control the temperature of the skin, and when the MTZ temperature rises to 70 °C and above, necrosis is formed. Also, with an increase in skin temperature during the procedure, the depth of exposure becomes greater than expected. If you supercool the skin with airflow using Zimmer, you may not achieve results.

In turn, DTO technology monitors the skin temperature before each pulse and adjusts its energy, making sure that the depth of penetration of the pulse into the skin matches the depth displayed on the monitor, which ensures the uniformity and safety of the procedure.

Energy dosing system

Traditional protocols for non-ablative fractional rejuvenation procedures are based on the concept of a “pass”, which makes the procedure “non-uniform”, as it is difficult to visually determine where the previous pass was made or how many passes were performed. Fractional hybrid lasers take into account the amount of energy transferred to the tissues in a given area and adjust the energy of the following pulses to ensure uniformity and efficiency of the impact on the tissues. Before the procedure, the laser measures the area of ​​influence and, as the doctor moves the maniple over the skin area, evenly measures the required amount of energy. And the addition of ablation further simplifies the procedure, as the treated areas are easily visualized even with a very superficial exposure, in the 20 micron range (Fig. 8).


The hybrid fractional laser went through many years of clinical trials prior to its introduction to the market, which showed that this technology provides better skin texture and dyschromia smoothing than expected by patients. At the same time, an improvement in skin texture was observed after 1-2 treatments, while other non-ablative lasers required 5-6 treatments to achieve the same effect. As for pigmentary pathology, the use of traditional non-ablative lasers has failed to achieve results comparable to the hybrid fractional laser. Significant unpredictable improvements were also obtained - a decrease in the number and size of pores (Fig. 9-11).


Clinical studies of the effectiveness of the hybrid fractional laser in the correction of aesthetic defects in the skin of the face and neck demonstrate that this technology provides predictable and reproducible results by other doctors, which significantly improve the appearance of dermal skin pathologies, with virtually no recovery period and side effects. Patients who have previously undergone superficial ablative laser procedures prefer rehabilitation after a fractional hybrid laser: there is no need for anesthesia, pain after the procedure is less pronounced, a short period of skin peeling, makeup can be applied in a day. Hybrid Fractional Lasers set new standards in laser resurfacing for safe, effective and long lasting results.


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We thank our colleagues from Ukraine for their help in preparing the article.

When should you think about skin rejuvenation? A couple of months before my thirtieth birthday, I looked in the mirror and found age-related changes: the first mimic wrinkles in the corners of the lips, more noticeable nasolabial folds, and also post-acne, which did not go away for several years after actively fighting inflammation. But most of all I was worried about pigmentation on my forehead, a “souvenir” from Thailand, where a year ago I had the imprudence to get burned like never before in my life.

Masks, serums and creams saved the situation as best they could, but I understood that I needed heavy artillery. At the appointment of dermatocosmetologist Elena Shakhova at RealClinic, I was already ready for the advice to “inject”, although I delayed my acquaintance with injection techniques to the last. But to my surprise, the doctor offered me not mesotherapy, a popular way to combat pigmentation, but laser and photorejuvenation using the new JOULE device. Having studied the indications for skin treatment on JOULE, I realized that rejuvenation and recovery are synonymous for this device, and you should not wait for the appearance of a visible network of wrinkles to decide on anti-age procedures.

Dermatocosmetologist Elena Shakhova, Real Clinic

What is a JOULE device

Between themselves, RealClinic cosmetologists call JOULE a “multiplatform”, which, using different nozzles, allows for skin treatment with a HALO hybrid laser, which, using different nozzles, allows for skin treatment with a HALO hybrid laser, photorejuvenation with a BBL FOREVER YOUNG module, and laser resurfacing. In addition to the signs of aging, acne, pigmentation, rosacea, and rosacea fall under the action of the BBL phototherapy module. And HALO fights scars, enlarged pores, post-acne, wrinkles, skin heterogeneity. This fall, at the international My Face My Body award in Beverly Hills, the JOULE HALO laser module won the Best Anti-Aging Treatment nomination.


The procedures are not only possible, but sometimes they need to be combined, as it turned out in my case. I complained about post-acne and the effects of sunburn, but the doctor also recommended clearing the skin of inflammation and blackheads. It was decided to start treatment with a hybrid laser after several stages of preparation. First, ultrasonic cleaning, familiar to many, which prepared the skin for hardware treatment. Two weeks later, a BBL photorejuvenation treatment was scheduled, which consisted of bright flashes of light aimed at the skin. The BBL module affects the structure of genes responsible for the lifespan of connective tissue cells - fibroblasts responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. After exposure to broadband light, gene expression becomes the same as in young cells. That is, as I said, in addition to acne, vasodilation and pigmentation, the problem of aging is solved, and skin immunity also increases.

The procedure is sensitive but not painful and does not require a recovery period, except for one moment: for some time, due to the action of photo flashes, the pigmentation will appear on the skin a little brighter before it starts to disappear. BBL does not leave any “additional” traces.

Three weeks later, I was waiting for a procedure that completed the course of rejuvenation and healing of facial skin - treatment with a HALO hybrid laser, which, so far, is the only one among other devices that simultaneously removes the upper layer of the epidermis and rejuvenates the deeper layers of the skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with a cream, as well as using a cooling system, which reduces pain, but still does not eliminate them completely. You need to be prepared for the fact that the appearance after the HALO laser is fully consistent with the sensations during the procedure - it is better to spend the next 2-3 days at home, helping the skin recover with panthenol products.

However, pretty soon the redness subsides, and the crust begins to peel off painlessly. The most pleasant effect of the HALO laser is that the skin continues to renew itself for at least a couple of months after the procedure, assimilating both the usual care and any other procedures twice as efficiently.

The first to evaluate the effect of the course of procedures on the JOULE device was the make-up artist, whom we meet every week. Who, if not a person who regularly examines all my pores and spots from a close distance, will notice improvements! My skin began to cleanse better, absorb serums and creams faster, became homogeneous and smooth, nasolabial folds decreased, the oval of the face became clearer, and, of course, only a couple of barely noticeable freckles remained from the sunburn marks on my forehead, which can be corrected with an additional BBL procedure. .

If desired, the HALO laser procedure can be repeated after 1.5 months, but even one procedure gives a visible result.