Harmfulness of solarium for women. Solarium treatments contribute to faster skin aging. Is a solarium harmful during menstruation?

Solarium - one of the successful inventions modern cosmetology. It makes life much easier for those who want to have a beautiful, even tan on the face and body. This magical substitute sun rays has not lost its popularity since entering the beauty market. In this article, we will talk in detail about the effect a solarium has on the body, what are its pros and cons.

Opinions about this type of artificial tanning are ambiguous: some believe that ultraviolet rays are harmful to the body, others argue that you can visit a solarium without harm to health, the main thing is to choose the right tanning program. Well, let's find out whether a solarium is really harmful to human health, and what is the opinion of doctors about this.

What effect does the solarium have on the body?

Unlike the sun's rays, the ultraviolet used in the solarium has a certain wavelength, which allows you to minimize it. negative impact on the body. Radiation parameters are selected individually for each person, depending on his skin type. Yes, for fair skin A wavelength of 290-320 nanometers is considered safe, for a swarthy one - 320-400 nanometers. Modern solariums are equipped with systems in which the type of skin and the tanning regime corresponding to it are laid. What then can be a bad solarium?

The fact is that UV rays cause photochemical reactions on the skin, which leads to serious consequences. So, the harm of a solarium for women lies in the fact that in pursuit of chocolate tan permissible dosage is violated ultraviolet radiation which often results in burns. Besides soft skin will begin to age prematurely - become thinner and become excessively dry.

Many girls prefer topless sunbathing. But it is worth remembering that ultraviolet rays provoke cancer, incl. mammary gland. When sunbathing in a solarium, the breasts should be protected with special plastic caps, or stickers on the nipples should be used. And be sure to follow the tanning schedule!

For men, the solarium is less dangerous, but excessive passion for it can also lead to health problems.

It is important to know! A long stay in the solarium inhibits the activity of the nervous system!

How to sunbathe in a solarium without harm?

It is safe if you have no contraindications to visiting the solarium. We will talk about them a little later, but for now we will consider what rules you need to follow when visiting a solarium in order to get the desired effect without harm to health.

Rules for a healthy tan in a solarium:

  • if you are taking medication, be sure to consult your doctor before going to the solarium;
  • take a shower two hours before the solarium;
  • before the session, do not use perfumes and cosmetics, as they can cause pigmentation;
  • before entering the booth, remove jewelry;
  • Protect your eyes from ultraviolet light with goggles. Remove contact lenses first;
  • cover your head with a cotton scarf to avoid dullness and brittleness;
  • cover your chest special overlays;
  • strictly follow the instructions during the session;
  • use special means for tanning in the solarium;
  • do not exceed allowable time being in a cabin;
  • after the session, take a warm (not cold!) shower and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

How often can you visit the solarium?

Gradual tanning is the most harmless tanning in a solarium. The first session should last no more than 2-3 minutes, maximum time stay in the solarium should not exceed 10 minutes.

You can visit the solarium once every two days, and after 5-6 sessions it is advisable to take a break for 10 days.


In some cases, a solarium is simply necessary to visit. Why, you ask? The fact is that with a competent approach, the procedure provides not only a beautiful tan, but also treats various diseases.

Indications for solarium:

  • pale skin;
  • ultraviolet deficiency;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • hardening;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • skin diseases.

The solarium also helps to get rid of acne on the face, so, in any case, they say. The main thing is not to overdo it, because after an apparent improvement in 1-2 weeks, acne can worsen.

Can vitamin D deficiency be corrected?

Ultraviolet helps to produce the amount of vitamin D that the body lacks. But doctors say: in order to replenish your body essential vitamin, it is not at all necessary to go to the solarium, it is better to walk on your face more often in sunny weather.

How to visit the solarium for medicinal purposes?

When visiting the solarium medicinal purposes you must first consult with your doctor, who will determine the feasibility of these procedures and prescribe an individual course of treatment. It is also necessary to find out in advance about the parameters and characteristics of the solarium, where you plan to undergo treatment.

It is important to remember that one treatment session should last no more than 5 minutes, regardless of the type of disease.


Tanning in a solarium has a number of serious contraindications.

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • cold;
  • fever body;
  • malaria;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes in severe form;
  • mastopathy;
  • herpes;
  • varicose veins;
  • fibroadenoma, uterine fibroids, and other malignant / benign formations;
  • cyst;
  • mammoplasty;
  • dermatitis;
  • hemangiomas;
  • after childbirth incl. caesarean section;
  • after operation.

During pregnancy solarium is absolutely contraindicated. The fact is that due to hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women, including early dates, the body may become covered with dark spots. In addition, this is an additional burden on the body, and the risk of tumors increases significantly.

At breastfeeding (lactation) solarium cannot be visited for similar reasons. It is better for a nursing mother to wait until the period of breastfeeding is over so as not to harm her health.

On critical days going to the solarium is also contraindicated. This is due to the fact that an increase in body temperature can provoke profuse bleeding, but due to hormonal changes occurring in the body during menstruation, the skin will tan unevenly.

People often ask on beauty forums: is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium after Botox and Dysport injections, as well as biorevitalization procedures, in particular? Practitioners in this field strongly recommend that in the first 10-15 days after injections, refrain from visiting the solarium, because due to high temperatures and UV radiation, the healing process will be slower and longer.

After the procedure depilation, including shugaring, a solarium can be visited no earlier than a day later, since the skin after hair removal is very sensitive and radiation can provoke irritation, allergic reactions and hyperpigmentation.

After laser hair removal you need to wait at least two weeks, and only then plan a trip to the solarium.

If you did body tattoo, a trip to the solarium should be postponed for a month, since fresh tattoo May fade quickly when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Concerning piercing, then a solarium after a puncture is allowed to visit no earlier than after 2 weeks, since a fresh wound will heal for a long time and painfully.

Availability lichen on the body can also be a temporary contraindication to visiting the solarium. Firstly, against the background of sunburn, the spots will stand out even more, and secondly, a relapse is possible. You can sunbathe after treatment not earlier than in 6-12 months, when the skin color evens out.

After microblading do not sunbathe for at least two weeks, as UV rays can irritate damaged skin.

After saunas and seas you can sunbathe in a solarium no earlier than after 3 days, because due to water procedures the skin becomes too susceptible to radiation and burns may occur.

With extended eyelashes You can visit the solarium, but only on condition that the eyes are protected by special glasses.

Healed scars, appearing on the body due to various injuries are not a contraindication to solarium.

Compatibility of visiting a solarium with various diseases

It was said above that the solarium can be used for medicinal purposes. In particular, such a tan is effective for psoriasis, erysipelas, bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, pleurisy, etc. Doctors also recommend it for rheumatism, atherosclerosis, arthritis, the consequences of bone fractures, neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and spinal cord injuries.

Is it possible to visit the solarium if there are moles?

If there are moles on the skin, you can visit the solarium, however, large, convex formations must be protected with special overlays and in no case should you abuse frequent procedures.

If there are too many moles on the body, experts do not recommend getting involved in a solarium, as UV radiation can provoke their growth. After removing the mole, including by cauterization, visiting the solarium is completely prohibited, until complete healing skin covers.

Negative consequences after visiting the solarium

Passion for a solarium often leads to such negative consequences as burns, redness, rash, itching, swelling, acne, fever, headache, dark spots, new moles, white spots. These negative consequences can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of specialists (see "Rules healthy tan in the solarium). But what to do if problems still appear? We tell you how to deal with the most common side effects.

Put away redness from the face and red spots on the body oils will help: sunflower, olive, camphor or burdock. Ointments (for example, "Rescuer"), restoring sprays (for example, "Panthenol") also have a soothing effect on the skin. Redness can also be removed with an after-sun cream.

Burnt areas need to be treated with a cream to eliminate burns or wound healing agents: ointment ("Rescuer"), spray (for example, "Panthenol").

If itches body, this means that you are allergic to UV rays or to the tanning products you are using. Local antihistamine ointments (gels) and medications (for example, Loratadine) will help relieve itching.

If after solarium headache, this means that the body has overheated. The body must be cooled as soon as possible. Drink a glass of cool water and go out for 10-15 minutes for Fresh air. Painkillers should not be taken.

Solarium alternative

If you want to have tanned skin, But this species artificial tanning is contraindicated for you either side effects occur after each session, replace trips to the solarium with other options.

How can you get a tan without a tanning bed and still not go to the beach? Instead of a solarium, you can use self-tanning products. Worthy alternative there will also be an instant tan, which can be obtained in one procedure. It is absolutely safe and harmless, as the tanning agent - cane lotion - contains only natural ingredients. The only disadvantage of instant tanning is its short-term effect (7-14 days).

Pros and cons of the procedure

Like any cosmetic procedure, the solarium also has its pros and cons.


  • even tan;
  • healing effect;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • hardening;
  • long-term result;
  • gentle effect on the skin compared to the sun.


The solarium provides the desired tan at any time of the year without much effort. At the same time, the procedure has significant contraindications and strict restrictions, failure to comply with which is accompanied by serious side effects.

Is it worth it to sunbathe in this way, you decide. If you still plan to visit a solarium, first objectively assess your health, skin condition and, if necessary, consult a specialist. And remember: the course should start with a minimum time, gradually increasing it. So you are guaranteed to get desired result without harm to your own health.

These days, the tan trend is already beginning to pass, but many girls still strive to look “chocolate”.

As you know there are various ways get a tan: someone uses self-tanning creams, someone gets desired shade skin, just being in the sun, and someone resorts to the services of a solarium, not really wondering Is tanning dangerous for health? .

Not everyone knows that it is harmful to go to the solarium, and even more so, not everyone is aware of exactly what harm a solarium can do. Without further ado, let's move on to describing this harm.

What's wrong with solariums? Why is solarium dangerous?

You all know that sunburn is the body's reaction to a certain type of radiation that is harmful to it.

The body "protects itself" from this radiation by producing a protective enzyme that pigments the skin.

So, the radiation of lamps in a solarium is much more intense than the radiation that reaches us from the sun (if you do not live on the equator). That is why you can get a tan in a solarium much faster than just in the sun.

A cream with high level protection, but who will use it in a solarium? After all, if you use it, the skin will remain white.

So it turns out that girls deliberately expose their health strong trials for a tan. Any radiation for the body is not khukhr-mukhr.

Than it is fraught and the solarium is how much harmful?

First, the skin becomes dry and lethargic, ages faster And moisturizers don't really help.

Secondly, when the skin over and over again takes on radiation from lamps (or from strong sun), it becomes weaker, which is why it appears risk of skin cancer. And it's scary.

Thirdly, many girls do not even suspect that they belong to group increased risk (weak heart, predisposition to the development of cancer, skin type that gets a tan through a burn, pressure problems, vegetative-vascular dystonia ...)

In addition, it is contraindicated to visit the solarium during menstruation or if there are any diseases in the female part (even if it's just thrush).

Remember: everything hot is the enemy of gynecology because it promotes inflammatory processes and helps the growth of unwanted bacteria. So the solarium is even more harmful for women than for men.

So the question is: “is a solarium harmful or not?” not even worth it. Tanning in a solarium is harmful to the skin, to health, and subsequently to beauty. .

First you should think about whether it is worth sunbathing in a solarium.

Beauty sometimes requires sacrifice, but in this case is it worth it? Compromising beauty and health for the sake of wanting to look darker than you really are? Hm…

Or does someone really think that a tan is something without which a girl cannot be beautiful? (I understand that with this article I will provoke the wrath of many of the fair sex, but seriously - does anyone think so? ..).

Girls look especially ridiculous, for whom a tan does not go at all due to a certain type of appearance, but still the herd instinct (or something else) encourages them to keep up with fashion ().

They may even know that sunbathing in a solarium is harmful, they may even know exactly how dangerous a solarium is for health, but they still go there with enviable constancy.

By the way, I belong to that small category of girls who are proud of their white skin. I'm not a racist, no, but apparently something remained in my subconscious from the time when White skin was considered a sign of an intelligent, educated lady from high society)))

By the way, in many southern countries they still think so, and various means whiten the skin. Do you think white skin is bad?

However, there are cases when going to the solarium does not hurt. For example, before the wedding (because tanned skin and a snow-white dress look great) or in early summer, so that the skin does not look unhealthy when you wear shorts and a T-shirt or sundress.

But in the latter case, this is worth thinking about, rather, for those girls whose skin has not fully recovered after the winter and looks greenish-whitish (I wrote about this in the article "").

So you can sunbathe in a solarium, but very rarely and carefully. And in good salons, for old or cheap lamps are harmful not to describe how. Take care of your health, take care of your youthful skin!

All solariums are the same - this statement is not true, because the functionality of the tanning booth depends on the number and type of lamps used in it. An important condition is the observance of the operating conditions of the solarium and the timely replacement of lamps.

Additional cosmetics are optional - a wrong and dangerous delusion. Lotions and emulsions protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Tanning in a tanning bed causes skin cancer - an opinion that is only partially true. Because a solarium, like a natural tan, provokes the formation of malignant tumors in case of abuse and violation of existing recommendations and advice.

The skin tone acquired in the solarium is short-lived - compared to natural tan, which keeps on the skin for a couple of weeks, artificial is more resistant.

Advantages and disadvantages

Apart from nice tan at any time of the year, a visit to the solarium contributes to the following positive aspects:

The production of vitamin D;
-increasing the body's immunity;
-reducing the risk of osteoporosis;
- elimination of blackheads;
- reduce the risk of developing hypertension.

Vitamin D, the synthesis of which improves a visit to the solarium, regulates the absorption of calcium by the body, the absence of which affects the condition of human hair, nails and skin. In addition, scientists have proven that the lack of ultraviolet radiation can cause the development of apathy and depression.

However, artificial sun, in addition to benefit, able to harm the body. In excessive amounts, UV rays in a tanning bed can cause tumor growth, dry and brittle hair, reduced skin elasticity and pigmentation changes. skin.

Exclude similar troubles The following tips will help:

Get a consultation with your doctor before starting the course;
- use a protective cap and goggles;
- protect the mammary glands;
- apply protective cream;
- Apply a moisturizer to your skin
-Drink a glass of juice rich in vitamin C at the end of the session.

Many drugs increase the susceptibility of the skin and can cause sun allergies, so carefully read the indications for medications used during a tanning session in a solarium.

Recommendations for the frequency of visits are as follows: the first two weeks you can sunbathe every other day, starting with a two-minute session, gradually increasing it. Having achieved golden hue, you need to reduce visits to one or two per week.

Who Should Refrain

The following diseases provide contraindications for visiting the solarium:

-cardiac ischemia;
-blood diseases;
-heart diseases;
- disorders in the work of the nervous or endocrine system.
- malignant or benign tumors.

Caution should be exercised by those who have a large number of moles on their skin. Solarium is not recommended for people with systemic diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Tips and Tricks

The products used in the solarium are divided into two groups: before and after tanning. Cosmetics will protect the skin from dryness, excessive moisture loss and accelerate the appearance of pigment cells. Creams and lotions after procedures help the skin to calm down and nourish it. In addition, the use of special cosmetics affect the durability of the tan.

Before entering the cabin, women are advised to remove all decorative cosmetics. Jewelry can cause harm, as they are a source of refraction of light, which will make the tan uneven. Cannot be combined sunbathing with procedures deep cleaning skin. It is not necessary, before visiting the solarium, to use products with a light-protective factor. Because of heavy load on the skin is not advised after sunbathing to take a shower. Before the first session, you can take a photo in order to compare the acquired result later.

Types of solariums

By their design, cabins are horizontal and vertical. key factor that affects the performance is the number of lamps and their quality. Recently, mirror solariums have appeared on the market, which have a mirror floor, which helps to accelerate the process of the appearance of a bronze tint.

Some tanning devices are equipped with a fan, so-called turbo tanning beds. In addition to technical indicators, solariums differ in the level of comfort. So, many of them are equipped with cooling systems, musical accompaniment and air fragrances.

The white color of the skin has not been considered “noble” for a long time, because pallor is a sign of an exhausted body. Another thing is a beautiful and even tan with a pleasant bronze tint.

Every woman immediately transforms after being on vacation in warm lands: her face gets an even color that hides all skin imperfections, and her legs look amazingly sexy. All this is the action of the sun's rays and the production special pigment- melanin.

But what to do in winter and spring, when the skin is completely white and unsightly? There is a way out - sign up for a tanning studio. But before you go for a short period of time in a capsule with ultraviolet, find out how harmful the solarium is for women and whether the solarium is harmful for men.

Solarium: harmful or not

Solarium: harmful or not? - the eternal question of people who take care of themselves and their bodies. Considering that solariums in large cities can be found at almost every step (as a rule, they are located in spas, massage rooms, fitness centers), everyone can freely get the coveted tan. But here a normal sane person has an idea: how harmful a solarium is, because we get ultraviolet radiation.

Solarium: harm or benefit - observations of specialists in the field of dermatology

“Is it harmful to visit a solarium? This question has two radically opposite answers. If you abuse sessions and neglect protection, then the verdict will be unequivocal - "yes". If you follow all our recommendations, then a solarium in winter is a benefit to your body.


  • shave your body so that the tan takes on evenly;
  • use protective equipment;
  • try to drink as much water as possible to avoid dehydration;
  • pay attention to your skin type;
  • sunbathe gradually (2-3 sessions at full power will only bring harm).

The benefits of a solarium for a woman's body

Many visitors to tanning studios have heard about positive aspects piece tanning, so they are interested in the question: is a solarium useful in winter and “how is a solarium useful for women”? We were helped to figure this out by scientists who took the research “What is the use of a solarium” under their wing. The advantages of his visit were identified. Among them:

  • a chic and even tan that gives self-confidence;

  • lack of sunlight, especially in winter period, causes depression in many people, and UV rays just contribute to the production of hormones such as endorphins, which bring joy, calm and bliss;
  • the lack of vitamin D in the body of men and women (a large amount of it comes from the sun), can provoke early aging and the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, this vitamin is involved in the formation immune system, strengthens the nerves and heart. Therefore, a tan will just make up for the lack of the desired component;

Vitamin D written in the sand with foam from a wave washing up

  • some should visit the UV room at without fail, for example, with psoriasis;
  • a capsule for a piece tan in a gentle way allows you to prepare the skin for the summer. Let's say you're going to a summer house or a beach holiday - before your "outing" better couple once visit the UV box to gradually prepare the skin for sunbathing.

Solarium: harm and benefit for men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity also do not disdain piece tan, especially if their professions are connected with the world of the fashion industry, cinema and sports. fake tan for them in the cold season is simply necessary, since the influence of ultraviolet radiation provokes the production of vitamin D and testosterone, which is responsible for "male" strength and libido. Dear women, remember, not vitamin deficiency, but a lack of ultraviolet radiation can reduce the attraction and activity of the male in bed.

Why is solarium harmful? - other side of the coin

To date, among scientists, cosmetologists and dermatologists, there are many opponents of the solarium. They weighed all the pros and cons and came to the conclusion that it is better to abandon the piece tanning procedure.

The following arguments are given confirming the harm of a solarium for women:

  • premature aging of the dermis, resulting in deep wrinkles;
  • risk of melanoma and skin pigmentation;
  • causes mutations at the genetic level;
  • women may experience mastopathy with all the ensuing consequences;
  • the emergence of psycho dependence, because there, under the influence of UV, the body begins to actively produce endorphins.

There is an opinion that UV rays penetrate the skin much deeper than natural ones. That is why it is better to sunbathe in the sun in the shade than to pay money for something that slowly kills and ages you.

What will prevail: the harm of a solarium for the human body or its benefits? With an increase in the number of visitors to the tanning studio and the availability of services, this issue is becoming more relevant. Follow our recommendations, and you will refute the assertion that there is harm to solariums from your own experience.

How should you behave?

Regarding the time spent in the UV capsule, then you need to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist. After all, it is he who knows the power of the lamps and the required session time for each specific case.

Attributes for proper tanning under UV lamps

The harm and benefits of a solarium for women largely depend on whether they have the required props or not. First of all, we pay attention to protective cosmetics. Dermatologists around the world have long developed many specialized cosmetic products for artificial tanning.

Creams are usually divided into 3 types:

  • developers (helps tan to take even layer, they are used in the first two sessions);
  • activators (used for all subsequent visits);
  • fixatives (used after the procedure to moisturize and soothe the skin).

Using such cosmetics, you can permanently fix the effect obtained, as well as protect your dermis from ultraviolet radiation.

Don't forget that there are resources personal protection, such as:

Solarium: benefits and harms, contraindications

With frequent visits to the solarium and the simultaneous use of antibiotics or hormones, there is a risk of getting age spots, which then long term will be on your skin (until stabilization hormonal background and metabolism). Think again, is it worth risking your skin for a golden color?


  • children (under 15 years old) are not allowed to visit;
  • should be categorically refused to people with neoplasms or a predisposition to cancer;
  • after laser hair removal and chemical peeling;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • claustrophobia;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • those who have problems with the nervous system;
  • girls with numerous moles, freckles and age spots;
  • after operation;
  • those who take tranquilizers and antidepressants (they contain components that increase photosensitivity - you can get burned or get allergic rashes).

In addition, it is undesirable for women to be in a capsule during critical days, because due to hormonal changes, the tan may lie unevenly, the amount of menstrual flow increases and worsens general state organism.

How to choose the right tanning studio?

To do this, you should obtain some information from the company providing the service. Always choose a capsule with quality lamps that are in operation for up to 5 years.

Time spent in the solarium, focusing on skin type

There are such types of skin:

  1. "Celtic" (white skin, freckles are present) - tan up to 10 minutes no more than 2 times a week.
  2. "Nordic" (pale skin) - up to 5 minutes.
  3. "Central European ( dark eyes, blond or brown hair) - 10-15 minutes, 2-4 times a week.
  4. "Mediterranean" ( dark skin, dark eyes and hair) - 20 minutes.

Harm of solarium for women during pregnancy

Being pregnant, it is strictly contraindicated for a woman to visit a tanning studio. During this period, the benefits of ultraviolet radiation cannot be discussed; rather, on the contrary, there is a greater predisposition to cancer.

The fact is that during pregnancy a woman suffers from a number of hormonal changes, a complete restructuring of the body occurs, in particular, cell division may fail under the influence of various factors (in our case, the received dose of radiation). In addition, the tan can go unevenly, pigment spots often appear.

  • The timer is usually set by the employee. You just need to sit comfortably in the booth and enjoy. When choosing a horizontal box, ask if it has an emergency stop button for beams.
  • If you first visited the salon, then within 2 days, observe your dermis. In case of rashes, new moles, itching or redness, subsequent sessions should be suspended.
  • Take a break between visits to the tanning studio - at least 2 days. During this period, the skin will recover. Don't forget to moisturize it well.
  • Doctors recommend getting a course of piece tanning no more than 2 times a year. Otherwise, you will only earn Negative influence on the body.

    Let's summarize all of the above

    The harm of a solarium for women and men is obvious: ultraviolet rays penetrate deep into the skin and injure it. Moreover, in connection with hormonal failure and other disorders in the body, going to a tanning studio can be extremely dangerous - cancer diseases and melanoma. But if you follow all the rules for taking piece ultraviolet baths and apply personal protective equipment, a tan automatically turns from the category of “harm from a solarium” into a “benefit”.

    Sunburn is in fashion today. And lovers of tanned skin do not have to wait for summer or go to hot countries in winter - you can sunbathe all year round in a solarium. But how safe is such a tan? In recent decades, heated debates about the benefits and harms of a solarium for women have not subsided. Come on and we will weigh the pros and cons, and also consider the most common misconceptions in this regard.

    Arguments against"

    Consider the main disadvantages of visiting a solarium.

    Cancer risk

    According to doctors, a solarium can become a catalyst for the oncology, primarily skin cancer. At risk are people with a congenital genetic predisposition, as well as those with many moles on their bodies and birthmarks. In general, according to research results, people who visit the solarium more than 10 times a year, the risk of getting skin cancer increases by 7 times.

    Accelerated skin aging

    Alas, it is scientifically proven that the solarium causes accelerated skin aging. With frequent visits to the solarium, the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness, wrinkles and cracks appear. The fact is that under the influence of rays of type A, the upper layers of the skin become thin and dry, and rays of type B, which affect the deeper layers of the epidermis, destroy collagen fibers. And as a result - old and flabby skin.

    Deterioration in hair quality

    It may seem to you that after visiting the solarium, the hair burns out and looks like after highlighting in the salon. However, this can hardly be written into the pluses of visiting a solarium, since in fact ultraviolet rays have a very harmful effect on the structure of the hair - they become thinner, split, lose their shine and fall out. Without special protection and care, even luxurious hair runs the risk of turning into “straw” very quickly.

    Important! During the procedure, always use a special headgear!

    Harmful effects on the eyes

    Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in a solarium, you can get a burn of the cornea, retina or accelerate age-related changes lens. Therefore, the eyes during the procedure must be protected by special glasses that do not transmit ultraviolet rays.

    Important! During the procedure, always wear special glasses!

    The occurrence of tanorexia

    With frequent visits to the solarium, the risk of psychological dependence on ultraviolet rays, the so-called tanorexia, increases. It manifests itself in the constant desire to have tanned skin at any time of the year. And the inability to receive ultraviolet light can cause depression.

    Arguments for"

    Of course, the solarium would not be so popular all over the world if it did not have certain advantages. Here are the most basic ones.

    Attractive appearance at any time of the year

    Today, a tanned skin tone is an indispensable attribute of a successful, fashionable, sexy attractive woman. Sunburn gives the face a healthy, refreshed look, masks signs of fatigue and skin defects, and makes the body visually slimmer. And all this - at any time of the year. That is, you can be fully armed both in summer and in winter.

    Quick effect and minimal time spent

    On average, a tanning session in a solarium takes only 10-20 minutes. Already after several procedures, the skin becomes tanned and others think that you have just returned from a full-fledged beach holiday. You no longer need to lie on the beach for hours to get this effect.

    Convenient visiting time

    You do not need to focus on the sun and the weather, you can drop into the solarium at any time convenient for you - after work or even at lunchtime.

    Preparing for a beach holiday

    Already on the first day of rest, you can boast of a beautiful tanned figure, and not give other vacationers a reason to immediately identify "new comers" by their dazzling white skin.

    Source of Vitamin D

    Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is produced in the body. Although a solarium cannot replace the benefits of natural sunlight, nevertheless, during a session of such a tan, vitamin D is synthesized, which is especially useful in the cold season.

    Good mood

    Attractive during the autumn-winter blues appearance can cheer you up and give you confidence in your own irresistibility.

    Common misconceptions

    Quite often you can hear statements in favor of a solarium, which in fact do not correspond to reality. Let's consider the main ones.

    Myth 1. Solarium relieves acne and acne

    Myth 2. Solarium stimulates the production of serotonin.

    It is no coincidence that serotonin is called the “happiness hormone”, because it is precisely its lack in the brain that causes depression. There is an opinion that ultraviolet rays stimulate the production of serotonin - the so-called "happiness hormone" responsible for good mood. However, studies have not revealed a pattern between a visit to the solarium and a change in the level of serotonin. Thus, the improvement in mood can only be explained by the psychotherapeutic effect of the procedure.

    Myth 3. A visit to the solarium before traveling to hot countries will prepare the skin and reduce the risk of burns.

    I do not agree with this fact. world organization Health (WHO). According to them, preparing the skin in a solarium is equivalent to applying to the skin sunscreen only with a minimum degree of protection, which is clearly not enough.

    There are a number of contraindications to visiting a solarium, which you are unlikely to be informed about in a beauty salon or fitness center. However, such a seemingly harmless procedure, under certain circumstances, can do more harm than good - cause an exacerbation chronic diseases and others backfire. Remember that sunburn is an additional burden on the entire body. Therefore, in no case do not visit the solarium during an exacerbation of chronic diseases. And even without an exacerbation, it is better to completely refuse to visit the solarium or do it only after consulting with your doctor if you have the following chronic diseases:

    • diabetes;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • thyroid disease;
    • tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the central nervous system;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • high blood pressure;
    • gynecological diseases;
    • blood circulation disorders;
    • mastopathy;
    • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    • allergy.

    Also contraindications to visiting the solarium are:

    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • recent surgery;
    • age up to 15 years;
    • very light skin;
    • a large number of freckles and moles on the body;
    • claustrophobia.

    Unpredictable and undesirable results from tanning in a solarium can be obtained under the following circumstances:

      Recent laser hair removal, resurfacing, or chemical peeling skin - high risk of burns and pigmentation.

      The period of menstruation - these days the melanin will be distributed unevenly and may appear on the skin dark spots- chloasma.

      Reception medicines, including antidepressants - they may contain photosensitive components.

      Tattoos and Permanent makeup- some paints are capable of reacting.

    Well, we weighed all the pros and cons. Now you know that visiting a solarium is not such a harmless procedure, which, if abused or violated, certain rules can cause significant harm. Beauty requires sacrifice, but this sacrifice should not be your health!