Headache in children. Why is my head shaking and how to cure it? Brain diseases - what are

When your head hurts small child, it scares and forces to address to doctors. But if this symptom is observed in a teenager, the situation changes. An adult recalls that he himself periodically has headaches - and nothing, alive. In addition, many say that headaches in transitional age- a common phenomenon caused by hormonal changes.

Why is headache more frequent in adolescence?

"Transitional" age is a serious test for a teenager. At this age, he changes a lot. hormonal background, and while the body is trying to rebuild and get used to it, all those problems that he managed to compensate for “crawl out”. Therefore, between the ages of 9 and 14, if the child had:

  • chronic diseases;
  • violations of the work of blood vessels - rather, of an innate nature;
  • genetic traits

they all "raise their heads" - and the head starts to hurt more often.

Tension headache

It is the cause of 73% of adolescent headaches. It can be caused by reasons that are not obvious at first glance:

It is with a tension headache that a teenager complains that his head hurts every day: the breaks are so short that they are almost imperceptible. The pain begins right in the morning, feels like pressure, is localized in the forehead, temples, does not increase from physical exertion. During the day, it can change its localization and intensity.

Scoliosis of the cervical spine

This disease also often debuts in adolescence- due to the fact that active growth bones of the skeleton, and they have not yet had time to condense. And then the teenager begins to read lying down, go to concerts or other events where you need to stretch and tilt your neck - and the spine in the cervical region bends. Blood circulation in the brain worsens, and a headache appears.


This is the main cause of headache in a teenage girl. Boys also get migraines, but from adolescence it becomes less frequent.

At the heart of migraine is a hereditary pathology in some part of the vessel in the brain. It can be suspected if at least one parent suffered from this pathology. The disease manifests itself quite frighteningly: it is a very severe headache, which is aggravated by physical exertion, light, loud sounds, the smell of gasoline, drinking coffee, chocolate.

The pain is most often localized in one half of the head; some forms of it may be accompanied by speech disorders, visual impairment, paresis of the limbs, vomiting. All this is very similar to meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Distinguishes migraine only:

  • no rise in temperature;
  • disappearance of focal symptoms against the background of the disappearance of headache;
  • the absence of any changes in the interictal period.

Long period of fasting

If a teenager does not eat on time, he may develop a headache. There may be 2 reasons for this:

  1. non-critical decrease in blood sugar - as a sign of a disease of the pancreas or liver;
  2. migraine.

Chronic diseases of ENT organs

The reasons why a teenager has a headache can be chronic and acute:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • ethmoiditis.

In acute diseases, headache is accompanied by other symptoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose. In chronic cases, pain may be the only symptom.

Sleep deprivation due to chronotype change

Most children are early risers. But by adolescence, many of them begin to rebuild into a "owl", and they constantly do not get enough sleep. Why this happens is unknown.


Hormonal changes in adolescence can lead to vegetative-vascular dystonia, which sometimes causes an increase in blood pressure. As a result of hypertension, headaches appear (most often the back of the head begins to hurt).

Other causes of hypertension are diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, and the brain. Sometimes high blood pressure can be caused by the use of large amounts of salt, energy drinks, coffee.

Heart rhythm disorder

When the heart is not working properly (irhythmically), the brain does not get enough blood. And in response to hypoxia, a headache appears.

Please note: a teenager will not necessarily feel a violation of the rhythm. Only extrasystoles are felt (like a sinking heart or, conversely, a sharp blow) and an increase in heart rate. More severe arrhythmias may not be felt.

Visual impairment

When visual acuity decreases, the teenager begins to look closely: at the board, at the numbers public transport, to the faces of acquaintances. In this case, the cause of the headache is an overstrain of the oculomotor muscles.

Change in intracranial pressure

When you feel sick and have a headache, it can be either an increase or a decrease intracranial pressure. In many cases, they occur against the background of intoxication against the background of SARS, taking some drugs, bad habits. But the reasons for this may be acute illness brain, such as meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Therefore, nausea and headache, even without fever, even if it has passed, requires examination by a neurologist.

The emergence of a bad habit

Both smoking and alcohol, and most drugs, when a teenager first tries them, can cause a headache. This happens for the reason that some of them have a direct effect on the vessels of the brain, while others cause intoxication.

Poisoning in everyday life with toxic substances, the use of certain products and additives

The head in the forehead can hurt when inhaling air from pungent odor. As a rule, it is saturated with toxic substances. This is new furniture and Appliances, new Construction Materials and carpet products, qualitative clothes, toys made from toxic materials and dyes, some stationery, plastic products with a strong odor. That is, if a teenager long time is in a poorly ventilated area with materials that emit a strong toxic odor, he may get a headache.

Also, the use of certain foods can cause a headache: foods with food additives (flavor enhancers, flavors), nuts, chocolate, cheese, coffee.

Traumatic situation

Headaches in a teenager can begin due to severe stress: fright, bullying at school, conflict with teachers, surprise from meeting a drunk. Such pains also require attention, because if they are not eliminated, they can “result” into depression, asthenia, and neurotic disorders.

How to treat a headache in a teenager

As you can see, there are many causes of headaches - not even half of them are listed here. Each of them has its own examination and its own treatment. Therefore, only a neurologist can decide what to do.

Before visiting, you need to provide the child with a healthy lifestyle:

  • sufficient sleep;
  • obtaining useful proteins, vitamins and microelements with food;
  • walks on fresh air rather than relaxing at the computer;
  • support for parents during traumatic situations or when receiving poor grades.

Thus, do not write off a headache in a teenager on hormones. Contact a neurologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, exclude all terrible reasons and do not forget about the love for your grown-up child!

Parents should be more attentive to the health of their children, analyze and eliminate the causes of their headaches.

Children from an early age often complain of headaches. And often these are not manipulative complaints to avoid piano lessons or try to get the desired toy or treat in this way - headaches really torment our children. Statistics say that in the world from 10 to 30% of children suffer from regular bouts of headaches.

The frequency of seizures increases as the child approaches adolescence. And this causes a decrease in the standard of living, learning and academic performance of a young person. The experts who studied this problem, in order to calculate the pattern and find the main causes of such pain, examined 8,800 schoolchildren aged 7 to 14 in Germany.

Their conclusion is that most often children suffer from such a variety of headaches as tension pains. The most common cause of such a disease is the quarrels of parents who, carried away by sorting out relationships with each other, do not notice at all what effect their outbursts of negative emotions have on psycho emotional condition child. Quarrels between parents provoke a state of constant anxiety in children, which in turn is a catalyst for the onset of headaches.

In families where quarrels have long become the norm, the risk of periodic headaches in children increases by 1.8 times, and due to lack of free time for personal activities and hobbies - by 2 times. Girls react especially negatively to quarrels between mom and dad - their frequency of headaches increases by 25%.

Therapists are reminded parental quarrels, the emotional atmosphere in the family, pressure on the child from adults, their ability to support children and ease the requirements, if necessary, the ability to organize sufficient rest and a reasonable daily routine - all this important factors to reduce stress levels, with which you can improve the health of the child.

Parents should definitely know that if children complain of frequent headaches, they urgently need to correct their relationship, especially in terms of constant quarrels and scandals that children witness.
And it is also worth reducing to a minimum the time of watching TV and finding the child at the computer - these are the second most important causes of headaches in the younger generation.

Headache in children

Headache in children - a fairly common, but rather difficult symptom to assess. There are functional and symptomatic headaches. With symptomatic headaches, you can determine the cause of their occurrence. With functional headaches, it is most often not possible to identify the structural disorders that caused this condition.

Often a headache is accompanied by increased irritability or crying of the child. Headache peaks in children usually appear at six or seven years of age (during the period of adaptation to school) and at thirteen to fifteen years of age (during puberty). At school age, a child's complaint of a headache can be considered reliable.

Causes of headaches in children

To find out the true cause of the headache, adult observation of the child's behavior is of great importance. If the child complains of a headache, then it is first necessary to clarify the localization of pain(in the parietal, temporal, occipital, frontal regions, in the area of ​​the eyes, nose, ears). Children preschool age with a headache, they pull their hair, squeeze their heads with their hands. No less important is the characteristic of pain: gradually increasing or sudden, dull or acute, passing by itself or only after taking sedatives or painkillers. Parents should note whether the child's headache is accompanied by redness or blanching of the face, agitation or lethargy, weakness, vomiting, nausea, dizziness. The appearance of severe headaches in a child may be associated with physical activity, a stressful situation, taking any medications, traveling in transport, overwork.

A huge number of diseases that can be accompanied by a headache can be combined into three main groups - general diseases of the child, diseases of the brain and diseases of other parts of the head.

Severe headache in children may be accompanied by infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute period.(tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, influenza, pneumonia, erysipelas). Headache in this case occurs against the background of general intoxication of the body at elevated body temperature. Usually it disappears after taking antipyretic drugs with analgesic action (Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Calpol).

The cause of headaches in children can be stress, mental and physical stress, conflicts in the family and school, overstrain, spasm of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck. Pain of a compressive, pressing character usually extends to the occipital and frontal part, gradually covering the entire head. However, it does not increase with physical activity. Such pain most often goes away on its own after walking, sleeping, warming up. If a headache of this type manifests itself more than a hundred days a year, then it is necessary to conduct an examination of the child's body.

Severe headaches in children can occur when the walls are stretched, cerebral circulation and cerebrovascular tone. Such pain can be bursting, pulsating, pressing. Examination will help to establish the root cause of such headaches.

With a sensitive psyche, the causes of headaches in children may be unwillingness to attend school, a doctor, eat up porridge. A therapist or psychiatrist can help with this type of pain. Parents should help organize the child correct mode days, ensure stable emotional background, reduce emotional and physical stress.

If a child complains of a headache, and at the same time it is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, redness or blanching of the skin, then a migraine may be the cause of this condition. With migraine, photophobia is often manifested. Multi-colored circles appear before the eyes or the visual picture completely drops out. A migraine attack can last from half an hour to five hours.

A sudden severe headache in a child, localized in the frontal, temporal regions, or covering the entire head, may indicate an inflammatory disease of the meninges (meningitis) or the brain as a whole (encephalitis). Simultaneously with pain, repeated vomiting, chills usually begin, and body temperature rises significantly.

If a severe headache in a child appeared after a head injury, and after the pain appeared nausea and dizziness, then a bruise or concussion of the brain can be suspected.

Often the cause of headaches in children is inflammation of the maxillary or frontal paranasal sinuses of the skull. In this case, the pain most often appears in the morning, with an increase in pressure in the sinuses (when they are filled with pus). Children of primary school age sometimes complain of pain in the head with acute otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). Headache can also occur with herpetic eruptions, with erysipelas of the scalp, with impaired vision, as well as with neuralgia of the upper branch of the trigeminal nerve.

Headache treatment in children

To relieve headaches in children at home, it is necessary to remove any physical or mental stress. lightly massage the temples, put a warm compress on the child’s forehead, give the child the opportunity to sleep in the fresh air.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the exact cause of the headache. First, the doctor must carefully study the complaints, the history of the development of the disease, and carefully examine the child. Additional studies will not be needed if the data obtained during the examination indicate a tension headache or migraine. Laboratory and instrumental studies are simply necessary when revealing signs of an organic lesion of the central nervous system during the examination.

Paracetamol is commonly used to treat headaches in children.. At long-term treatment dihydroergotamine and beta-blockers are used. Dihydroergotamine is prescribed with a gradual increase in dose over six to eight weeks. With an increased tendency to seizures, it is advisable to take anticonvulsants (phenytoin, carbamazepine) for a limited period of time. If the child is prone to vomiting while taking medication, then the drugs are best administered in the form of suppositories.

Headache in a child

Headache is one of the most common complaints in children. different ages. It is not a disease, but only a symptom. Often, headache attacks in children appear at preschool age, by about 6 years. They are shorter in duration than in adults. At the same time, the whole head hurts in children, and at the same time, the stomach.

Possible Causes of a Child's Headache (with or without Vomiting)

There are many factors that cause headaches in children. Ailments may appear after sleep, in the morning or in the afternoon. Often their occurrence is associated with external factors: from weather changes to emotional or physical overstrain.

The appearance of pain in children is provoked by the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • myositis;
  • vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain);
  • measles;
  • migraine;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • otitis;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • SARS;
  • sinusitis;
  • pulpitis;
  • neuroses;
  • meningitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • angina;
  • encephalitis;
  • neuritis;
  • and etc.

Besides, pain may occur in case of toxic damage, poisoning, decrease or increase in intracranial pressure. Another reason is the presence of head injuries.

Headache in children: what should parents pay attention to?

  1. What time of day and when do seizures occur?
  2. What provokes the occurrence and enhances painful sensations: body position, physical activity, stressful situations, noise, light, etc.
  3. The frequency of pain.
  4. Which helps relieve pain.
  5. Localization of the pain focus.
  6. Whether the pain is accompanied by nausea, fever, vomiting, or other symptoms.

Frequent headaches in an infant

Often in newborns, headache occurs when intracranial pressure rises. It may be accompanied by fever, general malaise, digestive disorders, or other symptoms. Up to six months, pain is sometimes associated with a reaction to teething.

If a child is at an age when he is not able to complain about a headache to you, you can determine it by the following signs:

  • the presence of bright veins on the skull;
  • lethargy and constant crying;
  • throwing the head back;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • excessive irritability;
  • shiver.

Headaches in a 5-7 year old child

Preschoolers spend a lot of time on electronic devices and watching TV. Excessive stress on the organs of hearing and vision can provoke a migraine or a sharp headache.

A preschool child is actively interested in games. Often they are accompanied by noise and accidental injuries, which can cause headaches of a different nature.

Often, malaise causes stuffy air in the nursery. In this case, it is enough for parents to ventilate the room. In addition, it is necessary to take care of good rest, provide the child with a healthy diet and sleep for one to two hours.

Severe headaches in a child 7-10 years old and older

Schoolchildren and adolescents often experience stress associated with learning and excessive emotionality. When a child is not able to perceive the amount of material that is taught to him in educational institution, his nervous system is depleted. Against this background, overwork occurs - one of the factors affecting the appearance of headaches.

Girls are more susceptible to nervous exhaustion. In their development, they are ahead of boys, while their emotional background is higher.

By the age of 10-12, hormonal changes begin in school-age children. It can negatively affect the mental and emotional state. During this period, a migraine or severe headache may occur. Also, teenagers are largely susceptible to pressure drops, and food allergies can also occur. Can cause headaches abrupt change weather or the wrong choice of products. During this period, parents should be given Special attention child's daily routine. It should be monitored whether he spends enough time in the fresh air, how much he sleeps and how often and what he eats.

What to do if the child often complains of headache and nausea?

Only a pediatrician is able to stop the pain and correctly determine the cause of its appearance. He will analyze the patient's condition, if necessary, conduct full examination and appoint effective treatment.

Pain can be caused by brain disease, traumatic brain injury or infection. Sometimes the cause is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. As a result, the child develops weakness and vomiting with pain. In such cases, the patient is given special diet and medicinal preparations.

You can get qualified assistance at the SM-Clinic medical center, where experienced specialists work. They will provide a full range of services, provide timely and effective treatment. In addition, specialists will help to exclude diseases that provoke the appearance of pain, prescribe tests and procedures. If necessary, you can call the doctor of the SM-Clinic at home.

Prevention of headaches

From birth, it is recommended to instill in the child a love for a healthy lifestyle. Parents should accustom the baby to morning exercises, lunch breaks, walks in the fresh air, hardening, proper nutrition. This approach will strengthen the immune system, protect the body from infections and avoid headache attacks in the future.

It is not necessary to send the child to sports section, it is enough to do exercises daily for 10-15 minutes. Hardening will help to avoid colds and sustainably endure stressful situations.

If your child spends a lot of time at the computer or watching TV, teach him to take breaks. Also, watch your posture so that in a sitting position, he keeps his back straight.

Pay special attention to what your child eats. The diet must include fruits, fish, vegetables and lean meats. Drinking strong tea and coffee is not recommended. If your baby is worried about pain, irritating external factors should be excluded.

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Headache complaints are not uncommon in children and adolescents. These can be isolated cases or recurring attacks, but in any case, a headache (cephalgia) in a child should not be ignored by parents and doctors, as it can be a sign of a serious illness.

The brain tissue itself does not have pain receptors; the nerve endings of the cervical spine and meninges, muscles of the face and neck, etc., are “responsible” for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations.

Headache- symptom of many various pathologies and can appear at any age of the child. At the same time, in infants and children under 3-5 years of age, cephalalgia often remains unrecognized for a long time, since small patients cannot formulate their complaints.

Possible causes of headaches in children:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • migraine;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms of the brain;
  • inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system) - meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis, etc.;
  • violation of the level of intracranial pressure (most often - hydrocephalus);
  • epilepsy;
  • damage to the central nervous system due to exposure to toxic substances: medicines, alcohol, nicotine, chemically active substances, organic poisons, carbon monoxide and many others. others);
  • craniocerebral injuries of varying severity;
  • ENT pathologies (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, etc.);
  • congenital malformations of brain structures;
  • tension headache;
  • acute viral and bacterial infections accompanied by hyperthermia and intoxication;
  • chronic diseases of other organs and systems of the child (kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, hematopoietic organs, etc.);
  • incorrect spectacle correction of visual impairment;
  • acute caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis);
  • neurosis-like states;
  • pathology of the cranial and facial nerves;
  • congenital and acquired deformities of the spine and bones of the brain and facial skull;

Cephalgia in young children

A feature of the course of cephalalgia in infants and children under 3-4 years old is that often the child cannot express his complaints.

The most common cause of pain is hydrocephalus, intoxication, congenital pathologies vessels and tissues of the brain and other diseases. An attack of pain may be accompanied by such phenomena as:

  • restlessness and irritability of the child;
  • refusal of food;
  • intense crying, aggravated by a change in the position of the body and head, noise and light stimuli;
  • spontaneous screams and shudders;
  • frequent regurgitation and vomiting;
  • swelling and pulsation of the fontanel;
  • stiffness of the body and limbs;
  • head tilt, etc.

Such symptoms should not be ignored by parents and serve as a reason for immediate medical attention.

Headache in children 6-10 years old and adolescents

Cephalgia in children of this age group can have an acute paroxysmal and chronic character and is a sign of various diseases. Consider the most common causes of headaches.

Vascular cephalgia- is a symptom of diseases such as VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), hypotension, hypertension, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, etc. Characteristic are pulsating, dull, aching, bursting headaches, often localized in the occipital region. Cephalgia is accompanied by nausea, darkening of the eyes, dizziness, pallor of the skin.

Migraine. Age peaks of the disease occur at 6-7 and 12-14 years and correspond to the beginning of schooling and puberty in a child's life. The disease is characterized by attacks of acute throbbing headache lasting up to 2-3 hours. Often, the onset of an attack is foreshadowed by the so-called aura: visual disturbances, lethargy and lack of appetite, tinnitus, dizziness, numbness of the face and fingertips, etc. The pain can be unilateral and bilateral in nature, accompanied by vomiting, which brings relief.

Tension headache It is most common in children of school and adolescence. Its occurrence is associated with psycho-emotional overstrain, wrong position body and head when sitting at a desk, computer desk, excessive visual load (long stay of the child in front of the TV, monitor), incorrect spectacle correction of visual impairment, stress, excessive physical exertion. The headache is compressive in nature, has no clear localization, may be accompanied by nausea and dizziness.

Cephalgia in inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system is severe and is accompanied by vomiting, convulsions, loss of consciousness, various neurological disorders. The pain is characterized by high intensity, increases with a change in the position of the child's body, exposure to light, tactile and noise stimuli. In severe cases of the disease, the child is in the “pose of a pointing dog” - on its side, with bent limbs brought to the body and its head thrown back. These symptoms are grounds for immediate medical attention. medical care.

Cephalgia is often the only early sign brain tumors. Often such headaches appear in the morning, are persistent and are accompanied by repeated vomiting that does not bring relief.

Traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic conditions often accompanied by headaches. Even in the absence of visible damage to the skull, the child complains of a localized or diffuse headache, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, visual impairment. In severe cases, an attack may be accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Psychogenic cephalgia may be paroxysmal (lasting up to 2 weeks) and permanent. Most often, psychogenic cephalgia affects children 8-13 years old. Pain is moderate, dull, squeezing, without a clear localization. Various stressful, conflict situations provoke the onset of an attack.

First aid for a headache in a child

First of all, you need to find out the cause of the headache. If the disease that caused cephalgia is known (ARVI, otitis media, sinusitis, etc.), then proper treatment the main pathology will save the child from headaches. In addition, parents can take measures to ease the attack of cephalalgia:

  • provide the child with rest in a darkened room with access to fresh air;
  • eliminate light and sound stimuli;
  • if the child is hungry, offer him some light food;
  • taking drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol in a dosage appropriate for the age of the child.

If the above measures do not bring relief in the coming hours, you should seek medical help. Also, the reason for immediate medical intervention are such features of a headache in a child as:

  • high intensity of pain;
  • attacks of cephalalgia more than 1 time per month;
  • night and morning pain;
  • concomitant symptoms: dizziness, nausea and vomiting, visual impairment, mental changes, impaired consciousness, coordination, sensitivity, etc .;
  • meningeal signs - hyperthermia, "posture of a pointing dog", convulsions, loss of consciousness, neurological symptoms.

Diagnosis of causes of headache

In each case of paroxysmal or chronic cephalalgia in children, it is necessary to find out its cause. Only qualified medical worker can diagnose and prescribe treatment for headaches in children. At the initial appointment, the pediatrician performs a thorough examination of the child, collecting complaints, anamnesis of life and illness.

Phenibut for children

How to give the drug. Contraindications, dosage and side effects.

In the future, consultations of other specialists (neuropathologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, dentist, oncologist, etc.) and examinations may be prescribed, including:

  • laboratory blood and urine tests;
  • x-ray examination - CT ( CT scan), contrast angiography, radiography;
  • MRI (magnetic nuclear tomography);
  • ultrasound diagnostics - UZDG ( ultrasound dopplerography), EchoEG (echoencephalography), duplex scanning, etc.;
  • radiological studies - SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography), PET (positron emission tomography), etc.

Parents of children complaining of a headache should not delay a visit to the attending physician. Indeed, early diagnosis and timely treatment are the main guarantee of successful treatment of all diseases that cause cephalgia in a child.

Headaches in teenagers are a common problem. From the age of 13, a child is constantly exposed to negative impacts: gadgets that affect the nervous system, vision and cause frequent headaches; peers, because of the actions of some of them, adolescents fall into a state of stress, which also significantly affects the well-being of the child, often worsening his health, causing severe headaches already in adolescence. If you notice that a teenager has a headache, you should, as in the case of an adult, try to determine the nature of the pain and then contact a specialist.

Relationship between nature and cause

So, the child complains of a headache. First of all, you should find out from the child how often the head hurts, how much, in which parts of the head the pain is most pronounced, and whether they are accompanied by any other third-party symptoms (nausea, vomiting, numbness of the extremities, dizziness). When you get answers to these questions, you will be able to understand if the headache is permanent, if it is getting worse, and other symptoms will help determine possible reasons. Of course, most of the reasons are the same in both adults and children, but some are still more applicable for children 14-15 years old and are explained by age:

  • mechanical injuries (falls, bumps, concussions);
  • stress;
  • the impact of modern technology;
  • fashion.

How is the change in 13-year-old children? Ran, fell, hit. At this age, children also try various extreme sports, but do not yet realize the dangers of roller skates, snowboards and skiing. If safety measures are not followed, all this can lead to head injuries that will cause headaches in a teenager, migraines. If you do not seek help in time, such pain can go from the category of symptomatic to chronic. And for this age, this is an absolutely undesirable outcome.

Stress for any student is something that almost always accompanies a teenager, regardless of his behavior: manifestation of himself as a person, first feelings, problems with learning. Strong overexcitation affects the general condition, causing even pressure drops, and this, as you know, is one of the causes of headaches not only in adolescents, but also in adults.

Modern technologies affect the unprotected, not fully formed body of a child more than adults. That is why it is recommended to limit such types of entertainment as watching TV or, for example, computer games.

The word “fashion” at the end of our list might lead you a little bewildered, but nevertheless, experts are sure that it is this that affects what a teenager thinks about when leaving the house: about not getting sick or about appearance. Unfortunately, some adults do not react in any way to such simple postulates, what does it say about 15-year-olds who look at them?


The most easily recognizable form is migraine. It has vivid symptoms, so it is easily distinguished from a simple headache. Its most striking features include:

  • the nature of the attack;
  • duration (sometimes from 2 to 3 hours);
  • average or strong degree severity, its strengthening after active work (sports);
  • can be localized in one place or have a wandering character;
  • fear of loud sounds;
  • eyes react to bright light;
  • sometimes nausea and even vomiting.

If you notice the manifestation of these signs in a child together, then this is a migraine. Try to determine how strong this pain is, and how often the child experiences it (whether every day, less than once a week, several times a month), whether this has happened before, whether he is sick, whether there is an urge to vomit, dizziness. There are such concepts as "migraine stroke" and "migraine status". These conditions are determined by severe attacks for several days. This condition can be diagnosed by a doctor. Therefore, your task as a parent is to notice such problems in a child in time, and what they depend on and what their causes will be decided by a specialist.

The cause of migraine is stress, typical diseases of the ear, throat or nose, as well as allergic reactions. As you understand, with all this, a headache is a consequence of another disease or condition.

The goal is to stop this disease. In this case, you can go both the way of drug treatment, and try other ways. The first option should be chosen only together with a specialist who will first prescribe an examination, and then, in accordance with the results, draw up a treatment plan. This is how you choose The right way. In no case do not make independent decisions - this can lead to disastrous results.


Headache may be an indicator of some serious illnesses. We have already talked about the influence of fashion on teenagers. The often negligent attitude towards warm clothes in winter, it can lead to hypothermia of the whole body, in particular, the head. The disease that scares absolutely everyone is by no means a myth: meningitis exists and it is not so difficult to earn it. This disease is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, high fever. It is fraught with serious consequences. That is why, if you notice such symptoms, urgently show the teenager to a specialist: meningitis is treated in a hospital.

Summer also hides its danger - ticks. Their bite causes encephalitis. This disease is an inflammatory process in the brain. In this case, the child may feel pain in the muscles, severe nausea. The pain itself is pulsating. This disease requires urgent treatment in the hospital. In the summer, also protect your head from overheating - sunstroke is not ruled out.

Severe headaches can also be caused by tumors, poisoning, osteochondrosis, tonsillitis and other colds, hypertension. However, none of the diseases is not determined "by eye". You can only notice the symptoms and respond to them in time, and the doctor will be able to answer your question about why your head hurts.

Safe remedies for pain relief

The most important thing in dealing with drugs is to know the consequences of taking them. Children are more prone to side effects, and not every drug can be given to a child. How old is your son or daughter? Thirteen? Fourteen? If he is not even 15, then Citramon cannot be given - this can affect the liver. Experts recommend Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen. Amiksin - in case a teenager has a headache, coupled with colds. Don't get carried away with drugs. Ignorance of the correct doses, administration systems can lead to aggravation of the course of the disease. Even if you are familiar with these drugs, it is better to consult a specialist.

If the headache appeared for the first time, it is not strong, there are no third-party symptoms, then you can limit yourself to a head massage, weak tea with chamomile or rest. If a child for a long time spent at the computer, make sure that he rested: you can lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, you can also use a cool compress to relieve a headache.

Modern teenagers aged 14 years and older have much more opportunities thanks to gadgets, computers and other technologies, and also have independence due to the busyness of their parents, but sometimes such benefits also lead to destructiveness: headaches are now found in 80% of children. If there is such a problem as a headache in adolescents, then the reasons should also be sought in ecology: the external environment greatly affects the general condition of the child, causing a decrease in immunity, and internal stresses disrupt sleep, symptoms of overwork appear. Ultimately, all this results in unpleasant consequences. It is in your power to help the child: for this you need to have high-quality knowledge in the field of symptoms, as well as psychology. You are a teenager's guide, so you must give him right advice. As practice shows, if teenagers have a headache, the reasons can be found quite easily, you just need to set a goal.

Much to the regret of parents, today many children suffer from headaches. And if an adult calmly drinks a pill, without drawing attention to it, frequent and unreasonable headaches in a teenager are often a cause for concern.

Age Features

In children and adolescents, the headache is felt in the back of the head, and then spreads to the rest of the head. Before looking for the causes of this disease, one should take into account the age characteristics of the body at a particular age. The body of a teenager is constantly rebuilt and there can be several reasons at once. Therefore, it is sometimes quite difficult for specialists to establish what the essence of the problem is, and it is difficult to prescribe treatment right away. First of all, it is important to consider several factors:
- what does the child eat?
How often does he sit at the computer?
-Spends enough time outdoors
Does he have bad habits?
But if no measures are taken at this age, this can lead to chronic diseases, which are almost impossible to get rid of during adulthood.
To prevent this, and if necessary, start treatment on time, you need to find out the causes of pain. We will talk about this below.

The main causes of headaches in teenagers

Given the characteristics of adolescence, there are a number of reasons why a teenager has a headache.
One of the common reasons why a teenager may have a headache may be insufficient amount of fluid in the body. At this age, people lead an active and mobile way of life and in order to restore fluid balance, you need to drink plenty of water;
Modern teenagers are often addicted to energy drinks, which include taurine and caffeine. These substances often cause headaches in adults, and for those under the age of 18, they are not recommended at all.
Alcohol abuse and smoking. It has already been proven that a teenager who occasionally drinks alcohol and smokes is more likely to suffer from headaches. The vessels in the brain narrow from the next portion of nicotine, because of this, the head hurts.
Violation of the diet. Many young people skip breakfast or go on diets. A headache will not take long if the teenager has not eaten for a long time, snacking on junk food.
Sleep disturbance. Teenagers who get little sleep suffer from headaches. If an adult is advised to sleep at least 8 hours, children, for full recovery all 10 are needed. But today's youth, as a rule, ignores these recommendations.
The entire body is undergoing hormonal changes. It begins at about 14 years of age and provokes a disruption in the functioning of the body as a whole. In a teenager, bone and muscle tissue is formed, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, the urinary system begins to work differently, acne girls start menstruating. These processes, for all without exception, are accompanied by such phenomena as frequent mood swings and emotional outbursts, dizziness and headaches. During this period, it is important to pay special attention to the child.
Dependence on video and computer games. Not every adult knows the measure in using the achievements of progress. And teenagers even more so. Modern child With early childhood does not let go of the tablet, phone or computer. All this, coupled with watching TV, will sooner or later lead to a headache.
Overwork. Everyone who studies at school is faced with excessive fatigue. School program contains a lot of information. In order to have good academic performance, children have to do home building, sometimes even at night. Moreover, teenagers still have to take exams. As a result, there is a headache.
stressful situations. It's no secret that many schoolchildren often experience stress for various reasons (inability to find a common language with peers, problems with studies, quarrels with parents, etc.). And as you know, it can provoke many diseases.
Arterial pressure is increased. The reason for this can be excessive consumption of junk food and a sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, vascular tone is disturbed, which leads to difficulty in the flow of oxygen to the brain cells. It causes pain.
Noise attack. From all sides, modern man is surrounded by various, not beneficial noises - the rumble of transport, screams at school, the sounds of TV and radio - this list can be continued for a long time. Moreover, many teenagers cannot part with headphones or like to listen to music very loudly. This causes vasoconstriction and headache.
Migraine. Symptoms of this disease first appear at the age of 14 against the background of hormonal changes. It manifests itself in the form of a severe headache and may even be accompanied by nausea and hypersensitivity to light, sound, smell. All of the above factors can trigger the disease.

How to prevent?

The best prevention against a headache in a teenager is, of course, a healthy lifestyle. An important role is played by emotional support from parents. There is a very small chance of getting sick if a teenager:
- does not smoke and does not abuse alcohol, junk food, energy drinks;
-does not abuse watching TV and computer games;
-spends enough time for outdoor walks;
- eats regularly and healthy, enriched with vitamins and minerals food, if necessary, from time to time drinks a course of vitamins;
- observes sleep and wake schedules (parents can help create a schedule that will help avoid late performance homework);
- Feels supported by family. As mentioned above, there can be a lot of factors for stress in a teenager. It is impossible to protect them from them, but parents can support and distract a teenager;
- shows physical activity;
- Knows how to relax with health benefits. This means relaxing in silence with subdued lights. If you spend more time reading books, instead of watching TV and playing at the computer, this will not only help you avoid headaches, but also help you cope with insomnia. If possible, choose to nature;
-uses headgear. In order not to overcool and not overheat the head, one must not forget about the hat - in winter and the cap - in summer;
- Avoids colds and infectious diseases. The cause of a headache in a teenager can be various diseases and their consequences. Typically, headaches are caused by colds, influenza, sinusitis and many others. Even after recovery, a person experiences malaise and headaches for several days.

Medication treatment

When a teenager, adhering to all principles healthy lifestyle life, still experiencing headaches, this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist - a neuropathologist will be able to establish true reason pain and prescribe the correct drug treatment.
If, however, the cause of the pain is clear and you just need to get rid of the pain, there are a number of drugs that will help alleviate the condition. At the same time, do not forget to read the instructions, because many drugs have age restrictions. For example, Citramon, which is in great demand, should not be used until the age of 15.
Especially for children, well-known painkillers with a lower dosage have been developed. These include Paracetamol and Nurofen. With severe pain, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Phenacetin are prescribed.
Be that as it may, a teenager should take all of the above drugs under the strict supervision of adults.
headaches in puberty have their own reasons and specifics, and often go away when the hormonal background improves, and the teenager learns to control his habits. But if the pain is acute and not associated with the above reasons, you should consult a neurologist.

Headaches in children adolescence can be varied, they are most often provoked by hormonal changes and diseases that are a consequence of it. Often provoked by non-compliance with the diet, daily routine, heavy loads, stress, bad habits and teenage experiences.

Headache due to unhealthy diet

Often the child refuses to eat wholesome food, he prefers sausages, sausages, carbonated drinks, chips, semi-finished products. Due to the fact that the child's body cannot respond normally to various flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, he develops severe headaches.

Symptoms can worsen if a person suffers from a lack of vitamins, especially A, so you need to include peach, carrot, apricot in the child’s diet, these foods are hard to digest by the body, so you can’t eat them in large quantities.

Causes of headaches in adolescence

1. Headaches in a teenage child due to a genetic predisposition. Often appears due to heredity. When the body lacks the substance serotonin, a severe headache appears. Hypertensive disease, problems with blood vessels are hereditarily transmitted.

2. Due to a head injury, if the child begins to lose consciousness, you should immediately contact your doctor. In some situations, this indicates severe. Dangerous can be a slight injury in the brain, which manifests itself only after a while.

3. As a consequence stressful situation When endorphins and serotonin begin to fall in the child's brain, severe headaches appear in the child. Often a teenager experiences great emotional stress, for him a quarrel with peers, parents is a tragedy, he begins to get very worried. At the same time, headaches are not permanent, they calm down only when the child calms down and gets rid of tension.

4. Headache in a teenager due to a cold. When a child coughs, he has a runny nose, he often sneezes, he may have a trigeminal nerve lesion. At the same time, sharp pain which can be repeated over and over. Headaches are associated with an infectious disease, an inflammatory process in the neck.

Age-related causes of headaches

1. Due to a hormonal failure, because of it, diseases of a chronic nature begin to manifest themselves, the child may develop acne, acne, and. In adolescent girls, discomfort appears before or during menstruation.

2. Because of bad habits. Often, teenagers begin to try everything that is impossible in order to get closer to adulthood and prove their strength to their peers. When a teenager starts smoking, inhales a large amount of tobacco, he has a severe headache, memory declines, vision problems appear, the child can become very irritated for no reason.

3. A teenager child often suffers from headaches due to severe overwork. Loads at school, often the child additionally visits different sections, he has no time to rest, therefore he suffers from nervous overstrain.

When does a teenager need medical attention for headaches?

It is important to immediately consult a doctor if a child, in addition to a headache, has symptoms such as:

1. Elevated temperature body, which cannot be knocked down with antipyretics.

2. It is difficult for a child to raise his head when he is lying on his back.

3. If the motor function is impaired, coordination.

4. The child is drowsy, depressed, it is hard for him.

5. Vomiting without diarrhea.

In this situation, it is better to immediately call for emergency help.

Treatment of headache in adolescent children

Please note that the remedies that you use for yourself to relieve pain should not be given to a child, he may experience a number of different side effects. "Citramon" is forbidden for headaches, if the child is under 16 years old, it negatively affects the liver. It is better to prefer "Nurofen"

You can get rid of severe migraine with Paracetamol, Phenacetin, Naproxen. If the attacks are mild, you can give the child acetylsalicylic acid, this drug should be used carefully to protect the child from Reye's syndrome.

A throbbing headache can be relieved with Sumatripan. If a child has a symptom due to nervous tension you can give your child non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Paracetamol effectively helps, but remember that it negatively affects the state of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention of headaches in adolescence

1. Walk outside as much as possible.

2. The child should get enough sleep, do not allow him to sit up at the computer or TV until the night.

3. Drink herbal teas, you can use lemon balm, chamomile or mint.

4. After school, the child must have a little sleep, rest, and only then sits down for lessons.

5. Give your child a head massage.

Remember that headaches in adolescents must be observed by a doctor, they can be a symptom of a pathological process in the body. When a child suffers from constant headaches, if they do not go away even after the child has rested, the attacks become regular, it is necessary to examine the teenager.

Thus, headaches in adolescence may not be dangerous, due to hormones that jump during this period. In some situations, a severe persistent headache can be a symptom of a life-threatening disease for a child - a brain sarcoma, a stroke that can occur in childhood, inflammatory process V nervous system, traumatic brain injury, vascular diseases and problems with others internal organs child.

Frequent headaches in a teenager can appear for various reasons. These can be both reactions to external factors, and a symptom indicating a certain disease. To avoid unpleasant consequences, adults should take children's complaints seriously and be sure to take the child to the doctor. An experienced specialist will conduct an examination and help determine the cause of the headache, as well as prescribe treatment.

A constant headache interferes with the usual order of life of a teenager and causes severe discomfort. As a result, irritability, fatigue, apathy appear, the desire to learn disappears, and sleep is disturbed.

You need to know why the child's head hurts. Common reasons for this age include the following:

  1. At school age, a teenager is literally at every step waiting for situations that lead to an emotional reboot. Facing difficult life situations causes in the child, which is accompanied by tense, squeezing sensations in this area and has an aching, pulsating character. Symptoms such as bouts of nausea, vomiting, loss of strength may occur.
  2. Rescue with help medications gives only a temporary effect, as it only drowns out the symptom, and does not cure it. In this case, you need to teach a teenager how to properly cope with stress and overcome unpleasant situations provide the necessary support. If these actions do not give the desired result, you need to contact a psychologist. He will help to establish the causes of the disease and prescribe treatment.
  3. Excessive fatigue occurs mainly in school-age children. Blame it all modern programs teaching in schools that contain a huge amount of information. To learn the material, many teenagers have to stay up late, spending the time intended for rest and sleep, studying the lessons. As a result of such mental reboots, a headache occurs.
  4. Another cause of excessive fatigue is the dependence on computer games. Unfortunately, most teenagers at the age of 14 are addicted to them. Constant sitting at the computer brings a lot harmful effects for a growing organism.
  5. Hormonal restructuring begins somewhere at the age of 14 and is accompanied by a disruption in the functioning of the whole organism. Digestion is disturbed, muscle and bone tissues are being formed, there are changes in the functioning of the urinary system, acne, frequent outbursts of emotions, dizziness and a feeling of frequent headaches. Teenagers who have a good relationship with parents, go in for sports and physical labor, are active and have not lost interest in the world around them, they easily survive this period.
  6. In a teenager, it is because of a sleep disorder. Since at this age it is important to adhere to the correct daily routine for a young developing organism. It is recommended to sleep at least 10 hours. It is this period that will help the child recover after a busy day.
  7. Ignoring breakfast, dieting, and feeling hungry can also provoke pain in the head. All these causes are harmful to the young organism and can lead to serious diseases.
  8. Scientists have proven that teenagers who smoke cigarettes or occasionally drink alcoholic drinks, are much more likely to suffer from bouts of pain in the head. Blame it all blood vessels in the brain, which are greatly narrowed after the next portion of nicotine, resulting in a headache.
  9. The abuse of energy drinks and drinks containing caffeine, taurine in large doses also cause headaches in a teenager.
  10. One of the reasons why a child suffers from a headache is an elementary lack of fluid in the body. In adolescence, children are very mobile, so they need to drink a lot of water in order to restore their water balance.

In some cases, the causes that cause headaches are symptoms of diseases that require immediate treatment.

Migraine is a hereditary disease, which in most cases manifests itself in the female part of the population. Its first signs appear somewhere around the age of 14, when hormonal changes occur in the child's body. Migraine manifests itself unpleasant pain, which affects only one area of ​​the head in the part of the temple and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to external factors: bright light, sounds, smell. Headache is like attacks that last for different periods.

Migraine attacks are prone to children with a certain type of psychological characteristics. This is a child who leadership skills, high social activity, good social adaptation, anxiety.

Migraine attacks can be triggered by the following factors:

  • abrupt change of weather;
  • stress;
  • period including menstruation and ovulation;
  • lack of sleep or, conversely, excessive sleep;
  • taking certain medications;
  • different types of vestibular stimuli (flying in an airplane, traveling in a car, bus, swimming on marine species transport, swinging);
  • eating chocolate, eggs, cheese, citrus fruits, nuts, smoked meats, tomatoes, canned food, fatty and spicy foods, alcohol;
  • constipation;
  • constant noise, bright light;
  • unpleasant, pungent odor.

It should be noted: if a child experiences pain attacks more than once a month, then it is possible that this disease will accompany him throughout his life. This is especially true for girls.

With meningitis, pain is accompanied by high fever, vomiting, rash. When pressed on special points on the skull of the head, the pain will increase. Inpatient treatment will help to cope with this disease.

With frequent pain in the head, a teenager should definitely seek help from a doctor and conduct an examination. This will help to establish the true cause of the disease and choose further actions.

In most cases, the cause of frequent headaches in schoolchildren is banal overwork.

Parents are obliged to plan the time of the child so that he has enough time for rest. Try to distribute the load evenly, without exceeding the capabilities of the teenager.

During seizures, you need to pay more attention to the child, helping him to cope with the problem. But here it is important not to overdo it. over-concern on the part of parents, indulging all the whims of the patient can lead to the development of a pathological pain reflex.

Examination of a teenager begins with a thorough examination of a specialist, the study of all complaints and symptoms of the disease. All these actions will help to establish the true picture of the disease, and, if necessary, treatment will be prescribed.

Migraine treatment consists in eliminating irritants and taking special potent drugs. medical preparations which can only be prescribed by a doctor. Medicines belonging to the category of dihydroergotamines are considered excellent means that can alleviate the condition of a teenager. But here you need to take into account the age of the children, because they can be given only after 14 years.

Migraine pain in adolescents, if it occurs infrequently and is mild, can be treated with antidepressants and lifestyle adjustments. Her correct image includes a stable daily routine, good sleep, frequent walks in the fresh air, physical exercise, regular water procedures.

With hormonal changes, you need to help a teenager survive this period. Pain medications, head and neck massage will help to cope with pain. The main condition during this period is care and attention, this will help to achieve a quick retreat of unpleasant sensations.

If a teenager has a headache, then you should not let everything take its course, but you should seek help from a doctor. This will help not only to deal with unpleasant feeling, but also prevent the development of life-threatening diseases such as inflammation and oncology.

Headaches have long become familiar to modern man. But if an adult with such a malaise can simply take a pill without worrying too much about his condition, then a headache in children causes certain unrest.

Symptoms of childhood headache

Each case of headache in a child is individual. Symptoms depend on the type of pain. Children mostly experience these types of headaches:

  • migraine;
  • cluster or beam;
  • psychogenic or tension headache.

Also, headaches often accompany colds.

type of headache Periodicity Localization Character Attack duration Associated symptoms
simple migraine several times a month double or single sided pulsating from 6 hours to 2 days intolerance to bright light, nausea, vomiting, weakness
classic migraine unilateral from 3 to 12 hours intolerance to bright light, visual aura, vomiting, nausea, weakness
facial migraine unilateral, predominant in the lower half of the face pulsating or dull from 6 hours to 2 days vomiting, nausea
Psychogenic constant diffuse bilateral pressing, squeezing, reminiscent of a tight hoop, dull constant depression, anxiety, guilt, sadness
Cluster daily attacks alternate with long periods remissions unilateral, predominant in the orbital area sharp, piercing 15 to 20 minutes runny nose, lacrimation, redness of the face
For sinusitis several times a month or constantly bilateral or unilateral, predominant in the upper part of the face sharp or dull differently runny nose

Why does the child have a headache

There are many causes for headaches. For childhood, the influence of the following factors is most characteristic.

Improper nutrition

The child's body is very sensitive to all substances that enter it with food. Semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, chips, carbonated drinks - a child under 5 years old cannot cope with these “goodies”. His body is not yet able to process a significant amount of preservatives, flavors and flavor enhancers, which are contained in such products. Also, headaches can cause an excess of vitamin A in the diet: carrots, apricots, peaches are useful only when consumed in moderation.

The newborn child continues to be affected by the diet that his mother followed during pregnancy. Malnutrition leads to a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood of a woman, which affects the state of the fetal brain. The baby can suffer from headaches from the moment of birth.


Scientists believe that migraine is passed from mother to child. This malaise is associated with an insufficient amount of serotonin, the low level of which provokes a headache. Also, hypertension can be inherited - a disease of the vessels, which is characterized by high blood pressure and is accompanied by headaches.

Head injury

Children are very mobile, and it is almost impossible to protect them from blows. If a child loses consciousness after a head injury, parents should immediately consult a doctor. But it happens that several days have passed since the impact, and no visible consequences have appeared. But there were unexplained headaches. A mild brain injury does not always make itself felt too clearly, therefore, after a blow to the head, it is better to be examined in the hospital.

Stress and anxiety

WITH psychological problems people start facing early age. Under stress, endorphins and serotonin levels drop in the brain, which can lead to headaches. Moreover, the emotional state of the child is equally affected by both troubles in kindergarten and quarrels with other children, as well as funny noisy games that lead the baby into excitement. The headache in such cases is usually not too intense and disappears as soon as the child calms down.


Coughing, runny nose and sneezing are often accompanied by headaches. This is due to damage to the trigeminal nerve. As a rule, the pain is acute and recurs at short intervals. It can also cause such a headache infectious diseases and problems with the cervical vertebrae.

A teenager has a headache: causes

If parents care about the health of their babies as much as they can, then headaches in a teenager often go completely unattended. Some adults believe that in this way the "sly" is simply trying to get rid of lessons or household chores. But teenagers often suffer from headaches. What can they be connected with?

Hormonal imbalance

In adolescence, a person experiences a real hormonal restructuring. Against its background, chronic diseases are exacerbated, acne and other skin “joys” appear, and all this “violence” is accompanied by a headache. In girls, it can make itself felt with enviable regularity during each menstruation.

Bad habits

It is rare that a teenager secretly from his parents does not indulge in harmful activities. Young smokers absorb a lot of toxic substances by inhaling tobacco smoke, which provokes not only a headache, but also memory loss, visual impairment, increased irritability. Headache can occur due to hookah smoking, as well as the next morning after heavy alcoholic outpourings, not noticed by the parents.


The modern rhythm of life requires a lot not only from adults, but also from teenagers. And if parents can, after returning from work, watch TV or lie down, then schoolchildren have to go to learn lessons or run to music classes. Mental overstrain, characteristic of this age, often expresses itself in the form of a headache.
When to Call a Doctor for a Headache

Experienced parents often themselves know how to help a child and save him from a headache. But there are some symptoms that require a mandatory consultation with a doctor:

  • high temperature that does not decrease after taking medication;
  • the inability of the child to raise his head, lying on his back;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • vomiting in the absence of diarrhea.

In such cases, an ambulance should be called immediately. It is also recommended to show the pediatrician of a child under 4 years old for any headache.

What to do for headaches in children and adolescents

Medical treatment

If a child has a headache, the same drugs that usually help adults should not be used. The fact is that many drugs have reasonable age restrictions. For example, Citramon should not be given to children with a headache until they reach the age of 15 due to possible liver damage. It is recommended to replace it with Nurofen for children.

With migraines, pain of moderate and severe severity is well stopped by paracetamol, which is safe for children. Also, with severe attacks, Naproxen, Phenacetin or Ibuprofen are prescribed. Acetylsalicylic acid can only be used for mild attacks, with caution due to the risk of Reye's syndrome.

Sumatripan is most often used against cluster headache. For tension headaches, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, are preferred. Among analgesics, Paracetamol is considered the most effective.

Non-drug treatment

Sometimes you can relieve a headache without the use of tablets with the help of:

  • walks in the open air;
  • drinking chamomile or mint tea;
  • restful sleep for several hours;
  • head massage.

You should not joke with children's health: it is much better to see a doctor right away than to miss the onset of a serious pathology. If the child's head continues to hurt even after rest, and the attacks are regular, it is necessary to undergo an examination.