Variety of breeds of guinea pigs. Breeds of guinea pigs with photos: types, names and conditions of care

Breeds of guinea pigs delight with their diversity. Breeders thoroughly worked on improving existing breeds and breeding new ones. To assess the quality of animals, exhibitions are organized, including those with international status. On the exhibition rings you can meet representatives of popular breeds and rare exotic specimens.

Domestic rodents

The guinea pig belongs to the order of rodents. Their homeland is South and Central America. They have lived on Earth for almost 40 million years. They domesticated them in 4-3 millennium BC. And not at all as pets, but as a source of meat.

Subsequently, animals of bright colors became the first pets, and from them the fashion went to keep these rodents not only for the sake of meat. Breeds of guinea pigs are diverse, but their main indicators are common (average data are given):

body length - up to 30 cm;

weight - up to 1.8 kg (males are somewhat heavier);

body temperature - 37 o -39 o;

life expectancy - up to 8 years;

puberty in males occurs at 2 months, in females - at 1.5 months;

duration of pregnancy - up to 70 days;

litter - up to 5 goals.

They have excellent hearing and a well-developed sense of smell. They communicate using sounds ranging from contented muttering to aggressive clicking of teeth.


The teddy guinea pig got its name for its striking resemblance to a teddy bear (from the English teddy - "little bear"). The breed appeared in the late sixties of the last century in Canada. Due to gene mutation and careful selection, it was possible to fix not only the peculiar structure of the coat, but also the unusual shape of the ears and the “Roman profile” of the nose.

Currently, there are several varieties of the Teddy guinea pig breed:

American Teddy, characterized by the presence of hard wool. Short (no more than 2 cm), standing on end all over the body, it feels like plush to the touch. The head is wide and short, the eyes are round, large. The ears of the pigs stand out - they simply hang down without forming creases. Coat color can be any.

· The Swiss Teddy has a longer sticking out coat, up to 6 cm. It is much tougher (may break under mechanical stress) than the American counterpart. Only on the stomach, pigs have a peculiar insertion of wavy wool. Breeders consider the formation of partings on the back of an animal (due to long hair) a defect. This type of breed is considered young. In Switzerland, it actively began to develop in the mid-nineties.

· Long-haired teddy has a second name - Moscow texel. Since the breed appeared in Russia only at the end of the 90s, there is no generally accepted and approved standard yet. Animals have a soft, wavy, long (15 cm) coat. Shorter hair grows on the head, forming a kind of bangs.

Representatives of the Teddy breed have a good, sociable character. The disadvantages include a predisposition to colds.


Sheltie guinea pig is one of the most beautiful. Refers to long-haired breeds. The length of the hairline is at least 15 cm on the body and 7 cm on the cheeks. The breed standard was developed and approved in England in 1973.

Shelties have a broad head, large and protruding eyes, and a short nose. The ears are shaped like rose petals.

Coat description:

the mane falls back with a smooth transition into a train, there should not be a parting;

· on the shoulders, the coat should be long enough, thick and gently falling from the sides;

· The train covers the back of the body, ideally it should be longer than the fur on the sides.

In its structure, the hairline is of good density and silky. Color options are prescribed in the breed standard and are very diverse. Single and multi-color options are allowed. The direction of correct hair growth is clearly defined - from the muzzle down, rosettes on the body are unacceptable.


Skinny guinea pigs were first obtained in Montreal in 1978. A random gene mutation made it possible for guinea pigs to be born with little or no hair. A small amount of wool was only on the head and paws. The mutation again made itself felt in 1984, from that moment the breeders came to grips with the tabernacle breed.

Specialists managed to fix the "bald" gene. The body of the pigs is covered with a light fluff, very pleasant to the touch. Colors vary, although the first hairless animals were pink with red eyes.

This breed is afraid of drafts and requires compliance with the temperature regime. Too low threatens with colds, too high - overheating. The optimum temperature for comfortable keeping is 22 o -24 o.


The Abyssinian breed of guinea pigs, they are also called rosettes, is one of the oldest known breeds. Since the distant 1861, it has been very popular on both sides of the ocean - both in America and in Europe.

The breed appeared due to the original mutation of the gene responsible for the coat. The peculiarity of hair growth is manifested in the fact that they are arranged in a circle, having one growth point for all. This became the second name of the breed - rosette. Although such a mutation is also found in other breeds: Cresteds, Peruvians and mestizos from Abyssinians.

Connecting, the wool forms even ridges. It seems that the entire area of ​​​​the body is covered with squares. Wool 3.5 cm long has a rigid structure and stands on end, not fitting tightly to the body and emphasizing the unusual pattern of the hairline.

Rosette guinea pigs can be of various colors. There are individuals of a single color and a combined color. The most common suits:


· brown;

· chocolate;

The appearance of the representatives of the breed:

physique - strong;

muzzle - small, blunt;

eyes - large;

· ears - hanging down by a wave, big.

Abyssinian pigs are distinguished by good health, playfulness and curiosity. In nutrition, they are not too picky - they eat what they give. Rapidly growing teeth require a constant supply of solid food in the feeder.

Content Benefits

Almost all breeds of guinea pigs are kept in the same way. Caring for them is not very difficult. As positive points can be noted:

lack of aggression towards a person;

does not take up much space;

leads a daily lifestyle;

Perfectly tamed and trainable;

· not burdensome financially.

Content Disadvantages

The main disadvantage of keeping guinea pigs is their nutrition. They eat often and a lot. The requirements for a properly balanced diet are very high. Food from the table of the owners will not fit categorically. It can provoke a serious illness of the animal (even death). There are special factory feeds. They are produced by various manufacturers, the price depends on the quality and brand.

Like any rodent, pigs have good and strong teeth that are not averse to using them, whether it's their own cage or wires from a computer.

Some breeds are prone to colds, belated treatment of a simple cold can lead to very sad consequences.

Exhibition specimens require careful and daily grooming, especially for long-haired individuals of guinea pig breeds.


Buying a guinea pig for the fun of your beloved child is unreasonable. Like any other living creature, a guinea pig will require care and attention to his person.

Choosing a breed is quite simple. The criterion can be the length of the coat of the pig (long-haired animals are more difficult to care for, but look more attractive) or its complete absence. This is a great option to avoid allergy attacks.

You should immediately determine who will take care of the pet, to whom it can be left in the event of a long absence of the owners. The main requirement for future owners is the readiness for a long time (pigs, if properly maintained, can live up to 15 years) to take care of a pet every day.

Currently, there are about a dozen breeds of guinea pigs, which have their own distinctive features. These pets have become very popular for a long time and you can buy them in almost every pet store.

In the event that you decide to purchase a guinea pig, then first of all you need to decide on its breed

In addition to the fact that all guinea pigs are classified into one or another breed, depending on the length of their coat and its color, the following signs are also taken into account:

  • socialization;
  • chromaticity;
  • the presence or absence of curls that are inherent in rosette breeds;
  • weight category;
  • the degree of hardness of the skin;
  • constitution;
  • general form;
  • hairline quality.

Only in the aggregate of all these signs and characteristics are guinea pigs classified into breeds. The buyers of these cute pets have a really difficult choice, as they are all very attractive and have their own unusual features.

These guinea pigs are also called smooth-haired. They differ from other varieties in that they have a smooth and even coat, the hairs of which are very close to each other. As for their color, they are monophonic or variegated.

Short haired guinea pig

Short-haired guinea pigs, in turn, are:

  • ordinary - a feature of this breed is the compactness and stockiness of the animal, which is distinguished by rather large round black eyes. The ears of this animal are completely hairless. The color of wool can be absolutely any;
  • self - in these guinea pigs, the coat is evenly colored and can have different shades. Eye color is red and black;
  • satin or satin - a feature of this breed is the incredible shine of the hairline, which miraculously shimmers in bright light. The coloring of these guinea pigs is only monophonic;
  • Russian or Himalayan - these rodents have a snow-white color, and the peculiarity is that their paws, ears and muzzle have a black or chocolate tint;
  • motley - this breed is different from all the others, which includes several varieties of rodents, which include Dutch, agouti, speckled and tortoiseshell. All these varieties have their own distinctive features. The Dutch is distinguished from all others by its unusual color, which is characterized by dark spots in the back half of the body and in the cheek area. Agoutis are mostly gold or silver in color. Sometimes this breed can be found with a chocolate, cream or brown coat. The speckled fur coat alternates black and red stripes throughout, and the tortoiseshell coat, respectively, is distinguished by the presence of black, red and white spots.

As for the varieties of guinea pigs that are distinguished by long hair, they are:

  • Peruvian - This breed is distinguished by a very long coat, which is very soft to the touch. The coat is silky and has a white, red, silver, agouti and white-black tint;
  • Sheltie - this breed of guinea pigs was obtained by crossing the Abyssinian and Peruvian varieties. The length of the wool of this breed can reach half a meter, so you will have to take care of this rodent especially carefully. Among other things, these guinea pigs are very demanding not only in care, but also in nutrition, so only experienced owners are recommended to start them;
  • coronet - a feature of this guinea pig is the presence of a rosette on the head, as well as a parting along the entire back. These rodents have a very mischievous nature and require close attention;
  • alpaca - this breed, like all the others, is distinguished by a rather long woolly curly coat and the presence of two rosettes;
  • texel - this parody is considered one of the most unusual and funny. The coat of this rodent is very long and curly. But, despite this, the rodents of this breed are among the most undemanding in maintenance and care.

Long-haired breed - Coronet

The most common hairless guinea pigs are the Skinny and the Baldwin. These guinea pigs are distinguished by the fact that they do not have a coat at all. The only thing that distinguishes these two pigs from each other is that the skinny still has a slight fluff on the surface of the body, as well as short hairs on the back of the nose and paws.

Note! When purchasing naked guinea pigs, you should be prepared for the fact that they should be kept in a warm and dry room, and be sure to protect them from drafts.

Hairless breed of guinea pig

Despite the fact that naked guinea pigs do not have hair, they also have their own characteristic colors. Bathing is not recommended for guinea pigs, especially hairless breeds. Bathing is not recommended for guinea pigs, especially hairless breeds. Failure to follow this recommendation may result in your pet becoming ill and dying. Bathe them only in the most extreme cases at a temperature not lower than thirty degrees.

The main feature of guinea pigs is that they create a pair for life

We found out what guinea pigs are, now let's decide how to take care of them so that the pets feel cozy and comfortable.

In order for your pet to feel comfortable, you need to purchase a cage for him. It must be spacious, the floor must be covered with a bed of paper or sawdust.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use sawdust of coniferous trees for bedding in a cage, as they can provoke various diseases in guinea pigs.

Among other things, the cage must be equipped with a drinking bowl and a feeder. The cage should be cleaned regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria in it. Be sure to trim your pet's nails at least once a month. As mentioned earlier, bathing guinea pigs is not recommended, as this can even lead to the death of a pet.

Feeding guinea pigs is considered the easiest and does not require certain skills and efforts. You should definitely include hay, fresh vegetables and grass, as well as granular food in your pet's diet.

Granulated food can be purchased at any pet store. But when choosing food, you should be extremely careful, since it is strictly forbidden to feed guinea pigs with food intended for hamsters or other rodents.

An obligatory component for the proper nutrition of guinea pigs is water, which must always be fresh and clean. To do this, you need to replace it daily. At the same time, no substances should be added to the water, since guinea pigs may refuse to drink such a drink, and this, in turn, can provoke a disease.


The guinea pig is considered to be one of the most peaceful and calm pets. That is why you can buy this animal even for a small child. Before you buy a particular breed of guinea pig, you should first familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the care and maintenance of this animal. This is necessary in order for the guinea pig to feel comfortable and cozy. And for this you need to provide it with all the necessary attributes, as well as pay attention to it and take care of your pet.

How can you not love guinea pigs with their beady eyes and affectionate nature?

However, among these cute animals there are varieties that do not cause such unambiguous emotions. Check them out under the cut...

1. Skinny ( skinny pig)


This breed of guinea pig is almost devoid of hair - a little hair can be seen only on the nose and legs. Skinny appeared as a result of a mutation and was widely used in various laboratory studies. Today it is the most popular type of "designer" breed of guinea pigs.

2. Abyssinian guinea pig ( Abyssinian Guinea Pig)

The fur coat of one of the most popular breeds of pigs consists of fluffy tufts of wool, evenly distributed throughout the body. The coat of the Abyssinian is long, hard and thick.

3. Werewolf skinny ( Werewolf Skinny Pig)

In this breed, hair grows randomly over the entire surface of the body. Sometimes, as a guinea pig matures, it may shed and the remaining coat looks soft and silky. The only place a skinny werewolf will never have hair is in her belly.

4. Teddy ( Teddy Guinea Pig)

Teddies, like skinnies, appeared as a result of a mutation, but this breed got a thick curly coat.

5. Texels ( Texel Guinea Pig)

Texels are one of the newest breeds of guinea pigs, their small compact body is covered with long curly hair.

6. White crested ( White-crested Guinea Pig)


This is a fairly rare breed with a bright distinguishing mark - a bunch of white wool on the forehead. A sign of the purity of the breed is the complete absence of white spots on other parts of the body.

7. Satin Peruvian ( Peruvian Satin Guinea Pig)

This breed is sometimes called the Angora because of the long, smooth coat that grows all over the body and gently descends down the sides from the middle of the back. Needless to say, such an elegant fur coat needs constant care.

Guinea pigs (Latin name Cavia porcellus) are domesticated rodents from the genus Cavia of the Caviidae family. But, despite the name, these animals have nothing similar to real pigs, and they are not marine animals either. They got their name for various sounds with a distinct grunt. These rodents are also called cavia or kevia, translated from Latin. In modern times, guinea pig breeds are full of variety, the most popular breeds will be discussed in today's article.

Domestic guinea pigs appeared after crossing wild species. As a result of hybridization, a new species of Cavia porcellus was obtained. In the wild, this species does not come across, but occasionally you can find feral guinea pigs that have escaped from their owners.

There are a huge number of breeds of these rodents, which are divided according to the type of coat of animals, as well as color. According to the condition, properties and length of the coat, all breeds can be divided into three varieties:

  • short-haired or smooth-haired;
  • wire-haired or rosette (Abyssinian or Japanese);
  • long-haired (Angora, Scottish and Peruvian).

It is also necessary to mention breeds that are quite rare.

Short haired guinea pigs

A specific feature of this breed is the one-color coat color. come in black, red, cream, white, or any other color.

Satin Smooth

Or satin has a smooth, shiny and soft coat that fits snugly against the skin. The length of the hairs should not exceed 3 cm. The color variety of satin cavia can be any, but most often they are monophonic or two-color. Also, the satin breed can have an agouti color - the tips and roots of the rodents' fur have a different shade.

The main difference between these rodents is curly and hard fur. The furs stand on end, creating the effect of fluff. Color options can be any. Read a detailed description of Rex.

american teddy

They have a short, thick and soft coat, standing erect all over the animal. Because of their plush fur, these animals got the name of the famous American teddy bear. Teddy can have any color. Read more about the breed in.

This breed has a distinctive forehead rosette that is located between the eyes and ears. Cresteds are divided into two types - American and English. The main difference between the two species is in color. The English Crested has a completely monochromatic color, the rosette does not stand out in any way. The coat of the American Crested is also single dyed, only the rosette on the head is white.

I would like to mention a subspecies of this breed - the American colored crested. The American Colored Crested is a combination of three or more primary colors. The color of the coat can be different, for example, one part of the muzzle may be one color, the other - another, or the ears may have a different color, or the pig will have many spots or stripes.

An article on cresteds is located

Wirehaired guinea pigs

This variety is represented by Abyssinian or rosette guinea pigs. This breed is one of the most beloved pets. Such cavia differ in the specific structure of the fur, covered with rosettes throughout the body of the rodent. Abyssinians should have eight even rosettes on their bodies, symmetrical to each other. The color of the hairline can be very diverse. The most common are reddish and golden guinea pigs. There are also two- or three-color, as well as variegated with overflow.

Long haired guinea pigs

It stands out from other breeds by the direction of hair growth, which should grow only from the muzzle of the animal. Shelties should not have partings and rosettes. The color of the coat can be any.

We wrote about Sheltie pig in.

- representatives of this breed in appearance are very reminiscent of shelties. But the distinctive feature of the coronet is the presence of a rosette on the head, which looks like a crown. From this crown, a parting runs in different directions along the entire back. The coat of the coronet is long and can reach up to 15 centimeters in length. The hair is light and fluffy, so it needs to be combed often to avoid tangles. Fur color may vary.

You can learn more about coronets from.

- are distinguished by beautiful, long and curly hair growing in the direction of the muzzle. In the region of the sacrum, rodents of this breed have two rosettes. There may also be a rosette on the head, forming a bang. On the muzzle, the hair is slightly stiffer than on the rest of the body. Color can be any - red, black, golden. You can find two-color and even three-color alpaca, but this is very rare.

Read about the beautiful alpaca.

They have long hair, twisted into curls. The hairs are very long - about 12 cm in length, in some animals the length even reaches 18 cm. The texel does not have long hair on the muzzle, and there are no rosettes on the body. The color of these guinea pigs can be varied. Often this breed is brought up to participate in various exhibitions, because with such a beautiful curly coat you can do haircuts and hairstyles.

- these guinea pigs are also called royal, due to the interesting structure of the coat. This breed was obtained by crossing Coronet and Rex. Merino wool is curly, reminiscent of a sheep's skin. There is a rosette on the head, just like the coronet, resembling a crown. Because of the thick and long coat, the owners of this breed have to cut their pets in the summer. The color scheme of wool can be different - white, gray, brown. There are also merinos that combine several colors.

Peruvian- one of the most popular breeds. It has a very long and soft coat that requires careful care. On the body of the animal there are two rosettes - on the sacrum and on the nose. The color can be different - there are plain and multi-color guinea pigs. But most often there are Peruvians of gray-silver color.

You will find a detailed description of the Peruvian pig.

Rare breeds of guinea pigs

skinny. A distinctive feature of the skinny is the almost complete absence of fur. There is a sparse fluff on the body, and short hair can grow on the muzzle and paws. Thanks to the diligence of breeders, you can find an animal of various colors - black, gray or white. But pink skinny is the most appreciated.

An article on Skinny is available at .

Baldwin, unlike skinny, absolutely bald and without wool. It is noteworthy that the offspring of the Baldwins are born with wool, but after a few days it completely falls out. There are many different color variations of this breed, but the most popular are Dalmatian guinea pigs.

A detailed description of the Baldwins can be found in

Kui- These are the largest smooth-haired guinea pigs. Representatives of this breed are prone to obesity and the weight of an adult can be from 1.5 to 4 kg. They have a hereditary genetic deviation - they can be born with extra fingers that do not cause discomfort to pigs. Color can be anything. Fried cuy is a popular delicacy in Peru.

Swiss teddy cannot be attributed to either long-haired or short-haired guinea pigs, they are rather wire-haired. Representatives of this breed look like a downy ball, or a toy, but not a living creature. The coat is hard, thick and dense on the back and on the legs, and on the animal's stomach it is curly. The color is different - monophonic, spotted, two-tone or with a large number of colors.

Ridgeback This breed has not yet been recognized as a general standard. Such guinea pigs have short hair, which forms a comb on the back of the rodent, the so-called ridge.

Galloway This breed is newly bred and registered. Galaway cavia are distinguished by a solid dark color with a white belt encircling the entire body of the animal.


We examined some breeds of guinea pigs, the breed diversity of which is constantly increasing due to the efforts of breeders. Determination of conformity to a particular breed is necessary only in two cases - for participation in exhibitions and for breeding work, when you need to cross animals to obtain new breeds and species. When kept at home, breed conformity is not mandatory.

An attentive owner will understand what kind of care his pet needs. Most often, the nutrition of guinea pigs of different breeds is no different. It is important to remember that some individuals can overeat, and this can lead to obesity. Therefore, such guinea pigs need to be limited in nutrition. And long-haired breeds need good care for the coat - combing, bathing and cutting. Read more about caring for guinea pigs in our next articles.

Guinea pig breeds

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