Food for bust enlargement. Due to sexual homons, metamorphoses occur. Will diets or special nutrition be able to increase breasts

Not every woman can boast of beautiful breasts, nature has not awarded someone with voluminous and magnificent forms: and therefore people think how to increase the size of the bust at home. The best way is plastic surgery, when in a few hours you can increase your breasts by several sizes at once. But surgery is not suitable for all people: some do not have money for the operation, some women are afraid of the consequences, and there are those who have contraindications. In this article, we will learn and consider the following questions: Is it possible to enlarge breasts with the help of products, what affects breast growth, which foods and vitamins affect breast growth, and which, on the contrary, interfere.

Various factors can affect the growth of a woman's breasts, but most of all, the size depends on the amount of estrogen that can be obtained by eating certain foods. Additional factors on which breast size depends are the following:

  1. Heredity. You probably noticed that children copy their parents in many ways. The physique and condition of the figure also depend on heredity. If on the maternal side in your family there was no one with a voluminous bust, then you should not expect a miracle, you will also have small breasts.
  2. Sport. It is definitely impossible to say that sport enlarges the chest, with the help of certain exercises you can pump up the muscles and make the bust elastic, due to which it seems that it has increased in volume.
  3. Taking hormonal drugs. Enlargement or, conversely, breast reduction can be a side effect of the use of medications.
  4. Body mass. The mammary glands contain adipose tissue, and therefore, if a woman gains extra pounds, then her breasts also grow. You probably noticed that only ladies with large forms have a voluminous bust. If you were full and lost weight dramatically, then your breasts will decrease by several sizes.

Hormones can affect bust growth

What substances and vitamins promote breast growth

Breast growth is influenced not only by the above factors, but also by vitamins and microelements. Therefore, you need to eat foods enriched with carbohydrates and proteins. Proper nutrition is the key not only to health, but also to the ideal forms of a woman. To increase the bust, you need to receive the following components with nutrition:

  1. Folic acid. This element is important for cell formation and growth maintenance. It is necessary to take it in the optimal amount during ripening. A large amount of acid is found in seafood, carrots, legumes, meat, bananas and sour-milk foods.
  2. Cellulose. If a woman does not grow breasts, it is necessary to take food rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism. There is a large amount of fiber in grain bread, raisins, apples, currants, cabbage, carrots, and beans.

Vitamins A, C, E. These vitamins must be present in a woman's daily diet if she wants her bust to be beautiful. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, A in carrots, and E in olive oil.

Eat Oranges for Breast Enlargement

In addition, it is necessary to consume unsaturated fats, which will positively affect the health of a woman and the size of her bust. No matter how useful these vitamins are, their overabundance can adversely affect your health.

What foods to eat

Is it possible to enlarge breasts with the help of products? If you want to have beautiful breasts, but finances do not allow plastic surgery, you can get by with cheaper methods - you need to eat food enriched with vitamins and microelements. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve an instant effect, as after the operation, but it is quite possible to tighten and slightly increase the bust.

Best Products

Below is a list of foods that you need to eat to improve breast shape:

  • Flax seeds. The product has a positive effect on the woman's body and on the size of her breasts. It is necessary to grind the seeds and add them to food when cooking.
  • Spices. Many spices contain trace elements that have a positive effect on breast growth. Most of them are in pepper, ginger and cloves.

Add spices to your meals

  • Fruits and vegetables. Many useful components are found in vegetables and fruits - they form the basis of proper nutrition. The best foods are the following: tomato, carrot, broccoli, potato, cucumber, plum, strawberry, sweet cherry.

Eat fruits and vegetables

  • Legumes. To correct the bust, add peas, beans or beans to your daily diet.
  • Dairy products. Milk, sour cream and cheese are products that contain large amounts of estrogens.

As we can see, the products that promote breast enlargement are common and should be in the diet of every person.


There are many herbs that have a positive effect on the condition of the bust. The best effect is fenugreek, which has the same effect on the body as spices - it contains phytoestrogen, which is not much different from the female hormone. Other equally effective herbs include the following:

  • Hop cones. To see the effectiveness of the herbal component, you must take a decoction based on it for at least 2 months. You need to drink the remedy several times a day.
  • Fennel. The composition of this plant is similar to the female hormone. It is necessary to steam dry grass and take a drink several times a day.

Hop cones promote bust growth

Is cabbage good?

The fact that cabbage promotes breast enlargement has been known for a long time and even children know about it. But is a vegetable really so useful, or is it a myth, and eating cabbage is useless. Many years ago, there were no drugs to increase the bust, and therefore the girls adhered to traditional medicine. Cabbage can be called one of the frequent products of consumption. For example, girls in Egypt cooked decoctions based on vegetables and took them inside.

Does cabbage affect breast size?

In fact, cabbage is a healthy vegetable, which contains the following components:

  • folic acid;
  • trace elements;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins B, C, E and PP;
  • plant hormones.

As we can see, cabbage contains all the trace elements and substances that are necessary to increase the bust. As many doctors say, cabbage is useful only during puberty. That is, if a girl at the age of 14 eats this vegetable, her breast growth process can be accelerated.

What foods won't help?

To increase the bust, many women are ready to eat everything, just to reach the desired size. But it turns out that not all products that folk healers talk about are effective for breast enlargement. Here is a list of food, thanks to which it will not be possible to increase the bust:

  • Raw dough. This product is not something that will help for breast growth, but will also harm the body.

Raw dough does not increase breasts

  • Mineral water. A non-carbonated drink helps to cleanse the body and leads to weight loss, which means that it may not increase, but, on the contrary, reduce breasts.
  • Fried fatty food. Of course, after eating such food, the breasts may increase in volume, but only slightly. In addition, the lady will have sagging sides and a protruding tummy, against which it will be difficult to notice that the bust has become larger. You should not eat such food, you need to eat only healthy fats.

If you want to change the size of your breasts with the help of nutritional adjustments, then you should not expect instant results. The bust will become taut and will increase no more than one size. Now you know whether it is possible to increase breasts with the help of products. For any questions, write in the comments.

Many women and girls are concerned about the volume of their breasts, but, unfortunately, we can hardly influence its increase or decrease in any way. A breast enlargement diet includes not only the monotonous eating of certain foods on a schedule, but also a restriction on the amount of food intake, as well as massage and training. Breast Enlargement Diet - What should I eat to make my breasts grow? A beautiful female breast is always the object of close attention of men, but, alas, nature endows women with it very, very selectively. Exhausting diets, deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other necessary substances affect the condition of the skin and breasts, and negatively.

It is not surprising that breast augmentation is the desire of all those whom nature did not spoil with magnificent feminine forms. Very often you can hear that, for example, cabbage, can increase breasts. This is more of a joke than the truth. The breast can be enlarged only if the components contain 2 strong hormones estrogen, progesterone. They are responsible for the formation of the mammary glands. And the final size of the breast depends on their correct ratio. And it is not necessary that they come from outside. Any healthy body has everything necessary to produce the required amount of hormones and form the body according to the female type at any age.

What do you need? For starters, it would be really nice to streamline your diet. Get rid of fatty and spicy foods, eat less foods containing DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which kills beneficial hormones and inhibits breast development. Eat more high protein foods, seafood rich in fiber. It is these products that are the so-called breast enlargement diet.

Along with this, you will need to streamline your hormonal levels and prepare a platform for further action. A quality diet, plus a quality balance of hormones, creates ideal and safe conditions under which your breasts will grow significantly in the next 3 months! To do this, you do not need to follow complex instructions, just give it 10-15 minutes a day, follow certain simple rules and in the end you will get an excellent result.

Indicators on which the size of the breast depends

There are a number of factors that determine which breast size you will be the owner of:

  • Genes. If you inherited the constitution of the body from your mother, and your mother had breasts of the first size, you should not expect that nature will give you a gift in the form of a bust of the fourth or fifth size. Such miracles, if they happen, are very rare.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the mammary glands can increase by one to two sizes.
  • Weight loss or weight gain. Despite the fact that after weight gain or sudden weight loss, the bust loses in size, its shape remains the same.
  • Taking oral contraceptives high in hormones. These drugs have one advantage - they increase the size of the breast, while a disadvantage smoothly follows from this advantage: along with the bust, other parts of the body also increase in volume.
  • Surgical intervention. Of course, plastic surgery is able to increase the size of the breast as much as a woman craves, however, it is necessary to take into account the side effects that are the result of the implementation of such a cardinal decision.

Diet for breast growth: a safe technique for bust splendor

A diet for breast enlargement includes not only the monotonous eating of certain foods on a schedule, but also a restriction on the amount of food intake, as well as other points such as massage and rubbing splitting lotions into the chest, which, in combination, show a good effect.

Three effective diets for breast enlargement:

Breast Diet #1. Get the root of a plant called marshmallow at the pharmacy and brew it in the evening in the ratio: two tablespoons of this herb to two glasses of warm water. Divide the drink into three parts, two of which should be drunk by you during the day (you need to use before meals), and the third is applied as a compress on the chest (at night). Althea teas are drunk for two months.

Breast Diet #2. Take hop seeds and dry cones, mix them, then pour boiling water in the ratio: a tablespoon of the mixture per 200 ml of water, and insist for six hours. This tincture should be drunk about three times a day until the result is visible.

Breast Diet #3. The third diet for rapid breast growth is represented by a cocktail, for the preparation of which a few tablespoons of fenugreek are taken (sage or oregano can be used instead) and a couple of pinches of licorice root, fennel, cumin and anise. The listed ingredients should be added to a bowl of boiling water and boiled for two to three minutes. Next, the broth cools, and its pulp is squeezed into a pre-prepared container. To make the cocktail taste good, you can add sugar or honey to it (to taste). The drink is drunk one to two cups before meals, and stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Will diets or special nutrition be able to increase breasts?

There are claims that you need to eat foods containing the same phytoestrogens, and supposedly breast enlargement can be expected. These are, for example, legumes - lentils, beans, peas, soybeans, many phytoestrons in cereals. Of course, the question is quite long, but there is always a benefit from such a diet.

Sometimes there are stupid recommendations about the fact that you can increase your breasts without surgery by eating cabbage, raw dough or yeast. Remember - this method is applicable only for girls whose body is still growing, that is, for teenagers (teenagers). And then with great care, because these products do not increase the chest separately as such, but in general the volume of the body. The girl is getting fat all over, and, of course, her breasts follow. Being fat with big breasts is not good enough. And for women whose body has been formed for a long time, it is generally contraindicated to try to enlarge the chest in this way - you will only gain weight, and mainly on the stomach and hips, and the chest will remain the same.

What then to do?

Is it really possible to enlarge breasts without surgery? The most important thing is to first decide whether you really need to increase your breasts? Firstly, now there are many special bras, even with silicone, that will lift your breasts and make them spectacular and beautiful. After all, the main thing is to attract, and then work with your head, because you can’t hold a man with one breast. And in general, according to surveys of all men's magazines, the stronger sex is interested not so much in breast size as in a beautiful butt and a sharp mind. Men love frivolous girls only for sexual needs, and they choose smart, educated women, often with large hips and priests (but not fat ones!), as their wives. Men like small but elastic beautiful breasts much more than hanging balls, which they evilly compare with the place where the cow gives milk. By the way, it is much easier to increase breasts for a significant period of time, to achieve elasticity and lift of the breasts, if you combine creams or a hardware method of breast augmentation with a special massage and simple but effective exercises that are easy to do both in the gym and at home.

Chest ... This is what men look at first of all, and what girls first of all focus on, putting themselves in order. What matters is the beautiful shape and, of course, the size. Are there products for the breast, which of them help to increase its volume in fact, and which are just a myth?

We will find out if it is possible to fix the problem with a small diet adjustment.

Myth or reality?

Not one girl was told in childhood by her mother and grandmother about the benefits of cabbage as a product for “nourishing” the breast. But most considered it ordinary tales. And rightly so! Why cabbage is useful is primarily for the intestines. It saturates well, helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and prevents the formation of excess weight. And it affects breast growth no more than tomatoes or cucumbers.

But on the other hand, cabbage, even in large quantities, is harmless to the body, but some products recommended for bust growth by “specialists” can cause various deviations from the norm, contribute to the development of serious side effects and even the occurrence of cancer.

Never experiment with yeast. The easiest consequence that they can cause is diarrhea, bloating and colic. The same goes for raw dough.

Light beer can lead to an increase, but not so much in the chest as in the abdomen. Yes, if there is a general weight gain, the breasts will also grow, but are such sacrifices necessary?

For breast augmentation, it is often recommended to carry out external exposure. Many mistakenly believe that this is absolutely harmless, but rubbing a variety of freshly squeezed juices, mustard plasters into the mammary gland, and even applying an iodine net can lead to mastitis and exacerbate inflammation of the lymph nodes.

What foods should you eat for breast enlargement?

Small breasts make the figure look like a boy. This is due to a lack of the female hormone estrogen. No, you should not take it in any case, unless it is prescribed by a doctor, but it is quite possible to slightly correct the forms by making changes to the diet.

We are talking about natural products and spices, and not about bio-additives or tablets.

Herbs and spices

Fenugreek, fennel and hops have a positive effect on the growth of the female breast. In fenugreek (this seasoning is also called shamballa or helba) there is a large amount of a substance that is very similar to estrogen. Especially a lot of it in young sprouts, because they are recommended to be added to food if there is a desire to increase the volume of the mammary glands.

You can also make a drink from fenugreek seeds. To do this, first soak them for 12 hours, then rinse several times, pour water at the rate of 250 ml per 2 tsp. and boil for 5-7 minutes. You don't need to strain. Shake before use. Apply 100 ml 2 times a day for 2 weeks, then take a break for at least 5 days, repeat the course.

Urine at the time of application of fenugreek may change color, smell and texture.

Fennel is also considered one of the natural sources of estrogen. Everyone knows that it is advised to use it for young mothers to increase lactation. Moreover, the action is so good that teas of the corresponding direction and even tablets are made on the basis of the plant. The simplest recipe, put ½ teaspoon of dried fennel in a cup, pour boiling water over it, cover, let stand and drink after a few minutes.

Due to the high content of natural estrogen in hop cones, there is a misconception that beer helps breast growth. Beer - no, but the cones, or rather the decoction prepared on the basis of them, is very effective. There are two cooking options. You can pour two tablespoons of dried cones with a liter of water, put in a water bath and simmer for 15 minutes, then cool, strain and take 80–100 ml 2 times a day for a month. The second method of preparation - pour 2 tablespoons of cones into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 6-7 hours. After taking the same as above.

Legumes and soy

It is enough to regularly include these products for breast growth in the diet so that it becomes a size larger in a fairly short time. Legumes, especially chickpeas, red beans, lentils and peas are remarkably absorbed by the female body, supplying it with the necessary amount of estrogen.

What to eat to enlarge breasts? The seedlings work great. Not all beans are suitable for this. It is necessary to take only those that have not been subjected to heat treatment, but have been dried or frozen. They need to be placed on a damp cloth and wait until the seedlings reach a height of 5–8 cm. After that, you can eat.

Soy can also be used as sprouts.


Lots of estrogen in barley, oats and brown rice. These grains can be sprouted and eaten as described above, boiled until half cooked and eaten, chewing slowly 40 minutes before the main meal, or you can simply include dishes with these products in the diet more often.

These grains are not only high in natural female hormone, but also in protein, and therefore saturate for a long time, allowing you to reduce your waist and hips simultaneously with an increase in breast volume.

Vegetables, fruits and healthy fats

Absolutely all fresh vegetables and fruits, olives, avocados, flax seeds and walnuts positively affect the shape and size of the breast.

Great help to cope with the problem of oily red fish. If it is not possible to eat it regularly, you can use Kerch herring. In terms of composition and fat content, it almost does not differ from more expensive varieties, and most importantly, the consequences of such food pleasure are not deposited on the waist and other problem areas.

They say that you can increase the size of the mammary glands:

  • banana;
  • white bread and loaf;
  • cream and milk;
  • salo.

All these products for breast enlargement are characterized by a high calorie content, therefore, with their regular use, not only the breast, but also all other parts of the body “grows”. But even with minimal use (for example, eating one banana per week), you should not count on the result.

What doesn't help?

Regarding the myth about the use of cabbage and some other products that increase the breast, we spoke above. But there are other ways that girls actively use in the fight for a beautiful figure. Do not rush to use creams, gels, and even more so those that involve the parallel use of vacuums. That's bullshit. There is simply no other way to express it.

Correction of the diet to increase the volume

Bust growth depends on the level of female hormones - estrogens, which are also present in foods. That is why anyone who wants to have curvaceous needs to eat estrogen-rich foods in general. What foods increase breasts? It can be soy, flax seeds and dairy products in particular. It is they, and not silicone, that are the key products that increase the mammary glands.

Any representatives of the legume family will be no less useful. All types of beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas and asparagus are all necessary foods for breast growth.

Contrary to popular belief, cabbage, as well as some other fruits and vegetables, is given an honorable third place. To add chest volume, you need to use it regularly. Garden vegetables contribute to its growth due to the high content of vegetable fiber in their composition. Just as useful in terms of growth of the mammary glands, like cabbage, will be:

  • Strawberry;
  • Apples;
  • Blueberry;
  • Plums;
  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes, etc., if eaten regularly.

Provides lovely ladies with curvaceous and healthy unsaturated fats derived from nuts, seeds, avocados, olives and herring. After all, adipose tissue makes up most of the chest volume. And spices and some herbs have been used by women as breast enlargement products since ancient times. After all, indeed, they include special components responsible for its growth. Particularly well-established herbs are fenugreek, which is contained in popular dietary supplements, as well as wild yam and saw palmetto.

As for spices, spices that increase sexuality are used to increase breast volume - sage, thyme, cloves, ginger, oregano. After all, many women want to have magnificent breasts in order to please men. Regular use of herbs and spices will eliminate the need to use silicone for a long time.

It turns out that breast enlargement products are not exotic. It is quite possible and necessary to regularly include them in your diet so that the result is not long in coming. Proper and balanced nutrition will relieve you of the need to use silicone to enlarge the mammary glands, the breast grows naturally and becomes feminine and beautiful.

Myths and misconceptions

Big and beautiful breasts are the dream of every woman. Therefore, home methods for breast augmentation, without the need to use silicone, are overgrown with myths and misconceptions. And now we will dispel these myths in order to understand their inefficiency.

Popular grandmother's methods for increasing breast volume at home include not silicone, but nutrition:

  • Black tea with milk;
  • Beer;
  • Raw dough;
  • Bread crusts;
  • Nuts with honey;
  • Rice milk porridge;
  • Yeast.

Black tea with milk, according to nutritionists, is a nutritious and at the same time easily digestible drink with stimulating and strengthening properties, it perfectly improves immunity. But, unfortunately, it does not have any effect on the growth of chest volume.

Drinking a reasonable amount of beer drinks can normalize the circulatory system in the body and reduce the risk of heart disease. According to scientific researchers, this foamy drink not only restores impaired metabolism, but also replenishes our body's reserves of vitamins. But it has no effect on breast enlargement. Silicone in this matter would be preferable.

Raw dough and bread crusts are generally unknown to science and it is not clear where the myth came from. Eating them is not only useless, but also harmful. But we need to talk more about nuts with honey. The fact is that both honey and walnuts contain a rare vitamin F, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Thus, this incredibly delicious food, although it will not add chest volume, will make the skin of the mammary glands smooth, supple and toned if you eat it every day.

Well, rice porridge should not be eaten, but used to wrap the chest. A month of such wraps and your décolleté area will be impossible to recognize. The skin will become smooth and silky, and the breast itself will be tightened and elastic. Yeast has a similar effect. They are used as one of the components of a nourishing mask for the decollete area. In this form, yeast will be useful. They will ensure the beauty of the breast and prolong its youth for a long time.

Fatty foods and nutritional supplements

Many women believe that a diet for breast enlargement, or even no diet, can help them. It is believed that the growth of breast volume is influenced by fatty foods. And there is some truth in this. The only negative will be that if there is a lot of fatty foods, then fat deposits will be not only in the chest area, but throughout the body. As it often happens, the breasts have grown, but everything else has grown along with it. After all, fat in our body accumulates evenly. That is why such nutrition is suitable only for thin people who need to add not only chest volume, but also volume in all parts of the body. For everyone else, silicone is the right choice. With an increase in body weight, the volume of the mammary glands does increase.

In addition to diet and breast-enlarging foods, women use dietary supplements, which are very popular these days, to grow the mammary glands. They contain phytohormones that increase volume and make the figure more feminine.

Constantly eating dietary supplements to build up the mammary glands is not recommended, but using these nutritional supplements does not hurt at all. Just before you start taking it, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Despite the fact that dietary supplements, like yeast, have unproven effectiveness, they are widely popular among women who dream of a beautiful cleavage.

Whatever your choice, remember that beautiful breasts do not have to be large, but it is better that they are fresh, firm and well-groomed. In order for it to increase in size, you can use special workouts in the gym.

Breast augmentation through food is not a myth, but a reality.

Not every woman can boast of naturally lush breasts. Most are completely dissatisfied with the existing size of their bust. But before you go under the plastic surgeon's knife and use silicone, it is recommended that you try to slightly adjust your diet. Indeed, with the help of certain foodstuffs, you can easily “eat” a couple of sizes. And dietary supplements can help with this.

Not every girl can boast of beautiful lush breasts, given by nature. Since the breast is a generally recognized sign of femininity, its insufficient volumes can lead to the development of complexes. Every woman wants to be beautiful and desirable, so many decide to have surgery. But since this pleasure can in no way be attributed to cheap ones, not every girl can afford such a quick disposal of a lack. And then all kinds of folk methods are used, including certain foods that should be eaten in order for the chest to grow.

The main reason for small breast size is a deficiency of the hormone estrogen, which affects breast growth. It is estrogen that is responsible for the beauty of female forms. When it is small, a woman has a boyish figure - thin hips and small breasts. Therefore, if there is a desire to provoke breast growth, foods with estrogen should be added to the diet.

In addition to such an obvious factor, there are other reasons on which the size of the female breast depends:

  1. Heredity. If in your pedigree none of the relatives was distinguished by a magnificent bust, then the likelihood that you will suddenly have one is extremely small.
  2. Body mass. The mammary glands contain adipose tissue, therefore, gaining extra pounds, the volume of the breast also begins to increase. A sharp weight loss can reduce the chest by several sizes at once.
  3. Sports. To say that sport enlarges the chest is somewhat wrong, since the mammary glands are not muscles and therefore they cannot simply be pumped up. However, a certain set of exercises can tighten it up and make it more attractive.
  4. Taking hormonal drugs. This effect is rather a side effect and does not occur from taking all drugs.

Breast growth depends on vitamins and minerals. To increase the bust you need to eat food containing proteins and carbohydrates. In pursuit of the desired volume, it is worth remembering the health of the body.

Substances that can affect breast growth include:

  1. The hormone estrogen. It is considered a female hormone, as it is responsible for the relief of the body. The body is able to produce this hormone itself, especially its high content appears during the transitional age. During this period, breast growth is quite active, and with a decrease in the hormone, it decreases and eventually stops. Products that increase the mammary glands need to be eaten daily if you want to achieve a result. For example, these are legumes and flax seeds.
  2. Folic acid for breast growth. It is considered extremely important for the formation of cells, maintaining their growth. It is especially needed during puberty. Folic acid is found in bananas, carrots, fish, dairy products, meat and legumes.
  3. Cellulose. If the breasts do not grow, then the products that need to be consumed include fiber. It promotes the development of the bust and benefits the entire body.
  4. Vitamins of groups A, E, C. For example, vitamin A is found in carrots, C in citrus fruits, and a high content of vitamin E is found in olive oil. For rapid breast growth, add foods rich in these vitamins to your diet.
  5. unsaturated fats. The size of the mammary glands depends on the amount of adipose tissue. Eat only healthy fats.

In an effort to get beautiful breasts, you should not overdo it. Deficiency or excess entails consequences for women's appearance and health.

What products are

If you want to get spectacular breasts, but the financial situation does not allow for an expensive operation, you can resort to a less radical method. The question of what you need to eat in order to grow breasts is of interest to most girls. Try to include certain foods for breast growth in your diet. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve such a result as from the operation, but gradually the effect will be noticeable.

Let's take a closer look at products that increase the mammary glands in a natural way.

In addition to the fact that seeds are a source of estrogen, they are very beneficial for the body. Pre-crushed seeds should be included in the normal diet.

Various spices

Certain spices contain substances that can stimulate the growth of the breast gland. An example of such spices are: cloves, ginger, pepper.

Fruits vegetables

Peas and beans

There is an opinion that if you include them in your diet every day, you can become a little closer to your dream of a beautiful bust.


Certain herbs should be included little by little in your diet. The principle is the same as in the case of spices. Many years ago, girls used fenugreek to provoke the formation of roundness of the body.

Soy, dairy products

They are a source of estrogen, a hormone responsible for the development of breast glands. To enlarge the breast, you need to eat foods with a lot of estrogen.

Truths and myths about cabbage

The main stereotype, which most girls stubbornly believe, is breast growth from eating cabbage every day. In order to figure out whether it is true that breasts grow from cabbage, you need to understand the origins of this myth, and what useful substances this vegetable contains.

A few decades ago, medicines and various medicines simply did not exist, so traditional medicine methods became widespread. In an effort to preserve their beauty and youth, the Egyptians boiled a decoction of cabbage and consumed it internally. Passed down from generation to generation, belief in its miraculous properties has come down to our days.

What does cabbage contain?

  1. Folic acid. The main activator of the growth of the mammary gland, however, it contains little in cabbage in order to greatly change the volume of the bust. The use of cabbage will bring more benefits to adolescents when the breast is just beginning to form. After the main formation, it will not be possible to enlarge the chest with the help of cabbage.
  2. Vitamins E and C. They help to maintain normal hormonal levels and help strengthen the immune system. They help to protect the mammary glands from the development of various formations, they cannot affect its size in any way.
  3. Vitamins PP and B. I regulate metabolic processes and help maintain skin tone. Specifically for the mammary glands, the benefit is to slow down the natural aging processes and maintain existing forms and elasticity.
  4. Complex of microelements. Promote the release of excess fluid, cleanse the body and strengthen bones.
  5. Cellulose. Prevents the possibility of maturation of cancer cells.
  6. plant hormones. Being antioxidants, they are able to prolong female youth. In addition, they have a positive effect on the reproductive system.

As a result, it is impossible to argue that breasts grow from cabbage. However, it is foolish to deny the fact that she can prolong her youth and elasticity.

What products do not help

In the hope of a non-surgical breast augmentation, girls begin to consume certain products to increase the mammary glands. Faith in myths does not weaken, even when the result is not visible after weeks.

These products include:

  1. Cabbage. Its benefits are obvious, but it will not help the bust to increase.
  2. Non-carbonated mineral water. Cleanses the body and normalizes metabolism. The recommended daily dose is about one and a half liters per day. As a result, you can achieve only a slender body.
  3. Raw dough. It is one of the popular myths that many girls follow. However, the use of such a test will only bring harm.
  4. Fried food. In some ways, such a myth is true and the bust will indeed increase over time. But it is worth paying attention that its dimensions will not change significantly, but the hips, sides and tummy will quickly lose their athletic shape. Therefore, it is better to throw this method aside, and eat only healthy fats. These are the breast enlargement products.


Not only from foods that grow breasts, many plants include a huge amount of estrogen that can provoke an increase in breast glands.

These herbs include:

  1. Fenugreek. Includes phytoestrogen, almost similar to the female hormone.
  2. Hop cones. The second most popular herbal breast enlarger. Cones are brewed with hot water and after infusion are taken several times a day for two months.
  3. Fennel. Due to the high amount of estrogen, it is popular for home rounding of the chest. It is enough just to brew the dried herb and take it several times a day.

No matter what size your bust is, you should love yourself the way you are at the moment. Every woman is unique, and sometimes flaws can be turned into amazing virtues. If you can’t overcome the complexes, before going under the surgeon’s knife, you should try natural methods of breast augmentation. In addition, now you know what you need to eat in order to grow breasts.


Find out about products that will help improve your bust in our video.