Barbie table. We make tables and chairs for dolls with our own hands How to make a computer table for barbie dolls

Almost all girls love to play with dolls, especially barbies. For children, such games become the first experience of family life, passions boil in dollhouses, toy people communicate, everyday situations are played out. Games will not be realistic without an appropriate interior. The decor of the barbie home should be as similar as possible to a real house. If adult women want to have unique things in their wardrobe, then their daughters just need original and beautiful Barbie furniture to be happy. If parents decide to make furniture for Barbie with their own hands, involve their child, then the baby will get an interesting pastime for the evening and new elements for the game.

It is interesting to come up with and make different elements of the situation in a toy house from improvised materials. It is impossible to clearly define the list of necessary tools, it will depend on the imagination of the masters. Suitable for any occasion:

  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Ruler;
  • Napkins;
  • Oilcloth;
  • Threads with needles;
  • Pencils.

These things will help create very beautiful details. In fact, it is possible to create furniture using a much larger list of items. For example, to make a lamp with a switch, you may need a blowtorch, LEDs, wires.

It will help in the manufacture of ordinary cardboard. Real masterpieces are created from the material. Making cardboard furniture is an affordable way for everyone to furnish a toy house with quality furniture.


You can, of course, come up with ways to make furniture yourself, but it will be much easier and more reliable to use drawings, assembly diagrams, instructions that help in the manufacture of toy furniture. All this has been repeatedly tested, and your imagination can run wild at the stage of decoration.


Barbie, like people, has different tables. Manufacturing methods differ slightly depending on the purpose, functionality and design features:

  • Dinner table;
  • Coffee table;
  • Desktop.

Tables are made of cardboard. To give strength to the products, the legs of the tables must be made in the form of cylinders. This form creates additional stiffeners that prevent breakage or deformation. You can fasten them with glue or tape. These substances cannot be spared. The more tape, the stronger the product.

Legs can be attached to the table in two main ways:

  • With through holes. To do this, circles are cut out in the tabletop, equal in diameter to the legs of the table. Cylinders are inserted into them, they are leveled in height with each other, the tabletop is lowered so that the cylinders rise about a centimeter above its level. The protruding parts of the cylinders are divided into 3-4 parts, all of them must be tightly glued to the surface of the table. The top of the countertop will not look very aesthetically pleasing, but this can be corrected with decor;
  • Gluing the legs to the "wrong side" of the table. The process remains exactly the same, only the legs are divided into strips and glued to the bottom of the table. This allows you to leave the front side intact.

Tables with one leg will not stand stably, therefore, another circle of thick cardboard is fixed below the only support, which gives stability to the structure. For reliability, it is better to use 3-4 legs per product.

Cut out the details

We glue the details


In the photo, such products seem almost real and allow children to create compositions for pictures. This is a rather complex element of furniture, therefore, its manufacture must be approached with all responsibility. It will be most convenient to make a chair made of thick cardboard. Ideal packaging for household appliances. The corrugated middle of these sheets will give strength, and the smooth side parts make it easy to fasten them. A chair without legs and without a large number of small elements will be simple and durable.

  1. First you need to come up with the shape of the back of the future chair. It must be schematically drawn on cardboard;
  2. Such forms should be glued to each other until a thickness of 0.5-1 cm is reached;
  3. Cut out the seat the same way. It should follow the shape of the back. The height of the seat is also gained by gluing several layers of cardboard. Ideally, if it is 4-5 cm;
  4. Chair handles can be made from cardboard in the same way;
  5. The chair turns out to be angular, flaky and unsightly. You can deal with this with a clerical knife or by covering furniture with a layer of soft fabric.

The chair needs to be made a little more than required, this will allow you to choose any decor elements and use a soft filler for the textile part.

Preparing the boxes

Seat upholstery in fabric

Fixing the fabric with staples

Upholstery with padding polyester


This element will not cause difficulties, especially if legs are not required. The easiest way is a shoebox bed. The dolls have a comfortable height, making them ideal for many boxes. In this case, you will not have to do almost anything, except to prepare bed linen, pillows and a mattress.

Legs can be attached to the bed, but they should not be made of fragile material. Bottle caps covered with elastic fabric or painted with acrylic paint in the desired color are perfect. It is most convenient to attach them to a cardboard bed on a wire. It, like threads, is threaded in two places into cardboard and connected with a twist. To prevent the metal from tearing the cardboard, the wire is attached to several toothpicks placed between the puncture points.

The sides of the bed should be hidden with a cloth, sticky paper or a soft strip created from a padding polyester glued to the surface and covered with a cloth. You can create a canopy bed. Usually it is attached from above, on thin legs. It is impossible to create thin and strong legs from cardboard, so parents will have to make them from another material. You can use old pens pasted over with beautiful elements. Thin tulle is hung on these racks. For strength, 4 vertical supports are connected with strong and thin sticks. They are connected to each other with adhesive tape.

The duvet should be about 1.5 times the size of the bed in all directions. Thus, wrapping the doll is not difficult. A large blanket can be used as a carpet if desired.

Cut pieces out of the box

We connect the elements with masking tape

We paint the workpiece

We make and fasten ruffles


The sofa is very similar in design to the armchair. It is made in the same way, by connecting layers. However, there is an easier way:

  1. First you need to determine the dimensions of the future sofa and choose the most suitable shoe box in size;
  2. One of the long sides must be cut out immediately. You can leave a strip 1 cm high at the bottom;
  3. Cut out the curly back and armrests, you can leave them square;
  4. A rectangle the size of the bottom of the box is cut out of polystyrene 1–2 cm thick;
  5. Exactly the same size piece of synthetic winterizer or any other soft material;
  6. These parts overlap each other and are covered with fabric. This will be the seat. It is placed on the bottom, and the left centimeter of cardboard does not allow the soft part to fall;
  7. Exactly the same fabric is covered with other parts of the sofa. A soft synthetic winterizer must be glued to the surfaces and only then covered with a cloth;
  8. The legs are made from corks. This is a durable and easily accessible material that allows cardboard furniture to serve for a long time. They are attached to the sofa with wire and toothpicks, as mentioned in the section on making the bed.

Attaching fabric to cardboard

We fix the sides and seats of the sofa

Making pillows

Glue pillows


Parents are thinking about how to make furniture for Barbie also functional, and not just beautiful. The chest of drawers should be openable and can hold toy items such as hairbrushes, bows and shoes for dolls. To make a toy chest of drawers, several matchboxes will come in handy. They easily create the possibility of storing things:

  1. The boxes need to be painted first. To do this, remove the grater for lighting matches and apply paint;
  2. Each next box is attached to the previous one with glue;
  3. They can be wrapped with tape around the perimeter, this will prevent peeling and help to further strengthen the structure;
  4. For ease of opening, it is necessary to make handles. Buttons on the leg are suitable for this. You can just sew them on.

You can create a dressing table, then you need two such chests of drawers, a tabletop between them and a mirror. It is made of cardboard, pasted over with a mirror film or silver tape. The mirror is attached to the back wall, it can be its continuation. For strength, this part must be glued to the chest of drawers.

Preparing matchboxes

Cut out the sides and back

We paint coatings

Making pens


To decorate furniture for the house, you will need a variety of props: scraps of fabrics, unnecessary cream boxes, pieces of cardboard, broken pencils, empty pastes from pens, decorations torn from rubber bands, unpaired socks, torn off buttons, and many more seemingly unnecessary little things.

  • The soft parts of beds, sofas and armchairs are made of synthetic winterizer. It is a cheap and readily available material. It can be found even at home, if you rip open an unnecessary jacket;
  • Pillows are stuffed with the same padding polyester. They can be sewn on a typewriter, but you will have to sew up the remaining stuffing hole manually, this makes the product much neater;
  • Paper is used to make accessories and furniture. This is where colored paper comes in handy. It is better to use a double-sided option, this will help make the elements completely painted in one color;
  • Buttons are needed to create handles on bedside tables and chests of drawers. Small buttons are used to create beautiful pillows, blankets, tablecloths;
  • All elements must be in the same style. This is ensured by using the same materials. Usually people do not store very small scraps of fabrics at home, so this item will not cause difficulties;
  • The adhesive film will help imitate a wooden surface, making it easy to make almost wooden furniture out of cardboard furniture. A beautiful adhesive tape with a pattern or lace saves time on decoration and helps not only to fasten the elements, but also to decorate them. Using these tools at the same time, you can effortlessly create a beautiful element, especially if the lace tape is in a contrasting color to the film.

For the manufacture ofdo-it-yourself furniture for barbieit will be convenient to purchase several meters of a beautiful tape in advance. It will close ugly joints, divert attention from glue smudges, mask adhesive tape. All materials for decor are prepared in advance, matched to the tone and stocked up for future use.

If a little princess grows in the family, then she probably has dolls. And every mother knows: it is the doll that is the friend of the little daughter. And this means that you will have to make every effort to create a decent home and furniture for your baby's favorite toy.

Table for Barbie - what could be better for the joint creativity of parents and a child?

On the one hand, this is a good way to save the family budget, because furniture for Barbie is not cheap, but on the other hand, needlework helps to instill accuracy, perseverance, and creative skills in your girl.

Earlier I wrote how to make a chair for a doll with your own hands, if you haven’t seen it, you can check out the work at the end of the post. In the same place, Zhanna asked me in the comments, “Will there be a continuation?”, To which I replied “ja wird”.

This is part of that very continuation, or rather, I will tell you now and show you how to do it. And when we have a table and chairs for Barbie, then there will be other furniture.

Barbie table

Well, let's get started. In order to make a table for a doll with our own hands, we need:

  • Wooden clothespins
  • Glue
  • Champagne corks

And now in more detail. It took me 18 clothespins on the countertop, I used Dragon glue, and the legs don’t have to be made from corks, you can also use clothespins.

When everything is at hand and free time has fallen, you can safely get to work.

To begin with, we release our wooden clothespins from metal springs.

Then we apply glue to the outer part, and it automatically becomes the inner one, we glue the two halves together.

See what should happen.

We are waiting for complete drying and only then we begin to glue them together. The table for Barbie is almost ready, it remains to wait until the glue dries well and our clothespins will hold tightly together.

In the meantime, our countertop is drying from the table, you can proceed to the legs. We take two corks and glue them together.

Well, now there is nothing left but to assemble the legs and the tabletop together. I think that after such a detailed master class, you will not have a question about how to make a table for Barbie.

Every child, especially girls, has a whole collection of dolls in the playroom. And what's going on in the bedroom of a teenage girl! The variety of dolls and their number is impressive: these are the ageless Barbie, fairies, pirates and, of course, cute, but at the same time scary Monster High.

For girls, all dolls are special, so for each of them it would be nice to make their own cozy corner with their own hands. For the basis of the interior, we take, for example, a table and chairs.

In this article we will talk about how to make toy chairs or a table with your own hands. Several types of such furniture will be presented.

Still current Barbie

A beautiful and elegant doll named Barbie is never left alone. People often come to visit her living room, and friends come running to the kitchen for tea. But how to make a coffee table for Barbie with your own hands or a large elegant dining set?

To make a beautiful coffee table for your child's favorite dolls, you will need:

  • large sequins;
  • vial of penicillin;
  • beads;
  • screw cap with a diameter of 70 millimeters from a glass jar.

First of all, grease the front of the lid with transparent glue and, without stirring, sprinkle with sparkles. Lightly press down, then fix the surface with a dense layer of glue. We remove the rubber nozzle from the penicillin vial and pour multi-colored beads inside. We apply silicone glue to the edges of the bottle, after which we firmly press the inside of the cap to the neck of the glass vial. DIY coffee table for Barbie is ready.

For the next table you will need:

  • pieces of cardboard 8 × 8 and 14 × 14;
  • tubes from paper towels;
  • 1 × 1 colored paper trims;
  • shiny black tape.

Small scraps of colored paper are randomly glued onto cardboard. We process a large piece of cardboard along the edge with adhesive tape so that the adhesive tape is bent inward by 1-2 centimeters. As a result, we get a beautiful colorful table top made by ourselves with black lacquer edges.

In a similar way, we glue a smaller piece of cardboard with tape - it will be the floor part of the table. Cut a piece of 10 centimeters from the edge of the cardboard tube and wrap it with adhesive tape. We smear the ends of the tube with silicone glue and glue them to both parts of the cardboard. We install the resulting structure on the base. The table for dolls is made by hand.

Chairs can be made from the remaining parts of the tube and cardboard. To do this, we cut the tube into pieces 6 centimeters high, and pieces of cardboard into 3 × 3 scraps, glue them together - we get chairs.

How to make a computer and desk for Monster High dolls

The daughters of famous monsters study at the prestigious Monster High School. They need comfort to study, and for them we will make a writing and computer table with our own hands.

You can make a writing table from eight matchboxes and a piece of cardboard 10 × 20. On both sides, glue the piece of cardboard with wallpaper, after drying, carefully process the edges. We fasten matchboxes with clerical glue in 4 pieces in two racks with small drawers. We glue them tightly from the sides and align them. We bend a piece of cardboard in the shape of the letter "G", having previously marked the edges of 8 and 12 centimeters. We glue the curved part with a set of drawers with silicone glue so that we get the side of the table. The other side of the structure is formed from a short piece of cardboard. It remains to install the table, aligning it in height. Then, so that the table racks do not diverge, we fasten the lower edges with narrow adhesive tape from the back side.

To make a computer table, you will need a packaging box from Raffaello. To make a tabletop, use the bottom of the package, and its upper part will be the legs of the table. Without violating the integrity of the box, it is necessary to cut out the legs of the table 2 centimeters wide from its sides. For the stability of the structure, we strengthen the lower part of the top with a 3-centimeter piece of cardboard. This will be the basis for the computer table. In a convenient place on the countertop, we attach the outer part of the matchbox, after pasting it with pieces of wallpaper.