What gives exercise therapy - what is the use? Which sports section to send the child to: choose sports sections for children

A healthy, cheerful and physically strong child is the dream of any parent!

Sports are a simple and the only sure way to ensure the necessary physical development, develop strong-willed and leadership qualities. Martial arts lessons also mentally and intellectually develop children from an early age, improve health.

By choosing sports activities in our sports club for a child, you will achieve several important points at once:

Getting faster, stronger and more confident

Our sports club hosts training for children in Moscow in martial arts. This is a very interesting and useful direction for children. During classes, not only the strength and endurance of the baby grow, but also his self-confidence.

We develop fine motor skills

Training for children in martial arts develops motor skills, and this is directly related to the development of speech. Therefore, the sooner you start training in the section for children, the better.


Sports and an active lifestyle are the best means to harden a child, increase the threshold for resistance to seasonal diseases.

Training for children - getting rid of computer addiction

Writing in sports sections for children in Moscow basic boxing training or capoeira classes for children, you will reduce the time they spend on the computer, on the phone or tablet.

We improve ourselves internally

Active fighting sports are called combat sports because they teach combat. They require great diligence, the ability to overcome pain, fatigue, boredom.

We get positive emotions and the joy of communicating with peers for training for children

Little athletes come to classes with pleasure, because experienced coaches create the most comfortable psychological conditions for children to study in groups. The child gains invaluable experience of communicating with peers and learning to resolve conflict situations.

Basic rules when choosing sports sections for children in Moscow

To study in sections for children was successful and safe, you need to follow these rules:

  • Consider the interests and desires of the child. The character and physique of the baby will help to understand what will be closer to him.
  • Ensure the safety of the little athlete. You should read the reviews about the club, go there and get to know the coach.
  • An important point is that the group must be formed from children of the same age. In groups of mixed age, the process of adaptation is somewhat worse.
  • The gender of the child affects the choice of sport. Girls feel great, for example, in capoeira classes. The lessons develop plasticity and excellent posture.

So, to sum up, the two mandatory rules are safety and the desire of the little athlete. As a result, benefits will be guaranteed both in childhood and in adulthood.

LESTA - the right choice of parents and the pleasure of training for children in Moscow

We will help you choose exactly the direction that the child will like the most and will correspond to his physical capabilities and physiological characteristics. In our club you can sign up your child for:

  1. capoeira;
  2. Thai boxing;
  3. classic boxing;
  4. grappling;
  5. crossfit;
  6. kickboxing;
  7. aikido

"Our children must be the very best." Many parents are convinced of this and are willing to spend a lot of time and effort to achieve what they want. Such a desire is commendable, because they are trying not only to put the child on his feet, but to help him achieve a truly bright and successful future. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to provide the child with all the necessary skills at home, since there is not enough own experience. At times like these, parents wonder where to send the child.

First you need to determine the age of the child. It is a misconception that young children cannot be taught additionally. On the contrary, it is at an early age that the inclinations for all kinds of arts, sports and sciences appear. It's all up to you, in which direction you push it and so on. However, remember that if, having become older, the child does not want to continue classes, you cannot force him. Unless, of course, we are talking about education. Although it has its own pitfalls.

Before we talk about specific activities, let's look at some of the main characteristics of a child. Of course, age comes first. It is necessary to send children to some sections as early as possible, to others it is desirable later. Therefore, I will consider additional classes, primarily based on the age of the baby. Secondly, his physical data. If the child is too weak, he should not be given to sports that require high physical activity. Smart kids are suitable for activities related to music, overly active, and dancing.

By the way, if the child is already able to show his interest, be sure to take it into account. Try to interest him, tell him about how great and fun it is there. But if the child categorically does not want to, then it is also not worth injuring him, it is better to look for a more suitable option. By the way, at such moments the child becomes especially sensitive to attachment to relatives. If he constantly cries and demands you back, take action. In no case do not shout at him and do not show your strength. Just talk frankly, tell him that he is already big and that he should be independent.

Do not forget to discuss your decision with your significant other. Even if you decide whether where to send the child to school, someone else's opinion is also important. In general, try to make all decisions about children together so that there are no unnecessary disagreements.

A year is too young to start extra classes with a child, many parents believe. Indeed, it is. In a year, the child is not yet formed even enough to be independently aware of his actions. Therefore, any additional classes will be irrelevant. Although, in some countries there are certain alternatives. I don’t know if they will appear in our country, but the idea is not bad.

Japan has opened kindergartens that promise parents to raise brilliant children. They argue that the basic abilities of the child are laid precisely at this early age, so it is necessary to begin its development as early as possible. They offer to combine the work of a kindergarten and a development center. Classes take place in a rather interesting form. Educators carefully evaluate each child and offer each individual development program.

Many believe that this idea will sooner or later be abandoned, as it is doomed to failure. I don't know how true it really is, but the approach is quite interesting. It is a pity that the result will be seen only in a few years, when intelligible entrepreneurs from Japan have already managed to curtail their business. Although, the sense in such activities, even minimal, but will be. They listen to classical music with children, talk, discuss pictures and do simple exercises. All this happens under constant control. Educators never break down and do not "score" on children.

This, by the way, is good, since many parents are not able to constantly help the child develop. Yes, they are able to satisfy some primary needs, but in order to achieve more, you need to make incredible efforts. They may be tired at work, they will have a bad day, and constant activities with the child will sink into oblivion. For educators, however, such work is the main one, and given the level of responsibility of Japanese workers, there will be no need to worry about the result. You don't have to think about where to give the child a year.

It is worth saying that such services are not cheap, but the demand for them is very high. As mentioned above, there are no analogues in Russia, but this does not mean that they will not exist at all. I think they will appear soon. But will they be in demand? Let's see. So far, the only alternative is ordinary kindergartens, despite the fact that every year it becomes more and more difficult to get there.

Where to give a child 2, 3 years old

At the age of two, children are not yet sufficiently prepared to fully develop their mental abilities, although there are still a couple of alternatives in this field. The best option is a language school or classes with tutors. Unfortunately, very few schools offer classes with groups of such a small age, but you can easily find a tutor. Starting from this age, awareness and understanding of speech begins to actively form. If you connect to this the study of foreign languages, you can achieve a good effect. At least it's the best option where to send a child 2 years.

It is even better if the child grows up in a family where parents speak English fluently (you can see how to learn it quickly). And if parents know many languages, then it's just amazing. Imagine that your child will know several languages ​​from childhood, what opportunities will open up for him. Starting from banal work and study abroad and ending with higher positions at work. Yes, employers now value more people who can represent them in the international arena.

The next option is sports. This is where you need to be very careful. It is known, for example, that in Korea, children begin to learn figure skating from this age, but this is done by truly experienced instructors. Think about what sport would be best for your little one. If he is still too small for him (for example, tennis or hockey), then it is better to postpone the lessons. Think about it where to send the child to study. However, you can exercise with your child on your own.

Best of all, if it will be stretching exercises and some strength. In no case do not overload him with work. Your child should enjoy this process. Surprisingly, too few parents pay much attention to the physical condition of their children. You can check it out for yourself just by looking outside at the playground. How many fat kids can you see there? So many.

The problem is that parents are used to just feeding their children and letting them go outside. They believe that sports clubs can change that, as if they are able to improve the physical shape of their children. Perhaps this is so, but a positive attitude towards sports should be formed, first of all, at home. If the parents do not tear off the fifth point from the chair and cannot even bend over normally, then the child is unlikely to start doing such exercises.

Where to give a child 4, 5 years old

But this is just the ideal period for a more massive study of science and sports. At this time, the child is literally on the red line and it is only necessary to make an introductory shot, as he must rush towards his goals and desires. And you, his parents, should become a faithful assistant, coach and mentor. It doesn’t matter who reads this text, mom or dad, still try to make your child reach incredible heights.

So, at this age the child is worth it. I will not describe this issue in detail, since you can read my article on this topic by clicking on the links. It is at this age that the baby begins to form healthy thoughts, he begins to judge with abstract concepts, and learning is given as easily as possible. Therefore, if you want your child to achieve incredible success in science, start teaching him during this period.

Classes in specialized classes for children will be most effective. That is, if you see your son / daughter as a mathematician, physicist or something else, find thematic groups and sign up there. As a rule, even before the school curriculum, they begin to consider basic scientific truths like “1 + 1 = 2”. In addition, they teach children to think outside the box, which will also have a good effect on their future life. After all, in any situation they can find an atypical approach. They certainly don't question Where is the best place to send a child?.

For sports, this is also a golden time. If you ask any famous athlete what time he started his training, you will surely hear the figure of 4-5 years. This is indeed the most suitable age for most sports. You can enroll your child in swimming, wrestling, football or even athletics. But before that, carefully read the reviews about the institution and about the coach.

At first, it is best to go to classes with your child, especially if he has not been in contact with groups of children before. But you need to do this only the first time. He must get used to the fact that all responsibility for his actions is only on his shoulders. Constantly praise him and take an interest in how the training went. Sincerely be interested in his affairs, attend competitions and support, then he definitely will not want to quit this sport. As a last resort, ask your soulmate, Where to send a child 4 years.

By the way, do not forget to pay attention to food. During heavy training, the child needs much more nutrients than before. He should eat only healthy food. All this will allow his body to remain truly healthy and beautiful. And that's exactly what you want?

Where to give a child 6, 7, 8 years old

At this age, the child begins to go to school. For some, this is the first experience of socialization, while others are already ready for the difficulties that their primary education prepares them for. Homework is given incredibly little, so the child has a lot of free time, which he often wastes. So correct this situation and make the time of his transmission truly rich, useful and interesting.

First, you can sign up for hobby groups. If we compare all the same Japan, then every student is obliged to go to some kind of circle. It doesn't matter if it's regular botany or archery. Talk to your child and find out which area of ​​activity is most interesting for him. Try to find out if your school has similar classes. If not, then you will have to use the services of the Internet and the knowledge of friends.

Secondly, the same science and sport remain. At this age, children have much more opportunities than before. It's a sin not to use it. If your child has done something before, then keep moving in the same direction. If not, find the right program for him. And do not forget that your and his points of view about interesting and necessary can be very different. You can even ask him Where to send a child 6 years.

Thirdly, this age is ideal for sending your child to a music school. He will be able to finish it already in grades 6-7, which means that he will not only receive additional education, but will also become much more moral and quick-witted. If you give your baby away early, he may face a lot of problems that can take away his love for music. By the way, 80% of children leave the third grade of a music school, so try to experience this moment with your child and assure him that he will succeed.

On this, dear friends, the post comes to an end. I would be glad if he helped you answer the question of where to send the child. Do not forget to ask your questions in the comments, as well as subscribe to updates. Do you want to be the first to receive new interesting posts? Bye!

All caring parents have the same question, where to send their five-year-old child. It is very important in choosing a sports or developmental section to be guided not by your own preferences, but by the wishes and abilities of your child. If you choose something that the child does not particularly like or does not suit his abilities, your child will simply soon abandon the circle you have chosen. We do not say that you need to follow the lead of your baby, since children at this age cannot yet figure out their desires on their own. But still, the opinion of the child should be taken into account.

Another very important thing in choosing a circle is the territorial location of the educational school or section. After all, a long road is very tiring, as a result of which you yourself will soon abandon this venture. Yes, it is the parents, not the child. Practice shows that mostly adults refuse long trips. In addition, this act may negatively affect your child, as he may think that sport is not a mandatory thing that can be abandoned at any time.

From this it follows that the road to the section should take no more than 40-50 minutes. Otherwise, try to find something closer to your home. At the age of five, a child should have time for both entertainment and communication with friends. If this is a student, then the cost to the section should be minimal, since he also needs to do his homework.

What sports sections are accepted from the age of 5?

All parents want their child to be healthy and strong. To do this, most parents send their child to sports sections. The choice of a sports section should be taken seriously, because some sports and enhanced activities can adversely affect the health of the baby. As such, there is no specific age for sports, everything is individual. It is necessary to take into account the physical abilities, health and wishes of your child. The main thing is that before the start of the first grade, the baby has already passed at least six months - a year for the sports section.

When choosing a sports club, you should not be guided only by your experience, for example, you wanted to go to football as a child, and your parents enrolled you in gymnastics. Therefore, you, in turn, signed up your child for football. Or maybe your child will like gymnastics. So, be sure to take into account the desire of the baby, his capabilities and state of health. And now let's talk in more detail about the sections in which children are taken from 5 years old.

Gymnastics. It is recommended to give a girl to gymnastics from 4-5 years old, while a boy from 5-6 years old. It depends on the development of the child, everyone knows that girls in most cases develop a little faster than boys. Also a big role for this sport is physical training. Be prepared for the child to be asked to pull himself up on the bar, do a few squats, check the child for flexibility, etc. If we are talking about recreational gymnastics, then no physical preparation is required here, only the desire of your child.

If you do not know where to give a hyperactive child, then gymnastics is for you. It will also be useful for children with problems with.

Team sports (these include football, hockey, volleyball, etc.). In the team sport section, children from 5-6 years old can be given, depending on physical fitness and development. This sport is useful in that it improves the functioning of the lungs and heart, and also helps to strengthen the visual and musculoskeletal system. The child learns to work in a team and correctly express their emotions. In addition, the response and speed are improved. The only disadvantage of team sports can be a high risk of injury.

Martial arts. As you already understood, here we will talk about karate, sambo, boxing, etc. You can send children from 5-5 years old to the martial arts section. This sport is suitable for almost any child, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. It also does not matter the nature of the child, since everyone finds something of their own.

With the help of martial arts, the child learns endurance, quick reaction and flexibility. Also, this sport allows you to splash out your emotions and negative feelings. As for health, martial arts have a healing effect. The only negative may be the possibility of injury.

Swimming. You can give your child for swimming from the age of 3-4. This sport is the most useful for young children, there are practically no contraindications in it, the only thing is a reaction to poor-quality water in the pool.

Firstly, swimming has a positive effect on the health and body of the baby. With it, you can strengthen the musculoskeletal system and improve blood circulation. Swimming improves the nervous system. Secondly, this sport is very useful for children with myopia, scoliosis and obesity.

If your child is madly in love with messing around in the water, then this sport is for you. In addition, certain sports are contraindicated for some children, so swimming can be a good substitute.

Dance Sport. You can give a child to dance at the age of 5-6 years. They are recommended for boys and girls who have scoliosis or are overweight, as dancing helps improve posture and figure. The only contraindications may be diseases of the musculoskeletal system and myopia.

Developing study circles and preparation for school

Now let's talk about developing educational circles that specialize in the study of foreign languages, classes for the development of logic and thinking. As for English, everyone is well aware that this language is necessary for every person in today's modern world. Therefore, it is worth giving a child to English from childhood. You ask, at what age is it better to give a child to English? So, the sooner the better.

The fact is that children at the age of 3-4 years postpone knowledge from English in the hemisphere in which they have knowledge from their native language. At the same time, in adults, the acquired new material from English is deposited in a completely different hemisphere. Therefore, if the kid starts learning English from an early age, then he can become as native to him as Russian.

Therefore, at the age of 5, you can safely send your child to English courses. Just be very serious about choosing a school and a teacher. Take an interest in the experience of the teacher himself, if he previously dealt with older children and he does not have practice with five-year-olds, then you should not trust him with your child.

For children of five years old, a circle is perfect LEGO-learning. LEGO-learning contributes to the rapid development of children, helps to improve logic and intuition. With the help of the game, the child learns to solve various problems, and also involves mental and physical activity.


For children at this age, a fine art circle is well suited. For example, in drawing lessons, a child develops a good taste and, moreover, his horizons expand. The kid learns to be observant, which will be indispensable in the primary grades.

In addition, drawing helps children express their feelings and emotions on canvas using various colors. In addition to this, fine arts bring joy and pleasure to the baby.

modeling. Children are not only engaged in drawing in the classroom of fine arts, but also modeling. This will allow the baby to develop thinking and imagination, in addition, the baby improves hand motor skills and develops an eye.


We have been going to classes for more than a month, I was very worried about how my daughter (a capricious lady) would join, but we got to Ivan Goncharenko and I can say that he finds an approach to any child!
Always with a positive attitude, attentive to everyone, loves children and his work, the results of classes are visible, in general, my daughter runs with joy. Thank you Ivan for your work!
I highly recommend this trainer!


Today we had a wonderful workout with SERGEY MALUSHENKO! Our daughter is 5 years old, she is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and we came to the EHC for the technique of acrobatic elements, as well as pay attention to weak points in the body.
Our goal is the health and development of the child. We liked the attitude of this coach! Following the older child, we plan to bring the younger 2.7


Feedback from Angela

I would like to thank the coaches Pavel and Sergey for the excellent organization of my daughter's birthday. The kids loved it! Children of different ages. Everyone was interested. The competitive spirit woke up in everyone. It was very fun and noisy. Nobody wanted to leave. Thank you!!!


Feedback from Andrey

Our son, 4.5 years old, has been going to gymnastics for the fourth month. They began to study at the branch on Kievskoye Highway, then the classes were transferred to Troitsk. The road to Troitsk takes a lot of time from our house, so we went to trial classes in other centers. But still, the child, and we ourselves, like Troitsk most of all. New spacious hall, well ventilated, separate dressing rooms for boys and girls. Valentina and Julia, the administrators of the center, are always polite and friendly.
And most importantly, the child is delighted with his coach. I would like to express special gratitude to the coach Elena Pozhidaeva! My son goes to classes with great pleasure. Elena immediately found an approach to our child. And the results were not long in coming.
Other coaches, as far as we can judge from the outside, are also great professionals in their field, the kids are all doing it with pleasure.
Thanks to all the staff at the center!


Feedback from Olga

I would like to note the high professionalism of Andrey Shkvarok!
My son is 3.3 years old, he first purchased a subscription at the end of January 2019 in the center at Dynamo. At the beginning of the classes, I was very upset at the expense of my son's physical development, in comparison with other children, he was very behind, they suggested moving to a group of 1.5-3 years. My worries were dispelled after signing up for a training session with coach Andrei Shkvarok, he explained to me that not everything is so bad. We stayed with him in the group for 3-5 years, we go to classes with pleasure and with each training session my son becomes more mobile, performs tasks more confidently. As a mother, I am glad that by visiting this center my son is growing up, becoming stronger and more confident, he has learned to understand what discipline is and listens to his coach. Shkvarok Andrei is in authority with my son, the child tries very hard and does everything that the coach says. I don’t even worry about safety during training, you can see how carefully Andrei looks after each child and everything is under his control. I really hope that this coach will always train at the Dynamo center, he has a very good effect on our child. With such a coach, you can grow a champion!