How to sunbathe in the sun - a quick and proper tan. Chocolate sunburn. How not to harm your skin? Post navigation Posted Posted Posted

Beautiful smooth chocolate tan is the dream of many girls and women. There are some simple, and at the same time enough effective ways obtaining a rich and beautiful chocolate shade.

To get a chocolate tan:

3. When sunbathing, follow the golden rules for a beautiful tan

We clean the skin

First of all, in order to get perfect even shade skin , it must be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, before the planned rest, thoroughly “scrub” the skin of your body. For this purpose, you can use folk recipes, For example, coffee grounds, sea ​​salt or honey, and scrubs, which are sold in cosmetics stores.

It should be remembered that the tan is more beautiful and more intense on well-moisturized skin. So be sure to moisturize twice a day.

The more melanin, the stronger the tan

Sunburn appears on the body due to melanin, which is contained in the deep layer of the skin. You can activate the production of melanin with the help of special cosmetics, oils, vitamins and some products.

Tanning activators and enhancers

These modern cosmetics are specially designed to achieve a more intense, beautiful skin tone. They speed up the production of melanin, which helps the skin acquire a dark hue.

The following tools have won the greatest popularity today:

Oil spray for tanning (from the manufacturers Garnier, L'oreal, Michel). For a little tanned skin you can choose oil with a low level of SPF protection (from 6). For very light skin, you should choose cosmetics with an SPF of at least 20.

L'oreal Icy Protection Milk SPF 15

L'oreal Lait Golden Protection Milk SPF 20

Natural oils that promote tanning:

It has long been known that natural oils help to tan very quickly, and the tan will turn out to be uniform and deep, it will remain on the skin for a long time. The oil covers the skin with a shiny film that attracts ultraviolet rays. In addition, the oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, preventing it from drying out in the sun.

Apricot (softens, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins)

Jojoba (nourishes, moisturizes)

Cocoa butter (moisturizes, smoothes)

Coconut (nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, protects against burns)

Argan (light, well absorbed)

Shea (for dry, sensitive skin)

Important: natural oils have low level SPF protection, which increases your chances of sunburn. They can be used when the skin is already slightly tanned. For fair skin or in the early days of a holiday, you should use specially formulated cosmetic tanning oils with a high SPF factor.

Chocolate tan: activating the pigments

Also, it is worth noting that the skin tans more intensely due to the production of melanin pigment. Accordingly, the larger it is, the better tan. You can activate its production in the following ways:

1. Eat foods that contain beta-carotene - carrots, apricots, melon, pumpkin. The skin will darken much faster in the sun.

2. Lubricate skin before sun exposure tanning oil , which contains special components that activate the production of melanin. Irreplaceable helpers chocolate tan - olive, Coconut oil, cacao butter.

3. You can use oil with a tingle effect (with the effect of an ant tan). It improves blood circulation and enhances the production of melanin.

Chocolate tan by the sea

Sea beach - the best place where you can get a beautiful chocolate tan. Water reflects well. sunlight, therefore, sunbathing at the water's edge or swimming in the sea, the intensity of tanning increases several times. Want to dark color skin - do not wipe the skin after bathing, but allow the droplets to evaporate in the sun.

Chocolate Tanning Products

Cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, liver, fatty fish contain a large amount of vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, which also contribute to the production of melanin, as well as the restoration of damaged skin cells.

The production of melanin is activated by eating brown (unpolished) rice, bananas, dates, beans, almonds, peanuts.

A large number of beta-carotene, which makes the skin darker, is found in carrots, peaches and apricots, watermelons and melons.

Cosmetics for chocolate tanning

Getting an even, beautiful and, most importantly, a healthy chocolate tan is facilitated by natural cosmetic oils. Therefore, after accepting sunbathing apply lavender to your skin olive oil, as well as shea butter, cocoa butter, wheat germ, which help strengthen the protective barrier of the skin, restore moisture balance and prevent desquamation of epidermal flakes.

In no case should we forget about special sunscreens that retain moisture and therefore prevent premature aging skin, as well as provide protection from ultraviolet rays.

With extreme caution during this period, you need to use various cosmetics. For example, you should stop using alcohol-containing lotions and tonics that dehydrate the skin. It is also not recommended to use anti-aging cosmetics that stimulate the renewal of skin cells. Negative effect on tanning various means with a whitening effect, which include extracts of cucumber, licorice, lactic acid.

In each of us lives a greedy. It is she who, sitting in the depths of her soul in an embrace with a toad, whispers to us every summer that a luxurious chocolate tan can not be bought in a solarium. You just have to go outside in June, spread your arms to the sky, and say in the voice of Thumbelina: “Hello, Swallow, hello, Sunshine!” And here it is - a miracle.

Golden, velvety, perfect even tan in just a couple of hours it will cover our pale, bluish bodies, and the only thing left is to wait for the handsome prince. And not for long - he is a prince, not a fool to miss such beauty.

Maybe, of course, this is not the case. Maybe there are other considerations that drive us maniacally to the beach in the midday sun every summer. short vacation, and for a seaside resort we usually have only a week, rarely two.

Therefore, we simply have to squeeze the maximum out of the minimum and take away from the sun what we are entitled to: warmth, a bucket of vitamin D and a luxurious tan.

Do you know what? It's really possible! Here, the main thing is to approach the issue in an organized and responsible manner, otherwise, as experience shows, instead of a prince on a white horse, three horsemen of the apocalypse will jump to you: burns, fever, chills.

Therefore, read and remember how to tan as quickly and, most importantly, correctly.

To begin with, we should honestly admit that our instructions will help, alas, not every girl.

If you are lucky enough to be born a natural blonde or redhead with blue eyes and milky white skin (that is, with the so-called first type), you can close this article - there will be no useful information for you here.

You just can't sunbathe. A-priory. Do not anger God, you are already beautiful, where else do you get a tan!

If you go to the beach without protective SPF creams 40+, the punishment for this sin will be skin burns, blisters and swelling. Do you need it?

If you are a representative of the fourth type - that is, from birth swarthy, black-haired and brown-eyed, then you can also do something more useful than reading these recommendations. To our great envy, the sun is absolutely not dangerous to you.

Your remedies are moisturizing sprays and oils with a level SPF protection 2-10. Rather, to give a certain shade without that amazing color skin.

But if you are a representative of type 2-3 (with hair color from light blond to dark chestnut), quickly take out a pencil, write down the instructions. We're running out of time, September is just around the corner.

Beach visit mode

1. Take your time

Very important point: Do not use any outdoor tan enhancers on the first day or even two at the beach. Let your skin get used to the new temperature regime and ultraviolet exposure.

She must herself tune in to the production of melanin (the very substance due to which we darken). Hurry - make the dermatologist laugh. Remember, yes? - burns, fever, chills.

2. Watch the clock

Important point number two: no matter how much you would like to speed up the processes of turning yourself into Naomi Campbell, but as soon as 11 am struck on the clock (or even better, ten, because the sun in the south is more aggressive every year) - they put on crystal slippers, sat in a pumpkin - and march home from the ball. You'll be back on the beach at five o'clock. You will have at least three more hours to get the coveted.

Tanning accelerators

And now let's list the means that will accelerate the tan.

1. Self-tanner

We cannot fail to mention it. If you can’t get out to the sea, sprays and self-tanning creams will help. It is better, of course, to turn to specialists in a tanning center, but you can also use home coloring products.

In addition, self-tanning will help you feel more comfortable on the beach if you are embarrassed by your whiteness. Gradually, it will wash off, and natural, on the contrary, will appear. When choosing a tool, pay attention to the composition. Well, if it contains vitamin E.

2. Creams and lotions

When buying sunscreen, read the label carefully. It doesn't have to be tanning cream in a tanning bed. On the beach, such a cream will not protect you, and you can get badly burned.

What is the difference between tanning accelerators? The fact that they contain components that help the skin to increase the production of melanin. You should choose the level of protection SPF (Sun Protection Factor) with an index from 2 to 20, depending on the phototype of your skin and the degree of sunburn.

You must understand that with one bottle for the whole vacation good result not receive. Therefore, gradually reduce the SPF index. But only gradually. The first time you apply the product at home, before going to the beach.

The cream can not be applied with a greasy layer. This will increase the heating of the skin. Rub with massage movements until completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure every half hour.

3. Vitamins

If you are planning your vacation in advance, you should start taking drugs that enhance the production of melanin. Start taking selenium, lycopene, B vitamins, especially AT 10, and vitamin complexes with vitamin content AND ALL no later than two weeks before the trip.

4. Natural oil

To get an even beautiful tan will help the use of natural oil. Wild carrot oil and sunflower oil cold pressed. In addition, there are ready-made combined options for cosmetic oils, which include coconut, avocado, wheat and vitamins.

True, using oil on a sandy beach will not be very convenient. As you understand, the skin covered with oil will become oily, and the grains of sand will stick strongly. Do not forget to reapply it after water procedures.

There are also synthetic oils, but be careful with them - they can cause allergic reaction. Before applying, test for small area skin, such as on the wrist.

5. Diet

Is there a tanning diet? Our answer is yes. By eating foods containing beta-carotene, you can increase your tan. Eat more red and orange fruits and vegetables, and melanin will begin to be produced more actively.

Pumpkin, watermelon, pear, carrots and apricots are yours best friends on holiday.

Also get in the habit of drinking natural juices on the beach. Of course, a glass of cold beer with bubbles is great refreshing in the heat, but we are not just lying around, we have an important mission - to get a tan.

In addition, indulge yourself on vacation with liver, red fish, tuna, avocado and almond dishes. They contain amino acid tyrosine, which will help us with the production of melanin.

6. Creams with a tingle effect

These are creams that increase the blood circulation of the skin, as a result of which the blood is supplied with oxygen faster and the tan lies better.

They are mainly used in the solarium, but for our purposes they are also suitable. With this cream, we fix the intensity of the tan.

Never apply it to untanned skin and never use it on the face. Also, test it on your wrist first. Because the likelihood of allergies is also high.

7. Fixing a tan

Well, last on the list, but not least.

Remember that chocolate tan is not the most useful thing that can happen to your skin. If beauty still requires sacrifice, we try to reduce them to a reasonable minimum.

Moisturize your skin constantly. After the beach, take a shower, wash off the salt from the skin. And then immediately apply after-sun products. Gel, cream, milk - it doesn't matter, but the packaging should indicate that this product is AFTER sunburn.

The main thing is that the skin is moisturized and regularly received useful vitamins and oils.

Then our shining, gentle, velvety, milky chocolate color will cause a storm of admiration in the eyes of our prince, and an ocean of envy in the eyes of our pale-faced girlfriends. What we have been striving for.

Have a great vacation, may the tan be with you!

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A beautiful and chocolate tan is the goal that many girls go to. BUT for some reason this dream cannot come true. There can be many reasons for this, one of the most common being improper tanning. This procedure is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Here you need to strictly adhere to certain rules and apply aids, which will be discussed next.


You can get a beautiful chocolate skin tone in the sun if you apply additional cosmetics. Thanks to it, you can protect the skin from thermal injuries and get a uniform and effective tan.

Tan enhancers

You can get a chocolate tan, provided that the girl eats food, the components of which will enhance the effect. To do this, you need to drink carrot juices. They contain beta-carotene, which enhances the production of melanin, resulting in an even and beautiful tan.

A tan should not only be beautiful, but also safe. To do this, you need to prepare in advance special creams, which will simultaneously enhance sun tanning and protect the skin from negative impact UV rays. This option will be a real salvation for girls with white dermis. The composition of such cosmetics contains components that will stimulate the production of melanin. Consequently, the girl will not get burned, and the skin will become moisturized and tender.

On sale today you can find useful cosmetic products with a tingle effect. Their action is also aimed at strengthening. The reason is that the components of the cream improve blood circulation, which leads to the active production of melanin. Thus, the tan is enhanced, and the skin acquires the long-awaited chocolate color.

After the product has been applied to the skin, it should turn red. But here you need to be very careful, as very often this can be a sign of an allergy. But ladies with a very light color should give up a cream with a tingle effect.

Also, do not apply the product on the skin of the face, as it is very delicate there.

Creams for enhanced tanning

Thanks to these cosmetic products it will be possible not only to create reliable protection from the influence of UV rays, but also enhance the tan, make skin seductive chocolate color. The action of creams is aimed at retaining moisture and protecting the dermis from aging. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the sunscreen. It can reach from 3 to 50. For girls with fair skin a cream with a high rate is suitable.

You can get a beautiful chocolate tan only if the following recommendations have been followed:

  1. It is not necessary to treat the skin by applying the cream in a thick layer. For these purposes, you need to use a small amount of it. Apply the product every 30 minutes. If you use a thick layer, then the components of the product will not be able to be absorbed into the skin, which will lead to a negative effect.
  2. There are many creams in the assortment of cosmetic stores. You can find those that enhance the influence sun rays. If you apply them, you can get an even and intense chocolate tan.
  3. You need to choose a tanning cream very carefully, as some of them need to be used to enhance the effect obtained in the solarium. Such a product cannot provide reliable protection from the sun, which will lead to irritation or burns.

On the video, how to tan in the sun to a chocolate color:

Tanning oil

You can become the owner of a beautiful chocolate tan without self-tanning if you use oils natural origin. Today, the shelves of stores are simply overflowing with this product.

The following oils will help protect from the sun and get a beautiful chocolate color:

  • wheat;
  • Palm;
  • cocoa butter, coconut and avocado.

The composition of these products is rich in vitamins and useful components. Natural little perfectly nourishes the skin, stimulates the production of melanin. When applied, you can get a beautiful chocolate skin tone in a short period of time. When the oil has been applied, a thin film is formed on the skin, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles.

And here is how to use coconut oil for tanning in order to achieve maximum effect, specified here

But what it will look like is indicated in the article.

On the video, how to tan to chocolate color at sea:

Chocolate skin tone is a dream that many girls aspire to. But it turns out that just lying down and sunbathing is not enough to make a dream come true. To do this, you still need to follow a number of recommendations and use additional cosmetics. This is a very painstaking process, but believe me, all yours will pay off immediately when you observe the beautiful, light chocolate color of your skin in the mirror.

You have to know how to sunbathe. Otherwise, the sun can ruin your entire vacation. To quickly get an even chocolate shade and not burn your skin, use the following tips.

Who is bad for sunbathing?

Sunbathing is harmful to those people who have very fair skin and hair, who have a lot of moles on their bodies and age spots who have very large moles, more than 1.5 cm. Such people are prone to sunburn, in addition, ultraviolet rays can provoke a number of serious illnesses. The best solution for you is self-tanning cream.

If you are sure that a tan will do you good, take note of the following rules.

Golden rules for a beautiful tan

A few weeks before going to the beach, you can prepare your skin for an intense tan by using the solarium. Five-minute solarium sessions 2 times a week will give the skin golden hue and natural protection aggressive impact ultraviolet rays.

In the first few days of exposure to the sun, you must use Sun protective cream. Remember that the most vulnerable spots for sunburn are the nose, chest and shoulders. They must be lubricated with cream every half hour of being on the beach.

If you are vacationing in hot countries (Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Africa), do not sunbathe in the open sun for more than 5 minutes in the first days. Then gradually increase the amount of time you spend in the sun. In this case, the tanning effect will please you. Remember that sunbathing for more than an hour is not recommended.

During the period from 12 to 14 pm the sun is especially burning, so it is best to spend this time in the shade. Optimal time sunbathing with health benefits - until 11 am.

Before bathing, it is also necessary to lubricate the skin with a protective cream, since ultraviolet rays penetrate the water to a depth of one and a half meters.

If you sweat a lot, lubricate your skin with a protective cream as often as possible, as sweat reduces its effectiveness.

How to get a beautiful tan without burns?

Don't go to the beach without sunglasses and Panama. remember, that bright sun can provoke the appearance of fine wrinkles, and your hair without a hat in the sun can become dull and brittle.

While sunbathing, try to change position every 5-10 minutes, exposing the back to the sun alternately, then the tummy. If you are on the beach for more than an hour, you need to hide from direct sunlight under a canopy or umbrella.

For a beautiful chocolate tan we go to the sea!

How to tan quickly? It's no secret that the fastest and beautiful tan obtained on the beach near the reservoir. Thanks to unique property water to reflect the sun's rays, their effect is greatly enhanced. Your skin instantly tans even while swimming, as UV works even in water.

To enhance the tan, after bathing, do not blot the skin with a towel, but let it dry in the sun. Only in this case, you have an increased chance of getting burned, since water droplets in the sun have the properties of optical lenses.

Sunbathing near water is more beneficial for the skin, as wet air softens the skin and prevents it from drying out. In order not to burn yourself in the sun, use special tanning creams.

How to speed up your tan. Tan enhancers

The fastest chocolate tan can be obtained if, during the beach season, freshly squeezed juices from carrots or apricots are consumed daily.

Most safe way accelerate tanning - the use of creams with special additives to enhance tanning. Such products can be used even on completely white skin in the first days of the beach season. Tanning cream boosts melanin production and also prevents sunburn, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. As a result, you get a smooth, beautiful and healthy tan.

Another way to speed up your tan is to use tanning creams with a tingle effect. Such creams increase the blood circulation of the skin, as a result, the melanin pigment is produced faster and the tan is more intense. After applying the tingle cream, the skin may turn red, and the likelihood of allergies is also high. Therefore, before using a new product, it is better to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Tingle cream is best not used on completely white, untanned skin, in addition, it is generally not recommended to be applied to the face.

Creams for a beautiful tan

To protect the skin from burns, you must use by special means for sunburn with protection factor SPF (Sun Protection Factor). They will help retain moisture in the skin, prevent its premature aging, and also provide protection from ultraviolet rays. The SPF index in a cream can vary from 3 to 50, so you need to choose a sunscreen according to your skin phototype. The lighter and more sensitive your skin, the higher the SPF should be.

With strong solar activity (from 11 am to 4 pm), it is recommended to apply sun protection with an SPF index of at least 20 - 30. For dark skin suit cream with protection factor 10.

The cream must be applied to the skin thin layer massage movements every 30 minutes of exposure to the sun. If you leave a thick layer of cream on the skin, you will get the opposite result: the cream will heat up in the sun and damage the skin.

There are also tanning products that enhance the effect of the sun's rays, resulting in an intense, even, and beautiful tan.

When buying sunscreen, pay attention to the label: it may be designed for sunbathing not under open sun, but for the solarium. Such a cream does not contain protective components from UV rays, so using such a cream on the beach, you can get burned.

Oil for a beautiful tan

The use of natural cosmetic oils is one of the quick ways get an even, beautiful and healthy tan without harm to the skin. It is convenient to buy a ready-made bottle of oil, designed specifically for tanning from well-known manufacturers- AVON, NIVEA, GARNIER. They usually include wheat, coconut, cocoa butter, avocado, palm, beta-carotene, vitamins, antioxidants, UV protection SPF factors. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, enhances the production of melanin, which contributes to obtaining a quick chocolate tan, creates a thin protective film on the skin, smoothes it, and prevents premature aging. Apply oil to clean skin right after a shower or before going to the beach. After swimming in the sea, the oil is washed off, so a new coat is required. Be careful when using chemicals synthetic oils because they often cause allergies. Attention: normal cosmetic oil without UV protection factors, it is recommended to use on prepared, tanned skin, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned. The only disadvantage of using tanning oils is that beach sand will stick to your skin.

Diet beautiful for tanning

1. A beautiful chocolate tan largely depends on what foods we eat. The strongest natural tan activator is beta-carotene. It enhances the production of melanin pigment, which gives the skin beautiful shade. Many women have noticed that daily use orange and red fruits - carrots, apricots, peaches, the tan becomes brighter. Beta-carotene is also found in melon, pumpkin, watermelon, red pepper, apples and pears.

2. The amino acid tyrosine also plays an important role in the production of melanin. A large amount of tyrosine is found in animal products - liver, red meat, fish - tuna, cod, in addition, it is found in beans, almonds, avocados.

3. Auxiliary substances in the production of melanin are also vitamin C, E, selenium and lycopene. Therefore, if you want to achieve an intense chocolate shade for a short time holidays, take a complex with mineral supplements a few weeks before a trip to the sea.

Chocolate sunburn. How not to harm your skin?

A light shade of bronze on the skin always looks nice. In addition, ultraviolet rays contribute to the production of vitamin D, which cannot be obtained in any other way. But it is far from always possible to go to the coast and enjoy the warm rays of the sun. Then the solarium comes to the rescue.

Before visiting the procedure, it is necessary to exclude possible risks, so you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to artificial tanning:

  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Unstable blood pressure;
  • Epidermal problems (dermatitis, etc.);
  • Mastopathy;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Asthma;
  • Liver disease;
  • oncological education.

A visit to the solarium may not take place even in cases where a woman takes any hormonal preparations and antibiotics or diuretics. In the absence of matches with the list of contraindications, you can safely proceed to the study of other important points.

Persistent and even tan is provided not only by visiting the procedure. Before going to the solarium, it is necessary to prepare the skin for this event:

  • A few days before the procedure, you can not do epilation. If you don't follow this advice, you risk getting flaky and inflamed skin.
  • It is advisable to peel the epidermis. The absence of dead skin particles is the key to an even tan.
  • It is strongly not recommended to take a shower immediately before visiting the solarium.
  • Do not use on the day of the procedure. decorative cosmetics and don't put perfume on your skin. Failure to comply with the rule threatens the appearance of age spots.
  • The first visit to the solarium should last no more than 5 minutes, and for people with very fair skin - no more than 3 minutes.

Also, you need to remember about the rules of the procedure:

  • You can not be in the solarium in contact lenses or glasses;
  • Eyes should be protected with special glasses that are issued in every solarium;
  • Use pads for the chest, so as not to damage the delicate skin.

A successful result is ensured with the help of additional cosmetics. They can be divided into three types: prolongators, developers and activators.

The first group of funds is designed to prolong the tan. Creams and lotions with shea butter, coconut and aloe vera are considered the most effective. Products with extracts of watermelon and agave have also proven themselves well. The use of this cosmetics is mandatory both before the procedure and after it.

The second group is characterized by the rapid achievement of an intense skin tone. For this purpose, funds with formic acid. The tingle effect inherent in this substance accelerates the production of melanin, due to which the process of acquiring a bronze skin tone is many times faster. Such cosmetics are contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.

The third group of funds is aimed at enhancing skin color. In fact, the vast majority of these cosmetics are bronzers, and their effect is usually too short-lived. Undoubtedly, with the help of such means, you can change your skin color to chocolate in a few sessions, but the shade will turn pale in just a few days.

Many ladies want to become owners of tanned skin in as soon as possible, and therefore are ready to spend hours in the solarium. This action can only hurt. You can tan quickly and safely only if the following rules are observed:

  • The first visits to the solarium should take place with a frequency of no more than 3 times a week, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of procedures to one per week. In this case, the duration of sunbathing should gradually increase.
  • A lot also depends on the choice of solarium. The vertical version is more effective than the horizontal one, it is such a solarium that will provide the most even distribution of ultraviolet rays on the skin. In addition, for hygiene reasons, vertical solarium much safer. You should be more attentive to the power of the lamps - the duration of the procedure depends on this factor.
  • Remember that artificial tan does not last as long on the skin as natural. To maintain a bronze skin tone, you should minimize the harsh effect on the epidermis: you should not use coarse washcloths and peel. Necessarily regular use moisturizers. And if you decide all year round shine with a chocolate tan to the envy of your friends, then visit the solarium regularly (but not too often!).

Every girl wants to attract attention and look like she just recently returned from vacation. fake tan in this case - one of the main assistants. Subject to certain rules You can not only get an even and beautiful tan, but also keep it for a long time.

Be healthy and beautiful!